Monthly Archives: September 2012

The Connection Between Testosterone, Male Penis Size, And Finger Length Ratio

For any of us who has ever taken a college biology course, we might remember the professor stating the study that showed that men who have more testosterone in their bodies have longer ring fingers than their index fingers, relative to the longest finger which is the middle finger.

Well another study came out recently that showed a correlation between the size of the male penis and the person’s finger length ratio, specifically the ringer finger to the index finger. This type of study can be connected to the previous study about testosterone link to ring finger length.

Obviously longer ring finger length, means greater finger ratios, assuming the index finger is kepted constant and don’t change from an increase in testosterone. The would suggest that an increase in the testosterone in a male’s body would increase the size of the male penis.

The study was reported in the Summer of 2011 and ABC News and CBS News (as well as dozens of other news stations) picked up the story. The article is posted below (source HERE).

Penis size linked to finger measurements, say Korean scientists

(CBS) – Despite the rumors, shoe size and hand size won’t predict a man’s size…down there. What can? Researchers at Gachon University in Incheon, South Korea think they’ve found the answer.

They say two fingers can tell the whole tale.

For the study, published in the Asian Journal of Andrology, researchers looked at the relationship between the size of the second digit, or index finger, and that of the fourth digit, the ring finger – in 144 Korean men aged 20 or older. All these men were in the hospital undergoing urological surgery for conditions unrelated to penis length.

After measuring pre-and post-surgery lengths for all three “digits,” the researchers found the average length between the second and fourth finger was 0.38 inches, and ranged from 0.35 to 0.44 inches, according to LiveScience. These measurements may be too small for the naked eye to notice, but when the researchers compared these finger lengths with penis size, they found the lower the digit ratio, the longer the penis was.

What does that mean?

“According to our data…the shorter index finger than ring finger you have, the longer stretched penile length you have,” Dr. Tae Beom Kim, study author and professor of urology at Gachon University in Incheon, South Korea, told Reuters.

Put your hands down, fellas. These findings may serve as fraternity fodder, but what are the medical implications of studying digit size?

Several studies have linked the distance between the second and fourth finger to sperm count and heart attack risk, LiveScience reported. But finger size has also been linked to other deadly diseases.

Dr. Denise Brooks McQuade, professor of biology at Skidmore College in N.Y, wrote in an accompanying commentary to the study, that digit ratio can help doctors gauge how much testosterone a fetus is exposed to in the womb, which has been linked to an increased risk for hormone-driven diseases like prostate cancer.

She points to a 2011 study that found participants that had an “index finger longer than ring finger were significantly less likely to have prostate cancer.” The authors of that study said a high digit ratio might display a protective benefit these patients have against the disease, according to her commentary.

“Digit ratio is non-invasive and easy to measure, yet may provide clues about an individual’s prenatal history.” McQuade told Reuters. “Combined with other information, digit ratio offers the potential for clinical usefulness.”

Maybe size does matter.

Conclusion: The extra testosterone level is stated to be from the womb that the male was in before birth. When we try to somehow use this type of study for our height increase endeavors, we could make the theory that men who have more testosterone are more likely to exhibit alpha male behavior. If they are more likely to exhibit alpha male behavior, I would guess they are more likely to be taller and bigger than average, There have been already studies that disproved the myth of the Napoleon Complex which showed that taller males are more likely to exhibit dominating and violent tendencies than shorter onces, obviously with a clear correlation to testosterone levels. 

The conclusion I am willing to postulate at is that women who have more testosterone in their systems which reach their male offspring result in the male offspring in being slightly taller than their peers. We know that testosterone in females is linked to slightly stronger sexual drive. This could mean that females who have stronger sexual drives prefer at a instinctual level to mate with taller, more evolutionarily fit men than other women which have lower testosterone levels, who prefer less dominant, alpha male behavior males. 

This could imply that if one desired to have taller and bigger children, it may be better to have a higher testosterone level, whether naturally or through lifestyle changes. 

The Connection Between Noggin Glycoprotein And Height

This will be one of the shorter posts.

It is almost been completely concluded that the glycoprotein Noggin and the gene that creates inhibits longitudinal growth. Mutations in the gene often leads to tall stature.

from the wikipedia article on Noggin (HERE)

Noggin, also known as NOG, is a protein which in humans is encoded by the NOG gene.[1]

Noggin inhibits TGF-β signal transduction by binding to TGF-β family ligands and preventing them from binding to their corresponding receptors. Noggin plays a key role in neural induction by inhibiting BMP4, along with other TGF-β signaling inhibitors such as chordin and follistatin. Mouse knockout experiments have demonstrated that noggin also plays a crucial role in bone development, joint formation, and neural tube fusion

Molecular biology

The secreted polypeptide noggin, encoded by the NOG gene, binds and inactivates members of the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) superfamily signaling proteins, such as bone morphogenetic protein-4 (BMP4). By diffusing through extracellular matrices more efficiently than members of the TGF-beta superfamily, noggin may have a principal role in creating morphogenic gradients. Noggin appears to have pleiotropic effect, both early in development as well as in later stages. The results of the mouse knockout of noggin suggest that it is involved in numerous developmental processes, such as neural tube fusion and joint formation.

From HeightQuest they also mention that Noggin inhibits the affects of BMPs HERE

From this study HERE

Horm Res. 2008;69(4):221-6. Epub 2008 Jan 21.

Growth and skeletal development in families with NOGGIN gene mutations.

Oxley CD, Rashid R, Goudie DR, Stranks G, Baty DU, Lam W, Kelnar CJ, Ahmed SF.


Department of Paediatric Endocrinology, Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Edinburgh, UK.



There is a scarcity of data on height as well as bone densitometry in humans with NOGGIN mutations.


In 2 families with symphalangism, anthropometry, bone densitometry and genetic analysis of the NOGGIN gene were performed.


In family A, the height standard deviation scores of the affected father and son were -0.4 and 3.5, respectively. In family B, the height standard deviation scores of the affected father, twin daughters and another daughter were 1.7, 1.8, 2.4 and 1.8, respectively. In the children, percentage predicted bone mineral content (BMC) for height at the appendicular sites (total femur, femoral neck) was lower than at an axial site lumbar spine. In the 2 fathers, median bone mineral density at total femur and femoral neck was -0.3 standard deviation scores (-0.7, 0.2) and at lumbar spine the scores were -0.4 and 0.9. The children had median tibial and radial speed of sound velocities of -2.1 (-0.9 to -6.4) and -1.4 (-0.2 to -4.9), respectively. DNA analysis revealed a novel missense mutation in family A and family B, resulting in a Met190Val substitution and a Pro42Arg substitution, respectively.


Heterozygous gene mutations in NOGGIN are associated with tall stature in children but not necessarily in adults. The appendicular BMC and speed of sound may be low in affected children but normalises by adulthood. However, axial BMC seems normal in childhood and is high in adulthood.

(c) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel

PMID: 18204269      [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]



Sky EasyHeight 2007 And 2008 Shinbone Routine

This is a very quick post on what Sky’s Shinbone routine was for the updated 2007 and 2008 years. I have previously talked about Sky’s shinbone routine in an old post but I never actually knew what the exact steps were. Now I have managed to go back to the dead site and took a picture of the actual routine that he had prescribed which is at the very bottom of this post. I also decided to take the FAQ section below the screen shot and posted it below.

The routine was found from this link HERE. For instruction on how to sit with ankle weights, click HERE

April 6th, 2007 Shinbone Routine Results:  Encouraging!

Important: Any person following the information on this page does so entirely at his or her own risk. There may be contradicting reports or explanations with respect to the outcomes/methods of the shinbone or lumbar routine as compared to past updates. As a reminder è All explanations, assumptions, guesses, and theories on this website are based PURELY from observations & success stories. Please review the recent findings on this website carefully and use your best judgment. Feel free to disagree with our explanations and do whatever you want. My job as a journalist is done here. Thanks – Sky.

Note: All serious shinbone experimenters are HIGHLY ENCOURAGED to review the FAQs below prior to following the shinbone routine.
Responded by:  Sky

Did Vulcrum achieve any growth beyond the 2.5 inches? Wasn’t he supposed to contact you by now?
– Vulcrum reported that he indeed grew about 2.5 inches (from 5 feet 2 inch to 5 feet 4.5 inch) in the legs within the first 5 months of doing the routine daily. He was growing at an incredibly fast rate, a little bit every other week or so. Vulcrum was confident that much of his growth was due to the shinbone routine because prior to beginning the routine, he hasn’t seen much natural growth for the past year. But after the 2.5 inches gain, he continued the routine (sprinting hard, sitting with weights) for more than 4 weeks straight and didn’t see any growth during this time… that’s when he decided to call it quits.. that’s the last time we heard from him.. maybe he should have ramped up the intensity by jogging w/ 8 or 10 lb ankle weights to create more microfractures. Perhaps, he should have increased the amount of iron plates while sitting. There may be a limit to how much one can grow in the legs… maybe 3 inches is the maximum.. but we don’t know for sure.

What’s difference between jogging with ankle weights and jumping with ankle weights?
– There’s really no difference. You can do either of them. But most experimenters prefer jogging with ankle weights due to better range of movement and comfort.

Instead of jogging, should I run with ankle weights?
– It’s not necessary to do so due to risk of injury. But you can try.

Should I jog with ankle weights in the morning? Or sit with iron plates in the evening?
– Correct method: In order to effectively stretch out the microfractures in the legs, you should follow the shinbone routine a few hours before bedtime è jog with ankle weights, then immediately sit or lie down with iron plates to stretch out the microfractures, and then go to sleep immediately to allow the fractures to heal. See sample routine below.

– Wrong method #1:  Jog with weights at 8 AM, and then sit with iron plates at 10 PM before bedtime, then go to sleep. This method is NOT correct and you’re unlikely to grow taller. By jogging in the morning, you may create lots of microfractures; however, these fractures will compress very very fast possibly within an hour of standing. Thus, by sitting with iron plates at 10 PM, the microfractures are no longer there thus any stretching afterward would prove ineffective.

– Wrong method #2:  Jog with weights at 8 PM for 1 hour, and then immediately sit with iron plates at 9 PM for 1 hour + 15 minutes. Finished the routine at 10:15 PM, then walk around the room for 20 minutes. This method is NOT correct. After finished jogging with ankle weights and sitting with iron plates, you should go to sleep immediately. You’re defeating the purpose by walking around because the “stretched” microfractures may quickly compress due to standing/walking.

The explanations above are great.. but just to be clear, can you plz outline a sample routine?

– SAMPLE shinbone routine:
9 pm: Begin jogging with 10 pound ankle weights for 40 minutes to create microfractures.
9:40 pm: Finished jogging. Take a few minutes to rest and immediately get ready to stretch out the microfractures by sitting or lying down with iron plates.
9:45 pm: Begin sitting or lying down with 30 pound iron plates for 1 hour non-stop.
10:45 pm: Finished sitting/lying with iron plates. Take an 8-minute break to restore normal blood circulation from the legs to the body. Do NOT walk or stand.
10:55 pm: Resume sitting or lying down with 30 pound iron plates for 40 minutes non-stop.
11:35 pm: Finished sitting/lying with iron plates. Go to sleep immediately to allow the stretched microfractures to heal and recover. Do NOT stand or walk around because you may compress the shinbone.

Where can I purchase the ankle weights or iron plates?
For ankle weights & iron plates, try Wal-mart (recommended), Dick’s Sporting Goods, etc. Or google for such keywords.

How is jogging with ankle weights more effective than running or sprinting?
In terms of microfractures, it is now believed that jogging w/ ankle weights is generally most effective. Jogging w/ ankle weights will likely be 5 times more effective than kicking. To put things in perspective, based on level of potency in terms of creating microfractures:

1) jogging w/ ankle weights (MOST effective to cause microfractures)
2) sprinting
3) running/jumping
4) jogging
5) kicking
6) biking (LEAST effective to cause microfractures)

Should I do like 2,000 kicks with ankle weights to create microfractures before sitting w/ weights?
– There may be contradicting reports or explanations with respect to the shinbone methods such as kicking. Anyhow, as of now, it is believed that kicking would NOT sufficiently create microfractures due to lack of ground-impact exercise.

Is it possible that I may end up with disproportional legs with the shinbone routine?
– VERY RARE but the shinbone routine may lead to disproportional legs. Evan is making sure that his legs are growing equally in length by comparing his legs daily before bedtime. To effectively prevent disproportional growth, experimenters are advised to always use equal amounts of weights while jogging or while lying down with iron plates.

Where will the growth mostly occur with the shinbone routine?
– The growth will occur in the shinbone (lower legs). You’re unlikely to notice any growth in the thigh bone.

I’m 16 y/o.. is the shinbone routine safe for me? Would the routine accelerate the closure of my growth plates?
– We don’t know. You need to speak to an endocrinologist. Remember, there are always risks associated with all height increase techniques including limb lengthening surgery.

I’m 36 y/o… would I benefit from this routine as well?
– We think so.. but time will tell as more people try it out.

What’s the advantage and downside of sprinting?
– Sprinting would create lots of hgh production; however, it’s very difficult to sprint because this exercise requires an incredible burst of energy. If you’re not used to it, you may likely experience ear popping, fast heart rates, extreme fatigue, etc. Jogging with ankle weights is believed to be well-tolerated and more effective than sprinting with respect to developing microfractures.

Can you give me a rundown regarding Evan’s latest discovery?
– Firstly, Evan is 23 years old and he hasn’t grown anything since age 20. On the other hand, Vulcrum is a 16 year teenager and there’s doubt whether his growth was due to a growth spurt or the routine. Well, Evan basically slaps skeptics in the face by proving that one can grow taller even if plates were or almost closed. Secondly, Evan justified the notion that one can grow taller with only microfractures and stretching w/ weights (NO hgh production needed). Thirdly, he’s smarter than others because he knows the exact secret of the routine, which is:  jog w/ wts to create microfractures first, then lie down to stretch them, and then sleep immediately without standing so the healing process may occur. All 3 steps take place immediately after another and the fight against compression or so-called earth’s gravity may prevail.

Do I need to take any growth hormone products in addition to following the shinbone routine?
– According to Evan, you do NOT need excessive amount of hgh production for height growth after puberty. The two most important ingredients are:  jogging to create microfractures and then sitting with iron plates to stretch them out afterward.

Should I jog 30 or 60 minutes w/ weights daily?
– You probably know your body better than anyone else. Whatever brings you quicker growth then go for it.

Should I jog with ankle weights non-stop for 40 minutes?
– According to Evan, it may not be necessary to wear your body out like that. You may jog w/ weights non-stop for 15 minutes, then take 1 or 2-minute break, and then jog again for another 15 minutes, etc. And then immediately sit or lie down with iron plates to stretch them out.

Why must I sit or lie down with iron plates immediately after intensive jogging?
– It is believed that microfractures heal very very fast possibly within an hour of standing. Thus, you need to stretch them out right away.

If I follow the new shinbone routine for 3 weeks and see no growth.. what should I do?
– If you don’t see at least 1/4 inch (0.63 centimeter) within 3 weeks, then perhaps your routine either lacks intensity or sufficient duration. Instead of jogging with 5 lb ankle weights each leg for 30 minutes and lying down with iron plates for 1 hour, try to jog with 8 lb each leg for 45 minutes and lying down with iron plates for 90 minutes. Also, when jogging w/ weights, make sure that your feet hit the ground strongly to effectively develop microfractures.

What should I do to achieve 1/4 inch (0.63 cm) by the end of the third week?
As discussed above, for quicker growth you should focus on jogging in longer duration and adding more ankle weights, etc.

How can I contact Evan?
– Evan isn’t available for comments. But his pictures may be available on this website if he can grow a 1 or 2 inches taller by fall 2007.

When I sit or lie down with 25 lb iron plates each leg.. should the iron plates touch the ground or suspend in the air?
– If the iron plates touch the ground, then it’s useless. You should allow the iron plates to suspend in the air at all times.

Should I sit with 25 lb iron plate each leg for 2 hours non-stop?
– We do NOT recommend that. You should sit for 1 to 1 hour and a half, then take 5-minute break to restore normal blood circulation to the legs, and then resume sitting for another hour w/ iron plates.

      I’m concerned about my knees b/c the new shinbone routine seems dangerous.. should I consult with my physician first?

– You may choose to speak with your physician. Also keep in mind that due to medical liability, doctors will likely tell you to NOT follow the shinbone routine. It’s really a judgment call. The decision is yours. Our disclaimer is:  Any person following the information on this page does so entirely at his or her own risk. No person is to be held responsible for the use/misuse of this information. Consult your physician or health care professional before performing any new exercise or exercise techniques. Never disregard or ignore professional medical advice because of something you have read on this site!

What’s the best way to prevent knee injury from jogging w/ ankle wts or lying down with heavy iron plates? Will my knees suffer in the long-term, say 10 years down the road?
To prevent unexpected knee injuries, our shinbone experimenters have learned to listen to their body and go one step at a time. For instance, start out jogging with 6 lb each leg in the first week, and then increase to 10 lb each leg probably a few weeks later. In any event, if you’re afraid to start the shinbone routine due to medical reasons, then don’t do it. Any long-term effects? Maybe we’re wrong.. but if you were to follow the shinbone routine for only 6 or 12 months, you’re unlikely to experience any knee problems in the long run. Look at professional sprinters or runners, these guys have been banging their knees on concrete surface for years and years. There are always risks associated with everything that you do. Limb lengthening surgery even has its downsides. Question is, how far are you willing to go beyond what others think is safe and how bad do you want to grow taller?

Practically, what’ the difference between the shinbone routine and limb lengthening surgery?

** Shinbone routine:


  • Routine only requires 2 hours or more nightly
  • Generally well-tolerated and pain-free
  • Costs less than $100 US to purchase equipments
  • Possibly takes 2 to 4 weeks to grow 1/4 inch (0.64 centimeter)
  • Could possibly grow a few inches taller in a year for under $100


  • Generally well-tolerated but may cause some muscle or joint pain in legs
  • INFREQUENT but may cause knee pain in short-term; no research on long-term
  • VERY RARE but may lead to disproportional legs
  • Success rate may not be 100% if lack intensity, commitment, consistency

    ** Limb lengthening surgery:


  • 100% guaranteed to grow


  • Surgical procedure & post-op physical therapy may consume your life for 2 years because you’re unable to walk (must give up your job, girlfriend, etc)
  • Extremely painful (esp. during elongation process) within the first year. Patients described their experience as “an agonizingly painful ordeal” and “pain is like an ocean that sucks her under again and again”.
  • Risks of infection, limb disfiguration (as in China & other cheap clinics), amputation, and additional surgeries
  • Extremely expensive – cost estimates from limb lengthening surgery and 2-year post-op are as follows: 1/4 inch = $15,000 US;  1 inch = $60,000;  2 inches = $120,000 or more. It’s cheaper to have limb lengthening procedure outside of theUS; however, its complication or infection rate is often higher.

Hey there.. I’ve been jogging with 10 lb each leg for the past week and sitting with 35 lb each leg… my knees hurt a little bit.. is it normal?
Due to medical liability, I’m not sure if I’m allowed to tell you what’s normal or abnormal. I’m not a doctor. In any event, if the knees hurt a bit, then stop the routine for a day or two and see what happens. Just be very patient and listen to your body. You may choose to resume once the pain subsides. If severe pain develops and persists, then stop the routine. Shinbone experimenters may choose to take 1500mg glucosamine sulfate tablets (available over the counter) daily or every other day to provide anti-pressure cushion for the knees.

Is there a limit to how much one can grow in the legs with this routine?
– We really have no idea. It is believed that one may grow up to 3 inches in the lower legs. I’m hopeful that someone will someday prove us wrong.

Is it possible to lengthen the thigh bone?
– It’s not impossible but for the past 3 years, we haven’t found out a way yet. With ground impact exercises like running or jogging w/ weights, reports from past experimenters suggest that the shinbone has the greatest potential of developing microfractures, then the thigh bone, and lastly the spine (LEAST likely to benefit from any microfractures thus explain our failure in spinal growth). The shinbone is capable of growth due to its close contact to the ground which leads to the development of microfractures.

After creating so much microfractures by jogging w/ weights, I tend to experience some “stretching” sensations in my lower legs after sitting with 30 pound iron plates each leg for 1 hour.. I even experience such sensations during sleep too.. it feels great actually because my legs are relaxed.. did any of your experimenters report this?
– Yes, people reported this. It may be a sign of growth.

I have bad knees.. I don’t think I would tolerate sitting with 25 pounds each leg.. what must I do?
We really have no idea. Doctors would normally advise you to not follow our routine. Again, it’s a judgment call. Listen to your body and go slow if you were to follow the routine.

I’d like to try out the newly modified shinbone routine.. if so, how should I eat? What to avoid?
– Experimenters should cut down on junk foods, avoid sugar foods at all costs, drink lots of milk daily, and eat high protein foods.

Is it okay to masturbate?
– Yes, it’s o.k. Masturbation will not affect the development of microfractures or growth.

According to latest modified shinbone routine, I notice that you guys didn’t include hard-core biking as part of the routine. Isn’t biking-induced HGH production vital for height growth?
– This is a very complicated problem. For the past years, we’ve been struggling to understand the relationship between HGH production, microfractures, and height growth. It’s unknown whether adults whose growth plates have closed should need all 3 ingredients as above for height growth. As of now for the shinbone routine, we only recommend jogging with ankle weights and sitting with iron plates. Biking is optional at this time because it does not generate microfractures. Use your own judgment and do whatever you want. If you have a better rationale, plz email us.

Where can I find Vulcrum and Evan’s success story?
– Evan’s story is listed at the bottom of this page.. just scroll down.
– For complete details about Vulcrum’s success story, Click here!

Should I bike vigorously with a high saddle seat to lengthen my legs?
– There may be some success stories regarding this method; however, thus far we haven’t received any credible sources or documentations. Biking may help to stimulate lots of HGH production; however, it’s highly unlikely to cause microfractures due to lack of ground-impact forces. Biking vigorously may help to make your bones tired, which is a good thing but again microfractures cannot be stimulated by this. Thus, as for the shinbone routine, it is optional. As of now, we only recommend jogging with ankle weights.

How and when should I jog with ankle weights?
– You should jog with ankle weights before bedtime. You can jog, in place, in your home. Or, you may jog outside on the street – be sure to wear a long sweatpants to “hide” the ankle weights on the shinbone – or else, people will stare at your ankle wts. Most of our experimenters prefer to jog w/ ankle wts, in place, or even jog around their home. It’s just convenient that way.

When should I sit or lie down with iron plates?
– You should sit or lie down with iron plates before bedtime and then go to sleep immediately. Do NOT stand or walk around because you may compress the microfractures.

Should I sleep with ankle weights at night? Would I grow faster that way?
– We do NOT recommend sleeping with ankle weights. More than 95% of experimenters reported that this method is very uncomfortable. You may often lose sleep and wake up in the middle of the night because it is very uncomfortable. Sitting or lying down with iron plates before bedtime seemingly appears more effective because you’re able to use more weights.

A Further Look At The Ginza Kojima Technique and Device

I have already looked at the possibility of trying to increase one’s height using this clinic that is based in Japan that is named Ginza Kojima. On the previous post I had ended it by stating that the Ginza Kojima machine could not possibly work and was a scam.

However, recently I have been able to look through Sky’s old EasyHeight website and he seems to be able to bring in a better, more detailed look at the technique and clinic.

This is just a complete copy and paste of one of the webpages of the old EasyHeight site that looks into far more detail into the technique. At this point, I am just presenting the information and not making any conclusions or judgements on the Ginza Kojima Clinics or Device. After looking over the information though, I would say that the clinic is real and the device may be able to give a few extra centimeters. The process is supposed to be pain free and requires no needles. Your limbs just get this type of light or ray that shines on it.

However, I am not sure why the machine would work or how to explain the science. Tyler of Easy Height does talk about the device and writes about a post on it HERE. His theory on how the technique works is by demineralizing the bone first and then stretching the collagen that is left which is elastic. Tyler says it can work and from the science, I would say it can work as well, but it is just extremely dangerous.

Again, the cost is about $9,500 US for every centimeter, or $28,000 US for 3 cm (at least 5 years ago). 50% discount is available for people under 13 years of age and for some adult patients. The website for the Ginza Kojima clinic is easy to find, just search on Google.

All the information below was taken from using the WayBack Machine and going to the Specific webpage of EasyHeight.Com HERE.

After 6 months of investigation, for the very first time, a height increase clinic without surgery or needles

Jan. 1st, 2008: Kojima’s limb lengthening clinic – no surgery


Name:  Ginza Kojima Height Increase Clinic

Height Increase Website:

Founder:  Kojima

Contact phone:  0120-89-1570.  Initial consultation can be arranged by phone. However, for some reasons their telephone does not accept incoming calls outside ofJapan. Our easyheight staff tried to call the clinic quite a few times with no success. You can only call them if you’re in Japan.

Procedure Videos & Clips:
●  (recommended)
(Video takes 10 seconds to load.. features spinning traction table)

● (recommended)
(Scroll down to see video.. features traction tables, interviews)

(consultation pictures & measurements)

(interviews after achieving results)

(before & after x-rays)

(pictures of short-course “easy” procedure – grow 1 cm in 1 to 3 weeks)

(History, location, address)


Cost:  about $9,500 US for every centimeter, or $28,000 US for 3 cm.
50% discount is available for people under 13 years of age and for some adult patients. They’re currently offering discounts for patients at Nagoya clinic because it’s the grand opening.

Ginza Kojima Company website:
This main webpage divides in 2 sections, with left section dedicated to height increase, and the right section dedicated to beauty enhancements.

Procedure:  Pain-free, NO needles or surgery involved. The clinic uses some sort of spinning traction table, casts & splints, and possibly some kind of magnetic or bone-stimulating vibrations or massages

Duration:  Normal procedure is once a week for 24 weeks (6 months), average growth expectancy 3-5cm. A new “easy” procedure has been unveiled which one may grow 1 cm within 1 to 3 weeks. Cost is the same for every centimeter.

Specialty:  lengthen lower legs only. This clinic does NOT specialize in spine lengthening.

Other specialty:  Kojima’s clinic also specializes in beauty enhancements in which Kojima staff enhance a woman’s facial appearance & bone structures simply by massaging her cheekbones, forehead, & head.

Location:  Headquartered in Ginza, Tokyo (Japan). Ginza is a district of Tokyo. The clinic also has 3 other branches in Kyoto, Osaka, and Nagoya (new clinic started in Dec. 2007)

Before/after pictures:  The clinic’s website has lots of before/after pics, videos, and x-rays.


Frequently Asked QuestionsMoney isn’t a problem for me. So I’m interested in doing this procedure inJapan. What are the first steps I should make?

– 1sttry to hire a Japanese interpreter if you can.
– 2nd
try to investigate or get in touch with the clinic somehow and arrange for a consultation, payment, etc. If you’re busy with work & school, find out exactly about the “easy” procedure which you could grow 1 or 3 cm in shortest time like a few weeks or so.
– 3rd
ask your bank & find out how you’d wire your money to a Japanese clinic if you’re physically in Japan. Since the clinic does not accept incoming calls outside ofJapan, it’s difficult in trying to arrange payment.
– 4th: take your digital camera with you, document everything during your time inJapan, and please report back your progress & results to our Easyheight staff.

I don’t speak Japanese.. so what should I do?

– You may need to hire an interpreter or translator. It’s unclear whether the Japanese staff speaks English. Unless you have a friend in Japan who speaks English. Also, chat online more often and make friends with Japanese who are living in Tokyo – you might need them later.

Okay.. I live in United States.. and if payment is expected before the actual procedure and they don’t even accept incoming calls outside of Japan, how am I supposed to pay them?
That’s a huge problem! Consultation is required prior to beginning the procedure and must be made a few weeks in advance. We don’t know how to get in touch with them. But they accept money wiring & other methods. I’d think you have to physically show up the clinic for the consultation, and must convince them to give you the earliest appointment since you’re visiting Japan and are on a time crunch.

Ginza Kojima has 4 clinics locating in Ginza, Kyoto, Osaka, and Nagoya. Where should I go for best results & deep discounts?

– We don’t know which location is better than the other. According to Ryo, “The first time you have to take it in Ginza (Tokyo). Ginza is a district of Tokyo. This is because x-rays and bone density can only be measured there. After the first time you can apply to other chain clinics.” As of December 2007, they’re offering discounts to new patients at Nagoya clinic because of grand opening.

What is 1 inch equivalent to?

– 1 inch is equivalent to 2.54 centimeter.


I heard that Japan is pretty expensive.. approximately how much would I spend during my stay at Japan?
– Japan is very expensive, so during your time in Japan do not spend lavishly and always save money. Round-trip flight tickets from the United States to Ginza (Tokyo) range from $850 to $1,400 US. A 3-week stay at Japan may cost about $300 to $500 including foods , public transportation, etc. It’d be great if you could find someone who speaks English, if not, it’d cost anywhere between $200 to $800 for a Japanese interpreter/translator. The clinic offers free shelter so grab that opportunity. The limb procedure itself costs about $18,000 for 2 cm. All in all, to grow 2 cm, the entire trip may cost about $20,500 to $23,000 US.


How can I visit their website and absorb the information?
– For further info about the clinic, try online translation services by visiting:

It’s not 100% accurate but at least you have something to play around with.

Shincho-nobashi website translation by Ryo


Below are the emails that Ryo and I have communicated in the past 6 months. Thanks Ryo for translating the clinic’s website updates.

From: “Ryo ” <>
Subject: Sky, I found a new method of increasing height
Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2007 23:17:28 -0400

I was googling height increase surgery in Japanese and found a clinic that offered “height increase without pain! no cutting, no needles!” link:

(You can google translate to get a rough idea..) , its the third option.

The clinic charges roughly $8,500 for 1cm of permanent growth, and claims

~2cm of growth per session is possible. They also have dozens of experimenters who underwent the process on their site, with before and after photos as well as videos of them explaining their post-thoughts in regards to the procedure. They also claim that a maximum of 7cm of growth is possible, and they only do the legs.


I watched the videos explaining the procedure and got this much out of it: -They used some sort of green light which they used to thoroughly “warm up,” the legs. The clinic claims the “green light,” is what triggers a tremendous amount of GH to be secreted into the legs. -Next they had the patient’s legs wrapped and secured around some sort of device, which looks like a rotating bed.

-The patient’s legs are pulled while the patient is sitting down, with his/her legs elevated and parallel to his body.

The “bed,” rotates, and the clinic suggests that rotation increases blood flow. The procedure is done for a minimum of 30 minutes until the patient calls it quits. They supposedly only feel a “general numbness.” Sure enough, the before and after x-ray photos of their legs reveal that their bones are somewhat longer and look sturdier. I’ve personally never heard of it before and doubted it was possible,  but the thorough detail the clinic offers into their new height-increasing method has gotten me pretty convinced, and I was curious to hear your two cents on it.

-Best Regards,

Ryo T.

From: “Ryo ” <>


Subject: Re: Sky, I found a new method of increasing height

Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2007 18:37:04 -0400

From the information from the site:

-It takes one session (1 day, 4 hours, two 2hr reps with 30 minute break) to grow 2cm. -There are no requirements to be a candidate, the clinic owner himself underwent his own procedure and grew 3cm at the age of 65 (from 165cm -> 168cm).

I guess the only real “requirement,” is the monetary figure.  $8000 /cm is a lot more than most people can dish out. The site says the minimum starts at 3cm.
-As for the video:

Wait for the flash video to load. Since the server is in Japan it usually

takes about 10 minutes for the video to load entirely.


From: “Ryo ” <>


Subject: RE: response

Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2007 20:08:07 -0400

Sky, When I return to Japan I plan on having this done. Not this summer

since I’d lack funds, but I plan to have the procedure done summer of 2008. Also,

the clinic does 1cm for half the price if you agree to be an experimenter

(i.e. having yourself photographed and taped while you unergo the procedure,

along with consent of having it published online). I don’t know why the clinic does not have overseas recognition, but the clinic has since expanded to having 3 clinics open inJapan (one in Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka if I recall correctly), and they claim they have recieved over 100,000 calls from “people interested.”

Looking at the site, most people choose to grow 3cm and then stop. So I don’t think there are any experimenters who report 7cm of growth, but in his videos the clinic owner Kojima clearly states that 5cm in the lower leg and 2cm in the upper leg for a total of 7cm is possible.

The clinic offers the same 1/2 price for kids under 13 years old. Their reasoning is supposedly because “its easier for kids to grow with our procedure,” hinting that their bodies react more to their “GH-secreting mechanism.”

As for the language barrier, one of the experimenters (the site uses the word “monitor,”) is Chinese. I believe their clinic tolerates foreign patients and tries to encourage international patients given the report from that one experimenter. (She ended up growing 1cm after 1 session).
The hardest question you threw at me was how the procedure works. They explain the procedure very vaguely, perhaps to prevent imitators, but I believe the light they use must have some sort of very strong piercing power to target the bone cartilage to “soften,” and then the stretching procedure will elongate the cartilage. Again, this is a personal hypothesis, but this would explain the rapid results within a few hours. The only thing that remains baffling is that the before-and-after pictures reveal that the bones actually appear as though they are thicker and grew. Medically, I don’t know how that is possible either, but the clinic claims that the light followed by the constant pulling stress encourages large amounts of GH to be secreted and effectively grow out the bones.

Most experimenters, in their videos, claim, “this is unbelievable.. I haven’t grown in x years,” or things like “at first I doubted I would see any results, but I was surprised after I saw real gains,” etc. They look absolutely stunned after seeing their results as well.

I’m only 16, so perhaps there’s some growth left in me, but I’ve been on a rigorous height-increasing plan for nearly a year now. When I began I was 168cm, now I am 170.2cm. I actually live in Westchester, NY so we’re pretty close. If you don’t mind, can you tell me how tall you were when you first started your routines and how tall you are now? To get back on subject (about the Japanese clinic)- the experimenters have to be at least 25 years old- so I won’t be a candidate when I have it done.. I guess they want to prove that adults who have passed puberty can still grow taller. I will certainly bring records from my doctors showing my plates have fused,  etc., and try to bargain with them, but I don’t know how successful I will be. I plan on spending $35,000 for myself there. If I’m approved the 1/2 discount I can shoot for the 7cm, but otherwise I will be doing 3cm due to financial restrictions. When I have it done I will BE SURE to give you my results, along with the x-ray photographs, etc.



From: “Ryo ” <>


Subject: RE: response

Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2007 22:16:14 -0400

About the clinic… and responses to your questions:

1) Yes. They say that the minimum is 3cm to apply, and if your bones don’t grow you can keep on going to the clinic until you reach the amount you payed for or be reimbursed for the amount you did not grow. But please NOTE that they also say that they determine your growth by x-ray, but by your height. Thus they will measure the actual bone growth gains and not your height gains due to change in height to posture.

2) I feel the same way Sky. I’m 16 and I do not want to wait until 25 to get my 50% discount by being an experimenter. I plan on going to the clinic and just putting myself at their feet. I will do anything I can do try and get that discount because money is not something I can lavishly spend, especially at my age.

3) My # is (914) 409-XXXX. Feel free to call me at any time =)



From: “Ryo ” <>


Subject: RE: Ryo – links here

Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2007 18:41:19 -0400


Sky, here are the translations for the first link! I’ll work on the

rest and

send them to you as I finish them.

If you must insist my paypal is =)


Translation for all the questions on:

1. How much does it cost?

105000 yen per 1 cm, so if you desire 3 cm of growth it will be 315000 yen.

People under 13 can get half price for the first 2 cm, at a cost of 52500 yen. After 3cm people <13 will have to pay standard fees, thus 210000yen for 3cm, 420000yen for 5cm.

For payment, you will have to pay us at consultation and you can undergo the Procedure until you have grown to your target. there are no additional fees no matter how many times you undergo the process as long as you still have not reached your target growth. Also, all fees are included in the cost, so there are no additional fees.

2.         Where can I undergo the procedure?

The first time you have to take it in Ginza, Tokyo. This is because x-rays and bone density can only be measured there. After the first time you can apply to other chain clinics.

3.         How much does one session (procedure) take?

This is the schedule:

1st time: 10am – 12pm (with a 30 minute break)

2nd time: 12:30pm – 2pm

3rd time: 2:30pm – 4pm

As listed above there are three reps per session (which is one day).  After the first time we are open to your schedule but this is the standard routine.


4.         Can I resume a normal lifestyle right after the procedure?

You can resume your normal lifestyle, but REFRAIN FROM HEAVY EXERCISE AND CARRYING HEAVY THINGS. Also, you cannot undergo the procedure if you are menstruating, have a lack of sleep, or have hip/back pain.

5.         how long does the procedure take?

There are a variety of results per person. We usually like to see patients once a week for 24 times (total of 6 months). However, if you are from afar we do offer a “one week concentrated course” for maximum gains during a short time period.

6.         Can I have the procedure done at any age?

We basically would like our patients at a maximum of 60 years of age, but if you are healthy then there is no age limitation. We also have many patients in their 40s and 50s.

-Will have more done for you shortly



From: “Ryo ” <>


Subject: second link translation!

Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2007 18:49:14 -0400


Sky, I made a mistake in the first translation in yen cost. There should be one more zero. For $ amount u can knock off two zeroes, then do the currency conversion (x.87 or so)

Translation for


Standard price: 1cm is 1,050,000yen

13 years or younger 1cm is 525,000 (up to 2cm, from 3cm it is standard cost)

Short duration course (1 week – 3cm~) is possible. Contact us for more details. You will need to undergo testing.



You must do direct bank wire. We do not accept loans/credit. You must pay prior to the procedure. If you do not reach your desired target, we will refund you the difference.

Bank info: (bank info such as name and bank account # etc.) A procedure with guaranteed satisfaction: You can undergo the procedure as many times as you’d like without any price change. We take preliminary medical screenings to adjust our procedure to suit you.


From: “Ryo ” <>


Subject: Re: second link translation!

Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2007 21:11:20 -0400


Translation for the third link:

Counseling procedure:

A persons bone frame is open to variation. We always need you to come to preliminary counseling first, and Dr.Kojima, the owner of the clinic himself will do the counseling.These are the motives:

-Check upon the health of the client.

-Explanation of the procedure.

-Give you details on the time frame and cost.

-Check the willingness of the client to undergo the procedure.

-Have the client decide whether or not he/she wants it done.


First comes counseling: Counseling is the first step. We will do our best to give the best

method for each person and create a procedure that is not too strainful for

the clients body.


Counseling needs reservations

We only accept people interested in the procedure. Please read the site details carefully and make reserevations after you have a firm grasp of the general details. We will call you before the counseling.. We will give you a call the day before the day of your reservation. Come to counseling on day of reservation Dr.Kojima will perform the counseling.


Examine the results of the counseling. We will look at the results of the counseling to determine the effect, time frame, cost, and other details.



From: “Ryo ” <>


Subject: RE: quick notes

Date: Thu, 03 May 2007 18:32:20 -0400


Yes, 2008 is preferable for me too, since I will be living in Japan starting late summer of 2008. I would wait until I’m living there Sky– you’re underestimating how expensive Japanis. You’re bound to blow off thousands of dollars extra  if you don’t have a place to stay and someone to show you around the cheaper ways of getting around.



From: “Ryo ” <>


Subject: RE: hi ryo

Date: Sun, 20 May 2007 21:41:49 -0400



I called the clinic three times, and all three times an operator’s automatic “this phone number is currently not in use,” plays.

Their number they offer on their site is: 0120 89 1570

To call Japan the number is 011 – country code + 81 – japan

The exact message I get is: “This is the KDDI telephone company. The number you have called is currently not in use” (japanese).

I’m frustrated over this myself because there are questions I wanted to ask them as well. I’m hoping its a temporary issue. Best regards, Ryo


From: “Ryo ” <>


Subject: RE: hi ryo

Date: Mon, 28 May 2007 02:06:34 -0400

Sky, I was doing (telephone card) option 1 to begin with, and I worked out all of option 2

but none of them worked. For option 2 calls, I got an english operator with: “Your international call could not be placed as dialed. Please check the number and dial again.”


From: “Ryo ” <>


Subject: RE: arginine

Date: Wed, 06 Jun 2007 18:29:47 -0400


Yeah I replied to that e-mail and told you that none of the videos explain the February incident, and while I am uncertain about whether or not the February incident is related to this, I have had no success whatsoever in establishing contact with the clinic via telephone and they offer no e-mail requiry address.

As far as the videos go: First video talks about Lizarov procedure, he says unlike Lizarov, his is painless, does not require a patient to be hospitalized, and most importantly, safe.

Video 4: Procedure details… 90 minute session x3 with break = 1 day’s worth.

1x a week x24 weeks = 6 months: average growth expectancy 3-5cm


Questions during video:

“Why does it take so long?”

Answer: “Our clinic is actually capable of making the bone grow at incredible speeds. The problem is that the muscles of the body do not keep up with our rate of growing out the bones, so we advise patients to take our once a week for 6 months course to prevent any pain.”


Video 5: Can a client grow even if he/she is old?

Yes, they can grow, I am 60 years old and have grown 6cm in my bones, which resulted in +3cm to my height.


What kind of people come to the clinic?

A. People who are concerned with their height.. people in their 20’s, 30’s, even 40’s. Most of them seem to have been born genetically short.

The rest of the videos seem old. But if you want them let me know. That’s unfortunate about the arginine. I wish they had more conclusive data.


From: “Ryo ” <>


Subject: Sky, here’s the video details and some more height debates

Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2007 21:00:57 -0400


I will be going to Japan starting tomorrow. Feel free to call me if you’d like, but unfortunately I dont think I will be able to visit the clinic because I will be in a different part of Japan. What I can do is try to call them from Japan, it might just be that they don’t accept international calls.



1) Is there proof of bone growth?

A. Yes, this is the x-ray of the bones, and we can see before and after bone

density and bone growth. People often ask if an x-ray is sufficient.. or whether or not we digitally edit the x-rays.. but this is not true.  X-rays cannot be digitally re-mastered so they are actual proof of growth.

2) what is the procedure?

You need to have some form of identification (with photo). We will take your height measurement. Also, we will move to another clinic to take x-rays for your bone and take blood samples to measure your growth hormone levels. You can also come to our clinic anytime to observe the procedure, but you will need to make a reservation. Feel free to talk to the people undergoing the procedure.

3) What inspired you to create the clinic?

My brothers were 175cm, 172cm, and I was only 162cm. Whatever I did, such as hanging and taking GH injections, nothing worked. I really wanted to grow taller and my hobby became making height-increasing devices. I even bought this height increasing bar from a television ad for 300 dollars back in the day, and needless to say, it didn’t work. Because of my devices I have gone from 162cm to 168.7cm. Whats good about my devices is that its painless, fast, and works! I am currently trying to attain 170cm. Many people must have heard rumors about me and I’m sure some of you are still suspicious,

but if you really have the desire to grow tall please come! I will be glad to do counseling with you, because I am confident that you will understand that my treatment works.




From: “Ryo ” <>


Subject: RE: japanese clinic has updates

Date: Mon, 02 Jul 2007 21:49:42 -0400


(I just landed in Japan now) I will when I get the chance, I can call (the clinic by phone) and it reaches them fine, do you want me to ask them anything?

From: “Ryo ” <>


Subject: RE: ryo…

Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2007 18:02:57 -0400



I just got back in the United States today (literally a few hours ago). I called the clinic and tried to ask the guy the questions you gave me but he said he couldn’t answer them on the phone and that I needed to schedule a “counseling appointment” in which my questions would be answered by more “qualified staff.” Since I wasn’t in Tokyo I didn’t make an appointment so unfortunately I wasn’t able to get a response.

The good news is, he did tell me they still do the height lengthening procedure, but if I wanted more information I would have to have made an appointment.


From: “Ryo ” <>


Subject: Sky, Updates from the clinic are in -Ryo

Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2007 17:37:00 -0400

Updates from the site are in! They talk about exactly what you wanted to hear short-term courses! Apparently you can stay at the clinic free of charge. No food service though, so that’s on you.

Also they added a new course, the rakuraku or basically “easy” course, with less strain on your legs but the downside is you have to endure the stretch for 5-6 hours.

Unfortunately no discounts and no reduced prices 🙁

But they did create a new video, and I think the fact that they keep constantly re-vamping their website is a sign that they are gaining popularity!


New Video link:


From: “Ryo ” <>


Subject: Re: Sky, Updates from the clinic are in -Ryo

Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2007 21:05:22 -0400



Here’s the translation for the new info. Translation:

We have concluded the end of our 1cm trial registration for June. Registrants were able to experience the procedure by paying for 50% of the cost of 1cm, or 525,000yen rather than the full 105,000yen. Registrants who wish to continue their procedure will have to pay the full price starting from their second centimeter.




From: “Ryo ” <>


Subject: Re: updates

Date: Tue, 04 Sep 2007 22:51:15 -0400



Here’s the translation:

Kojima clinic is now offering short-term courses in which the client stays at the clinic overnight (no overnight charges) for faster results. Usual procedure is 6 hours for one day, once a week (once a week x 24 times) for a total of approx. 6 months, but we can do short-term concentrated  courses from 3 days – 3 months (or 1 cm in 1 week).

Bottom paragraph:

staying at our clinic is free. food and hygeine related materials (toothbrush, towels, etc.) must be brought and will not be provided. The maximum growth attainable through our short-term procedure is 10 centimeters. Personal results may vary. Please call us for details. Also, the price will be based upon your desired growth.


Any more translation requests please let me know! I will be in japan PERMANENTLY from summer of 2008.



From: “Ryo ” <>


Subject: Re: updates

Date: Thu, 06 Sep 2007 15:02:46 -0400


Sky, sure, anytime man, as 2 people sharing a common goal, let’s help each  other out :).

Translation: New! Easy Growth Procedure!

– Kojima clinic has introduced the Easy Growth Procedure in which two devices which use the same pulling technique as the Rolling Height Stretcher are utilized, but allow the wearer more comfort and mobility. The minimum amount of time that it must be worn for effect is 5~6 hours.

What is Easy Growth Procedure? – the easy growth procedure causes less pulling force than the Rolling Height Stretcher. A small amount of force is applied for a long duration (5-6 hours). The upside is that the patient can sit comfortably, such as on a sofa.

Merits of the Easy Growth Procedure?

– Unlike the Rolling Height Stretcher, you can move around. We can place patients on wheel chairs so they may go to the bathroom, etc. , unlike the Rolling Height Stretcher in which 2-3 hours of stretching without moving is required.

Hope that helps!



From: “Ryo ” <>


Subject: Re: .. ryo.. updates

Date: Sat, 06 Oct 2007 10:00:18 -0400


Basically just a price change. Prices increased, unfortunately. The number before the chinese character denotes how many “hundreds” you have to pay, so   262****** means its $26,250 (tax included) for 2cm (without currency conversion, with currency conversion this is probably ~$21,000).

From: “Ryo ” <>


Subject: Re: .. ryo.. updates

Date: Mon, 08 Oct 2007 18:18:32 -0400



About the clinic: People under 13 get a 50% discount because they’re adolescents. Many places give a discount to young people so it’s not unnatural. Also, I’m sure this is to encourage young people to the clinic since people under 13 would probably not seek height increasing treatment since they most likely have not finished puberty.

For the 3cm, it says “for more than 3cm, please contact us.” It does not

specify the timeframe necessary or the procedure.


Sky, I found a middle-aged woman who actually went to the clinic. She said

she grew 3cm, but she had to go once a week for 6 months.



From: “Ryo ” <>


Subject: sky, its ryo about the clinic

Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2007 22:08:07 -0500


The clinic’s offering half price for 2cm, to experimenters, limited time only.

==== until we hear more from Ryo or the clinic- TO BE CONTINUED!! ====


Any individuals out there who are serious about undergoing this procedure, please report back your progress & results during your stay in Japan!

The Largest Growth Spurts In Medical Recorded History

This will be one of those article posts that will be occasionally edited upon. It will try to document the largest growth spurts that have been medical recorded or verified in some way.

The two main factors that will be used to determine the largest growth spurts is magnitude in terms of height difference from beginning to end, and time period to show the rate at which the person increased in height. What you would obviously notice is that all the growth spurts I have listed are of NBA players, past and present. It is a shame that few people talk about height as much as basketball players and people involved in the sport.

From resource 1 HERE (Inside Hoops Forum)

1. Dennis Rodman – From 5′ 9″ –> 6′ 7″ around age 20, 1 years time.

2. Scottie Pippen – From 6′ 1″ –> 6′ 8″ around age 19 or 20, 1 years time, but mainly in the summer

3. Dwight Howard from 5’8″ to 6’9″ in one year  (…d.php?t=203778 )

4. Dennis Johnson 5’9″ as a HS senior to 6’4″ in one year.

5. David Robinson – 5’9 his junior year of high school and 6’7 his senior year and then 7’1 in Naval Academy. last spurt was at age 21.

6. Actor Kevin Costner grew from 5’2″, to 6’1″ from 18-20 yrs. old

7. Manu Ginobili in late teens. 5’8″ to 6’6″ (in two years time) ( )

8. Tim Duncan also had a massive late growth spurt when he was 17. 6’3″ to 6’11”

9. Rookie Gordon Hayward 5’10” to 6’6.75″ (….on_haywar.html )

10. Anthony Davis – from 6’3″ to 6’9″ or 6′ 10″ in about 2 years time.

11. Lamar Odom- Was 6’2 as a highschool point guard. Out of nowhere he hit a huge growth spurt to 6’9.

12. LeBron James – From 6’1″ to 6’8″ in less than 2 years.

The Connection Between Arylsulfatase E ARSE and Height

In general there is no evidence to suggest that manipulation of arylsulfatase e will lead to height increase but there is clear genetic testing that shows that arylsufatase deficiency leads to short stature.

From the government National Institute of Health website HERE

What is the official name of the ARSE gene?

The official name of this gene is “arylsulfatase E (chondrodysplasia punctata 1).”

ARSE is the gene’s official symbol. The ARSE gene is also known by other names, listed below.

Read more about gene names and symbols on the About page.

What is the normal function of the ARSE gene?

The ARSE gene provides instructions for making an enzyme called arylsulfatase E. This enzyme is part of a group known as sulfatases, which are enzymes that help process sulfate-containing molecules. Sulfatases play important roles in cartilage and bone development.

Within cells, arylsulfatase E is located in the Golgi apparatus, a structure that modifies newly produced enzymes and other proteins. The function of this enzyme is unknown, although researchers believe it participates in a chemical pathway involving vitamin K. Evidence suggests that vitamin K normally plays a role in bone growth and maintenance of bone density.

How are changes in the ARSE gene related to health conditions?

X-linked chondrodysplasia punctata 1 – caused by mutations in the ARSE gene
Genetic changes involving the ARSE gene are responsible for X-linked chondrodysplasia punctata 1, a disorder of bone and cartilage development that occurs almost exclusively in males. Between 60 and 75 percent of males with the characteristic features of this condition have a mutation within the ARSE gene. At least 18 mutations have been found in affected individuals; these genetic changes reduce or eliminate the function of arylsulfatase E. Another 25 percent of affected males have a small deletion of genetic material from the region of the X chromosome that contains theARSE gene. These individuals are missing the entire gene, so their cells produce no functional arylsulfatase E.It is unclear how a shortage of arylsulfatase E disrupts the development of bones and cartilage and leads to the characteristic features of X-linked chondrodysplasia punctata 1.Where is the ARSE gene located?

Cytogenetic Location: Xp22.3

Molecular Location on the X chromosome: base pairs 2,852,672 to 2,882,493

The ARSE gene is located on the short (p) arm of the X chromosome at position 22.3.

The ARSE gene is located on the short (p) arm of the X chromosome at position 22.3.

More precisely, the ARSE gene is located from base pair 2,852,672 to base pair 2,882,493 on the X chromosome.

From the Wikigenes website HERENote: I was not able to copy and paste below the information on this website.

From PubMed study “X-linked recessive chondrodysplasia punctata: spectrum of arylsulfatase E gene mutations and expanded clinical variability.”


X-linked chondrodysplasia punctata (CDPX1), due to mutations of the arylsulfatase E (ARSE) gene, is a congenital disorder characterized by abnormalities in cartilage and bone development. We performed mutational analysis of the ARSE gene in a series of 16 male patients, and we found mutations in 12 subjects. Clinical variability was observed among the patients, including severe presentations with early lethality in one of them, and symptoms such as cataract and respiratory distress. This indicates that the clinical spectrum of CDPX1, commonly considered a relatively mild form of chondrodysplasia punctata, is wider than previously reported. Different types of mutations were found among the patients examined. Three missense mutations (I80N, T481M, P578S) were expressed in Cos7 cells to study the effects on arylsulfatase E catalytic activity. These mutations caused impaired enzymatic activity suggesting that they are responsible for the disease. Two nonsense mutations, W581X in four patients and R540X in one, were found. One patient showed an insertion (T616ins). In three patients we found deletions of the ARSE gene: in one the deletion involved only the 3′ end of the gene, while in two the ARSE gene was completely deleted.

Me: Here is the major issue with understanding the connection between Arylsulfutase E and height. The ARSE is a type of protein/enzyme created by the ARSE gene. It seems that the gene is rather easy to get a mutation and the mutation leads to ARSE deffiency. This deficiency seems to lead to chondrodysplasia punctuate, which is a congenital defect of bone and cartilage development. Just remember that almost all types of gene mutations that lead to born and/or cartilage development issues will almost always lead to short stature. The major type of disorder we find is called chondrodysplasia punctata which has some symptoms like cataract and respiratory distress. This protein Arylsulfatase E, ARSE is a commonly mutated gene which will lead to cartilage and bone development problems.