Product Review On Growth Sinerama WMX from Grow Taller Lab Or

I think it was the now currently dead Zar De La Estatura blog/website which briefly talked about this other Grow Taller product being sold on the internet called Growth-Sinerama WMX. It is sold from a website 

The benefits they claim are…

  • Stimulates natural growth.
  • Increases bone’s strength
  • Increases energy levels and exercise endurance.
  • Increases height – You will grow taller faster.

It is a 100% herbal height increase formula. The formula is sold in pots, and 1 pot costs $170, while 3 pots cost $480 and it seems to come with free carob molasses (what the hell is that?)


I am always curious at how these internet marketers try to justify why their product will work. This is what the seller say…

“Sleep is the major stimulator of growth hormone, the intake of Growth-Sinerama just before sleep promotes sound sleep and thus helps in promotion of Growth hormone during first hour of natural sound sleep.”

“Consuming “Growth-Sinerama” helps body to produce natural amino acids to the maximum and thus indirectly promotes pituitary gland to produce Growth hormones”

When we see what is actually inside the pot being sold, the active ingredients are..

Growth-Sinerama Advanced ingredients: Carob-flour, Wheat flour, Rye flour, Milk powder, Oat flour Cinnamon.

I have never seen any Grow Taller and Height Increase Supplement or pill that shows that it has ordinary household kitchen food compounds listed as advanced ingredients. Wheat flour, rye flour, and oat flour, are all carbohydrate which would do nothing for the human body except give it glucose and convert it into glycogen for a quick energy source. Carob flour I cam not sure what it comes from but it is still a grain which probably ends up as a sugar energy source when broken down to the components. Milk powder and cinnamon would do nothing either.


There is absolutely no way in hell it is going to help even kids who are still grow taller. The fact that a person is supposed to take grains, milk powder, and cinnamon to make them taller has no scientific basis. the only way it could even help a growing child become taller is if the child has no form of nutrition intake and is malnourished and suffering from stunted growth. Other than that, this product called Growth Sinerama WMX is just a pot of flour and a scam.

10 thoughts on “Product Review On Growth Sinerama WMX from Grow Taller Lab Or

  1. Raphael A. Gonzalez

    I just came across this site myself a few minutes ago while scouring the Google search engine for height increase products and e-books (which was entirely out of curiosity’s sake). These are the kinds of vendors I would be careful about leaving money with. The site does come off as a bit scanty in detail and design.

  2. anil kumar

    this is anil & i am 24 years old and lives in india can you describe me the full details

    1. Naveen

      Hi , My Name is Naveen, Age 27.
      My current height is 5.6 inches.
      Can you tell me isn’t useful for me to use this product to grow my height?
      If Yes, i would like to know more about this product.

  3. malcolm

    this is not an scam. Sure it expensive. But you cannot suspect something that works to be like 50$. I understand the site look scanny. But it had been proved to work if you least give it like 6 months. If you can dedicate the time to follow the routine that I prescribed you then yes nothing is impossible because you don’t try. First month you want experience nothing if you get lucky you prob experience an inch or more energy. stretching is the key of develop lenghting longer bones. By taking the powder with milk at least 3 glass everyday after meals then you’re already on the path of growing. Sleeping at least 8-10 hours an day is what sets the hormones in your body and free up some space in your spine to grow taller. Must have an really healthy diet and positive attitude so your body want focused on the negatives to much to speed up the progress of growing. Eat like of protein and red meat and fish and salmon also to speed up the process fast eat lots of veggies. No junk food eating please this is why teens don’t grow to much junk food and beverage is what the cost of stop growing. Define do not smoke or do any type of drug. Stay positive and in good move get involve in basket ball or swimming or walking or jogging do upside down hangings at the park then there you’re back to growing again. Keep in mind make sure to sleep a lot not 3 or 4 hours you’re barely going to grow an inch from lacking of sleeping and don’t sit at home all day watching t v or on phone or computer that what crumbles body back to where it was. Again, it not an scam. Lots of people tried it and grew like 10-15cm in an few months.

    1. Khan

      Hallo is there anybody used growth sinerama wmx ? Would you please tell your honest feedback on it? Thanks

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