Author Archives: Senior Researcher

If You Feel Depressed Or Angry Over Your Short Height – For Reddit and Sluthate

I do track the websites which link to this website. Some of the most common sites that come to this website are from some of the most negative areas on the internet. The level of anger, bitterness, and spite on these strange internet discussion boards means that you can’t tell the difference between a genuine poster who just wants to vent and rant onto an internet discussion board and a troll. I’ll just say a few messages for those guys who feel depressed, angry, resentful, or just mentally stuck over their short height. This is directed mainly towards reddit/r/short and places like

Guys, take it down a little. You may be 5’6″ and have some level of asperger’s syndrome but that does not mean that you can’t enjoy your life. If you are thinking of killing yourself or hurting another person Rodger Eliot style, then read the following message.

I would assume that most people believe that they are above average in intelligence. Well, two of the principle traits of people who are truly intelligent exhibit are that 1) they can make decisions based on long term goals and 2) have the ability to control their emotional impulses and states. You can may be really good at mathematics but you still can’t control your own emotional state with the behavior of an immature child. For those of you who read this message, you know who you are. Emotional Intelligence has been shown to be often a much better indicator of eventual success in life than any traditional IQ test.

Start of my message

I don’t do much these days for this website since I run my own business which now takes up so much of my time. However, let me assure the regular readers that based on what I have seen from being on the cutting edge of the tissue engineering & biomedical fields, there will be something that will come out in the coming decades that will be much better than the limb lengthening surgeries you see today, which means less pain, less invasive, and less possibility for surgical complications. I am talking about lab grown growth plate implantations and healing intervertebral discs compression. I personally don’t think it is possible to “reopen the growth plates” which so many people hope for. Some little bit of surgical incision will be needed to cut the bone slightly (osteonomy). I do dare to dream big, but I am also a realist on what is possible, and what is pure science fiction. There are no magic pills or silver bullets.

You guys should not be worrying how tall you are and how much the world discriminate against you. You can’t change the world, unless you feel like it is your life’s mission to combat heightism similar to MLK to black/white conflict and put in maybe 20 years of hard work to make slight social changes. I suggest that you should not waste your time and energy on fighting an uphill battle against this hard-wired instinctual pre-programming which most humans have which creates prejudice towards shorter humans.

It is there, heightism exists, shorter guys get less dating and romantic opportunities (and maybe also less respect from other guys in their work), yada yada yada. You can cry about how unfair people are to you all day but at the end of this year, you would realize that all this venting of frustrating you post onto reddit/other doesn’t improve your life overall by much. You did not move that needle of your life gauge even a little bit. For now, just swallow the hard reality of this unfair world and existence we live in, accept that you did not win the genetic lottery like a channing tatum, and go in a different direction.

If you dwell on this fact, about your short stature and how no matter how much you go the gym you can’t change your height, you are going to get stuck psychologically, and maybe spiral down to a psychological state which you can’t get out of.

A lot of guys might tell you to go to the gym to lift weights, work out, build confidence, dress better, have a great social life, etc. and they are only half right. Improving on the areas of life of what you can control helps somewhat, but it won’t help all the time. Sometimes no matter what you do to try to make up for your short stature, that girl you like still won’t move towards you. The reality is that there is probably over 100 Mil other guys in the world out there. They have their own standards, and if they are not willing to lower their height requirement for you, there is nothing you can do. You already did everything else to improve yourself. You did everything you can to make you have a better advantage in this game we call life for success, and maybe sometimes that is still not good enough. Sometimes the only thing that matters is how long your bones are.

Some of you will be depressed. Go outside to the beach and get some sun. Take up long distance running to get the dopamine receptors firing again. Stay off the computer.

Work on yourself on the cognitive level is the best place to start. Take some nootropics, do tDCS, experiment with sleep cycles, learn acupressure and deep tissue massage for stress relief, yoga, fishing, etc. to get your mind away from this sub-reddit and other negative areas on the internet.

Get an education to increase your level of intelligence first (since being smart and short is much better than being tall and stupid in the long run), go into business for yourself to increase your net worth and build real assets, make your money, enjoy life, and come back when you are maybe 15-20 years older. You will have the funds to then spend on the latest cosmetic biomedical treatments. Most of you I would assume don’t have a lot in the wealth area of life. Money is not the be-all,end-all but it is a tool to help you get what you want out of life.

Treat each dollar you have as your soldiers. Each day you send your soldiers out to capture more soldiers which can work for you. That is called using money to make more money (aka investing)

I lived in Gangnam, Seoul for 2 years so that type of exposure made me very accepting of the idea of cosmetic surgery to improve one’s appearance. It is okay, as long as it is empowering and can really improve your quality of life. Some people are against cosmetic surgery since they think that it will change who they think they are to make other people like them, but this world is a very competitive place. You need every little bit of advantage you can get.

Plus, one’s concept of who they are as a person is fluid. It is not static. As we go through life, our “self” evolves over time. Even our core values and belief system changes over time. Don’t be so stuck in your beliefs/value which cause you to miss out on not taking a chance on something great. It is very rare that we regret later in life for doing something instead of not doing something.

For something besides just a nice pep talk which can hopefully get the regular readers out of their heads and negative emotional states, just see how close we already are with the 3D Printed nose which is made from fibrocartilage, not the hyaline cartilage you would need. ( Implantation, transplantation, vascularization problems, people are working on that.

{Tyler’s Comments:  I tend to avoid looking at the validity of the desire to grow taller.

You may say: “You need to accept your height.”

I say: “You need to accept my desire to increase my height.”

Does climbing mount everest make any sense?  What about getting the high score in a video game?

Human height has value.  We as humans should strive to further our value.

“If you set your mind to it, you can accomplish anything.”



Including growing taller and we should accept nothing less.}

The Unhealthy Obsession Of Basketball Players Towards Height, Why I Am Giving Up Basketball and Football

As I recently got back into playing basketball at the local YMCA which I just gave up, I came to realize just how strange it is that so many basketball players have an unnatural obsession on their height.

Back in my college days, I would sometimes eat in the same dining hall as the college athletes and the one time I ever sat really close to a set of basketball players I could over hear their conversation. What struck me as really odd back then was that half of their conversation revolved around how tall they were, or how tall other people were. One guy would tell the other guy about this player from another school, and they would go into his height by picking at it. The strange thing was they they didn’t mention the skill level of that kid, but just how large the opposing athlete was.

To these guys, it seemed like the height of a person defined who they were as a person. It was not their GPA, or GMAT scores, or what they had done in their lives. It was just their height. Back then, I just didn’t understand.

Now that I have started to watch basketball again, professional basketball, the thing that is always brought up is the players height.

Just watch the old 90’s bulls intro. Why is it that the announcers have to list how tall their players are? How often do I need to be reminded that Michael Jordan is 6′ 6″? The LA Lakers announcers do it too. (refer to this link Being tall is not a skill, but people in the basketball world treat it as a skill. Being bigger does not make the player better.

Here is a sick truth that I would need to reveal about the nature of the game today. For most black american guys who play this game today, like in the streets of the inner city, basketball is actually a game of posturing, and showing off. (Refer to here People don’t play the game for the fun, for the team effort, or for the personal skills that they develop. They play the game to exert their masculinity and express their dominance. In the African American community, the young males are told to be ultra-masculine in expression. The easiest way to exhibit their dominance and masculinity is being taller than other men. If they are taller than others, they are told to use their body to push through to the post. I can’t even begin to remember how many times I would be in a game where it felt like it was not 5-on-5 but 1-on-1. The ability to pass seems to have been lost on certain people.I personally love playing the game and hearing that swish as the ball goes through the hoop but I have decided to let go of playing this game, and stop all-together to get away from the game.

As I grow older, I realize just how many psychological hang-ups people have over their height when they are playing basketball.

Sometimes I start to question my own motives for even still watching this game. Do I really find this game where abnormally tall guys running (and jumping) up and down the court that mesmerizing? Could it be that at some level in my mind, I have an unhealthy obsession with height just like the fellow basketball players? How many other people in the world also seem to find their primary source of identity through their height?

I had decided long ago that the sport of American Football is a huge waste of time and resources, but now I am adding the sport of Basketball on that list. No more playing the game, and no more watching the game, either in real life or on the internet. Watching one more sports game or event is not going to improve my overall life in any way. Having the local hometown sports team win a national championship does not make my life better or even bring any real prestige to the city.

(I live in the greater Seattle/Pacific Northwest area and I saw the whole Superbowl phenomena happen two months ago. People would make sure to revolve their jobs and business around the football games. The local Whole Foods would announce over the air whether the Seahawks would win or not, and people would crowd around the TV in the local Costco. I am not sorry that the Seattle located team lost. Imagine the type of pressure the team would have been in if they had won a 2nd year. People would be forcing the guys on the team to win again for a 3-peat. )

When people say things like “We Won!” after the local sports team win, I always want to correct them in saying that it is NOT that ‘we won’ but that the team won, they just watched while sitting on their couches and drinking bear and eating chips. Somehow they are trying to find some way to feel good about themselves from the glory of other people’s accomplishments, through association. Maybe not everyone can have the god-given talent to play at the highest professional level and win in athletics, but in the long term, nobody in a hundred years will care about who won the 2014 American Football Superbowl Championship. I am happy that at least the professional athletes today can make millions of dollars, but in the long term, I pity them since everyone knows that the human body is bound to fail, and father time always wins last.

Sermorelin, GHRH Analogue to Stimulate The Pituitary Gland Directly To Increase HGH

There seems to be a type of amino acid combination that has been developed which you can take orally to stimulate the pituitary gland to increase the amount and rate of HGH that will go through the system. From what we are seeing, it is most effective for people who are suffering from growth hormone deficiency. It is known as Sermorelin Therapy, which is a type of GHRH analogue.

It would work primarily for prepubertal children with idiopathic growth hormone deficiency. The method and dosage for use is recommended from source 1 to be “subcutaneous sermorelin 30 μg/kg bodyweight per day, given as continuous infusion or as 3 divided doses”. However, the increase in height still seems to be less than just taking somatotropin once a day.

From source 2, “Unlike recombinant hGH, which stimulates production of the bioactive hormone IGF-1 from the liver, SERMORELIN simulates the patient’s own pituitary gland by binding to specific receptors that increase production and secretion of endogenous hGH” and “Its effects are regulated at the level of the pituitary gland by negative feedback and by release of somatostatin so that the side effects of too much hGH are difficult if not impossible to achieve”. Remember that the anterior part of the pituitary releases two major chemicals, somatostatin and HGH, which have inhibitory effects on the other’s influence on the body’ physiological processes. Using sermorelin means that you are not going to develop medical conditions since any increase in HGH to a level that is bad for the body would cause the release of somatostatin as well to negate the effects of the stimulated HGH.

This is the only type of treatment that is commercially available right now.

Refer to source 1 and source 2 for more information


Kobe Bryant’s Bone Broth Diet Regime Reveals Something Critical

The recent news of the aging NBA start Kobe Bryant on consuming bone broth is making headlines and this has only a very limited appeal to most readers. I personally found it very interesting, and it seems to be related to a few personal theories I have had since starting the research. However, I wanted to go deeper into the technical details on why one of the most recognizable professional athletes in the world would be doing this in the recommendation of his nutritionist.

Note: I also talked about Kobe’s willingness to go to Germany to get the Regenokine PRP type therapy from Dr. Peter Wehling to advance the speed of his knees healing. This was mentioned by Terrell Owens in an interview. The PRP (platelet rich protein) therapy is similar to this bone broth, which is always to reduce inflammation. The body’s natural defense mechanism using the inflammation causing cytokines is what hurting our joints when we lead an over-active lifestyle.

Apparently a Dr. Kate Shanahan, nutritionist of the LA Lakers team recommended this bone broth idea to Kobe. Kobe, being the competitor that he is is willing to ingest almost anything to stay at his level of athletic ability. So what does a high-level nutritionist understand about Bone Broth that we in the general society does not?

Let me take a swing at her reasoning.

In the American Diet, people have been focused almost exclusively on what is known as “white meat”, which is very lean. White meat is what the American diet focuses on. However, the dark meat is actually where the real nutrition is at. Chicken breast is white meat. Chicken wing is dark meat. Duck meat has a similar texture and flavor as dark meat. When you are only looking at the protein density levels, then clearly white meat comes out on top. However, if you are trying to get some very unique minerals into your system, dark meat is where it is at.

Americans (and many others in the Western countries) are too focused on muscle tissue, and building muscle tissue. There is too few people who are focused on cartilage tissue. All those weight lifters, body builders, and strong man in those bodybuilding internet forums are all focused on building muscle tissue. All those fitness magazines that you find at your local shopping store is focused over and over again on how to gain muscles, but almost never talk about joints, cartilage, and bones. When I see pictures of muscle freaks like Flex Wheeler and Ronnie Coleman, I can’t help but wonder why a large percentage of the American male wants to look like these guys. The reason is most likely because we can’t control our cartilage and bone sizes and shape, unlike our muscles, which can be exercised into the shape and size that we desire.

Something that the Asian cuisine like Vietnamese, Filipino, and Chinese have done is focus almost exclusively on dark meat, since dark meat has more flavor. When I lived in South Korea for a couple years, there was a dish known as PIg Feet (jokbal) which was slices of fat and collagen along with lean meat, which gave the overall food a unique texture. That means that these Asian cultures have a tradition of eating strange things like insects, bones, and other non-western traditional proteins sources. The flavor and texture of strange meats is usually a good indicator that it is also packed with minerals and vitamins which you just don’t find in the American diet, which focus too much on lean “white” meat.

I personally love Pho, the vietnamese noodle dish, and something recently that has been added to the local menu at the restaurant down my home is Ox Tail Pho. With the ox tail, you can’t eat the source of soup base, since it is mostly bone. The reason why the Ox Trail soup/pho is used is because of its unique stronger flavor of cow meat. Eating the traditional flank, and brisket beef does not allow a person trying the soup to get the real essence of the meat.

Not only that, when you drink the soup from cow bones, you are getting collagen type I and type III, which is supposed to be really good for human skin.

Most anti-aging creams that is sold today tries to remove wrinkles in one of two ways. You can either tighten the skin, using a combination of Hyaluronic Acid and Vitamin C, thus pullng the skin around the wrinkle flatter. Or, you can fill up the grooves that make the wrinkles using a serum of Collagen combination (Type I and III). Some anti-aging marketers have gone so far as to say that ingesting collagen pills will make the skin smoother, which has not been validated.

This is why the bone broth is supposed to be so effective. It is a combination of collagen and minerals that is supposed to help the layer of articular cartilage in kobe’s knees.

I would suspect something else that the nutritionist chose not to reveal. I am guessing based on my research that it is not just cow bones that are simmered in water. The bones are also cut sideways so that the contents of the bone marrow is also getting into the soup. Remember, in the adult human, we have the intermedullary cavity, which is where adipose derived yellow type mesenchymal stem cells are, as well as other types of hemotopoietic stem cells are located. Throughout the human life, the bone marrow is still generating new osteoblasts to coat the inside of the long bones. This is known as endogenous appositional bone growth. Since the cow (and pig) are mammals like humans then it would make sense that the marrow in a cow leg does the same thing, so maybe what Kobe is swallowing is cooked progenitor stem cell content. Of course, boiling organic live cells in water for a long time would destroy all cells but the minerals are still left intact.

Something I would also like to counter with is that there might not be enough evidence that drinking bone broth would ever help a young child from developing better bones or grow taller though. The Chinese, Filipino, Iranian and Vietnamese culture all have dishes which call for the contents of the bone marrow to go into soup. However, these ethnicities have traditionally had the shortest people compared to other nations. The bone marrow derived broth may have articular cartilage helpful effects, but those health benefits don’t seem to translate to helping younger kids grow taller. Is it possible that the primary spongiosa of the growth plate in vietnamese children are just not able to get the level of magnesium and iron to make the general vietnamese population taller compared to other nations?

It might be that the soup that goes into The Vietnamese Pho may not have the high enough nutrient level, but instead is for enhancing flavor. Is it possible that the recipe of bone broth that is made specifically for Kobe has a very strong level of flavor from high nutrient levels?

Just because a athlete superstar swears by a new diet doesn’t mean that it actually helps him. I am sure with his money, he has many other forms of rehabilitation processes that he does to help his aging knee cartilage. For example, the anti-gravity treadmill. It almost completely negates the amount of weight above the waist while still allowing the runner to work their leg muscles without putting too much load on their knee joint.

The bone broth in theory does have some possibility that they do help him.

Update Post On The Breakthrough Chemical Relaxin For Bone Remodeling

Relaxin UpdateI do read the comments people leave on the website. Most of those, I don’t respond back, because the person would not put any effort in asking a real question that was worth even thinking about. Only rarely does someone actually write something which is even long enough and technical enough for me to take notice. If you want to get an answer or a response, put some time and real effort in leaving a message. Asking me for a free E-book or a program doesn’t do it.

(Picture Source)

Something that the regular readers have said was the desire on an update on the breakthrough chemical which I mentioned in the post “The Chemical That Would Make Adults Grow Taller Has Been Found – Game Changing Post!“. The claim is that I don’t seem to ever dig deep enough on certain ideas that I share. Well, I will give you the reader an update. I have my personal life and professional life to deal with. This website and project has always been a work of love.

For some background, in that post before I had theorized that this chemical known as Relaxin is the most interesting chemical to ever be found by me or Tyler, and it does have height increasing effects for adults with ossified physis cartilage. How is that even possible? It doesn’t regrow a new growth plate,  but can cause the ligaments and muscles in the area to increase in flexibility. Just like how going to a chiropractor might lead to one having the back readjusted and leading to a height increase for a short time, the lengthening of ligaments in the joint areas of the body will also lead to some level of body lengthening. Not only that, there are receptors in the chondrocyte in growth plates and bone tissue. which respond to the relaxin protein.

In that previous post, I had said that a Dennis Stewart from Bas Medical had been willing to spend around $5,000 to file a patent for this idea, of using Relaxin to remodel bone sutures and in that Patent (refer back to that post) it was claimed that a local injection of relaxin to the growth plate-bone area would result in as much as 30 cm of bone length increase (12 inches).

I am quite certain that over 50,000 readers have already seen that post. Some have gone ahead and looked further into this chemical, to find out what they could from it. One commenter said that relaxin is something humans should avoid taking due to the possibilities of “gynecomastia, hyperestrogenism and most likely CANCER”. Others have shown that it would be very hard, if not impossible to get this compound.

For the claim that this compound is possibly carcinogenic, that is a definite possibility. When I was doing research on PTHrP, the chemical was also shown to allow single cells to proliferate at a high rate which would be considered carcinogenic. However, that is the problem with this type of research. Any compound that can extend the natural limit of cell life or cell proliferation is doing the exact same thing as cancer cells. We are in essence trying to push past the natural growth phase of the human organism. That is why it is highly likely that the chemicals which we claim can increase the limit of chondrocyte proliferation would also have cancer-stimulating effects. Any form of cure or vaccine in large doses will turn poisonous and harmful. They are the exact same thing, just different sides of the same coin.

So here is what I was able to find out, although I have not been putting too much effort into it.

Refer to the Patents below (Note: a Samuel Yue was the patent inventor of 2 of the 3 patents)…

  1. By administering relaxin and glucosamine sulfate to treat osteodegenerative dysfunction in a patient with joint and hip pain; administering relaxin and estrogen to treat alzheimer’s (Patent # US 6251863 B1)
  3. Spinal stabilization treatment methods for maintaining axial spine height and sagital plane spine balance (Patent # US 20090093852 A1)

From the 1st patent…

“…Relaxin’s effect on connective tissues during late pregnancy has been well-documented. Relaxin improves the integrity of the connective tissues, maintains the elasticity and circulation of the skin, sustains the youthful and radiant appearance of the face, increases hair and nail growth, and stimulates other changes during pregnancy….Fibromyalgia patients who receive relaxin supplements report a significant decrease of muscle tightness, increased range of motion in their joints, and decreased stiffness of the ligaments and tendons surrounding the joints….relaxin supplements will be given to these individuals who suffer congenitally (probably secondary to borderline deficit of relaxin) from tight muscles, ligaments and tendons to restore the flexibility of the joints and eliminate or arrest the osteodegenerative disease of the joints”

“…Therefore, the production of the collagen by the chondrocytes is facilitated by relaxin. Good quality collagen is produced in the presence of relaxin, which binds with proteogylcan to form strong resilient cartilage. Together with the deactivation of the collagenase by the glucosamine sulfate, homeostasis of the cartilage regeneration and degeneration are maintained and the joint is returned to its formal healthy state. Accordingly, relaxin enhances the effect of glucosamine sulfate in retarding and restoring osteodegenerative changes of the joints.”

I once claimed that almost any type of chemical that an help with treating the pain associated with osteoarthritis or cartilage degeneration has a potential height increasing effect to it as well, after doing research on the effects of Harpagoside on arthritis. It is also known as Devil’s Claw.

It seems that this first patent shows that when you combine Relaxin with Glucosamine Sulphate together, the effect on people suffering from both Osteo-degenerative disease and Fibromyalgia is quite large and profound.

For the regular readers, I am sure that they are fully aware that besides Relaxin, Glucosamine Sulphate was probably the other chemical that was the best option for people interested in growing taller. Glucosamine Sulphate and Relaxin have been the two compounds which was discovered with the highest level of success for adult height increase, even though the affect may more often be just decreased pain in the joint.

In a later section, the patent also shows that Relaxin can be used to stop the onset of osteoporosis, revealing that it is also a bone mineral density stimulant. So it has two effects 1) Combines with Glucosamine Sulphate to treat osteoarthritis and 2) Helps treat Osteoporosis.

From the 3rd Patent

This patent itself was an idea on how to restore the height lost from a compression on the vertebrate bones. The section of the patent where it mentions the use of relaxin in this height increasing invention/technique is where it mentions the different types of muscle relaxers which can be used.

“Other important considerations in the procedure are the state of the patient’s spine at the time of the procedure. For example, if the procedure is performed in the morning, as opposed to latter in the day, the patient may end up with a different height, as disc height is greatest in the morning after a night of sleep due to increased fluid intake, and decreases with axial loading throughout the day. As such, in some embodiments at least the disc treatment portions of the procedure may be performed in the morning shortly after awakening to facilitate increased height of disc fill, for example. This aspect is further refined by the addition of pre-procedure muscle relaxation with intravenous or intramuscular injection of approved pharmaceuticals, e.g., robaxin, skelaxin, soma, etc. In other embodiments, use of paralyzing agents with general anesthesia may be used for more rigid or stiff patients. Use of SSEP (Somatosensory evoked potential) monitoring may be employed to protect the patient against over distraction or correction, elongation or shortening of the spine resulting in spinal cord injury or other nerve injury.”

“To this end, traction, bracing, suspension, inversion tables, therapy, muscle relaxants, chiropractic adjustments, etc. may be used to advantageously place the spine in the desired position prior to the procedure, at Block 112. Moreover, medication such as ligament relaxors (e.g., relaxin) may also be used to achieve natural elongation of the spine before the procedures, and after as well, to achieve the desired axial height increase/stability.

Various combinations of traction, stretching, operating room or office machines, tables, and other equipment may be used. In some embodiments it may be beneficial for patients to have manipulation manually of the spine before procedures to increase height of the disc, hydrate the disc, as well as enzymatically or surgically remove parts of a damaged disc or other anatomical components (e.g., bone) in preparation for the procedure.”

It seems that the person who wrote up this patent fully realized that relaxin, as a type of ligament relaxor, can be used to naturally elongate the spine.

Later in the patent, I quote this section below….

“In another example, a 45-year-old man, who is 5 feet 4 and has always desired greater height, asks his doctor if there is any way to “safely” be taller. The patient would enter index determination, pre-procedure stretching, traction medical muscle and/or ligament relaxor treatment, etc. After a desired elongation (e.g., 1-2 inches) through this pre-treatment, an early morning procedure may be performed to stabilize the appropriate anatomic structures, namely disc and facet joints, and interspinous ligaments (but not vertebral bodies) to maintain this increased height gain. If at some later point in his life it is determined that he is at risk for fractures, then the vertebral bodies could be subsequently stabilized.”

This patent almost states in very simple, elementary school level terms that a 45 year old man can use Relaxin in a program to increase his height by 1-2 inches, combined with stretching, traction, and the actual surgical treatment. Sure, there is always the surgical part, but with a slight implant, you would end up maybe 1.5 inches taller after just 3 days of hospital stay. Much, much faster than any type of limb lengthening surgery today.

Another idea on how to decompress the height of the discs I refer to in the following… “If a patient has spinal stenosis, then the vertebral bodies would be turned into magnets and then manipulated into distraction to stretch the disc, neuroforamina and hence indirectly decompress the nerves.”

From the 2nd patent….

“…Relaxin is well known as an agent for remodelling the reproductive tract via collagen remodelling before parturition, thereby facilitating the birth process….Relaxin is known to increase in peripheral plasma 7-10 days after the midcycle surge of luteinizing hormone and continues to rise to over 800 pg/ml by three weeks if conception occurred. During pregnancy, relaxin levels peak at the 10th week and are maintained at about 500 pg/ml for the remainder of the pregnancy…During pregnancy, relaxin remodels the reproductive tract which includes ripening of the cervix, thickening of the endometrium of the uterus, increasing vascularization of the uterus, and affecting collagen synthesis to cause ligaments and connective tissue to elongate and relax.”

“The relaxin hormone will alleviate these conditions since relaxin acts to effect collagen formation and collagen remodellingRelaxin will alleviate the generalized pain and tenderness by elongating muscles and accentuating joint laxity by remodelling connective tissue (e.g ligaments, tendons, bone, etc.) via collagen changes. This expected effect is based on many studies that have observed that pregnant women have elongated pelvic area muscles, and increased joint laxity resulting from the remodelling effect induced by relaxin

Note two very important things that this inventor Samuel K. Yue has stated.

  1. Relaxin causes connective tissue to elongate and relax
  2. Relaxin elongates muscles and joint laxity by remodelling connective tissue like bones through collagen changes.

Do we not remember one of the first few things we ever learned about cartilage and bone tissue?

  1. Cartilage is made from collagen type II, 
  2. Bone is made from hydroxyapatite calcium crystals which give it compressive strength and then collagen (Maybe type I and type III) which gives it tensile strength. 

If the effect of relaxin is mainly on causing collagen changes, then it changed the tensile strength of the bones which have relaxin receptors. One may not have any more growth plate cartilage to elongate, but if the collagen in the bones are temporarily being decomposed by a relaxin-collagenase type effect, then the tensile strength of bones may be dramatically reduced for a short time during pregnancy.

Even today, I got another message to the website from some woman who says that she grew 1 inch from pregnancy.

Grow Taller Pregnant

This Lauren women who seems to be an alumni from Baylor writes the following in the clipped picture above.

“A few months into my pregnancy I noticed that my sister and mother didn’t seem quite as tall. I Told them I think I am growing and they agreed. I am 8 mo pregnant and measuring almost 1″ taller than the 5′ 5″ I started out at. I’m 27yrs old and didn’t really expect to grow anymore, but I’m not complaining.”

Of course, we are talking about bones here, which have a really high strength. If might be that instead of the relaxin causing the tensile strength of bone to temporarily drop, some other connective joint area of the body was loosened. That would make more sense because evolutionarily speaking, it doesn’t make sense to make a pregnant females pelvis and femur weaker while at the same time having the unborn baby hanging down on the stomach. The pregnant women, being bipedal, when standing up would collapse with weak leg bones.

Of course, then we have to add in the fact that during pregnancy, the level of calcium in the pregnant mother drops too.

Maybe the combined effect of both the calcium being transferred from the mother to the baby and then the effect of relaxin changing the level of collagen in the bones means that the bones just might be weak enough (with both a compressive and tensile strength decrease) that lying down in bed for most of the time and eating a lot of ice cream means that the female body can have the bones weak enough for a slight bit of elongation.

I refer the reader to this website of a Trinity Mills Chiropractor Clinic (website here). They write the following…

“Pregnant women commonly are more flexible due to the hormone relaxin that the body produces to make the pelvis more flexible in preparation for childbirth.  Although these are relatively harmless causes, hypermobility can also be an indication of more serious underlying diseases.  Marfan’s syndrome and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome are associated with hypermobility.  Hypermobility can also contribute to the development of osteoarthritis”

For the regular readers, they might remember that I wrote posts about Ehler’s Danlos syndrome before, and that was because certain females who suffer from Ehler’s Danlos syndrome in their later adult years noticed height increase as well. As for Marfan’s Syndrome, that is also associated with tall stature, due to the connective tissue becoming more elongated. It seems that relaxin has the same type of physiological effect as Ehler’s Danlos and Marfans. It causes the connective tissue to stretch out, and in doing so, the overall person’s body ends up taller.

So does this mean that the chemical relaxin has a chance of making adults with closed growth plates end up taller?

Yes, and that is only said with maybe a 65% confidence level. This research I am doing, it is amateur level at best, since I don’t have a team with me, and I have to collect anecdotal evidence from around the internet. There has been over 20 females who have come forth that I have found which claim that their height changed due to pregnancy. All the physiological steps which would allow for such a thing points to relaxin’s handy work. There is a chance to get the same effect, we also need to have a calcium transfer as well to weaken the bones (ie female pregnancy).

This compound has a synergistic effect combined with Glucosamine Sulphate for symptoms of osteoarthritis, and it has been referenced in patents which were created for a height increasing technique, although surgical in nature. The patent filer explicitly states that you can elongate the spine using this chemical. It has connective tissue remodeling abilities, and I would suspect from the Patent by Dennis Stewart that it is on both cartilage and bone types.

Some people do claim otherwise, like the poster who said “if this method would really work – some people would already made business out of it, and selling the product and injecting it in people for increasing hight.

That is always the first thing a person who doesn’t believe that a new technique is theoretically possible would say. However, do they realize just how much money and time it takes to bring a new medical technique or drug into the market these days? It costs around $500 Mil just to bring a drug which can lower our cholesterol into the market. Even if we showed all the technical theory was accurate and viable, it would still take over $1 Bil to bring this technique to the mass market, which would be years in the making. It is a huge gamble for the large companies.

Plus, they don’t realize just how difficult it is to get this compound. It is extraordinarily expense. The pregnant female will obviously get it for free though. In addition, the actual effects of using it will vary greatly. For just 1mg of this compound, it would cost a person maybe $100,000 and that doesn’t guarantee that it is enough to have any type of big effect on the collagen level of the bones.  I do want to thank some commenter who showed that Novartis bought the rights to make a synthetic version of Relaxin Type 2, known as Serelaxin, RLX030. We as non-medical professionals or chemical lab researchers won’t be allowed to legally get this drug. However, I am sure that with enough money, can get some lab in India or China to make it.

Scientific Proof On The Link Between Female Attractiveness and Male Partner Height

Like most people these days, I do waste a high percentage of my time just browsing Youtube for interesting videos. One Youtube profiler who caught my eye recently is this Canadian female who most people would consider attractive, based on Western/American/European standards. long blue hair, light blue eyes, relatively non-obese, sweet tempered, with a good sense of humor. She doesn’t seem like the most intelligent person in the world you would meet, with the ability to solve complex partial differential equations, but that is besides the point for this post.

Her boyfriend, from the country of Switzerland, seemed like a relatively nice person as well. The most defining trait about him was that he is abnormally tall, which I guess to be 6′ 8″ with a slightly above average face but a good demeanor.

While it may be enough for some heterosexual male to just be looking at an attractive female (the reward-dopamine neuro-pathway in the brain is triggered over and over again), me being a researcher started to go back to this old hypothesis on the idea that there is a correlation between the attractiveness of a females and the height of her chosen male romantic partner.

I would come across the study “Height predicts jealousy differently for men and women” which showed that based on the height of males, there was an inverse relationship between height and level of jealousy. For females, the results showed that for females of average height, they felt more jealousy when meeting someone who possesses qualities which they didn’t have.

One study that they did reference was “Feingold, A. (1982). Do taller men have prettier girlfriends? Psychological Reports, 50, 810.” The abstract showed that when looking at only a 72 male subject group, male groups that were around 2.6 inch shorter had less attractive female romantic partners, on average, based on linear regression analysis.

Main Take-Away

1. The correlation I proposed about the height of a guy and his girlfriend’s attractiveness has been verified by research which was done more than 30 years ago. 

A huge percentage of life comes down to winning the genetic lottery. The person will go through life thinking that they were the one who used effort to create the success in their life, but success was already 60% pre-determined for them, because they were born in the right time, at the right place, with the right set of genes (tall, attractiveness), in the right conditions (good stable parents in marriage). The famous Investor Warren Buffett is well known for saying that he got lucky in the genetic lottery for being born in Nebraska, ‘white’, and with his type of brain which was designed for asset allocation.

Some people are just born into luckiness. Since they are born with the right genes, with the phenotypical traits that they had, they are almost assured an evolutionarily fit partner. It may not be fair that taller men have better looking girlfriends on average, but that is the way things are in the world.