Monthly Archives: August 2013

Our Personal Stories Over The Regret On How Our Growth Was Stunted And We Never Reached Our True Maximum Potential Height

I was talking with my GF that other day and she again express how she wished that she could be at least 4 inches taller since that would make it easier for her to kiss me. At 1.61 meters tall, she is a little less than 5′ 3 1/2″ tall, which I think is actually supposed to be quite average for a young Korean woman these days. The Wikipedia article on average human height by country states that for measured females at the age of 17-18 based on the 2011 Census the value for average height of Korean females is 1.6111 m (5 ft 3 12 in). So it seems her desires to be taller may not be due to aesthetic reasons, but very much utilitarian. The whole process is sort of putting a strain on her neck, and she finds it most comfortable that we almost see eye to eye when we both step on an escalator and she gets on the higher step.

I still have not shown her this website but I do think about these things. I am left to wonder just how her adult height was the result of the type of lifestyle choices she made in earlier life. After knowing her for almost a year now, I am aware that she has some habits which would have stunted her growth.

  1. She eats very little.
  2. She prefers to not enough meat
  3. She can go days, even weeks with eating only rice and vegetables, which would not have any protein value.
  4. She seems to hate drinking milk, although she seems to enjoy cheese

The energy from carbohydrates converts into glucose when broken down. It also gets converted into glycogen when you have too much glucose which gets stored in the liver and fat. When you need a extra energy to perform a strenuous task, a 3rd compound called glucagon gets activated which converts the glycogen back into glucose. In part of this process where the simple carbohydrates is involved does the stimulation of anabolic, growth promotion process get stimulated. This suggests to me that a diet that is full of high protein should be good for better growth rates when a person is in their younger days. These sugars are short term energy boost, and the human body needs proteins to build tissues. With only sugars, it becomes rather easy to use up all of the energy provided by both the glucose and glycogen. Runners have this happen to them during long runs in a phenomena known as “Hitting the Wall

So from the perspective on her dietary choices, she was probably going to end up shorter than average, since she is just not consuming enough of the right types of foods to allow for anabolic process to occur.

  1. She also suffered from some severe psychological issue when she was younger, going through a few bouts of depression. (nothing too serious)
  2. Being raise in a difficult environment which was definitely not healthy mentally or emotionally for a child.

So it could be that her below average in stature is from multiple situations in her early life like the choosing to not go for the foods that promote growth, the occurrence of high stress level situations, bouts of depression might have all contributed to her ultimate adult height.

However, it is also important to consider the issue of genetics. Her father is very small, and that might mean that her current height was always the intended height from birth. I have never met her mother but I would assume she can’t be very big either. From just looking at the two parents, I have a guess at where she should be, but I did state in a recent article that the average human can probably change/increase their final height by as much as 3-4 inches from extremely good eating habits when they are young, as evidenced by the physical body types of professional football players. So is the height one obtains really just genetics, or can things happen to us after we are born to increase or stunt our growth?

I have studied the link between human height growth and mental pathologies in children and there is some clear evidence that having a difficult childhood with dysfunctional families or surroundings can cause stunted growth, although there is a unique situation of catch up growth that happens if the child gets moved to a much more healthier family who can raise them. It seems that the body might try to compensate for the stunted growth by going into overdrive on the bone longitudinal growth.

As for myself, I have had my own stories on why my own adult height is not optimized to be the maximum height possible.

  1. I went through a traumatic situation during the last year of my middle school years.
  2. I went on diets of only juice in my middle school days. I would not eat real food
  3. I went on diets of only soup during my middle school years since I was in sports.
  4. I choose to not eat multiple times in high schools in need to save money
  5. I also suffered a few mental pathologies, which lead to me to choose lifestyles that were not healthy for a kid who was stilling growing.
  6. My earliest years involved eating very little meat or protein but only low in nutrition soups.
  7. I was born and raise in a rather unsanitary conditions compared to the babies born today.
  8. Going through multiple bouts of sever lack of sleep in my high school years.

Now, like I will always say. This is my personal story. This is my own way of trying to rationalize the idea that I never reached the real height I was supposed to be intended for, which is to be at least 3 inches taller because the conditions of my life were not perfect, but quite dysfunctional during the years of my life when I was still in the growing mode. Do I regret my un-optimized growth because of many stupid choices I made as a teenager? Most definitely, if I was to be completely honest with myself.

(Note: Most people when questioned about past decisions leading to negative outcomes and the regret behind them, might try to say that they have never regretted any decision of their life, and say that everything bad that happened was for a reason. They bring up the existence of god to justify why bad luck happened. I for one don’t believe that and think that they are just trying to lie to themselves to protect their own egos to not feel the dreaded emotion of self-doubt when they have to confront their own flaws as a human, since I don’t believe in god. I understand that I am flawed, a human, make big mistakes, and allow myself to feel regret sometimes. There are many things I wish I could change from the past, but I can’t so I live with it, bury painful past memories in the recess of the back of my mind, and hope that one day things get better.)

So I would say that in terms of what my height could be, it has been stunted as well, probably by as much as 3 inches. 

However, I also have to ask whether this idea that some of the lifestyle choices we did have as children really did lead to stunted growth or not. I mean, we all have our own stories on how we did not end up being as tall as we ‘should be’ because we were raised in a bad environment and had to go through so much suffering, trials, and tribulations.

From a purely medical point of view, maybe we are supposed to be as tall as we are now, and the low amount of nutritious foods we ate as children and the amount of psychological damaging experiences we had as children has no determinant in terms of stunting our growth. Could it be that all that matters is our genes?

From an article written by a Harvard Medical School Professor entitled “Can We Predict Height?”

The observation that family members tend to be of similar stature is born out by formulas designed to predict height. One commonly quoted formula uses parental height and gender to predict adult height (in inches) as follows:

   For men: (height of mother + height of father + 5)/2
   For women: (height of mother + height of father – 5)/2

If you know your parents’ heights, see if this formula predicts yours well; for most people, this will accurately predict your height within 2 or 3 inches.

All of these methods can only approximate ultimate height; they cannot predict with precision. In addition, formulas and growth charts to predict height are based on large numbers of normal children and do not perform well in predicting the ultimate height of an individual child who is unusually short or tall, has been ill, or has a genetic disorder.

The doctor who teaches at HMS is sort of stating that our height doesn’t really change much, and is mostly determined by our height, by as much as 60-80% in some studies. I can agree with that, but I am sure that stunted growth happens a lot, and people are not given the best environment to grow up in, and end up smaller.

All I really wanted to write is this….

“Do you have a story from your own life to explain why you feel that you ended up much smaller than where you ‘should’ be, in terms of bad choices or environments leading to stunted growth?”

I would like to here your stories, you reasons.

Total Knee Replacement Surgery and Articular Cartilage Between The Femur And Tibia

MSNBC did a full report the other day on how so many mid-age Americans, the Baby Boomers have started to reach the age where they need to get what are know as “Total Knee Replacement Surgery“. The two stories were…

This type of surgery is required when the person is going through an extremely high level of pain due to the fact that the articular cartilage that is on the distal end of the femur and the proximal end of the tibia are both rubbed away from years of loading and compressing.

In terms of the numbers, from the 2nd article it states, “Over the past decade the rate of knee surgeries has risen dramatically from 378,000 in 2003 to an estimated 704,000 in 2012, according to a government report released in 2012.” It seems that the two main determinants on whether a person will develop bad knees is from genetics and whether old injuries really did heal properly. The increase in the decision to go through with knee replacement surgery seems to be from both an increase in the rate of obsity putting more weight on the body and the increased effectiveness o fthe surgery. The knee replacements are better and can replicate almost exactly the movements of what a natural knee is supposed to be like. The surgeries are also getting less invasive through.

As for the patients, they often wait a little too long to go through with the surgery to remove the pain. It often has to reach the point where the pain becomes unbearable before someone decides to go through with the surgery. What is really interesting was a passage from the article that reminds me of how people feel about going through with surgery to become taller, using the limb lengthening surgery.

 ‘Look, my knee hurts and it’s interfering with my activities. I’d like you to do what you can: pills, shots, therapy, whatever, so long as it’s not surgery.’

Again, the idea of surgery is something that almost everyone has wanted to put as the last resort. Why are everyone so hesitant and afraid of surgery if it can relieve what could be years of pain? I can state for a fact that often the surgery option is the only option that works, and it is definitely true towards adult height increase and knee pain relief.

Again, the desire to postpone surgery is stated again…

“… She did everything she could to postpone surgery even though her doctors said she needed it to quiet the excruciating pain in her joints.”

The Science Behind Total Knee Replacement Surgery

The thing to realize is that the knee is not actually replaced. It is the cartilage in the synovial cavity that is replaced. It is replaced with metal and plastic. The key idea is to replace the layer of the cartilage to something else so that the bones are not grinding against each other. From Wikipedia…

“…the surgery consists of replacing the diseased or damaged joint surfaces of the knee with metal and plastic components shaped to allow continued motion of the knee”

Common causes of knee pain

  • meniscus tears
  • cartilage defects
  • ligament tears
  • osteoarthritis

It states that when people start out in adulthood, there is a total of 3/8 th of an inch of layering of hyaline articular cartilage. This is a combined total of both sides. There is actually 3/16th of an inch of cartilage on the ends of each long bone in the legs. The pain seems to start when there is usually less than 1 millimeter of cartilage left.

The most likely times when pain is noticed is when the knees are put in a situation where they have to be more extensive in the motion.

The replacements are actually very durable, lasting up to 20 years. It is advised by the surgeons to not to do any type of intensive running with the new knees where the replacements can be ruined.

Knee_diagram.svgThe Actual Steps Of The Surgery (General Outline)

  1. The skin over the knee is cut to reveal the tissue underneath
  2. The vastus medialis which is the muscle of the quads are cut/ detached from the patella bone
  3. The patella is then pushed to the side
  4. The distal end of the femur and the proximal end of the tibia are then cut in a very specific way to shape the ends of the long bone.
  5. The articular cartilage (what is left on the ends of the femur and tibia) on both bones are removed, along with the anterior cruciate ligament. (Sometimes the posterior cruciate ligament is also removed)
  6. You want to NOT remove the lateral collateral ligaments which connect the tibia to the femur
  7. You have prefabricated metal parts that are very specific in dimensions and length. That is why you cut the bone ends to very specific guideline numbers.
  8. You pop on the metal parts on the ends of the precisely cut bone epiphysis.
  9. Glue the metal parts in place using polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) cement.
  10. Some alternative ways of gluing the metal pieces involves making the metal prosthetic porous, allowing for the bone tissue to naturally bind with the metal as the bone grows through the metal piece filling out the holes.

After reading over the articles about it on NBC NEWS, it is interesting to note that many people wrote comments in response to this story to give their own story of how knee pain and cartilage loss has affected their own lives. Many tell their surgery stories.

JointFrom personal experience I am aware that my grandmother herself had to get total knee replacement surgery, and that it has reached the point where she has no cartilage left in the synovial cavity. I was told this to me by my mother who told me that in her knees, it has reached the point where bone is grinding against bone when she moved her legs around.

Future Treatment Types That Are In Development

Something that is going to become very attractive is the new biomedical field of electro-spinning aka bioprinting. Bioprinting is using a 3-D Printer to print organic tissue that can be insert into the human body. I wrote about this radical new idea in the post Increase Height And Grow Taller Through Bioprinting And Electrospinning. This idea is a technique that many orthopaedic surgeons have considered and is waiting for over the next 2 decades to see whether the fabricated cartilage from the bioprinters will pan out and is strong enough to take the loading of humans.

Ultimately, humans probably don’t like the idea of putting metal parts into their body which will stay in there for the rest of their lives. Imagine the metal detector at all airports going off each time we walk past it.

The study that was published in PubMed entitledDirect human cartilage repair using three-dimensional bioprinting technology.shows that the 3D Bioprinting Technology is being developed. Will it arrive in time before we also start to develop pains in our knees? Let’s hope.

Bioprinting Cartilage

The fact is that bioprinted ears already exist, done at Wake Forest University. Since ears are just cartilage themselves, although not as fibrously arranged as say the menisus or hyaline cartilage that are in the knees, it does show that we can already grow cartilage into human parts that will be implanted back into humans.


The main point of this post is to show that even though our research has always been primarily about trying to figure out how to turn bone tissue into cartilage tissue to restart the longitudinal growth of our bones, our research is very applicable for other causes. Not only does our research help people figure out ways to grow taller, this website has also led to insights on how we can….

  • Reverse Cavities – there are ways to heal the fractures that are in the dentin
  • Completely regrow teeth to be implanted back into the jaw
  • Prevent Periodontal Disease
  • Treat osteoporosis
  • Treat Osteoarthritis, and Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Treat flat foot
  • Treat rickets
  • Treat bow legs

Almost all research that has ever been done in terms of cartilage regeneration was to help people who suffer from cartilage degeneration from osteoporosis, arthritis, old age, disk compression. In terms of mechanical engineering principles, we can say that the weakest area in the human body in terms of structural integrity would be at the knees.

The knees are so often one of the main causes for pain in older individuals.

The 2nd area of the body that suffers the most injuries would be the lower back, since the tissue that forms the intervertebral discs are just not as strong and durable as human bone tissue. After the lower back, comes the hips and ankles. Note how all of the areas that cause the problems most frequently is not actually bone, but areas between bones.

This website will not just be a place where people will learn about the latest research on what we have done to figure out how to increase height, but also a place where new idea on how to treat multiple orthopedic disorders.