A while back I had looked at the types of surgery that are done on the spinal vertebrate which have been shown to lead to some height increase. The three types of surgical procedures I had looked at are…
- Lordoplasty
- Kyphoplasty
- Vertebroplasty
The posts are…
- “Increase Height And Grow Taller Using Vertebroplasty And Percutaneous Vertebroplasty“
- “Increase Height By Using Balloon Kyphoplasty“
From a quick look at the abstract of the articles below I will try to summarize the different surgical processes on their effectiveness in producing some type of heihgt increase.
- Article #1: “Kyphoplasty and Vertebroplasty Produce the Same Degree of Height Restoration“
- Article #2: “Kyphoplasty versus Vertebroplasty to Increase Vertebral Body Height: A Cadaveric Study“
- Article #3: “Kyphosis Correction and Height Restoration Effects of Percutaneous Vertebroplasty“
- Article #4: “Increase in Vertebral Body Height after Vertebroplasty“
- Article #5: “Comparison of Kyphoplasty and Lordoplasty in the Treatment of Osteoporotic Vertebral Compression Fracture“
- Article #6: “Lordoplasty: An Alternative Technique for the Treatment of Osteoporotic Compression Fracture“
- Article #7: “Kyphoplasty increases. Vertebral Body Height more than Vertebroplasty in a Cadaver Study“
- Article #8: “Kyphoplasty Does Not Maintain All Restored Height Postoperatively: A Prospective, Comparative Study“
Summary & Analysis:
Overall there was just more information on vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty than lordoplasty. It seems that lordoplasty is derived from a special type of vertebroplasty known as percutaneous vertebroplasty. Overall it seems that all the 3 different vertebral surgical types are supposed to reduce vertebral and spinal compression which would crush vertebrate and might pinch down on nerves causing acute and chronic pain. The percutaneous vertebroplasty can be simple, relatively inexpensive, safe, and effective. However the vertebroplasty doesn’t seem to resolve the issue of spinal deformity from kyphosis. It seems that PVP can’t solve the height loss and spinal deformity issue. This requires kyphoplasty. Kyphoplasty involves getting a wedge placed into one of the vertebrate to stop vertical height loss and vertebral compression.
From article #5, the researchers conclude that “Lordoplasty is more useful than kyphoplasty in terms of the improved anatomic restoration and postoperative maintenance.” While the wedges would eventually still lead to vertebral compression, the anterior vertebral height of the lordoplasty showed less decreased height/height loss.
While from article #1, it suggest that the kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty results in the same amount of overall height restoration in the vertebrate after surgery but notes that in kyphoplasty, there is less leakage of the cement to other softer tissues than the vertebroplasty. Article #2, we find that the vertebral height restoration is about 5. 1 mm for the kyphoplasty while it is only 2.3 mm for the vertebroplasty. The effectiveness to achieve some height restoration was also higher using kyphoplasty. Article #3 only shows that percutaneous vertebroplasty does add the wedge angle to cause some height restoration. Article #4 states the same thing, that vertebroplasty results in vertebral height increase. The results are ,”The average increase in vertebral body height was 2.5 mm anteriorly, 2.7 mm centrally, and 1.4 mm posteriorly”. article #5 does not do much real comparison on the vertebral height restoration of kyphoplasty and lordoplasty. However we find that article #7 does show that kyphoplasty is slightly better than vertebroplasty. The thing to conclude at this point is that from the few articles I’ve seen so far kyphoplasty may be more effective in restoring height that vertebroplasty. As for lordoplasty, it seems to be also better than lordoplasty. The injection of cement into the vertebrate does lead to a height increase, but that increase will eventually be reduced due to normal compression of the vertebrate over time.