Author Archives: Senior Researcher

Do We Use A TENS Electronic Pulse Massager or A Function Generator? – The Physics Of Electromagnetism, Waves, And Vibrations

This post is a note on resolving an issue I realized I had created almost a few minutes after I had pressed the Publish Button on the most recent post I wrote about using a pulse massager to possibly let the growth plate in still growing adolescences increase in their longitudinal growth. The post was entitled Using An Electrical Pulse Massager Physiotherapy Device To Increase Longitudinal Growth In Vivo For Open Growth Plates (Big Breakthrough)

I realized that I had made a huge mistake in not realizing that when the term frequency, or wavelength, or Herts, or Amplitude, or Intensity, there is actually almost two meanings for these things, since what I was talking about and what the Patent on Non-Invasive In Vivo Stimulation of the Growth Plates Using Capacitative Electrical Fields was talking about were two different things.

The Abstract of the Patent…

Epiphyseal growth plate stimulation in the bone of a living body is achieved by applying electrodes non-invasively to a body and supplying to said electrodes an AC signal in the range of about 2.5 to 15 volts peak-to-peak at a frequency of about 20-100 KHz.

What I realized was that what Brighton was suggesting to do was release an AC signal, and that is not what the TENS or EMS Pulse massager was doing. First I reference the Wikipedia article on Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Theory.

The Pulse Massagers that I was talking about seemed to be not releasing an AC electrical signal, but a DC signal but in a specific pattern which mimicked what a impulse function would look like. I was definitely wrong before.

There is a picture below comparing the differences between an AC Current, a DC Current, and a Pulsed Electrical Current…


Note how while the AC (or alternating current) is moving in a sinusoidal way, the Pulsating Current does not, but moves in a repeating pattern which does not drop below the Applied Current at 0.

This is my way of trying to explain the problem with my logic in the last post using an Electrical Engineering perspective. The x-y graph on the left represent the applied current over time where the x axis represents time and the y axis if for current.

The reason that the current can even go into the negatives is because when you are supplying AC Current, the electrons that are flowing down the conducting material, something like copper or iron, actually switches directions.

Based on mathematical conventions, the flow of electrons/electrical charge (aka Current) is defined by a mathematical term known as a vector, which has both a magnitude and a direction. Since the concept of current has to be defined by not only a magnitude, but also direction, when you see a ‘negative current’ that means that the direction of the flow of electrons (aka Current) is going in the opposite direction.

However I wanted to make some extremely accurate distinctions between 1. E&M Fields and Waves, 2. what Brighton is actually proposing in the patent, and 3. what I had proposed which was a mistake.

1. Elementary Electrodynamics Theory

Our bodies when broken down as much as possible turns out to be a bunch of molecules. Those molecules broken down even further through snapping the covalent, ionic, and hydrogen bones turns into atoms. Almost all atoms have at least 1 electron, and the reason that any type of chemical reaction is even possible is due to the exchange of electrons between element atoms which either have too much or too little electrons. Based on Quantum Theory the electron itself has both the properties of a particle and a wave. We can actually use mathematical tools used to describe waves to describe the behavior and movements of electrons.

What this implies is that if we really wanted to, we could say that everything has a sort of sinusoidal electrical wave of field that is generated from it. We could say that every single object does emit some type of alternating electro-magnetic signal, which means that every single object would have some type of electrical signal going through it already.

The way that all electromagnetic waves move is in a sinusoidal way, from the ones with the lowest frequency and biggest wavelength like the radio waves to gamma rays. Like the electromagnetic waves, our bodies themselves emit electromagnetic waves is a sinusoidal, alternating pattern.

However that doesn’t help us on differentiating what Brighton is talking about and what I was talking about.

2. What Brighton is actually proposing in the patent

Brighton is talking about using a function generator to send a electrical current that is of the alternating current type through the metal electrode pad.

When he talks about frequency, he is referring to how many times the flow of electrical charges or electrons reverse themselves and them reverse themselves back. The device that he reference in the patent was a

From the patent he writes the following under the section entitled DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT….

FIG. 1 shows a signal frequency generator 10 which generates an AC stimulation signal having a frequency within the range of about 20-100 KHz. The waveform of the AC stimulation signal is preferably an unmodulated symmetrical sine wave having a peak-to-peak amplitude within the range of about 2.5-15 volts peak-to-peak and more preferably within the range of about 5-10 volts peak-to-peak. The frequency generator 10 can be a Wave Tech Model 148 Function Generator

3. What I had proposed which was a mistake. 

I was proposing that we use one of those TENS Pulse Massagers with the electrode pads to do the same job as the patent. They are not the same. The electrical signal that is being sent is different.

Pulse electrical signals are also measured in intensity and frequency, but the frequency is the number of impulse signals that the electrical signal sees every second. When a TENS device says that it can get upwards of 100 Hz it means that within a 1 second time frame, the electrical current was increased to a certain intensity 100 times and then decreased as well.

When you press the button to increase or decrease the Intensity, you are telling the device to increase the amplitude of the impulse signal of the electric current. The signal becomes stronger, and when graphed out in terms of current vs. time, the amplitude of the current function will multiply by a certain factor.

So I was talking about pulsed electrical signals and he was talking about alternating electrical signals, two completely different things.

Currently I have no idea what the effect of using one of those pulse massagers would be if it was applied to the skin close to the growth plate of kids who are still growing.

Would the pulse electrical signals have a similar effect as the AC signals proposed by brighton? I am not sure

Me as the amateur researcher made the mistake in thinking that a pulse massager and a function generator was the same thing.

The actual device that the Ivy League Ph. D & M.D. Orthopaedic Surgeon is suggesting is actually a Function Generator, and his proposed one was one from back in the mid 1980s. It was called a Wave Tech Model 148 Function Generator. For more information on Wave Tech, (aka Wave Tek) the company and what happened, Click Here.

You can find more information about the cost of function generators on Amazon by Click Here. Some of the models are expensive but any of the devices that can just get 60 KHz and in the range of 5-10 Volts would be good enough possibly stimulate the epiphyseal growth plates.

Am I Wrong About LSJL? – A Reply To The People At The Grow Taller Forum

This is a response to the forum thread “Naturalheightgrowth Is wrong about LSJL” posted by longlegs. In this field and niche of research, there will always be doubters.

His/Her Original Post

The author of made a publication on why LSJL would not work.

Source: Evidence That The LSJL Method Or Loading Is Ineffective In Post-Pubertal Adult Humans? (Important)

The author concludes that LSJL will not work because the the cartilage growth would need to work against the solid bone of the Periosteum. However the Periosteum has always covered the growth plate in the per-ossification stages.

Thus, if if the author of naturalheightgrowth is correct about this theory, then that would mean that it would be impossible for children to grow(which is clearly incorrect).

My Response To Their Claims

I note that every time someone puts up a link to the website anywhere, I am informed. I do spend some time to read all of the people’s concerns and questions. I will try to answer these people as well as I can.

  • First, that posting was written last year, when my knowledge was not as advanced. My opinions have changed on that subject.
  • Second, someone said that ‘a lot of success stories’ comes from using LSJL with results. Can any of you name even 9-10 people who have seen results at least by 2 cm? I make the cut off at 2 cms because 2 cms is probably enough of a gain to consider that it was not just from measurement error of the gain from hair, and different posture. For it to be “a lot” At least a dozen cases where something similar happened should be available.
  • Third, I have asked Tyler to write for the website and you guys can notice that the 2nd to the most recent post about Acupuncture Lasers was his.
  • Fourth, can any of you explain the exact mechanism how the chondrocytes can push in all 3 dimensions outwards due to hypertrophy and make the bones actually expand volumetrically. THIS EXACT ISSUE was (and still is) the main concern I have with the method. I wrote two  posts months ago playing devil’s advocate to make sure that I stay as objective and scientifically accurate as possible. Refer to them below…

Tyler made the correct point that children can grow because the chondrocytes expand and push the entire cartilage matrix upwards, and that has the cartilage pushing against bone tissue on both sides, but that is just in 2 directions out of a total of 6. One can simplify the bone-cartilage-bone schematic as a cylinder with three parts connected. However, in that configuration, the layer of cartilage is surrounded by bone on only 2 Directions, up and down.

When there is no cartilage, the MSCs in the epiphysis is essentially trapped and surrounded completely by bone. It would have to be pushing against cortical bone tissue in all 6 directions, up, down, left, right, front, back.

big-z-log-pressThink of it this way. Imagine that you are the growth plate itself. If there is only a wall of bone above you and below you, you can push upwards and whatever is on top of you would get raised up to a higher height since the upper wall is not connected to the lower wall.

Refer to the picture of Zydrunas Savickas from the Strongest Man Competition taken from That log above him is indeed very heavy but he can push it up with great effort. Remember, imagine that you are the growth plate itself.

boxIf however you are surrounded also by the same type of hard material that forms the wall that is above you and below you, and all the walls are connected, can you still push the wall above you and below you apart?

That is what happens when the growth plate gets fractured a bone bridge develops between the bones above and bellow the cartilage.

It would take probably at least 10X more power to push the bones apart from each other when the bone layers are connected, even with one bone bridge.

I don’t remember how to do the exact calculation to figure out what multiple of extra energy would be needed to push apart the external environment when one object is completely surrounded and trying to expand (ie hypertrophize). I do know that it is related to the Material Science principle of Surface Stress.

shellThe first part of the calculation is very easy. You are calculating for energy, E, which is just Force times Distance in a cylindrical configuration, where the setup is solid-space-solid which actually represents bone-cartilage-bone in a very simplified physics model. Imagine yourself pushing upwards on a round surface. Multiple Force over a distance, assuming distance is just half a cm, 0.5 cm.

The 2nd part is the one I don’t know how to do. Imagine that you are pushing outwards in a spherical shell against a layer of the material, with a certain thickness (delta_r), material strength, and for the same change in distance, 0.5 cm. Never forget that you are calculating for something that is 3-Dimensional so the picture to the right is not completely accurate on the exact model you are trying to calculate for.

QD3350_BONE_Osteocalcin_C01_BoneMatrixBased on my assumptions, if the MSCs did indeed differentiate into chondrocytes in the epiphysis (which we can induce in multiple ways), and they did start to expand in size (which we can probably also induc), what will most likely happen is that the cells won’t get too big. The moment the cells reach the cortical bone layer, they will come across randomly packed hydroxyapatite crystals which tend to have very sharp edges. The result is that a good proportion of the chondrocytes that are pushing outwards will have the outer membrane punctured by the hard crystal edges, like a knife to a balloon.

I am not saying that Tyler is a liar. I just can’t explain why or how he managed to get the height increase that he did using basic physics principles. If he did increase in height after he started to do the method, then somehow he has been succesful in an endeavor that millions of people around the world having been hoping for. I support him and his work for this website and all the work he has done. Very early on in the growth of this website, almost exactly a year ago, I thanked his effort and research which he has been doing for over half a decade Thank You Tyler Christopher Davis aka Minigolf Of HeightQuest.Com

Tyler’s Comments: I don’t think the hard crystal edges are an issue to LSJL as I mentioned in a post.  As for the statement that a microgrowth plate would have to work much harder against 6 directions than a standard growth plates 2, I’ve looked for information regarding the force required to push the tissue apart and I think a good model would be to look at adipose tissue as that is the most easily expanding tissue and is in the bone.  But I have not been able to find information on growth plates and how much force each cellular process generates and how much force is required to generate each percentage of growth.  That information would be ideal but I think adipose tissue may have some answers.

Converting Bone Into Cartilage – My Primary Research Objective

Converting Bones Into Cartilage – My Primary Research Objective

I said before that the easiest way to make the bones longer is if we can bring the bones into a previous stage of development. That would mean we would need to reverse the direction of differentiation. If we remember from our older auxological analysis, all bones start off being cartilage. over time, the cartilages become vascularized, calcified, and then ossified. It could be said that ossification is the dead waster material that makes up the remnants of live tissue.

What we are doing than is trying to bring dead cell wastes in the form of dead cells back to life. We reverse the normal cell life process. That is my primary research objective.

The current ideas that I have had about how to do it is to either….

  1. Change the bone cells into cartilage cells through the right type of chemical or electrical stimuli
  2. We remove the bone cells and flush the bone ECM with cartilage cells from an exogenous source of chondrocytes.
  3. We slowly change the stem cells in the bones into cartilage while still removing the bone cells and the hard compounds (both inorganic and organic)

Of course the tissue is more than just the cell. To make cartilage, it would require also the presence of the collagen medium which the cells float and move around in. Since the bone ECM structure is extremely hard, we would need to either…

  • Remove the hard inorganic compounds
  • Convert the hard inorganic compounds into soft organic compounds,
  • Keep the organic compounds
  • Convert the organic compounds into collagen.

Of course, even by this step, which would require a long series of chemical reactions or tissue transfusions, it might be that we don’t get the right type of cartilage. That shows just how difficult it would be to figure out the overall step. How do we turn the bone tissue into cartilage tissue, and hopefully in a more non-invasive approach?

If It’s Too Late For Us To Increase Height As Adults, Let’s Make Our Sons and Daughters Taller

Now this post will be one of the more controversial ones because some people might interpret the message of this post to imply that I want to do some type of eugenic manipulation on human beings to create ‘super-humans’. I am not, since there is no evidence that we can even do that type of thing, from at least the research I have found.

Instead of using some type of stem cell like genetic manipulation on the embryo of an offspring to make sure that they are going to be much more than what they were genetically programmed to be, I suggest that we as parents, or as future parents consider that it might be smart to consider the idea of changing the environment of where our sons or daughters live to make sure that they get a much better chance of growing to their maximum level.

At this point, I am not sure how I feel about the application of genetic “gattaca like” manipulation to create children who probably would one day look down at us for being so ‘below average’ and having to settle with bodies that are so small and limited. I don’t want to be the cause of creating a generation of super-mutant humans who will think that just because their genetic parents decided to pay for them to have the best physical attributes, that would imply that by default of their existence they are better than all of their predecessors.

What I would suggest that we might consider of doing as parents or future parents who want the best for our children, and probably will implement are a series of steps to ensure that my child gets the best chance to be as vertically advantaged as possible.

I once stated that for most humans, the two most important qualities that are most prized by almost all cultures are…

  1. Raw Intelligence in terms of High IQ
  2. Having above average height, specifically being at least 2 standard deviation above the ‘average’ height of a large group 

I have always believed that if a person has extremely high IQ and is well endowed in stature, they would already have 95% of all the attributes that are needed to reach success to unlimited levels. Where others would have to struggle like crazy to get and achieve, it would come easier to them and they would be able to influences others just by their mere presence.

In terms of what I am saying, I am saying that beyond the emotional and mental qualities for success, we must always start with the biological anthropomorphic measurements and attributes first, and have all of the genetic and biological advantages.

Now these days the first quality is already being researched and trying to be implemented by many organizations and companies.

In one of my earliest posts of this website that had absolutely nothing to do with height or height increase, I had talked about how it might be possible to increase one’s cognitive function and focus from taking a nootropic, which is a type of pill that helps a person get more focus, and help them get things done quicker. The post was How To Become Smarter By Using Provigil And Piracetam. This post was the first of many posts where I talked about the importance of not just being bigger in stature, but also being smarter to be able to compete in this modern world.

The pill that is supposed to make a person ‘smarter’ was called Provigil. Another name for it is Modafinil. Other types of nootropics include Modalert, Piracetam, and more. I personally know at least a few people who are entrepreneurs and own large companies who have started to take Provigil/Modafinil to improve their concentration and working ability so that success will be more likely to occur. The desire to improve our brain function has already been implemented by the people who are willing to try to hack their own bodies to find out how to optimize and maximize for productively and efficiency.

Some companies in China are already trying to create smarter babies. I wrote about what these companies are doing in the post China Is Most Likely Trying To Engineer Taller Humans Currently As Well As Geniuses (Important!). BGI Shenzhen has had a lot of press and stories written about their bold move in trying to sequence the genes of 2 thousand of the smartest humans in the world to find the alleles that would determine , and possibly lead, to humans that are just innately intelligent. The Huffington Post wrote a piece on this issueIs China Really Engineering Baby Geniuses?

So the main point with this first part is to show that beyond us trying to figure out a way to make our bodies bigger, in giving ourselves a competitive advantage over other people, there is also considerable amounts of effort to also increase our brains to make use as smart as possible.

So if the reader is willing to actually take the steps to make their children bigger, these are the ideas that I have thought of and proposed to help make our children taller.

Step #1: Relocation for Healthcare Benefits

Moving ourselves to countries & societies which have amazingly good healthcare systems. When we look at the average height of people in Canada compared to the USA, we see that Canadians are actually taller than Americans. Back in 2010 the website Phys.Org published a paper showing that Canadians are actually taller entitled Canadians lead longer, healthier lives than Americans. This phenomena where countries which have better health care seem to have taller adults seem to be true for also places like Northern Europe (In countries like the Netherlands, Norway, and Denmark) , where the people there have some of the best healthcare system.

Better healthcare often means that the mother after going through labor and giving birth have more time to stay at the hospital or at home to raise the baby during the critical few months after birth. They are given better quality of healthcare by nurses, doctors, and therapists all there to advise on how to best raise the baby during the period of life when the person is most vulnerable.

Since the human body grows the most during the 1st year, by as much as 1 feet on average, that first year of growth is the most important. Any type of infection can actually decrease the immunity in the baby’s body.

Course of action: Moving to Canada, Switzerland, Norway for the healthcare benefits.

Step #2: Relocation for more personal freedoms and expressions

There is also a small correlation seen between countries which give a lot of personal freedom to  the individual and their height. The best example would be in The Netherlands. The capital, Holland has been known for almost 30 years now for it’s extremely liberal policy on many topics which almost all other countries in the world forbade, like prostitution, marijuana usage, and drug usage. I may be completely wrong but I suspect that the relaxed, more liberal nature of the Dutch societies views on topics which are considered taboo in most conservative countries means that the individual does not have to repress their desires.

It seems that countries which have happier citizens on average tend to have taller people. (Of course there are some clear examples where this idea is challenged. I note that people in Thailand are very happy and always smiling but they are not the tallest ethnic group in the world, but the issue on body size is also heavily correlated with relative position of the country to the equator of the earth. )

Course of action: Moving to Netherlands, Belgium, or Norway for the higher quality of life.

Note: Anecdotal evidence ad stories suggest that children who are born and raised in suburbs, not the rural or urban communities end up the tallest of the three groups. This could be from a sort of goldilocks-zone idea, where they are not completely socially isolate from people, but also not in an environment where it is not so overly crowded like in a city.

Step #3: Breastfeeding the baby for a much longer duration

Most parenting books on babies say that one should start weaning the baby off of the mother’s breastmilk within 1 year, and then you start to transfer the move to formula. My personal research on the compounds Colostrum and Casein Phosphopeptide suggest that babies would get the anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral nutrition that these two compounds

Nature tends to have a good idea on what is the optimum food for humans, and the mother’s breast milk is probably the best type of food for the growing baby, and formula is something which I theorize not good for the baby.

Studies I have found showed that babies who started to use formula earlier did grow bigger, but only in terms of weight. Compared to babies who were still on breastmilk, the formula consuming baby was fatter but not taller. In fact, babies who consume formula earlier are probably more likely to start puberty earlier in life, resulting in a final adult height that is slightly lower.

Course of action: Continue to raise the baby on breast milk until age 2.

Step #4: Having A Diet Of Lean Meat and Vegetables with less emphasize on Simple Carbohydrates

I admit that I am a little biased on this issue since I have been a follower of the Paleo diet ideology. There are only a small collection of evidence in showing that paleolithic humans, who did only hunting and gathering,  who lived on before the advent of agriculture and farming, were actually much taller than their neolithic relatives. Dave Asprey from the Bulletproof Executive Podcast has stated that it seems that the onset of Cavities and Periodontal Disease seems to be caused by the overconsumption of simple carbohydrates. One can actually reverse cavities and heal them up using Fats and Vitamin K2 intake.

If the the development of agriculture, which meant that humans can finally settle down in one place, and grow the grains/carbohydrates which makes most of human kind’s diet today, like rice, wheat, corn, and rye, really did mean that there is a drop in the overall human race’s height, then by the reverse logic, humans should be able to increase the average height of a population their more consumption of proteins like meat and less on simple carbohydrates.

Course of action: Don’t allow your child to become vegetarians, for growth reasons. When they are adults, they can choose to not eat Betsy the cow, but while they are still growing, do allow that lifestyle choice.

Step #5: Getting more milk derivative products into the diet

I had looked at the relationship between milk consumption, calcium, growth, and final adult height in previous posts. The post The Real Correlation Between Milk, Calcium, Bone Growth, And Height forced me to analyze whether the correlation was real or not. There seems to be a weak correlation but it is there. People who get more consumption of milk derivative products like cheese and yogurt tend to be at least a fraction of an inch taller than the people who consume milk products at the average level. It is not much but it is there.

In addition, we do find that people who are Lactose Intolerant tend to be slightly shorter than people who don’t suffer from lactose intolerance.

Course of action: Drink more milk and start to develop a habit of enjoying the taste of cheese

Step #6: Getting accurate exercise, but more specifically aerobic and some bone loading

Exercise like a quick intense sprint of 100 meters does indeed cause a release of extra HGH into the child’s system right afterwards, mostly for tissue healing and anabolic processes. That is the aerobic part.

It turns out that children who get some exercise do end up slightly taller than their peers who don’t exercise. The extra amount of loading on the bones does seem to cause the ossification of the growth plates to occur much faster.

Studies looking at the bone density of swimmers and soccer players compared to their more lethargic peers suggest that children who are swimmers have lower bone density and soccer players have higher bone density.

However, the correlation between bone density and adult height for children who are still growing seem to be inverse, but it is a very weak correlation. I am theorizing that children who are swimmers do end slightly taller as adults than children who play soccer. The child soccer player does have higher bone density but as adults, they tend to be slightly shorter. (Note that this is a personal observation, but not based on scientific studies).

Reference: Bone geometry and strength adaptations to physical constraints inherent in different sports: comparison between elite female soccer players and swimmers

Course of action: Get your child into a sport, which has some potential for bone loading, to stimulate endochondral ossification to be faster, but you don’t want to load the bones too much. Football and Soccer are not recommended because the amount of loading is higher than optimum. Swimming is recommended.

Step #6: Always getting the adolescent to sleep around 9-10 PM, so they wake up in syne with the morning light

If we assume that the human species is derived from primates and apes, then we can logically reach the conclusion that millions of years ago our ape ancestors as day time creatures went to sleep when the sun went down and woke up when the sun rose back up around 8-10 hours later.

Our most instinctual natural sleeping patterns are supposed to be in sync with the rise and fall of the sun. There are enough studies which show that the time when children get the highest levels of HGH influx into their body system is during the night time, when they are in deep sleep. It is during deep sleep that the natural growth hormones go through their body the most.

To have the optimum sleep, I propose that we get our child to go to sleep early, and wake up early.

I personally know for a fact that the best sleeps I ever have had in my life was in the outdoors when camping where there was no artificial light available so I had to go to sleep when the sun went down and there was no more light. Waking up afterwards with the rising of the sun seems to refresh the brain to crystal clarity. I think this is what our brains have been naturally conditioned by millions of years to prefer. This is why I think that having a sleeping pattern that is in sync with the sunlight progression leads to better, deeper, longer sleeps which result in more GH being pumped into the body, resulting in slightly better growth.

In addition, it turns out that height increase almost exclusively happens when people are sleeping, not when they are standing up during the day when they are awake.

Note: Most of the growth spurts that are noted from anecdotal stories suggest that growth spurts happen most often during the summer time, not during the normal Sept – May American school year. This is why you get the phenomena where you notice that a previously short male from that past school year seemed to have sprouted up like a bamboo after you see them in the next school year on the first day of school in August or September, which was only a 2-3 month difference.

Course of action: Get your child to develop a good habit of having deep, non-troubling sleep. Get them to bed earlier around 9-10 PM so that they can get up with the sun, which usually rises up around 5-6 AM, since our reptilian brain has been evolutionarily evolved to rise and rest with the sunlight progression.

Step #7: Avoid Smoking

The stunted growth effects of smoking is not as bad as some people might make one think, but the effect is real. People who start to smoke a lot as children do end up on average a fraction of an inch shorter than their non-smoking peers. It is only a fraction of 1 inch but that is enough of a positive correlation in showing the stunted growth effects of habitual smoking as children.

So these are the 7 steps and ideas I currently have on how one can raise their child to make sure that their growth is optimized so they can grow to their maximum height.

Using An Electrical Pulse Massager Physiotherapy Device To Increase Longitudinal Growth In Vivo For Open Growth Plates (Big Breakthrough)

I was doing research on a completely unrelated subject just today and I came across a device that I have been doing research for (something else) and something that was written in the Product Description made me take a small step back and I realized something that I should have seen months ago. It was like a lightbulb went off in my head and I managed to connect 5 separate ideas into 1, sort of like how Edward Witten managed to take the 5 main string theory ideas developed by teams of theoretical physicists over multiple decades and both realize that all 5 developed ideas were all looking in a different way at the same, more unified superstring theory, as well as be able to integrate them all together into the M-Theory (it’s a physics reference). It is similar to the Jain idea of Anekantavada which suggest that often when different, multiple theories and view points are in conflict in being able to accurately describe something, the conflict may be from viewing the same phenomena in different points of views.

Most people are familiar with the idea of massagers, but I would guess that less people are familiar with a subset of massagers known as electronic pulse massagers. These massagers functions not through vibrating at high speeds to apply mechanical force to a body part, but by transmiting electrical current through the human body, specifically the muscle groups to get the muscles to contract and/or extend themselves. The goals of most massagers is to decrease pain, eleviate muscle tension, improve circulation, and help with certain chronic conditions.

The exact device I was looking at and studying was a type of Pulse Massager, one that operated on both the EMS and TENS theory. EMS theory works on stimulating muscle tissue, while TENS theory work on stimulating nerve endings.

Portable Body MassagerThe actual product is called a Portable Body Massager sold by a company called HealthmateForever. It operates on two principles that is like a combination between Eastern Medicine and Western Medicine.

The Amazon webpage for this product states…

“…applying the modern electronic TENS and EMS simulation technology to improve the micro circulation of the human body, promote the absorption of inflammatory substances, relieve the tissue adhesion, and alleviate pain…”

So these strange subset of massagers known as pulse massagers operate by sending electrical signals to areas of the body. While most pulse massagers only operate on the EMS theory, which is just to stimulate the muscles, this model and design seems to operate also on the TENS model, which stimulates neural tissue, specifically the nerve endings. The one section that got me more curious was the claim made that this device can remove inflammatory substances and improve microcirculation.

Part #1: The theory of EMS and TENS

EMS (Electrical Muscle Stimulation) – From the Wikipedia article on this idea, it is also called neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) or electromyostimulation. The idea is to have a  main controller device that sends electrical pulses to an electrode pad attached to a body causing the muscles in the area to contract. The electrical signals is to replicate the electrical potential that goes through the body to signal muscle contraction.

TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) – This theory refers to the idea of sending electrical signals to the nerves of a person to for healing purposes. The devices currently sold in the market today are rather smaller and apparently you can control and change the pulse width, frequency and intensity of the electrical signal sent. From the Wikipedia article it states “Generally TENS is applied at high frequency (>50 Hz) with an intensity below motor contraction (sensory intensity) or low frequency (<10 Hz) with an intensity that produces motor contraction

It is important to note that the devices that use either or both the EMS or TENS method look very similar and many people get these two theories mixed up. the thing to remember is “TENS is for blocking pain through stimulating nerve endsing, while EMS is for stimulating muscles to contract.

Now, this is the first part of the puzzle. Keep reading to get all the pieces.

Part #2: The Interesting, almost EXPLOSIVE breakthrough research done by Dr Robert O. Becker

Dr. Robert O. Becker was a very controversial figure. He was a real doctor,  who was an orthopedic surgeon with SUNY, Syracuse (from Wikipedia) as well as Director of Orthopedic Surgery at the Veterans Administration Hospital of New York, Syracuse. His controversial research was in a field known as electrophysiology aka electromedicine aka bioelectricity. Here are the list of things he did research on.

  • Bone growth and bone fracture non-union healing acceleration – His bone studies are the ones that we are most interested in. He noticed that with bones that were in non-union, 1 nano ampere DC current greatly improves bone fusion.
  • Accelerated Bone Healing: (Study: Dr. Robert Becker, et al., “Experience With Low-Current Silver Electrode Treatment of Nonunion,” in Electrical Prop. Bone & Cartilage (ed. C. T. Brighton, et al.), Grune & Stratton (1979), USA.) <— Note how Dr. Becker wrote this study with Dr. Brighton!
  • Bone Growth: (Study #2: Dr. Robert Becker , et al., “Clinical Exp. With Low Intensity Direct Current Stimulation of Bone Growth,” Clin. Orthop. & Rel. Res., vol. 124, pp. 75-83 (1977) . USA)
  • Limb Regeneration – lower animals like salamanders had much better regeneration capabilities than frogs
  • Connection between high power lines and cancer ocurrences – He was the guy who made the connection that high voltage lines can cause higher rates of certain types of cancers
  • Unusual research into some fringe science ideas – the body’s electrical systems, hypnosis, visualization and acupuncture, parapsychology
  • Regeneration technique in U.S. patent 70005556 – A silver electrode is placed upon a wound with the goal for a faster healing
  • 2nd Patent – Iontopheretic system for stimulation of tissue healing and regeneration – US 5814094 A 1998 – He showed a way to stimulation tissue regeneration.
  • Showed that each organism has a certain electrical potential – Which is now completely accepted in the scientific community. His work showed that living organisms and animals show a direct current of electric charge which is measurable from their body surface.
  • (From the Wikipedia article on Dr. Becker) In the 1960s Becker’s research also showed that living bone can piezoelectrically generate electric potentials – led to work on using electricity in the treatment of ununited fractures. (Note: Ultimately, however, the use of electrotherapy for increasing bone healing has not been shown to be effective) <— This is one of the basic points behind why Tyler’s LSJL theory works, because the bones being piezoelectric, when they are loaded by a mechanical force on the outside, it can create a potential difference (voltage gradient) inside, leading to an increase in hydrostatic pressure, causing the differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells to go through chondrogenesis into the chondrenic lineage. (Dr Brighton also did research in looking at the piezoelectric nature of bone to see how the bone would remodel itself from certain loadings and modifications)
  • ESP (Extra Sensory Perception) – I personally don’t believe in too much of this idea and won’t do any research into this topic
  • The Body Electric, Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life (with Gary Selden) – What I would consider his seminal work, especially on what happens when electrical signals is applied to the bone – “He also found that bone has piezoelectric properties which would cause an application of force to generate a healing current, which stimulated growth at stress locations in accordance with Wolff’s law.” – FULL BOOK PDF DOWNLOAD LINK

Part #3: The research of Dr. Carl Brighton, specifically his Non-Invasive method to increase growth plate longitudinal growth

The thing I didn’t realize was that Dr. Brighton and Dr. Becker collaborated with each other multiple times, at least in the 70s.

One of the biggest finds in the research was both the scientific study and paper written by Dr. Carl Brighton, a professor of orthopedics at UPenn and one of the lead experts on the growth plate in the world. Dr. Brighton, who I have tried to get in contact with multiple times (only answered me back on the 1st email) wrote up the study…

Study #1: “In vitro epiphyseal-plate growth in various constant electrical fields.” Brighton CT, Cronkey JE, Osterman AL. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1976 Oct;58(7):971-8. PMID: 185224

Summary: At a voltage gradient of 1500 volts per centimeter, a consistent, highly significant acceleration of growth of the epiphyseal plate occurred… The growth acceleration was due to voltage gradients and not to current flow…. it is obvious that the voltage gradient, either directly or indirectly, incites a physiological response of the growth-plate chondrocyte.

Study #2: “Stimulation of In Vitro Epiphyseal Plate Growth by a Time Varying Electric Field” – Can’t Find the Link to the study 

Study #3: “Capacitively coupled electrical stimulation of bovine growth plate chondrocytes grown in pellet form

Summary: Significantly increased cell proliferation occurred at 500, 750, and 1,000 V peak to peak. The calculated electric fields were 1.5 to 3.0 x 10(-2) V/cm

29_27_displacement_current_capacitorThese study was one of the most amazing finds. It showed that if you managed to apply a DC (Direct Current, which is constant) through the epiphyseal growth plate also adding a specific type of dielectric between the two plates, you can increase the bone’s longitudinal growth. It is very similar to what we might see in the Introductory Electromagnetics (E&M) College Course when an engineering student studies on the Capacitative Electrical Fields chapter.

non-invasive electrical stimulationThe Patent: Method for non-invasive electrical stimulation of epiphyseal plate growth – US 4467809 A – (1982)

Patent Introduction: Epiphyseal growth plate stimulation in the bone of a living body is achieved by applying electrodes non-invasively to a body and supplying to said electrodes an AC signal in the range of about 2.5 to 15 volts peak-to-peak at a frequency of about 20-100 KHz.

Now, I am aware that the Patent says to use an AC signal, and the studies suggest using a DC for a capacitative electrical field, but the thing to remember is that the devices being sold, the electronic pulse massagers on Amazon are AC since you can change the pulse width, frequency, and intensity.

He also had multiple Patents done in the mid 1980s which solidified that this idea was quite real. They include…

Patent #2: Regulation of stem cell gene production with specific and selective electric and electromagnetic fields – US 8313908 B2

Summary –  for the regulation of BMP 2 and 4, TGF-beta 1, 2, and 3, FGF-2, osteocalcin, and alkaline phosphatase mRNA in stem cells via capacitive coupling or inductive coupling of specific and selective electric and/or electromagnetic fields to the bone cells or other tissues containing the stem cells… are useful for the targeted treatment of osteoporosis, osteopenia, osteonecrosis, fresh bone fractures, fractures at risk, nonunion, bone defects, spine fusion, and/or other conditions in which BMP 2 and 4, TGF-beta 1, 2, and 3, FGF-2, osteocalcin, and alkaline phosphatase mRNA and/or protein deficiencies in stem cells has been implicated.

Patent #3:Resolution of aggrecan gene expression using specific and selective electrical and electromagnetic signals – EP 1560553 A2

Summary – devices are provided for the targeted treatment of injured or diseased cartilage tissue that include generating specific and selective electric and electromagnetic signals that generate fields optimized for aggrecan gene expression…devices are useful for the targeted treatment of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, cartilage injury, and cartilage defects.

Patent #4: Portable electrotherapy device for knee joint maladies – EP 1644074 B1

Summary –  selectively up-regulates gene expression of Aggrecan and Type II Collagen while simultaneously selectively down-regulating the gene expression of metalloproteases. The device includes a signal generator that generates compound electric signals including a 60kHz sine wave having a peak to peak voltage of approximately 4.6 V to 7.6 V

The fact is that this Brighton guy has over a few dozen patents he created back in the 80s which are all under his name. The ideas he claimed from the use of capacitatively coupled electrical fields show that cartilage regeneration is possible taking the approach of sending electrical signals of a certain type through to the cartilage areas using this non-invasive method.

He is referenced in the blog Electromagnetic Bioeffects Blog, The blog writes… Sept. 19, 2011 “The 3 B’s and Electrical Stimulation of Bone Growth – “…Carl Brighton MD treated patients at the University of Pennsylvania using a method of electrical stimulation in which cathodes were drilled into the fracture site and the return anode was attached to the skin. A company he worked with commercialized the device, and about 80% of the patients treated with it healed in 3 months…developed an electrical method that used magnetic fields produced by two coils attached to the outside of the cast.”

This sound very much like the idea I had about using two coils to produce magnetic field going in a certain direction to pull bones apart (although his idea was to pull bones towards one another) which I wrote about in the post “A Method To Distract Bone Slowly Using Magnetic Fields, Metal Implants, And Acidic Solution“.

Part #4: Comparing this Electrical Pulse Massager to the Low Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound, LIPUS that Tyler has been promoting.

Tyler on his blog has been promoting the idea of combining LSJL with LIPUS but I personally feel that ultrasound does not have enough effect on the longitudinal growth. The study “Restoration of longitudinal growth by bioengineered cartilage pellet in physeal injury is not affected by low intensity pulsed ultrasound.” I wrote about the study and its implications in the post “Bioengineered Cartilage Pellets And LIPUS For Longtitudinal Growth (Huge Breakthrough!)” and I had suggest back then that instead of the LIPUS idea, we should go in the PEMF route, since PEMF stands for Pulse Electro-Magnetic Field and that is what Brighton, Becker, and I have all seen from research to work.

Using pulsed electrical fields and signals seem to be a better option than going the Ultrasound path. 

Part #5: Connecting all this to Dr. Michael Yessis and a Grow Taller book written by a supposed Soviet Orthopedic Surgeon, a 80s American Physician studying Soviet Bodybuilding Secret, who translated the “School of Height” Book

The book was translated by a Dr. Michael Yessis who turned out to be a very famous well known American Physician who made some startingly discoveries on how to maximize the human body’s potential when he studied how the Soviets trained their olympic athletes also back in the 80s.

It turns out that the book that I got very early on which was given to me by Nikki (Kazlina) had one section which was so unconventional on the idea of taking a certain type of wool or cloth to rub on certain bone areas of the body. The section was very unique and I wondered back then whether the rubbing of wool to stimulate blood circulation was possibly to create a certain type of static electrical charge which might work in remodeling the bones underneath.

If Yessis, who has been a reputable biomechanic for over 30 years was willing to translate this book, the author was probably a real orthopedic surgeon. Why would an orthopedic surgeon put such a strange section like rubbing wool or clothing over one’s knee area unless there was some validity behind the idea?

Everything else in the book was about how to relax the muscles, which would be something the pulse massagers designed for EMS was supposed to do. The person was supposed to do stretching exercises, and try to extend their torso by holding on a bar horizontally. There was a section on autogenic breathing but that was not very helpful.

Conclusion – So What Does This All Mean?

Becker’s research is too vast and large for me to go through right now, and there is already some studies and research which is getting me interested in learning more. Becker’s book The Electric Body  has a section in it where he claims that from using a magnetic field, he managed to get salamander limbs to be regenerated at a much higher level.

His study “Electrical stimulation of partial limb regeneration in mammals.” is something I have to go through (don’t have the time right now). Other studies he has done has shown that stem cells can be increased in number through electrical signal stimulation.

Brighton’s work, which is very similar state similar results. If you use an electrical signal of a certain frequency and amplitude, you can cause the upregulation of aggrecan, collagen Type 2, decrease MMPs, increase BMP-2, BMP-7, TGF-Beta2, and a whole host of things. His patents from the 80s reveal a lot of things which validate the idea that the pulse massagers we sell today, seem to have the ability to increase cartilage regeneration, and increase the longitudinal growth from growth plates.

It turns out that if you use the TENS pulse massager devices, the device can actually cause cells to proliferate and divide much more rapidly, as stated by people who have done also a lot of research on TENS.

So when I combined all of the research that these guys did, it suggest that the application of an electrical signal, like that from the few various pulse massagers sold in the market today can indeed increase the growth rate of children, and almost anyone who still has any growth plate cartilage left. At a certain frequency, the growth plates will generate more cartilage extracellular matrix content like proteoglycans and GAG.

Not only that, the control dials on some of these pulse massagers sold can go as high as the values that Brighton claims in his patents. The devices of electrical stimulation he talked about in his patents from the 80s are now in the market today. These devices allow you to control the frequency, and intensity as he suggested. Some allow only the ability to control only the intensity of the signal, but others allow one to change both parameters.

This means that parents can indeed stimulate the growth of their children, make them taller using these pulse massagers, as long as the person still has growth plate cartilage left! What really counts now is finding the best pulse massagers in the market, which operate on TENS and can focus on the exact area.

All that it would take is to put the electrodes of the TENS device which can on the growth plate areas of the leg (or arms) and it should work, as long as the right frequency, and intensity is done. Remember however that the usage must be in a pattern that is called intermittently. Use the device  for only 10 minute a day, 2-3 times a week.

I have looked at the selection and the two pulse massagers which seem to have the most promise are…

Device #1: TENS Electronic Pulse Massager Device by HealthmateForever – Price: $90

Device #2: Prospera Electronic Pulse Massager – Price: $32

Pulse MassagerThings to understand about how to use these device – The device is powered through battery or by AC Adapter plugged to a wall outlet. It receives AC power but converts it into DC power that gets emitted in pulses.

This means that it turns on and off the signal of DC. The frequency is NOT of a AC signal. Remember that electrical signals are sinusoidal in nature since each type of light (IR, X-Ray, Gamma) represent part of the electromagnetic field spectrum.

We have to make sure that we can control the pulsing frequency of the DC signal. – Before anyone buys this thing, make sure that we have the option to not just change the intensity/amplitude of a signal, but the frequency or the speed of the pulsing, since that will be also important.

From Brighton’s research the values for the signal should be an AC signal in the range of about 2.5 to 15 volts peak-to-peak at a frequency of about 20-100 KHz and a 60kHz sine wave having a peak to peak voltage of approximately 4.6 V to 7.6 V to restore articular cartilage in people who have arthritis. These values can definitely be modulated and reached by the current pulse massagers in the market today.

There is a 3rd type of electrical stimulator which might be more accurate in getting the electrical signal to the actual cells in the cartilage of the bone, but I am not sure at this time how it would work, unless we scraped the bones  – Pointer Excell II Digital Acupunture & Pressure Point Locator 

The Tallest Football Players Ever To Play In The NFL

I am not as a big of a fan with American Football as Basketball but it seems that the issue of player size aka stature aka height does play a big role in determining whether a potential college football player would get selected in the NFL draft.

Analysis On The Player’s Sizes And Heights

Football (the American type) is the type of sport/game where the people are asked to hit each other very hard. The idea is often to push other people away in a brute strength type of competition. This means that players who are ‘big’ who have a lot of weight/ mass have a better chance of success. In general, the average NFL football player is much heavier than the average USA adult male. They are also taller too, by around 3-4 Inches, if we are to assume that the average American Male (includes only African Americans and Caucasian Americans, excluding Asian and Hispanic Communities) is probably around the 5′ 11″ mark.

The game of American Football involves a lot of mad dashes, running, and quick maneuvering. Many analysts have stated that it is actually a disadvantage to be ‘too tall” in this game since being too tall means that one has a higher center of gravity. This means that they have less balance and are more easily forced down when hit.

The result is that for most football players, their torso is often much longer and taller than the average male, but they should have shorter legs in proportion to the body.

In an old post I wrote for the website, I had proposed this idea after watching the 2008 Olympics Swimming Competition where Michael Phelps was claimed to have the perfect Olympic Swimmer since his tall stature is mainly due to his torso. Michael Phelps was said to have the upper body of a guy who is 6′ 8″ and the legs of a 6’ 0″ tall man. The post was Torso Length To Leg Length , A Personal Theory“. The people also were amazed at Michael’s eating habits, in supposedly consuming around 12,000 Calories everyday to compensate for the amount of energy he losses during each day from training in the pool. This claim was eventually proved to be false but Phelps can eat a lot.

The main point I wanted to state from that post is that for people who have large apetites and have a habit of eating a lot since childhood, it could be that the large size that they develop is mostly towards their torso, and not to the limbs. I claimed back then that the length of our limbs are determined by our genetics, and that our torso length can be modulated through our food consumption. This would make sense to explain the body shape of football players. Football players are on average about 1 standard of deviation taller, but not at the level of average professional basketball player height.

I proposed from the theory that most people can actually eat themselves to become around 3 inches taller than what they would be if they ate a normal habit in normal proportions. The result is that all of that height will go to making their torso bigger. However that type of eating habit would also mean that they have a much higher weight resulting in a wider body that will stay with them throughout life.

Proposed Theory: The body size (both height and width) of football players come directly from their childhood eating habits. Their high level of food consumption raises the blood sugar level, which results in insulin level in their body when they were children. Along with the increase in Insulin, is also the increase in IGF-1 which is named Insulin like Growth Factor Type 1, which is very similar in function as insulin. IGF-1 in the body of these big eaters gets increased, and the result is that the IGF-1 receptors of the chondrocytes in the growth plates gets stimulated more. The result from the increase of food eaten by these football players when they were younger means that they end up 2-4 inches taller than what they should be, but the height goes to their torso. While at the same time, their leg length stays the same since I propose that the length of the bones in the leg are determined by genetics. This means that later in life, these people develop the prototypical body shape of most football players, with long torsos, short legs, lower centers of gravity, and wide builds.

When Michael Phelps met Shaquille O’Neal for a friendly swimming competition on the show Shaq Vs., Shaq noted that his eatings are nothing like Phelps but he was still 9 inches taller. The food consumption habits of the two super athletes were different but their body proportions were nearly the opposite. Shaq’s height is definitely from genetics having a mother who is 6′ 2″, father who is 6′ 1″, and a claimed grandfather of being 6′ 9″. If one actually looked at Shaq’s leg length it is disproportionately longer compared to his torso, which is long. The theory can be wrong, but I state that genetics will determine how tall a person is through their limb length, especially the length of the femur, and their childhood eating habits will determine how long their torso will be, by as much as 4 inches.

Back To FootBall

If I remember correctly, the position with the tallest football players is usually the OT, Offensive Tackle. The job of the Offensive Tackle is to block and defend against. Someone once wrote that the average height of the Professional NFL Player was around 6′ 2″ – 6’3″, and weighed around 240-260 lbs, From the Wikipedia article on the Offensive Tackle, it states “In the NFL, offensive tackles often measure over 6 ft 4 in (193 cm) and 300 lb (140 kg).” From reading others sources I thought that the average height of the Offensive Tackles is probably slightly bigger, around 6′ 5″.

From an article written by the Bleacher Report entitled Tallest Players In NFL History

  • Richard Sligh – 7′ 0″ (DT)
  • Terrell Brown – 6′ 10″ (403 lbs, RT)
  • Morris Stroud – 6′ 10″ (255 lbs, TE)
  • Ed “Too Tall” Jones – 6′ 9″ (DE)
  • King Dunlap – 6′ 9″ (330 lbs, OT)
  • Jonathan Ogden – 6′ 9.5″ (Tackle)
  • Harold Carmichael – 6′ 8″ (225 lbs, WR)
  • Jared Veldheer – 6′ 8″ (C, RT)
  • Dan McGwire – 6′ 8″ (240 lbs, QB)
  • Bryant McKinnie – 6′ 8″ (OT)
  • Leonard Pope – 6′ 8″ (TE)
  • Robert Gallery – 6′ 7″ (LG)
  • Ted Hendricks – 6′ 7″ (LB)

There is currently an amateur football player named John “House” Taylor based in Enola, Pennsylvania playing for the Central Penn Piranha, a Gridiron Developmental Football League team who is 6′ 11″ and 500 lbs.

I note the interesting fact that in the most recent NFL Draft 2013 the top picks were all extremely tall individuals, in a strange descending order where the top picks were the tallest and the height dropped in the same way as the picks in the draft…

NFL 1st Round Draft Picks of 2013:

Eric Fisher Height

Draft Pick #1. Erik Fisher Player Profile Stats: (source is

  • Position: Offensive Tackle
  • Height: 79 Inches (or 6′ 7″)
  • Weight: 306 lbs
  • Arm Length: 34.5 Inches
  • Hand Size: 10.5 Inches
  • School: Central Michigan

Luke Joeckel Height

Draft Pick #2. Luke Joeckel Player Profile Stats:

  • Position: Offensive Tackle
  • Height: 78 inches (or 6′ 6″)
  • Weight: 306 lbs
  • Arm Length: 34.25 Inches
  • Hand Size: 10.125 Inches
  • School: Texas A&M

Dion Jordan Height

Draft Pick #3. Dion Jordan Player Profile Stats:

  • Position: Defensive End
  • Height:  78 Inches (or 6′ 6″)
  • Weight: 248 lbs
  • Arm Length: 33.875 Inches
  • Hand Size: 10 Inches
  • School: Oregon

Lane Johnson Height

Draft Pick #4. Lane Johnson Player Profile Stats:

  • Position: Offensive Tackle
  • Height: 78 Inches
  • Weight: 303 lbs
  • Arm Length: 35.25 Inches
  • Hand Size: 10.125 Inches
  • School: Oklahoma

Ziggy Ansah Height

Draft Pick #5: Ziggy Ansah Player Profile Stats:

  • Position: Defensive End
  • Height: 77 Inches
  • Weight: 271 lbs
  • Arm Length: 35.125 Inches
  • Hand Size: 10.25 Inches
  • School: BYU


Draft Pick #6: Barkevious Mingo Draft Player Profile Stats:

  • Position: Defensive End
  • Height: 76 Inches
  • Weight: 241 lbs
  • Arm Length: 33.75 Inches
  • Hand Size: 9.625 Inches
  • School: LSU

Disclaimer: All of the information above is from the official NFL Draft website from the article 2013 NFL Draft first-round picks’ signing status”

It is note revealed on here but the draft #7 pick of the 2013 year Jonathan is listed at 6′ 2″ and after that, is a pick at #8 Tavon Austin being only 5′ 8″. Now, being 5′ 8″ is really on the low end for such a physical game as american football, where most guys are built like tanks. However I would assume that this guy can compensate for his height through insane explosiveness, amazing speed in rushing and agility in being able to avoid being knocked down.