How Me Getting Dumped By My First Love Lead Me To Drop The Bullshit, Feel My Emotions, And Take Action

I remember once reading from the blog by James Altucher that to make a real connection with the people who read your writings, you have to bleed, be even more  honest, more transparent, and then bleed some more. 

To Quote his message..

“”Bleed in the first line. We’re all human. A computer can win Jeopardy but still not write a novel. You want people to relate to you, then you have to be human. Penelope Trunk started a post a few weeks ago: “I smashed a lamp over my head. There was blood everywhere. And glass. And I took a picture.” That’s real bleeding. My wife recently put up a post where the first line was so painful she had to take it down. Too many people were crying.””

From quote from another one of his blog posts (source HERE)…

“”…Bleeding is about sharing a situation that we can all relate to: usually disgusting, embarassing, and humiliating, and finding the truth in it….””

I don’t really read many blogs but James’s writing is some of the most honest, real, and raw stuff I’ve ever seen. The level of honesty and rawness he brings to his writings make me feel so innocent and young sometimes. And I’m not young at 28.

I remember a person once gave me the exercise of asking me to calculate how many days left I probably have in this life. Since I am already 28 and I probably will live to the average US male life expectancy age of 80, that means I will have about 52*365~19,000 days.

That’s how many days I have left to live, about 19,000 days. When I had come to see that my inevitable death could be so concrete and finalized from putting a measurable, calculated value on it, it really drove the message deep into my mind. I am going to die, and there is nothing I can do about it. A metaphoric image would be where I imagine my self in a conveyer belt with my head held down in the wooden block of a guillotine being slowly rolled to the blade. I can’t twist or lift my head to see how far away is that blade, but I know that it will be around. As time moves on, I get close and closer to that blade. I know that I have a 99% chance that in 20,000 or less my head will one day meet that guillitone blade. And it frightens me to the very core of my being.

I guess my way of interpreting his message is that I got to be more honest and more real with my writings and messages. So it is time to tell you another secret, a hidden fact which I wanted to hide from you, so that you wouldn’t find out but I can now release.

Here is the secret: I would have never started this website and blog if I hadn’t been so emotionally damaged and detroyed by my girlfriend who left me earlier this year. On the same day she told me that she wanted to end our relationship through the iPad 2 I bought her just a month ago, she started dating a new guy, the current guy she is with. Yeah she left me.

My first reaction was desperation and confusion. I couldn’t do a damn thing. She was at the moment on the other side of the world, in another country. I was completely helpless. I knew words at that point was useless and that if I wasn’t in front of her, I would have no way to control or handle the interaction. All she would have had to do was click one button and she would not have to see me ever again.

I guess looking back on it, my reaction was sort of normal when a guy gets left by his first true love. Devastation is not a strong enough word to describe the type of pain I felt on that night. When you hear those stories of guys and gals who go crazy and insane because the person they were with leaves them, I want to say that the stories were talking about my situation. I lost it completely.

I got angry. I was depressed for at least 6 months afterwards. I had to call a suicide hotline that night she left because I thought my world was gong to collapse. I would call every suicide hotline I could find because I was scared.  I was scared that I would kill myself if I didn’t watch my own emotions. I didn’t want to die but I also didn’t want to feel the extreme emotions going through my body. After the 1st month, I went and saw two therapists about this issue. They didn’t help. What they could say? They could not offer any real advice on the steps to take to make the emotions at least decrease a little.

What she never told to her parents, what they didn’t know was the baby. There was a pregnancy, and a quick abortion. She wanted it but I didn’t. I wanted to keep the baby but she didn’t.

If I try to project into the future, I know that 20 years from now, when she finally manages to figure who she is, find the happiness she couldn’t find with me, I will get a call from her. I’ll pick up that phone and she will try to apologize for choosing to go through with the abortion. She’ll also want to apologize for hurting me so long ago, because she wants to find forgiveness so that she won’t have that guilt eat inside of her. She wants to avoid, run away, and escape from the pain, and I still hate and resent her for not being brave and just dealing with the negative emotions in the first place.

I know I can forgive her for leaving me in time. I can forgive her for immediately dating another guy the exact same day she dumped me. Anger and sadness can go away with time.

However I don’t know if I can forgive her for the abortion. Death is something you can’t reverse. Lord Tennyson in his poetry In Memmoriam A.H.H. wrote the now immortal phrase…

I hold it true, whate’er befall;
I feel it when I sorrow most;
Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

I don’t regret ever meeting her because of her love. I had so many amazing experiences and memories with her. I don’t regret her leaving me. That’s okay now.

The biggest problem is regret. That is the killer which I have never been able to get rid of. Sure, I have read enough self-help books to intellectually realize that mantra by self help gurus of “life each day to the fullest” or “I don’t have any regrets on my life decisions”. I couldn’t do that. I did have regrets. I do realize that I do get lazy and lethargic. Sometimes I don’t want to do anything expect lie in bed and stare up at the ceiling. And the next day I feel regret that I lost another day in being unproductive, in not giving what I could back to this world. I then would feel another layer of self-awareness that I was beating myself up over my laziness.

I regret that I was never even given the chance to love my child. We never even found out the sex of our baby. I paid for the abortion, she felt relieved that she could go back to her care-free reponsible less life of the average normal college female, and we then went out to have sushi. I think at that time, we both wanted to cover up that experience in whatever way we could, and she would use repression to push the thought out of her mind.

I remember that the Holocaust and Death Concentration Camp survivor Elie Wiesel who wrote “Night” could not even talk about his experiences on what had happened for 10 years after the WWII and the  Holocaust was over. Many holocaust survivors might not even talk about it for 20, 30s years and some people just never talk about it. It is the normal human reaction to block out the memory and any negatively associatied emotions and feelings of such a horrible thing by never reopening up that wound again. The human mind just repress down that memory and never let it out for healing. And that is okay. That is how some people deal with bad experiences. After almost a year, I think I can now open up my heart again and reveal what I had been keeping inside.

I remember telling her that she won’t realize this mistake until the day she finally has her first child, when after the pregnancy and labor, she finally gets to hold her baby in her arms for the first time. She will cry, and she will realize what it is like to finally, for the first time in her life love something or someone so unconditionally that all you wanted to do was make her happy. Then she would finally realize that I was right, but it had to take maybe a decade of life experience, learning, and mistakes for her to realize it. She doesn’t care right now. She says that even if she would realize later, at this point in her life, all she cared about was her career. She was worried about what her parents would think of her. She was worried that she would give up her career. I understand where she is coming from emotionally but I don’t believe that she understands where I was coming from emotionally.

I know I will carry this to my grave and feel the weight of regret only get heavier with time as life continues forward. I have lost my own innocence.

One of my personal mentors is Anthony Robbins who was one of the founders of the whole coaching and self improvement movement in the 80s. I have both of his most famous works, “Awaken the Giant Within” and “Unlimited Power”. The main technique he has done his entire life to reach the success he has is based on a very simple idea, Modeling: Find out who are the people who are already successful, figure out what they are doing, and learn from them. It would be extremely curt and stupid of me to try to condense all of his work and material into one central message so I will try to do it in three main points. If I was to take two things from everything he was ever wrote it is this.

1. Just take massive action right now and don’t stop.

2. Learn, make as many mistakes as possible, but make the corrections and move fast. 

So far, I have found that people can view life in 6 main ways. Maybe there are more ways but for right now, I have found 6 types of perspectives people can take. Sure, people are not 1-dimensional so each individual person will have their own unique combination or permutation of the 6 life perspectives.

  • I. For some people, they choose to view life as an experience to have fun, to experience pleasure, so they chase pleasure. What drives them is the immediate gratification. They look at life as a process and try hard to live for the moment. They don’t sweat the small stuff, and when bad unexpected things happen in their life, they roll with it and just adapt and react to it but by being flexible, understandng, and tolerant.
  • II. For other people, they choose to view life as a set of responsibilitys and obligations. They are chasing the accolades, the degrees and promotions, They are calculated and think in terms of everything in terms of investment and trading.
  • III. For other people they view life as a battle, as a type of competition, Their perspective is Machivallean and think like Sun Tzu.
  • IV. For other people, they view it as a sprint, something they have to race through as fast as possible. They want to finish their schooling fast, get promoted quickly, and make their fortune as quickly as possible. They are the type to not stop and experience the things in life at a deeper level.
  • V. For other people, they view life as a process for growth. They are continuously searching to learn more, develop their personality, and understand the world more. They are the ones who goes to school ot study psychology and philosophy. They go to pilgrimages to India to find
  • VI. Finally, you have people who think in terms of contribution, in terms of service and giving. For me, that is my path. I know that I am going to die. I don’t want to die and leave this world without giving people at least something.

It took me a decade of living and 4 main critical points for me to finally decide to take real action to fulfill this strange desire to find  a way to make the world better.

I. I realized that I was going to die, and I saw a clearly defined time limit on when it would happen. In the grand scheme of things, 20,000 days really is not a lot. Eckhart Tolle in his worldwide best seller “The Power Of Now” talked about the need for us as people in this modern, fast pace world to finally reign in our minds to stand still and be in the moment. It took me years to finally calm my mind long enough to see who I really am. When I turned to myself and could see that this “Self” or “I” would one day cease to exist, I immediately felt myself become instinctually scared, at the most basic level. My primordial reptilian brain felt the fear of death, and it was trying to run away from it. This was the experience of fear.  This was the first insight. However, it was still not enough to make me decide finally to stop fucking around, talking bullshit to make myself feel better, and actually finally taking action.

II. I realized that the one person who I could have loved unconditionally and have given my life to, my lost son or daughter, would never be, would never even live for 1 second, to know and experience life. I never even got the chance. They were never even given the chance. This was the experience of regret. This was the second insight. The emotion of regret gets heavier and heavier as life continues. Life is not easy, and it will only get harder and harder as time goes on. Like from the movie Rocky Balboa…”Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place and I don’t care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life.” (source) . For me, this was STILL NOT enough to change my behavior and thinking. It really is that hard to change.

III. I had to experience the loss of love, of the rejection of my ability to completely care about someone and for them to not give a fuck about me. I had to experience so much pain, at such a deep, such a raw, and visceral level for me to fundamentally change my thinking process, my believe system, and my actions. This was the experience of sorrow. In the classic novel loosely based on the founder of the religion Buddhism, Shakyamuni Gautama, “Siddhartha” by Herman Hesse, the final lesson that the original Prince Siddhartha had to learn was the lesson on love. In the novel, we find that in terms of development, the main character had to go through many phases in life to finally reach the state which so many mysticists and seekers through the ages call “Enlightenment“. First he had to leave his life which was already set up for him. It was filled with comfort and luxury, which he had to first choose to deny. Then he would have to learn from teachers and reach the conclusion that ultimately, no teacher can directly show him what is enlightenment. He is the one who must find out himself. Blindly following another person, no matter how wise they are, will not allow the individual fully comprehend. Along the way, he must experience romantic love and the primal emotions of lust and sex, which is absolutely critical in a fully developed person’s experience. He will grow older, and finally realize what it is to love unconditionally. That son would eventually not understand his love and he finally has felt all of life’s most basic levels of pain and emotion

This was probably the real lesson that most people needed to learn in life. For most people this emotion is what causes what psychologists call an emotional breakthrough. While the emotions of fear and regret are emotions that are negative and feel like an attack which cause the person to resist and defend their “ego” the emotion of Sorrow is what lets a person to relax and stop resisting the world so much. Sorrow is when the person can open their heart and allow for themselves to finally feel the pain they are so afraid of. This was the last trigger I needed.

Anthony Robbins stated very wisely when he claims that at the most fundamental level “Humans relate most easily through pain”. We all know, understand, and can feel pain. We’ve all experienced such pain and will do anything to avoid feeling that type of pain. However, I realize now that this type of deep pain is an ABSOLUTE requirement for most people to really change their life and their behavior. Most people just don’t have the will power, the drive, and the motivation to turn their life into a masterpiece.

IV. I had to finally realize that what I wanted in my life, I had to do something and take real action to make it happen. I am taking full responsibility for my actions in my life and going to take real action to manifest what I will and desire from life. This was the realization and experience of will. From my will, I can use my determination and persistence to take action. Nietzsche wrote about the concept of “Will To Power” and is quoted for stating “”world is the will to power—and nothing besides!“” My own personal interpretation of his work is that even if the world is to beat down on the person, there is still at a core level the impulse which is probably reptilian to achieve, pursue, and strive for something. I was a huge reader of Nietzsche in high school and tried to reconcile the loss of morality due to my atheistic upbringing and the nihilistic extremism which is so easily reached if one pushes brute logic to explaining the world. When there is no system of rules, philosophy, or values to hold one’s identity in place, one realizes that one is really just standing above the abyss of nothingness and one has to find  a way inside to be okay with that. If not, one goes into madness like what eventually happened with Nietzsche. You are not standing on something real so it is your responsibility and right as a free being to choose what is your purpose and actions in life. All the things other people try to do in the world around you is just to try to win your heart and mind. However if you want to be free and be your own person, you have to stop the external thoughts trying to reach you and reach a life conclusion from the inside and manifest whatever you want to the outside world. This was the last insight.


Increased Height Correlates To Increased Risk Of Lower Back Pain Surgery

Me: What we are seeing from this study is a correlation with the old wive’s tale that the taller you are, the more likely you are to get back pain, especially the lower type. Sure, common sense dictates that if you have more mass on the torso for the interverterbal disks and back muscles to hold up, they are more likely to fracture and be crushed, causing cerebro-spinal fluid leakage on the nerves on the vertebrate. Of course, I am just describing a common pathology known as “bulging disks” or “herniated disks”. If you are above a certain percentile in the height distribution, your risks and chances for getting lower back pain surgery goes up dramatically. This sort of means that being short has a few good qualities to it. The most obvious being that we see the direct correlation that shorter people have less chance for developing cancer.

From PubMed study link HERE

Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2010 Jan 15;62(1):125-7.

Are tall people at higher risk of low back pain surgery? A discussion on the results of a multipurpose cohort.

Coeuret-Pellicer M, Descatha A, Leclerc A, Zins M.


INSERM, U687, Villejuif, France.



To investigate whether height is associated with low back pain (LBP) and surgery, taking into account personal and socioeconomic risk factors in a general population.


In 2001, 13,680 participants of the Gazel cohort completed a self-reported questionnaire on LBP and surgery interventions. Three groups were compared according to their body height: no LBP (reference group, participants who declared they never had LBP), LBP without surgery (participants who ever had LBP but without surgery), and back surgery (participants who ever had surgery for LBP). Adjusted variables were sex, age, educational level, marital status, height, and body mass index.


Mean height was significantly higher in men in the back surgery group than in the reference group and the LBP group. The proportion of surgically-treated LBP was higher for people whose height was > or =4th quartile (P < 0.0001). Being in the highest quartile for height was a stronger risk factor for surgery (adjusted odds ratio [OR(adj)] = 2.01, 95% confidence interval [95% CI] 1.61-2.51) than for LBP without surgery (OR(adj) = 1.29, 95% CI 1.18-1.40).


The results suggest that being tall is a predictor for back surgery.

PMID:  20191500     [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] 
PMCID:    PMC3061965

Increase Height And Grow Taller From Visiting A Chiropractor

One rather simple and obvious idea for anyone interested in achieving height increase is to visit a chiropractor. From my personal experience it seems that chiropractors are not actually licensed medical physicians but are licensed in an area of study which is based on non-scientific principles (ie. alternative medicine). However, the study of human anatomy and the knowledge of musculoskeletal pathology does seem to allow a chiropractor to be able to help people with their body pains. I guess the major difference between chiropractors, and say licensed physical therapists or massage therapists is that the original theory is based on different ideas, although the result from all three practices are for the same thing, which is relief from pain, increased mobility and flexibility, and proper movement.

Going to the chiropractor seems to be very similar to rolfing and that means there is some spinal and vertebrate manipulation and “realignement”. From source, a questioner who was 14 asked a practicing chiropractor whether they can help him achieve some height. The answer eventually reached the idea that by correcting for what chiropractors terms “vertebral subluxation” they can help the patient achieve optimum living. The point being made from the response is that maybe chiropractor will help the person asking the question in getting them to reach an optimum level of living, but they don’t promise to help them achieve height at any point.

I think the overall conclusion is that for most people who don’t have very good posture and have some curvature in their back, going to a chiropractor may indeed lead to some height increase but that is through them aligning the spine straight. The spine can only be staighten so much and.

I looked around and found that HeightQuest already looked into the possibility of using Chiropractor and Massage to increase height and grow taller HERE. As quoted…

“…Chiropractic adjustments also help adjust the discs back into alignment preventing disc degeneration.  It’s much easier to prevent disc degeneration than to try to find methods to encourage disc regeneration.  So as a means to help increase height chiropractic care is more of a means to maintain height or not to cancel out any height gains you get from intervertebral disc growth…”

Me: I guess the conclusion from his post is that the practice of Chiropractry like Rolfing, and Accupressure, all have some benefits for height gain, whether it is from preventing height loss from disk degeneration but also to a lesser extend regain height through disk regeneration, which I don’t believe is even possible using only chiropractor techniques.

From a discussion HERE

It seems the answer given by a real M.D. is that using chiropractry will not lead to permanent height increase which I agree with. The height will increase from spinal decompression after the downward force of gravity is removed through, say sleeping or inversion tables, but after one has to go right side up again, there is no hard support to hold the height increase up so it will just collapse back down on itself.

From google, there are a few other articles like HERE which apparently was written by a Chiropractor practicing in Singapore which says the same thing – As quoted from the article…

“…From a bio-mechanical standpoint, a spine that is aligned would be longer, giving a taller appearance. So it might be a misnomer when patients say that they have grown taller, when in actual fact, they are the same height; it is just that they have straightened up!”

I found more sites like How To Grow Taller At 40 from which gives a nice step by step guide on what to do. Another place was Zimbio.Com. This might be one of the only ways to increase one’s height once one reaches past a certain age, at least to recover lost height and prevent height loss. The steps are copied and pasted below.

How to Grow Taller at 40

By Will Guzzardi, eHow Contributor

There’s a reason that virtually all growth happens before the end of adolescence. At either end of your long bones are areas of tissue known as epiphyseal plates, or “growth plates.” These plates are soft and flexible during childhood and adolescence, allowing the surrounding bones to grow. At some point during adolescence, though, the growth plates harden, and growth is essentially finished.

However, adults lose on average between one and two inches of height due to hunching, poor posture, and inelastic disks in the spine. While no more new growth will occur at age 40, you can recover this lost height.


1. Stretch every day for 5 minutes. Loosening up your back muscles will improve your posture, which will add slightly to your height and also make you appear taller. Lying on your back on the floor, pull one knee at a time slowly to your chest and hold it there for 10 seconds. Then, keeping your feet flat on the floor with your knees bent, lean your knees as far as you can to one side and then the other. These and other stretches can help keep you loose.2. Try yoga or pilates. There is a good deal of anecdotal evidence that these exercises can improve your spinal health and, by straightening out your spinal column, increase your height. A studio in your area may offer yoga or pilates classes, or you may prefer a video or on-line program to guide you in a home exercise program.3. Consult a chiropractor, who may measure your posture through simple observation or with more complicated tests such as inclinometry and posture guides, and may administer muscle and joint flexibility tests to determine how loose your joints are. The chiropractor may then perform a spinal alignment on you, or may simply use heat, massage, stretching and exercises to try to correct any posture problems. The improved posture that may result from a visit to the chiropractor can give you an inch or two of regained height.4. Maintain overall bone health to keep your spinal column from deteriorating. At age 40, you should consume at least 1000 milligrams of calcium a day, and engage in weight-bearing physical activity like jogging, tennis, stair climbing or weight lifting at least two or three times a week. This will help prevent future height loss from hunching and osteoporosis.

The Effect Of Using Low Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound LIPUS On Bone And Limb Lengthening Compared To ESWT (Important!)

Me: As a continuation of the study where we looked at the effects of using ESWT on distraction osteogenesis, I found a related article looking at the same process using the LIPUS technology.

Analysis: Remember, the LIPUS technology is very similar to the ESWT technology. They both use soundwaves, but one just has lower intensity and the other has higher intensity waves. What we seem to see is that just like the ESW, but an even lesser effect, the LIPUS technology does nothing to help decrease the healing time when a distraction is done. The researchers wanted to see what would be the effect on regenerated bone formation.

The results showed NO change in callus size, callus mineralization, strucutral stiffness, or material strength. I personally think the biggest take-away from this study is the last sentence in the abstract…”Our data do not support the application of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound to regenerated bone during distraction osteogenesis.

Implications: This makes me question and argue against the application of using the LIPUS technology for possible height increase application. When the last two posts and PubMed studies are compared, we see that the ESWT technology compared to the LIPUS technology had at least a slightly bigger effect in callus mineralization and bone mineral density.

From PubMed study link HERE

Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2007 Jun;459:237-45.

Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound does not enhance distraction callus in a rabbit model.

Taylor KF, Rafiee B, Tis JE, Inoue N.


Department of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation, Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, DC 20307, USA.


Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound has been reported to have a positive effect when applied during the consolidation phase of distraction osteogenesis and bone transportation, but the optimal application time has not been determined. We used a rabbit model to determine whether low-intensity pulsed ultrasound applied during the distraction and early consolidation phases of tibial lengthening would have a positive effect on regenerated bone formation. Radiographic analysis showed no differences in regenerated callus area or in percent of callus mineralization between treated and control tibias immediately after distraction or at 1, 2, or 3 weeks after distraction. Similarly, we observed no differences in structural stiffness or maximal torque to failure at 1.5 or 3 weeks after distraction. We detected no differences in bone mineral appositional rates or percent tissue composition measured histologically between groups. Our data do not support the application of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound to regenerated bone during distraction osteogenesis.

PMID: 17545764     [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

The Effect Of Using Extracorporeal Shock Waves In Bone And Limb Lengthening Using The OrthoFix Fixator

Me: This study I found showed what would happen if we tried to use the extracorporeal shockwave therapy when we are doing the regular type of bone lengthening through distraction osteogenesis. Of course this is not for height increase application but to see what would be the effect on callus formation. Remember that distraction osteogenesis works on the principle of callus stretching.

Analysis: What we see is a testing on 25 rabbits on the effect of the shockwaves on bone stretching. the Orthofix bone fixator is used, which is a device I have looked at before. The shockwaves wre done 3 weeks after the limb lengthening surgery. The dosage was 0.42 mJ/mm^2 intensity at a pulse frequency of 2 Hz (2 times a second). 3000 pulses were done.

Bad News: “Radiographs and histological observations revealed no apparent fractures in nonlengthening tibias at the shock wave energy densities used.” this seems to suggest that if we are trying to just use the ESWT technology to apply it on non distracted long bones, it can’t work to lengthen it since it can’t even make a few fractures.

Other News: X-Rays showed no difference between the ESW applied group and the control group. However the bone mineral density from dual energy absorptiometry analysis showed that it was significantly increased in the ESW applied group. About 6 months in, both groups saw the bone mineral density decrease. It seems that the ESW might have had an inhibitory affect on the development of the cortex but have a stimulating effect on the inner cancellous or trabecular bone material.

Conclusion: This study seems to suggest that when you use the ESW technology with limb lenghtening surgery, it doesn’t seem to help the distraction healing and closure process increase. There was little effect seen.

From PubMed study link HERE

J Orthop Sci. 2003;8(4):474-81.

Effect of extracorporeal shock waves on callus formation during bone lengthening.

Narasaki K, Shimizu H, Beppu M, Aoki H, Takagi M, Takashi M.


Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, St. Marianna University School of Medicine, 2-16-1 Sugao, Miyamae-ku, Kawasaki 216-0015, Japan.


The effects of extracorporeal shock waves (ESWs) on callus formation during bone lengthening were studied in 25 female Japanese white rabbits. Bone lengthening of 9.8 mm was obtained over 2 weeks using the Orthofix M-100 bone fixator. ESWs were applied 3 weeks after surgery. Pins were removed 7 weeks after surgery, and specimens were prepared after the animals were killed at 9 and 24 weeks. The shock wave setting used was 0.42 mJ/mm(2) with a pulse interval of 2 Hz; 3000 shots each were applied to the central and peripheral areas. The specimens were evaluated using radiography, bone mineral density (BMD) measured by dual energy absorptiometry (DXA), and a three-point bending test to evaluate mechanical strength. Histological examination was performed on the lengthened portion. Radiographs and histological observations revealed no apparent fractures in nonlengthening tibias at the shock wave energy densities used. Radiographic observations revealed no apparent differences between the control group and the ESW group. BMD measurements by DXA revealed significantly increased bone mass in the ESW group 9 weeks after surgery. At 24 weeks after surgery the mean BMD had decreased to 25% and 15% of the values at 9 weeks in the control and ESW groups, respectively. The three-point bending test revealed no significant differences between the groups. Histological observations revealed significant capillary formation and osteoblasts and chondrocytes in the bone marrow as well as bridging of newly formed trabeculae 2 weeks after the bone was lengthened. At 4 weeks after treatment, observations included parts of the lengthened portion with no cortex or immature bone. At 9 weeks after surgery, cortex formation and a normal medullary cavity were clearly observed in the control group, whereas observations in the treated group included areas of the lengthened portion with no cortex and formation of immature trabecular structures and increased cancellous bone in the center of the lengthened portion. At 24 weeks after surgery, more prominent cortex formation and fatty marrow were observed in the ESW group than in the control group.

PMID: 12898297    [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

Even Internet Marketers Who Use Black Hat SEO Will Not Sell Or Promote A Height Increase And Grow Taller E-Product

Me: As a continuation of the post I wrote before which showed how much an Internet Marketer makes selling E-Productes which promise height increase and to grow taller, I wanted to end the talk to show that even in internet boards and forums which use Black Hat SEO tricks and methods would not be willing to touch the height increase niche. This small niche that Tyler and me are in is one that is filled with scams, sales pages, and a web of backlinks and SEO to make people sign up for mailing lists, and buy 20 page E-Products.

This was a post I found from BlackHatWorld.Com, which is a board where Internet Marketers which purposely choose to use Black Hat SEO to increase in the google rankings. As you see not even these guys who intentionally are using dishonesty are not going to touch the height increase niche. Only two people replied back and they didn’t like what the guy was doing because they realized this product he was selling would have a high refund rate. The product is from this website GrowTallerFormula.Com which I don’t remember whether I ever reviewed or put on the scam section.


On a related note, there was another post I found from the google rankings which showed that on the WarriorForums.Com somebody wanted to sell the E-Book “Grow Taller 4 Idiots” because on the Clickbank Database this product has a VERY high “Gravity” number. The term gravity is used in the ClickBankf community to show how  “hot” is a product and how well it is sold. The higher the gravity value, the more likely people would want to be afiliate marketers and create new sales webpages to link to the product and sell it. I put a pick of a clipping of the screen which shows the gravity value of this product. The response from most of the repliers is that the product is a scam product which they didn’t want to promote since it only causes the IM community look bad. One man even got extremely angry against a poster who used to sell the product and sort of cussed him out for being so sleazy in his Internet Marketing practices.

The poster goes by MovingAround. This is his message (link source HERE)

People like you truly disgust me.

You take advantage of people who have low-self esteem and rip them off their money. You see, there’s a lot of money to be made out of people’s low self-esteem, even if the product you are promoting is complete rubbish.

The epiphyseal plates fully fuse by about age 18-21 and the last bone to grow is the collarbone which ends its growth at age 25. No amount of snake oil will make you grow taller, unless in that book you have found the miracle to making your DNA revert the fusing process and start adding osseous tissue again to the ends of the vertical bones. Not even injecting growth hormone after the epiphyseal plates fuse will lead to an increase in stature (it will, instead, thicken the bones and increase their density). Human growth hormone is the only proven method to increase stature in adolescents (even in those who are not deficient in this hormone) and works best with the use of an anabolic steroid. This therapy can only be monitored under strict supervision of a specialist in the medical field as it can have side effects (increased risk of cancer and development of Type II diabetes). 

This product you have promoted is utter bullshit. I dare you or whoever came up with that product to show me one reputable doctor (preferably an endocrinologist who graduated from a top medical school, thank you) who says that you can still grow after your epiphyseal plates are fused. Come on, show me one.

This product is what’s wrong with the IM niche. Utter fraudulent products making it through because there is no regulation. Of course, the product itself will play with words to make it sound like the initial claims stand up but that’s how these sort of products make money. It will also talk about hanging oneself from space boots and the likes which leads to temporary increases in stature as the vertebrae are decompressed (you can also do this by sleeping 8 hours!!).

I was casually browsing the forum and not even planning to log in but the epic fraud of this product made me want to post this. It actually pains me to see how people who are short in stature waste away their money because when you target people’s self-esteem, anything goes. You, as an IMer, have a responsibility to also check your product and see that you are not frauding, but hey, all hail the quick buck.


Me: From link, the post is below…

02-01-2012, 02:06 PM#1
infogeek  infogeek is offlineRegistered Member
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Default New product in grow taller niche – Grow Taller Formula is Live!

Hey Blackhatters,

Announcing my latest product “Grow Taller Formula™”!

What Is Grow Taller Formula™?

Grow Taller Formula™ is a digital program that shows you how to grow a few inches taller in just a few weeks.

The digital book consist of high quality content and illustrations written by professional writers in collaboration with experienced medical professionals that specialize in height increase products.

Grow Taller Formula™ is the complete solution that you can provide to the increasing number of people that are searching for ways to increase their current height.

You will earn a whopping commission of 75% per sale by just referring this book to those people that want to grow taller, while at the same time they will thank you for helping them to achieve their goal.

Why Does It Sell?

The demand for height growth products is currently at an all time high. There are numerous online retailers who sell height growth supplements, as well as programs at an alarming rate. However, the number of successful CB products in this niche are limited.

The sales copy has also been written by professionals and has been split tested / optimized for the highest conversions. (I’ll be posting conversion screenshot data shortly.)

How Much Can I Make?

Grow Taller Formula™ Sells For $67

You get 75% of every sale!

There is also a one click upsell in place that you will get 75% of as well and that means that you will be making over $40 from just one sale…
Lot’s more updates coming and products on the back-end that you will get commission for as well…

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If you are looking for a MEGA niche to make some real money off promote Grow Taller Formula™ and I will help you make $$$’s!

Give this one a test campaign and see for yourself!

Feel free to hit me up via PM or email at if you need anything at all!

Last edited by infogeek; 02-01-2012 at 02:09 PM.