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LSJL Studies 3: Lengthening of mouse hindlimbs with joint loading

This is the most significant LSJL study to date.

Three key takeaways from this study:

1) LSJL increases bone length in existing growth plates via traditional mechanisms(chondrocyte hypertrophy)

2) LSJL increases bone length in non-traditional mechanisms as shown by the fact that LSJL also stimulates the reserve zone.  Reserve zone cells being the chondrocyte precursor cells and the ones able to form new growth plates.

3) LSJL dramatically alters the microenvironment of the bone(as shown by the histological slides).  It’s unclear exactly what changed but the decrease in bone trabeculae and the increase in bone marrow means that an LSJL loaded bone is more permissive to growth plate formation.  Osteomy is essential for renewed longitudinal bone growth.  As cartilage is capable of interstitial growth which induces longitudinal bone growth whereas bone is not.

Lengthening of mouse hindlimbs with joint loading

“Loads were applied to the left hindlimb (5-min bouts at 0.5 N[at 5Hz) of C57/BL/6 mice (21 mice, ~8 weeks old). Compared to the contralateral and age-matched control groups, knee loading increased the length of the femur by 2.3 and 3.5%, together with the tibia by 2.3 and 3.7%, respectively. In accordance with the length measurements, knee loading elevated BMD and BMC in both the femur and the tibia. Histological analysis of the proximal tibia revealed that the loaded growth plate elevated its height by 19.5% and the cross-sectional area by 30.7%. Particularly in the hypertrophic zone, knee loading increased the number of chondrocytes as well as their cellular height along the length of the tibia.”

3min/day for 5 days/week for 10 days total was LSJL applied.  Bone was harvested 18 days after the last loading.

“Femoral length was defined as the maximum distance from the distolateral condyle to the
most medial and proximal position on the femoral head. Tibial length was defined from the most proximal position of the tibial plateau to the most distal position of the medial malleolus.”<-this is important as changing where and how femoral length is measured would effect total femur length.  It is hard to tell the ramifications of this length setting for sure without more data though.

“The height of the growth plate (GP) was defined from the apical[apex] border of the reserve zone to the lower border of the mineralized cartilage”<-So the measurement of growth plate height would likely include not just growth plate chondrocytes but chondrocyte progenitor cells.  And you’d need chondrocyte progenitor cells to form new growth plates.

According to Artificial selection sheds light on developmental mechanisms of limb elongation, an increased number of proliferative chondrocytes is likely the cause of increased height.

“the upper boundary of the hypertrophic zone was identified at the margin of the
chondrocytes that increased their size relative to those in the proliferative zone, whereas its lower boundary was at the terminal intact chondrocytes next to the metaphysis”

“At the cellular level, the numbers of proliferative and hypertrophic chondrocytes were counted and the total number of chondrocytes was calculated as their sum. The height of hypertrophic chondrocytes was determined using at least 20 cells in each slice”

“During knee loading, no apparent damage was detected at the site of loading or injection.”

“the longitudinal length of the femur was increased by 2.3% (14.19 ± 0.28 mm in contralateral control; 14.51 ± 0.28 mm in knee loading)”

“the longitudinal length of the tibia was increased by 2.3% (16.68 ± 0.23 mm in contralateral control; 17.06 ± 0.21 mm in knee loading)”<-interesting that the percent increase is so comparable(both 2.3%).

“Compared to the age matched control, knee loading increased the longitudinal length by 3.5% in the femur and by 3.7% in the tibia”<-Also a very similar percentage.

In the elbow loading study, “humerus was elongated by 1.2% compared to the contralateral and age-matched controls, while the ulna had become longer than the contralateral control (1.7%) and the age-match control (3.4%)”.  In 16 week mice(see same link above), the increase in length was 1.6% in the tibia.

Here is the growth plates under LSJL(I provide a more detailed analysis here):

LSJL growth plates

“H&E-stained sections of the growth plate in the proximal tibia. a Growth plate of the contralateral control. The bracket denotes the growth plate. b Growth plate (bracket)
of the loaded tibia. c Proliferative and hypertrophic zones of the contralateral control. d Proliferative and hypertrophic zones of the loaded tibia. Bars a, b 100 micro-m; c, d 200 micro-m”

Here’s a baseline growth plate with similar colors:


It’s difficult to say exactly what is going on in the growth plates of the control and LSJL-loaded version but what is clear is that the micro-environment of the two bones is dramatically different.  The LSJL loaded growth plate has much more bone marrow and many more osteoclasts(the white spots; although those spots could also be adipose tissue).  The increase in bone marrow and loss of bone trabeculae would be more enabling for micro-growth plates.  Thus, LSJL could create a more favorable microenvironment for micro-growth plates.

“Histological analysis revealed that knee loading increased the height and the cross-sectional area of the growth plate in the proximal tibia. First, the total growth plate height was increased by 19.5% (175 ± 25.6 micro-m in contralateral control; 210 ± 18.1 micro-m in loading) including the heights of the proliferative zone and the hypertrophic zone. In particular, the height of the hypertrophic zone was extended by 33.6% (48 ± 4.6 micro-m in contralateral control; 65 ± 3.4 micro-m in knee loading). Note that the height ratio of the hypertrophic zone to the growth plate (HZ/GP) was significantly increased, whereas the ratio for the proliferative zone (PZ/GP) was not altered”

“the cross-sectional area of the growth plate was increased by 30.7% (0.263 ± 0.108 mm2 in contralateral control; 0.344 ± 0.095 mm2 in knee loading)”

“At the cellular level, the numbers of chondrocytes were increased in the total growth plate and the hypertrophic zone by 28.5% and 46.3%, respectively. In the proliferative zone, however, no statistically significant difference in the numbers of cells was detected”

“the height of individual chondrocytes in the hypertrophic zone was elevated in the loaded side (16.3 ± 1.67 micro-m) compared to the control side (13.0 ± 1.45 micro-m)”

“oscillatory loads laterally applied to the knee not only induce anabolic responses but also lengthen the femur and the tibia.”<-Interesting that they do not state the necessity of an existing growth plate in this statement although admittedly this is not strong evidence.

The total length increase in the growth plate was more than the sum of the increases in the proliferative and hypertrophic zones, indicating that other regions such as the resting and calcifying zones were also affected“<-This is huge as the resting zone is where chondrocyte progenitor cells are derived.  If LSJL can induce mesenchymal stem cells to become chondrocyte progenitor cells than it can create new growth plates.

“Because the cross-sectional area of the growth plate is significantly increased with knee loading[the growth plate is wider], the data support that the bone-lengthening effects are not limited only to the lateral or medial loading site. At the cellular level, the number of chondrocytes in the hypertrophic zone was increased together with their cellular height. Our results are consistent with the notion that dynamic tensile and compressive loads stimulate and suppress longitudinal growth, respectively”

“In knee loading, the rate of lengthening with 0.5 N loads (peak-to-peak) was 0.1% per bout (femur) and 0.1% per bout (tibia) for 5-min loading per day.”

“both loaded and contralateral hindlimbs increased in length in the tibia.”

LSJL Studies 2: Effect of holes on LSJL

Not a lot on this study relating to longitudinal bone growth.  The important takeaway is evidence that LSJL can cause bone degradation which would be an important part of the process for neo-growth plate formation.

Effects of surgical holes in mouse tibiae on bone formation induced by knee loading.

“Loads applied directly to the knee (knee loading) have induce anabolic responses in femoral and tibial cortical bone. In order to examine the potential role of intramedullary pressure in generating those knee loading responses, we investigated the effects of drilling surgical holes that penetrated into the tibial medullary cavity and thereby modulated pressure alteration. Thirty-nine C57/BL/6 female mice in total were used with and without surgical holes, and the surgical holes were monitored. The left knee was loaded for 3 days[at 5Hz at 0.5N for 3 min a day], and the contralateral limb was treated as a sham-loaded control. Mice were sacrificed 2 weeks after the last loading. Although the surgical hole induced bone formation in both loaded and non-loaded tibiae, due to regional and systemic acceleratory phenomenon the anabolic effect of knee loading was substantially diminished. Without the holes, knee loading significantly elevated cross-sectional cortical area, cortical thickness, mineralizing surface, mineral apposition rate, and bone formation rate on the periosteal surface. For example, the rate of bone formation was elevated 2.1 fold (middle diaphysis–50% site from the knee along the length of tibiae) and 2.7 fold ( distal diaphysis–75% site). With the surgical holes  knee loading did not provide significant enhancement either at the 50% or 75% site in any of the histomorphometric measurements. Alteration of intramedullary pressure is necessary for knee loading to induce bone formation in the diaphysis{it may also be necessary to induce longitudinal bone growth} .”

Now they do say however that the drilling of the epiphysis did induce a response of the bone just not the same adaptations as it did without drilling.  Note that drilling was used rather than microfracture.  Although we can’t say for sure how surgical holes would affect LSJL’s effects on longitudinal bone growth.

“On days 2 and 6 after the last loading, the mice were given an intraperitoneal injection of calcein” and the results are shown below.  Calcein is used as a Ca2+ and Mg2+ indicator which are two proteins that are strong components of bone.

Without drilling:

Note that in group D which is the loaded group there is a huge hole in the middle of bone indicating that LSJL may in fact cause bone degradation which would allow for cartilagenous growth plates.  The fluid flow degrades bone and osteomy(removal of bone) may be necessary for new chondrogenesis.  It’s possible that this degradation of bone occurs in the epiphysis as well.  In group F the hole is smaller.  Group F was farther away from the site of loading than group.  Perhaps LSJL induces bone degradation more at sites closer to loading rather than farther away from loading.
  Slides were only taken from above so it’s possible that there would be bone degradation visible if the bone was horizontally sliced.  Bone degradation from a horizontal degradation would be ideal to allow for new growth plate formation for renewed longitudinal bone growth.
With drilling:
In this group both C and D have holes but in group F versus E the hole is much bigger in F.  In D the bone degradation is much more scattered than in C.  So LSJL can increase bone degradation in the body.
Unfortunately this study was performed before Yokota and Zhang realized that Lateral Synovial Joint Loading could be used to increase bone length so they didn’t measure the things that would interest us height seekers like if the tibia and femur had increased in length.

” knee loading induces alteration of intramedullary pressure in the femoral bone cavity and this alteration is synchronous to the loading frequency in Hz”<-The higher the frequency, the greater the intramedullary pressure.  I’m not sure exactly how to alter the frequency via LSJL but I believe that clamping/release from clamping/and then clamping again.

“cyclic deformation of the epiphysis alters pressure in the medullary cavity and the pressure gradient induces fluid flow in the diaphysis “<-Although fluid flow which can increase nutrient supply to chondrocytes, the number of changes induced to the growth plate via LSJL cannot be explained by just an increase in nutrient.

“In the presence of surgical holes, it is expected that the gradient is not adequately established because of incomplete pressure sealing.”

“A pressure gradient, elevated by venous ligation, was shown to increase interstitial fluid flow and this flow-mediated bone adaptation was considered to be independent of mechanical strain ”

“During knee loading no bruising or other damage was detected at the loading site, and after loading mice did not show a weight loss or a diminished food intake.”

“Osteoblast specific factor 2 (periostin) is preferentially expressed on periosteum and considered to play a role in the recruitment and attachment of osteoblast precursors in the periosteum”

“knee loading herein induces approximately 30 μstrain at the site of bone formation and the number of loading cycles per day is 900 for 3 days”

The Chemical That Would Make Adults Grow Taller Has Been Found – Game Changing Post!

The chemical that would make adults taller has been found – game changing post!

Grow TallerThis finding I had more than 3 months is what I had been alluding to when I told a few people that there was something big coming. The news about Teplyashin’s team was big, but this one seems to have a much more immediately, more practical effect. This post is what I was alluding to months ago. However, there are some key issues which we need to get cleared before we tell you guys what it is –


  1. It is not a pill or chemical you can take orally. It requires that you inject it into a certain area of the body.
  2. It is the main critical component, but one would need at least 2 other compounds combined with it, all injected using syringe and needle sequentially spaced out throughout a day to work.
  3. You can’t buy this compound easily, and I haven’t been able to find any places which sell it to regular non-lab people. – I am sure that here is some lab or factory in India or China which makes a synthetic version of this chemical but even the researchers working day after day with this chemical might not understand how effective it could be.
  4. A minority of adults will notice results (Just like always.) Most people will not notice results, except maybe just 1 cm of increase. However, that 1 cm is still enough to make a validation of the scientific theory/proof of concept.
  5. The results takes about 2-3 months total to really show.
  6. Expect on average about 2-3 cms of permanent height increase, but some people will get around 5-6 cm, depending on their skeletal structure.
  7. It works for a certain percentage of the population. I have not been able to find a sufficient reason why the chemical seems to increase only a small percentage of the human population.
  8. The amount of increase among adults has been reported to be as high as even 3-3.5 inches. (search on google for older posts I wrote where I tried to document every instance where some women mentioned it)
  9. It affects the body in a way which even I did not even consider or think of before. The body’s anatomy sure does interesting things. This claim is real, and it makes medical and anatomical sense.
  10. The chemicals (all 3) would need to be injected while at the same time another body contouring technique is being applied to the body.
  11. The increase in height would be permanent, at least in terms of a 20-30 year frame time, before people naturally start to shrink again at old age.

About two weeks ago I had been hinting at some type of discovery which I felt at the time was the biggest discovery that was made for our endeavor. I even wrote to Tyler saying that I had found something that was extremely close to our holy grail. Some people got curious and started to ask in the subsequent posts just what was this game changing post about. I alluded to it in the post about Calcium L-Threonate, and the posts about Russian Plastic Surgeon and Stem Cell Researcher Alexander Teplyashin’s research. When I wrote the two posts about the fact that his research team had succeeded in getting the stem cell technique to work successfully on lab sheep/ram leg bones, maybe some readers thought that the post was the big news. That was not it, even though it was just as earth shaking in its implications.

I wanted to post it now, because it was worth sharing to you guys. Like I always have said, I will share everything and let you guys in on all the secrets that I have found in the biomedical databases on the internet. I am a businessman but this thing, I figured that it was just not worth it to charge you guys.

I put this information public for the others. Some of you guys are young teenagers in the Philippines, India, Pakistan, who don’t have the type of money to pay for such information. Most probably didn’t come from a rich Singapore family who has millions to pay for limb lengthening surgery like Nick, who I interviews on the 11th pod cast episode. You want a miracle drug, which we can never give. This is the most effective chemical that I have ever found, even more effective than glucosamine sulphate, which had sort of gone viral in some ways (That post has already been viewed over 100,000 times)

So what is it?


So how can this chemical be validated to work on increasing height in people past complete epiphyseal cartilage ossification?

This was a compound which I and Tyler had both sort of conjectured about before but did not go deep into checking it out. The start of this saga started when I had made quite a few posts indicating that a small subset of women who went through pregnancy noticed that they started to notice other people becoming shorter. Tyler immediately guessed it was Relaxin and the citation by him on one PubMed study on how the pelvic bone structural alignment in cows which went through the 1st pregnancy did dramatically change seemed to only give slight proof. I agreed with him. However, more reports started to come in, maybe once every month with some mother or female writing in and giving the phenomena even more credibility.

I wrote another two full, detailed posts trying to explain the exact mechanisms on how the female body would end up longer even with relaxin, and the only explanation I could come up with was that the human female pelvic bone structural alignment also changed after the first or 2nd pregnancy just like heifers (female cows before ever going through their first pregnancy). If you just google the terms “pregnancy” and “height increase” into Google you would find those posts.

I decided to go back and really look at the compound after at least a dozen pregnant females came forth on online forums and claim that besides just the increase in feet and finger sizes during pregnancy, they noticed height increases, sometimes as much as even 3.5 inches in increases, over a span of 2-3 pregnancies.

That was when I stumbled upon a single Patent done, which hid from me and Tyler even after years of searching.

Refer to the patent below….

Method for remodeling bone and related sutures – Inventor: Dennis Stewart – Company: Bas Medical Inc.

Below are the other patent #s which are also associated with the idea/invention

The reason to have the patent filed multiple times is this. The practice of Patents is to file multiple patents for different countries for the same inventions. All the Patent numbers will essentially take you to the same patent.

In the abstract of the patent, the Inventors specifically says at the last sentence, and I quote…

“The invention further encompasses methods of modifying the height of a human subject”

It seems that this Dennis Stewart who has been researching the effects of Relaxin for over a decade (I checked his PubMed published papers) had filed the patent to protect the idea that Relaxin when administered to the bones can get them to grow. The bones have relaxin receptors.

So the million dollar questions is, “Why would this chemical work on human adults with fully fused growth plates?”

If people are hoping this compound can magically reopen their growth plates, it won’t do that. However, it has a very beneficial effect on all the tissue types we care about, epiphyseal cartilage, bone specific cells, and the ligaments that hold the bones together. In a certain context, the answer is yes it would work for even adults. How it works is much more interesting, which I will try to go into below.

My Personal Theory On Why Relaxin Can Make Adults Taller

In the last month, I have bought multiple books on joints and have been very lucky to find very cheap old textbooks in the local Salvation Army and GoodWill that is by my house. I picked up the Textbook “Joint Structure & Function – A Comprehensive Analysis – 4th Ed.” by Levangie and Norkin, which turns out to be one of those textbooks that people who go into Physical Therapy needs to read up on. I also started to read up on very old (early 20th century) medical textbooks and ideas which are now no longer practiced. In addition, I became very interested in the traditions of the practice known as Bone Setting, I remember seeing this documentary about this old Chinese Medical Practitioner in Singapore and/or Hong Kong who were able to fix and repair minor bone fractures and joint problems by moving bones and joints around. It reminds one of Rolfing and the Chiropractor practices today. After learning that the practice of bone setting is almost completely extinct, but used to be practiced by almost every single old civilization in the world, I asked the question whether the same bone setters who could fix bone breaks knew also ways to make joints more flexible. That is how I got into something known as Manipulation Therapy. I would purchase the old texts “Treatment by Manipulation” (by AG Tibrell FIsher) and further texts to increase my level of understanding on how joints work, and how they can be manipulated in a safe way.

By what I have read of so far, it seems that the modern form of Physical Therapy is derived from this early 20th century practice called Manipulation Therapy. When you start looking at what the authors say, they don’t base their massage/tissue manipulation techniques on chiropractor theory, which is subluxation theory. I haven’t gotten that far from reading the books but what I have been reading does seem to give the idea of using relaxing to increase the overall height of a person seem somewhat validated in theory. I do feel that my increased knowledge on the ways the joints are designed give me a more better understanding on how it is possible. Let me explain.

The Science Behind Relaxin

Relaxin ReceptorsThis is based on what is written in the patent by Stewart. Like so many other chemical compounds that is naturally produced in the body, Relaxin is an organic compound, a protein, specially a peptide hormone. It’s overall 3-Dimensional structure is similar to Insulin and Insulin like Growth Factor (IGF), which we know can be used in children who are still developing to grow bone size. It is actually in the same family as IGF. Historically, it has been known only as a hormone associated with pregnancy. It is supposed to make sure the uterus remain stable but makes the breasts in the pregnant female grow larger. The chemical seems to target mainly the brain, reproductive organs, and the heart. In the last decade, other researchers have found that it has an even greater effect than previously believed.

There seems to be 3 different types of Relaxin compounds, or more specifically there are three different relaxin expressing genes. H1, H2, and H3 Relaxin, which are all very specific to humans.

(Side Note: One researcher found that the biomolecular chemical pathway of relaxin (cAMP pathway) can be modulated by two G-protein-coupled receptors, LGR7 and LGR8. In the patent, the list of relaxin receptors are the following: LGR7, LGR8, GPCR135 and GPCR142.The pathway used by Relaxin is different from the Isulin ligands. In certain mammal species, during the actual act of labor in pregnancy, the relaxin is released to make the vaginal tissue relax aka expand for passage of the baby’s head. However, that does not seem to be relaxin’s role in cows and humans.)

I quote from the patent…

Another advantage of the present invention is that the target bone may be remodeled, repaired, removed or grown depending on the type and need of the bone

It seems that relaxin can be used to repair bone fractures, but we have already found multiple chemical compounds that can already do that. It’s pro-osteogenic effects however may mean it can have other uses than what we want it for.

In the next line, he writes “Similarly, a bone may be grown in size or height by administering relaxin

In the pictures of the patent, Stewart was able to identify the relaxing receptor in the epiphyseal plates (specifically the hypertrophic layer) through staining. Finding it not just in cartilage tissue, the chemical was found also in the bone cell types: osteoclasts, osteoblasts, and osteocytes.

He notes that the change in height when you administer the Relaxin can be as small as 0.2 cm to as much as even 30 cm, which is nearly a full feet in height increase, which I am not convinced is possible.

Here is where the inventor really shows something interesting. Supposedly the invention would work for people who range from 1-30 years old, although it is suggested to work on people in the 8-18 range. That makes sense since having growth plates would always work better. I am not going to put words into this person’s mouth but maybe his willingness to put the age range up to 30 means that he has speculated that the chemical would be good for people even at fully adulthood to make their bones bigger. Of course, I don’t think it is the long bones like the femur and the tibia he is referring to, but the non-long bone types in the skeletal structure. That is what I believe the increase in height will occur in.

The other amazing thing is that Dennis understood that beyond cartilage and bones, relaxing has beneficial effects on sutures, which is just another term used to describe the area where bones meet. Remember that besides the long bones in the human body, there is also the irregular bones (pelvic and vertebrate) which can grow.

This is where I think the holy grail lies. I believe that with the right relaxin formulation (H1, H2, and H3) administered to certain areas close to the sutures of the human body, ie the pelvic joints and the sutures on the sides of the intervertebral discs, you would be able to increase a person’s height by making the irregular bones in the skeletal structure grow larger volumetrically by adding more layers on the bones.

If we combine the intravenous injections of relaxin formulation with manipulation techniques aka physical therapy to straighten out the lumbar-pelvic area, what would be seen would be a permanent height increase in a large percentage of the patients.

I had tried to guess how the female body during pregnancy actually changes in standing skeletal posture to even allow for an overall height increase. I don’t want to go too deep and re-explain something I said before so please refer to the post “How Pregnant Women With Ossified Epiphyseal Cartilage Increase In Height” for more explanation. Remember, it is a huge leap in theory and basically just a personal, amateur level guess on what is happening underneath the skin.

The other big question to try to answer is…

“So why do most women during pregnancy not experience any height increase, but only a small minority of women do?”

That question, I can’t answer with a reasonable, scientific answer. 

Here is one guess: I once proposed before that it is possible that a small percentage of people, but most especially women never have fully fused growth plates. Those growth plates are only seen in X-Rays. You can’t look at an adult person and tell if they have any cartilage left at the ends of their long bones. We all have to assume that because they are an adult in their late 20s that they have fully finished growing taller, but no one except superman with his X-ray vision would be able to truly validate that idea by looking to see no more cartilage/growth plates. If that is true however, then it would then invalidate the entire premise of this post, which I am willing to accept. Logically, then all these claims made by women that they grew taller during pregnancy in their 20s and even 30s is just because their growth plates were never completely ossified. Of course, that would mean that we need to ask a completely different question, which is why it is that a minority of people seem to have unfused growth plates so late into their life.

If we assume that the first guess is not true, then the next guess on why only a select few women see any increase is that some women have irregular vertebrate alignment aka minor scoliosis which was never fixed until pregnancy, where the ligaments were relaxed enough to get the curved vertebrate to even out and become symmetrical.

I have noted that there does seem to be a weak positive correlation between above average females who notice that they grew taller during pregnancy. It might be that certain women who have already been suceptible to tall stature have bone relaxin receptors particularly sensitive to the relaxin, which is so similar in function and form as the insulin and the IGF types.

What a person should expect to really look for in terms of a signal is to see if their feet is getting bigger. The phenomena of pregnant women’s feet becoming bigger is well documented, which shoe sizes often increasing as much as by 2 shoe sizes. If the person taking the compound notices that their feet has started to increase in size, then it is a rather good physiological signal that the relaxin is working maybe also on the torso vertebrate bones and pelvic bones as well. So if we decide to start to inject our pelvic region and lower back with relaxin, we should be checking the size of our feet weekly for any changes.

How can a normal person obtain this chemical compound?

So far, I have not looked into how a person can get their hands on it yet, at least at a reasonable price. What I do know is that almost anything you want, some company in the world is willing to make it. (I know of one company based in Iran where the people there are chemists, CNC machinists, and 3D Modeling artists who can formulate any type of chemical or 3D Print any object that you want, as long as you can pay the upfront manufacturing costs to get the raw materials) For example, I was able to get modafinil from India and after just a quick search. On, I found that there is at least one company based in China which is selling Human Relaxin. For just 1 box which probably contains less than 10 mL, we are looking at $300-$500.

In comparison, during pregnancy the amount of relaxin that is produced in various parts of the body and then released through the system might be much more in magnitude. However, we could also make the case that when it comes to giving kids shots of growth hormone, which lasts even years, the amount of HGH that is injected is not that much, maybe just 10-20 mL if even that much. Remember that we did look at the amount of endogenous HGH released by the pituitary gland in growing kids even at the most optimal time, during deep REM sleep is still not that great in quantity.

That could mean that if the stuff we did buy from the Alibaba sellers of what is supposedly the synthesized relaxin is around the right amount, we would still be paying around $500 for each shot of the ligament loosening/bone increasing/growth plate increasing compound.

In Conclusion

I had always thought that the only ways to increase bones in length or by volume was by turning the bone tissue into cartilage, or getting whatever is left of the cartilage aka the articular cartilage surface to expand in thickness.

It seems that there is a third approach which I had not even considered, and that is by loosening the ligaments, tendons, and other connective tissue in the body. I understand that the ligaments are not structurally strong against gravity like bone or cartilage so it can’t provide the push to hold the body higher in elevation relative to the surface of the earth aka make the body become taller, but for a larger percentage of the population, a loosening of the ligaments around the lower back and pelvic region means that the bones will be readjusted in a way which will make any hidden skeletal abnormalities and angular bone alignment become aligned. The result is that those people will notice height increase. Remember, the patent’s title is Method for remodeling bone and related sutures, and when we actually look at how orthopedic surgeons define sutures, they refer the term “suture” to mean the spaces where bones meet. This compound has dramatic effects in the suture, which often means the space between the bones can be expanded.

I propose that along with this chemical (Relaxin Formulation), they should combine it with the following…

All of the chemicals have pro-chondrogenic capabilities. The idea is to get all of these compounds together and get the growth factors to be injected intravenously in series at the same time a physical therapist is using manipulation therapy on the lower torso region.

However, relaxin will be the real key to the entire process. It is relaxin which will make the pelvic region malleable enough for the modern day “bone setter” the physical therapists and maybe even the chiropractors to create a bone structural alignment that will result in permanent height gain. Since Relaxin has receptors in the cartilage as well as in all of the major bone cell types, it has a additive effect.

How Much Confidence Do I Have In This Chemical and It’s Effectiveness? Or, to put it another way, would it definitely work for permanent height gain that is noticeable, maybe 2 inches?

First, I am not a person who has studied the chemical for over a decade like the Inventor Dennis Stewart. I am also not him who decided to spent maybe even $2000-$4000 to pay to have this “invention” patented, which he did working for Bas Medical Inc. For a normal person/non-corporation to file a patent which would cost them thousands of dollars means that they are either extremely confident in what they have found/discovered/created or they have maybe too much money on their hands. As for myself, I am an amateur researcher who reads a lot of texts on joint mechanics and orthopaedics. Orthopaedics is sort of like a calling for me, which has allowed me to also study and read up on the cutting edge of research in cancer research, stem cells, and gene therapy, the biotech hot topics of the last few decades. If I could do things over again, I would have maybe chosen Pre-Med for my undergraduate studies, got into Med School, and tried to do really well in the Step 1 (USMLE Part 1) to get into the ultra-competitive orthopedic surgery route, which has been found to be the best paying medical sub-speciality where surgeons often earn around $700,000 per year in earnings.

I am not a doctor by training, but trained as a type of biochemical engineer who worked in labs looking for AIDS vaccines and Plastic Surgery techniques. Based on my personal research in the last 2 years doing this type of stuff, I have extreme confidence that using the relaxin formulation with other pro-chondrogenic growth factors combined with a bone & joint manipulation specialist (you can choose chiropractor, Asian bone setter, physical therapist, rolfing, or maybe even deep swedish masseuse) there would be a noticeable increase in height for the person which will be both permanent and noticeable. I am not going to say that everyone is going to get results, more like a minority, but I would guess that 10-20% of everyone who combines the chemical with the body manipulation will see results after 2-3 months.


Side Note: I was not not the first amateur height increase researcher to notice this phenomena. The person who back in the 2007-2010 time who created the or HeightFX grow taller formula (Website is now gone) also noticed the phenomena and made a post to some Mom forum asking for more information on how they grew taller but never got a response from them. I remember looking at the WayBack Machine at the content on the Height FX website and being amazed at just how clear and knowledgeable the person was on what would work. The guy who sold the bogus formulation understood all the easy, traditional paths on height increase and tried to figure out how pregnant women were getting taller but didn’t seem to push further into the research, so he never got as far as us.


For more information on the types of relaxin formulations that have already become patented, refer to the following patent #s.

  • 5,945,402
  • 5,451,872.
  • 6,200,953
  • 5,811,395
  • 5,911,997
  • patent application Ser. No. 09/846,149.
  • A process for producing relaxin is described in U.S. Pat. No. 5,759,807.
  • A process and compositions for the isolation of human relaxin is described in U.S. Pat. No. 5,464,756.
  • A method of chain combinations for human relaxin or analogs thereof are described in U.S. Pat. No. 4,835,251


I am reminded of this lecture given by Guy Kawasaki, one of the evangelists for the late Steve Jobs. He once said something which I still remember on how really great scientists find really breakthroughs in science.

When they see something in their experiments and data, which is not consistent with the other results or lays outside the trend line, instead of saying that the data point is due to normal error variance and removing it to make all of the other data points look smooth and linear, they say instead “hmmmm, that is interesting” and proceed to figure out why the outlier point in the data set does not agree with the others. That is the mark of a great scientific researcher. That is what happened in this case. The phenomena of pregnant women who end up taller was such a unique data set point, that I was forced to look into it and see why it was such an outlier. The outlier cases, as Malcom Gladwell states, is where the really interesting things lie.

Sure, there will always be some researchers who won’t be doing groundbreaking work, who are needed to repeat the experiments already done to validate the original researcher’s results, but it seems like these days, there are just too many Ph. Ds that are coming out of graduate school who is not doing any real research.

Is it because of all of the easy questions and obvious corollary conclusions have all been discovered, and all of the low hand fruit have been plucked?

Is it just too hard for a single person to figure out something revolutionary in nature anymore? Maybe there will never be another phenomena like how Einstein wrote 4 brilliant physics papers back in 1904, all of which would have been good enough to win a Physics Nobel Prize, which changed the very way we view the world.

It could be, since the sciences have become much more vast in scope and diverse. For example, we can look at the field of mathematics. Back in the late 19th century, the PolyMath Henri Poincare was probably the last mathematician who was skilled enough to work in all of the mathematica field of his time. Even the great John Von Neumann 30 years later when asked just how much of the current mathematical literature he was able to work on, he only said 26%.

It may be too hard for even the modern Fields Metalists to dig deep enough to find real gems, but for genetics, and biotechnology, I think even the amateur research like us can make some startling conclusions. So I say, be Alice and go down the rabbit hole, and see where it takes you.

You look at the results which don’t make any sense, because that is almost always where the real discoveries lie. Last year (or was it two years ago), when the French and European particle physicists were studying the resultant projectile pathways of all of the quarks, leptons, muons, and neutrinos that came about from smashing atoms together at the LHC (Large Hardon Collider), trying to find evidence for and validate the the work done more than 50 years ago by Peter Higgs, Stephen Hawking’s mused that he secretly hoped that they would NOT find the higgs boson. The thinking is that if they did not find it, it would mean that the current Standard Model of Physics on how the sub-atomic particle interact with each other was incomplete, which meant that nature and the universe had something else up its sleeve. The last time naturalist scientists tried to tie the loose ends of physics together, back in the 19th century, trying to integrate E&M and Newtonian Classical Mechanics together, they opened the new realm of reality and existence known as quantum mechanics and radiation. This time, there was no new startling discovery, which would open a new branch of physics research. Alas, the existence of the higgs boson was quite conclusive up to a high percentage so it seems like for at least the standard model, all of the particles have been accounted for.

I view this post as the result of noticing that not all the data and information was fully conclusive. It was only found by looking for what is inconsistent and different from everything else.

Korean Scientists Have Patented An Ultrasonic Vibration Generating Device To Make People Taller

Korean Scientists Have Patented An Ultrasonic Vibration Generating Device To Make People Taller

This post is probably going to make a lot people a little curious. I have found that there are much better places to find unique and stunning research and discoveries and inventions than just PubMed. I just use Google Patents or Here is probably one of the bigger discoveries I found.

I am actually quite surprised why Tyler has never reported it. It is actually a really well known device.

Portable physis-stimulating device for promoting growth with two-phase ultrasonic vibration generators and led elements – (Patent #: US 20110060254 A1)

Abstract Below

Disclosed herein is a growth plate stimulation-type portable growth promotion apparatus including two-phase ultrasonic vibration generators and Light Emitting Diode (LED) devices. The ring-shaped two-phase ultrasonic vibration generators have a center hole. Each of the LED devices is provided in the center hole of the each two-phase ultrasonic vibration generator. The two-phase ultrasonic vibration generators includes a ring-shaped vibration stator configured to have a center hole; a first electrode layer provided under the vibration stator; a second electrode layer provided under the first electrode layer; and a piezoelectric ceramic group layer configured to include a first piezoelectric ceramic group for generating an A phase and a second piezoelectric ceramic group for generating a B phase. Growth plates are stimulated using two-phase ultrasound projected from the two-phase ultrasonic vibration generators and light projected from the LED devices.

Some of the Pictures or Schematics on how the device will be built and the way the components will be aligned next to each other.

Ultrasound Device 3Ultrasound Device 2Ultrasound Device 1My Analysis: From looking at what other types of patents and research the Patent Inventors had been involved with, the device seems to be based on very credible science.

Most people probably would never believe such a device would even be possible, but we realized it was all possible after finding the original patent by Brighton on electrical stimulation. These Korean researchers figured out how to use a type of ultrasonic vibration generator to create the right type of electromagnetic wave to stimulate the epiphyseal cartilage of young children to proliferate in a faster faster rate.

The main inventor Taek Rim Yoon has at least two dozen other patents under his/her name which are related in the bone generation and BMP-2/growth factor areas of study. Their co-inventor Sung Jun Park has dozens of patents related to wireless transmission and communication, which suggest this Sung researcher was involved in the electronics side.

I have not had the time to really dig deep into the patent to learn just how the emitted LED light and the ultrasonic vibration really gets the cartilage stimulated but there have been signs from even other members of the height increase community suggesting that using vibrations and ultrasonic waves would be able to induce certain bones to grow large volumetrically.

Here is what the person called LongLegs on the LSJL said, believing that vibration therapy could induce the irregular vertebral bones to become thicker, thus making the overall body longer.

Long Legs

The argument is reasonable and I personally have been trying to find an high intensity, high frequency, ultrasonic vibration stimulation device to buy for at least a year now, but it was to be used in the research to allow for regeneration of lost teeth, through stem cell implants. You can read up more on lost teeth regeneration and stem cell implants from the PDF “Stem Cells in the Face: Tooth Regeneration and Beyond” (Authors: Jeremy J. Mao1, and Darwin J. Prockop).

Maybe I should look to see how the ultrasonic actually works to stimulate cartilage to grow thicker.

{Tyler’s Notes-A couple things.  Ultrasound can inconsistently stimulate longitudinal bone growth.  Different studies get different results but Ultrasound definitely has potential.  As for Long-legs argument that ultrasound can induce longitudinal bone growth in spinal bones after puberty.  There is no periosteum on the top and bottom of spinal bones as there is articular cartilage there.  Even though the bones of the spine are irregular bones they still develop from growth plates.

However, it is definitely easier to apply Ultrasound on the spinal bones then it is to perform LSJL.  However, it’s unclear whether Ultrasound would perform all the stimuli that LSJL or if it generates enough stimuli to generate “neo-growth plates”}

LSJL Studies 1: Osteogenic potentials with joint loading modality

I will be going over all the LSJL studies to see if I missed anything or to find new insights.

Osteogenic potentials with joint-loading modality.

Here’s the paper: osteogenic LSJL study.
“Osteogenic potentials with a novel joint-loading modality were examined, using mouse ulnae as a model system. Load-induced deformation of rigid bone [generates] interstitial fluid flow and stimulate osteogenesis. However, in most of the previous studies, loads were applied to cortical bone. In the current study, we addressed the question of whether deformation of the epiphysis underneath the joint would enhance bone formation in the epiphysis{New bone formation in the epiphysis can increase height if the bone is added at the longitudinal ends} and the diaphysis. We applied lateral loads to a mouse elbow. Compared to the no-loading control, 0.5-N loads, applied to the elbow at 2 Hz for 3 min/day for 3 consecutive days, increased the mineralizing surface (two- to threefold), the rate of mineral apposition (three- to fivefold), and the rate of bone formation (six- to eightfold) in the ulna. Strain measurements indicated that strains of around 30 microstrain{30 microstrain is extremely low according to mechanostat theory}, induced with the joint-loading modality, were under the minimum effective strain of around 1000 microstrain, which is considered necessary to achieve strain-driven bone formation. To evaluate the induction of fluid flow with the joint-loading modality, streaming potentials were measured in separate experiments, using mouse femurs ex vivo. The streaming potentials correlated to the magnitude of the load applied to the epiphysis, as well as the flow speed in the medullary cavity.  Joint-loading [induces] osteogenesis, through a mechanism that involves the induction of fluid flow in cortical bone.”

loading versus loaded LSJLColumn 1 is unloaded.  Column 2 and 3 is LSJL loaded.   It’s hard to tell in this pictures if LSJL created any gaps in the bone where new growth plates could form.  The diagrams are not in enough to tell to notice the formation of any microgrowth plates at least in figure 2a.  Calcein staining was used in these studies which detects mostly Ca2+ and Mg+ so it cannot distinguish between potential micro-growth plates and regular bone.

Here’s what the text had to say about the above diagram:

“Cross-sections of the ulnar shafts of control (no loading) and joint-loaded mice. The zoom images on the far right show double calcein staining, where the confined area constituted bone newly formed in 4 days. A Section of the metaphysis (trabecular bone) 1 mm from the loading center. The light staining outside the periosteal surface is collagen autofluorescence in a tendon of the triceps. B Section of the diaphysis (cortical bone) 2.5 mm from the loading center. C Section of the diaphysis (cortical bone) 4.5mm from the loading center”

“Trabecular bone in the epiphysis is less stiff in the lateral direction than in the axial direction and, therefore, lateral loads to the elbow may effectively deform the epiphysis of the ulna.
Deformation of the epiphysis may then induce fluid flow in the ulnar diaphysis in cortical bone, and load-induced fluid flow may enhance bone formation in the epiphysis{and possible stimulations of the epiphysis could be such as to spur new longitudinal bone growth} and the diaphysis.”

14 week old mice were used.  “3min per day for 3 consecutive days. The loading force was sinusoidal, at 2Hz, with a peak-to-peak amplitude of 0.5N.”

“The measured intramedullary streaming potential (f1, in mV) correlated to the magnitude of the applied force, according to the equation: f1 = 7.3 ¥ F (r2 = 0.92)”

“the magnitude of the streaming potential in the medullary cavity is proportional to the lateral load applied to the joint and the speed of fluid flow.”

If you look at figure 1a you can see that the device used is a lot like a C-class clamp with the nylon screw.

“The tip of the loader had a contact area of 4 mm in diameter. In order to avoid local stress concentrations between a joint and the loader, the surface of the loader was covered with a silicon rubber sheet.”

It should be noted by analyzing Table 1 that LSJL increases the bone formation rate of bone near the periosteum than trabecular bone.   Since the periosteum is partially involved in growth plate formation this is not necessarily a bad thing and since trabecular bone is still stimulated it still means that LSJL stimulates all areas of the bone and that LSJL could target any area of the bone that could be required to be targeted for neo-growth plate formation.

“[With axial loading], the force required to elevate the rate of bone formation is reported to be 2.3 N . With the joint loading modality described here, bone formation was enhanced by loads as small as 0.5 N.”<-So LSJL requires about 21% as much load to stimulate the bone as axial loading.  Let’s say hypothetically, that 1000lbs of axial loading could stimulate neo-growth plate formation.  LSJL would only require 210lbs.  Although, the rate of bone formation is irrelevant to what we’re looking for as we’re looking for longitudinal bone formation via neo-growth plates and that may be a result of stimulus that is unique to LSJL that axial loading cannot provide.

“The cross-sectional images of the ulna, together with the data on bone strains, support the notion that enhanced formation of cortical bone was an adaptive response to mechanical stimuli rather than a response associated with wound healing. First, the histological sections clearly showed double-labeled staining on the periosteal surface, with no indication of woven bone, which would frequently be formed in the process of wound healing. Second, unlike the four-point bending modality, where woven bone is formed underneath soft connective tissues, due to bending moment or compressive stress”<-it may be better if LSJL did increase bone formation as a result of wound healing as that could indicate the formation of holes in the bone where neo-growth plates could form.  However, the lack of woven bone could mean that cartilage was formed instead of bone which would be very promising indeed.

“the speed of the intramedullary fluid flow induced by 0.5-N loads, applied to the knee, is estimated as 476micro-m/s.”

This study was published in 2005 whereas lengthening of mouse hindlimbs with joint loading was published in 2010 so they were not yet aware of the lengthening effects.  And the load was only applied for 3 days which is not a lot of time for bone lengthening to occur.

I did email the author to try get length data but I don’t know if he’ll respond.

Osteochondroma’s can grow after skeletal maturity

This can provide benefit to the theory of microgrowth plates.

CASE REPORTS: Enlargement of a Calcaneal Osteochondroma after Skeletal Maturity

“Growth or radiologic modification of an osteochondroma after the epiphyseal plate closes suggests the diagnosis of malignant transformation to a chondrosarcoma. However, extensive growth of an osteochondroma in a skeletally mature patient whose tumor proved benign has been reported. We report a similar case in an adult who had a solitary osteochondroma of the calcaneus. The lesion showed marked growth and was removed. Histologic examination showed no evidence of malignancy, and there was no recurrence during the 4-year followup.”

The man was 36 years old although it’s alluded that the osteochondroma was developed during skeletal development.

” bulky 2-cm thick cartilaginous cap, an irregular and indistinct appearance of the surface of the calcified tissues beneath the cap, scattered calcifications in the soft tissue component of the tumor, radiolucent foci in the lesion, and a large low-density soft tissue mass. However, no destruction of the adjacent bone was visible.”

The images tend to not be informative.  Just a white mass amonst the calcaneus bone.

calcaneusosteochondroma  Looking at that image it seems possible that the growth could provide a height and length increase but seems mostly lateral to the region that would increase foot height and length.

Here’s a normal calcaneus:

normal calcaneusAlthough this foot seems much larger than the normal.

“the cartilaginous cap appeared hyperplastic and had foci of increased cellularity. The chondrocytes were organized in clusters and had no significant atypia.”

“An osteochondroma develops when growth plate tissue is extruded laterally and proliferates into an exostoses. Therefore, an osteochondroma can arise in any bone that undergoes endochondral ossification, and it usually stops growing when the physes close.