The Project Proposal BY Zhang FOr IGF-2 Injections And Load Driven Bone Lengthening, What Happened With The Results?

Me: From a reader of the website Sugata Negi (thanks man) he provided me with a link to a proposed experiment Zhang did in 2009 looking at the specific nature of the possibility of lengthening bone entitled “LOAD-DRIVEN BONE LENGTHENING” . We see that the project finished in May 2011 and there was no results published on what happened on the results section. This suggest that Zhang already knows the results and haven’t published his findings yet to PubMed. If the results are positive with this research project, then I will definitely go back to the US to get the device built for humans. There is so much potential for this biomedical device to change the lives of children throughout the world. Even if this thing can’t work for adults, we can still use it for young kids and make a huge difference while possibly make some good profit too. What is really the most interesting part is the section under the “Similar Projects” tab.

Implications: What we see is that many of the ideas and topic we have looked at before are already in this database. We can see who are the top researchers in this field and which professors in the world who are doing the type of research we really need help with. There is a select few that will be critical to help us or guide us if we can get their assistance. We find People like Robert Ballock, Clifford Tabin, and as always Dr. Carl Brighton. His name and association is HUGE in this field. If I can get an interview with him for the podcast it will definitely be the greatest coupe and push in real breakthrough for this website ever.