I happened to get x-rays a year ago. I was performing bone tapping at the time and was unable to get a copy of them because I couldn’t find any computer that would play a CD. I found something that maybe an abnormality and evidence that bone tapping can induce changes in bone morphology but since I don’t have before and after I can’t be sure. Like I said I just happened to have had xrays ordered.
Here’s the image of what may be an abnormality(if requested I can post full versions of all three xrays I have):
Here’s another tibia x-ray:
Above is a normal tibial x-ray. Also here the x-rays of someone who performed LSJL. Essentially the area circled in red looks clearer(less dense) than normal. Is that indicative of neo-bone formation? I can’t be sure. So if someone could find an expert that would be helpful. I can also provide copies of all the x-rays. Please comment or email if you can help.