There’s an article on WEB MD called Best Exercises for Leg Length Discrepancy. It was reviewed by a medical doctor Dan Brennan.
From the article:
“Certain exercises and stretches may help minimize leg length discrepancy and ease any related symptoms.”
“Physical force can cause micro strains on your bones, which results in incremental changes in bone mass and length — especially if the exercise is repeated over time. “
I’ve studied microstrain in the past and I believe that microstrain is a tool that can be used to make people taller. Either by alterations in the fluid forces in the bone, by inducing plastic deformation, complete trabecular microfractures resulting in endochondral ossification one trabeculae at a time, or piezoelectric forces modifying osteoclast and osteoblast activity.
“One exercise that can put this kind of strain on your affected leg bones is side kicking into the air. To get the most out of this exercise, do multiple sets daily.”<-Is side kicking into the air going to cause the right forces to induce height growth? I’m not one to discount any potential height increase method. But I would at least like to see some anecdotal evidence for this if not some kind of study. I don’t know if you could get animals to side kick in the air. And I think it would be hard for humans to get the right technique as you’d want the right kind of microstrain. I assume the goal would be tensile plastic deformation gradually lengthening the bone one microstrain at a time or piezoelectric forces altering osteoblast and osteoclast activity such that the bone is remodeled in a more lengthened state.
The article also mentions a quadriceps left and hamstring stretch which I do not think are related to lengthening bones.
Here are the sources mentioned in the study:
Arthritis and Rheumatology: “Brief Report: Leg Length Inequality and Hip Osteoarthritis in the Multicenter Osteoarthritis Study and the Osteoarthritis Initiative.”
European Cells and Materials: “Mechanical Loading and How It Affects Bone Cells: The Role of the Osteocyte Cytoskeleton in Maintaining Our Skeleton.”
International Research Journal of Engineering, IT & Scientific Research: “Relationship between length of leg and strength of leg muscle to frequency of straight kicks.”
Journal of Athletic Training: “Standing and Supine Hamstring Stretching Are Equally Effective.”
Journal of International Medical Research: “Post-THA gait training to improve pelvic obliquity and decrease leg length discrepancy in DDH patients: a retrospective study.”
From Mechanical Loading and How It Affects Bone Cells: The Role of the Osteocyte Cytoskeleton in Maintaining Our Skeleton, “”1,000 microstrain equals a 0.01 % change in length of the bone compared to its original length. Vigorous exercise induces bone strains up to 1,000 microstrain in humans.”<-but this will only be a permanent increase in length if the 0.01% change in length is plastic. If the change in length is elastic it will return to it’s original length like a rubber band.
This study Relationship between length of leg and strength of leg muscle to frequency of straight kicks, I could not find anything that would suggest that kicking would increase legs.
This study Post-THA gait training to improve pelvic obliquity and decrease leg length discrepancy in DDH patients: a retrospective study, was more about functional limb lengthening discrepancy. “Gait training after surgery is one method to correct functional LLD.” i.e. limb lengthening discrepancy due to improper mechanics rather than actual bone length.
The other studies I can’t see how there would be any connection at all.
I found his email and sent him one if he wants to respond