Why Do We Wait So Late Or Most Often Too Late To Get Help For Our Growth And Height Problems?

Something quick to think about today. This is a response I have been getting since all the emails to the website email account are all the same. 95% of the time the people who message me are already in their 20s, and often in their late 20s with completely closed growth plates. They usually ask me for help to get them to grow 4-6 inches in height (or 10-15 cms in metric units) and I can’t really tell them anything that would be reasonably helpful.

I suggest to them to go to the supplement section to look at the Hyaluronic Acid, Astragalus, and the Glucosamine Sulfate and I never hear back from these people.

Maybe I am just getting very frustrated at the people who are already past the age which our research right now can help.

I know from the research, as well as people like Hakker and Tyler that the people who are young enough with open growth plates are sooooooo much easier to help in getting extra growth and height. However these people rarely ever message me. They are the ones I can seriously help at this time but the people who want to talk to me are late or too late for really good help.

So “Why do we wait so late or most often too late to get help for our growth and height problems?” When we were in our teens, around 15-17 and noticed that we were starting to become shorter than our peers and classmates in school, weren’t we concerned about how we would look and possibly end up. Why weren’t people actively trying to do something back then in their younger years, when they had a far, FAR better chance of getting help and really functional methods for height increase and to grow taller but chose to wait a little to long until it was too late?

Maybe it is just the way humans behave. We often don’t take the initiative to take action to make an improvement on ourselves or our lives until life forces us to, or our suffering and pain becomes too unbearable. People don’t seem to be very proactive when it comes to the stature growth endeavor. Why does every single pubescent girl or boy not worry about their height and growth thinking that they would be the one of the special ones or unique cases, like Dennis Rodman or Anthony Davis, and will magically go through the growth spurt that they were sure and completely expect for themselves later in their puberty years. Why don’t they take some action earlier and fix the problem since it is very well known that a person can eliminate a problem when the problem is at its infancy.

Just like the medical condition of cancer, it is easiest to treat when it is small which might involve some simple, easy, painless procedure. When it starts to grow and spread, the problem gets exponentially worse and worse until it reaches a critical point where no modern medical technology can help them.

When I put up the two posts that signal that I am about to write two possible books sometime in the future about how to assist people to grow taller, only 1 person signed up to buy the book for open plates, while many signed up to buy the book for closed plates. The truth is that I might never even get a chance to finish the book for closed plates. It is really that hard. There is nothing completely viable or truly functional at this point.

Maybe this post was sort of way to get a frustration off of my chest in the form of a rant but I just have to say it. I really wish that people would come to me earlier or sooner with their problems instead of later. The older a person gets, the harder it will be for them to change, but especially in the endeavor of height increase.

18 thoughts on “Why Do We Wait So Late Or Most Often Too Late To Get Help For Our Growth And Height Problems?

  1. Nidzo

    Luckily i found this site,and im only 16
    I went to herb shop in my town,i asked for astragalus and they told me ,that astragalus will arive in may(i will be 17 then,so my time is going),so i bought allantion(http://www.heightquest.com/2010/11/add-inches-to-your-height-with.html) extract , i will also buy Hyaluronic Acid and Glucosamine Sulphate,but it depends on how much money i have.
    So my question is about allantion,how much can help me?

    1. Adam

      Glucosamine Sulfate will probably be the cheapest. I bought a 360 tablet supply for Twenty Dollars (Us).
      You have a very good stack (from my experience). I am basically using the same stack as you are, however I am yet to purchase hyaluronic acid and I take some Folic Acid (Basically does the same thing as SAM-e, for DNA methylation). I haven’t heard much about Allantion but Glucosamine Sulftate Hyaluronic Acid and Astragalus Membranaceus seem to be the supplements to take right now.

      1. Adam

        It seems to be working quite well for me, and I too am quite young. I’m currently 15. I’ve been using my stack for the last two months? It’s been going quite well. Every evening I get a very strong snesation in my legs (especially in the back and around my knees), like an increase in blood pressure which I believe are “Growing Pains”. For what it’s worth I hope this gives you some confidence with your Height Increase.

        1. Diana

          Can you tell me exactly what you’re doing and how much height you’ve gained since starting this? I’m 15 years old, 5’1, and I want to get to at least 5’4. Is that too much to ask for? My mom is 5’0, dad is 5’9, and my sister is 5’3.5. They all stopped growing around 16. I want to try the M.E.N.S routine, which I’m sure is pretty safe, since I’m leaving out the melatonin (used it before, it does nothing for me.) And I’m doing some yoga stretches. I also want to try ankle weights, but I don’t know if it’s safe. There are some supplements that are supposed to increase the production of HGH like niacin, l-glutamine, and l-arginine and magnesium is necessary for bone strength, or whatever. What do you make of all this?

          1. Adam

            Unfortunately, just like everyone here, I cannot guarantee anything. I have grown about an inch and a half–close to two inches using this for the first two months, but I haven’t grown since (the last three months). I guess my sensitivity to the supplements plummeted. You should probably do the same thing that I recommeded to the other fellows: Astragalus Membranaceus, Hyaluronic Acid and Glucosamine Suflate. HGH supplements may help, though they are much less likely to do anything in comparison to the ones that I reccomended to you (If they do actually have an effect). Unless you take HGH injections, you will not see an apparent rate in growth due to HGH, even if you do take high doses of those Amino Acids ( If they would really significantly raise your HGH, bodybuilders wouldn’t spend soo much on HGH injections). As for the sensitivity issues witht he supplements, I got some advice from a member from HeightCatalyst (It’s too bad the website recently closed down, again), you should try Forksolin ( http://www.heightquest.com/2011/10/can-forskolin-help-with-increasing.html). You should probably take the forksolin with the other supplements. That is all I can help with, I hope it helped. Just remember, there’s always hope. Oh and if you can try and email the admin about this, he might have some input.

  2. Nick

    I’m 18, what would you suggest I do to gain permanent height? Helpful links or anything would be much appreciated!

    1. Adam

      Give more information about yourself(Especially if you ask more questions on the other sites I’m about to give you). If you are dedicated enough look through the posts and find some supplements/techniques. Your Growth plates may be Open, but are MOST LIKELY closed. There isn’t exactly a method that anyone (including the admin) has discovered to really increase height after your growth plates have closed, however if your willing try LSJL it might work and if you wait long enough one of these websites might find the asnwer: This Site, HeightQuest(http://www.heightquest.com/) and HeightCatalyst (http://heightcatalyst.com/). Make sure to browse the forums on HeightCatalyst, that’s where the information is right now and it’s a good place to talk to other people doing height increase. Head over towards the Supplement Guide (http://www.naturalheightgrowth.com/?p=4918). Try Astragalus Membranaceus, Hyaluronic Acid and Glucosamine Suflate, like the guy above is doing. Hope this answers your questions.

  3. Adam

    Nidzo, I think I’ll buy some Icariin (http://www.amazon.com/Horny-Icariin-550mg-capsules-BioPower/dp/B008DKM9JO). Oh and about alkoclar, do you know of any site where I can get som information in him. You were on HeightCatalyst, right? I was “TheOtherAdam” It’s really a shame the site was shut down, especially before the Admin could post anything. Added, I miss having an HI forum, it just seems alot more productive than a reading website (NaturalHeightGrowthAdmin, you should make a forum). Pewewe gave me some really good advice, and no I have no means to contact him. One last question, what are you taking?

    1. Nidzo

      About alkoclar you can get the most informations from heightquest
      http://tinyurl.com/cvz29xf(i had to shorten url cause was too long) also you can go trough growtallforum.com via web archive(http://web-beta.archive.org/web/20120407194843/http://www.growtallforum.com/),go in the section general chat.
      So Alkoclar said that methylprotodioscin and methylicariin works via cnp upregulation and will result in growth.But the methyl versions are daaamn too expensive(altough they are more effective)but you can try regular protodioscin and icariin.If youre plates are open this will definetly work,but im dont sure about closed plates.Can you please tell me more about the information Pwewe gave it to you?

  4. Adam

    So, I should take Icarriin and protodoscin supplements (HornyGoatWeed and Tribulus). I’ll look for them in my bodybuilding shop before I find anything online. If you’ve ordered some can you send me the links, thanks. I’m currently taking astragalus, glucosamine and folic acid. I informed pewewew about my stack and the possibility of me taking Ghenerate; this was his response.
    ” About your stack: You are correct, these supplements might make you grow faster but you are lacking in two areas. First and foremost your sensitivity to these growth factors will diminish over time and after a while it’s likely you will stop seeing any increases in stature. And you lack some critical components that would allow for genetic limit bypass, some of them i know (curcumin, forskolin), but the others are pieces of the puzzle I don’t have access to, just fusion. It might add a couple of extra inches, but not much.”
    I have also bought some CLA, in response to Heightquest’s new post (http://www.heightquest.com/2013/04/ctgfccn2-height-increase-target-gene.html).

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