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The Questions that Must be Answered for a Height Increase Routine to Work

In evaluating potential height increase routines, there are questions that have to be answered true to potentially be effective.  Asking these questions before attempting a routine or supplement, will help to determine if that supplement or routine could possibly be effective although there are many supplements that can be synergestic.

1a.  Does the method increase longitudinal bone growth?

b. Or does the method stimulate an increase the thickness of the bone in a longitudinal direction(top of head or bottom of heel)?

c.  Or does the method target another tissue that is a determinant in height(for example: cartilage or skin at the top of the head)?

d. Does the method alter alignment(posture or loosening of ligaments via relaxin)?

The rest of these questions will involve assuming that 1a was the question that was answered yes to as b-d would have different follow up questions. Note that GH and IGF-1 are a maybe in terms of answering question 1a.  They tend to encourage tissue growth but do not necessarily encourage chondrogenic differentiation(although IGF-1 may).  Something like IGF-2 is something more likely to increase height as it is involved in an earlier development state.  And the growth plate is at an earlier development state than full bones.  GH and IGF-1 are present at all developmental states whereas something like IGF-2 is not.

2.  Does the method involve degradation of cortical bone?

b. Does the method stretch cortical bone(plastic deformation which requires extreme loads)?

This likely has to be an important criteria in the success of a height increase routine.  The end of growth involves the fusion of cortical bone between the diaphysis and the epiphysis.  Distraction osteogenesis involves the cracking of cortical bone.  Cortical bone is likely like a large constraint on longitudinal bone growth.  Note: LSJL likely degrades cortical bone via an increase in fluid flow.

bone loading without drillingD is the LSJL loaded bone and C is not.  There’s definitely degration of the trabecular bone in D and F.  In D the LSJL cortical bone looks thicker and stronger which would make it harder to grow taller.  However in F there are some signs of degradation.  First, note that in E, that the inner bone is a fairly solid circular object but in F there is a part that juts outward on the upper lateral region of F this could be a sign of cortical bone degradation.    And note that 50% is the dead center of the bone which is not a likely target for increasing bone length.  75% is much closer to the epiphysis and since most longitudinal bone growth occurs at the epiphysis this is very promising that the necessary cortical bone degradation can occur to enable bone elongation to occur.

The bone loading only occurred for 3 days.  If bone loading had occurred longer it is possible that the protrusion of the inner bone would extend far enough to reach the outer point of bone enabling a neo-growth plate to form.  The mice were 14 weeks old which is fairly fair along the skeletal maturity process.  Mice growth plates don’t fuse but they do become dysfunctional and this is the time when growth cessation occurs.  So a potential protrusion caused by cortical bone degradation at a late skeletal maturity state is promising for the possible effectiveness of LSJL on adults.

3.  Does the method stimulate chondrogenic differentiation?

Bones have not yet been shown to be capable of interstitial growth and only through an intermediary tissue(cartilage) are they able to grow longer.  It would be possible to grow taller through the articular cartilage(which is capable of endochondral ossification) at the longitudinal ends of the bones but there does not as of yet seem to be an effective way of doing that.

The creating of an intermediary tissue like cartilage within the bone seems to be necessary to make the bones grow longer.  LSJL upregulates chondrogenic genes.

In addition, the chondrogenic intermediary must progress through the various stages and undergo hypertrophy to push the bone apart.  But it appears that endochondral ossification tends to be the standard procedure for chondrogenic tissue.

The Organ-On-A-Chip and 3D Bioprinting Conference Summary

I went to this conference for two main reasons. The first was to talk with a company that was selling a 3D Bioprinter. The 2nd was to listen to the lectures and presentations by the leading edge researchers in this field to see if anything that they are working on can be applied to what we are doing here.

Here is what I can say.

Every single industry, field, or niche has a few people who become very important in their chosen area of expertise. From this one conference, I did find out who are the main people we should be focusing on and following.

  • Dr. Lawrence (Larry) Bonassar
  • Dr. Anthony Atala
  • Dr. Warren Grayson

It turns out that a Dr. Jason Spector who was a speaker at the conference giving his talk  “Tissue Engineering, Bioprinting, and the “Reconstructive Ladder”” alluded to the fact that he was working with Dr. Bonassar on research with MSCs (Mesenchymal Stem Cells) to develop cartilage, whether it be fibrocartilage or hyaline cartilage. When I was listening to him, the name sounded very familiar until I realized that I saw the name before and actually wrote a big post on the work being done by Dr. Bonassar’s team in Cornell where they grew an implantable spinal disc. Refer to the post “This Researcher Succeeded In 3D-Printing Spinal Discs Allowing Adults With Closed Growth Plates To Grow Taller If They Desired – Big Breakthrough“. Dr Bonassar’s work and his Lab should be one of the primary focuses for us.

The other speaker that spoke about relevant information was a Dr. Paul Gatenholm (talk was “3D Bioprinting of Human Cartilage and Skin with Novel Bioink”, who apparently was a protege/student of Dr. Atala. He has a company CellLink where his son works at which has produced a type of bioink that is used in 3D Bioprinters. This bioink acts as the medium that stem cells would go into which is something similar to Hydrogel/Alginate/Extracellular Matrix/Scaffold. It is made from a derivative of cellulose.

Dr. Atala is sort of a super-star in the field of tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, and cartilage generation. He has been alluded to multiple times in the conference and I had referenced his research before as well on this website. Refer to the post ” Increase Height And Grow Taller Through Bioprinting And Electrospinning“. If you read this previous post, you would see that there was a Youtube video of Gabor Forgacs, who explained the revolution in regenerative medicine. He was the speaker at this recent conference which started everything off.

There was a third speaker Rahul Tare (talk was  “Application of Custom-Built Acousto-fluidic Perfusion Bioreactor for Cartilage Tissue Engineering” who revealed that he was also working with MSCs to engineer cartilage tissue.

It turns out that this conference I went to has people associated with the big players in this field. Most people there already knew each other.

In terms of the technical, I realized that bioprinting cartilage tissue that can be implanted back into the body is an endeavor which is probably impossible. In a discussion with Dr. Michael Gelinsky, he did not think that bioprinting a hyaline cartilage was viable at least for a long time. However, the idea of slowly developing chondrogenic tissue from implanted autologous chondrocytes and/or MSCs into a scaffold is probable, if not very doable. If Dr. Teplyashin’s group’s results are any indication, this step has already been done.

The problem which the researchers were trying to solve was over vascularization. Vascularization was the main problem that people who want to bioprint organs need to figure out. It was the bottleneck.

The other problem is over regulations. It turns out that many of the most scientifically advanced countries who are working in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine will not allow organs be implanted into the patients body.

Here are the list of 3D Bioprinters that I found out about.

  1. BioBots (3d Bioprinter)
  2. RegenHu 3d Bioprinter
  3. EnvisionTec Bioprinter
  4. Organovo’s 3D Printer
  5. Regenovo (China based)
  6. Qingdao Unique Products 3D Bioprinter
  7. Izumi International Inc (Deposition Machine turned into 3D Printer)

Some of the models were cheap but some were extraordinarily expensive.

Some others things I realized that I made a mistake on was to forget about the step of bioreactor. You need a bioreactor for the implanted cells into a culture or scaffold, with the growth factors, to proliferate in numbers. Dr. Spector revealed that to get the MSCs to differentiated into a tissue that is actually worth something, you need at least 200 million cells to work with. Anything less and the tissue that has been formed is not really enough.

So to make a correction on the steps, it would be

  • 1. Biopsy of bone marrow to get MSCs/ Extract part of the iliac crest for chondrocytes
  • 2. Use collagenase to dissolve the ECM around your desired cells
  • 3. Spin the solution to separate the cells from the other compounds
  • 4. Get the right type of cell medium (alginate, hydrogel, etc.) to put the cells in.
  • 5. Instead of medium, it could be a scaffold shaped in whatever way you want.
  • 6. Add some type of growth factor into the scaffold to help the cells differentiate or proliferate.
  • 7. Put it into a bioreactor to make the cells proliferate.
  • 8. Induce vascularization in the tissue (this is the tough part)
  • 9. Take the scaffold/medium out and implant the grown  tissue back into the person’s body. Wait until vascularization occurs to connect the new implant with the rest of the patient’s body.

Notice how I did not say bioprinting anywhere. Remember that there is more than 1 way to get the stem cells/chondrocyte implantation to work.

There is actually 2 ways to do this.

  1. You can use a 3D Bioprinter to bioprint a fully functional growth plate, with the chondrocytes inside in columnar structure form
  2. You can put extracted MSCs or chondrocytes into a scaffold (hard structure) and grow it into a bioreactor. You eventually implant the scaffold between the bones and wait for the scaffold to slowly turn into a hyaline cartilage layer of tissue ala pseudo-epiphyseal plate cartilage.

The 1st way is going to be very difficult, but not impossible. The 2nd way is not as “clean” but it should work.

There will be more conferences in the coming months worth looking into. They are….

  • 2015 4th Termis Tissue Engineering World Conference – Dr. Atala will be a keynote speaker there.
  • Biomaterials & Tissue Engineering Gordon Research Conference – Dr. Warren Grayson will be a speaker there.
  • Tissue Engineering, Synthetic Biology & Bioprinting (2016) – by SelectBio
  • Innovations in Cell-Based Regenerative Therapies Conference (MSC 2015)

What you sort of realize as you go down the list of speakers and attendees is that the same people was at this conference too. Eventually after so many conferences you meet the same 300 people over and over again.




Prx1 seems to be a very promising target for height increase as it seems to have targets early in development.  Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any Prx1 stimulating substances but hopefully you can?  Srx1 is involved in the repair of Prx1 so that could be another target as well.

Regulatory divergence modifies limb length between mammals

“Natural selection acts on variation within populations, resulting in modified organ morphology, physiology, and ultimately the formation of new species. Although variation in orthologous proteins can contribute to these modifications, differences in DNA sequences regulating gene expression may be a primary source of variation. We replaced a limb-specific transcriptional enhancer of the mouse Prx1 locus with the orthologous sequence from a bat. Prx1 expression directed by the bat enhancer results in elevated transcript levels in developing forelimb bones and forelimbs that are significantly longer than controls because of endochondral bone formation alterations. Surprisingly, deletion of the mouse Prx1 limb enhancer results in normal forelimb length and Prx1 expression, revealing regulatory redundancy. These findings suggest that mutations accumulating in pre-existing noncoding regulatory sequences within a population are a source of variation for the evolution of morphological differences between species and that cis-regulatory redundancy may facilitate accumulation of such mutations.”

“One developmental control gene known to promote limb skeletal elongation is Prx1, also called MHox or Prrx1. Prx1 is a paired-related homeobox gene expressed in somites, craniofacial mesenchyme, and limb mesoderm during mouse development”

“the forelimbs of Prx1BatE/BatE mutants are on average ∼6% longer than their wild-type littermates at E18.5 ”

“The forelimbs of Prx1-null homozygotes are ∼12.5% shorter than controls at E18.5”

“average mutant long bones express ∼70% more Prx1 than wild-type siblings”

“Long bone chondrocyte proliferation is elevated by ∼6% at E15.5 in Prx1BatE/BatE mutants.”

“[The Prx1 induced] limb elongation arises at stages of mouse gestation when Prx1 expression is limited to the perichondrium of the developing limb skeletal elements. It is known that the perichondrium is an important regulator of endochondrial bone growth”<-Could this be related to the zone of Ranvier which should be connected to the perichondrium?  Since the zone of Ranvier is linked to an earlier developmental state of the growth plate it could mean that Prx1 could be helpful in inducing neo growth plates.

According to this grant, Prx1 inhibits bone formation so it favors an earlier developmental state overall.

Prx1-Expressing Progenitor Primary Cilia Mediate Bone Formation in response to Mechanical Loading in Mice

“Increases in mechanical loading can enhance the addition of new bone, altering geometry and density such that bones better withstand higher forces. Bone-forming osteoblasts have long been thought to originate from progenitors, but the exact source is yet to be identified. Previous studies indicate osteogenic precursors arise from Prx1-expressing progenitors during embryonic development and adult fracture repair. However, it is unknown whether this cell population is also a source for mechanically induced active osteoblasts. We first identified that Prx1 is expressed in skeletally mature mouse periosteum, a thin tissue covering the surface of the bone that is rich in osteoprogenitors. We then traced Prx1 progenitor lineage using a transgenic mouse model carrying both a Prx1-driven tamoxifen-inducible Cre and a ROSA-driven lacZ reporter gene. Cells that expressed Prx1 when compressive axial loading was applied were detected within the cortical bone days after stimulation, indicating osteocytes are of Prx1-expressing cell origin. In addition, we evaluated how these cells sense and respond to physical stimulation in vivo by disrupting their primary cilia, which are antenna-like sensory organelles known to enhance mechanical and chemical signaling kinetics. Although Prx1-driven primary cilium disruption did not affect osteoblast recruitment to the bone surface, the relative mineral apposition and bone formation rates were decreased by 53% and 34%, respectively. Thus, this cell population contributes to load-induced bone formation, and primary cilia are needed for a complete response. Interestingly, Prx1-expressing progenitors are easily extracted from periosteum and are perhaps an attractive alternative to marrow stem cells for bone tissue regeneration strategies.”

“periosteum, which surrounds bones and is rich in progenitor cells known to preferentially differentiate towards the osteogenic lineage”

“physical stimulation activates and encourages osteogenic differentiation of progenitors within the periosteum.”

“One potential mechanism by which progenitor cells may become mechanically activated is through the primary cilium. Primary cilia are antenna-like organelles that extend from the cell surface and serve as signaling microdomains.”

“osteogenic response to fluid shear is lost when periosteal progenitor primary cilia are disrupted in vitro”

“Prx1-expressing cells become embedded osteocytes in response to physical loading and this mechanism requires the primary cilium.”<-if Prx1 enhances longitudinal bone growth and Prx1 mainly effects on chondrogenic cells maybe there are non chondrogenic ways to enhance longitudinal bone growth.

The Russian AS Palko School of Height Program To Grow Taller Was Legitimate

It seems that there was another legitimate program that was developed back in the early 90s by a Russian doctor who claimed that he could help people stretch their back and body to make them taller. It is very similar to the A-Grow-Bics program that came out by the French Trainer a few years back. There was even a few interviews and media coverage that came out with his claims. Based on what Michael Goldreyer (Goldreer) said, the clinic seemed to have gone bankrupt very quickly after it opened up back in the early 90s. However it is still interesting to see that the rumors that was coming out of russia of a doctor who developed a program which the book “School of Height” (PDF available for free download in the free section) was based on real events.

This will be the first of maybe a dozen videos that will be uploaded, almost all in Russian (a few will be in armenian and arabic). I plan to release the rest over time in the coming months.

Subscribe to our youtube channel by clicking here!

EpiBone Company To Engineer Osteochondral Grafts – Research Breakthrough!

One of the readers of this website informed me about the progress of another company called EpiBone which has been involved in growing bones that can be implanted back into the body with a high chance of complete functionality.

At first when I looked over the website and what the company was claiming, it looked almost exactly like the Israeli Biomedical Company Bonus Biogroup which I had written a post about before (Here).

Again, the problem is not that bone grafts can’t be built from scratch. They can, and it is very easy. The problem is when you try to build a bone-cartilage structure which functions. Building a functional cartilage structure has always been the difficult part. Even harder is to grow or build a bone-to-cartilage structure which operate together as one.

I was just about to write off this company as another company which will not push further until I looked at the list of authors who wrote the original scientific paper “Engineering custom-designed osteochondral tissue grafts”

The first name that is associated with the paper is what got me excited. It is Warren Grayson!!

I had said before from many posts written back in 2013 and 2014 that Dr. Grayson’s research is one of the few that is really going to get us to a Limb Lengthening Alternative. If Dr. Grayson is associated with EpiBone, as say the lead Research Scientist, then I would suspect that we maybe 5 years ahead of schedule in getting the Tissue Engineering approach to be successful. Where as I had predicted as long as 20-30 years before, I have to reassess that time line down to even 15 years.

However, when you look at the team that is actually listed on the website only one name is also found associated with the paper, a Gordana Vunjak-Novakovic. A Sarindr Bhumiratana is the other name that is worth looking at since he seems to be an expert on tissue engineering. There was a similar paper written to a 2nd source “Engineering anatomically shaped human bone grafts”

This looks like the real deal guys. They know that growing bones to be implanted back into the body is easy, and already done by other research teams and companies around the world.

It comes down to whether they can put enough research, energy, and funding to get the Bone-Cartilage type of tissue graft to work out which is what is going to determine whether we will see something that is available for the regular patient/customer within the next 10-15 years.

Apparently there has been a lot of media and press surrounding this company with some big name newspapers and online content aggregators talking about this company up. Bloomberg, CNN, Forbes, The Guardian, etc. are all getting some information on this company.

Cross your fingers guys. I will be going to the Organ-On-A-Chip BioMedical Conference/ 3D Bioprinting Conference in Boston (on Beacon Hill) from July 7-9, and then write a long post to report back to you guys telling everything that I have gathered about the most cutting edge research that is coming out today from the labs of Universities. I will mention this company EpiBone to the professors there and see if they are also working on the same thing or have maybe even surpassed what we are seeing with this company. I need to remind the readers that I paid $1,700 of my own money to get into this conference, since I am this dedicated to the cause. When I say I am going to put my money in on this endeavor, I have.

Mesenchymal Stem CellsIn addition, I recently also purchased the book “Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Skeletal Regeneration” off of Amazon and plan to read up on it on the plane to make sure that my level of understanding of the tissue engineering techniques are at the level of the presenters and exhibitors at the Conference. I might even record the conversations I have to upload it to the website for all of you to hear.

PS: I will be posting up quite a few videos to the Natural Height Growth Youtube Channel over the next few months of videos mostly in Russian of height increasing programs. Some of them show Alexander Teyplyashin’s research, and even AS Palko’s School of Height program in action, as well as old interviews done in russian of people who went through with LLS.

Click Here to Subscribe to the Channel to see the recent uploads!

Why Short Men Complaining About Their Dating Life and Romantic Options Should Stop

I personally have not owned a working TV since I left for college many years ago so many of the cultural trends that has been happening in American society that is derived from TV is not well known to me. Some cultural fads like The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones have become so big that it seems like everyone is talking about them and that is how I would ever get any type of incentive to want to learn more about the fads going on. (Side Note: It is interesting that GoT has made many people start to view little people in a much more positive, enpowering light from the brilliant performance by Peter Dinklage in the series. Since the sudden death of Jon Snow, it might be that Tyrion Lannister might be the protagonist of the series to root for to survive the longest)

Something that I only found out just a few days ago was this hit television show called Small People, Big World which has been airing for years on one of the major television networks. Originally, it was a show that showed the life, struggles, and challenges of this couple living in a farm in Oregon and raising their 4 kids.

The father suffered from disatrophic dysplasia while the mothered suffered from normal Achondroplasia. They were both a little over 4 feet tall. Out of their 4 children, only 1 of their children, their son Zach exhibited short stature. He has a brother who is also his twin, Jeremy.

While Jeremy grew normally to be around 6 feet in height, Zach was reported to have grown to a full height of 4′ 4″. So that is a very large difference in height.

I personally am not that big into drama, so here is what I can tell the reader. I watched the following episodes, Season 1 Episode 1, Season 1 Episode 2, and finally Season 9 Episode 1.

When you watch this show, you realize that at least in the very early in the series, Zach was very shy and reserved while Jeremy was more outgoing and assertive.

So I skipped maybe 100 episodes or more and did not watch along with the family’s development over the last 9 years. From watching the way the mother and the father talked and operated on a day to day level, you realize that they are a very average, well functioning family. The main difference between this rural family from most other “American” families is that the parents are much shorter than average. They have difficulty in doing many things we normal people take advantage of but that is about it

If anything, when you watch the way the children have developed through the years, which I did not since I skipped directly to Season 9, you realize that everyone is extremely well behaved and have a very functional family. There doesn’t seem to be any level of dysfunctional, at least in the few episodes I observed.

Like everyone, I googled more about what happened to the kids as they grew up, finished school, went to college, and then maybe found their spouses.

For Jeremy, a recent clip of him from Youtube (Available Here) reveals that he got married recently to his college girlfriend from Oregon State University. He turned into a very handsome, articulate, well adjusted man now who has a very high level of social intelligence and emotional intelligence. He apparently has his own pumpkin business. Being 6 feet tall (or almost 6 feet tall) probably did help in making sure that he did not develop any type of neurotic or psychological pathologies over his stature and height.  Of course, just from watching the 1st episode, I sort of guessed that he would turn out well and find a wonderful wife, which he did. She (Audrey Botti) turned out to be a OSU graduate who was captain of a sports team back in college and the way he talks about his new wife shows that she is a wonderful human being who has a level head who also has a high level of emotional intelligence.

For Zach, when I saw pictures of him which his fiance, I admit that I was a little taken aback. At some level I expected that maybe it would be harder for him to find a long term partner in life than his brother, or at least the time it would take to find someone would be a little longer. His engagement to a lovely girl named Torri Patton shows that his ability in finding a romantic partner does not seem to have been hindered by his short stature, at least for his individual case. Listening to him talk from just Season 9, after 8 years, you can see the changes and transformation in him. The way he conducts himself, the way he talks, the way he expresses his thoughts and opinions show that he has really come out of his shell, has become outgoing and clear, if not even charming in his own unique way. I can definitely see what his fiance sees in him. If I was a female around his age, I could see myself dating him, based on just the way he carries himself, and how emotional stable he is. For girls, maturity and emotional intelligence counts for a whole lot more than what men give credit for, since as men, we are extremely visual creatures so we put much more emphasize on the physical attributes than female. Just because we as men might have issue or problems with something, doesn’t men we should project our own fears and insecurities onto the females who we interact with. So far, I have not seen many negative comments against Zach for planning to marry his normal sized fiance.

Now, I didn’t look at Molly or the 4th child. I wanted to use Jeremy and Zach as the example, since twins are just almost the perfect type of subjects you want to use in a scientific study. 1 control and the variables that you change.

You see that in the end, both of these young men turned out well, finding a great girl to marry and hopefully spend the rest of their life with. Yes, Zach had to grow up with some big challenges being almost 2 feet shorter than his twin, but in the end both came out winners in my opinions. From my daily interactions with people, many of whom are 6 feet or taller, they were not so lucky in life. You see so many people who do not have the level of maturity or intelligence that these men have. That is what separates these young guys from the taller men you see in normal life who are not as successful. It has nothing to do with height.

I may be extrapolating this one example of twin height differences to generalize about all short men but at this point in my life, I think that I am mature enough to admit that being of short stature is not as big of a handicap as some men think it is, for dating or finding romantic partners. It really is not, unless you are severely short.

There are plenty of men who will complain again and again using references and instances that they remember from their life (or second hand accounts, and interactions) as validation to the idea that they have it harder in the world of dating and relationships.

However, at this point I believe that for 90% of the men who complain about their lack of dating success due mainly to their short stature, their situation (and dating success) can be changed based on a change of their level of emotional intelligence and their social intelligence.

If these men were truly socially intelligent, they would be able to recognize the types of people who are not good for them (ie who bring them down constantly) early on in their interaction and avoid them to not get trapped into negative thought patterns, (ie depression, self-doubt, spite). If these men were emotionally intelligent, they would have enough self-esteem and self-worth to realize that they are above all the drama that certain people get them into.

Then, we can look at the height issue from a society perspective. When you look at how many people have watched the show, and how much support the family gets from the viewers, you realize that most of the times, the viewers are actually rooting for the family to succeed and help out the family on the show because they have grown to love the family in their TV screen. For them, the factor of height has mostly disappears after maybe the first few seasons since the novelty runs out. Sometimes drama is created to highlight and focus on the uniquesness of the central characters on the TV show to keep the viewers hooked so they keep on watching.

We currently live in 2015, in the USA, which is probably the most culturally diverse and accepting of all the countries in the world. At an early age we ate taught by out Kindergarden teachers to be tolerant and accepting of people of all different types. Being prejudice against people because of their skin color and ethnic background is no longer accepted publically. As for the handicap, the old, the overweight, the ill, we are very aware that they are fellow humans just like us.

We as Americans realize at some level that we should treat each other with respect. For most of us, the younger generation today, we do judge each other on the strength of their character, and not on some physical trait which they were born with which they can’t change. I have seen a few times where a person of short stature was teased and someone did come quickly to their defense. The same can be true about other groups of people who have been made fun of. What kind of intelligent young person today would ever go up to a handicapped person and joke about their disability? If they did, it shows that they lack that social intelligence I am talking about. If fact, if we are to remember the recent movie that came out that detailed the struggles of the cosmologist Stephen Hawking (The Theory of Everything) who developed ALS beginning in his early 20s when he was at Cambridge, we can see that in today’s age, we actually put these people who go through suffering and challenges in high regards since it shows to use that they are of great courage and character, who has the will to overcome their obstables. How many people who walked out of the movie theater would be able to say that their perspective of the handicapped and disabled was as least just a little improved from watching the movie? I think a lot.

Here is the sword of discrimination which I will make very clear of the people who like to complain on those women who might still be prejudice and bias

  • The type of female who is willing or shows the tendency or susceptibility towards being bias and discriminating against and/or joke towards a male of short stature at some level does not have a high level of social intelligence and/or emotional intelligence.
  • The type of female who has the ability to look past physical attributes and make a judgement on a man based on his moral character has a higher level of social and emotional intelligence, on average. If you are looking for a long term, well adjusted, great quality girl for a long term relationship, these are the girls you want to be with since they have the correct mindset

It comes down to maturity level. Some girls are just more mature than others. Maturity is positively correlated to intelligence in general. The more intelligent a girl is, the more likely that she is mature as well.

If you looked through the profiles on Tinder today, if we could get the raw data of the females, and plotted their education level with their negative remarks of men of short stature, we would find some level of correlation showing that as the level of education obtained by a female increases, the less likely that she would make derogatory comments about a guy’s physical appearance.

When you see these reddit threads made by guys who keep on talking about The Red Pill philosophy, they often like to say that women finally give beta guys a chance in dating after they turn 30 and start to loose their looks and they are involuntarily no longer have the chance to be with the alpha male with the greatest of resources. Would I would rather propose as an alternative form of thinking is that maybe, just maybe, it took the females some extra number of years of life and experience for them to reach the level of intelligence their their fellow female peers reached years ago. The reason some women who in their 30s start to date the more stable, non-traditional men in their society may not be because they have lost their looks and can’t date the young reich guys anymore, but because they are finally have reached a mental and emotional state which they have matured to a certain level. Some women never leave that immaturity mindset because they were never pushed into a situation where they had to grow up fast, and still think when they are in their 40s that they deserve the 6′ 4″, fit, super millionaire who is Harvard educated and is a world class chef who can speak 3 languages. Become more mature also has a correlation to seeing the world for the way it really is, and acting accordingly to the way the world operates.

When you are raised in a good, well functioning, well adjusted family, on average you turn out well (from a society point of view) and have the socially accepted level of maturity. and social intelligence

The fact is, if a 4′ 4″ young man like Zach Roloff (who suffers from achondroplasia causing him to have a disproportionately large head and short limbs) can find a girl to be with, we as men who might be 5′ 6 or even 5′ 2″ should not be complaining. One of the very first posts I ever wrote for this website was for Sean Stephenson, who is a 3 feet tall guy in a wheelchair suffering from Osteogenesis Imperfecta. He was married to his long time girlfriend Mindie, who is also a lovely lady. Of course, they are indeed outliers and the exception not the rule for guys who are that short. However, they understood that they were severely handicapped but worked harder than other people.

If you really want to have an awesome life filled with real joy, you need to surround yourself with great people. When we get on these internet discussion board to complain and complain some more about how our life sucks because we were not so genetically lucky, our overall life does not get any better. Complaining does nothing except give a momentarily short bit of pleasure in being able to release all the negative energy that has build for a long time inside of us, that has been accumulating from years of anger, resentment, and spite that we did against ourselves. Of course, the moment we rant and write long posts, other people read it, and they also get angry from our release of negative energy. So it just makes things worst. Places like reddit/r/short are places people should avoid to not catch the negative energy or they just might find themselves sucked into this vortex of self-fulfilling, self-induced anger which they never learn how to let go. There are places, dark places on the internet where people go to talk, troll, and make negative comments to satisfy their dark indulgences. Unless these people are true sociopaths, they should never get sucked into that environment. If you keep on complaining, and going back to those websites, you will find that you are wasting precious moments of your life. When you complain, nothing gets accomplished, nobody does anything, and no one is proactive enough to take action to push forward. Complaining is easier.

I would assume that for the guy who is single and writes on internet boards, he would rather be outside and enjoying a nice day with his significant other instead of writing long pieces

Some people think that the correct way to change one’s life and get over the height issue is to lift weights to feel better and gain confidence in one’s body. I disagree on this advice since it doesn’t change the old patterns of brain activity. The brain like all systems will in a situation where stress is induced fall back to which brain circuitry or pattern which takes the least amount of energy, aka which is most familiar aka what is most comfortable. Exercise does not work the brain hard enough to change the old behavior.

It’s not even about lifting weight or dressing better, although exercising would cause the right chain of events which is also a positive feedback loop leading to a better life conditions. Exercising and/or lifting weights will not solve the issue for short men, although the initial rapid changes will give a tremendous boost of confidence that was probably never there before. Of course, eventually the exercising will plateau off, and the old mentality and mental patterns comes back, and the changes in the body from the exercise is no longer enough to push past the plateaus which inevitably arise since the body and brain will always adapt.

What the complainers really need to do is develop their social intelligence and emotional intelligence.

  • The most obvious way to develop emotional intelligence is to 1) practice gratitude and 2) give to others (ie help the homeless and the less fortunate) and 3) learn to detach one’s ego from the outcome of a process.
  • The most obvious way to develop social intelligence is to 1) join social events with groups which you normally would never go to and 2) find new friends who only give off positive energy and 3) just talk more.

When something stressful happens, the person will call upon the their new set of friends and the friends will make sure the person does not spiral back to old patterns of thinking.

Over time, the intelligence of the person increases until their maturity level increases. The fact is that once a person has reached a certain level of maturity, they will complain less since they understand that complaining is unproductive and does not improve their overall life quality in anyway, except to hold they in a limbo-state of perpetual circle of negative emotions.