How I Plan To Find A Solution. What Is My Intended Method Of Solving This Complicated Riddle?

My Approach To Solving Problems: Something I learned in one of my introductory engineering courses when I first began my undergraduate studies was that for different people, there are different ways to solve problems. In the most simplest model, you can break up problem solvers into two groups, where you have the linear thinkers in one group and the holistic thinkers in another group. I am not a linear thinker but approach problems in a holistic way. This means that while it would take me longer to be able to understand a problem and solve a problem, my way of looking at problem usually lets me see it at a deeper level.

Linear thinkers think in a linear fashion, going from step by step in a very calculated analytical way to find a solution. When it comes to calculations where there is a clear procedure of steps to take, the linear problem solver will reach the solution faster. Difficulties and challenges are pushed past or they manuever around the challenges, but never get off their chosen path.

Holistic thinkers look at problems in a more broad general way. Instead of only going in one path and trying out one approach and view point, we first skim and superficially look at a problem and slowly pick out the pieces of facts and information we think is important. Over time, our minds build up the connections and see how each element of the problem is connected with each other. Holistic thinkers usually can find more than 1 way to solve a problem however their level of concentration and focus is not as strong as the linear thinker. When one idea of  or path in solving the problem faces challenges or a technical difficulty, the person would move away from that idea for a while but come back to it and that often leads to a clearer, better understood viewpoint.

I. First thing is that I intend to do is collect all the data available. The internet is a huge place with thousands of websites that talk about something dealing with height increase. With all the data, there is bound to be at least a few websites and posts which will be more informative than just the regular technical stuff one finds in a medical textbook or research journal. This is the set of information to first look through. It allows me to get an idea on what the major pathways can possibly.

And I haven’t even talked about the forums, message boards, and private, personal websites of other people who I haven’t found yet. I did say once that I wanted to make this website the ultimate resource on the subject of height and height increase but I would only be talking about the websites that are only in the language of English. It is totally possible that there are websites in Spanish or Mandarin where the subject is talked about even more which I am not aware of yet. I know that one forum in the Resource page is in the Turkish language.

II. Second I will go into Biology and Medicine Libraries on University campuses to search for real textbooks on the subjects of Orthopedics, Endocrinology, Genetics, Biotech, Tissue Engineering, etc. These are the real source of medical facts which we should be going off of to validate the ideas and methods people on the internet come up with. The facts are that almost all the ideas proposed by height increase seekers are not validated by current accepted biological/physiological principles.

III. Third, I want to bring along at least 4-5 other experts in the field of orthopedics, medicine, genetics, molecular biology, and bioengineering together to join in the search. These people will become what Napoleon Hill calls a “Mastermind” group. One of the most well known principles in the self-help community is the idea that you are the average of the 5 closest people you hang out with. This means that for me to raise my own level of effort and ability, I must surround myself with people who are already smarter than me and more sophisticated than me in the fields that are most importnat. If I even want to be in that type of group with those people, I will be forced to push myself to not fall behind in knowledge. Plus, having a group of advisors will make the effort and project more likely to be accepted since there is already some social proof that professionals are behind this.

IV. Fourth, we should try to get in contact with medical and research professionals to discuss our thoughts, creations, and confusions. These are the people who probably don’t want to join in this project and become involved or active but are willing to at least give a little bit of their time and opinions. They will be interviewed probably on the podcast and their professional thoughts can help guide us on where we should move in the project in terms of direction.

V. Fifth, I wanted to scour the major databases in the world like PubMed to see what has been the latest studies and research on the subject.

VI. Only then will there be finally have a complete working model or system on how the human growth process works. Once we know the biology and process of human growth at a deep enough level, we should be able to develop ideas and innovations which would be supported by the current available scientific community.

After that, the research and theory part would be over. We can theoretically write up a proposal or grant to get funding from investors and government health organizations to carry out our designed scientific studies and proposed biomedical devices.

The Original Message Sent To Dr. Professor Carl T. Brighton

When I originally found the patent for the idea for a non-invasive device that can possibly increase the rate of longitudinal growth in long bones and limbs using a very simple and easy to understand device, I was very intrigued and I actually took the time to track down the main inventor of the patent who was Carl. T. Brighton. From my research on the man, he is a faculty member at the University of Pennsylvania, a very distinguished orthopedic surgeon, has both a Ph.D and a M.D. (WOW!) and was also the original write for one of the most technical posts on this website, the one about the details of growth plates. Besides that patent, I found out that Dr. Brighton has been the creator of at least another 20 or so patent and I plan to go into detail to review at least another 4-5 patents on inventions he has created over the decades.

I originally send him a email on the 10th of October and I was very happy when he gave me a reply. After I did what he wanted me to do and read through all of the PubMed articles her directed me to, he stopped responding back to any more emails. I am sort of bummed out that he hasn’t been able to respond back but I would guess that a man like him has many, many professional responsibilities so I will try to get in contact with Dr. Brighton some time later in the future after I become more knowledgeable about his research, his past ideas, and his patents, some of which are VERY fascinating.

So far I haven’t received a message back from him yet so I would assume he either never read the message or chose not to respond. that’s okay because I am going to try to reach him again by sending him another email in the coming week and hopefully be able to get him to spend at least 5 minutes of his time to answer some of our question.

Natural Height Growth, to ctb, Oct 10

Hi Professor Brighton,

I was looking through google patents on the subject of epiphyseal plate stimulation and I came across your patent entitled ” Method for non-invasive electrical stimulation of epiphyseal plate growth” located HERE which you wrote with Biolectron Inc. 30 years ago.
My name is Michael and I run the website Natural Height Growth which is a place where my team and I are looking for solutions and ways to increase height for people who have reached physical maturity (as well as still developing adolescent but less so). Your old patent is one of the most interesting discoveries my team has found on the subject. We are currently looking at solutions like Gene therapy using Guanyl Cyclase, stem cells using mesemchymal implants, bone remodeling for lateral synovial joint epiphysis loading, growth plate regeneration using CNS, and a few other options.
Do you have time to answer some of our questions? The first few questions my website and team have is over the research you and your assistances have done over the years.
1. Have you found any ways to regenerate growth plates?
2. Have you shown that the electrical (or ultrasound wave) field can increase the resting zone thickness or growth plates?
3. Which BMP do you think will lead to the great level of chondrogenesis? Our research states that it is BMP-7 since that is what the PubMed articles seems to say.
4. Which growth factors will be the most likely to result in chondrogenesis besides the BMPs, FGFs, and TGF-beta, or IFGs?
5. Have you ever looked into the possibility of using just mechanical loading to deform the long bones to increase in the longitudinal direction?
If you can answer any of these question we would be extremely grateful and happy since our research can progress further. There are dozens of people who are all interested in the same type of information.


CTB, to me, Oct 11
Dear Michael,

The best way for me to respond to your questions is to refer you to the article upon which the patent was based entitled “In vivo growth plate
stimulation in various Capacitively Coupled Electrical Fields”, Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 1: 42-49, 1983.  After you have read the
article, feel free to e-mail me at any time.


Natural HeightGrowth, to CTB, Oct 11

I read through also the articles related to the post, especially about the bovine chondrocyte pellet stimulation. I haven’t been able to get to full articles on PubMed for obvious reasons. However I had written up a summary of how the experiment was done already on a Blog post HERE a few days before hand. I’ll send a dozen questions within a few days. Thanks you.


Natural HeightGrowth, to CTB, Oct 21

The website is becoming more developed. Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions. I am actually on the University of Pennsylvania website learning about more bones using your sources HERE.

My question are these..
1. The theory is that the width of the long bones don’t change since new osteoblasts are being created on the layer of bone right underneath the periosteum. The osteoclasts in the trabecular zone break apart the inorganic material of calcium crystals. Since the rate of osteoblasts and osteoclasts are supposed to be the same, Does that mean that  the bone grows in a radial direction for long bones inward?
2. I know that chondrocytes are supposed to secrete Collagen and Proteoglycan but what is their food source or intake?
3. From my research, it seems like the perichondrium is what seems to keep the blood vessels from getting into the cartilage matrix and ossifying everything too quickly. Is that the accurate theory ?
4. I am getting different studies on PubMed that state either that BMP-7 or BMP-6 is better for chondrogenesis. Which BMP type has the most effective influence on chondrocyte proliferation?
5. I am not sure if you keep up with stories in the media about tanya angus but how does a case like her’s happen? she started to grow again at the age of 18. my guess is that there is so much growth hormone that even the articular cartilage is causing growth. It would explain why people with gigantism complain about joint and knee pain.
6. My coworker says that even the chondrocytes in the resting zone has a limit that they can duplicate and proliferate like the hayflick liimit due to DNA methylation. This would suggest that given enough time, even without estrogen effecting the person, they will stop growing as the chondrocyte conversion from any MSCs that might be in the epiphysis. However there have been at least 3 cases of people without estrogen receptors which still had open growth plates into their 30s and were still growing. can you resolve this weird issue?
7.  I have already seen a few pubmed articles that has shown that entire growth plates can be grown in vitro. Have you guys ever tried implanting fully functioning growth plates into a subject without growth plates.

How Can I Increase My Height And Grow Taller After My Epiphyseal Growth Plates Close And Ossify?

[Note: This post is created for SEO reasons. The content in this article is weak in value but high in terms of google keywords. One of my goals at this point is to expand the website’s reach in the internet space. However, this article was not copied from somewhere but actually of an original creation. You don’t have to read it if you don’t want to.]

How can I increase my height and grow taller after my epiphyseal growth plates close and ossify?

This is often one of the most common questions people who desire to be taller ask themselves, their doctors, and their endocrinologists when they realize that their natural growing period have passed on.

When they were younger and still had the potential to grow, they thought that they would eventually be able to catch up in height to their friends and peers. They wanted the growth spurts to magically in a short time push them higher and higher until their eye-level was above their friends.’ However for them, that never happened. One day they stood by that bathroom or bedroom door scale and their mother checked their height increase over the last 6 months. The result, they didn’t grow!

For many people who are on the shorter side, they might carry around in the back of their mind a sense of insecurity over their height.

They are probably thinking something like…

“I wish I was taller” … and “I want to be taller”

If they found a magic lamp with a genie inside, they probably would wish to be taller for one of the three wishes granted. So what can these people do to fulfill this desire? To be honest, there are very few options and choices for the person who really are intent on carrying out any idea to gain that dream height. However there are some options for the person to consider.

The most common sense advice would be to do some stretching, yoga, and maybe also swimming. The force of gravity is acting on our bones and joints and compress them downwards so it would make sense that the body is really being crushed, but only by the air molecules around the body at around 1 atm or 760 mmHg. In my experience in doing research on the topic on height increase after growth plate closure, I have found that there is a chance of getting some extra height from stretching, sleeping flat, and improving posture as well as doing exercises which don’t load on the body in a downward vertical direction. Most stories involve people who have had bad posture and slouched vertebrate so when they changed their lifestyle, their body posture changed causing a height increase. However ,that type of growth plate is what I call “recovery of hidden height”. The hidden height means that the increase in height was always there. It is just that the person chose to not live the type of lifestyle where their height is optimized. The way the bones in the human body are attached together means that there is a state of bone alignment which leads to the tallest height.

However, that is not the type of height increase most people would want. When people say they wish to be taller, they want a large change something like 4-6 inches. For most people, that is both non-practical and impossible.

One approach is to go the surgery way. When people decide to go the path of surgery to grow taller, what they are doing is lengthening their legs. This surgery is termed distraction osteogenesis, or callus distraction. There is a distraction made on the external bone layer and the bones are slowly pulled further apart each day at slightly less than 1 mm until the increased length is achieve. Currently today there is 3 main types of limb lenghtening surgery. 1 type is the original way which is called the Ilizarov method, where you have a set of metal rings held around the leg while metal spokes of wires are drilled into the leg bone and pulled taut wrapped on the metal rings. This is the way using the circular external fixator method. the 2nd type involve a internal method where a metal long, nail shaped apparatus is placed inside the intermedullary cavity of the the long bone being lengthened.there is still a distaction, but also another hole is drilled to insert this nail. From the way this nail shaped apparatus is designed, it will extend at a fixed lengthening distance each day and the bone will lengthen with it. The 3rd and last general method involves a external device that is inserted into the segments which were distracted apart from each other. The device is slowly widened each day so the bone is also widened. So that is a very quick summary on the three main types of methods you can grow taller using the surgery method.

Besides the surgery method, there has not been found any other technique that will consistently lengthen the bones and make taller the subject. There are many ideas and theories created on how to grow taller. The science says that some futurisitc technology like gene therapy, stem cell research, tissue engineering, nano-technology, steroid stacking, genetic engineering, radiation, and ultrasonic waves can be used at some level to possibly make the bones longer. However, none of these technologies have been completely researched and built to any form of completion and any progress made is minimal.

Beyond the science based ways of growing taller, you have the other ways based on mysticism and pseudoscience. Claims of Acupuncture, acupressure, qigong, yoga, magnet therapy, water therapy, visualizations, hypnosis have all be claimed to increase height. The stories about people who did achieve the improbable are few and their routines were not recorded in deatailed for others after them to follow. With all these ideas and so few of them having consistent results, it may feel like we may never find a way to increase our height easily and non-invasively. And maybe that is the reality.

However if you are really, and I mean REALLY, truly intend on trying to find a method or way to grow taller after you stopped growing, here is the one suggestion that I want to make to you. Follow this website, Natural Height Growth. (at It is my own website, created by me in the Summer of 2012. I have have been slowly over time working on the website and continuously trying to make it better and better. I have been slowly putting together this website which includes every other single resource on the internet dealing with the subject of “height” and “height increase” and methodically categorized them, and organized them. There is a forum/message board, a podcast series, a section on all the proposed theories and techniques, a collection of all the books available on the subject, as well as online stores, a guide on scams and internet marketing, and so much more.

I am not kidding and being very serious when I say that I will put real effort in finding a solution. I want you to join me and follow my progress as I go through the months and years to come to see how far we can go in this endeavor. I know there will be a lot of mistakes and dead ends we will reach and make. That is something we can’t avoid because this project is hard, very hard with clear directions on which should be the next step. So far no medical professional has found a real way to noninvasively increase a person’s height after puberty. I have no illusions of grandeaur but can only admit that I am going to combine the elements of hard work, discipline, and persistence to keep on doing the research and keep on gathering any new useful information or resource available.


Review Of Lance Ward New Height Increase Website Called Grow Taller Pyramid Secret

So earlier today I got an email from my friend Rafael who messaged me and asked whether I could do a post and review the Grow Taller Guru Lance Ward’s new height increase website called Grow Taller Pyramid Secret found at link

Now I remember that I actually stumbled upon Lance’s new website very recently when I was writing up two posts, one on the idea of using intermittent fasting to possibly increase height at “Increase Height And Grow Taller Through Intermittent Fasting“, but also the really strange idea (and one that I have never heard of before) taking Ayurvedic Urea to increase height. (Not finished that post yet).

I know that I have already written up a post before on this website reviewing Lance Ward and his websites and his products at a article  entitled “Height Increase And Grow Taller Guru Lance Ward Review” and I stated at the end that Lance Ward can probably help his clients but not at the degree or height difference change that he proclaims. I know myself how hard it is to put my name and face out there for a niche or area of study and research which is so lucrative and scamy that not even Black Hat SEO internet marketers won’t even touch it (as written in a recent article entitled “Even Internet Marketers Who Use Black Hat SEO Will Not Sell Or Promote A Height Increase And Grow Taller E-Product“. At some level I really do respect Lance for what he is trying to do and I think that at some level, Lance has good intentions.

Some of his products he endorses and affiliates with I don’t like that much. However, he does give some good advice sometimes on his Youtube channels.

Review Conclusion:

When I typed in the keyword phrase “Grow Taller Pyramid Secret” his website does show up first in the google rankings. However there was also a link to a review site that reviewed the website at As of this time, the ratings this review site gives is really good at 9.3/10 from 32 reviews and there was also 86 votes casted. Overall, I know from experience that when Internet Marketers are looking for domain names to be used for their niche, they choose very carefully. The name for this website “Natural Height Growth” was chosen very carefully for SEO reasons because the Google Search engines like websites with names that tell directly what they do. There is already 5-6 sites with titles that are a permutation or combination of the words “how to grow taller” or “Increase height naturally”. There is a joke that was going around the height increase forums that the reason why the infamous product “Grow Taller 4 Idiots” was given that name was because the only people who would ever really buy that product were themselves idiots. Why Lance would choose this name makes me wonder whether he is trying to treat this new website like a Pyramid Scheme. I think Lance has found his personal niche as a Internet Marketer and he is here to stay. If I was to check his hosting account records, he probably has at least a dozen websites linked to each other for backlinks to boost up the google rankings and drive traffic. On the main website if you give them your bank account info they will bill you $27/mth until you finally take action and tell them to cancel. Given my history in learning about Neuro Linguistic Programming and Sales and How To Influence Others, I know that it is far harder to take action to stop something that is already in momentum than to stop something that is just starting and having resistance because of internal inertia. If you calculate out the costs, the cost to host 1 website above on say BlueHost is $12/year (assuming you don’t take the extra $8 identity package). It costs nothing to upload a wordpress theme, find some pics, write a few fake testimonials, and put in a “Buy Now” or “Donations” button using a form of Checkout Cart software like EJunkie or even PayPal. Given the price he asks of you at $27/ mth, and assume that he lives on $40,000/year (which is a very reasonable yearly income for most people in the world) all he needs is for 125 people who come to the internet  to be willing to pull out their credit cards. It just takes one person to pull out their wallet to pay for his hosting and website fees. Assume that he can just get 300 people to come through his websites a day and get only 1% conversion, that means that 3 people signed up a day and he made $81 automatically.  I’ve played the Internet Marketing games before and I was active on the Warrior Forums. There is a saying that the only people who recognize a true thief are thieves themselves. Am I a thief? I think I was but I changed my ways. You can’t go on living and making  steady income cash flow stream trying to cheat and scam people. You can fool all the people sometimes and you can fool some people all the time but you can’t fool all the people all the time. Ultimately, I don’t trust any website that asks you to pay a very large sum (almost $30) per month so that they can give a automatized (turned into a system) “Height Increase Tip” every month. I feel personally  (and this is a clear subjective bias here) that if you as the reader really wanted advice that won’t cost you anything, you should follow this website.

P.S. – There was also a couple of testimonials. One of them writes…

How Do I Get Taller, How Can I Be Taller, And How Can You Get Taller, The Most Searched Google Keyword Phrases For This Niche

Me: One of my objectives is to turn this website/blog into the most informative, ultimate resource guide and place on the entire internet space for the research and science of height increase and grow taller. To do that, I will have to be able to rank higher and higher in google. My primary way is from writing a high quantity of articles with great content. The 2nd main way is to produce as much original content as possible. The third way for this website to go higher and higher in the internet is to use specific phrases to connect to the google approach to find relevant information. One of the strategies Google does to figure which sites are better, and thus which sites are worth putting up higher is to look for keywords. So when I write articles, I am also letting it easier for google’s search engine to find me. The more I write, the more that people searching for terms and phrases can find me. I realize that many of the articles are not specifically related to height increase sometimes but that is really me trying to reach a larger audience of people. At this point, I am just trying to build up the audience of this website to be bigger, even though the content is still very shallow and weak in originality and depth. Once I have managed to at least touch upon every single subject and idea out there, then the serious research will start.

Main Goal For This Post: I am trying to use as many of the keywords and keyword phrases that Google wants as possible while still writing a useful, relevant post.

The most typed in phrases in the Google Keyword Tools part for the specific niche of “height increase” and “grow taller” are the 6 below.

  • How can I get taller?
  • How do I get taller?
  • How do you get taller?
  • How can you get taller?
  • Be Taller
  • How can I be taller?

These phrases combined get about 5,000,000 visitors and searches every month in Google. That is the lot of traffic. I like traffic. Getting more traffic means we get more exposure. Sure, I could try what I call the “Paris Hilton” approach of getting internet traffic, by blatantly advertising stuff on the internet with ads and posts on other forums. That would work but the type of traffic that I would be getting from them would be weak traffic, the type that would only stop by for a short time, and then leave without ever coming back. I am hoping to create a difference here, something other people can follow and read up on years from now when I am gone or moved on to something else.

4 Pictures For The Proposed LSJL Automatic Device Built Using Google SketchUp

Me: The recent post on Tyler’s HeightQuest HEREabout the fact that Yokota suggested the LSJL technique can be actually be used to lengthen the long bone for adults has sort of made me take the LSJL idea a little more serious. That is why I spent a little bit of time to draw out a 3-D CAD Design of the proposed automatic LSJL machine. I wrote about the idea of building a real LSJL machine/device that is automatic from a previous post entitled”How To Build A Personal LSJL Automatic Device For Less Than $600“.

For you to play around with the 3-D model I built, just click HERE to download the SketchUp File (extension is .skp) and for you to open the file correctly, you’ll need to type into Google you want to download the Google SketchUp 8 software. It is Free. Once you install the SketchUp application, run it and you can open the file. It’s titled “LSJL Automatic Device”.

Considerations: I have used SolidWorks and AutoCad before in my training and school and work. I can learn ProE and 3dsMax in probably 3-4 hours and get a real professional looking drawing design put up with all the specification. I already know the Electrical and Mechanical Engineers and Metal Fabricators who can put this together. The limiting things are the fact that these engineers all have their own life and schedule. The money issue comes in as well since the Engineers I know won’t do this for free and I don’t want to spend an entire weekend learning how to program an Integrated Circuit. The parts would take about 2-3 weeks for them to all arrive. You would need at least 2 people to get the thing done in a reasonable time. One is for programming the servos correctly. This will take about a day to get the  program script created to send the right amount of stroke and frequency. Then the programmer has to teach the user of the device how to change the variables in the script to fit for their joint dimensions. It would take another person to put together the parts and fit the parts together in a stable way.

Description: Note the reason for the need for 2 Linear Digital actuators. They will be positioned on a solid support facing each other. You have a resting area for your joints (knees, elbows). There is a strap on the resting area to hold down the joint securely so it does not shift and move around minimizing the loading effects. The FPGA digital board is attached to one of the actuators on the side, although it can be put anywhere desired. The two side knobs connect to a device (laptop) where you program the Board to send certain signals to the actuators to push down at a certain frequency and speed. You want to also leave room vertically for how much distance you would move up and down the actual actuators since each person’s leg and arm epiphysis are in different regions. The hard part will be programming the digital servo to hit the place at the right frequency and speed. Remember that Force or Load is Power/Speed. You have the power ratings for the bought actuators and you know the speed is also provided, so you can figure out what is the maximum load for each stroke length.