Author Archives: Tyler

This paper shows why lateral and torsional loading are so effective in causing bone adaptation

A Wolff in sheep’s clothing: Trabecular bone adaptation in response to changes in joint loading orientation

Most loading to bones is axial but there is always some non-axial loads as the bones have shape thus there is a mix of tensile, compressive, and torsional loading. But loading bones in one axis will tend to produce the same stimuli, whereas doing things like lateral and torsional will induce unique stimuli. This will produce more effective adaptations including possibly growing taller if the loading is sufficient.

“This study tests Wolff’s law of trabecular bone adaptation by examining if induced changes in joint loading orientation cause corresponding adjustments in trabecular orientation. Two groups of sheep were exercised at a trot, 15 min/day for 34 days on an inclined (7°) or level (0°) treadmills. Incline trotting caused the sheep to extend their tarsal joints by 3–4.5° during peak loading (P b 0.01) but has no effect on carpal joint angle (P= 0.984). Additionally, tarsal joint angle in the incline group sheep were maintained more extended throughout the day using elevated platform shoes on their forelimbs. A third “sedentary group” group did not run but wore platform shoes throughout the day. As predicted by Wolff’s law, trabecular orientation in the distal tibia (tarsal joint) were more
obtuse by 2.7 to 4.3° in the incline group compared to the level group;{Can this change in trabecular orientation effect bone length?}
trabecular orientation was not significantly different in the sedentary and level groups. In addition, trabecular orientations in the distal radius (carpal joint) of the sedentary, level and incline groups did not differ between groups, and were aligned almost parallel to the radius long axis, corresponding to the almost straight carpal joint angle at peak loading. Measurements of other trabecular bone parameters revealed additional responses to loading, including significantly higher bone volume fraction (BV/TV), Trabecular num-ber (Tb.N) and trabecular thickness (Tb.Th), lower trabecular spacing (Tb.Sp), and less rod-shaped trabeculae (higher structure model index, SMI) in the exercised than sedentary sheep.
Overall, these results demonstrate that trabecular bone dynamically adjusts and realigns itself in very precise relation to changes in peak loading direction{it’s also possible that mixing up axial, lateral, and torsional loading could cause the trabecular to have to constantly dynamically adjust}, indicating that Wolff’s law is not only accurate but also highly sensitive”

“changes in posture will alter stress distribution within the bone and eventually, if they persist, the trabecular structure will readjust to the new stress trajectories.”

The paper mentions that different locomotive methods induce changes in trabecular orientation.

“As intended, the angle of the tarsal joint was more extended by 3.6° at
the time of peak GRF (midstance) in the incline group”

From the looks of this image the incline group looks like it stands taller even though bone length may be the same.

“a minimum level of loading is necessary to affect trabecular growth is evident from the almost total lack of trabeculae documented in the sagittal
ridges of the distal tibia and radius”<-So there must be sufficient weight used in lateral and torsional loading regimes.

“An additional limitation is that we studied only very young animals whose joints were still growing and remodeling.”

Note how much bigger and longer the epipihysis is in image B versus A but again these are growing animals. They said that trabecular did not really change much in the radius(groups A and B) but the two radius look much bigger.

In contrast the Group D looks smaller than group C which is the tibiae which is what changed.

Studies like Trabecular bone in the calcaneus of runners, were conducted on runners above age 20 so it’s likely still that trabecular bone is responsive to the direction of loading.

The paper Physical activity engendering loads from diverse directions augments the growing skeleton, shows that again loads from diverse directions are important thus perhaps typical axial loading is enough.

“Growing mice housed for three months in cages designed to emphasize
non-linear locomotion (diverse-orientation loading) were found to have enhanced trabecular and cortical bone in the proximal humerus compared to animals housed in cages that accentuated linear locomotion (stereotypic-orientation loading).”

These papers show why we must try to use experiment with lateral and torsional loading methods in attempts to grow taller.

Study shows that mechanical loading can alter the trabecular bone via the growth plate

This study shows that mechanical loading can alter the growth plate and the trabecular bone. This shows it is possible to use mechanical loading to alter height during development and also perhaps spinal height as there is a great deal of cartilage via the discs there.

Unveiling the Trabecular Connection: Exploring Morphological Adaptations in the Growth Plate and Their Response to Mechanical Stimulus

“The growth plate, also known as the epiphyseal plate, is a critical element in the longitudinal growth of long bones during development. This study aims to explore the connection between trabecular patterns and morphological alterations within the growth plate, particularly concerning their impact on shape and mamillary processes or trabecular patterns as well as the formation of ossification bridges{ossification bridges has the potential to reduce growth so studying them has potential}. Our objective is to investigate how the adaptations in the growth plate and the trabecular bone in its vicinity respond to mechanical stimulus, this approach is considered a new methodology to study endochondral growth and bone remodelling”

“Our investigation revealed insights into the development of the growth plate and its capacity to adapt its shape in response to the local mechanical environment. Previously, this environment had been predominantly modeled as a continuum, but our model allowed us to assess the impact of localized load transmission via the trabecular groups. Furthermore, our research demonstrated that the morphological changes within the growth plate in addition to bone adaptation in its vicinity, serve as an adaptive mechanism to withstand shear stress{so we would want to optimally induce shear stress, I believe that torsional loading is the best way to induce fluid shear}, contributing to increased bone density in specific regions”

“at birth the growth plates have a flat and smooth topology in humans, as age increases a wavy pattern is seen, this change is due to mechanical stresses”

“The thickness in the growth plate remains constant during childhood thanks to an equilibrium between chondrocyte proliferation and apoptosis. In puberty, when this balance is perturbed, the process of growth plate fusion starts, forming ossification bridges in different locations until the entire plate has been ossified, leaving behind a bone remnant, formally known as epiphyseal scar”

“animals, such as mice and rats, which are widely used as in-vivo models for endochondral ossification studies, do not entirely close their growth plates during maturation”<-but their growth plates do seem to be become senescent which indicates that there may be epigenetic factors that limit growth plates from growing indefinitely.

this looks like an example of the histological changes due to lateral synovial joint loading so joint loading definitely alters the growth plate morphology:

“the change in shape in the growth may occur as a consequence of the bone remodeling process in the vicinity of the growth plate, and at the same time trabecular formations adapt”

“A future study case for this model will be a therapy of hemiephysiodesis or guided growth, where this model can be used to quantify the degree of growth modulation along the entire growth plate, or the
change in geometrical descriptors; simply by including a transphyseal screw in the domain.”<-so there is potential for this research to be used for people to grow taller.

Passive diffusion and it’s potential role in growin taller

If articular cartilage endochondral ossification(and) is to be a viable with which to grow taller then the existing articular cartilage must grow and replenish while the rest ossifies. Vertebral and joint cartilage contributes to height so if there was a way to get them to grow then we could become taller. Since cartilage has poor blood supply it heals and grows by passive diffusion. So our goal would be to maximize passive diffusion.

Passive diffusion is where a molecule from high concentration to low to concentration.

The factors affecting diffusion are :

Temperature: Higher temperatures increase molecular energy, leading to faster movement and enhanced diffusion.

Concentration Gradient: The steeper the gradient (difference in concentration), the faster the diffusion.

Molecular Mass: Smaller molecules diffuse more rapidly than larger ones.

Medium: Different substances diffuse at varying rates through different media.”

So what we can influence is temperature and concentration gradient. Temperature is obvious but for concentration gradient we can increase supplementation and increase fluid flow as the more fluid is flowing the higher concentration is going to be and therefore the more compounds are going to be diffusing into the articular cartilage.

This coincides with anecdotal evidence that movement is vital for healthy cartilage and with the observation that sufficient force in chiropractic treatment is required to induce joint cavitation.

The Effect of Antibody Size and Mechanical Loading on Solute Diffusion Through the Articular Surface of Cartilage

” Therefore, the goal of this study is to investigate how the size of antibody (Ab) variants, as well as application of cyclic mechanical loading{the cyclic nature of the loading as the changing in load rate is important as well as overall load}, affects solute transport within healthy cartilage tissue. Penetration of fluorescently tagged solutes was quantified using confocal microscopy. For all the solutes tested, fluorescence curves were obtained through the articular surface. On average, diffusivities for the solutes of sizes 200 kDa, 150 kDa, 50 kDa, and 25 kDa were 3.3, 3.4, 5.1, and 6.0 μm2/s from 0 to 100 μm from the articular surface. Diffusivities went up to a maximum of 16.5, 18.5, 20.5, and 23.4 μm2/s for the 200 kDa, 150 kDa, 50 kDa, and 25 kDa molecules, respectively, from 225 to 325 μm from the surface. Overall, the effect of loading was very significant, with maximal transport enhancement for each solute ranging from 2.2 to 3.4-fold near 275 μm{so mechanical loading has a lot of potential to benefit passive diffusion and therefore cartilage growth}. Ultimately, solutes of this size do not diffuse uniformly nor are convected uniformly, through the depth of the cartilage tissue. This research potentially holds great clinical significance to discover ways of further optimizing transport into cartilage and leads to effective antibody-based treatments for OA.”

Rodeo may be another exercise that increases longitudinal bone growth

Bareback riding is horseback riding without a saddle.

As seen in the picture below bareback rodeo riding involves asymmetrical loading on one arm and it involves torsional+vibrational loading at the arm.

There is anecdotal and some study evidence that exercises that involve torsional+vibration loading such as tennis and arm wrestling can increase longitudinal bone growth even past epipihyseal fusion. Since rodeo has vibration + torsional loads the question is can it increase longitudinal bone growth as well? In short: the study below suggests that rodeo riding can increase bone size but longitudinal bone length was not measured. The difference in bone size is very large though so it looks to be an effective stimulus. I did send an email to the author of the study though.

Bony hypertrophy of the forearm in bareback rodeo athletes

“Activities that require increased load bearing are known to cause bony hypertrophy. This phenomenon has been documented in the dominant arm of athletes in sports requiring significant utilization of a single limb. The literature addressing this effect in rodeo athletes, however, is minimal. Studies evaluating rodeo athletes are primarily focused on acute injury management rather than chronic symptoms resulting from changes in bone and soft tissue. We designed a study to evaluate bony hypertrophy in athletes without acute injury.

Rodeo bareback riders presented with frequent pain in their grip arm, no radiographic evidence of injury, and clinical signs of peripheral nerve compression. Anteroposterior and lateral X-rays taken for initial evaluation in 17 bareback rodeo athletes were retrospectively reviewed. The diameter of bilateral ulnas was measured at its longitudinal midpoint. Ratio of Ulnar Diameters (grip arm/free arm) and Percentage Diameter Difference were calculated. An independent samples t-test was used to assess differences in diameters of grip and non-grip arms.

The mean ulnar diameter was 18.4 ± 3.5 in the grip arm and 16.6 ± 3.5 in the non-grip arm {this is a pretty big difference}. The mean ratio of grip to free arm ulnar diameter was 1.42 ± 0.21 (range = 1.05–1.92). The mean diameter percent difference measured 42.3% (range = 4.7%–92.0%), and the grip arm was observed to have a greater ulnar diameter compared to the non-grip arm.

There are significant anatomic differences in the grip arm of bareback rodeo athletes compared to the contralateral arm. In cases of persistent pain in the grip arm and no evidence of acute injury, these differences may be relevant to pain symptoms and should be considered as part of the assessment and treatment algorithm.”

This paper cites the paper “Chronic Hypertrophy of the Ulna in the
Professional Rodeo Cowboy”. Here is an image of that paper

The left ulna looks much wider at the epiphysis. Possibly longer.

Going back to the paper. Here’s an x-ray from the paper not the difference in bone width

Here’s an image from the paper comparing the two arms:
Left arm looks longer but we’d have to additional studies to see.

“In this study, we show that bony hypertrophy in the ulna of the grip arm of bareback rodeo riders was 42.3% greater on average when compared to the non-grip arm, which is nearly a 10-fold greater difference (between right and left) in forearm bone thickness than a previous study on tennis athletes.”<-so rodeo training may be more effective than tennis. We’d have to think about this when designing bone lengthening exercise protocols.

“This study is limited by the inclusion of only symptomatic patients. We were unable to account for previous injuries that may have influenced the bone composition of either arm. Furthermore, we are unaware if the athletes participated in other activities requiring increased stress to the grip arm. This study did not include athletes from other sports (e.g. tennis, baseball, or hockey) for direct comparison of the degree of hypertrophy seen in rodeo versus other sports.”<-So there’s selection bias and they can’t control for whether only rodeo was responsible for the effects. The athletes could have done other training that contributed.

Rodeo is an expensive sport so it’s not really something that we can self-test effectively and it’s hard to control the stimulus as it’s really based on what the bull is doing. But bull riding can provide additional evidence that torsional/vibrational loading can increase longitudinal bone growth. In this study, the grip arm does look longer so that is anecdotal evidence but that could be an illusion. This is definitely worth diving into further,

FAQ about Vibration and Hammer method to increase arm and hand bone length

This is a FAQ about the vibration and hammer method that I talked about in this youtube video.

Q: I’m worried about doing vibration because of jackhammer workers and hand-arm vibration syndrome?

A: The key word here is jackhammer. And the people who do jackhammers do them for hours a day. Vibration is a biphasic stimulus with too low duration giving new results and too high stimulus potentially causing nerve damage. The key is to find that happy medium. I do not think the highest setting is needed. Obviously, all vibration is not bad as you are exposed to vibration in moving vehicles for example. Ideally, we would have studies to determine the optimal vibration setting but I do not have the capability to do such studies.

Q: What things should you watch out for when performing vibration?

A: Tingling sensation in fingers, skin damage. If you get tingling sensation than adjust your method and shorten the duration. If you get skin damage then try holding the hammer in a different location to give your skin a break. Try to use “common sense”. Also, you can try some gloves or other skin protection while holding the hammer.

Q: What is the science behind the vibration + hammer holding method?

A: It is based on the anecdotal evidence that exercises such as archery, arm wrestling, and tennis have both been reported to increase bone length and they involve torsion and vibrational loading. Judo and baseball pitch mainly involve torsional loading and also have anecdotal evidence to increase bone length. Susan Pfeiffer’s paper Age Changes in the External Dimensions of Adult Bone have evidence that increase in bone length is possible post epiphyseal fusion. Torsional loading is the most effective way to drive fluid flow in the bone as what’s the best way to wring out a sponge? By twisting it. And vibrational loading further drives fluid flow. This fluid flow stimulates osteocyte activity. The exact mechanism by how this could increase bone length is yet unknown. But osteocytes have the power to drive both osteoblast and osteoclast activity so there could be a bone modeling effect where bone models to grow longer. It’s also possible that there could be a stem cell mechanism, plastic deformation, or articular cartilage endochondral ossification.

Q: How much have you grown from this method?

A: From self measurement I have increased my wingspan from 75 to 75 3/16″. I am only doing the method on my left hand and my left thumb seems much longer than my right thumb. Once I consistently measure 75 1/4″ the plan is to get x-rays. Wingspan is more accurate as you can do certain rotational tricks to make one hand appear longer than the other. Wingspan is reliable but there is variance so I measure multiple times. But any PR in wingspan is likely not measurement error as 1/16″ of an inch may as well be a mile as it is basically impossible to stretch your way to additional length. I need sufficient length as photoshop/gimp measurement is not 100% accurate so need to get above measurement error. I do have before X-rays.

Q: Has anyone else grown from this method?

A: Someone else has tried it and they have reported a growth in wingspan of 1/4″. They are doing it on both hands. I need other people to validate results because of measurement bias from myself.

Q: What’s the exact mechanism of performing the method?

A: I want people to use a variety of different techniques and use common sense. I do not think the exact vibration location and the exact mechanism of holding the hammer matters as the vibration and load is going to go throughout the entire hand. I do think though it’s better to do shorter durations, heavier loads(Hold hammer at end so it’s harder and there’s more torsion), possible hold multiple or heaver hammers, and do it multiple times during the day. Experimentation would be needed but I’m guessing the optimal duration would probably be 30 seconds to a minute multiple times during the day.

Q: I want to lengthen my legs and torso.

A: I have tried applying vibration and holding weights with feet and between knees. The issue is that legs are not as good as gripping things as the hands. Once this method is proven to work then we will have more resources and I can more easily test the other methods and have more support. So it is very important that even if you only want to grow legs you should try this method so I can get proof and then it will be easier to develop additional methods.

Q: I just want to do limb lengthening surgery.

A: The bones are connected to the tendons via the enthesis and any method that stimulates bones will likely stimulate the growth of those soft tissue as well due to the connection. People with limb lengthening surgery do seem to have issues with muscle tightness and bone healing post surgery. Vibration and torsional stimuli likely can help with this healing. So even if you only want to do surgery these techniques can possibly help with rehab. Also, it would be cost prohibitive to increase hand/foot size with limb lengthening surgery. This technique could be a cost efficient way to stimulate those tissues.

Q: Any supplements that can help?

A: I would recommend bone both soup for the hyaluronic acid and glucosamine/chondroitin. Also, a multivitamin. In the future, I can see things that stimulate CNP, HGH, IGF2, and Relaxin possibly helping as well.

Q: How fast can I expect results?

A: Results will vary but I’d say about 1/16″ per month.

Q: What will grow?

A: Fingers, palm, and possible overall arm length and width. It’d be hard to say for sure without more experimentation.

Q: I’m not getting results.

A: Try using a heavier hammer. Doing it more times during the day and increasing duration.

Q: Anyway to contact for further help?

A: Mail me at or DM me at heightquest on instagram.

Evidence suggests that judo may be able to increase bone length

{Huge: Got a response from the author:

Not yet, another methodological and statistical approach is needed to confirm that. We will try to explore that in the next few years.

Thanks for your question”

Here was my question: FYI, “In your paper Evaluation of body symmetries in judo, you note a length asymmetry in arms and legs is there any evidence that this could be causal?”

So definitely watch Jožef Šimenko to say if he has any follow up papers.}

Judo joins the other athletic endeavors that suggest that torsional loading can increase bone length.

Evaluation of body symmetries in judo

“The participants were 21.5 ± 3.5 years old, their height 176 ± 3.8 cm, their weight 74.2 ± 6.9 kg and all of them were right hand dominant.”<-unfortunately, the young age does not allow for us to see if growth can continue with age. Sample size was 10 which is small.

“Large, frequently one-sided, training loads which influence the athletes and are very frequent in judo
when training their special technique (tokui waza), may also affect the body posture through different muscle proportions”

I have circled every measurement that is relevant. Most important is SAL(straight arm length) and OLL(Outside Leg length)
For arm length there is about a .42 cm difference between right and left arm and for leg length a 0.08cm different between left and right leg. Not statistically significant but it suggests that judo can lengthen the arms and legs. The girth measurements from the legs vary between which leg is more muscular between the right and the left. The forearm girth is greater for the right than the left and that is statistically significant.

Judos do undergo a lot of torsional loading.

A judo throw involves torsional loading on one leg over the other and over one arm/shoulder. There are many judo throws.
Another judo throw where you can see one arm getting loaded over the other. Also it should be noted that when you are being thrown the arm undergoes torsional loading.

According to Anatomic and functional leg-length inequality: A review and recommendation for clinical decision-making. Part I, anatomic leg-length inequality: prevalence, magnitude, effects and clinical significance, usually the left leg is the longer one so it is possible that the small leg length discrepancy here is due to natural growth.

According to Normal Ranges of Upper Extremity Length, Circumference, and Rate of Growth in the Pediatric Population, right arm length = 0.14 (height) + 0.28 (age) + 0.41 (sex), R2 = 0.90; left arm length = 0.14 (height) + 0.28 (age) + 0.41 (sex), R2 = 0.90. The equations for both the right and left arm are equivalent,. Since the equations are the same it is normal for the arm lengths to be equal thus we can see that the arm length difference in judo may be abnormal.

The evidence here is not great (more and better studies are needed) but it does add further support to the claim that torsional loading can increase bone length. The difference in bone length is relatively minor but judo has irregular loading therefore it is likely that the loading is not sufficient to induce large changes.