Author Archives: Senior Researcher

My Girlfriend Claims She Grew 1 cm

I had said in a few posts back that I would not be doing too much posting on this website for the next 4-5 months as I am building up another project of mine. However, something interesting did happen today which made me start to rethink some theories I have had ever since last year.

I was on Skype with my girlfriend, and she told me that she found out from a recent Medical Exam that she was measured at 1.62 meters in height. Before that, she had always claimed that she was just 1.61 meters in height. Now, 1 cm is only about 0.394 inches, but since the rest of the world bases the measure of length on the meter, and thus the centimeter, that 1 extra centimeter in height is noticeable.

How was I supposed to take that type of news, since I am probably one of the only researchers in the world who has been actively looking for this type of phenomena??.

She is 26 now, with a birthday in January. It makes no sense for a girl of her age to ever increase in height.

However, females increasing in height in their late 20s is NOT completely unheard of.

She almost completely validates a theory I had about a year ago.

It seems that females who have been abnormally thin and with low bone density seem to have height increasing capabilities later than most other women.

In addition, she has been suffering from cold knees and knee pain for the longest time.

Recently she went to get 3 of her wisdom teeth removed, almost a dozen cavities filled, and had to see multiple medical specialists over medical problems.

In addition, she has been complaining for more than a year that she feels a strange feeling of pressure on her eyelid. A trip to the eye doctor suggested that she might very likely develop glaucoma. When the likelihood of glaucoma was ruled out, she went to see a Neuro-Specialist, who suggested that she might have a tumor developing in her brain, causing the optic nerve behind her eyeball to become pinched, causing that feeling of pressure on the eyelid. She did go get a CT Scan. Was it possible that she has some type of tumor in her pituitary causing pituitary adenoma?

So let me list the types of medical conditions she has been suffering from

  • Childhood history of being abnormally thin
  • She has the most common symptoms of a person with low bone density
  • She suffers from having knees which are always “cold”
  • Her knees have been developing pain, which has started to affect also her lower back.
  • Her blood test shows that her iron level is low, suggesting maybe anemia.
  • Has a long history of extremely heavy bleeding during menstration.

In response to all this, she has being taking the following supplements

  • Iron
  • Multivitamin
  • Magnesium
  • Vitamin D3
  • Glucosamine HCL (not the Sulphate type)
  • Lexapro

I don’t really know what to think right now since someone very close to me has gone through the small big of transformation which we have been searching for the last two years.

Could her claim to be a fluke, maybe a measurement error, or she just hasn’t measured herself in the last 10 years, ever since she noticed that she leveled off in height at the end of puberty?

If I was to be a sceptic, I would say that she has been at 1.62 meters in height for a long time, but she just never realized it. I remember more than a year ago, at a Zoo in Everland (South Korea), there was a height scale on the side of an exhibit to compare ourselves to the giraffe. You walk by it to get an idea of just how much taller a giraffe is to you. She walked under that height scale and stated that she was just 1.61 meters in height. Where I was standing, it looked like she was closer to the 1.62-1.63 meters range, and she was wearing TOMS shoes, the ones which only have less than 1 cm of heel height. If I was to guess, she was already 1.62 meters in height already.

However, let’s say that she did miraculously grow by 1 cm in the last few months. How would I even be able to validate that idea?

The only thing that I can think of is to maybe wait another 6 months or 1 year to see if she has pushed up in height again, to say 1.63 meters. If that happens, then I know that what I have been searching for the longest time may be already right next to me.

If she is growing, then it is time to ask myself, as probably the worlds most extensive amateur height increase researcher, how is it that my own girlfriend has grown at this late stage of her life?

Tyler’s Notes:  Due to being abnormally thin in childhood, it could be catch up growth due to lack of nutrients.  Remember there’s a proliferative capacity of the resting stem cells.  During the lack of nutrients this proliferative capacity is maintained, but there does some to be some height loss permanently that could not be caught up.

Video Of Alexander Teplyashin’s Laboratory Lengthening Legs Of Sheep Using Stem Cell Implants

This is the 2nd video

There is some medical terms that can’t be translated like “stem cells” and “implant” so the video is quite accurate. Dr. Teplyashin is actually sort of a celebrity surgeon in the Moscow area. The rams/sheeps in the video are adult, so they are not going to get any taller. The implant goes into the bone after a small resection.

If you guys are interested in watching more videos about Teplyashin’s many video appearances on Russian Media TV , click here for the Youtube username Alexander Gaponov –

If any of you actually understands Russian, can you translate what they say in the short video?

Notice also in the video below how his lab follows general GLP (Good Laboratory Practices). This is not like what Gavrill Ilizarov did back in the 60s-80s with his version of leg lengthening.

I haven’t updated this website in a long time because I have recently started a new business venture. However, I promise that I will come back to this venture. There are other medical entrepreneurial ideas that I would like to pursue as well.

I’m Writing A Book

Update Nov 5,2014: Some people have commented that I am now monetizing the website. The negative reaction is a little surprising. The real reason I am putting everything in this book is because I am afraid of the possibility that all this knowledge which would be very helpful to humanity could be lost if something happened to me or something happened to the website. If hope the regular readers remember what happened to all that knowledge that was accumulated on the now dead discussion boards. 5-6 years worth of information and ideas completely disappeared in 1 day after the admin decided to stop pushing forth with the endeavor

Every time I get on an airplane and feel turbulence, I start to wonder what I have contributed to the world. How would I be remembered if I went down with the airplane? Did I make a positive change?

Maybe the book I plan to write is a way for me to leave  something behind for the next generation of researchers, in case I suffer a horrible accident. This website has recently gone through at least 2 website technical problems, shutting down the website. I have come to realize that almost everything that is on the internet is just not on stable ground. At least if the information I will combine together is in PDF format and distributed to thousands of people around the world, the information would survive.

If the book was in real paperback or hardcover form, it could survive even the apocalypse, since the information and research I have gathered in the last 2 years will always be available.

I am currently working on writing a book that summarizes EVERYTHING that is on this website. All the important things will be added, and the extraneous information will not be. I will mention all the research and work that has been attempted in the last 15 years, from Sky, to Tyler, to Hakker, to Tim, and others who have tried to help out.

That is why I will not be posting on this website for at least another 4-6 months.

In addition, I have to focus on two other different businesses which are my primary sources of income.

  • Most of my time in the day is devoted to my companies and earning money, and keeping fit.
  • Most of my time at night will be devoted to finishing this book, as well as caring for my family members.

When the book is finally finished, probably in 2016, it will be released to the world, and this website will be transformed into something completely different.

I have decided to use the Natural Height Growth as one of the brand names under my primary umbrella corporation, and treat this website as a real asset. I will be coming back to make good on my promise to push the research much further.

This website will keep on going, and I will try to clean things up, and change dead links, and similar maintenance stuff now.

Anything new that comes out in the next few months will be from Tyler.

Stem Cell Therapy Used To Treat Short Stature – Huge Step Forward!

For a while now I have known about the existence of a type of bank known as stem cell banks, which are used to store and preserve the multipotent abilities of a person’s endogenous based cells. The billionaire Mark Cuban has called this type of “medical emergency insurance” as one of the best gifts that you can give to your children. There are probably hundreds of these banks that are around the world currently. Most people in the general public probably don’t see the long term benefits of getting something like this done. It is quite expensive to use this service, which may never be needed at all.

I keep up with many of the online sources which talk about the latest developments in biotech. One source I found linked to the 1st and largest stem cell bank in India, ReeLabs. These guys have figured out and optimized the way that stem cels can be harvested from the placenta, the amniotic sac, and the amniotic fluid. Now, technically Reelabs do not offer stem cell therapy (because they are just the bank, not a clinic), but they did show the possibility when they revealed that Stem Cell Therapy can be used in bone disorders. The only type of bone disorder that the website listed was Achondroplasia.

As we know, Achondroplasia is the most common disorder that causes severe short stature. There are dozens of types and forms of Achondroplasia. We here have studied this disorder extensively. Reelabs has categorized and defined Achondroplasia as a treatable bone disorder, using the stem cell technology. When you have this revolutionary technique compared to the conventional approach, you realize that THERE IS NO Conventional approach.

Refer to Reelab’s webpage on Achondraplasia here.

Some key things to remember

  • The term “Achondroplasia” is used to for both adults with close plates and children with open plates. This is in difference to the way Acromegaly and Gigantism are defined
  • Most likely, when Reelabs say that stem cell therapy can treat achondroplasia, they are most likely referring to children with open growth plates

Now, for some people who read our website regularly, the idea of injecting stem cells into cartilage to make it expand doesn’t seem that big of a leap, but the truth is that I personally have not found one PubMed study which have ever validated this idea. It was always guessed to be possible, but there hasn’t been a group of researchers who tried this and published positive results.

The closest any paper came to doing this was the idea of Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation ACI). An induced injury is done to the growth plates on rabbits and some part of the growth plate cartilage is severely damaged or chipped away. The implantation of some outside sources of cartilage, chondrocyte, or stem cells showed that the growth plate cartilage managed to regenerate. No study or group has come out and said that stem cell injections can cause cartilages to expand.

Since these guys say that it is possible, and maybe also been tested somewhere to get the technique to become optimized, it validates one of the last steps that we really need to get the technique to work on adults with closed growth plates. The shift from open growth plates to close growth plates involves a precursor step, the one where a step distraction is done to the bone and cartilage is implanted in between.

Of course, I had already proved the idea that growth plate cartilage transplantation was viable from the works by Teplyashin’s team and the collaboration by Ballock and Alsberg.


Why Stretching Does Work To Gain Permanent Height Increase

Usually the email to the website gets just the exact same type of messages from the same type of people. Maybe 75% of the emails we get are people asking me to upload and give them for free the E-Book PDF for the GT4I, but I have felt after dealing with too many potential legal problems that uploading that book will do more harm than good in the long term.

Yishan WongSometimes something useful actually comes along, and that happened today. An email showed me this post written on Quora by a Yishan Wong reveals that a correction of posture through stretching and maybe also yoga has let the poster increase his height by half an inch, going from 5’8″ to 5’8.5″. The person who emailed me mentioned that this Yishan Wong guy is supposed to be the CEO of reddit, but I would not know about that too much. A Quick check does reveal that this Wong guy does have a Quora account and has a similar phrase used in his profile. A Google search on this guys’s height comes up with 5′ 7.5″, which is close enough to his claims on the post about growing taller.

So in light of the new developments, it seem that even a multi-millionaire, super rich tech entrepreneur like Yishan Wong has himself noticed changes in his own height after puberty, through just the normal application of the principles of stretching and yoga.

Now, I personally don’t think there is any need for a person as rich as the CEO of Reddit to ever need to lie to others about his changes in stature. So I am going to just trust in this guy’s claims and say that somehow he increase his height by 1/2 an inch. If we go on the older claim that this guy was 5′ 7.5″ before, then his year of posture correction led to a full inch in height increase for him.

This type of change is NOT that uncommon. I remember years ago watching this televised golf tournament where the announcer noted that one of the professional golfers recently told in an television interview that he increased his height from 6′ 3″ to 6′ 4″ after spending 3 months doing stretching at a very intensive level. Why would anyone need to do that much stretching is beyond my comprehension but that professional golfer got results. Who was this golfer, or what is his name? I don’t remember, but I do remember that segment extremely well in my mind.

The point is that there are too many documented cases of people who took action to change their posture (for cosmetic or health reasons) and started doing stretching as adults and noticed height changes which never went away.

The most obvious and simple way to increase height, and not just temporary height, is to stretch, and stretch a lot. Just this last month I was at a Goodwill and found this old guide to Yoga book and it was showing Indian Hindu yogis who were like 80 years old and had amazing flexibility doing postures that teenage ballerinas can’t even do. In my opinion, stretching should be the first place we should start in our endeavors. and Join a yoga class.

{w/ Tyler’s Rebuttal}My Second Analysis On The Index Finger and Thumb X-Rays

{Tyler’s Notes-Since these measurements are critical to the validity of LSJL I wanted to make a rebuttal right away.  Here’s some images that provide evidence that there is in fact a difference between the right and left fingers:

 The right finger is at the top.  This is the index finger proximal bone.  You can very clearly see that the right bone is longer than the left.  You can identify that these are the right and left bones on the x-ray page.

Here’s the middle bone:


I apologize for the paper folds confounding where the bone ends and begins but if you look closely you can identify it again.  The middle proximal bone is clearly longer.  Again the right bone is on the top and the left at the bottom.  Michael discusses the protrusion on the bone and suggests it might indicate some type of arthritis and that it might cause bone.  What I could do is post a video of myself playing the piano which would provide evidence that my fingers have healthy mobility.

Here’s the proximal part:

20140929_110942Again right bone is on the top but a length difference isn’t really clear.  I’d say this length difference isn’t very significant.

I also did some lateral analysis:



I aligned the bones at the top(proximal) end of the bone.  This is the lateral view of the proximal bone of the index finger.  Right bone is at the top and left bone is at the bottom.  The right proximal index finger bone is longer mainly via the protrusion at the bottom(distal) end.  I couldn’t find a significant difference in the middle or top part of the index finger via the lateral view.  I also tried comparing the thumb bones and couldn’t find anything noticeable which is odd because my left thumb is now noticeable taller than my right.  I’ll have to try to get more accurate measurements there.

How to tell who is right myself or Michael?  Print out the x-rays yourself.  Cut out each individual bone and compare them against each other.

The main difference and main and Michael’s results is that the left index finger is slanted at about 85 degrees whereas the right index is tilted 75 degrees.  Basically, the right index finger is slanting making it shorter.  Michael’s theory is that LSJL may have made my finger slanted.  However in the X-RAY office the x-ray tech asked me to spread my fingers apart and doing so adjusted the finger tilt.

I know that this proof isn’t optimal(once again) but I wanted to put in some reasonable doubt into Michael’s assertion that my fingers have not grown with LSJL.

If Michael had posted pictures and measurements that shown that I had not grown I would ACCEPT THAT LSJL HAD NOT INCREASED length.  Without pictures I can’t analyze his measurement technique.  Michael’s conclusion that I have not grown suffers from confirmation bias where he accepts the conclusion that I had not grown from LSJL because that is closest to his beliefs.  When I first saw the pictures I too measured that my left index finger was longer until I noticed that the right finger was slanted and had to find a way to adjust this in the measurements.

But I accepted this conclusion because I suffer from confirmation bias that I grew from LSJL.  And there’s a definitive and noticeable increase in finger length which is consistent with finger growth(but does not rule out alternative sources).  Michael states that he doesn’t have a camera and can’t take pictures of direct measurements.  So I’m going to have to do it even if I’m not as skilled(my hands were shaking a little bit when I was trying to take a picture with my camera which made things very difficult).

So hopefull these pictures prove that I noticeably and definitavely now have a right index finger longer than my left and soon I’ll have to step up and take pictures of the measurements.

Read Michael’s analysis below, it is essentially correct you don’t account for that the right finger is more slanted due to the x-ray tech asking me to spread my fingers.}

So in the last week Tyler has sent me a flurry of emails asking that I recheck the blown up X-ray pictures again and measure the entire thing over. Obviously I understand that we need to be extremely accurate on this particular set of X-rays since they would either validate or invalidate his theory LSJL. Here is the set of emails he has sent…

Finger X-Ray

“Did you also do the lateral view for comparison?  And did you factor in that the fingers are tilted at different angles?  How did you determine the end point of the bone?  I would’ve drawn a line at the highest point of each individual bone and then measured between then….Also remember that the right finger is slanted by 10 degree over the left finger.”

“Also you stated you measured the center of the finger which doesn’t take into account the height of the epiphysis of the proximal bone.  You can draw a line from the end of that bone and then measure to the end of the finger….And it’s much harder to adjust to the differences in angle for the whole finger if you measure each bone separately it’s easier….To give you an example, I measure the proximal bone of both fingers highest point of epiphysis to lowest point.  For left I get 401.0 pixels, in a straight 90 degree line.  For right I get 407.0 pixels at a 90 degree angle and the right finger is more slanted….Measure this way and see if you get similar results and we can see if we’re on the same page there at least.”

“Actually what you can do is cut out the bones individually and then it would be easier to align.”

“You stated that you placed the finger bones right next to each other.  How did you correct for the 10 degree difference in angle?  When you folded how did you align the two papers?  I found it was impossible to correct for the angle this way. That’s why I suggested cutting the bones out…Sorry for so many emails but this is obviously very important.”

“Flipping the image may help.  I flipped the image with GIMP.  Enlarge that image then you can lay them on top of each other and get a better comparison”

“I just did some more measuring.  I folded up the papers until only the proximal bones of the fingers were visible.  I compared the two bones side to side and used a ruler to align the bones at the bottom.  The right proximal bone was noticeable taller than the left.  The difference in angle between the two fingers must be partly responsible for the different results.  And it seems that each of the three finger bones are aligned a different way so you can’t really compare them accurately side by side because they all slant differently.”


Here is what I can say after looking over the X-rays this morning. The differences in the lengths, whether I am looking at the most proximal phalanges, or the most distal phalanges all have extremely close/similar lengths, at least for the index finger.

There is a total of 5 pictures, two showing the hands, two lateral pictures of both of the index fingers, and one picture that has the hands side by side.

I have not been able to figure out some type of standard or exact reference point to measure all of these bones by. Bones are irregular shaped and there are no sharp or smooth surfaces to use.

When I tried to measure the epiphysis ends from tip to tip, the measurements came out to be either the same or too close to tell.

Tyler keeps on talking about the fact that the right index finger is at an angle, and I know that. Human bones don’t grow completely straight up.. There will be bound to be a little bit of bending or slanted angle. The question that is probably more important to ask is whether the clamping actually caused the slanting of the right index finger.

This is what I did.

I decided to take the slanted factor out of my analysis. I asked myself just what is going on.

Here is what the X-rays did reveal. It turns out that if you really tried to measure the bones, the most distal phalanges of the left index finger is actually longer than the right one! That would be the opposite of what we are hoping for.

However, the most interesting thing is that the right index finger’s middle phalanges has a completely different epiphysis shape than the left. The distal epiphysis protrudes out twice. That are two pronounced humps on the epiphysis. On the left one, there is just one.

It seems that by clamping that joint for many years, the bone shape of the epiphysis/head has completely changed. It is not smooth with a nice layer of articular cartilage. It is rugged.

That is where the extra length in the finger is from! When I measured the right finger’s middle phalanges, from the most protruded head on the distal epiphysis to the bone’s most proximal edge, it comes out to be substantially longer than if I tried to do it on the left hand. In addition, I did not notice the articular cartilage layer on the epiphysis head in that region. It seems that the clamping might have damaged the articular cartilage layer. In its place is the bulging bone area.

As for the lateral viewpoint of the index fingers, those pictures were the most pronounced. The right index finger had most noticeable thicker bones in the index fingers for the right one. So the bones are indeed thicker. That is where I noticed that the epiphysis head was irregular shaped.

As for the thumbs, I did measure them and could not see any differences that were substantial.

There is a 2nd issue – When I looked at the articular cartilage layer of the most proximal phalanges, it looked like that the right index finger’s one was much thicker than the one on the left. So if you are trying to make the bones thicker, it has noticeable effects.


There are no lateral X-rays pictures of the thumbs to view. The pictures I do have are for the index finger. When measuring the thumbs, I could not find the difference in the lengths of the thumbs.

I conclude now that the reason why the right index finger is longer than the left one is because the clamping has changed the shape of the epiphysis aka the middle phalanges head. The epiphysis is supposed to be thin and mushroom-like. The bone for the right hand has started to bulge out creating two bulges, unlike the one which you see in the X-ray for the left hand. The bulging of the epiphysis on the side is what is elevating the most distal phalanges.

Medical Note: There are 2 things which I should warn people who are potentially going to try the clamping.

Note #1: I don’t see a nice layer of articular cartilage on the distal epiphysis on the middle phalanges of the right index finger. It might indicate that the clamping destroyed the cartilage layer.

Note #2: The articular cartilage for the distal end on the most proximal phalanges of the right index finger looks to be somewhat thicker than the left one. That could mean that the cartilage layer has become inflamed, or maybe it is not.

To conclude the post, I would like to ask Tyler whether he can easily & comfortably bend the tip of his right index finger without pain, since joints without cartilage, aka bone on bone contact, is usually quite uncomfortable, since that is just osteoarthritis. I should know since my grandmother had to have total knee replacement surgery when her knees were just bones rubbing against bones.

For me, even though I have never done the clamping on the index fingers, I can’t bend the most tip part of my right finger very well. It would seem that maybe Tyler hasn’t noticed that it has become maybe progressively more uncomfortable or painful to bend that right index finger tip.

LSJL seems to have proven that it can make bones thicker, and can even change the head of long bones aka epiphysis into different shaped. Technically, LSJL does increase the length of the bones, when measured from the end points tip to tip, but it does the lengthening by altering the epiphysis to a shape which is not really normal. The surface of the top of the epiphysis is rugged/no longer smooth. The articular cartilage seems to become thicker, and become ossified. Whatever is below that joint obviously gets pushed in the distal direction. If we are talking about clamping the knees, the tibia/fibula/calcaneus/other feet bones will all be pushed downward. Technically the net result is an increase in height.

Many people who have been critics of the LSJL theory (like those on the Sceptic Forums, available here) claim that the clamping will cause the cartilage to swell up and lead to osteoarthritis later on. At this point, the X-Rays seem to validate their concerns.