Author Archives: Senior Researcher

An Increased Oxygen Concentration Level Causes Insects To Grow In Size

An Increased Oxygen Concentration Level Causes Insects To Grow In Size

I was watching the 9th episode for the new Cosmos: A Space Odyssey series when the Astronomer/Physicist Neil Degrasse Tyson explained a principle on why insects that was alive on Earth 300 Million years ago (called the Carboniferous Period) could be able to grow to incredible sizes.

The way I understood his idea was that insects are basically animals, in the animal kingdom. That means that they will need like all animals Oxygen to be able to get to all of their tissue. Flora Organisms, aka within the Plant Kingdom, need the other type Carbon Dioxide.

It turns out that insects don’t have lungs. The insects that were living back then was able to bring the O2 into their bodies through outside their bodies by some type of opening (I suspect that he means like any orifice, like a mouth) by transporting the oxygen through a network of tubes.

If the insect was too large, the outer reaches of the tubes, closest to the orifice’s opening adjacent to the opening to the outside of the body, would be absorb all that oxygen before the oxygen reaches the internal organs. Imagine your skin getting all the O2 but the O2 never reaches your heart. However, the carboniferous period’s atmosphere supposedly had twice the level of oxygen as current day.

This means that insects could grow much bigger and still get enough oxygen in their bodies. The result is that the dragonflies would grow to the size of eagles and the millipedes can grow to the size of alligators.

So I started to think about the consequences of what would happen to the evolution of humans if the atmosphere of Earth increased in O2 levels.

Would an increased oxygen concentration level in the earth’s atmosphere cause mammals, specifically humans to get larger in size over time too?

I have before asked the theoretical question and did some calculations to guess whether there is a limit to how large humans can get. What we could come up with were three main constraints which would limit the size of humans.

  • The natural material strength of articular cartilage, the collagen in joints, and fluids like those found in the synovial joint of the knees and the nucleus pulposus. – Too much mass on top of the body would crush the tissue below it, like the IVDs would be crushed. (Remember that humans is one of the few animals which walk completely upright. Most mammals have 4 legs, not two arms and two legs. That means their entire body weight is equally distributed into quarters. We put so much emphasize on our heights because we walk on two legs and are upright aka erect! If we had 4 legs on the ground, we would not care about height, but length instead, like how one measures a fish.)
  • The surface area over volume/mass ratio of a the person would decrease to a point where the mass could burst out of the person. (Remember that as a person increases vertically, their weight/mass increases at a cubic rate (^3) while the surface area increases at a squared rate (^2). This is why a person 5 feet tall can weight 100 lbs, 6 feet at 200 lbs, and at 7 feet tall at 400 lbs. With every feet we go up, our weight goes up at a faster rate than our skin (and maybe also skeletal structure) can handle)
  • The corollary to the 2nd point is that the heat transfer limitations of a thick enough skin to hold all that volume/mass in the body means that the body would hold all the heat inside. The result is the internal organs turned into liquid from being heated to an insane level.

This new point that DeGrasse Tyson makes shows that we forgot at least one more critical point, which is that as a person’s body increases, the amount of length of blood vessels the blood would have to be pumped through increases dramatically. It may not seem like a lot of distance to cover but it was said that all the blood vessels in one person lined together on a straight line is supposed to reach from one coast of North America to the other coast.

I remember watching a documentary where it was revealed that current Indiana Pacer’s Center Roy Hibbert, standing at 7′ 2″ has a heart size that is twice as big as the average human. Obviously his heart has to do a much higher level of output of blood pumping to get the nutrients in the blood to all the places in his body. There is only so far a biological instrument like the heart can grow up to before the 4 chamber system can not contract and relax fast enough to pump the necessary flow of blood around the entire body.

(On a side note, primatologist have confirmed the existence of a distance relative the gigantopithecus, which is believed to be up to 10 feet tall. Assuming that the legends of the Bigfoot and Yeti is not true, but fabrications of the human mind, we still have one scientific claim that shows that theoretically, humans can reach the 10 feet mark in height.)

However, it may not just be the heart/blood/nutrient transport problem, which the increase in O2 would fix. It might also be a neuro-chemical problem, where the nerve fiber bundles are so long that the electrical signals from the dentrite-axon-threshhold electrical mechanism to just not work well enough and never reach the brain.

Remember again how Robert Wadlow died. His lower legs supposedly did not have the nerve endings working properly. I am guessing that the incredible length of his legs mean that the distance for the electrical signals from pain or stimuli to reach his brain became a constraint. When his lower leg got a small scratch, he did not feel the scratch. The result is that an infection started without him feeling anything, until he noticed it and by then it was too late.

Of course, Wadlow’s case suggest that there could be a 5th limitation placed on the human body, which is that once you get too tall/large, the nerve responses decrease since there is a much longer distance for the electrical signals to travel to reach the brain.

However, I am going to make a guess that it might be reasonable to suspect that if we increased the level of O2 in the atmosphere, the overall human race over time would increase in height at a higher rate than what is expected of it with average levels of O2. It is already guessed by some futuristic thinkers that the human race would increase in height over time anyway on average as the ability to have access to good nutrients would improve over the coming centuries. I am just saying that a O2 increase might make our whole race just slightly bigger.

At least with the increased O2 levels, the 4th major limitation would be remove which would prevent the human mammal from getting bigger.

(Something I didn’t even consider is that like insects with their exoskeletons, humans have more than just two orifices to take in oxygen. We know about our mouth and nose, which sucks in the air, which is around 20-21% O2. However, most people don’t realize that we also breathe through our skin, at around 1% of our total intake. If O2 is increased, there should be a slight increase in the rate of cellular chemical activity at least in the epidermal cells close to the outside of the body. This could stimulate an increase in proliferation of cell mitosis, specifcally chondrocytes when the organism is still growing.)

Of course, as mammals, we are warm blooded animals. Maybe O2 increased would cause biochemical reactions in our bodies which make the internal temperature increased. We would obviously need more food caloric intake to sustain a homeostatic state of temperature balance. It could have the opposite effect, and decrease the rate of human evolutionary growth if the body just became too hot internally.

Becoming A Scientist To Find A Way To Grow Taller

I thought the recent episode of The Big Bang Theory was a little interesting, with the Melissa Rauch character claiming that she made a life altering decision on which career she wanted to pursue in her life based on a rather deep desire to change her height.

I think a lot of us who have been extremely insecure about our height and wanted to really do something about it at some point made a life altering decision to hopefully find that solution. (There have been a few people on the old Grow Tall Forums and the LSJL forums who have thought about going into medicine or orthopedics specifically to look into that research area). As for others, they just wait, sit back, and hope that someone else will come along and find the solution for them.

I realize that the whole thing should be taken as a joke since it is a TV show but the writers and producers of the show have really focused a lot on the characters making self depreciating jokes about their short stature.

We had previously had made the point that Rauch in real life may have some serious issues against shorter people. Refer to our post Height Challenged, Short Statured “The Big Bang Theory” Star Melissa Rausch Talks About Her Fear Of Short Men And Her Tall Husband“. She might try to play that thing off as a joke, which Conan went along with to be funny and show political correctness, but she is blatantly exhibiting discrimination against a group of men on something which they have no control over.

Update #14 – Buying A 3D Printer and Laboratory Supplies – May 1st, 2014

Update #14 – Buying A 3D Printer and Laboratory Supplies – May 1st, 2014

In the last month I have thought about how we can push the endeavor further along and I thought that we need to start to move away from the theory and look into doing some lab work. So I have started to buy some laboratory equipment to try to regrow cartilage-like tissue of my own.

Here are the following Items I am planning on buying over the next 6 months.

Buying A 3D PrinterOMAX 40X-2000X Digital Compound Microscope – The model will have a built-in 3.0 USB Camera which will allow me to take pictures. The model has 100 slides so that is kind of nice that at least in the beginning I don’t need to buy the slides.

I am planning on getting pig leg from the local market with intact cartilage so that I can do a clean slice of the articular cartilage to find the chondrocytes. If I can isolate a large enough culture of chondrocytes, I want to test certain types of growth factors I’ve bought on them to see how well they can proliferate.

Lab Scalpel – This is to slice biological tissue into thin flat for observation. I might need to get some type of blue or purple staining solution so that certain organelles or cells can be more easily visible.

Lab Culture Petri Dishes – This is to grow cultures. I have worked in a microbiology lab before testing anti-microbial compounds and BSL-3 type bacteria (Staph and Strep mostly) so it should not be that hard to figure out how to grow an agar plate.

Lab Centrifuge – We will need to at some point centrifuge the ECM from the cells for filtration. This is to get as much of the chondrocytes out as possible, and into a type of growth medium like calf serum to let them grow successfully without turning to bone cells.

3D Printer – I recently attended a convention for computer enthusiasts and found out that I can buy my own personal 3D Printer Kit. (The website is I am having a hard time deciding whether I want to get the preassembled model or the unassembled model so that I can really learn about how the machines work. I am leaning towards the Black Preassembled Model currently, which is listed at $600 which would include the plastic mold wires.

3d printers require that you have a .stl file but that is easily doable if one considers that Google SketchUp has that extension. I’ve used Solidworks before (and a little bit of Autocad) but I don’t want to pay the thousands to use those software. If you guys remember, I had drawn a picture of a proposed LSJL Machine years ago using Google SketchUp.

Arduino (UNO model) – This is just for testing. I don’t have any experience in programming boards before but I have used Python, and Matlab before.

Raspberry Pi – I recently started to look back into robotics (I used to be part of a Robotics Club back in school) and how to use either the Arduino platform or the Raspberry Pi to act as a brain to execute programs. I think Raspberry Pi requires C which I have not used before. The Raspberry Pi will need to be eventually used to program say the electrospinning machine.

Electrospinning Machine – The researcher Warren Grayson from John’s Hopkins was kind enough to send a paper which showed how he was able to successfully grow a synthetic growth plate model using the device. (Refer to study “Engineering anatomically shaped vascularized bone grafts with hASCs and 3D-printed PCL scaffolds“). This one is going to be VERY expensive, at around $10,000-$20,000 usually. This device is something I won’t be buying for at least a few years.

BMP2 Recombinant Human Protein – sold by the website Life Technologies – This one is going to be expensive, at around $1,100 for just 100 micrograms. I am not sure how I can afford this one, since I would need to use it quite extensively.

I wanted to remind the readers that trying to do any type of research in the biological sciences requires extensive initial capital to get started. I am guessing it would take about $30,000 to get started.

All these claims that I am making, about what I want to buy to get a real biology lab started is a little over the top but those are my plans going forwards through the next few years. It is going to be a very slow process going through this year, accumulating all the parts that I need.

I want to get the lab work started, to test to see how a local sub-periosteal injection of a growth factor well known to have chondrocyte inducing properties would test when we put it in the articular cartilage layer. If the BMP-2 or OP-1/BMP-7 has a high level of chondrocyte induction, I want to recreate the lab results of Grayson and Ballock, using the scaffold, chondrocyte, and growth factor method.

If You Can Solve This Medical Problem, You Will Become The World’s First Trillionaire

If You Can Solve This Medical Problem, You Will Become The World’s First Trillionaire

World's First TrillionaireIn a recent article I read on the website Business Insider, Rob Wile wrote the article Want To Become A Billionaire? Just Solve One Of These 10 Problems which revealed a list of ideas on how you can become ultra-rich by solving what I would call a Major Problem. As an engineer, I look at some of these problems as challenges to human innovation and creativity. The list was sort of interesting but I found one problem which was a little surprising, which led me to this interesting insight.

Here are the 10 problems….

  1. Wireless Power – I’ve heard about this for the last decade or so, ever since I was still an undergraduate.
  2. Rural, Remote Internet – Google is planning on launching a network of balloons into the stratosphere so that even a tribesmen in the Amazon can use their cell phones.
  3. Cheap, Scalable Solar – Reduce cost per cell & possibly increase energy efficiency. Everyone is racing to the bottom.
  4. Clean Coal – Can be make coal clean? Maybe the best option is the simplest, most obvious choice. Think Occam’s Razor.
  5. Super Low Cost International Payments – That is something I want to have since I have become a semi-expat creating micro-businesses around the world
  6. A Pill That Really Makes You Lose Weight – We’ll get to that in a second.
  7. Cheap Desalination – California has a drought problem. So does Nevada and Las Vegas. Water is running out. We are going to have a huge food shortage problem in the coming decades. California produces 50% of all the fruits and product that is grown in the USA.
  8. Detecting Or Predicting Major Weather Or Natural Events – Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we became modern day shamans and could predict the future like Nate Silver?
  9. Unhackable Passwords – No comment. I am not a securities guy although I have been to the annual Defcon Convention held at the Riviera in Las Vegas twice before.
  10. Death – This one could be another trillion dollar medical problem awaiting a potential future trillionaire to come along, but are we trying too hard to become gods?

It was Problem #6 which surprised me. Can You (or I) really become a billionaire just from solving a much, MUCH easier problem like weight loss?? 

I’ve always said that the science and biomedical problem of height increase, especially after full epiphyseal growth plate ossification is a thousand times harder than weight loss.

  • Losing weight is easy.
  • Altering our height is hard.
  • Eating less and exercising is free, and could even save you money.
  • Intentionally paying 100,000 Euros ($138,000 USD at today’s exchange rate) for someone to break our bones, and then having metal wires put through them so that we can brutally stretch our bones and muscles until we cry for more than a year of painful agony just for maybe 4 extra inches while risking become a total cripple our whole lives is hard.

I am not saying that loss weight is easy, but it sure is much easier than trying to grow taller.

So I have full confidence in saying this….

If we can become a billionaire just by creating a pill to help us loss weight, an analogous treatment for height increase would make us a trillionaire, or a multi-trillionaire.

I personally don’t believe that a magic pill to grow taller will ever exist for people with closed growth plate, although Glucosamine Sulphate comes damn close. (Refer to the post “This Non-Prescription Supplement Has Been Scientifically Proven To Make You Grow Taller Even With Closed Growth Plates“). Many people have tried, and all have failed.

Similarly, on a related subject, based on Problem #10 on that list, The age old desire for immortality which the death-fearing emperors of Ancient China wished for swallowing too much mercury eventually turned them crazy. These rulers of men ordered their legions of men to look high and low across the world and in the deepest reaches of the ocean for a “cure”, and grind up every bone of every animal, brew the leaves of every single plant and fruit in their land, to try to find the “elixir to immortality”. However, even the ruler of all men in the world will be subjected to the laws of nature and the universe. We struggle most of our lives against other men, trying to overcome them and dominate them, because we believe that we are not strong enough, not smart enough to try to overcome the limitations set for us by nature and our existence.

I personally think that each of our lives would be worth much more if we dedicated it towards solving large problems (ie colonizing mars, finding a HIV vaccine, removing radioactive waste dumps, regrowing the forests back, etc.), instead of trying to fight and bicker with our fellow brothers and sisters in the human race. At the end of the day, even if we did win in our struggle against our fellow neighbor and proved that somehow we are better than them because there is more “zeros” in our bank account or that our kids went to a higher ranked university than their kids, our egotistical desires to try to “one-up” each other gets us no where closer to solving the real problems in life. The problems we have with other humans, we created it ourselves, and it is all a fabrication of our own minds. That is not real. Those problems are not real. When we pass away & our body lies in the ground to rot, all those arguments, fights, bickering and lawsuits we filed & spent years in, just to try to screw over someone we became too emotionally fixated on, goes away.

If you really believe that there is some miraculous special compound which can be ingested to give you the body you want, then you are most likely wrong. Maybe something can be found for weight loss, but height increase? I don’t think so.

So here is my challenge for anyone who wants to try to figure it out. I am not asking for the person to come up with a pill, because that type of technology could be centuries away, assuming that it can ever be achieved at all. However, there is a middle path, a compromise towards what we secret wish for (which is a easy button) and what the rules of nature has set as our physiological constraints and limitations and what our bodies are capable of doing.

I propose some ideas on how to solve the problem half way, partially to give an alternative to limb lengthening surgery, as a simpler, less painful, cheaper, and less time consuming technique …

  • Lab grown growth plate implantation which will restart the bone longitudinal growth process
  • Intra-articular injection of mesenchymal stem cells and a growth plate formulation
  • Inducing microfractures using ultrasonic extracorporeal shockwaves into the cortical bone layer to let the bone marrow seep into the cracks & periosteum stem cells to generate into the chondrogenic lineage.
  • Reverse the senescence of the cells in the human body to a progenitor cell state to decalcify aka chelate the calcium crystals out.

I’ve already given away almost all of the best ideas on how to make your trillion dollars already. The question is, who is willing to put down their millions (Initial Guess: $30-$60 Mil) to start the initial capital funding to get the biomedical endeavor running to gain some momentum?

Of course, I am mainly directing this to certain people in the world, and I know who you are.

(I know for a fact personally due to past work experience from a very credible source that there are some families in the world, specifically the Middle East, which have a combined family net worth of up to $1 Trillion dollars! This is not a joke. The hidden areas of the world economy, of the international underground market, which is never reported to the IRS or any large established financial institutions is probably 90% of the real amount of transactions going on. There are hundreds of rich billion dollar Chinese families which create shell companies in tax haven countries to funnel their cash & buy real estate properties around the world in developing countries and western countries with easy immigration policies. There are dozens of billionaires in the UAE (Dubai and Dhabi) which have for decades tried to hide their real assets in Swiss bank accounts, only be blocked due to changes implemented in recent years. There are dozens of billionaires based in Russia which have been monopolizing the precious metal mines in Russia and other developing countries for the last 30 years. As for the nations that are still ruled by dictators, the dictator owns all the assets of their country (Remember that Gaddafi supposedly had $200 Bil claimed by Forbes Magazine). The United States Department of Treasury at the Bureau of Engraving & Printing prints out about $60 Bil dollars worth of paper reserve notes every month. Refer to their monthly reports here. You can see how much cash is “created” by the Bureau of Engraving & Printing in their Annual Product Report Available Here (The thing is in a excel MACROS file for god-sake.)

(My point is that there is more money (in the form of paper cash aka fiat currency) flowing through the economic system than ever before! There is so much money that the people at the top (Bankers, Goldman Sachs, Federal Reserve (who can trade their own money in the stock market) don’t even know what to do with all the rest of the money anymore. When the goal of money is just to invest the money into some asset to get a higher interest rate using compounding effect to make more money, then money no longer becomes the means to an end, but it is the end in and of itself. That becomes a problem, since money is no longer used to improve the quality of the nation’s people.)

It takes someone to become the first cause, someone to be the first person to step up and walk the talk, and put down some of their own money. I know there are millions of people out there who can support this cause. There is already about 1,200 Billionaires already in the world.

I am willing to put in $100,000 of my own money to the cause, but that won’t even be enough to get through 1 day of the entire process. I believe in it, but I am not a martyr. There are other problems I want to tackle in my life. This is just one of them.

Biotech is insanely hard to get started. There is a gauntlet of regulations to deal with, taking years and millions of dollars. However, if you are willing to get into the game, and double down like Elon Musk did with his own money believing in the cause of his SpaceX company, believing in our cause, you might be written up in the history books.

Can you solve this problem?

urlIf you can, you will be rewarded on a level which will put Bill Gates and John Rockefeller to shame. Millions of people around the world will be eternally grateful to you for how much you have helped improve their life.

I am reminded of a commonly referenced quote to give inspiration to young kids to be stupid, and try to accomplish the impossible, and change the world. –>


Successful Implantation of Entire 3D-Printed Skull Bone Due To Disorder Causing Increase In Skull Thickness

Successful Implantation of Entire 3D-Printed Skull Bone Due To Disorder Causing Increase In Skull Thickness

3D-Printed Skull BoneThere are places on the internet which I read up on which reveal some of the most interesting medical and scientific innovations going on in our time. This recent story I heard shows that there are mays to increase our overall height than just alternations to our limbs.

I remember hearing stories many years ago about how young potential sumo wrestlers who might be just a few cms shorter than the height requirement cut-off point would go through type of scalp lifting/removal surgery to put some type of permanent, semi-hard implant into their scalp to give them that extra thickness so that they can qualify to train to become a future sumo wrestler. Back then I thought it was insane but now I sort of understand why people do that kind of thing.

This surgery obvious takes things to a completely different level. I’ve personally done research on skull and brain surgeries so I know about some of the most aggressive forms of head manipulation and cutting techniques that are out there. This one is absolutely fascinating.

The young woman who was just 22 years old seemed to have this disorder that causes the her skull bones to become thicker and thicker over time. This seems to be an example of appositional growth, or just calcium absorption and deposition on the inner side of the skull.

We are of course assuming that it was not the outside of the skull that was getting the extra layering, since it says that the increase in thickness of the skull bone started to pinch down on her optic nerve which was ready to completely blind her. The surgery was performed in this university called University Medical Centre Utrecht.

This story was huge just last month and was shared extensively over social media so some of you might have already heard about it. The implant that was placed was a type of plastic cover. Obviously the medical issue of whether the plastic cover would be durable enough to last for over the patient’s entire life was raised. Would she have to go back in 5, 10, 30 years to get it replaced? Maybe it is made from a biodegradable material so all that is needed is to cover the plastic with some calcium paste and let it solidify over time?

The sources I got the story from are from in the article “Neurosurgeons successfully implant 3D printed skull” & “Neurosurgeons Have Successfully Implanted the First 3-D Printed Skull Into a Woman’s Head

How To Look Taller By Wearing Thick Heeled Height Increasing Insoles

How To Look Taller By Wearing Thick Heeled Height Increasing Insoles

Height Increasing InsoleSometimes maybe the easiest thing for us to do is to just to give a temporary fix to our psychological issues with our short stature. The simplest way that I can think of on how to make ourselves at least look taller is to wear shoes with thicker heels, those shoes known as lifts, or some type of height increasing insoles.

Previously, I had reviewed before the YOKO and the KIMI height increasing insoles (Available Here) which are exactly the same product, with a slightly different name., as well as these in-sock height increasing arched insoles. (Review Available Here). Those products are no longer prevalent on the internet was very popular and marketed extensively maybe 5 years ago, when the internet was a younger entity. Of course, they never worked. Putting the insoles inside one’s shoes will make one look taller to other people, but it won’t stimulate some type of secret pressure point to release excess growth hormones to make a person grow taller. That is not going to happen.

These are the new models of thick heeled insoles sold in the market today…

Height Increase Elevator Shoes Insole (by Calden) – Price: $7-$8

Height Increasing InsoleDescription: It seems to be able to give the user around 1-1.5 inches of extra height. This particular model is made of two pieces. The 2 pieces are detachable from each other. The top plastic piece gives an extra height of around 1 inch, and the bottom part gives an additonal 0.5 an inch. If the size of the insole is too long or wide, you can take some scissors and trim the edges to fit for the right shoe size. Since the lift is probably going to be stuffed secretly in one’s shoes, that will take up space where the feet is usually be at. This means that you would actually need to get a deeper or larger sized shoe than – Read more

Honeycomb Shaped Gel Elevator Shoes Half Insole – Price: $7.50

Honeycomb Shaped Gel Elevator Shoes Half InsoleDescription: This type of insole is actually known as a half-insole. It is just “half” of the entire thing because it is only for the back part of the feet. When a person walks with this thing stuffed in the soles of the inside of the shoe, it would probably feel like their feet is raised in the back. The net result is that from the outside, appearance wise, they would look to be slightly taller. We are not sure how comfortable this product would actually be for any person since it might cause the arch of the feet to become bent in the wrong angle causing long term feet problems. A common problem is what is known as FlatfeetRead more

Half Elevator Insole for Men (by Calden) – Price: $7

Half Elevator Insole for MenDescription: This model of elevator insole is also of the half-insole variety. This particular model has a function of increasing a person’s height by upwards of even 1/2 an inch. I am a little surprised by the model since from the pictures we see from the side view, it looks kind of thin. The material that this model called the half elevator insole is made from is a ultra-light weight foam. I remember seeing models of this type in some large retail stores in the US but it is very prevalent in Asian countries like South Korea where wearing stuffing height increasing insoles is commonly practiced. This rather thin type might be – Read more

Height Lifting Inserts (For both Men and Women) – Price: $17

Height Lifting InsertsDescription: Our first impression of this type of insole from just the first picture is that it is one which we have seen before. We are referring to the elevator shoes insoles, which was the very first quick review we had done. Notice how in both this model, and the original model we looked at they have almost the exact same design. There is two main pieces, with the thicker piece being on top. The only noticeable difference we can see from just looking at the pictures is the back area. This model has a type of glossy plastic back side. I would guess that the plastic in the back is for support when a person is walking – Read more

The WSWS 3-Layer Air Cushion Insole – Price: $18-$20

WSWS 3-Layer Air CushionDescription: Out of all the types of foam insoles we have seen so far, this model is the most expensive of them all. However, it makes up for the price with a degree of assured quality in the durability of the insole. The seller of the product is WSWS. The extra cost is also explained by the fact that there is 3 separate layers to the increased thickness. It translates to a total of 2 and a half inches. That is a lot more than any other insoles sold out there. However, with that type of increase, the big problem turns into us asking the question “How will we ever be able to walk in a regular shoe with that also stuffed inside?” – Read more

LiftKit Lo-Top Insoles (For Men) – Price: $25-$30

LiftKit Lo-Top InsolesDescription: This was the one model of insoles which we have seen before. It is called the LiftKit Lo-Tope Insole. Notice from the picture how well it is designed. I personally like it for its sloping design. This means that the feet that goes on top of it won’t feel any discomfort, unlike putting a half-arch underneath it. The human feet does require an arch, but the soft foam nature of all of these insoles suggest that when you stand up on the insoles, the foam will give way to the contours of your feet. If we take into consideration the give of the foam, there will be obviously a decrease in the height gained. – Read more

The LiftKits Universal Insole – Price: $23-$27

LiftKits Universal InsoleDescription: This model is one of the half dozen or so models sold by LiftKits. Most of the other models are designed for either men or women, but this model is unisex, hence the name the LiftKits Universal Insole. This model would give a person up to 1 1/4th of an inch in height increase. Of course, that is if you are using of the two separate pieces on top of each other. The top thick heel would give 3/4th of an inch, and the bottom one would give half an inch. I personally am not a big fan of the half-insole types, especially if they are too high up. If you are going to be wearing those type, I suggest that the – Read more

Rosallini Nest Design Flannel Heel Gel Insoles – Price: $4

Rosallini Nest Design Flannel Heel GelDescription: Whereas before, we reviewed basically two sellers or middleman of thick heeled insoles, Calden and LiftKits, this other model type is sold by Rosallini. We have never heard of this seller or distributor. The type of heeled gel insoles that is sold by Rosallini, which seems to be an all purpose middle man of stick retail products, including jewelry, accesories, and novelty items. I took a look at this exact model called the Nest Deisgn Flannel Heel gel and was not very impressived. The heel are just too thick and tall and bulky for a person to use without hurting themselves. It would however give – Read more

Silicon Gel Insert Insole Pads – Price: $4

Silicon Gel Insert Insole PadsDescription: This is not an insole, but still a type of pad you would stick inside a sneaker or dress shoe to provide a slight bit of height. The pad is obviously clear or transparent, and the material used is silicone, which gives it a much more malleable and deformable quality to it. For each of the pairs of silicon gel insert pads, there will be 5 different layers, which will each provide a little less than 1/4th of an inch. The 5 layers together will give a person who is standing up just about 1 inch of height increase. I personally have bought one of these before from a street vendor in Asia and tried them on. The feeling was – Read more

How To Wear These Insoles Comfortably

The way that a lot of these insoles are shaped, there would be no way to even fit them on the back of the inside of any shoe. Some of the insoles claim to be able to raise a person’s height by even 2 and a half inches. There are many shoes where the top edge don’t even reach that tall. If you tried to put that insole inside, it might be too wide or too tall for the shoe. If the insole does get inside, maybe there will be no more room for a person to put their own feet in.

Even if you could get your feet inside the space above the insoles in the shoes, it might be too tight for your feet. When you finally do manage to stand up, walking with the insoles might be extremely uncomfortable. That is why I wanted to talk about a few tips on how a person who plans to wear these insoles can relief discomfort or pain.

Tip #1: Pick a shoe size around 2-3 sizes bigger than one’s feet. That increased shoe size, will give more width and length to fit the insoles inside. The size increase would also mean the shoe would be slightly taller or deeper. When you put the insoles in, you will still have enough room for the insoles.

Tip #2: Wear comfortable socks. Some of the insoles might have a type of foam or gel that would be sticky to the soles of the feet. Wear socks.

Tip #3: Buy & put around 3-4 insoles stacked together. Most insoles sold will give only about 1/4th of an inch in height, 1 cm at most. To get at least 1 inch of noticeable change in your appearance, you would want to get more than 1.

Tip #4: Avoid the gel type of insoles. They are too soft and if you use them too long, they can loss the structural integrity and become squished, turning the insole into a thin pancake, providing nothing at all.

Tip #5: Avoid the half insoles. The half insoles if they are stacked on top of each other will create a type of wdge shape, which has a very big angle. There would be no way a person can put their feet inside the shoe with a high wedge.

Some Background on Wearing Insoles and Arches To Look Taller

I remember that Sky, the creator of the website LimbCenter.Org even did a comparison on how easy and well it would be to just put thick heel insoles into a person’s shoes to gain upwards of 1-2 inches of temporary height. He concluded that the the result of just putting a thick heeled insole into the shoes did have a small effect. It would seem that 1 of those insoles would give maybe 1/4-1/8th of an inch in height increase, which is almost completely unnoticeable to most people, unless a person was standing next to a stadiometer or something. I sort of say that if a person just wanted to look taller temporarily, add more than just 1 insole in there.

There has even been at least one really popular and well accepted company started in recent years by a semi-famous celebrity male model Derek White, who started the company LiftKits. His product is the Liftkit Insoles, which is another type of insole. What sets his models apart from the others in the market has been the way the layers of the insoles snap on together, which is sort of a clever spin on an old idea. We did a review on the Lift Kits in a very old post (Available Here). Since this Derek White guy never claimed that the insoles he sells can actually make a person become taller, but just look taller, we fully supported him and his endeavor. I personally don’t seem anything wrong with promoting and selling some of these insoles, as long as one is being completely honest what what the product can actually deliver and provide value for the customer.

For a little bit of perspective to realize how big the craze of wearing insoles for increased height are, look at this video I uploaded more than a year ago. I found this line of insoles being sold on the side of a local street in Seoul, South Korea. The guy who was selling the thick heeled cushions seemed very nonchalant of this practice.