Monthly Archives: October 2012

New Proposed Height Increase Method Using PEMF, BMP-7, BMP-6, And TGF-Beta3

This was an idea that I have been thinking about ever since I found and reviewed the study which showed that BMP-7 (aka OP-1) injections into a mice and sheep’s vertebrate lead to the regain of lost height and health of degenerating disks.

My idea is to create a type of padding or guase  which you would have BMP-7 and BMP-6 with TGF-Beta3 embedded in the padding. Dexamethasone might also help. Certain BMPs and growth factors have been shown to both lead to chondrogenesis and osteogenesis. BMP-6 is really good at osteogenesis. We are looking for those. The padding has these notches and bumps, with the bumps alligned with the location of the intervertebral disks. The padding is pressed agains tthe back skin, with small needles that can inject the growth factors  right next to the disks. Remember that the disks have an outer concentric layer (outer annulus fibrosus)  and the inner circular layer (nucleus pulposus (NP). The outer layer is what the growth factors have to both get around and into. There is still some cartilage in the vertebrate even after we have reached physical maturity.

The padding can be just even 1 cm thick and can be refilled like a syringe which the nurse replaces when she is collecting a lot of blood from you. The BMP will theoretically be soaked into the vertebral disks leading to first chondrogenesis, increased nucleus pulposus function (and maybe even size), and finally ossification leading to increased thickness in the disks causing torso and height lengthening. The sequence of body physiology can be controlled by manipulating the injected device to switch from one type of growth factor into another. The pads can be wrapped around the body with either velcro or an elastic strap.

The second part of the idea was to use PEMF technology on the sides of the disks and give short duration, low intensity sine wave electrically capacitive signals to stimulate the collagenous material… At this point I would like to test the PEMF idea on the collagenous fibers of the annulus fibrosus so see if they would get any larger.

Overall, this idea is rather simple to try out even at home. The hard part may be getting BMP-7 and the TGF-Beta 3 from a non-natural source.

From PubMed Study 1 HERE

Spine J. 2008 May-Jun;8(3):466-74. Epub 2007 Jun 26.

Bone morphogenetic protein-7 protects human intervertebral disc cells in vitro from apoptosis.

Wei A, Brisby H, Chung SA, Diwan AD.


Orthopaedic Research Institute, The University of New South Wales, St George Hospital Campus, level 2, 4-10 South Street, Kogarah, NSW 2217, Australia.



Disc degeneration includes dysfunction and loss of disc cells leading to a decrease in extracellular matrix (ECM) components. Apoptosis has been identified in degenerated discs. Bone morphogenetic protein-7 (BMP-7) has been reported to stimulate ECM synthesis in the intervertebral disc (IVD), but its effect on disc cell viability is unknown.


To investigate whether BMP-7 can protect disc cells from programmed cell death while enhancing ECM production.


An in vitro study to examine the effect of BMP-7 on apoptosis of IVD cells.


Human nucleus pulposus (NP) cells were cultured in monolayer, and human recombinant pure BMP-7 (rhBMP-7) was added to the medium when the cells were in the second passage. Thereafter, apoptosis was induced by either tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) or hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)). Cellular apoptosis was evaluated by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end labeling assay and caspase-3 activity. ECM synthesis was assessed by immunofluorescence for collagen-2 and aggrecan. To study the possibility of bone induction by rhBMP-7 in disc cells, alkaline phosphatase activity and Alizarin red-S staining were evaluated.


Apoptosis was induced by both TNF-alpha and H(2)O(2). Addition of rhBMP-7 resulted in inhibition of the apoptotic effects caused by both inducers. Further, BMP-7 decreased caspase-3 activity. In the presence of BMP-7, ECM production was maintained by the cells despite being in an apoptotic environment. No osteoblastic induction of the disc cells was seen.


BMP-7 was demonstrated to prevent apoptosis of human disc cells in vitro. One of the antiapoptotic effects of BMP-7 on NP cells might be a result of its inactivation of caspase-3. Collagen production was maintained by addition of rhBMP-7 in an apoptotic environment.

PMID: 18082466   [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

From PubMed study 2 HERE

Tissue Eng Part B Rev. 2010 Aug;16(4):435-44.

Comparative review of growth factors for induction of three-dimensional in vitro chondrogenesis in human mesenchymal stem cells isolated from bone marrow and adipose tissue.

Puetzer JL, Petitte JN, Loboa EG.


Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering at UNC-Chapel Hill and North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina 27695, USA.


The ability of bone-marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) to undergo chondrogenic differentiation has been studied extensively, and it has been suggested that the chondrogenic potential of these stem cells differ from each other. Here, we provide a comprehensive review and analysis of the various growth factor induction agents for MSC and ASC three-dimensional in vitro chondrogenic differentiation. In general, the most common growth factors for chondrogenic induction come from the transforming growth factor beta (TGFbeta) superfamily. To date, the most promising growth factors for chondrogenesis appear to be TGFbeta-3 and bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-6. A thorough review of the literature indicates that human MSCs (hMSCs) appear to exhibit the highest chondrogenic potential in three-dimensional culture in the medium containing both dexamethasone and TGFbeta-3. Some reports indicate that the addition of BMP-6 to TFGbeta-3 and dexamethasone further increases hMSC chondrogenesis, but these results are still not consistently supported. Induction of human ASC (hASC) chondrogenesis appears most successful when dexamethasone, TGFbeta-3, and BMP-6 are used in combination. However, to date, current formulations do not always result in stable differentiation to the chondrocytic lineage by hMSCs and hASCs. Continued research must be performed to examine the expression cascades of the TFGbeta superfamily to further determine the effects of each growth factor alone and in combination on these stem cell lines.

PMID: 20196646    [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

New Proposed Height Increase Method Using Knee Chondral Defects And BMPs, TGF-Beta, GDFs

Me: After going back and reading on my old posts on the power of possibly using BMPs to induce chondrocytes and also heal and regenerate articular cartilage, I have created a new idea on how it might be possible to induce longitudinal growth using a combination of at least 3 main ideas I have been exploring for the last 3 months. This a culmination of all of my learning and research so far. You can see from another post way back entitled” Increase Height Through Surgical Method By Cartilage Harvesting And Chondrocyte Implantation With Growth Factor Injections” that I tried also at that time to think up a possible height increase less invasive surgical path as well, but this new method is more likely to work out and the procedure is more detailed, due to new understanding and research. 

Note: One of the biggest issues we have to understand is what exactly are the differences between the articular cartilage found at the end of the long bones and the original growth plates we had. Remember that both of these cartilage ar hyaline to begin with. The major differences are…

1. The epiphyseal has a perichondrium, the articular does not.

2. The epiphyseal cartilage is created from two centers of ossification, a primary and secondary. The articular cartilage does not.  This means that the epiphyseal is directly connected to layers of trabecular bone which house progenitor cells on both sides. The articular does not.

3. The epiphyseal has a resting zone area, the articular does not.

One idea I originally thought about is try to get the articular cartilage to behave as much like the growth plates as possible.

Note: The other big thing we would have to get right is the right growth factor combination. At this point I am guessing to use BMP-7 (obviously), TGF-Beta2 & 3 (since there have been articles that showed that BMPs need it to work out), BMP-2 since it is the only other BMP that leads to chondorgenesis. We want to avoid BMPs which give better results for osteogenesis but have shown to result in chondrogenesis. The other big one I wanted to use was GDFs which are growth differentiation factors. 

So Step 1…

You create two chondral defects through the knee which connects the inner epiphysis trabecular bone with the articular cartilage. This can be done through two holes punctures through the cartilage of a bend knee (from diagram above). The puncture can be just 2-3 mm in diameter (from study 1). I would suggest using a diameter of 4-5 mm if that is possible. The exact location the punctures will go through will be the trochlea and the femoral condyle (from study 2). The penetration will be through the hard bone, into the epiphysis until it reaches the axis distance where the original epiphyseal plates will be (from X-ray).

Note: From this diagram on the right it suggest that even after the epiphyseal line is gone, there seems to be still a band of trabecular bone which might be slightly thicker and denser in the area where the epiphysis and metaphysis are connect than in other areas in the inner bone. That is the line you want to reach, but right before you hit that thick band of dense bone. 

Step 2….

You implant a type of capsule which has a specific mixture of  growth factors that focuses on chondrogenesis, not osteogenesis. The growth factors can be encapsulated in a collagen and proteoglycan mixture. It is essentially cartilage matrix with growth factors inside but no chondrocytes. The mixture will have BMP-7 and BMP-2 which has shown to help differentiate the progenitor cells in the right way to give you the type of cell desired . You want to avoid types of growth factors which are mainly osteogenic.

We know that adult marrow is mostly yellow marrow of adiposytes and fatty acids. Study 5 suggest using instead BMP-6 and TGF-Beta 3 to convert them into chondrocytes. Remember that the bones are one of the tissues that regenerate and heal the fastest. That means that one must focus less on bone healing and more on how to get the cartilage to expand.

Step 3…

After the implant capsule of growth factors, you implant another capsule that has chondrocytes encased surrounded by a perichondrium layer. This is actual growth plate cartilage grown in vitro. I have researched one study that has shown that in vitro growth plates have been developed and can be reapplied back to function properly in vivo. Study 3 showed that chondorcytes can be differentiated from using perichondrium with BMP-7 so this step should be easy.

Step 4…

You make a cut around the outer edge of the long bone right at the distance where the initial penetration was done. You remove 3-4 mm in thickness axially of outer bone which will be the periosteum but also 4-5 cm radially inward. This is to remove the outer hard cortical bone. The other reason you want it to be at least this thick, is to prevent bone repair. If the created fracture was any thinner the bones will automatically heal over it. You implant resting zone progenitor cells in these locations which are surrounded in cartilage which is themselves surrounded by perichondrium.

Step 5…

A type of gause wrapping with BMP-7 and other growth factors in it which promote chondrogenesis is wrapped around the incision location and the cartilage implant. This has two functions. One is to prevent the cartilage inside the epiphysis to push out laterally. The other is to be a source of more growth factor to get the outer cartilage implant to push inward.

Step 6…

You fill up the original knee chondral defect first using a type of ostegenic BMP like 6 or 9 with TGF-Beta 3 (study 5), and later use a chondrogenic growth factor like BMP-7 which has shown to regrow the articular cartilage (from study 2).

Step 7…

What this method have effectly done is removed every single contraint the long bone has which would restrict longitudinal growth. We learned that the compressive strength of long bone is from the calcium hydroxylapatite in the inorganic matric which leads to the hard dense cortical bone to have a youngs modulus yield of upwards of 150 MPa. The tensile strength is from collagen fibrils arranged in lamellae (source is from previous post HERE). This is around 100 MPa. Since step 4 means the hardest material is fractured at a level which the body’s natural osteogenetic, most of the high value of young’s modulus tensile strength from the intact long bone will be gone. It will be just the trabecular bone which is holding the bone attached in that location and that can be stretched relatively easily by the chondrocytes if they go through hypertrophy.

If we remember, the way that the original ilizarov method works, and how distraction osteogenesis works in general is from callus distraction, which means you pull the trabecular bones apart over time. What is great about this method is that Since step 4 is done in the thicker area, you should not need the fixator to hold things stable unlike the ilizarove method, where the fracture created makes the long bone very weak and can break in half since the fracture was made around the middle (or diaphysis) of the long bone. This is one of the reasons you needed an external fixator to keep things stable and fixed so the inner bone which you had not separated wouldn’t move, causing deformities.

Step 8…

What you have done is basically created an entirely new growth plate similar to what the body’s original prenatal ossification development was like. Remember that the growth plate was formed from two primary ossification centers, My idea is to create two places which sort of goes through chondrocyte proliferation embedding into the bone matrix in the ossification process which will eventually come together fusing into another growth plate in the inside of the lone bone which is around the same location as the natural one.

If you have studied physics you might remember the calculations you have had to do for electrical fields or magnetic fields of a type of 3 dimensional body form called an annulus. I am treating the long bone as a concentric annulus. where the outer most circular region has cartilage implantation and the inner circle has cartilage implantation. The growth factors from both the inside implant and the outside implant  will diffuse into the surrounding bones turning any adult fatty acid marrow MCSs into chondrocytes. If that is sustained, the osteoclasts can clean up most of the dead bone lucanae. If the calcium crystals are hard to remove, we can swing the PTH/TH control so that calcium can be removed from the bones and goes back into the blood stream.

Any expansion the implanted cartilage will do have to move to the state or postion of lowest resistance. Since the lowest resistance is the area where you have made a fracture and implanted cartilage, the inner material will get pushed out. Since you are holding the outer edges intact, the force of pressure will push in the longitudinal direction. since the edges of the outer fracture will be moving away from each other.

Sorry if I have no pictures to explain what I mean.

From PubMed study 1 HERE

Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2002 Jun;40(3):201-6.

Regeneration of defects in the articular cartilage in rabbit temporomandibular joints by bone morphogenetic protein-2.

Suzuki T, Bessho K, Fujimura K, Okubo Y, Segami N, Iizuka T.


Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Kanazawa Medical University, Ishikawa, Japan.


The purpose of this study was to investigate the therapeutic use of recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) in internally deranged temporomandibular joints (TMJ). Defects (2 mm in diameter) were created in the surface of the condylar head. Lyophilized rhBMP-2 with collagen as the carrier was implanted in the defects in different doses: rhBMP-2 15 microg (n = 5); rhBMP-2 3 microg (n = 5); rhBMP-2 0.6 microg (n = 5). In the two control groups, the defects were either filled with collagen alone (n = 5) or left untreated (n = 5). Three weeks postoperatively the sites of defects were examined under light microscopy. In the 15 micromg and the 3 microg groups, new cartilage had filled the defects; endochondral ossification was also found deep within the defect. In the 0.6 microg group, fibrous tissue was proliferating in most areas of the defect, although cartilage was also found in some parts. In the two control groups, there was either soft tissue repair only or no evidence of tissue repair. These findings suggest that BMP-2 could stimulate the repair of defects in the articular cartilage of the mandibular condyle head during the 3 weeks postoperatively. To observe the progress of endochondral ossification in more detail, it may be necessary to extend the experiment for a longer period of time. However, this study supports the contention that BMP-2 may be useful in the regeneration of cartilage in TMJ disease.

Copyright 2002 The British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.

PMID:  12054709     [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

From PubMed study HERE
Growth Factors. 2001;19(2):101-13.

Regeneration of articular cartilage chondral defects by osteogenic protein-1 (bone morphogenetic protein-7) in sheep.

Jelic M, Pecina M, Haspl M, Kos J, Taylor K, Maticic D, McCartney J, Yin S, Rueger D, Vukicevic S.


Department of Anatomy, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia.


The efficacy of osteogenic protein-1 (OP-1; BMP-7) in regeneration of articular cartilage was examined by creating knee chondral defects in sheep. With a specially designed instrument in both knees, two 10 mm (diameter) chondral defects were created: one in the trochlea and the other on the femoral condyle. The recombinant BMP was delivered via an extra-articulary positioned mini-osmotic pump, which was fixed to the femoral diaphysis above the knee joint, and connected by a polyethylene tubing to the articular space. Prior to use, the compatibility of OP-1 with mini-osmotic pumps was tested in vitro by measuring aggregation/precipitation and modification of the released protein by size exclusion and reversed phase HPLC. The average amount of aggregation was 15% and about 5% of OP-1 was modified. However, the biological activity of OP-1 released from pumps over a period of 2 weeks at 37 degrees C was equal to ROS cell assay OP-1 standard. Following surgery, a total of 55 microg (low dose) or 170 microg (high dose) OP-1 in acetate buffer (pH 4.5) was slowly released from the pump over a period of 2 weeks. The pumps connected to control knees were filled with acetate buffer as a vehicle. Twelve animals were operated, six of which were treated with the low OP-1 dose, and six with the high OP-1 dose. Three sheep of each group were killed either at 3 or 6 months following surgery, based on arthroscopical evaluation. The chondral defects in the control knees remained empty during the observation period. At 3 months following surgery, defects treated with both OP-1 doses were filled with connective tissue and cartilage. At 6 months following surgery, both doses of OP-1 stimulated regeneration in treated knees. The boundaries between new and old cartilage were well fused and mechanically resisted animals’ weight bearing. The regenerated cartilage was rich in proteoglycans and type II collagen, as demonstrated by toluidine blue staining and immunohistochemistry. No signs of endochondral bone formation above the bony tidemark were observed. We suggest that a recombinant bone morphogenctic protein stimulates ingrowth of mesenchymal cells into the chondral defects which then transform into newly formed articular cartilage-like tissue.

PMID: 11769970      [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

From PubMed study 3 HERE
Tissue Eng. 1998 Fall;4(3):305-13.

Stimulation of cartilage differentiation by osteogenic protein-1 in cultures of human perichondrium.

Klein-Nulend J, Semeins CM, Mulder JW, Winters HA, Goei SW, Ooms ME, Burger EH.


Department of Oral Cell Biology, ACTA-Vrije Universiteit, 1081 BT Amsterdam, The Netherlands.


Exposure of progenitor cells with chondrogenic potential to recombinant human osteogenic protein-1 [rhOP-1, or bone morphogenetic protein-7 (BMP-7] may be of therapeutic interest in the regeneration of articular cartilage. Therefore, in this study, we examined the influence of rhOP-1 on cartilage formation by human perichondrium tissue containing progenitor cells with chondrogenic potential in vitro. Fragments of outer ear perichondrium tissue were embedded in clotting autologous blood to which rhOP-1 had been added or not (controls), and the resulting explant was cultured for 3 weeks without further addition of rhOP-1. Cartilage formation was monitored biochemically by measuring [&sup35;S]sulfate incorporation into proteoglycans and histologically by monitoring the presence of metachromatic matrix with cells in nests. The presence of rhOP-1 in the explant at the beginning of culture stimulated [&sup35;S]sulfate incorporation into proteoglycans in a dose-dependent manner after 3 weeks of culture. Maximal stimulation was reached at 40 microgram/ml. Histology revealed that explants treated with 20-200 microgram/ml rhOP-1, but not untreated control explants, contained areas of metachromatic-staining matrix with chondrocytes in cell nests. These results suggest that rhOP-1 stimulates differentiation of cartilage from perichondrium tissue. The direct actions of rhOP-1 on perichondrium cells to stimulate chondrocytic differentiation and production of cartilage matrix in vitro provide a cellular mechanism for the induction of cartilage formation by rhOP-1 in vivo. Thus, rhOP-1 may promote early steps in the cascade of events leading to cartilage formation. Therefore, rhOP-1 could be an interesting factor for regeneration of cartilage in articular cartilage defects.

PMID: 9836793     [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

From PubMed study 4 HERE 
Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2002 May;10(5):394-401.

Cartilage-derived morphogenetic protein-1 and -2 are endogenously expressed in healthy and osteoarthritic human articular chondrocytes and stimulate matrix synthesis.

Bobacz K, Gruber R, Soleiman A, Graninger WB, Luyten FP, Erlacher L.


Department of Rheumatology, Internal Medicine III, University of Vienna, Austria.



We investigated whether chondrocytes derived from osteoarthritic cartilage may lose their responsiveness to cartilage-derived morphogenetic protein-1, -2 (CDMP-1, -2) and osteogenic protein-1 (OP-1) compared with healthy cells, thus leading to an impaired maintenance of matrix integrity.


Chondrocytes were isolated from articular cartilage from patients with and without osteoarthritic lesions. Cells were grown as monolayer cultures for 7 days in a chemically defined serum-free basal medium (BM) in the presence of recombinant CDMP-1, -2, and OP-1. Glycosaminoglycan synthesis was measured by [35S]Sulfate incorporation into newly synthesized macromolecules. Cell proliferation was investigated by [3H]Thymidine incorporation. The endogenous gene expression of CDMPs/OP-1 and their respective type I and type II receptors was examined using RT-PCR. The presence of CDMP proteins in tissue and cultured cells was detected by Western immunoblots.


mRNAs coding for CDMPs and their respective receptors are endogenously expressed not only in healthy, but also in osteoarthritic cartilage. CDMP proteins are present in both normal and osteoarthritic articular cartilage and cultured chondrocytes. CDMP-1, CDMP-2 and OP-1 markedly increased glycosaminoglycan synthesis in both healthy (P< 0.01) and osteoarthritic (P< 0.05) human articular chondrocytes. A comparison of the glycosaminoglycan biosynthetic activity between healthy and osteoarthritic samples revealed no detectable difference, neither in stimulated nor in unstimulated cultures. [(3)H]Thymidine incorporation showed that CDMPs/OP-1 did not affect cell proliferation in vitro.


CDMPs and OP-1 exert their anabolic effects on both healthy and osteoarthritic chondrocytes indicating no loss in responsiveness to these growth factors in OA. The endogenous expression of CDMPs/OP-1 and their receptors suggest an important role in cartilage homeostasis.

Copyright 2002 OsteoArthritis Research Society International. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

PMID: 12027540     [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

From PubMed study 5 HERE
Tissue Eng Part B Rev. 2010 Aug;16(4):435-44.

Comparative review of growth factors for induction of three-dimensional in vitro chondrogenesis in human mesenchymal stem cells isolated from bone marrow and adipose tissue.

Puetzer JL, Petitte JN, Loboa EG.


Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering at UNC-Chapel Hill and North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina 27695, USA.


The ability of bone-marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) to undergo chondrogenic differentiation has been studied extensively, and it has been suggested that the chondrogenic potential of these stem cells differ from each other. Here, we provide a comprehensive review and analysis of the various growth factor induction agents for MSC and ASC three-dimensional in vitro chondrogenic differentiation. In general, the most common growth factors for chondrogenic induction come from the transforming growth factor beta (TGFbeta) superfamily. To date, the most promising growth factors for chondrogenesis appear to be TGFbeta-3 and bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-6. A thorough review of the literature indicates that human MSCs (hMSCs) appear to exhibit the highest chondrogenic potential in three-dimensional culture in the medium containing both dexamethasone and TGFbeta-3. Some reports indicate that the addition of BMP-6 to TFGbeta-3 and dexamethasone further increases hMSC chondrogenesis, but these results are still not consistently supported. Induction of human ASC (hASC) chondrogenesis appears most successful when dexamethasone, TGFbeta-3, and BMP-6 are used in combination. However, to date, current formulations do not always result in stable differentiation to the chondrocytic lineage by hMSCs and hASCs. Continued research must be performed to examine the expression cascades of the TFGbeta superfamily to further determine the effects of each growth factor alone and in combination on these stem cell lines.

PMID: 20196646   [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

Review Of Antoine El Hajj And Bone Remodeling Clinic 2008-2009, From EasyHeight.Com And MakeMeTaller.Com

Me: This is more of my attempt to save all of the old information that was on the EasyHeight.Com website which is gone now. Another section are the reviews and critique the people on the Make Me Taller forum had against the possible method. If you are a long time reader, you might remember very early on I had already done a post looking at the possible feasibility of using the Bone Modeling Clinics HERE and concluded with the others that this guy has a device that doesn’t work. 

Antoine’s program is outlined as follows:

a) Do simple stretching exercises twice daily for 15 to 30 minutes to stretch out nerves & tissues.
b) Sleep with the traction device for 6 to 8 hours to extend BOTH the shin & thigh bones
c) Apply the bone vibrating machines about 3 times per week.

From Sky…

There are 2 machines. The first one is the traction machine is one used to exert tension on the shin & thigh bones while sleeping at night for 8 hours. The other “physical therapy” machine is also required but is NOT shown here on this webpage. Antoine asked us to NOT go in details of the physical therapy because it’s like classified info. But we suppose his physical therapy machine is like one of those machines that our easyheight staff tried 2 years ago which are bone vibrating machines.

Note: What I wanted again in this post unlike the first one was that not only did Sky spend his own money to fly Antoine over to test his device, there were pictures of them hangout. Sky tried out the device himself but did not participate in the entire program. What is absolutely true is that Antoine does have a real diploma in physical therapy, have a woorking permit, have a permit for clinics in Lebanon, and had his passport photocopied by sky and the picture taken and uploaded to the old easyheight website but the picture no longer loads up on the wayback machine.

As for the Make Me Taller Forum, this discussion and message was posted by Antoine in 2009 explaining himself to the board members who all said that he was a scam artists (link HERE)…

A picture of the device I found on the Make Me Taller Forum. I know, it’s very small and looks like a weight jacket withe tubes and velcro. Most people conclude that the device causes 10 lbs of traction to the legs somehow.



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Posts: 6

Re: Body Remodeling? Suspected scammers want to prove that their claims are true!

« Reply #86 on: May 09, 2009, 08:32:05 AM »

Thank you for your waiting,
Am sorry it took me till today to answer all your questions and reply to your notes, but I was in dubai and I had so many meetings there, plus in the last 2 days there I began getting sick and am still sick now! Some weird pain on the front of my neck, whatever, but I promissed you an answer and u will get one!
Now about the addresses of our clinics we already mentioned that previously, about the phone/cell numbers, honestly I prefer to answer all my clients’ calls personally, because no employee can be as specific or helpful as I can, plus any mistake at the current time can actually destroy any credibility the body remodeling technique has!
Now, some of you mentioned the media, well my friends, to bring the media and let it check your clinic you should pay, and pay lots of money, nothing is for free specially in the media world! I can promise you never believe what you see on the news, neither cnn nor bbc! Ok?
It is all paid for, I can do that, but first we are still paying our experiments cost from the beginning of the creation of the BODY REMODELING TECHNIQUE, and we do not have the kind of money those channels might charge!
Now about the website being vague and as some of you mentioned too much talk no details, well this was intentional, not all the information is mentioned and that is for a good reason, my friends, yes it is a medical technique, but it cost us money to reach where we are, lots of money and as I mentioned before, am still paying for loans to experiment till now, so if I gave you all the information, what stops you of making the treatment yourself, plus, there is an invention patent, and we are filing for many others, we cannot give too much information because then the patent will be void!
Someone asked about the side effects of the treatment, well sometimes, some clients get muscles cramps, that is why actually we give sporting exercises to reduce their existence!
Now about my visit to the usa, and to “sky” from, yes I was there and I presented the technique to him, and he was fairly convinced with the logic behind it, but his problem was the lack of pictures and stuff like that, I told him directly, my experiments were made in Lebanon, the middle east, and people here refuse to get their pictures taken, he couldn’t understand this idea, even though just in front of him, more than 6 people refused to get their picture taken even for assisting to the presentation! Not even for getting the treatment! actually, because of that, now, each and every client must accept to get his picture taken before and after the treatment, if he or she refuses, we refuse to give them the treatment!
Now about my height, yes am 5’7, and I don’t have a problem with that, not at all! Well once I felt short, in Czech republic, I mean women were like 4 inches taller than me! But that was the only time I thought of getting my technique!
The idea of lengthening one leg not the other, is just the smartest, well why don’t u do it? Don’t u know that having one lower limb taller can cause major damage in your lower back ?
About the free trip to new York, who said it was free? I paid for everything, sky had just reserved the hotel for 3 days, and if you think I had fun in the gentelman’s club, think again, he adores those places not me!
Now for the height increase technique, some of you said that it should be from personal experience well it is! But not my own experience, during my studies as a physical therapist, we assist to surgeries in one of our internships; well one day, a patient came to the surgical ward, she was 24 and she already had 7 surgeries, all limb lengthening, 3 of them were corrective surgeries! With scars all over her lower limbs, then I thought what kind of people would put themselves through such pain and suffering just for a few centimeters, well she actually had gained 13 cm overall (~ 5 inches), and the joke was that eventually she married her physical therapist, I mean 2 and a half years of staying at home and the only man who sees her during this time was her PT, well eventually they would marry! Lol
So then, I began researching about limb lengthening and the proprieties of the bone, then I was drafted to the army, and as a sports physical therapist I was put with the sporting teams of the Lebanese army, there I found out that, professional athletes had specific body types, like in fencing the attack arm is usually longer than the other, and the attack lower limb is shorter!
And that was actually acquired, not congenital! The more they did that specific sport the more their body would remodel itself to be more efficient!
So when I coupled the surgery with the natural remodeling due to external forces, I came up with an hypothesis! I tried it and it worked!
The is a phrase in the movie “kate and Leopold”, it says:”I just was the dog who could see a rainbow!” am not claiming to be smarter or better, but I just discovered something, and even though am getting a really bad time in explaining myself to the world, am ready for the challenge!
Finally, about the short support, they also never tried the technique, and they just assumed to be a scam like all other things on the internet! I actually sent them a mail asking them also to try the technique before giving bad prejudices, and they refused even in thinking about it!

now sorry if it was too long, my reply i mean! but you deserve to understand everything, within some limits naturally!

by the way i only received one email of a person ready to undertake our procedure from mmt! why?



Credibility -6
Gender: Male
Posts: 6

Re: Body Remodeling? Suspected scammers want to prove that their claims are true!

« Reply #118 on: May 20, 2009, 01:08:44 PM »

hey guys,

thank you for the interest, by the way, i just send an email to beau, we accepted to treat him, but we need daily follo- ups by makemetaller, we will be starting the treatment the next time i will be in the us, i actuuld have been in the american continent now, even a lil earlier but i had a stop in mexico, and even though i want to launch my business but a actually human also, and that swine flu thing postponed my visit there! so now am concetrating my work in europe and asia!

i have just one thing to ask for, you guys seem to be arguing not on wether the technique works or not, you are arguing on me being a scam or a thief! no prob, eventually we’ll look back on your threads and laugh about them!

if you want specific answers, you should ask specific questions!
and please, no more arguing about cell phones and addresses, i told you why the cell phones and i gave you 2 addresses, one in lebanon and the other in saoudi arabia!

then about the guys who want details of the science of the technique, in comparaison to the science of LL surgery, would they go under the knife of their neighbour? or should it be a specialized surgeon? so there is no possibility of theft from the LL specialist, but in my technique any and i repeat any person, can reproduce our treatment! and about the people who underwent our procedure, we have secrecy contracts with them, they can never use it to other or even talk about it! if they ever do, we can take them to court and demande compensations!

so please, be reasonable! look into any book or article about inventions, the 1st rule is you never ever talk about details even after patenting! coz, the tinyest change in the machine or the treatment is considered to be a new patent and all is lost!

i already spent almost 1million dollars in experiments, and 7 years of my life, please understand me!
if this non constructive arguing does not stop, i will no longer answer, we are loosing so much time in arguing and fighting , where the easiest thing is to start treating and get results, as for all of you, you all talk and talk the only MAN i noticed is beau, and even that he offered to pay for the treatment if it works, i will never accept his money, i will only accept his friendship!



Credibility -6
Gender: Male
Posts: 6

Re: Body Remodeling? Suspected scammers want to prove that their claims are true!

« Reply #136 on: May 04, 2011, 10:18:16 AM »















Me: This thread just turned more and more vile with people getting more and more upset and accusatory. One poster had said that Antoine had never given him an email of confirmation of providing him treatment with the program when Antoine said that he had. The board members were probably reading to lynch the guy if they could have gotten their hands on him. It became quite brutal and the thread was locked by the administrator which stated point blank many times that he thought Antoine was a fraud.

This next section was taken directly from the old EasyHeight.Com website link HERE and this is what Sky had written about Antoine and his Device and Clinics.

January 1st, 2009: Below are unbiased reviews of Antoine’s growth techniques. Antoine is the founder of

Antoine’s Profile


– Name:  Antoine El Hajj
– Age:
 32 years old
– Ethnicity:  Lebanese
– Marital status:  With someone
– Height:  about 5 feet 7
– Weight:  about 175 pounds (79.5 kg)
– Location:  Lebanon
– Languages:  He fluently speaks English, French, and Arabic.
– Profession:  Licensed physical therapist
– Website info:
Domain ID: D150072379-LROR
Domain Name:
Created On:29-Nov-2007 17:56:51 UTC
– Height research started:  6 years ago (probably summer 2002)
– Personal height growth:  None. Antoine never tried his growth techniques on him, arguing that he’s about average height thus there’s no need.
– Treatment cost:  Cost varies from country to country, but about $5,000 to $15,000 US. Discounts are available from a group of people. Private treatment is $15,000 US.
– Equipments/Devices needed:  There are 2 devices:  traction device and bone vibrating device.
– Clinics:  He desires to open a dozen clinics around the world in the coming year.
– Clients:  Antoine claimed that he treated over 300 clients worldwide.
– Pictures or x-rays: Only 2 before/after pictures with faces not shown are available. Antoine also claimed that few other individuals grew 4 to 6 centimeters; however, we could not contact them or verify their testimonials because Antoine was unable to provide that access.


How did you guys accommodate Antoine’s visit?

– We did what we could to accommodate Antoine’s first visit to America. We kept him entertained and Sky sort of became the wingman as Antoine was surprisingly busy on the phone with his lovely girlfriend (who’s living in Lebanon right now) during the trip. By the way, the following expenses are paid by Sky: Antoine’s hotel reservation ($390 including WestEnd & Alexander Hotel), food ($80), travel expenses ($50), gentleman’s club admission & VIP services ($130), parking ($110 including 2 parking violation tickets in Philly & New York). A total of $750 US I spent to accommodate Antoine’s visit to the US.

Also, Antoine asked me to order some buckles & parts for him and I did just that without asking monetary amounts in return. I spent close to $1,720 in purchasing Antoine’s buckles & parts, here’s proof:
Go here:
Enter tracking number: 798475195927

How much does Antoine’s treatment cost?

– The treatment cost varies from country to country. It’s somewhere around $5,000 to $15,000 US. Discounts are available from a group of people. Antoine also performs private treatment (costs $15,000 US) in which he’ll travel to your home 3 times (approximately once every 2 months) to ensure height growth. Antoine may be flexible in terms of pricing.

If Antoine’s been researching about height increase for more than 6 years, how come we have never heard of him?

– No one knew who Antoine was until he finally launched his website in November 2007. Our Easyheight researcher saw the unique techniques outlined on his website and informed me about it. We subsequently put his website on the map by endorsing it on and as a result Antoine reportedly received abundant email requests & treatment offers thereafter.

Since June 2008, he began traveling around the world to promote clinic start-ups even though he barely had any credible proof or pictures. He laid low for years and suddenly saw the potential of being on the spotlight as a bone remodeling specialist. Antoine’s explanations outlined on sound intriguing and that’s when we invited Antoine to come to America.

What’s the breakdown of Antoine’s treatment?

– Antoine’s program is outlined as follows:
a) Do simple stretching exercises twice daily for 15 to 30 minutes to stretch out nerves & tissues.
b) Sleep with the traction device for 6 to 8 hours to extend BOTH the shin & thigh bones
c) Apply the bone vibrating machines about 3 times per week.

Is Antoine a doctor?

– He is not a doctor. He states that he’s a licensed physical therapist though it’s unclear if he’s still practicing. His physical therapy credentials are genuine.

When will Antoine return to the US?

– Antoine said that he’ll return to the US sometime in February or March 2009 to follow-up with his clients. 

How many clinics does Antoine have? Any clinics in the US?

– He plans to promote a dozen clinics around the world in the coming year. It’ll be an uphill battle since he has NO credible proof or evidence. Antoine might establish a clinic in New York City but no word yet whether such plan is a done deal.

How many machines or equipments are needed for Antoine’s techniques?

– There are 2 machines. The first one is the traction machine is one used to exert tension on the shin & thigh bones while sleeping at night for 8 hours. The other “physical therapy” machine is also required but is NOT shown here on this webpage. Antoine asked us to NOT go in details of the physical therapy because it’s like classified info. But we suppose his physical therapy machine is like one of those machines that our easyheight staff tried 2 years ago which are bone vibrating machines.

Are u satisfied with Antoine’s explanation? Will u guys endorse his program to your easyheight visitors?

– Antoine claimed that he researched about height increase for more than 6 years and have treated over 300 clients. And for him to fly from half the world over to the US at the expense of his own flight ticket would only indicate that this man is very confident about his height program. However, we’re not satisfied with his explanation as Antoine failed to provide some basic evidence such as before/after pictures, videos, or x-rays. 

There are only 2 before/after pictures with faces not shown. Antoine also claimed that few other individuals grew 4 to 6 centimeters; however, we could not contact them or verify their testimonials because Antoine was unable to provide that access. Since NO credible before/after pictures or testimonials could be verified, we’ve concluded that Antoine’s program may or may not work for you. At this moment we will not fully endorse his method to anyone but only provide a general review on our website. Whoever wants to spend money on his techniques should use their own discretion. Our EasyHeight crew does NOT accept referral fees or monetary amounts from Antoine or his clients.

Why don’t the easyheight crew test out Antoine’s program?

– Antoine offered the program for free to me, as a token of appreciation for taking care of him during his stay in the US.. but I politely declined at this moment because too busy with work & other personal business. However, we’re still in contact with some of his clients and hopefully they’ll touch base with us their results next year.

Is Antoine’s bone vibrating machine proven to cause sufficient microfractures?

– His “bone vibrator” is NOT well proven to cause enough microfractures for growth. You may find one of those machines by searching for such keywords on

What’s the difference between the Shinbone Routine vs. Antoine’s program?

– Our Shinbone routine has 3 basic principles:  (1) Creation of microfractures by jogging with ankle weights for 40 to 60 minutes, (2) Sitting with very heavy iron plates to extend lower shins for 2 to 3 hours, and (3) Going to sleep immediately to allow the extended microfractures to heal.

– Two principles are observed in Antoine’s program:  Creation of microfractures with a bone vibrating machine, Sleeping with a traction device to extend shins & thigh bones at night.

What about Antoine’s clinic in Lebanon? Isn’t where he live? Any testimonials?

– Antoine said that he only treated about 4 clients over the past 2 years due to political problems or suppression in his country. We find this incredibly weird and hard to believe. Nevertheless, at least Antoine should have provided some before/after pictures of his clients.

What does Antoine’ program lack? Any weaknesses?

– Antoine’s traction device seems weak and it does NOT appear powerful enough to effectively extend the shin & thigh bones. Antoine’s program strictly involves a few simple stretching exercises and sleeping with the device. He did not stress the significance of using ankle weights or iron plates. We believe that to effectively remodel your bones permanently and proportionately, you have to remodel your nerves, muscles, and tissues as repetitive motions such as jogging or jumping with ankle weights would trigger piezo-electric currents which subsequently contribute to balanced growth.

What’s a common side effect with Antoine’s program?

– Antoine’ traction device needs to be worn while asleep daily for 6 to 8 hours. Any side effect? You will either have trouble sleeping and end up quitting his program in a week, OR you might get used to it while sleeping. Based from our experiences with the Shinbone routine, individuals who tried to sleep with ankle weights often find it difficult to fall asleep. Even when they’re asleep, they would somehow wake up 3 or 4 hours later due to uncomfortable tensions exerted on the legs which negatively affect your blood circulation & oxygen delivery to the brain. Antoine’s traction device is no different as it also exerts tension & forces on the legs which appear difficult to sleep with.

Would you be able to improve Antoine’s traction device or perhaps eclipse his invention?

– Based from firsthand contact, Antoine’s traction device appears weak and insufficient. You don’t normally remodel bones by strapping some velcro straps and pencil-like bars around your legs and hope that by twisting the bars tension would surmount to the point that bones, nerves, and tissues would be sufficiently stimulated for further growth. Our EasyHeight crew will continue to stick to our on-going Shinbone Routine which always involves heavy iron plates along with nylon ropes as a form of traction. Antoine is using a 10-pound traction device. On the other hand, our EasyHeight crew has attempted 40 to 130 pound ankle weights or iron plates while kicking or sitting. Basic physics is outlined as follows:
                                          (F = ma)
Force equals mass times acceleration.

A larger net force produces a larger acceleration, on an object with constant mass. Ideally, we hope that a larger net force exerted by the iron plates while sitting would produce a larger acceleration – acceleration so powerful that the remodeling of the shins would be possible after “fresh” microfractures are created from jogging with ankle weights.

Regarding Antoine’s program, u guys sound a bit critical. Will he be mad at you?

– If I sound critical of Antoine’s techniques, then so be it. Thousands of easyheight visitors are desperate for real results and are asking us 1 simple question, “Can I grow taller after puberty?” It’s a yes or no response and we have no problem being blunt about it. Our visitors expect nothing less from us and likewise, we expect nothing but concrete evidence from Antoine. Unfortunately, he failed to satisfy that requirement.

After all, I’ve gone above and beyond servicing Antoine’s requests free of charge and accommodating his visit to the US. During Antoine’s visit to the US, I footed his bills for a total of $750 US on hotel reservation, food, travel, entertainment, etc.

For Antoine’s parts and equipments, I personally spent $1,720 US back in July and October 2008 on ratchet buckles and straps and had them shipped to Lebanon. I did NOT ask Antoine for monetary amounts in return but only hope that he’d come to the US and share with us his techniques or allow us to critique them.
July 2nd, 2008: Equipment receipt that I ordered for Antoine
Buckle   Item $6.00    100 items    $600.00
Strap $1.60    100 items    $160.00
Shipping/handling: $100
Total: $860 US

Again, here’s proof that I spent close to $1,720 on Antoine’s equipments:
Go here:
Enter tracking number: 798475195927

October 1, 2008: Equipments receipt that I ordered for Antoine
Buckle   Item $6.00    100 items    $600.00
Strap Webbing $1.60    100 items    $160.00
Shipping/handling: $100
Total: $860 US

Sky, why are you spending so much money experimenting & researching height methods? Any non-profit organizations wanna endorse your experiments? Will u ever charge a fee for your research information? What do u do for a living by the way?

– does not accept donations nor do we need help from other organizations. It’s all because we have a budget surplus. Everybody wants to rip off height seekers of their hard-earned money, but not here at Will we charge fees for our research? I don’t know.. should I? maybe not right now but probably someday :0). After all, I’m only a licensed pharmacist making over $120,000 US per year (NOT including extra shifts & overtime pay). It would be nice having tons of money to finally broadcast this website’s success stories & testimonials on YouTube. Millions of people want to grow taller and is only reaching about 8,500 visitors every month. Having more money based from our success would hopefully change this figure.

Are u guys exploring the Japanese kojima’s techniques?

– The investigation is ongoing and we urge other easyheight researchers out there inJapan or Southeast Asia to please help us out… go to the Japanese clinic, undergo the procedure or at least conduct an interview with Kojima himself.. and later keep us posted of the details.

My Issues, Problems, And Concerns With Giving Any Form Of Height Increase Or Grow Taller Advice

This post is to express all of my own personal issues, problems, and concerns with being a person who might be someone people come to or turn to to get advice about how to increase in height or grow taller from. I have noticed that in the last week or so I have been getting multiple email messages to the website email at people who have been asking me for advice on how they can possibly increase their height. Some of them are young and have their growth plates still open. Others are slightly older and have gone past puberty.

Let me state something very clearly right off the bat….

“I am not an expert. I really don’t know or understand as well of the subject of auxology as it seems.” 

When I write or post stuff on this website, I am in the position of a student, a learner of the subjects. I am not a teacher but I do enjoy educating others on some subjects which I have passion about. And I am passionate about auxology. I find it so fascinating that this rather obvious and simply and easy to define problem has never found a solution for so long throughout human history. In the internet space there is almost no website that looks at this specific goal or problem legitimately and actually try to find a real solution.

If you are going to find my email and write to me, I feel slightly uncomfortable giving you advice. There is only a few things I could say but they are probably the same type of stuff I would give to other people who ask the exact same type of question.

Now, let’s see how my advice to your question could possibly turn out. There really is only 3 possible solutions…

1. You get no results – If you happened to not grow/ increase in height from my advice, you might get angry, defensive, and accusatory in attitude and say that I am a charlatan, a fraud, who doesn’t know what I am talking about. Maybe I don’t know what I am talking about. Maybe I am just a bunch of hot air.

I mean, when I see some of the comments left on the HeightQuest blog/website I realize that a lot of people are not getting any results, get very frustrated, and say that LSJL doesn’t work. The other big frustration is that the regular readers and people who have been doing the clamping can’t figure out why is it that Tyler has been the only one who has managed to increase in height to a level which is beyond obvious measurement error. Do I really want to put this website, my own character, my own competence, and the brand of this endeavor in that type of negative light?

2. You get results but you think it was not from my advice – You might decide to try out my advice, but somewhere after the first 3-4 days you lose the discipline, you stop doing whatever exercises or supplement taking I advise. A week later you remember my adivce so you go back to it but you drop the routine or program I created for you over again but decide to pick it up again 2 weeks later when your life seems to have gotten slightly busier. And this pattern repeats itself over and over again. You try out or follow my advice only 25-50% of the time. 3 Months goes by and then you find that you grew say 1 inch.

At this point you have to make a decision at wondering whether it was really my advice that helped you grow or whether it is just natural and it was always going to happen whether I advised you or not.

This is the biggest problem with any advice which I might give. I am in a Catch-22 in my situation. On the one hand, I know for a definitive fact that I can help kids who still have the natural growth possibility (ie open growth plates) to increase even more their growth rate to reach a higher final height. On the other hand, if (or maybe when) these kids to increase their height, I and them can’t really say for sure that it was really from the advice from me.

What would have to be done is to have pair of identical twins try out my advice for one entire year when both are still young enough to grow. That would offer quite possibly the best proof that either my advice would definitely work or I am sure talking nosense. However I don’t know whether I will ever get the influence or opportunity to carry out that type of experiment out.

The only possible outcomes I can see will be all bad though, 4 possibilities totally ….

a. The identical twin who takes my advice diligently become taller than their twin – their twin starts to resent them for being taller. Animosity builds up between them.

b. The identical twin who takes my advice diligently become shorter then their twin – I get called out for being a fraud and it turns out I have been a horrible consultant. I might even get sued for my nigligence and I get financial ruined, declare bankruptcy, and have to live on the street.

c. The identical twin decides not to take my advice diligently – Any results they get which is good they will take credit for. Any bad results which they see they will put the blame on me.

d. The identical twin who takes my advice diligently is the same height as their twin – Again this will suggest that all of my advice which gave them was useless and did nothing. Not a good thing for me for all the research I have done already. It would seem to suggest that all of my research and work was worthless and totally a waste.

3. You get results and you think it was from my advice – Then all I can say is that “great!” you got some results, you are happy, and maybe you decide to spend 3 minutes of your life to write a simple nice email to thank me for helping you get what you want. From a personal selfish point of view, I don’t really get anything substantial from it except an electronic message of curt thanks which they will forget about 5 minutes after writing it.

Objectively, there is very little that I could probably do that could prove to you that my advice would even work. At this point, I am very hesitant to give advice. I would guess that the people who ask me the question want a sort of “magic bullet” which I have discussed before. The reader of this post who has messaged me, I want to tell you that there is no “best” method or strategy.

When I started this website I sincerely wanted to help people and change people’s lives. I guess a part of me dreamed that I would get multiple page long messages from readers saying how much they liked my websiite and how much it has helpe dthem. Almost all the messages I do get are just the short, almost rude in tone questions from people who ask me what is the “secret technique” to grow taller or the “best routine” to do increase in height. My usual first response is that at least be courteous and polite in your messages. I don’t have a “best routine” or “secret technique”. This thing is hard and like all hard questions, there might never be a definite answer to the question.

It does feel like sometimes that a lot of the time that my work and effort has been for in vain and that I am not appreciated at all.

I have my bad qualities and parts. I know that I am not a saint but can get selfish sometimes. I want at least something of substance back for the work that I do.

That is why I have really been thinking about charging a fee for my services to people who message to the website email and decide to ask for advice on how to increase their height. That doesn’t mean that I will charge a fee, only that I have been contemplating and considering it.

Good intentions can only go so far in this world. Don’t abuse the good will of others and treat them as disposable commodities, especially when you come to them to ask them for something that you want. 

So that is all the issues, problems, and concerns I have been feeling or thinking about as a reaction from the number of messages that have been coming to the website email from people around the world. I don’t get angry at people unless they intentionally try to harm me. I just get annoyed and I noticed that I am getting annoyed. Sorry about that. I’ll try to do what I can to help out whenever I can.


Free Copy Of Grow Taller 4 Idiots E-Product E-Book Available For Download

Me: This is really a small reminder for anyone who has ever had even the slight inclination to want to see what exactly is inside the most heavily internet marketed E-product on the internet today which is the Grow Taller 4 Idiot E-Book. Somehow I remember finding a copy of the entire full E-Book from a torrent I did a few years ago. Apparently the Grow Taller 4 Idiot E-Book has been around for at least 3-4 years, at least as long as I have been on my search. It is really hard not to run into the long sales pages, opt-in email listing popups, and pure internet marketing sleaze associated with this product without getting.

I’ve had the E-Book up in the Downloads section ever since the beginning, from day 1. When the website was first started, that webpage was originally called the “Products” page. After checking my website analysis software, Clicky, I realized that very few people were ever going to the Products page because I assumee that they thought the page was where I was trying to sell them something, which I wasn’t. That’s why I decided to change the title of the webpage form “Products’ to “Downloads” because the word “downloads” sort of implies that the stuff they will find there might be free, which it is.

I just wanted to remind any readers that a lot of the E-Books for height increase being sold online is already for free and very easy download from the “Downloads” section on my website. 

So  if you really, REALLY still want to see what is inside the book, go to the “Downloads” section of the website and just click on the small pic icon that is underneath the big label “Grow Taller 4 Idiots- Main Book”. The downloading of the 80+ page of E-Book should start automatically. It is in PDF format. 

If you don’t understand what I mean by the icon, just hover the cursor over the small rectangular pic icon and you will see that it is a PDF file for download. Again, just click on it. That’s all there is to it. 

Hope that helps guys. I’m always here trying to help you guys out.


Increase Height And Grow Taller Using Hypnosis, Part III, From EasyHeight.Com June 2007 And Sky

Me: This will be my attempt at collecting all of the data from the old height increase websites so that I can make and turn this website into one of the most comprehensive height and height increase database and website on the internet. 

Note: There was a lower section with success stories of people who used either Zixia’s method or the products found from the DeepTrance.Com website. That part I chose not to be included in the post.

This height increase routine using hypnosis was found from using the Wayback Machine and finding the now defunct EasyHeight.Com website. Link source HERE


      IMPORTANT: We are not affiliates of,, or any other hypnotic websites and we do NOT receive any commission or sale for directing you to their website. As stated on our Main webpage, we have NO financial interests in any of the work we do. The following tips & stories are reported by the experimenters themselves and are displayed without alteration of any kind. Since we’re still at the early experimental stage, please do NOT reveal this webpage or any of its contents to anyone. All serious hypnotic experimenters are highly recommended to carefully review this webpage prior to beginning the routine. The advice & suggestions on this webpage may be changed or updated as more solid evidence emerges.

June 27th, 2007:  Height Increase Hypnotic Routine

Written by: Sky
Last updated: June 27th, 2007Note: The following hypnotic routine is based from success stories & tips as reported by Stevey, Zixia, Desmond, Hyp4Height, Johan, and 15 other experimenters including those from Deeptrancenow. To put things in perspective, the following text is outlined in layman’s terms.

Education & Self-exploration: Please spend 1 to 2 weeks to watch the YouTube clips & books as outlined below to prepare for this. Once you’ve done this, visit this webpage often to read the following steps again and again until all the important concepts have registered in your head.

PREPARATION – Child-like Mind:  Before the hypnotic session and throughout its duration, do NOT worry, fear, or doubt anything. If you constantly worry about being short and life itself, then do not attempt this hypnotic routine because it will NOT work for you. Do NOT think too much or abuse your mind. Just go with the flow and the right moment will come. Know that a child-like mind affects creativity and therefore you should be naïve, spontaneous, curious, adaptable, imaginative, open-minded, and playful. The best time to self-hypnotize is when you’re most relaxed and sedated as it is easier to tap into the subconscious mind. Such times include evening, before bedtime, or early in the morning. Now, let’s begin the process!

STEP 1 – Induction Phase:

You may choose to listen to any hypnotic, meditative, or any relaxation CDs to avoid sleepiness, distractions, & impure thoughts. It seems like some people would prefer Deeptrancenow CD. Sitting comfortably or lying down on your bed with eyes closed in a dark room, visualize and feel your ENTIRE body as pure energy or light (NOT as flesh or blood). Be very still and do not move a muscle. No physical effort or movement is needed on your real body. Stay very still or motionless because the deeper you relax the easier it is to tap into the subconscious mind. Your entire body, including head, torso, arms, legs, and everything else is HOLLOW and empty inside out. Your body & legs are so empty and non-existent as if you’re not wearing any clothes or not even lying on a solid surface (bed) but instead suspending or floating as energy. Your body is very light as if it’s made up of thin air. Understand “World View” and believe that the universe and everything around you are made up of energy, and you’re also a part of it. NEVER force yourself or put too much effort into lengthening the legs. Just go with the flow. Once you have this image of light, energy, and emptiness, your next step would be shifting all the energy from all directions of the body towards your lower legs. Remember, do this with ease and relaxation. Do not force anything.

Note: For beginners, the entire Step 1 may take 30 minutes a session to achieve. However, as you advance, it’ll be easier to achieve probably within 15 minutes or so. Remember, you must continue to maintain the feeling of energy and emptiness throughout this hypnotic session (including step 1 and step 2). Now, let’s go to Step 2.

STEP 2 – Go with the Flow:

As you prepare your mind (Step 1), now and for the remaining of the hypnotic session, try your best to again visualize and feel your lower legs lengthening. The light, energy, or electric currents constantly flow from all directions of the body towards your lower legs. Remember, your lower legs are made up of pure energy & light which are hollow and empty. When the right moment is right, you might just feel the sensations of energy currents flowing and tickling. Remember, your body & legs must be motionless or in deep relaxation. “Act as though you are and you will be.” Visualize yourself standing an inch or two taller than your friends & family members or basically come up with any flashbacks that would help you during this process. With 3 or 4 months of daily practice and patience, I have no doubt that you’ll soon become an expert at this! Please note that the entire step 1 & 2 (combined) should be done for 40 to 50 minutes daily (preferably twice).

Step 3 – Realization: 

This is the final step which is known as Realization. Realization is the stage where it’s believed that you’ll achieve permanent height gains and the potential may be unlimited in some cases. For example, Zixia grew an inch every 3-4 months after she achieved Realization. Step 3 may be accomplished by mastering Step 1 & 2. Everyone is so different and therefore it’s difficult to determine when you’ll reach this stage – perhaps within 3 to 10 months. Some lucky individuals may reach this stage and see their 1/2 inch or 1 inch gain within 3-4 months. For others, it may take 6 to 9 months. Other unlucky individuals may never get to this stage at all due to blocked energy currents, impure thoughts, false beliefs, impatience, etc. Nothing works for everyone; thus, if hypnosis isn’t for you, it’s not the end of the world. There are alternatives such as the shinbone/lumbar routine, limb lengthening clinics, etc.

Bonus Tips: According to Stevey (35 y/o who grew 2.5 inches), “[In addition to DeepTranceNow CD], I also made up my own tape which is only 10 mins long which was mostly visualization on my legs growing and stretching etc.. which I played back every day on the train to work.” We believe that this advice may be very significant in terms of improving your success rate. Especially in the first 3 months, listening to any relaxing hypnotic or meditative CDs in your spare time will help to brainwash your mind into thinking that the universe and you are ONE and everything around you are made up of energy. It’ll help you to completely destroy all barriers, impure thoughts, & false beliefs. If you see birds & butterflies flying, ask yourself, are they really flying or is it just surging energy of the universe that help them? You should look at the world and all movable objects or animals in a different way. In summary, whether you’re taking a train to work, sitting on a toilet, or walking your dog, always bring a CD player & headphones with you. Please refrain from driving a car or operating machinery if you’re listening to the CDs. Remember, it is optional to listen to the CDs in your spare time; however, it is REQUIRED to self-hypnotize 30 to 45 minutes daily in your room with eyes closed once or twice daily.

Good luck to all experimenters! Please keep your promise & report back your results by December 30th, 2007 whether you fail or succeed. We need to share your experiences and find out what works and what doesn’t.

Thanks a bunch!
– Sky

PREPARATION: Education & Self-Exploration

       Note:  The main reason why growing taller with self-hypnosis or meditation has such a low success rate because many people skip this introductory step. Before trying to grow taller through self-hypnosis, spend 1 to 2 weeks to watch the following DVD clips & books and to get in the right mindset. You must become a believer or this will NEVER work. Some important concepts that you’ll explore include:  Quantum Physics, World View (everything is made up of energy), Messages from Water, Deep Relaxation, etc. If you don’t educate yourself and believe in your subconscious mind, it will be extremely difficult to achieve REALIZATION (visualizing & feeling the sensations). The following links are pop-ups, therefore please adjust your browser to temporarily allow pop-up windows.What the Bleep trailer:
● Video #1
● Video #2
● Video #3
● Video #4

Criss Angel – world’s #1 mentalist, hypnotist, mystifier, magician:
● Video #1
● Video #2

Messages from Water:
● Video #1
● Explanations & pictures

“The Secret” DVD trailer:
● Video #1


Quantum physics:
● Video #1

Deep Relaxation:
● Mystic Meditations DVD trailer
● Video #2

Light energy:
● Step-by-step to energy
● Chios Energy Healing

** If you aren’t afraid to spend some money, we highly recommend the following DVDs & books:
1) “What the Bleep? – Down the Rabbit Hole” DVD: This dvd is incredible. I bought the extended DVD version and loved it. It’s Amazon’s #1 DVD surprise of the year (2005). It went on to become the fifth highest grossing documentary in theUnited States, with ticket sales of $12 Million.
2) “The Secret” DVD by Rhonda Byrne: highly recommended by Oprah Winfrey. I’ll buy this DVD next month.
3) Mystic Meditations DVD:  Click here to visit its website. I kindda like its video so I bought the DVD on June 13th, 2007.
4) The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy (book): I purchased this book 2 years ago and still read it again whenever I feel down. It helped me to focus on what I desire most.

June 14th, 2007:  Frequently Asked Questions

Responded by: Sky
Why is it much easier to visualize the lower legs lengthening instead of the arms or body?
– We don’t know why but successful experimenters have reported the same phenomenon as follows:

According to Desmond (25 y/o who grew 1 inch), “It’s easier (at least for me) to imagine my legs growing, but that doesn’t mean only my legs will grow as a result of the technique.”

According to Zixia (25 y/o who grew 4 inches), “From my own experience, since just imagine the legs extended actually made the whole body grow, you should believe your body is smart enough to grow proportionally. Soon, you will find your body, especially your legs will respond more actively when you practice at night. You can feel electricity like energy moving inside and your legs extending forward more.”

According to Stevey (35 y/o who grew 2.5 inches), “[In addition to Deeptrancenow CD], I also made up my own tape only 10 mins long which was mostly visualization on my legs growing and stretching.”

I’ve grown only half an inch after 8 months of doing hypnosis.. Guys like Hyp4Height and Desmond seemed to grow much faster than me. What’s wrong with me?
– Consider yourself very lucky to have finally grown taller. Many height seekers only wish just grow “something” after a year of diligent application. By the way, 1/2 inch gain is equivalent to earning to $30,000 US which is the cost of limb lengthening surgery & 2-year post-op physical therapy.

Some of the DVDs or books that you mentioned.. where I can buy them?
– To purchase the above DVDs or books, try or google online.

Should I focus with intensity to lengthen my legs?
– Again, NEVER self-hypnotize with intensity because it will not work. Just completely relax and go with the flow and your subconscious mind will respond to you. It’s difficult to explain this but with patience and persistence, the right moment will come and you will achieve Realization sooner or later.

Should I self-hypnotize once or twice daily? Any proof on this difference?
– Although success is not guaranteed, experimenters who self-hypnotize or meditate at least 2 sessions (30 to 45 min each) daily may achieve better growth results than others. According to Stevey, “listen to it properly at least once a day – preferably twice for better  results… I listen to it once in the evening and last thing at night.” For example, listen for 30 minutes in the evening, and another 30 minutes before bedtime.


Do you have any advice from a professional hypnotherapist?
Our friend Johan Kirsten is a certified and practicing hypnotherapist, psychotherapist, complete-mind therapist and N.L.P Master Practicioner. He’s a 25 y/o Caucasian. His height is 6’2. He’s also interested in height increase through hypnosis but has not tried it yet. His email response is as follows:

From: “Johan Kirsten” <>
Subject: some points that might help
Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2007 11:55:29 +0100

Hi Sky,
I apologise in taking so long to reply, I have been fully booked with clients/patients. Time is really a commodity I wish I had more off, but I will express a few quick opinions for you here.

Very few people really know what hypnosis is. It is basically finding a way to distract the conscious mind and communicate directly to the sub-conscious. This sounds unimpressive, but when you consider that the sub-conscious controls your blood flow, heat, cell repair, stores away every frame/second of everything you see from the time your eyes open until the time you die. It holds your talents. It is a vast source of power. You can say it’s limitless. It is also in your subconscious that we have the blue-print of what we look like and our height. In order to become the height you want you must install this new height and new blueprint into your subconscious.

The thing is the moment you force yourself or put too much effort into it… trying to push things along then your conscious/analytical mind wakes up and he always wants to guard or edit the information the subconscious receives…. Thus in the end the suggestions don’t reach the subconscious or very little do. This editing and guarding from the subconscious mind is the reason why on some websites they talk about your worldview. Now if you already believe for sure that you will grow 100% with hypnoses then your analytical mind won’t edit it, he won’t see the information as suspicious and he will let it pass through. Actually from all the web-sites that I looked at DeepTranceNow is the most comprehensive. I think there is a little too much Isoteric content on Dr Laura’s site and that scares people off… it’s a bit fruity for some. Her knowledge is unquestionable and my advice would be to listen to her tapes because they especially work on belief and expectancy which is CRUCIAL. Those tapes will make you accept and embrace the fact that you will grow.

If you continue diligently you will grow, no question of that. Just don’t be impatient. I know most experimenters come from the McDonalds generation, they want everything NOW and they don’t know anything about patience. Your analytical mind is the carnal mind, it worries, it judges, it fears, it doubts… it is your biggest obstacle! So just enjoy the process…. Don’t force it, don’t push. I think a quote from Bruce lee will sum it up well: “Don’t think… feel, it is not me doing this(conscious mind)-but this is happening through me(subconscious mind) There is no actor but only the action…. The consciousness of self (conscious mind) is the greatest hindrance.”  This is why Olympic athletes and the worlds best sport men and women spend so much time with sport psychologists… they want to still the conscious mind so they can connect with the subconscious where all their talent and potential is…. When you don’t think and just let it happen, when it happens through you and you just let it happen… this is called BEING IN THE ZONE.. any Sports man or woman know this. This also applies to growing with hypnoses.
Thanks Johan for your great suggestions!

I’m too busy with work and can’t listen twice daily.. how about once daily?
– It may work for you as well. We just don’t know. Please report back your results to us anyway.

What about the power of prayers.. what do u think?
Cry out for help to the universe and the universe will help you. Everyday for the next 12 months, pray to God, the Infinite Intelligence, or whoever you believe in (before meals, bedtime, or after waking up). For example, “Thank you Virgin Mary. I’m already taller. Thank you.” Another example is “Thank you, I’m already 1 cm taller. I’ll help the poor. Thank you.”


During self-hypnosis, should I breathe deeply? Should I practice in a dark room with eyes closed or open? How about lying down?
– We usually hear about people who self-hypnotize with their eyes closed. A dark room may be preferable. Taking a deep breath may not be necessary. Again, we’re still at the experimental stage and don’t have all the answers regarding what works best unless you experiment it & report back your experiences. As of right now, you may choose to self-hypnotize in a dark room with eyes closed. Either lying down or sitting upright is okay. Lying down can be problematic for some people because they tend to feel sleepy. If lying down, you may choose to tuck a pillow under your knees for better comfort. Deep breathing is optional.


It seems like many people tried the Deeptrancenow grow taller CD which is created by Dr. Laura.. where can I buy it?
There’s a variety of hypnotic CDs at Deeptrancenow. The CD that most people used is the “Limb-Lengthening Metaphor” CD which is about 47-min in duration. It costs about $24.95. Shipping & handling is another $10 which I think is a rip-off. However, she does give you exclusive access to her email newsletter which has a wealth of information on hypnosis. Visit it here:

Sky’s notes: There’s NO need to buy other hypnotic CDs from Deeptrancenow. I bought them and now regret it because they’re basically the same recordings with minimal variations. If you have money, then go for it. Also, we are not affiliates of or any other hypnotic websites and we do NOT receive any commission or sale for directing you to their website.


Should I buy the Subliminal recordings from Deeptrancenow?
– Not too many people have tried those recordings so we don’t know. You can try and let us know your progress.

What if I try hypnosis for like 6 months straight and end up with absolutely NO growth?
While growing taller through self-hypnosis is not guaranteed, consider it as one of the best investments that you’ll ever make whether you fail or succeed. Any 1-inch gain that you succeed with hypnosis is equivalent to earning $60,000 US which is the cost of limb lengthening surgery and 2-year post-op physical therapy. If you try hypnosis for 6 to 9 months straight with NO growth, then perhaps this method is not for you. There are other options to go from here such as the shinbone routine, etc. The bottom line is, it’s not a big deal!

Do I have to buy’s grow taller hypnosis CD or other website’s CDs? Where can I buy them?
– Most beginners would start off buying hypnotic CDs. You may need the CD in the beginning (maybe a few weeks or months) just to get your head in the right direction. However, when you advance to the stage of visualizing your lower legs lengthening and feeling the sensations of the “lengthening”, then it’s all in your head. The CD recordings have nothing to do with it. Other hypnotic experimenters believe that any relaxation CDs will be equally as effective as long the music tracks are relaxing with sounds of the beach, etc. You may choose NOT to use any hypnotic CDs anymore if they are no longer stimulating. Have a collection of different CDs & music soundtracks and see what gives you better relaxation. For CDs, try (too expensive) or search on,, for keywords such as “grow taller hypnosis”, “meditation CDs”, “meditation/relaxation CDs”.

What’s the advantage of using hypnotic CDs or any relaxation CDs while self-hypnotizing?
– To get you more focused, to avoid sleepiness, to avoid distractions, etc.

Whenever I lie down and listen to hypnotic CD, I tend to fall asleep and it’s definitely not working well for me at all. What must I do?
– Falling asleep is the most common complaint from users. To avoid sleepiness, you may choose to sit up straight (not lying down). However, lying down might be a bit more beneficial because your body muscles tend to relax more easily. To avoid sleepiness, you can turn up the volume on your CD player, not too loud but loud enough to keep you conscious in the next 30 or 40 minutes. You may choose to wear headphones if this keeps you awake or more focused. Again, we don’t know what works best for you and thus you must be patient by trying different techniques.

I’ve been self-hypnotizing for over 5 months haven’t grown anything.. what’s the problem?
– It’s absolutely normal for a naïve person without any experiences in hypnosis or meditation to fail within the first 6 months. We’ve received reports from hypnotic experimenters who claim to finally have grown half an inch in 9 months and they are extremely happy. Half an inch (0.5”) may not be a lot but it is equivalent to $30,000 US which is the cost of limb lengthening surgery. An inch in height gain costs $60,000 US. Consider that price tag and always keep yourself motivated. Nevertheless, if you haven’t grown anything within 5 months of hypnosis,there are certain things that you must improve or you’ll never grow. Your imagination must be productive and you should feel some kind of sensations in the legs during the hypnotic session or while asleep. If you haven’t felt such sensations, then work on them.

Should I follow Zixia’s advice by speaking to myself “I’m taller now. My legs are taller”?
– We don’t know whether speaking to oneself or keeping quiet is the preferable choice. You may choose to follow Zixia’s method and let us know your experiences. Keep in mind that Steve, Hyp4height, Desmond prefer to hypnotize quietly.

Honestly, what’s the success rate concerning height increase through self-hypnosis?
– Similar to all height increase methods, growing taller with self-hypnosis generally has a low success rate if done incorrectly. There are many hypnotic or inspirational books out there, but not too many of them actually show you how to tap into the subconscious world. The thing is, you must prep your mind and get in the right mindset. First, you have to become a believer and have lots of patience. Remind yourself that the process of trying to grow taller is one of the best investments that you’ll ever make whether fail or succeed.

I’ve been doing hypnosis for the past 3 weeks… but it’s hard for me to fall asleep.. attached to this email is my hypnosis routine.. is it okay?
– Growing taller through self-hypnosis is a trial and error. Whatever necessary information that you need to know have already posted here. You must work on them and see what works & what doesn’t. Remember, our easyheight staff are not experts. We’re so-called “journalists” who gather success stories and display them here without alteration of any kind.

Is it okay to hypnotize with eyes open?
– We haven’t heard from someone who has done this. You can try and let us know your progress.


I’ve been doing hypnosis for 2 months now and my mind is all over the places.. is it ok?
– In the first 3 months, it’s absolutely normal to wander all over the places. But gotta step up to the plate & improve!

How is it possible that people like Zixia or Cambodian monks achieve deep relaxation so effortlessly?
– Some people are just lucky because they’re born with skills at relaxing so effortlessly. While others practice for months and years. The only way to tap into the subsconcious mind and grow taller is through deep relaxation.

Zixia recommends to do hypnosis before bedtime as this is best for deep relaxation.. but when I finish the hypnosis session, i have trouble falling asleep. Needless to say, this disrupts my sleeping pattern and I feel horrible the next morning. help?
If you have problems falling asleep, then do NOT self-hypnotize before bedtime. Do it in the evening instead.

What are some favorite quotes that you’ve learned from the movie “What the Bleep Do We Know”?
– “If thoughts can do that to water, imagine what our thoughts can do to us!”
– “Quantum physics is the physics of probabilities. It calculates possibilities.”
– “Quantum mechanics is like an organism.”
– “Through mental rehearsal, certain brain circuit will grow as a result.”
– “Maybe we’re just poor observers. Maybe it’s a skill. Maybe we’re so addicted to the external world that the brain is beginning to work out of response instead out of creation.”

I think anyone out there who claims to have increased their height through hypnosis or meditation is full of baloney. We all know that guys like David Blaine & Criss Angel are illusionists. Am I wrong or ignorant?
– Yes, David Blaine & Criss Angel are magicians and illusionists. But don’t forget, they’re mentalists too! They’ve mastered mental endurance and reached a much higher level of subconscious mind than any average person could dream of. Take magician David Blaine for example, this guy “has been buried alive for seven days, frozen for 61 hours, perched 90 feet up on a pole for 35 hours, and suspended for 44 days.” Just recently, he submerged in a human aquarium and stayed there for about a week. Without daily practice, commitment, and mental endurance, how could he accomplish all that?