Video Of Alexander Teplyashin’s Laboratory Lengthening Legs Of Sheep Using Stem Cell Implants

This is the 2nd video

There is some medical terms that can’t be translated like “stem cells” and “implant” so the video is quite accurate. Dr. Teplyashin is actually sort of a celebrity surgeon in the Moscow area. The rams/sheeps in the video are adult, so they are not going to get any taller. The implant goes into the bone after a small resection.

If you guys are interested in watching more videos about Teplyashin’s many video appearances on Russian Media TV , click here for the Youtube username Alexander Gaponov –

If any of you actually understands Russian, can you translate what they say in the short video?

Notice also in the video below how his lab follows general GLP (Good Laboratory Practices). This is not like what Gavrill Ilizarov did back in the 60s-80s with his version of leg lengthening.

I haven’t updated this website in a long time because I have recently started a new business venture. However, I promise that I will come back to this venture. There are other medical entrepreneurial ideas that I would like to pursue as well.

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