Heightex Tablets For Developing Children In India Review

Me: Again and again we find more and more products which sell the claim that the capsule, pill, or tablet you take orally will help increase height. This product is sold as a pill for growing children. This product is sold in India as a Ayurvedic Medicine formulation. What I found really interesting is that this product is VERY cheap ($1 USD). The location is at Allahabad, which is a major city in the north Indian state of Uttar Pradesh in India. I know that it probably is a waste of my time to even review a product like this since I can’t be conclusive in seeing how feasible it is.

There are links on the internet like from IndiaStudyChannel.com which discuss the possibility of using this aryuvedic mixture concoction for children to increase their height but I would not be comfortable buying anything of this nature for my children.

What is interesting to me are the ingredients inside which I found from this link HERE

Silicea, Baryta Carbonicum, Natrum Muriaticum, Calcarea Phosphoricum.
Analysis: You are supposed to take 2-4 tablets a day. What is interesting is that the ingredients are the ones I have looked at before like the Silicea and the Baryta Cabonicum, which have been talked about on other forums which use homeopathic ways to increase height. The Natrum Muriaticum is another compound I have seen listed in capsules or pills sold which proclaim height increase benefits derived from Ayurvedic principles. This compound was seen in another recent post I wrote up looking at it. From the website Arcanum Wholistic Clinic we find out that the Natrum Muriatinum is just Sodium Chloride, ordinary table salt. From YumKind.com we learn that the Calcarea Phosphoricum or Calcarea Phos is just the latin name for a calcium powder, similar to the oyster sea shell powder we looked at recently. So this Height increase mixture for children has basically some salt, calcium powder, Silicon derivative, and barium carbonate. These ingredients are mostly safe, and if the FDA looked at this stuff, they would approve of it. The fact that someone in India decided to combine these 4 active ingredients together and sold them as a children height inhancer pill shows that they at least know a little bit of the theory of ayurvedic medicine and homeopathic therapy. I can’t really say this tablet, pill is uneffective since it is prescribed for children and there are places in India where in terms of malnutrition, children might not be getting enough calcium and that means stunted growth. If we look at it that way, the ingestion of extra calcium for kids who don’t get enough calcium for proper bone formation means that this product might do help increase height in a strange, convoluted way.

From the website DrugNeed.com

Using Medhorinum Or Medorrhinum To Grow Taller And Increase Height

Me: From doing the recent research into ayurvedic medicine to see how viable was these traditional Indian homeopathic methods to increase height (like from the Herbo Height Therapy of Dr. Bagga), another compound that appears over and over again in the forums and boards was this thing called Medhorinum. When I tried to put the name into google, I’m finding it spelled another way, Medorrhinum.

Apparently this Medorrhinum (I’m going to spell it this way from now on) is a common homeopathic and ayurvedic medicine which I think is derived from a plant  source (might be mineral source, I’m not sure).

Analysis: From only looking through the links on the first page of google’s search results, it is really hard to figure out what this homeopathic medicine does. It seems to prescribed to cure at least a dozen types of medical ailments. What is noted is that from the sources that I linked below, it is prescribed to help treat chronic rheumatism. From the medical dictionary, rheumatism does not have to imply arthritis. The definition: rheumatism – any of a variety of disorders marked by inflammation, degeneration, or metabolic derangement of the connective tissue structures, especially the joints and related structures, and attended by pain, stiffness, or limitation of motion”. This medorrhinum is also prescribed for children who are dwarfed and stunted. The last part is that it helps treat Multiple Sclerosis, which is another name for the disseminated sclerosis part. Somehow this homeopathic remedy is related to the well known STD Gonorrhea. At this point, I think this homeopathic idea for height increase has absolutely no scientific backing or validity whatsoever.

From our old trusted Homeopathy resource ABCHomeopathy.com database…

A powerful and deep-acting medicine, often indicated for chronic ailments due to suppressed gonorrhoea. For women with chronic pelvic disorders. Chronic Rheumatism. Great disturbance and irritability of nervous system. Pains intolerable, tensive; nerves quiver and tingle. Children dwarfed and stunted. Chronic catarrhal conditions in children. Nose dirty, tonsils enlarged, thick yellow mucus from nostrils; lips thickened from mouth breathing. State of collapse and Trembling all over. History of sycosis. Often restores a gonorrhoeal discharge. Intensity of all sensations. Oedema of limbs; dropsy of serous sacs. Disseminated sclerosis.
BETTER, at the seashore, lying on stomach, damp weather ( Caust.)
WORSE, when thinking of ailment, From daylight to sunset, heat, inland.

From WebHomeopath.com… (exact same information as above)

The Gonorrhoeal Virus 

A powerful and deep-acting medicine, often indicated for chronic ailments due to suppressed gonorrhoea. For women with chronic pelvic disorders. Chronic rheumatism. Great disturbance and irritability of nervous system. Pains intolerable; tensive; nerves quiver and tingle. Children dwarfed and stunted. Chronic catarrhal conditions in children. Nose dirty, tonsils enlarged, thick yellow mucus from nostrils; lips thickened from mouth breathing. State of collapse and trembling all over. History of sycosis. Often restores a gonorrhoeal discharge. Intensity of all sensations. Oedema of limbs; dropsy of serous sacs. Disseminated sclerosis.

Body Tractor For Growing Taller For Sale On Chinese Infomercial

Me: This may be one device which might actually help increase one’s height a little, at least temporarily, and only for people who already are losing height from spinal and vertebral curvature. When I was first getting started on the website, I remembered that on Ebay and Amazon there were quite a few Traction machines for sale and I was supposed to review the products but I realized it would not be possible to review the machines if I hadn’t tried them out myself. Since I am not in a stable location right now, I can’t buy the big machine so I couldn’t review the traction machines.

For the longest time, many people has claimed that the traction machine can increase people’s height. In terms of common sense physics principles, that seems reasonable. You are lying horizontally like you are sleeping. The force of gravity is thus not compressing down on your vertebrae so your disks decompress a little. The traction machine holds your head or neck steady on one side and then holds your feet and ankles clamped on the other side. With a lever , you slowly increase the distance between your head and neck with your feet and ankle.

The infomercial is really, REALLY cheesy and they claim that people in advanged age can gain 5-7 cm extra height and that adolescents can gain 7- 15 cms. That claim is just ridiculous since that means a height increase of up to 6 inches. As for medical treatment, the claim is that the traction machine can also decrease the symptoms of deformed spinal disks such as soreness, aches, bone spurs, and insomnia. The testimonials and actors are just horrible since they get a group of foreign people all saying how much they like the device in different languages. It is supposed to be able to stretch all 37 (or 27) joints in the spine (I think). Apparently this device is approved by some Chinese Organization with a Certificate that few people other than the Chinese can read. They really are trying to sell you on this device and it costs about $2000-3000 USD.

The video was taken from Youtube video link HERE

Herbo Height Therapy Developed By Dr. O. P. Bagga, Does It Have Any Real Scientific Validity?

Me: When I was on the All About Height Board from the Network54 forums, I found that the posters were talking about this Doctor from India, the New Delhi area named Dr. Bagga who seems to claim that he has managed to develop and create a type of herbal formula system which can help at least kids grow taller.

The website for Dr. Bagga is called HerboHeight.com. Although the main page is up, most of the links are dead, probably because the site was created more than 10 years ago. There is a discussion on this guy on the website ABCHomeopathy.com. the sad fact is that this guy is only briefly mentioned and the post titled “Increase Your Height” has over 1000 replies and posts, with many people wanting to grow taller. They also talk about him on the New Height Increase Message Boards on Network54. This post was made in 2005 and the poster says that the therapy did not increase his height at all. From this link source HERE, I found this Dr.’s Contact Information. I would assume this is really old information so his person’s office might not be there anymore.

Herbo Height Therapy
Clinic of Dr. O.P. Bagga providing herbal treatment for increasing height. Claims effectiveness even after 35 years age. 
Address: Bazar Lal Kuan ( Opp. Koocha Pandit – 1st Floor ) Delhi – 110006. Phone : +91 – 11 – 23262426. Email:drbagga@herboheight.com

[Note: Like I have said always with these products, there is no way to tell if the height increase that comes after taking such supplement or doing the technique was because of the actual product or from actual natural height growth.]

In my searching, I actually found a clipping in an old magazine on this Dr. Bagga’s Herbo Height increease therapy. The clippings are on the left. They are taken from Google Documents source link HERE  which is the April 2002 edition of magazine “Competition Science Vision” pg. 155.

A thing to note is that I don’t have much hope for using this therapy to help adults gain the increased height they want, but this therapy might be useful in giving us another clue in the puzzle on putting everything together.

When I googled the name “dr. o.p. bagga” into google what I found was that there was a few forum discussions on the possibility of his therapy working.

The first thing I notice is that this advertisment section is placed in many of the old magazines. it was in many of the monthly editions of the Competition Science Vision magazine, from 2001 and 2002, to even 2005. I think at this point, we can mostly conclude that this “Dr.” was running a scam since if he has to take out advertisement in a children’s or teenager’s magazine, they are really just selling something not credible.

Me: The Last resource link I wanted to cite was from the All ABout Height Boards HERE. One of the poster writes..

da hope
(no login)

about indian method

July 15 2001, 10:36 PM 
ent help? You can’t be sure.The second product I ordered was from a doctor in India. http://www.indiadoctors.org/drbagga.html.

I ordered a One year supply, which cost me about $800 Canadian dollars.

I used it after the zenith grow system, I still wore the insoles, and I grew 3.5cm in two months of Dr. Bagga’s formula.

I am still using his formula, because I purchased a one-year supply. His formula are composed of herbal capsules, and drops(tincture).

He claims to have helped over 50,000 people increase their height as you will see on his web-site.

His formula is for REAL. I have spoken to a few other people who have actually increased their height also with his formula.

One girl from India took his formula for 3 years straight and she only gained one inch in the first year of use, and she didn’t have any more increase in height for the second and third year of using the product.

So, I would advise not to purchase any more than a one-year supply.

The maximum you will grow will most likely be with a one-year of his supply.

As you will see on his website; sometimes this site does not work well.

But, he claims his formula works as follows: In 3 months you would gain(1.5-3cms)/In 6 months you would gain(3-5cms)/ In One full year you would gain (5-10 cms) in height.

But, he said results vary, some people react more quickly to his therapy than others. For me it worked pretty fast.

He said some people do gain 5cm within 3 months. I am currently still using this treatment.

“It differs from person to person in accordance with their gene and genetic, race and blood, health and height, atmosphere and environment, food habits and living styles, mental strain and stress, unnatural habits and body abuses are various factors responsible for height growth of the body.

Age is not the only criteria, it is one of the criteria for improving the height. This is its limitation.” -(Dr.Bagga)

What exactly did I receive with a one year supply of Dr. Bagga’s Formula?

I received a set of Master Dose capsules, Regular Dosage Capsules and 12 bottles of liquid(phials).

The Master Dose capsules are different in colour, I received 4 of M-1, 4 of M-2, and 4 of M-3capsules.

The master dose is to be taken once per month
starting with M-1. He advises taking it with fresh water before going to bed, at least half an hour after dinner.

These master doses are to be repeated every month (every 30 days).

The regular dosage capsules are red and yellow(cream) in colour.

You have to take the regular doses twice a day, morning and night with the liquid mixed with water.

He said to mix 8-10 drops in water. He sends droppers for you to mix it. If you don’t like the taste, just add more water.

He said if you are taking other medication or you are on a special diet to allow a 1-2 hour gap before and after the dose.

He said that to get his formula approved by the medical boards in India he took seven people randomly in the age group of 25-35 years giving them his dosages and each one of them grew at least two inches in a year.

His maximum growth record is 10 cms(4 inches). It took him about 9 years to get his herbo-height-therapy approved by the medical boards in India. I have asked for his ingredients for his formula, but he has not replied back as yet, he is a very busy man.

Comments**: You have to send him a money order to the address on the website;( Payable to Dr. O.P. Bagga )

It will take at least a month for your money order to clear banks in India.

Probably faster if I would have sent the money order in Indian Rupees, instead of U.S. funds.

It took me about 2 months to receive my one-year
supply of his herbo-height-therapy, and I sent him the money order by priority mail.

You could try a wire transfer to wire money in their
account. But, getting hold of them by e-mail takes very long if you do ever get hold of them.

I was very skeptical of this Doctor at first
because it took so long for the capsules to arrive, and it’s so hard to get in touch with him.

But, he is a registered doctor in India and he
does have a clinic, and you can’t just write a money order payable to a DOCTOR unless he shows his qualifications to the bank. (I’m only saying this because a lot of people do not believe in his therapy)

But, his therapy did work for me, and he will DELIVER no matter how long he takes.

People are giving you false information on height
forums, they determine everything is a scam before actually trying it.

The e-mail address for Dr.Bagga inquiries is :
tims@mantraonline.com) But, don’t sit back and expect a quick reply or any reply at all, he’s very busy.

He gets way too many e-mails a day, and he can’t afford to spend time e-mailing people back.

It took a few months before he had time to reply back to my e-mail.

Remember that India is the second most populated country in the world, and it also has the most doctor’s in the world.

So, I would suggest you just send the money order with a note of the supply you want, and the address you want it mailed to.

He does not ship by express post. Even though they take very long, you will eventually get your order.

He says after money order clears the bank, it usually takes about 15 days to arrive.

He packages the capsules in plastic, wrapped in cotton very discreetly, and it should arrive with no problems.

If you understand their Indian language you
could call their phone # which is (91-11-3262426), the phone # is available for question in morning(11 to 6), night(9-10) Closed Sundays, which it says on his website.

I called the number, but, I couldn’t understand their language, so I just mailed the money order for the one-year supply and told him where to mail it.

A lot of people I have spoken to who have tried these two products did not do any stretching exercises, but they said maybe they would have grown more if they stretched.

So, if you are already on some sort of
stretching program, don’t just stop, these products are designed to work without stretching, but if you have the extra time during the day to stretch, continue your program.

It may or may not speed up the growth process. Dr. Bagga advises no exercise, especially no weight-lifting on above shoulder.

He said it does not need exercise whatsoever.

Basically, what I am saying with doctor Bagga’s formula, if you want a guaranteed, at least two inches, the exception being that girl from India, it would cost you about $500U.S.

You just have to wait a year to see results depending on your body and genes.

If you live outside of India I believe you will grow faster because he says atmosphere and environment are factors.

India is does not exactly have the cleanest atmosphere and environment.

Everything he sent me was very professional
(Two small instruction booklets in english and in indian language).

If you would like this product faster, I suggest you check your banks out in your country to see if they can give you a Money Order in Indian Rupees.

Some countries have places that will change your money right away into any currency you want.

Just send it by priority mail, so you can make sure it gets there(India), and he signs for it.

I think his herbo therapy ingredients is copyright information, so I don’t think I can post



This message has been edited by Abtgrow from IP address on Jul 16, 2001 10:19 AM



(no login)

Thanx tha hope

July 16 2001, 10:00 AM 
Thanx for posting messages and give us more
choices on products that work.As for the Indian method, I think it do works as if
I were a supplier/seller and my products dont work or have side effects , I would not have put my photo on the web especially when I am a doctor, a professional one somemore.

That happens with most of the heightening websites.
No photos of their managing director, status, etc.

So maybe after the Zenith grow, I might try this
Indian herbs.

The only thing I am worrying is the ingredients
in the products. I am afraid of side effects as
I am from Singapore. My body condition might be
different from that of India.

This oral thing has to consider very carefully



This message has been edited by Abtgrow from IP address on Jul 16, 2001 10:24 AM



(Login orench_juce)

To tha Hope – Thanks for the info.

July 16 2001, 12:34 PM 
Yes, I was reading about the Dr. O.P Bragga just yesterday. And I was about to post some questions related to his website on the forum. Thanks so much for providing in elaborate detail, the information related to his site.So, you have been using his products. Good to hear and see that at least, one product bears fruit at the moment. Am still waiting for Heng’s testimony. Hopefully (keeping fingers crossed) she has some positive remarks for it.

The procedure for sending the money and receiving the product takes a long time. Wonder how to speed up the process. Another thing is that, is it safe to send money? The product is guaranteed to be delivered right?

(no login)


July 16 2001, 2:56 PM 
What are the ingredients for the “indian” capsules, can you email that info to someone>> da hope.

(Login Abtgrow)
Forum Owner

Please help thanx

July 16 2001, 6:21 PM 
Please kindly post message about the indian herbs
in category

tha hope
(no login)


July 16 2001, 7:31 PM 
doc.Bagga don’t give informations about the ingredients cuz if he’ll give it people will copy his therapy immediately!
The message i’ve posted it’s another part of the secret document by TK Persaud the canadian pharmacist who grew with this product.I don’t have fear of the side effects cuz the therapy it’s approved by the indian medical boards..i wana order soon!!

the therapy arrive to you with some instructions on how use the therapy correctly,written by Bagga…so
we must try this thing!!!

Height Increasing Giraffe Shoes To Increase Height By 10 cm From Southeast Asia, Not Really

I found this youtube video (source link HERE) and I thought the infomercial was well done.

I remember trying to make the heels in my shoes thicker years ago and I do notice that my confidence or state of mind improve from wearing taller shoes and looking taller.

If you are willing to wait a while (like a few years while the science and research catches up) then I might suggest for the guys to go with these really nice looking lifts aka height increasing dress shoes. I think the main selling point with this brand of thick heeled shoes is that they are more comfortable than some others. They say the insoles are ergonomically designed.

[Marketing Lie Alert! – The issue with this product is that although they claim the shoes are supposed to make you appear to be 10 cm taller, the sellers are very deceptive in not making the note that the 10 cm increase is from not wearing any shoes, but not compared to a person wearing average heel thickness shoes. If this was the case, the claim would be that the shoes only increase in appearance height of 6 cms, not 10 cm, since most dress shoes already have about a 1.25-1.50″ (3-4 cms) . This is a sort of a marketing trick to make the product seem better than it really is]

Zenith Growth And Grow Taller Height Increase Pills And Pad From Philippines And China (Interesting Find)

Me: Somehow while I was looking on Youtube at another recently talked about device, the magnetic powered foot stimulating device, I found another youtube video which is promoting a oral intake type of pill which is supposed to help the still growing and developing individual gain more height.

If you watch the video below, which is about 2 and a half minutes long, you can see that the English Speaking person who uploaded the video is mocking the Chinese Infomercial. I would assume most of the regular visitors who come to this website would just make a quick claim that the product is a scam and won’t work, which I agree with, but that does not mean that such a product should not be studied. There are a few other link source like HERE and HERE (PinoyExchange.com) on the Zenith Grow Taller product.

When I was looking through the ingredients of a recent post on the possibility of using Ayurvedic medicine to increase height, what I found was that many of the ingredients in the compound mixture has real medicinal properties and seemed to be related to L-Dopa and have anabolic qualities. This shows that at least some of the ingredients have real scientific studies backing up their claim.

What I would actually like to do for these infomercial pills sold in China is see what they are really made of and look for  any unique ingredients. From the link below, these are the ingredients….

Q : What is the content of the calcium tablet? How should I take the tablet?

A : Oyster Shell Power, Bone Meal Powder, Rose Hips Powder, Guar Bean Gum, Hydroxypropyl Methl Cellulose, Magnesium Stearate and Vitamin D3. Take one tablet daily and your body will absorb the calcium in your food intake. The Taiwan’s health authority approval number is 8602629.

The directions state this…

The main element leading to the bone cells division is NGF (Nerve Growth Factor). Therefore, the only effective means to gain height is to once again cause the bone to release large amount of NGF is to stimulate the pituitary gland to release growth hormone.

It seems that besides the capsule pills, you will also have to put a type of pad with NGF in it on your back of neck for 24 hours a day. They say that this Zenith Height product is approved by the FDA and ARP as well as some Taiwan organization but what do I know? I don’t think anyone is going to go through all the hassle to see if these guys are really being honest about the FDA approval. Even if the FDA approves of it, the FDA does not test for product feasibility, only for safety.

Q: What are the ingredients of Zenith Grow?

A: Natural coral calcium with vitamin D3 and several mineral substances, extracted and purified. (To find out more on coral calcium, you could check out link below) http://www.familyhealthnews.com/48.html

What I am seeing is that there is a use of Vitamin D3 and some form of Calcium Carbonate (which is a calcium supplement) from the Coral calcium or Oyster Shell Powder.

From PubMed study link HERE… I learn that “Nerve growth factor (NGF) is a neurotrophin that is essential for survival and differentiation of neuronal cells” and “Nerve growth factor (NGF) induces neurite outgrowth and differentiation in a process that involves NGF binding to its receptor TrkA and endocytosis of the NGF–TrkA complex into signaling endosomes.

Other directions involve putting this pad on your neck after you shower each day. There is supposed a type of heat that comes from it and may cause itching and irritation. One of the posters named Heng paid almost $1200 for all the products, which include the pills, the pad (you place 15 cm below the shoulder level), a mini massager for the knees, and insoles to wear (like KIMI and YOKO). So far they have never answered the other posters on whether they grew or not.

Conclusion: This product which seems to either come from Malaysia, Taiwan, or China has two main active ingredients, Calcium and Vitamin D3. This could theoretically help a little bit for the still growing individual. What is interesting about this product is that they claim the NGF (Nerver Growth Factor) comes from the pituitary gland, which I am not sure is true or not. However, the fact that this product claims that NGF, not HGH does the height increase gets me curious on the effects of NGF on the human body.

[Note: There is also a forum post on the Gloxi height increase product with the Zenith Growth Program HERE and the one of the posters clearly say that both products are hoaxes.]

When I did a search on google for the term “Zenith grow pills” what I found was that there was a post from the All About Height Boards or Network54 Boards years ago (11 years to be exact!!) about the feasibility of using this Zenith Grow Taller Pill. I found this testimonial posted from this link HERE

http://www.beautyforever.com.sg (Zenith Grow)

July 12 2001 at 11:17 PM

tha hope  (no login)
from IP address

T. K. PERSAUDI increased my height from 167.5cm to 174cm in four months using two products.

One product I ordered from Singapore, and the other from a doctor from India. I started stretching exercises at age 22; my initial height was 166.5cm, and only gained one cm from stretching. Stretching was just not for me.

The first product cost me about $1200 Canadian dollars, I ordered the Height Increase program from “Beauty Forever” in Singapore.

The product name is called “Zenith Grow”, and I also ordered a mini portable height increase equipment from them.

The link for this website is:(www.beautyforever.com.sg/heightincrease.htm)

ZENITH GROW- this is the transdermal treatment; they are adhesive pads that you place on the back of your neck each morning after you shower. Placed anywhere within 15cm from hairline.

Also, it should be placed in a different area each day to prevent a rash.

Each box contains 15 pieces of height increase pads and 15 calcium tablets.

The following are (Questions & Answers) for Zenith

Grow(This is what Zenith Grow sent me):Q: How much growth is possible with one month’s usage?
A: Zenith Grow can help you to grow taller by 3-5cm in a month, and about 5-8 cm in 2 months.

Q: How long can a box of Zenith Grow last?
A: 15 days

Q: What are the ingredients of Zenith Grow?
A: Natural coral calcium with vitamin D3 and several mineral substances, extracted and purified. (To find out more on coral calcium, you could check out link below) http://www.familyhealthnews.com/48.html

Q: How does Zenith Grow help to increase one’s height?
A: By applying a sticker pad at the back of the neck area, the pituitary gland is stimulated to produce growth hormone, thereby allowing the bones to secrete great amount of NGF.

The pad is placed on the skin after shower for the entire day, until the next
morning.(24hr system)

Q: What is GROWTH HORMONE and what is NGF?
A: The amount of growth hormone secreted would affect an individual’s height.

The main element leading to the bone cells division is NGF(Nerve Growth Factor). Therefore, the only effective means to gain height is to once again cause the bone to release large amount of NGF is to stimulate the pituitary gland to release growth hormone.

Q: Is there any side effect from using Zenith Grow?
A: No side effect at all. Zenith Grow has received approval from the U.S. FDA(Food & Drug Administration) and ARP. It has also received approval from Taiwan’s health authority. Therefore a customer can use Zenith Grow with complete assurance.

Q: What if I have not seen good effect after using Zenith Grow for a period of time?
A: Results vary according to individual’s body condition. Some people may see and effect as soon as 3 days, while some people effect. What is important is never give up, be persistent and continue to use it.

Q: Why is there a hot sensation after applying the Zenith Growth pad?
A: It is a normal reaction.

Q: Why is there redness and itch after the first or second day?
A: It is because your skin is very sensitive; we suggest that you don’t stick the pad on the same spot everyday.

Q: What if I do not follow the instruction accordingly due to irregular schedule. Does it affect the results?
A: The result is not affected whether you apply the pad in the morning or in the evening. You should take the calcium tablet each morning when you wake up and apply the pad after you shower or before you go to bed everyday.

Q: What is the content of the calcium tablet? How should I take the tablet?
A: Oyster Shell Powder, Bone Meal Powder, Rose Hips Powder, Guar Bean Gum, Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose, Magnesium Stearate and Vitamin D3. Take one tablet daily and your body will absorb the calcium in your food intake. The Taiwan’s health authority approval number is 8602629.

Q: Why is calcium intake important?
A: The bones need sufficient amount of calcium to form during height development. Insufficient calcium can cause the bone to become slackened and change in shape. Also, calcium is very important to women who have just given birth, as they are prone to loss of bone density. For middle age and old people, it helps to prevent slackened bone.

a)2 pairs of wired equipment
c)2 plastic insoles

a) 2 pairs of wired equipment; This equipment is about the size of a soap bar, it is studded. You basically place one set on the back of each knee, and the other set you step on with your feet placed flat against a wall. You do this lying down flat on the floor with no pillow.

b) Before you do that you must place a lotion they give you at the back of both knees, on top of both your knees and the back of both your ankles.

You then plug the wired equipment into the socket(or outlet). Switch the machine on for 10 minutes, then switch it off. It provides a vibrating motion in the areas you place the equipment.

They say it helps to circulate the blood, and stimulates the pituitary gland. But, you must stay lying down for 10 more minutes after you turn it off, then the treatment is complete.

They say you should do this 2 to 3 times per day with 4 hour intervals between each treatment. I did it in the morning and before going to bed.

**Please note, depending on what country you are from you may have to purchase an “A” Adapter Plug at your local electronics store. It modifies foreign electricity outlets to allow use of converters and dual voltage appliances. Their adapter doesn’t work in U.S. or Canada, unless you purchase the “A” adapter plug.

c) 2 PLASTIC INSOLES: These you have to cut to your size and insert in your shoes, you are supposed to wear them in your shoes everyday, everywhere you go.

It takes about a month to get used to these insoles. You have to start out 2-3 mins per day, and keep increasing the duration as you feel comfortable with them.

I will warn you right now, this is the hardest part of the program. These insoles hurt very much!! It feels like you are stepping on a nail when you are walking for the first few days(weeks). I wore it with two pairs of socks to shield the discomfort.

I suggest applying foot powder to absorb the moisture, because your feet will sweat more than usual with these insoles. Your feet have more sweat glands than your underarms.

I suggest you wash your feet daily with an antibacterial soap such as Dial or Safeguard to help kill any bacteria that may develop. You could also consider antiperspirant sprays and deodorants. If ever you feel pain while wearing these insoles, sit down and massage the area with your fingers. Then put your socks back on and walk again. Remember, it may take a month to get used to wearing them everyday. It took me a little over a month to get used to wearing them everywhere.

I had a pair of shoes just for home use, and one just for work, and transferred the insoles when I got home from work.

If you have tried KIMI or YOKO insoles before, these are different than Beauty Forever insoles.

Kimi and Yoko insoles looked very cheap compared to these insoles. It targets a different region on the foot than Kimi does to stimulate the pituitary gland. Kimi or Yoko targets the inner region of the foot, Beauty Foreverinsoles targets more in the centre of the foot. Beauty Forever insoles hurt a lot more than Kimi or Yoko, i’ve tried Kimi(no results).

Beauty forever insoles are black, and there is also a little curved bar like thing by the toes, and a little circular thing on the heel.

I’ll tell you one thing is for SURE with these insoles, after wearing them everyday, everywhere you go I have noticed a major difference in the loss of body fat. You know the so called love handles(fat), and the little gut that some people get around there stomach. They vanished within 3 months with these insoles.

So, for sure you are increasing your metabolism, and burning fat with these insoles even if they don’t help with increasing your height.

So, if you’re looking for a fat burner, I would advise it for that purpose also. But, that’s only if you have a job where you have a lot of walking. My occupation, I am on my feet a lot so that’s why I believe it helps to reduce fat.

The head office phone # is 65-251-1156, their e-mail is info@beautyforever.com.sg

I e-mailed them and wired the money into their bank account. It took 11 business days to arrive by express delivery. 3 days for bank transfer(wire).

I grew 3 cm after two months of using these products(1 cm the first month and 2cm the second month), I
was expecting a bit more after spending $1200.

But, I would have been very upset if I didn’t grow at all after spending that much money!

Me: So this person said that they did grow in height only after spending $1200! That is really expensive. You are supposed to get 3-5 cm after one month (or 1 inch) and 5-8 cm after 2 months (or 2-3 inches).

The Youtube video link is from HERE