Another Height Increase Pill Review – MIRACLE GROWTH ARGININE

Me: One of the reasons I still write these reviews for obviously fake, crappy internet pills that claim to increase your height is to build up on searched Google Keywords. The website and the product was created from old internet marketing practices, with a long sales page, and fake testimonials. The checkout feature is to use cash, personal checks, money orders, and old ways of transferring money. I guess over time these practices and obviously useless pills stopped selling and the owners and sellers moved on. What is amazing to me is that the packages they sell to you cost either $133 or $323. What kind of idiot would ever buy this stuff?

The website that sells this pill is This is a segment of their sales pitch on the front page.

Miracle Growth Arginine® is made by a company you can trust

Miracle Growth® is the only arginine supplement that is produced by Ortho-Advanced™ Laboratories. It’s part of a multibillion-dollar company that provides the highest quality medicines and supplements worldwide.

Ortho-Advanced Laboratories represents the country’s leading research-based pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. We carry over 6,000 nutritional and homeopathic products, representing over 180 leading brands.  

The pure Arginine in Miracle Growth® Arginine is researched and formulated only in facilities rated A+ by the government.  Some of the nation’s leading research physicians and nutritionists work at our facilities.

Ortho-Advanced Laboratories was named one of the 500 fastest-growing private companies in the United States for the third year in a row by 500 Magazine.

Contact Us
Call Us: 1 (800) 778-5714

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Ortho Advanced Laboratories
11432 South St. #367
Cerritos, Ca 90703

1 (800) 778-5714

Growth ENHANCER Plus Pills Review, You Can Increase Your Height In Minutes?

Me: I am finding even more products these days which claim to help people grow taller. This product labeled “Growth Enhancer Plus” is a small pill which the website (HERE) claims will help you grow taller by up to 34% in a few minutes after taking it! I have never seen any internet marketers make a claim this insane before in my life. You can’t even say stuff like this for weight loss pills. Even miracle drugs that are fake sold on the internet still need to take a few days or weeks for their effects to work. Somehow this pill pusher has the incredibly amazing audacity to say that a pill can work Instantly to change a person’s height by over 1/3rd??? Who would believe that? Plus, they also will throw in a pair of “Magnetic Height Stimulator Insoles” for good measure if you buy 6 months worth of this damn stupid product. I am really curious how many people would be stupid enough to decide to use this obviously non-feasible product.

Keep in mind this website and this product seems to have been created a long time ago, from the late 90s or early 2000s. Maybe back then the people who just found the internet were more naive about this type of stuff but I would still expect that the people would realize that very, very few pills have any effect, at least within the first few minutes for anything, let alone height increase. And that is what the people are claiming for this pill. It seems the company or organization that was selling this product was “Body Image Solutions” from Bellflower, CA. If I was to guess, that company or organization does not exist anymore.

Here is the exact words they use on the front page.

However, if you’d like to discover how you can…

  • Increase height by a dramatic 34.7% (or more!) by swallowing a tiny pill three times daily– automatically!
  • Quadruple the intensity you get from performing the stretching exercises automatically!
  • Easily start to look and feel younger as the days go by– automatically!
  • Avoid time wasting chores preparing yourself meals that help you grow, height increase– automatically!
  • Reap the benefits of natural height increase from anywhere in the world since you can take your grow taller pills wherever you go– automatically!

… then you’ll want to pay close attention to what we are about to share with you on how to grow taller.

You’ll understand why when you look at our track record:

Body Image Solutions has been providing grow taller GEP supplements to many people every month for over one year. The results of these individuals have been amazing.

The individuals that have been performing the exercises have accelerated their height increase by 37%.

Many of them personally thank us for their results and fight to receive our supplements for an additional year. We rarely provide free stuff but these individuals deserve it.

The results our clients have received have attracted more customers than we had expected. Once they find something that works most of them tell their friends and family who alsoend up wanting to try our product to grow taller.

Because we have personally taken the supplements ourselves some of our colleagues feel the price we currently provide is too low for bone growth. They suggest we increase the price soon.

Increasing Your Height Progress By 37% (or more!) – In Just A Few Extra Minutes, With NO Extra Costs…

Too often, individuals mistakenly assume that a little effort is all you need to gain height. They don’t realize that supplements play a HUGE role in building and growing both your body and mind!

Let us give you an example of exactly how beneficial taking supplements can be… we have a large number of people who know and trust us. And when we do comprehensive research on growth every individual we contact is excited and willing to participate.

Well, just recently we sent these individuals a six month supply of our GEP height increase pills and within three months we had received results from nearly 85% of them!

They added a few Cm of height by just taking pills, Seriously! They are growing taller, period.

That’s why we say our grow taller supplements can dramatically increase your overall height— if you use them the way we show you, that is!

Using Extracorporal Shockwave For BMP Expression In Bone Fractures

The study entitled “Temporal and Spatial Expression of Bone Morphogenetic Proteins In Extracorporeal Shockwave-Promoted Healing Of Segmental Defect” (Full Article) I am finding that the effects of ESW may be better for osteogenesis than chondrogenesis.

Analysis: What we see is that the ESW therapy applied on induced femur defects resulted in mesenchymal aggregation, hypertrophic chondrogenesis, ossification. They all showed intensive levels of antigen expression in the cell’s nucleus. You have rats with defects have the ESW used at 500 impulses at 0.16 mJ/mm^2. The femurs that got the treatment had more mesenchymal cell aggregation, hypertrophic chondrogenesis, and more ossification. The BMP-2, 3, and 4 have some form of immunoreactivity. They conclude that somehow the BMP plays a role in ESWT to lead to cell proliferation and bone defect regeneration.

The first page of the study article was clipped and posted below.

Heightex Tablets For Developing Children In India Review

Me: Again and again we find more and more products which sell the claim that the capsule, pill, or tablet you take orally will help increase height. This product is sold as a pill for growing children. This product is sold in India as a Ayurvedic Medicine formulation. What I found really interesting is that this product is VERY cheap ($1 USD). The location is at Allahabad, which is a major city in the north Indian state of Uttar Pradesh in India. I know that it probably is a waste of my time to even review a product like this since I can’t be conclusive in seeing how feasible it is.

There are links on the internet like from which discuss the possibility of using this aryuvedic mixture concoction for children to increase their height but I would not be comfortable buying anything of this nature for my children.

What is interesting to me are the ingredients inside which I found from this link HERE

Silicea, Baryta Carbonicum, Natrum Muriaticum, Calcarea Phosphoricum.
Analysis: You are supposed to take 2-4 tablets a day. What is interesting is that the ingredients are the ones I have looked at before like the Silicea and the Baryta Cabonicum, which have been talked about on other forums which use homeopathic ways to increase height. The Natrum Muriaticum is another compound I have seen listed in capsules or pills sold which proclaim height increase benefits derived from Ayurvedic principles. This compound was seen in another recent post I wrote up looking at it. From the website Arcanum Wholistic Clinic we find out that the Natrum Muriatinum is just Sodium Chloride, ordinary table salt. From we learn that the Calcarea Phosphoricum or Calcarea Phos is just the latin name for a calcium powder, similar to the oyster sea shell powder we looked at recently. So this Height increase mixture for children has basically some salt, calcium powder, Silicon derivative, and barium carbonate. These ingredients are mostly safe, and if the FDA looked at this stuff, they would approve of it. The fact that someone in India decided to combine these 4 active ingredients together and sold them as a children height inhancer pill shows that they at least know a little bit of the theory of ayurvedic medicine and homeopathic therapy. I can’t really say this tablet, pill is uneffective since it is prescribed for children and there are places in India where in terms of malnutrition, children might not be getting enough calcium and that means stunted growth. If we look at it that way, the ingestion of extra calcium for kids who don’t get enough calcium for proper bone formation means that this product might do help increase height in a strange, convoluted way.

From the website

Using Medhorinum Or Medorrhinum To Grow Taller And Increase Height

Me: From doing the recent research into ayurvedic medicine to see how viable was these traditional Indian homeopathic methods to increase height (like from the Herbo Height Therapy of Dr. Bagga), another compound that appears over and over again in the forums and boards was this thing called Medhorinum. When I tried to put the name into google, I’m finding it spelled another way, Medorrhinum.

Apparently this Medorrhinum (I’m going to spell it this way from now on) is a common homeopathic and ayurvedic medicine which I think is derived from a plant  source (might be mineral source, I’m not sure).

Analysis: From only looking through the links on the first page of google’s search results, it is really hard to figure out what this homeopathic medicine does. It seems to prescribed to cure at least a dozen types of medical ailments. What is noted is that from the sources that I linked below, it is prescribed to help treat chronic rheumatism. From the medical dictionary, rheumatism does not have to imply arthritis. The definition: rheumatism – any of a variety of disorders marked by inflammation, degeneration, or metabolic derangement of the connective tissue structures, especially the joints and related structures, and attended by pain, stiffness, or limitation of motion”. This medorrhinum is also prescribed for children who are dwarfed and stunted. The last part is that it helps treat Multiple Sclerosis, which is another name for the disseminated sclerosis part. Somehow this homeopathic remedy is related to the well known STD Gonorrhea. At this point, I think this homeopathic idea for height increase has absolutely no scientific backing or validity whatsoever.

From our old trusted Homeopathy resource database…

A powerful and deep-acting medicine, often indicated for chronic ailments due to suppressed gonorrhoea. For women with chronic pelvic disorders. Chronic Rheumatism. Great disturbance and irritability of nervous system. Pains intolerable, tensive; nerves quiver and tingle. Children dwarfed and stunted. Chronic catarrhal conditions in children. Nose dirty, tonsils enlarged, thick yellow mucus from nostrils; lips thickened from mouth breathing. State of collapse and Trembling all over. History of sycosis. Often restores a gonorrhoeal discharge. Intensity of all sensations. Oedema of limbs; dropsy of serous sacs. Disseminated sclerosis.
BETTER, at the seashore, lying on stomach, damp weather ( Caust.)
WORSE, when thinking of ailment, From daylight to sunset, heat, inland.

From… (exact same information as above)

The Gonorrhoeal Virus 

A powerful and deep-acting medicine, often indicated for chronic ailments due to suppressed gonorrhoea. For women with chronic pelvic disorders. Chronic rheumatism. Great disturbance and irritability of nervous system. Pains intolerable; tensive; nerves quiver and tingle. Children dwarfed and stunted. Chronic catarrhal conditions in children. Nose dirty, tonsils enlarged, thick yellow mucus from nostrils; lips thickened from mouth breathing. State of collapse and trembling all over. History of sycosis. Often restores a gonorrhoeal discharge. Intensity of all sensations. Oedema of limbs; dropsy of serous sacs. Disseminated sclerosis.

Body Tractor For Growing Taller For Sale On Chinese Infomercial

Me: This may be one device which might actually help increase one’s height a little, at least temporarily, and only for people who already are losing height from spinal and vertebral curvature. When I was first getting started on the website, I remembered that on Ebay and Amazon there were quite a few Traction machines for sale and I was supposed to review the products but I realized it would not be possible to review the machines if I hadn’t tried them out myself. Since I am not in a stable location right now, I can’t buy the big machine so I couldn’t review the traction machines.

For the longest time, many people has claimed that the traction machine can increase people’s height. In terms of common sense physics principles, that seems reasonable. You are lying horizontally like you are sleeping. The force of gravity is thus not compressing down on your vertebrae so your disks decompress a little. The traction machine holds your head or neck steady on one side and then holds your feet and ankles clamped on the other side. With a lever , you slowly increase the distance between your head and neck with your feet and ankle.

The infomercial is really, REALLY cheesy and they claim that people in advanged age can gain 5-7 cm extra height and that adolescents can gain 7- 15 cms. That claim is just ridiculous since that means a height increase of up to 6 inches. As for medical treatment, the claim is that the traction machine can also decrease the symptoms of deformed spinal disks such as soreness, aches, bone spurs, and insomnia. The testimonials and actors are just horrible since they get a group of foreign people all saying how much they like the device in different languages. It is supposed to be able to stretch all 37 (or 27) joints in the spine (I think). Apparently this device is approved by some Chinese Organization with a Certificate that few people other than the Chinese can read. They really are trying to sell you on this device and it costs about $2000-3000 USD.

The video was taken from Youtube video link HERE