Review On Catwalk Growth Enhancer Supplement, Gain Height AndTaller

Screen Shot 2013-01-20 at 8.19.58 PMIn a previous post “Review On Supplement Double Action V Growth Enhancer Supplement, Gain Height and Taller” I had reviewed a product I had found being sold on Ebay as a dietary supplement which can supposedly help people increase their height but on average around 10 cm even in their 20-30s. I did a slightly lengthy review on it, but it seems that the seller, a hi-hawaii is selling also another height increasing dietary supplement product, this one called “Catwalk Growth Enhancer Supplement, 300 mg x 60 Tablets/Bottle, Gain Height & Taller

What I will do for this post is similar but I will focus more on looking at the active ingredients listed so see if there is any potential. These are the ingredients the sellers claim are in the pill, something called “Cat Walk“. The name makes me think that its intended purpose is to make the legs longer for females who are probably trying to be or are models.

Ingredients: Maltose, dextrin, dolomite, shark cartilage extract, at the end Sansounin, olive leaf extract, Nokogiriyashiekisu, L-ornithine, L-citrulline, black pepper extract, cellulose, sucrose fatty acid ester, silicon dioxide, particulate, V. C, glycine, niacin, L-leucine, V. E, calcium pantothenate, L-valine, L-isoleucine, V. B2, V. B1, V. B6, V. A, folate, V. D, V. B12

Analysis: This analysis is only on the ingredients. In the previous post I sort of went over the issues I had with the seller of this product. The bottle is $65 for 1 bottle and $180 for 3 bottles. Some of the ingredients I have never seen before and some I have. The L-ornithine, L-Leucine, and glycine I remember are amino acids which are just basic building blocks of proteins. Others like silison dioxide I had seen before from my research into whether Silicea and Baryta Carbonica have any potential to increase height long ago. Niacin is Vitamin B3 and there has been a lot of controversy over this compound due to other people’s research before me. It seems however that a lot of the other ingredients are just different types of vitamins which can be found from a multivitamin like a Centrum Silver. I know that maltose is a type of basic sugar and that dolomite is a type of stone, made of Calcium Magnesium Carbonate, apparently (Wikipedia). It has no claimed medicinal or cosmetic applications. The shark cartilage extract is interesting since shark cartilage has been reported to help cure cancer and may increased the collagen level in a person’s body very little. black pepper extract is something that can be good for either reducing or causing inflammation. Other compounds like Nokogirihashiekisu is really hard to find any english based resources to see what it is, but a quick search on google suggest that it is some type of extract from a plant. This is also the case with Sansounin. These two I have no idea what they do. From just doing a very short outline guess at the applications and properties of the ingredients, I would say the supplement being sold is little more than a multivitamin combined with a few extracts from japanese plant extracts. I extremely doubt it would even help young children who are still growing increase their growth rate or ultimate height. There is even a chance that making a human swallow dolomite could cause them to develop pathologies and medical conditions, like kidney stones. Just stay away from this Ebay product since there is almost zero chance it will do anything.

Here is a picture at the bottom of the sales page which supposedly shows a Japanese man who grew upwards of 20 cms (almost 8 inches) from taking this supplement.

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My Opinion: I want to say that this picture is one of the worst ways to prove that the supplement is effective. It is a sideways view shot of an asian looking man who on the right appears to be taller. There is so many ways for the seller or graphic artist to digitally edit the photo that this one picture is never enough to prove that such a thing does work. It could be that the two people in the two pictures are two different people, who happen to have close or similar side pictures. Or the picture was photoshopped, edited. or the angle of the picture was changed and moved closer to the person, to make the same person on the left look bigger in the right picture. If I was to guess, I’d say that the two pictures are of two different men.

I have NEVER heard of any supplement ever claim that they can make a 28 year old man grow taller, especially by 20 cms. The Japanese or whoever is selling this supplement are very outrageous and arrogant to claim that such a product even exist.

Further on, we would see pictures of another female who supposed grew taller by over 10 cms in 1 month, but of course the two pictures are of the back of a woman’s head. Really???

There is one picture at the bottom of the page in Japanese which might try at least to explain why the supplement has a chance of working but I personally can’t read Japanese so I am not sure.

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From the page on Ebay selling this product, in the Description section…

Catwalk Growth Enhancer Supplement, Gain Height and Taller

18g/Bottle (300mgx60 Tablets)

Expiry Date: 2014

Suitable for someone who are serious about wanting to gain your height, it is special for long legs.


Maltose, dextrin, dolomite, shark cartilage extract, at the end Sansounin, olive leaf extract, Nokogiriyashiekisu, L-ornithine, L-citrulline,black pepper extract, cellulose, sucrose fatty acid ester, silicon dioxide, particulate, V. C, glycine, niacin, L-leucine, V. E, calcium pantothenate, L-valine, L-isoleucine, V. B2, V. B1, V. B6, V. A, folate, V. D, V. B12

How to use :Take 2-6 tables a day before bed time. (with warm water). Should start with small quantity at first and increase it.

Quantity to see result :

10-19 years old = 1-2 bottles
20-29 years old = 2-3 bottles
30-39 years old = 3-4 bottles
40-49 years old = 4-5 bottles
50-59 years old = 5-6 bottles

Recommend: Sleep before 11p.m.

Exercises like basketball, jogging, jumping,swiming, pilates,yoga,pilates, stretching every day.

Keeping Condition : Avoid sun light,away from children and keep in dry area.

Please avoid for who get allergy from ingredients or when you pregnant or during feeding.

This is samples of people who took this supplement but please consider that how height can you grow, it depends on each indiviual person.

3 thoughts on “Review On Catwalk Growth Enhancer Supplement, Gain Height AndTaller

  1. Damia

    Hi I’m 18 years girl with 150cm height and 43kg weight. Malaysian. As I stated and as you know, I’m short petite and want to increase my height damn fast. Firstly, I’ve found this product called Super Growth Height Enhancer . I dont know how it works but the seller said that watery product has to be applied on leg and massage a little. Because I think the seller only wants to stupidies people, I searched other product and eventually found the product above, Catwalk. BUT before I got to know it was actually named Catwalk, I first know it as HOT X-10 in this website It said this product is popular and best seller in Japan which attracts me to buy. and after received this product, I analyzed the bottle and saw the Hot X10 sticker is put above the Catwalk word. and that kind of found lead me here which shocking me to read your explanation. Is it really useless? Is it safe for me to consume? and FYI I’ve asked so many questions to the seller and also takes 1-2 months before decided to buy this Catwalk product. The seller said something that really convincing me which in turn I’m feeling so bad and surprised now that it was not that popular in Japan and didnt have any ingredients that make it works. What should I do? I’ve wasted my money to buy this product and didnt know if it wil affect me one day. help ;(

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