When Researching How To Grow Taller, Having Common Sense And The Right Perspective Is Important

stupiditySometimes I get messages from people who ask question which I know have not taken any time to ever read the beginning of the website on what they can do. The message is very short and asks me to tell them how to grow taller.

They give outrageous desires on the height gain they want like from 5′ 3″ to 6′ 0″ when they are 23. When this happens I either get annoyed at the fact that they have not been willing to read the directions which I put very clearly in the middle of the main home page or I sympathize with them because I understand the difficult situation they are in.

However, I also would guess that these same people are probably not the people who are aware of the same things I do. I sometimes have to realize that I need to get out of the research and all theory mode of science that is absolutely required for this type of project and get into the point of view of people who have only started to look into ways to increase their height.

Here is what I feel are two critical elements the height increase researcher or seeker should have to help give them a better life and make better choices..

  • Common Sense
  • The Right Perspective

Common Sense

Obviously the thing about common sense is that it is a very vague term to refer to somewhat self evident understandings on how the relativistic world we live in operates and the rules that are expected of us to function, survive, and thrive in them. For some people, what some people think is common sense would not be so self evident for another person.

I define “Common Sense” as understanding, realizing, and acting accordingly to the fact that the existence or reality they live and operate in has certain rules which apply for most of the situations they will find themselves in.

It is absolutely critical that a person does not fall for their own egotistical tendencies which is termed Confidence Tricks, which are cognitive and mental biases and errors in thinking which makes people not be able to model and describe the world correctly, resulting in them making more errors in judgement and choices than other people leading to unnescesary pain and suffering.

What this means for our endeavor of height increase is that one should probably not be emailing me or other height increase researchers asking us how to grow 8-9 inches taller hoping to find some magic pill which would be cheap and relatively easy to obtain and available.

What they think is possible and is reality is much more different than how the world really will work and how the results will most likely come out. If we were to be more accurate, we can say that the term “Stupidity” is actually the lack of common sense. In scientific humor circles, there is a well known called the Darwin Award, which goes to people who lack the common sense from stop doing dangerous acts which will most likely kill them. This means that they are doing the process of Natural Selection a favor and taking themselves out of the evolutionary gene pool.

So, really all a person has to do to avoid being called “stupid” by most other people in life is to develop some common sense.

The Right Perspective

The importance of having the right perspective is that in our pursuit of the goal of height increase, we should not forget that there are far more important things in life to worry about, think on, and consider.

The best example I can think of right now is to propose the scenario that would a person be willing to try out a type of real height increase technique which would possilby work but also has an extremely high chance of it causing the development of Cancer. In a recent previous post I talked about the possibility that the Parathyroid Hormone related peptide, the PThrP, of being the key compound we need to cause regenerated growth plates in people who have completely closed growth plates. However, at the end I showed that the reason it could even work in a injection series along with IHH, an initital chondrocyte pellet, and other growth factors, was because of its shown appearance in cancerous cells and tumors. If a person who is clearly intent on increasing their height is told that the treatment comes with a steep price, they would need to have The Right Perspective. It is not longer just will the method work to increase their height or not, which is very important but also, will the treatment cause them to develop cancer, which can potentially kill them.

In this case, the right perspective will help them realize that in life, there may be more things than just getting taller. Is it really worth it to gain a possible 2 extra inches and height and risk having a 30% chance of the area of injection developing a malignant tumor/ cancer?

Most people would say that it is not a good idea to risk ones life for such an endeavor.

They are using the right perspective.

Some things in life are worth it, from an investment/ cost and gain perspective, and other things are clearly situations where the choice of continuing to go down a certain path will obviously only lead to a loss of some form. Choosing to save 50 cents from clipping coupons for an hour and then deciding to buy a $600 tablet on the same day shows that one is not using the right perspective. Getting 3 big MacDonald’s sandwiches and then ordering a Diet Coke because of one’s diet shows that one is again not using the right perspective.

Focus on the big things in life, and also be able to recognize what are the big things in life that you should be putting most of your energy on so you can avoid wasting effort and precious resources on the small stuff which will get very little rate of return.

Keep things in perspective.



One thought on “When Researching How To Grow Taller, Having Common Sense And The Right Perspective Is Important

  1. josh

    Sometimes i think to my self are we deluding ourselves.. I know we can research but would we still have the resources that we would need if we wanted to put into practice what the research dictates, I feel like only the bio pharmaceutical companies and corporations would have the means to do what we fantasize about or perhaps academic institutions, but is all just for research only not clinical application.

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