Review On The RGX Grow Taller System, Grow Bone System

As I was going through the usual Grow Taller Forums, someone linked to this website which is selling another grow taller system, this one named the RGX Grow Taller System which is also called Grow Bone System.

This website seems to be new and the domain name is something i have not seen before. The is for some small island nation in the pacific ocean, Nauru, which I didn’t even know existed until now.

So the big question is obviously, is this just the next grow taller supplement scam to come up on the internet, another peddler of fake pills that can never work?

Grow Taller System


There seems to be two products that make up the Grow Bone System, the RGX Grow Bone System with RAW Calcium and Growth Factor S.

You are supposed to grow 4-6 inches for every 3 months you take the pills.

If you click on the PayPal button for the 30 day supply of RGX Grow Bone Systen, it will charge your paypal account $100. I obviously didn’t buy it but I am suspicious of the fact of whether they would even send anything in the mail.

The website has almost no information except one page of information on the ingredients of the pills. For the ingredients I see nothing that would be considered remotely special. Like it says, there are 2 pill types being sold, one called RAW Calcium, and there is something called RGX Growth Factor S.

RAW Calcium is supposed to have the element of Calcium in powder form, which should be relatively harmless. There is Vitamin D3 which will help with Calcium absorption by the bones. Vitamin K2 has been shown to be helpful in possibly reversing cavities which are minor so it might have some osteogenic potential. The magnesium will just give the bones that takes them some extra strength.

RGX Growth Factor S is supposed to have strongtium, which is something that is found in trace amounts in bones. I don’t know anything about strontium and whether it can really help in the health of bones since I have never done any research on strontium.

These two compounds have elements which will makes bones stronger in terms of making bone mineral density increase, and make bones stronger. However, there is nothing in these pills that will make the bones grow longer. 

There is a picture of a guy who is standing up having his picture measured however I recognize that picture as Apotheosis of the Make Me Taller Forum who was featured on national television for ABC NEWs and showed how limb lengthening surgery increased his height first from 5′ 6 to 5′ 9″ and then a second surgery made him go from 5′ 9″ to 6′ 2″


The fact is that there is a picture of a guy who used limb lengthening surgery to grow taller on this website (Apotheosis of MMT) who is also promoting height increase but trying to sell their program which is only pill and supplement based. This shows that they are lying about the effectiveness of their program and system.

Why would these people selling this thing and use a picture of someone else using a different system or path towards height increase? Why don’t they use pictures of new people that tried their marketed program and grew taller? I suspect the reason is because they have not found anyone who has grown from taking the supplements they sell.

So is this website and the product they are selling just another internet grow taller scam? Yes.

3 thoughts on “Review On The RGX Grow Taller System, Grow Bone System

  1. Rafael A. Gonzalez

    Very good review.
    In my opinion, it’s better to try the currently available natural methods to grow taller rather than resort to limb lengthening surgery. Michael, I’m proud of your height-increase research thus far! I want to take the time to read some of the longer articles in more detail, though. Plentiful extra time doesn’t seem to be available for me sometimes.
    The procedure just looks too painful for someone like my person to undertake and it’s not exactly guaranteed to work. I watched the video on ABC News, by the way. I wish Apotheosis lots of luck with his post-surgery results, but one thing is for sure: I will NEVER count myself in for that kind of invasive measure.

    1. admin

      The thing is that limb lengthening surgery is the only method currently that will guarantee to 99% of the people who do it that their overall height will increase, and the increase is permanent.

      If you wanted something in this world badly enough, you would go through with it, no matter what the pain is. A person however must decide at some point that the surgery is worth it.

      I have met enough people who already went through with it. They accepted that it was the only way with such a guarantee.

  2. Matheus


    please i want you to search for traction force and osseous growth.

    the giraffe women (some human women of a tribe who wear rings on the neck to make him stay equal to the giraffes). of africa, wear neck rings since childhood (open growth plates) and traction force caused by the rings increases growth in those bones.

    will be having the same effect on the femur, tibia and fibula?

    if we consider the giraffe (animals) it takes the same amount of bone in the human neck, but growth is more intense in those bones, perhaps by increased expression of genes and hormones that location.

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