When To Give Up On The Search To Grow Taller And Stop The Research

In the last few months, I have been getting more and more emails from people expressing to me their thanks for creating this amazing resource for all of their height increase and growing taller questions.

They find it refreshing that this website is honest and not trying to sell them something. One thing that some of them have said is that they are hoping that I, as well as other researchers, don’t ever stop in the search.

Well, that is what they want, but what about my decision? What if one day I want to stop doing the research an give up on the search and leave it to someone else?

For this post I wanted to talk about the idea of “When To Give Up On The Search To Grow Taller And Stop The Research”. I know very few people who can continue this level of intensity for this thing for so long. I can do this type of thing because I have the time, the background, and the insanity to try to figure this thing out.

When To Give Up On The Search To Grow Taller And Stop The Research

So when do most people stop trying to grow taller, and start focusing on other things and ideas in life, like say….

  • Making money
  • Finding a gf/bf
  • Starting and running a business
  • Taking a full course load in college
  • Working 2 full time jobs
  • Getting married
  • Trying to loss weight, instead of gain height

As people grow older, their priorities change. What they once valued as the most important thing in their lives, they now look at as only secondary in important.

Here are the real top two reasons why people move away from this endeavor…

Money/Job – They realize that they need to put much more focus and energy on their job, to save money up for a marraige, retirement, children’s savings, etc.

Getting Married/Having a Child – Once a person gets married or has a baby, the focus in their life will no longer be about their physical appearance, or trying to gain something for themselves. It will be towards on how to provide the emotional, financial, and physical support that either their spouse or children need. I don’t think I have found a single person who is married or has a child and still actively searches for a way to grow taller.

Life moves on for many people. We can’t continue to focus on this type of thing for so many years of our lives because we are not letting ourselves enjoy the limited time we already have. We miss out on the chances for fun, for happiness, and for love. Most of us would rather choose to go on a hot date with someone we are attracted to than spend an evening doing stretches and taking supplements.

It is time to really start enjoying your life and worry less about this issue. For almost all of us, we can’t change our height that much yet since the technology and science has not arrived yet.

Here is what I can promise to the readers now.

1. I promise you the reader that I will try to keep this website up as long as possible. – Even if I am no longer updating the website as much as before, I will still pay the yearly hosting fee to keep the website around and up for future visitors to find and do their own research.

2. I promise you the reader that I will be updating, editing, and making changes and additions to the website over time for at least the next 5 years. This is a project which I want to ultimately culminate with a very thick book on everything I have found in my research. That book can be used by future researchers to push the endeavor a littler further than me.

3. I promise you the reader that I will never lie, exaggerate, or hide anything in terms of the research that I & the other researchers are doing just so that we can make a quick dollar.

I believe in trust, and have worked hard to earn that trust from you.

4. I promise that the research and findings we get are based on scientific backings, articles, PubMed studies, etc. 

5. I promise that if (or when) we have maxed out everything that can be done by us Amateurs Researchers in the scientific research, then we will tell you. We will write a final message saying that we did everything we could, and searched everywhere (basically the entire internet space and all university medical school library textbooks) and we still could not find anything that would work.

6. I will admit that I was wrong, that we couldn’t do it, and that the idea of an alternative to limb lengthening surgery is not possible if we find nothing in the end. – I would be willing to admit failure, even after struggling through this thing for years, if not decades. Maybe this thing is not really possible, at least at this stage of human technology and development.


This thing that I and the other height increase researchers are doing, it is a worthy cause. At least I believe that this thing we are doing is a very worthy cause. Millions, if not billions of people around the world would love it, and probably secretly wish that we would succeed in finding that holy grail, that solution towards growing taller after the natural growing process stopped.

I can’t make any guarantees or promises. I will share what I find and tell the truth.

Some people might ask whether I am qualified to do this type of research. So what are my credentials?

I did a degree in Chemical Engineering (with honors) for my undergraduate education with an emphasize in Material Science and almost got a minor in Physics. I have done research in the fields of biomedical technologies, fuel cell technology, polymer chemistry, tissue engineering, designing computer algorithms, AIDS vaccine research, electrical resonance, and clean energy alternatives.

I honestly think that if there is anyone on earth who would have a shot at taking a crack at this problem and possibly finding a solution, it is probably me. If I can’t succeed, I would wish that I can at least make a few big breakthroughs and write a few big posts showing that researchers and scientists in the world are at least working on this problem, but at a snail’s pace

I am just saying that my commitment and dedication to this thing will stay. Once the research is finally done, then I will walk away since there is no more to do.