Author Archives: Senior Researcher

Impact of Growth Factors and PTHrP on Chondrogenic Differentiation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells

Impact of growth factors and PTHrP on early and late chondrogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells
  1. S. Weiss,  T. Hennig,  R. Bock,  E. Steck,  W. Richter*

Article first published online: 4 JAN 2010        DOI: 10.1002/jcp.22013        Copyright © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Journal of Cellular Physiology

Volume 223, Issue 1,  pages 84–93, April 2010


Common in vitro protocols for chondrogenesis of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) induce an inadequate, hypertrophic differentiation cascade reminiscent of endochondral bone formation. We aimed to modify chondrogenic protocols in order to identify potent inducers, promotors, and inhibitors to achieve better chondrogenesis. Nine factors suspected to stimulate or inhibit chondrogenesis were used for chondrogenic in vitro induction of MSC. Differentiation was assessed by immunohistochemistry, alcian-blue staining, qRT-PCR, and quantification of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity. Pre-differentiated pellets were transplanted subcutaneously into SCID mice to investigate stable cartilage formation. Transforming growth factor (TGF)-β was always required for chondrogenic differentiation and deposition of a collagen-type-II-positive extracellular matrix, while bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-2, -4, -6, -7, aFGF, and IGF-I (10 ng/ml) were alone not sufficiently inductive. Each of these factors allowed differentiation in combination with TGF-β, however, without preventing collagen type X expression. bFGF or parathyroid hormone-like peptide (PTHrP) inhibited the TGF-β-responsive COL2A1 and COL10A1 expression and ALP induction when added from day 0 or 21. In line with a reversible ALP inhibition, in vivo calcification of pellets was not prevented. Late up-regulation of PTH1R mRNA suggests that early PTHrP effects may be mediated by a receptor-independent pathway. While TGF-β was a full inducer, bFGF and PTHrP were potent inhibitors for early and late chondrogenesis, seemed to induce a shift from matrix anabolism to catabolism, but did not selectively suppress COL10A1 expression. Within a developmental window of collagen type II+/collagen type X cells, bFGF and PTHrP may allow inhibition of further differentiation toward hypertrophy to obtain stable chondrocytes for transplantation purposes.

My Interpretation:

You need TGF-beta to always be there in combination for the other growth factors to work. The others are BMP 2,4,6,7 aFGF, and IGF-1.

You want to avoid Collagen type X because collagen type X is produced by the chondrocytes after the chondrocytes have hypertrophied and by that time, it is already too late for them to proliferate which is what actually causes bone lengthening which is really just stacking of condrocytes in column fashion along the axis. Hypertrophy will always happen but proliferation will not. You want to focus on the layers closer and closer to the resting zone.

Also, you want to avoid matrix catabolism and desire matrix anabolism. The matrix they are referring to is the growth plate cartilage matrix, not the bone matrix. Catabolism is bad because that means it is going throughout process of breaking apart. You want to keep the growth plates intact strong, and multiplying.

It seems the bFGF and PTHrP inhibits early and late chondrogenesis which is a way to control hypertrophy. I am not sure if that means we should be striving to increase or decrease PTHrP.

{Tyler-I found the text file and have comments:

“Bone marrow samples for the isolation of MSC were obtained from 10 patients (range 34–73 years, 6 male/4 female) undergoing total hip replacement”

“Pellets of 4–5 × 105 MSCs were formed by centrifugation at 300g in 1.5 ml microcentrifuge tubes (Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany). After incubation at 37°C, 6% CO2 for 4 days pellets were transferred to 96-well U-bottomed plates. Cells were kept in induction medium for 2, 4, 7, 14, 21, 28, or 42 days. Chondrogenic basal medium consisted of DMEM high glucose supplemented with 5 µg/ml insulin, 5 µg/ml transferrin, 5 ng/ml selenous acid, 0.1 µM dexamethasone, 0.17 mM ascorbic acid-2-phosphate, 1 mM sodium pyruvate, 0.35 mM proline, and 1.25 mg/ml BSA”

It seems that the default state for MSC pellet culture is to express type I collagen.  And TGF-Beta is needed to induce expression of Col2 unless in the presence of bFGF or PTHrP.  The other proteins tested were: BMP 2, 4, 6, 7. aFGF.  bFGF.  PTHrP. IGF-1.  Now other non-protein factors are able to induce chondrogenic differentiation without growth factors like mechanical factors.

“0.1 ng/ml of PTHrP allowed differentiation according to positive staining for collagen type II and alcian blue, 1 ng/ml PTHrP suppressed chondrogenic differentiation in MSC from three of four of the donors”

“PTH1R mRNA appeared not before day 21 of chondrogenic culture with TGF-β. This argued in favor of a receptor-independent action of PTHrP in the early phase of chondrogenic induction.”<-So this means that supplemental means that elevate PTHrP could inhibit chondrogenesis as PTHrP can inhibit growth plate action regardless of the presence or absence of receptors.

My Girlfriend’s Extremely Tall Family Members

Recently while I was walking with my gf she told me an interesting anecdote about certain people in her extended family which seems to have the height gene which is expressed at a very high level.

While she herself if not tall, maybe even short, she seems to have some really big relatives. Repeatedly she has told me that her male cousin and his dad are of extreme height. There is also a equally tall grandmother of the cousin involved.

While there is not doubt that the standards of what is considered ‘tall’ in an Asian country would be different than in America, her claims seems to be very extreme.

The way she explains it is that her step-mother has around 5 biological siblings. She is not sure but the step-mother has around 3 sisters and 2 brothers. One of the sisters while not tall herself seems to be married to a very, VERY tall guy and the result is a very tall male step-cousin (through marriage).

Technically the relationship will be like step-cousins and step-uncles by marriage. The claim is that either the step-uncle by marriage or the step-cousin by marriage has a height that is reaching nearly as high as the ceiling.

Technically the ceilings in most buildings and places in South Korea are around 8 feet tall. She claims that these relatives have height that are only around 1 inch shorter than before scraping against the ceiling.

If we account for the shoes and a little bit of height due to hair, I would guess that she claims that these family members are around the 7′ 7″ – 7′ 9″ mark.

Apparently the cousin is so tall that he was recruited to play for some basketball team. I am not sure whether it is for a national team or not.

Based on my research, I don’t believe that her claims can be accurate. I don’t believe that there are anyone who can possibly be in the 7′ 7″ – 7′ 9″ height range in South Korea.

There is Ri Myung Hun who would be in the 7′ 9″ mark but he is in North Korea. The tallest person in South Korea should be the former Portland TrailBlazer Ha Seung Jin who is around 7′ 3″ – 7′ 4″. I told the story about the strange unknown tall korean guy I saw when I took the trip to Osaka in the post A 7 Feet Tall Korean Man Walks Through The Busan International Ferry Terminal Going To Japan

Besides these people, there are really no other contenders for anything in terms of giants found on the Korean Peninsula. What is generally well accepted about the demographics of the Korean ethnicity and the people who are from the Korean peninsula is that they are a very homogeneous group of people. There is a very low percentage of minorities and foreigners in both North Korea and South Korea. In addition, at least in South Korea people are very healthy an have a good health care system.

When we look at it that way, there should NOT be a very large long tail when looking at the bell distribution curve of the korean population. I have suspected for a long time that the reason why there seem to be a lot of Acromegalic Giants in places like China, Pakistan, and India is due to bad healthcare systems (as well as the extremely large population). The height distribution curve of these countries with below average healthcare systems will produce many more people in the long tail of the extreme height range. I note that almost everyone who has ever developed gigantism due to overactive pituitary systems and pituitary adenomas are not from the wealthy class.

South Korea should NOT be able to produce more than maybe 2-3 people over the 7′ 3″-7′ 4″ range. The reason is because the demographics of the society is extremely well documented and very uniform with the effect of minorities heights being negligeble effecting it. In the post Average Height Of Korean Men And Average Height Of Vietnamese Men the main reference I used was study done on a 1000 subject group of both college aged Korean and Vietnamese females and males. That revealed that that the average height of college aged Korean male students was around 5′ 9″.


Ha Seung Jin should be the tallest person in South Korea. Maybe he is not and there is some poor family located in the countryside of this Asian Peninsula where there is a case of acromegalic gigantism which is expressed in family members. We know that the gigantism due to pituitary adenoma can be completely genetic, due to our research on the Irish Giant Charles Byrne. However, it is extremely hard to believe that there is someone that tall that both I am not aware of or to the people at website.

My girlfriend is claiming that one of her relatives which she has seen is supposed to be maybe 6 inches taller than Ha Seung Jin, around the 7′ 9″ – 7′ 11″ range. Can this be accurate?

Research On Endometrial Cancer Shows That Tamoxifen Modulation Of Estrogen Explains Its Effect On Longitudinal Bone Growth

I was going through this YouTube video entitled A brief discussion of Endometrial Cancer of Uterus and the lecturer revealed something at the time range of 19:45-20:00 of the video which explained and might have resolved an issue which I have been trying to figure out for a while now.

In the older post Increase Height Using Tamoxifen, Where Scientific Sources Contradict Each Other I had shown that there seems to be contradictory information on the effect of Tamoxifen on longitudinal bone growth. While Tamoxifen is supposed to be an aromatase inhibitor, preventing estrogen from turning into testosterone, there are a few cases which say that tamoxifen is bad for bone growth.

The Lecturer would reveal the following clue…” Tamoxifen is a selective estrogen receptor modulator that has an estrogen antagonist effect on the breast but has an estrogen agonist effect on the endometrium”

This shows that for different areas of the body, Tamoxifen can help increase estrogen or help decrease it.

Translation: Tamoxifen doesn’t just decrease the estrogen rate, but could increase it in other places. This means that tamoxifen is a horrible compound to take or inject to be used as some type of aromatase inhibitor like Letro or Anavar.


Increase Height And Grow Taller Using Bio-MEMS Devices

Note: While technically the application of Bio-MEMS Devices are currently being created for the use of sensors, scanning, and detection, I have a slight idea on how this technology can be used for our endeavor.

Many times I wrote articles that talk about what I find from doing a reverse link research to see what kinds of websites reference this website. Today I found a link to this website from a website which referenced a very unique, new biomedical technology which is just coming out.

The exact link that referenced this website is

The post that they referenced was the one where I had talked about the potential in using the Low Intensity Pulse Ultrasound LIPUS technology to possibly help increase height.

Increase Height And Grow Taller Using Low Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound, LIPUS – Part II

In the post I had mentioned a bone stimulator device known as Exogen which emits a LIPUS waves to increase the healing rate of bones which are in non-union. The EXOGEN LIPUS product is known as a Ultrasound Bone Healing System.

The poster on the website link above stated or quoted this phrase….

“David ‘Rocky’ Markus started research on a ‘male reproductive organ-enhancement device’ 
according to my sources using EPGL‘s latest LIPUS– technology. Results will be revealed next week and a prototype-device…:can be expected by the end of September”

They noted that either the new biomedical device or technology using LIPUS would be a $50 Billion industry. So What I did like I always did was do a little bit of research on this company, to see what they did.

In the past I had uncovered information about Biomet Non-Invasive Bone Growth Stimulator System called OrthoPak. I would eventually say after doing more research and conclude that the Biomet uses the LIPUS technology which does not help in increasing height, at least for people with completely ossified growth plate cartilage.

It seems that a company EP Global Communications Inc which has the stock ticker name EPGL has been renamed to EPGL Medical Sciences back in earlier of this year (2013) has developed a certain type of biomedical technology using the LIPUS technology.

A certain Ph. D scientist named David “Rocky” Markus (Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering and a MS in Electrical Engineering with an emphasis in MEMS Microelectronics and Biomedical) has developed a very unique way to help males increase their penis size (aka male reproductive enhancement device). using the LIPUS technology. A real MD named Corey W Hunter came on to the board as some type of scientific advisor and the medical director.

When I typed in the term “EP Global Communications” into google to see what I can find about this company, I was taken to another forum post about this company which is becoming more and more interesting

From the main webpage, the are…. “focused on developing and marketing medical devices for both diagnosis and treatment of chronic pain”. It is very interesting since I am currently developing a small website selling devices that are used to treat pain and provide pain relief devices (exactly Electrotherapy Devices, TENS Units, Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation tDCS Devices, and Infrared Therapy Devices). So I am curious.

EPGL Med has come out with its first product, something called the MPDD. The MPDD stands for Muscle Pain Detection Device. The function of the MPDD medical device is to help physicians detect the exact point of pain origination in muscles. From the website…

The MPDD device incorporates leading edge technology for trans-cutaneous-electroneural stimulation, a safe, effective and proven way of stimulating muscle

It seems that the technology is very similar to the Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation technology seen in TENS devices. The claim is quite impressive.

Beyond just this MPDD Pain Locator Device, there are additional products that they are developing which they describe as “biomedical devices which utilize Bio-Micro-Electro Mechanical Systems technology (Bio-MEMS)

What are Bio-Micro-Electro Mechanical Systems?

Bio-MEMSThe name is shorten to Bio-MEMS. Based on the Wikipedia article on Bio-MEMS, it seems that the primary function of any type of Bio-MEMS is to help treat some type of disease or diagnose a disease. The scale that Bio-MEMS work on are on the micro-scale. What happens is that you take elements of various branches of science and engineering like material science, electrical engineering, biology, and genetics and combine them together to build cool stuff. You use the BIo-MEMS in genomics, proteomics, implantable devices, and tissue engineering.

As for company EPGL Medical Sciences, they now hold rights to at least one FDA 510k cleared medical device. The MPDD is claimed by the company to be worth over $4 billion dollars annually in revenue sales and recurring revenues.

What is shocking to me is that the company is one of the first biomedical device designers and makers which have implemented and are using the Google Glass technology and the API Mirror platform.

The last little bit which really got me interested is that the claim EPGL Med has some type of secret medical technology that they are currently not revealing until they manage to patent the hell out of the technology.  Supposedly, EPGL  will reveal its new BioMEMS medical device platform which is called “TopSpin.”

From, they revealed back in June what type of devices and patents were being written up

EPGL has filed patents and owns unique Intellectual Property for each of the following new smart medical devices:

  • 1. A new advanced ablation device for nerve pain treatment in the back.
  • 2. A new advanced ablation device for nerve treatment of Facial Glabballar Frowning.
  • 3. A new advanced device for elimination of facial wrinkles.
  • 4. A new advanced Epidural device.
  • 5. A new advanced power source for TopSpin medical devices.
  • 6. A new and promising device for treatment of Retinitis Pigmentosa
  • 7. A new and promising device for treatment of Macular Degeneration
  • 8. A new and promising treatment for Hearing Loss
  • 9. A new more accurate treatment for trigger points in the muscles (MPTT)
  • 10. A new advanced device for treatment of prostate tumors.
  • 11. A new advanced endoscopic device.
  • 12. A new advanced device for delivery of micron sized drug payloads.
  • 13. A new advanced device for delivery of micro mechanical devices into the body.
  • 14. A new advanced device for biopsy.
  • 15. A new advanced device for stem cell treatment delivery.
  • 16. A new advanced contact lens device.

Several more devices beyond this list will be revealed in coming months by the Company.

I have a little bit of experience in learning about patent laws, and I have worked with patent lawyers in my older company which was a startup trying to create an alternative energy storage system. Patents are a huge industry, where large corporations go into multi-billion dollar lawsuit wars over proprietary issues with Non-Disclosure Agreements thrown around everyday.

Theoretically we could try to find the patent on Google Patents or see what type of ideas they could potentially be. We don’t plan to build our own device since that is not our intention.

For some interesting reading I would like to refer the reader to the patent “Method of making BIO-MEMS devices

I have worked in finance also before trading securities and I know only a little bit of these unique angel investors or venture capitalists. I have known about Sand Hill Road for years now and I understand that for so many venture capitalist firms, they wait and just get reports coming out of small startup companies which a brilliant new technology hoping to invest and buy enough of a company which will turn into the next Google or Facebook.

So what does all this information have to do with us, people who are searching for a way to possibly increase height?

If we look at some of the types of application that Bio-MEMS devices can be used for, one of them is for implantable devices and tissue engineering. #13 and #15 of the claims made by this rather hot biomedical device startup are that they have created devices which can delivery of micro mechanical devices into the body and do delivery of stem cells. These are the type of technology which I have been hoping for to come along.

I currently don’t have the resources and the financial capital to set up a real lab and get test trials done, but I can do enough research to be able to connect the major dots. If we can find enough patents, reports, studies, and Ph. D thesis, we just might theoretically create a theory on how to increase longitudinal growth in the long bones which is based on scientific references.

I refer back to the amazing patent written by Carl Brighton almost 30 years ago. “Method for non-invasive electrical stimulation of epiphyseal plate growth“. He had written up the patent as a scientific advisor or maybe CTO (Chief Technology Advisor) for the company Biolectron Inc.

It seems that Biolectron was doing some major research on how to grow bones even 30 years ago. Biolectron Inc might not be around anymore but the patents and the intellectual property still exists for us as amateur researchers to read and think about.

As a final note, I would like to refer to another amazing patent written also by Brighton and Solomon Pallock back in 1983. Patent: Method for treatment of non-union bone fractures by non-invasive electrical stimulation

The patent did show that if you applied some type of electrical stimulation or force, you would indeed be able to grow bone, and heal bone non-unions very fast, just like most LIPUS devices claim today.

A Theory That Epiphyseal Growth Plates Never Fuse For Certain People

Someone recently gave a very interesting comment on one of my older posts, entitled “The 28 Year Old Woman Who Was Still Growing”, named Dee

This is her message to me on that post…

I am a 39 year old female and have yet to stop growing however my growth is slow. I gained an inch in my 20s and an other so far in my 30s. At my last measurement I stood at 5’8″. I recently had a bad fall and had X-rays taken. The dr (who is not my regular dr) made the comment that he found it odd that my growth plate in my tibia hadn’t fused. I am fine with growing as an adult as long as it stays slow and even on both sides. :-)

My Personal Analysis

The range and scope of this website is large, and emcompasses multiple topic and subject, but they all have one connecting theme, which is over human height. Some things like my Body Hack series or the Mind Hack Series were just really interesting stuff I had learned over the years which had nothing to do with the overall theme.

Because this website does reach so many people even in a single day, there have been multiple people who have commented on the 1000+ posts and I use their comments and stories as clues to see whether there are unique cases and people with abnormal growth patterns which might help lead us to a break through.

The woman’s comment made me remember back in reading stories of mainly women who noticed that they have grown taller in their 30s, or even 40s from taking normal supplements, pregnancy, abnormal pituitary adenomas, etc.

This story is probably the most extreme of all. She claims that her epiphyseal growth plate never fused. She found out about this strange quirk about her body after getting sustaining a fall and then going to the radiologist and getting an X-ray to check that there are no serious fractures in her bones as a result of the fall.

After examination it turns out that her tibial growth plates never fused, on both legs. This now goes directly against everything we have ever learned about how the life progression of these cartilage tissues are supposed to work. One of the basic axioms on what we have been doing research on have been violated.

Which means that we have to rethink some of our deepest, most basic assumptions on growth. This is why I am going to propose the theory right now that for some people, mostly women, their growth plates never completely fuse, but they are not aware of it.

My Proposed Theory: The epiphyseal growth plates never fuse for some people, which make up a very small minority of people in the overall human population of 7 billion.

If we really took a step back and thought about it, it sort of makes sense. Out of the total of 7 billion people in the world, there are bound to be some people with very unique physiological traits and special bodies.

I would like to refer to very unique cases which can happen to the human body.

How about people with extra set of teeth?

The old Vietnamese man, Mr. Nguyen Van Phuc,  with a third set of teeth – The Chinese Man with 3 sets of teeth, 1 more set of teeth than what normal people should have or the British Boy with 3 sets of teeth

(I can personally tell people that I found out that I had an extra 6 teeth in my mouth after I got all of my wisdom teeth removed and my Chinese Oral Surgeon revealed to me after the laughing gas wore off that he had removed not the usual 4 wisdom teeth from my mouth, but an extra 6 teeth which was in my mouth which I was not even aware of until X-Rays showed it being embedded in the tissue next to the mandibular bone. He gave me a small medicine bottle with 10 teeth extracted. True story of my own life)

What about people with horns growing out of their bodies and heads?

The 7 People with horns growing out of their heads 

  • Horn Growing Out of the headHuang Yuanfan – 3 Inch long horn growing from the back of the head
  • Zhang Ruifang – Has two horns, one of them being 2 1/2 inches long
  • Ma Zhong Nan – 4 inch long horn growing from the head
  • Xiou Ling – 6 1/2 inch swirling horn down the head
  • Zhang Yuncai – 2 inch long horn
  • Zheng Zhou
  • Granny Zhao – has a horn growing out of her head
  • Saleh Talib Saleh – The horn is claimed to have reached a length of 19 inches before breaking off. Then it started to grow again.
  • Abdul Razak – 

The picture on the right is of Ma Zhong Nan

What about a girl with one body and two heads?

We find out that Abigail Hensel and Brittany Hensel are just that (Here is their Wikipedia article). They even had their own reality TV Show Abby & Britanny

How about people with 6 fingers in each hand?

Former Bond Girl Gemma Arterton reveals that she was born with 12 fingers instead of the usual 10 here. Plus, one of my uncles was born with the same conditions, with extra fingers in each of his hands. The condition is generally known as polydactyly

So Is there anyone who seems to stay young and does not grow old?

There is Gabby Williams and Brooke Greenberg

How about people with three arms?

There is the chinese baby Liu Junjie

How about 8 feet tall individuals with hypertrophic cephalic parts?

I present the interesting case of Siah Khan, a 8 feet tall Iranian man who lived in the 19th century. His condition caused his eyebrow ridge to be extremely overgrown and his entire body to be enlarged. I did a scientific analysis on this amazing person in the older post Medical Analysis On A 8 Feet Tall Iranian Giant, Siah Khan

These are all very unusual people with unique bodies. What some of them have most of us would say is impossible. All of the standard medical conditions that are taught in the first two years of medical school to medical students are for people who have normal bodies. The physiology of people who are in the middle of the distribution curve are what the textbooks are used to describe.

This is why I believe that for some people, probably mostly women, there are quite a few whose growth plates never fused, but it is just that they never got an X-Ray to make sure that it was gone.

Point #1 – You can not see your growth plates normally, like seeing the skin . All the cartilage tissue is covered. You need an X-Ray to check whether the growth plates are closed or not. This is why most people just assume that their growth plates are gone. And they are right.

Point #2 – Most people don’t just go to the hospital or radiologist just to check that they still have growth plate cartilage left for no good reason. For people who have never been injured, they never stop by the hospital ever or get an X-ray so they never find out.

Point #3 – This condition is going to be very rare, probably affecting just 1 out of 10,000-100,000 adult people. For those people, they think that they have finished growing since the changes in height from long bone longitudinal growth is just too small to notice from day-by day interactions. They just assume that they are done and stop caring. This would explain why there have been around a dozen reported cases by young women who have said that they grew taller from pregnancy. Pregnancy causes a whole different set of hormones going through the female body which it normally doesn’t deal with. The pregnancy period caused the last bit of cartilage that was never fused to interact with the estrogen or estrogen-like hormones which cause the final closure of the epiphyseal plates. The individual female’s body who is going through its first pregnancy would be effected by height changes more likely than subsequent pregnancies.

Point #4 – It turns out that one of the major factors that determine whether the growth plates will continue to experience longitudinal growth and stay around the same width is the amount of weight or load on top of the cartilage. This would explain why women seem to get this more than men. Women on average weight less than men, so there is less load on their growth plates, so they are not fused as quickly, if at all.

I conclude with this idea to make people think a little more. Can we really assume that for all 7 billion people in the world, when we all turn 25, every single one of us have lost the epiphyseal cartilage?

Of course not, since most of the serious height increase researchers like me, Tyler, and the people who used to run HeightFX have found at least 3 cases from 3 PubMed articles which showed that men who are lacking the estrogen receptor type alpha never have their growth plates closed even past the age of 30 and continue to increase in bone length around 1 inch every 3 years, which is very small, but noticeable. Refer to the posts and articles below…

New Russian Grow Taller Forum Discovered

Just a quick post on a new website or forum which focuses on the subject of trying to grow taller.

Since this website does get around a thousand visitors a day it has been noticed by a many interesting people around the world, including the Department of Defense, the Chinese Military, Homeland Security. While I was going through the backlogs on see where the visitors to my website were coming from today I found a rather interesting link

The post seems to mention the compound hexarelin, which is claimed to be a potent activator of PI3K. I think it was Xcrunner who made this point years ago (who claimed that he was a medical or pharmaceutical student) and people have been just repeating his claim, which I still have not found to be true from anything I have read.

The people on the forum believe that if you combine the Hexarelin with SAM (SAMe), MSM, Chon (Chondroitin), you might be able to increase DNA Methylation and possibly reopen the growth plates again. That is a big claim.

To this day I still don’t know what MSM is supposed stand for, but people have been claiming for years now that MSM is something you want to use in combination with the SAM to possibly get the body to grow after epiphyseal plate ossfication.

This discussion forum recently discovered seems to be very serious about the endeavor. When I went to the main webpage, I turned switched the plugin on my Chrome Browser to always translate Russian Cyrillic. It does appear that the forum is focused on a band of amateur height increase researchers trying to figure it out. Like always, some people are searching the supplements and other people are saying that it won’t work. I guess things don’t chance, no matter which country and culture you come from.

I have always realized that the internet is a VERY LARGE place, where there will be websites and discussion forums where people from other countries speaking completely different languages are talking about the same thing we are talking about.

I have already found one Turkish Forum, one Swedish or Norwegian website, and one old spanish blog, all talking about their search and findings. This new forum in Russian just shows that there are more websites out there looking at the same thing that we are looking at. They are searching for the ultimate solution too.

I would love to get in contact with these people and talk to them to see what they have found to maybe add more pieces to the puzzle but right now, there is just not enough time for me to put in that much work. Perhaps for any of you who are read cyrillic it might be useful and interesting.