LSJL knee method + Progress update Part II

In the previous post I offered proof that my current LSJL was working for my fingers(and reported anecdotal evidence of increasing my wingspan by a couple of inches without photographic evidence) but that the LSJL method for the legs was lacking.  So I’m revising the LSJL method to be more like what I’m doing for the fingers which I’ve gotten gotten results from.  With an emphasis on intensity rather than duration.  If anyone has any ideas on how to get a more intense clamp please suggest them.  This is only for people with closed growth plates, people with open growth plates should clamp similarly but much lighter as there is no need to try to use clamping to create a more favorable microenvironment for cartilage growth.

knee joint anatomy

You want to clamp on the synovial joint between the tibia and femur.    Michael has suggested that you should load lower on the epiphysis rather than above.  However, I think loading the synovial joint is important.  The bone there is weaker and it’s easier to cause deformation of the synovial joint then it is the bone itself.  There might be stimulus from the synovial joint that stimulates neo-growth plate formation.  The synovial joint is connected to the growth plate area after all.  You want to clamp more on the femur than the tibia as the clamp will eventually slip to be closer to the middle.  You always want to start clamping more on the bigger bone so it slips to the middle.  If it slips to be clamping on one bone then restart.  Essentially:  Make sure you are clamping the synovial joint.

20140715_143030Now you want to use the Irwin Quick Grip(Irwin Industrial Tools 512QCN Next Generation 12-Inch Clamp and Spreader).  But any clamp that can generate enough pressure is sufficient as long as it avoids slipping.  Try to clamp as hard as possible.  Use both hands to get harder clamps.  Take breaks with the clamp still on and the pressure still applied and try to clamp harder.  This method is untested so I can not make any guarantees on the optimal pressure nor can I guarantee that you won’t suffer an injury.  Right now my goal is to generate enough pressure such that there’s a visual or feeling of increased blood flow.  The goal is to generate hydrostatic pressure to create a pro-chondrogenic microenvironment to encourage new growth plate formation.  With my fingers I could see visually increased blood flow and I could feel it.  The goal is to generate enough pressure in the synovial joint to encourage a pro-chondrogenic microenvironment.  Any clamping method that does that is sufficient.


Here’s another angle:

Me clamping between the tibia and talus:




Me clamping between the talus and calcaneus:



Please let me know if you have any questions.  I know people will want a video so I’ll work on that for Part III.

Michael: Here is what I would suggest. Get a 2nd clamp to clamp simultaneously for the knee area. We do have two hands, and the clamping area is on the legs. A easy position to get into. To get the frequency correct, squeeze both hands at the same time.

Fit the two clamps along side of each other, one on the angular part while the other is on the sides, which you suggest. Since load is just pressure (Force/area) to increase the load, we just get a 2nd clamp to double the amount. At this point, I would not suggest increasing the amount of force from one clamp, but put the clamps into series on the sides of the tibia.

23 thoughts on “LSJL knee method + Progress update Part II

    1. Tyler Post author

      Absolutely. You don’t have to worry about applying as much force as well since you’re just trying to stimulate the growth plate rather than create a new one.

  1. Mel Frank

    I think it is now undeniable that the fingers you used lsjl on look longer. I was never convinced by any of the foreshortened photos of your legs in so much as the before/after photos weren’t very obvious.

    On to the legs. Is there any way to soften the part of the clamp that makes contact with the bone? It always looks like most of the pain would be from the hard surface coming in contact with the skin and bone instead of the actual pressure being applied to the bone. For example, when you do seated calf raises you have a foam pad over the metal above your knee. You wouldn’t be able to withstand the pain and built your calf muscles if you didn’t use the pad.

    Why is there no pad at the end of the clamp where it contacts your skin(and bone)? Would that lessen the pressure applied? Disperse the tension applied to the bone in some way?

  2. Jimmy

    Tyler I think you actually have it backwards. I think that the reason why you haven’t been growing lately is that you haven’t been loading one joint at a time like you did before. I don’t think loading in the space between the bone joints is going to have any effect at all. Please consider going back to your old method where you were actually making gains.

  3. Jesse Parker

    Hey Tyler,
    For how long are you holding the clamp on the joint now?
    I noticed that you switched from the old C clamp you were using in the past. Do you think there’s some benefit to using a quick grip clamp instead.

    BTW, you should really get a decent camera man ’cause the shots are very blurry.

    1. Tyler Post author

      The benefit to the quick grip clamp is that there’s less slippage. The C-class clamp has the advantage of not being dependent on your own strength. Sometimes I could hold it into place and get a good clamp but other times I wouldn’t be able to and it would slip. With Irwin Quick Grip I’m having no slip issues just strength issues and determining how much pressure is needed. I’m holding the clamp to about a count of 100 but I’m trying to work my way up to higher intensity.

      I used to do 4 days a week leg clamps and 3 days a week arm and finger clamp but I think I’ll do seven days a week because with the focus on intensity rather than duration I have time to do it.

  4. WannGetHigh

    How many inches or cm can you get out of this methd and over what period of time?

  5. Brandon

    Hi Tyler,
    In previous post you mentioned you increased your height to 5’10”. Are you saying you have hit a plateau using the LSJL method on the knees and your not adding additional height, or you haven’t gotten any results yet from loading the knees?

  6. Lisa Müller

    Hey Tyler! 🙂
    I am a 15 year old girl, my doctor told me from my x-rays that my growth plates are nearly closed, so I have the chance to just grow 1 more inch.
    But is lsjl anyway More effektive than with fully closed growth plates?
    Or should I do the routine like adults with closed growthplates?

  7. Heighterest

    Could it be possible to gain 3-4 inches from lsjl?
    (Lets say after a long period of time)

    1. Tyler Post author

      LSJL is untested but my finger is 3.5″ and grew 1/4″. About a 7% gain. If the gain is proportional in the legs and assuming that starting legs are 36″ leg(rough generalization) that would be about a 2.5″ gain. I also gained 2 inches in wingspan from LSJL.

      But LSJL is untested and this point and since I’m recommending hard clamping now I can’t guarantee it’s safety.

        1. Tyler Post author

          Yes. I’m working with someone who’s using an LSJL device that can apply much more pressure on the knee.

  8. Julius

    Would you say you feel confident that lsjl will prove effective?
    Also I know it may be too early to say but when you estimate around 2 inches of gain would that be achieved in a matter of months or rather years?

    1. Tyler Post author

      Yes I am confident that LSJL will prove effective. I’ve proven it on the finger but I can’t get anyone to take it seriously despite their being definitive growth there. Based on my finger experience, I think noticeable growth will be evident after about a month.

      1. Julius

        I’m sorry to bother you so but why then do you think there has been so few success stories yet?

  9. Pingback: LSJL Progress Update 8-5-14: More finger growth and update on new method | Natural Height Growth

  10. Pingback: LSJL Update 8-7-14-How to Obtain a Hand X-ray? | Natural Height Growth

  11. Dan

    Tyler, it’s 2016 now. Is there a part III?
    Did this work and should I try this out too? I’m a Dutch guy 5’8 living in a land of giants..

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