Elisany da Cruz Silva Dating A Much Shorter Guy

While I was going through the new websites today, I found an article which is giving an update on the former tallest teen female in the world Elisany da Cruz Silva. It seems that she is dating a guy who is 16 inches shorter than her. Elisany is 6′ 8″ and he is 5′ 4″.

From the DailyMail.UK, I would guess that when a girl is 6′ 8″, it would be hard for a girl like her to find a guy who is taller than her in general. The fact that she is from Salinopolis in Brazil, and only just 17, means that it probably is even harder to find a teenage guy from a nation which has the average male to be around 5′ 7.5″ means that it would be next to impossible. While most girls would choose and prefer to be with taller men, she might not have any choice in the matter.

The guy she is with is a good guy I would guess. It is clear that he likes her the way she is, while she may not be that comfortable with the entire situation.

As she states…

‘What really attracted me was his personality, the way he acts with people and the way he acts with me. 

‘The only thing that really affects us is when we hang out holding hands – it seems like he is my little brother or son. 

‘But I didn’t choose him, God did.’


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