Monthly Archives: September 2012

A Lesson On Breakthroughs, Persistence, Success, Passion, And Pure Dumb Luck

This will be one of those posts that I get a little more personal and philosophical. I was sitting around last night and could not believe what had happened the day before when the traffic jumped from around ~100 visits/day to over ~1400 visitors/day where there were hours where the site was getting almost 200 visitors.

At the time, I was very scared because I thought my site was begin attacked by a malevolent foreign invader like spam and I was almost going to cancel my Clicky Account because I was afraid that the advertising links Clicyk said was the source of my traffic was going to be charge to my Clicky account or something. After I managed to calm down and look over to see what had happened, I learned that my site had been involved in what I can only call a “viral moment”.

Afterwards I am still kind of stunned and confused at what happened. Before that day, the traffic to my site had been rather constant and consistent. I started the blog about 6 weeks ago and since then it had been going through a steady rate of growth, and you could actually draw a very nice trend line through the points at the top of the graph of visitors for every day. I had noticed that the traffic to the website sort of stalled for at least the last 2 weeks around the 100 visitor mark so I had secretly wished that maybe the traffic would increase a little. Well it did increase, and by a lot more than I could have hoped for.

So I asked myself, what caused this chain of events? Was it because of me, or because of something out of my control? Of course the smart observer would say that it was a combination of both my effort and rather dumb luck. I agree. We as finite beings can only do so much and accomplish as much as our bodies allows us. After a certain point, we have to leave the rest to random chance and hope that the rest of the world will be able to find our work of effort and find some value with them.

For the site, it definitely had a huge breakthrough. The breakthrough for me was a confirmation to myself that if I put a lot of hard work and persistence on a project of mine, I can make it go very far. For anyone to be able to constantly day in and day out produce as much content as possible, sometimes even 6-7 posts a day, there has to be some form of motivation factor. The subject one chooses to put this much effort in must have have some form of internal personal motivation behind it.

I have learned from reading enough books on self-improvement, personal development, how to accumulate wealth, and be successful that the desire to become successful is in everyone of us, but very few of us is willing to do what it really takes to succeed. If we remember the US retirement statistics, only 2% of the population will ever be able to retire comfortably. That means that the rest had never been able to save, invest, or accumulate the type of money they would need to live the rest of their life without working.

I really hate to tell the people who believe that there is some form of easy quick way to be successful that there is not. Even if there was such a solution, I haven’t found it. And if I did find it, there is high chance that me being the selfish human that I am would not want to tell anyone else about this secret method to “quick and easy success”. I see so many people these days who think that if they just go to business school for 2 years, get their MBAs, while spending half the time playing around with other business school peers, they will instantly be given a golden ticket to a upper-mid level management consulting job that pays in the 6 figures right out of school. That is not the case and that was never the case.

People who try to take the easy path in life and look for the shortcuts towards success often find that the path they took is actually longer than if they had just stayed on the hard path and endured for some time in their effort to succeed. If if the person should happen to reach success through that method, they often lose what they managed to accumulate.

This project is from my heart, a work that is built on spirit, love, and integrity. I will continue to put more work, persistence, and discipline in building this site/ blog to what I have always dreamed about. There is no easy way to get around it. I have to work hard. I have to be able to solve the provlems when challenges appear. I then have to learn from my past experiences and be able to not make the same mistakes as before.

The passion and desire is from the inside, not from some external influence. I am not motivated by money or fame. I would rather that this site get only 100 loyal readers who are willing to comment and collaborate on this project with me. We work together to create something amazing, a resource that the rest of the world can look to for all of their height increase and height related issues and question.

There is of course an element of dumb stupid luck involved for this project tot really take off and for people to come along and read what is written. The dumb licks often lead to the biggest breaks in life, after years and years of pure pain, suffering, and frustration. But in the end, given how life randomness, probability, and chance works, I know that one day I will see another great success again. I just need to focus on putting out great content, always searching for the latest information, and not giving up.

Website Traffic Went Through The Roof, Into The Stratosphere And Increased By Over 1000%

This post really doesn’t belong on this website but I felt that I still needed to talk about a little since it does have something to do with this site. I am sort of a website traffic analyst and last night before I went to sleep I noticed that the traffic on my website had oddly went through a rather large increase. At the time, my traffic was that I would get a little over 100 total visitors a day with 4-5 visitors on average per hour. Around 3 am I noticed that the traffic went from a 4 people/hour visit to a jump of 33 people/hour. Now that is insanely crazy because for me, anything above a 7 people/hour to my website was considered high.

Then the website really started to get traffic. for the 4 am time interval, my site got around 175 visitors/ hour. This is when I started to get scared and wondered whether my website was underattack from some spam or virus. I am not that knowledgeable on computers or internet marketing so I had no idea what was happening. The traffic sources stated that the traffic was coming from Advertisement. I went on google to find out what was happening and it turned out that I had created a Campaign that was letting me check the traffic of who was coming to my website. Anyone who gets into the website through the campaign method, which was through a  specific webpage would signal that it was from advertisment.

Now that scared me even more since I have had experience with Google Adwords. I remember watching the traffic of a previous sit increase dramatically and not understanding why it happened. It turned out later that Google took my Adwords campaign and had Adsense Ads placed around. People were clicking on the Ads and coming to my website and I was paying $2/click for it. Eventually I was billed a very high bill for what happened. I learned from that lesson so these days, every time I see a spike in the traffic to my website, my reaction is nervousness and fear instead of joy because I still remembered what happened with that incident.

So let me show you the traffic from last night to today. [Note: I am using Clicky, not Google Analytics]

Now take a look at what the traffic numbers were from just yesterday.

This shows that my traffic went through an increase of more than 10X. Amazing! Well, at least I thought it was amazing. It turns out that one of my posts about Tanya Angus went sort of viral because the major news and TV stations in the US decided to all do a news story about Tanya Angus and her updated situation. I checked on google to see what would happen if I typed in the name “Tanya Angus” or “Tanya Angus Height” into google. It turns out my old article appeared on the 1st page of the google results. So that explains why my site got such an insane spike in the traffic. It’s really nice but at the time I was scared I was either being spammed or I would have to pay thousands in ad money.

Overall, everything worked out well in the end.

$10,000 For 5 cm Height Increase Challenge!

Note: This post/message was posted only on (and only intended for) the readers and visitors of the Natural Height Growth website at and on the LSJL forum at . This is supposed to be a private challenge for the people who come to either the NHGH website or LSJL forum. I ask that you all don’t post this challenge to anyone outside of the small community. 

For those of you who don’t know who I am, I go by the user name HeightG. There is a long story for how I got that username but I won’t go into that right now. I started the blog/website Natural Height Growth at about 6-7 weeks ago and I have been trying to build up an audience and group around the site.

So far I have been in contact with the people at the Make Me Taller Forums, Harald of the Biomedical Growth Research Initiative, and have also asked Tyler if he would like to do a guest post on my site on any topic he would like. The big thing I am trying to get this September is a phone Interview through Skype with a guy named Dave Asprey who is a silicon valley entrepreneur and self-proclaimed biohacker. He had originally said yes to the interview but it has been hard to get in contact with him recently.

As I was reading Tim Ferriss’s 4 Hour Work Week at 4 am very early this morning, I was around the 30th page in the book when one of the sentences just jumped out at me and I had a rather novel idea. The idea is that I am going to issue a challenge. The challenge I wanted to do is to hold a contest. I am willing to pay $10,000 to anyone who can increase their height by 5 cm over the span of exactly 1 year using whatever technique they would like, but I most hope that it would be from using the LSJL. For the extra incentive, If you can gain the 5 cm from using the LSJL method, I will pay an extra $2,000 on top of the already $10,000 prize for a total of $12,000.

You must show irrefutable evidence that you indeed increased your height by that much from only using the LSJL method, NOT from doing ordinary stretches like using yoga and decompressed/stretching the vertebrae and spine for the extra $2000.

Note: Height varies with the progression of time after you get out of bed as you go along with your daily routines, not the time of day because some people go to sleep at different times and have different sleep schedules. Right now I can not think of a way for you to account for the height variation throughout the day so if you can show in some way absolute proof that you are measuring at the same time of progression after you get out of bed.

Most of the rules are created to show for other people the absolute proof that you have truly grown 5 cms. The rules are mainly to remove possible measurement errors and possible ways you are cheating.

Here are the rules  

1. You have to show a picture of your current ID (i.e. Drivers License Or Passport) which has your picture on it, the documented height, and clear documentation of your age. You can block out your name, but we have to see your face so we can see that you are the person in the photo. Your picture will never leave this forum and your identity for this project is completely secret.

After one year we need to see another picture ID of you with verification that 1 year has passed (i.e. renewed drivers license,  gym membership picture with dates on it, military ID, etc)

The dates of when you started the project and when your project officially ended will be noted.

Special Rule: If we check your age and you turn out to be still very young, and I believe your growth plates are still open, I may ask that you go to a endocrinologist and ask them to get an X-Ray on your growth plates to make sure the growth plates are indeed fused.

2.  You have to show at least 6 before and after high quality pictures of you standing in front of a measuring scale like a 6 foot tall metal ruler you get from Home Depot or Lowe’s for $15.

The 6 positions will be of you in a front shot, one side view shot, and another shot of you at a 45 degree angle, both  in an indoor environment with a plain easy to see background and the same shots angles in an outdoor environment standing next to some recognizable land object (i.e. basketball pole, ymca court,

3. Both of your feet must be clearly visible with no socks on. You must be completely barefoot.

Note: a lot of attention will be focused on the ground you are standing on and your posture and feet position. I strongly recommend that if you choose to take a photo of yourself again, be in the same standing position and posture as the picture of you a year ago.

4. You must shave your head for the pictures at least to completely minimize the possibility of measurement error from hair. This is why I suggest only the men take part in this challenge.

5. We will do an analysis of the 6 before and after photos to check see if any editing from Photoshop or other photo editing software was used. There is a complete chance that if I am not satisfied with your pictures, I might ask for a few more so please take a few more of you during the two dates so take more than just the required 6 for each.

6. In both the before and after pictures you have to show your back and your posture. This is to remove the possibility of purposely slouching and reducing your height in the before pictures.

7. After you post 6 before and after pictures, the other members on the forum will look over the photos to check to see if you are being honest and check all of the evidence to account for any way you might have cheated.

I will not tolerate cheating in any way which includes…

  • you edit the picture and blow your figure up slightly.
  • you go to a hardware store to buy a steel ruler that is 5 cm shorter and make it seem like it is the standard 6 feet ruler. or any other way to change  the measurement tool or your environment in the picture.
  • you do not shave your head
  • you do not provide sideways pictures of yourself.
  • you do not show a consistency in your standing position or posture in your before and after pictures.
  • you do not show your feet or you wear socks.

8. The money will be transferred either to your personal bank account or your paypal account discreetly and directly.

If on the off chance that at the end of the challenge more than one individual proclaims that they have succeed in reaching the 5 cm HI, then the winner will be the person who managed to get slightly more height increase than the other, even if it is 1 mm.

Remember that even if you don’t get the prize because you got beaten out by 1 mm, you still won because you proved Height Increase is possible and you added 2 inches to your height.

I hope with this new contest and challenge, I have been able to provide enough of an incentive to old members around and regular inactive readers to finally take the leap and start doing something about their height increase desires.