Want To Grow Taller? Let’s Get Started…


My name is Michael. If you found this website you are probably interested at learning how to increase your height. I was once obsessed with this one goal and it consumed my thoughts for a good portion of my years and I have decided to create this website/blog in documenting my research in finding some type of solution or breakthrough in figuring out how to possibly increase human height both…

  1. After the natural growth process ends when the epiphyseal plates close, and…
  2. Before the natural growth process ends, when a person is still growing in height.

So this is a guide on what to do if you are a first time visitor and reader of this website/blog. Just follow the directions and you will be on your way in being able to be an active member of this website and in a very short amount of time be able to contribute in a large way in helping us find a solution to this endeavor.

To Get Started, do this one thing first…

    • Enter your name and email information to the sign up form right below HERE. This will help keep me in touch with you as the reader for later when big breakthroughs are found.

If you want to know what you can do Right Now to possibly increase your height…

  • Visit the “Supplements Guide” section and the “Exercise Program Guide” section first to get a very thorough and realistic idea on what to do to gain between a possible 1-4 cm of increased height.
If you reached this website looking to see what supplements, vitamins, and pills you can take to potentially increase your height, go to the “Supplements Guide section.
  • In addition, a complete list of the supplements is also available to the right of this home page. I have done as much research as I can to state with some confidence (but NOT completely confidence) that there is a chance that they will assist the body’s natural growing processes in either increasing the rate of growth or increase the ultimate height of an individual.
If instead you are looking to see what exercises, routines, or programs you can do to increase your height, go to the “Exercise Program Guide” section.
  • Many of the sections of this website has only been partially edited and finished with work being done on them continuously and the Exercise Program Guide has been one of them.

If you want to get some free E-Products on growing taller…

  • You can see what are the types of PDFs, MP3s, Audio, Videos, etc I have managed to find from across the entire internet space which can possibly help you in the “- Free Stuff –” section. All of it is free and easy to download with a click of the button. Some of them I have paid for and others people have found for me.

Is there a question you wanted to ask?

  • If you have any common questions, concerns, or issues, please go to the “Frequently Asked Questions” section and most of the most commonly raised questions and issues have already been answered to some degree. We are trying to consider all questions posed and have probably written up many answers to possible questions already in some way in the “Frequently Asked Question” section of the website.
  • Please refer to there first before emailing us a message. We are trying to streamline the operations of the website so we can me more productive and effective in our output and work. If however you feel that you have a very pressing question or issue you need to get answered or resolved, you can email me using the email address at the top right side of the page.

If you are interested in more of my philosophy on the deeper meaning and implications of what it means to achieve this personal dream of height increase then…

  • You can check out the “Thoughts” post listings in the “Special Posts” but that is not necessary. Everyone has their own opinions, beliefs, and viewpoints and mine are just mine.
What else have we been researching and working on…
  • There are two sections below the main section entitled “Mind Hacks” and “Body Hacks” both of which is now integrated into the “Special Posts” section. These were posts I wanted to write up which I thought were really good tips and techniques to help the person improve themselves more than just their height. They are the most useful and unique ideas and methods I have ever read or heard about.
So what have types of research have we already looked into?
  • In the section “Techniques” you can see just what are the range of ideas that people have thought up over the years and tried to increase their height. The list of ideas and technique is long and you might be quite surprised at how many possible ways there are. Most of them are not very developed. The failure rate is very high and the feasibility of the ideas are very low. You can spend some time looking at what some of the ideas are but you don’t have to spent that much time since I can tell you guys right now that “there is no completely effective technique or methods found yet which can increase height in physically mature humans without invasive, expensive, and painful surgery which is also scientifically valid in theory and experiment.
  • Check out the “All Posts” tab and scroll through the list of posts and articles I have wrote. Many of them are low in depth but only skim the surface of the subject. The posts I wrote from earlier on I would say is low on quality of scientific rigor but they get more and more advanced as the site progressed. If one of the articles catches your eye, take a look.
If you want to better understand the technical details on the research my team and I are looking into…
  • The fastest way to catch up really quickly on the subject is to go to “The Library” section and just skim through the hundreds of articles, patents, books, and scientific journals we have been collecting for the last few months
  • You will need to learn the fundamentals of at least 6 main areas of study to get a grasp on what areas of the body control the growing process. We want to move from the macro level down to the micro level. There is in order from top to bottom…
[Note: This section of 6 main technical subjects are still in development and A LOT of editing, adding of content, and changes will be done over time to improve the website.]

To find out what resources are available right now to reference and utilize …

  • It might be good to familiarize oneself with what tools, resources, and people one can get in touch with and use in this search. In the “Resources” section, there is a section which shows you a list of all of the posts that has ever been written on the website. In the list, you will find cool mind and body hacks which you can use and apply in your own life in case you would like to improve in other areas of life besides just height.
Listen to me and other guests talk about our latest research…
  • In the “Podcast” section I plan to do a weekly or biweekly podcast where I talk about any topics which might be related to the endeavor of height increase, the science of auxology, medical pathologies, and other related subjects. I will try to find medical specialists and height increase experts but I would think it might be a very hard task to get them to be willing to go on the air and share their voice and opinions.
  • Note: There is a “Forum” section to the website but that webpage is not activated at this time due to a personal judgement call made after discussing over the issue with other members of the community. Further considerations will be made in the future.
Be Informed of all the scams and frauds out there…
  • In the “Scams List” section is a large collection of the names and products of products which are found on the internet which sell fake products or services which don’t work. Maybe there is a chance they might be effective for young children who are still growing but for the majority of the adults who are looking for a solution, they are just useless. Take a look at the lists and be informed on what is out there waiting to take your money.

I wish you all success in your height increase endeavors.




I have been getting a few emails recently which expressed their frustration and confusion over the fact that they can’t seem to be able to figure out what to do. They come to this website wanting to learn more about how to possibility increase in height and grow taller but the general problem is that this website is either too large, too complex, or too advanced in the science for them to understand what the going on.

I think I am finally realizing that I can’t do this entire project by myself. I thought that I could but it is far larger of a problem than expected. I need some help from collaborators, people who can step up and take action to push this thing further then just what I or the few others have done so far.

There is no way I can dedicate so much time to this project, as well as run my primary business company, as well as attend school, and still be able to accomplish other responsibilities. I also realized that if something happened to me (god forbid), there is no way another person can take up the task and continue on exactly where I left off. They would have to go back and redo all the research.

This is my way (and strategy) of distributing the work load out by making it easier for anyone who is really passionate and dedicated to the idea of height increase and want to quickly catch up on the necessary information and research so that they can make a contribution in research and possible make breakthroughs and innovation.

One of my biggest frustrations was trying to go back to find what my predecessors have already done, tried out, and proven ineffective so that I can know what to not put my energy towards and save some time in searching. Some of them kept good records but most ideas and techniques are randomly scattered across the internet space. I am going to try to make this easier for the people who come after me.


This page will be for the posting of the podcasts that will be done. That’s right, I’m starting a podcast. The episodes will be uploaded to the iTunes library and you can search for it. You will be able to download it to your apple products and play them when you are going about your day.

In the podcast, I will be focusing on the science of auxology, the different proposed techniques and methods of height increase, and relaying any recent news or scientific studies or article which might be relevant for the reader. I will of course be bringing in special guest which will probably include actual doctors, specialists, height increase researchers and enthusiasts, geneticists, and the average teenager or adult who wishes to grow taller and want to tell there story. Pretty much every related subject will be discussed.

I was recently informed of this idea to reach a larger audience through using the Podcast + Youtube method from listening to a Smart Passive Income Podcast by Pat Flynn and it got me inspired to take more action and get the message out to more people.

The process for me to apply and get accepted into iTunes as a real legitimate podcast may take me a few weeks so be patient about this endeavor. I don’t know how my voice sounds and I don’t listen to my voice a lot but no one I’ve ever met have said that I have a horrible voice yet so that is kind of encouraging.

Hope you are around for the first few episodes.

Click Here to Subscribe via iTunes and/or leave a review for the podcast!

Episode #1: For the first one, it is where I introduce myself and explain my story, where I come from, why I am doing this project. I then explain the few areas of research which seems the most promising. Length of time: 16 mins – Link Here

Episode #2: Tyler from HeightQuest.com will be here to share their story, the type of research they have done, and what they think this field of research will be going towards in the coming yearss. Length of time: 31 mins – Link Here

Episode #3: I take care of some website operation issues and then lead the conversation into a relatively short look and opinion of four topics which I have repeated talked about on the website. Length of time: 15 minsLink Here

Episode #4: This is part marketing and part manifesto to explain the reason why the venture of height increase is a high value and is a worthy cause to do research in. Most of it is my own perspective on the project. Length of time: 19 minsLink Here

Episode #5: Guest Hakker from GrowTallForum.com give his story, the research he originally was doing, and where he is at now. Along the way he gives his opinions on using growth plate transplants, the effectiveness of LSJL, Alkoclar, and more. Length of time: 36 minutes – Link Here

  • [Update 12/30/2012 for Episode #5: Due to the interviewee’s request, this episode was taken down. The link no longer works. ]

Episode #6: For this episode I will be talking alone about details on the updates which are going on with the website, personal changes and how they will affect the evolution of the website, and projects and ideas which I want to combine with the website. Length of time: 16 minutes – Link Here

Episode #7: Guest Tyler comes back to discuss more about LSJL, Gene Expression, Periosteum Manipulation, and we take a look at the best and most interesting articles and studies we’ve found in recent months and share our opinions and analysis on them. Length of time: 50 minutes – Link Here

Episode #8: Guest Joel come on to discuss his lifelong desire to become taller and the psychology on why this desired has stayed with him over the years. We look at how this desire got started and stayed with him throughout the years. Length of time: 47 minutes – Link Here

Episode #9: Guest Thomas Samaras From Reventropy Associates And HumanBodySize.com Discusses His Research On Human Stature. We go into the subjects of what his decades of research has shown about how human size and height is correlated with our longevity. Length of time: 50 minutes – Link Here

Episode #10: I Talk About The Research And Science Behind Adult Height Increase Blog. I go into the subject of the old Monster BS Formula and the new PTH Formula used to deossify bones and increase stem cell proliferation. Also mention the fact that growth plates have been grown. Length of time: 30 minutes Link Here

Episode # 11: I Review And Outline All The Research And Studies Matheus Has Shown To Me. Some of the stuff he has found has definitely helped in clearing up a few blind spots me and Tyler have had in our own research. Length of time: 26 minutes Link Here

Episode #12: Our Guest Andrew comes on to talk about his experiences in getting limb lengthening surgery. He went to Dr. Betz and had his femurs extended using the internal method by almost 4 inches increasing his height. Length of time: 41 minutes Link Here

Tools Used

Music Used: One amazing tips that Pat Flynn gave me from watching his Podcast Series (Video #2) on Youtube HERE is that when I start out the podcast, I should use what are known as “Royalty Free Music” because that is the type of music that I can use without getting into trouble with copyright laws and legal problems. The music I have chosen to begin and end all of my podcast episodes is by Johann Sebastian Bach Suite No. 6 & Mozart – Sonate No. 12, 13. I don’t think two guys who have been dead for over 200 years can sue me. You can find the original link to the entire song from MusOpen.Org. I like it.

Due to the low volume of the music from the last two episodes, I have decided to switch the intro and ending music up for something that is slightly louder. The music that I decided to use for this episode (#3), and probably subsequent episodes to come, is entitled” Air on the G String” performed by the US Air Force Band using the String Orchestra instruments and Symphonic Pieces form. The original composer is Johann Sebastian Bach from the Baroque period You can get the music Mp3 track at MuseOpen.Org which provides a source where you can download non-licensed, non copyrighted music which you can use for one’s purpose. The specific link is HERE.

Software & Media Host Used: From listening to other podcasters, I chose to use the service of Libsyn.com. I decided to go for the package where I pay $15/mth for the ability to upload up to 250 MB of media file size every month.

Recording Software & Hardware Used: Since I own a 20112 13″ Macbook Air I just use the available application GarageBand already installed on my laptop to record and upload all of my mp3 files to the itunes directory. You can find my podcast by typing in “Natural Height Growth” into the itunes directory, library, or store (not sure which one yet). As for a microphone voice recorder, I am using either an iphone recorder (the small thin white ones) or using the “Voice Recorder” app from the Apple “App Store”. I think it is free. From listening to Cliff Ravenscraft’s Podcast Tutorial Series HERE (Part 3 of 8), I know that my voice quality is not that good right now, but if my podcast has a good number of listeners, I’ll switch the voice recording hardware equipment for something better.

To record the podcast episodes where a guest come along, I used Skype to take the actual voice calls but use a software to record Skype calls called “Call Recorder, For Skype” from Ecamm.com. This cost $20 to get.

Music Player & WordPress Plugin Used: To put the podcast easy to reach and use, we chose to use a WordPress plugin called Blubrry PowerPress. This plugin ia also great to be used as a feed

My Focus On The Main Business And Company

A small note to the people who come here regularly.

I’ve been putting a lot of time and energy into the this project for the last 4 months which has been a wonderful time which allowed me to fulfill a passion of mine. I now have to shift my focus on the other projects and responsibilities in my life. Currently there are things I have to do for my company which is my main business, my other online business, my school obligations, and my obligations for the people around me. I plan to put maybe another 2-4 full months of intense work and research on this website and then lessen the rate of research.

I was hoping from the beginning that I could find and assimilate all of the possible information from the internet on height increase to this website and I think that the task is mostly achieved. Any further research would probably be where I try to assimilate all the facts and research together to come up with new ideas and breakthroughs.

Buying GH From Sino Human Growth Hormone Pharmaceutical

[Warning: Don’t start buying and using Growth Hormones hoping to increase your height unless you are absolutely certain that it is safe (or maybe just don’t care). GH is not recommended or even allowed legally into certain countries for people who are still growing and GH will not work for people who can take them legally which is after growing stops. It is sort of like a catch-22 people get stuck in. The only way legally to get around the loophole is if a person can get a specialist endocrinologies tho administer it to them clinically.]

I have recently become aware that there seems to be quite a few suppliers around the world which can get you synthetic Growth Hormones. Obviously the problem is that sometimes these suppliers don’t get you real GH but fake stuff.

There is a company from South China Sino Human Growth Hormone Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd which seems to sell almost everything. It is really hard for me to tell whether they sell the real GH stuff or the fake stuff. There are a few places where buyers and users review them but they are rather mixed.

From the website Eroids.com, most people who comment say that the company has “legit stuff” and has “good quality”. There seems to be even a linkedin account for Sino HGH and and the managers there and more. from the linked in account…

“Sino Co., Ltd is a company which specialize in human grow hormone,anabolic steroids,and peptides. We have own lab to produce finished prdocuts. 
Sino Human Growth Hormone Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
We aim to be the best and the largest HGH, Injectable Steroids, oral steroids, anabolic steroids powder and Peptides supplier in China. Our company is located in Shenzhen since 2003, we gained a great reputation among our customers because of our professionalism in United States, United Kingdom, Europe,South Africa,South Asia,Latin America,etc. 
Best quality, fastest delivery,safest packing,most timely
aftersales service are the keys that we got credit from our clients all over the world. It is our ultimate goal to extend market presence to every part of the world. We warmly welcome sincere cooperation with customers from at home and abroad to explore a bright future together.”

This is the price listing they have…

Price list of all products from Sino HGH Pharm Co.Ltd

Human Growth Hormone Series:
Generic HGH——– $115/kit
Blue Top 4IU ——– $75/kit
Kigtropin ——– $120/kit
Jintropin ——– $180/kit
Hygetropin ——– $420/kit
Ansomone ——– $200/kit
Taitropin ——– $120/kit
Igtropin ——– $70/kit
IGF1 LR3 1mg ——– $70/kit
IGF1 LR3 10mg ——– $320/kit

Injectable anabolic steroids Series:
Testosterone Propionate ——- $40/kit
Testosterone Enanthate ——– $45/kit
Testosterone Cypionate ——– $45/kit
Sustanon 250 ——– $60/kit
Nandrolone Decanoate ——– $65/kit
Boldenone Acetate ——– $65/kit
Boldenone Udecylenate ——– $65/kit
Winstrol/Stanozolol ——– $45/kit
Trenbolone Acetate 75 ——– $70/kit
Trenbolone Enanthate 100 ——– $75/kit
Primobolan ——– $78/kit
Masteron ——– $68/kit
Testosterone Undecanoate ——– $33/kit
Erythropoietin (EPO) ——– $60/kit
Menotrophinfor Injection (HMG) ——– $60/kit
H C G ——– $65/kit


Sino peptides series:

PT-141 ——– 110$/kit
MT-2 ——- 110$/kit
GHRP-2 ——– 80$/kit
GHRP-6 ——- 80$/kit
CJC-1295 ——- 105$/kit
Sermorelin ——– 110$/kit
Ipamorelin ——– 110$/kit
Hexarelin ——– 110$/kit
MGF ——– 90$/kit
Peg-MGF ——– 250$/kit

One thing I am not sure is whether it is possible that good steroids and peptides can go bad if the inventory is shelved for too long like food stuff. If that is case maybe the stuff the Chinese company was originally selling was good but went bad.

The price range for the steroids and peptides, which include many types of steroids which I have researched for possible height increase possibilities are quite reasonable.

The cost of shipping is from $45-$100 assuming the stuff is being bought by people in the US and UK. The amount of time you have to wait is usually 7-10 business days. They only accept Western Union, money grams, and bank transfers, but no Paypal or other escrow methods. (taken from FAQ section) The success in the delivery is not very high for certain countries.

Of course you always have the contact information below for any types of inquiry or concerns.

Contact Us
Name: Miss Wendy Tang
Skype: sinohgh
MSN: sino-hgh-01@live.com
E-mail: sino-hgh-01@live.com
Contact Information
   Company Name: Sino Human Growth Hormone Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd
   Contact Person: Jack Liu  
(Your message will be sent to the supplier directly)
   Address: #735-740,Yingfeng Valley,Chuangchun Road, nanjing, Jiangsu, China
   Telephone: 86-135-1072-1924
   Fax: 86-135-1072-7895

While I don’t plan to be taking the GH injections anytime soon since it won’t really help increase height, it might be a good place for us to buy GH in case we are interested in doing a few studies and experiments. If a young person is crazy and desperate enough, I probably would point to this company to use so that they at least don’t get the fake stuff which can hurt them.

The Hueter Volkmann Law Explained

From this perspective article entitled “Mechanical Effects on Skeletal Growth” we learn about a very important law that is extremely applicable to our endeavor since it sort of validate old wives tales and common sense. If you exercise or push too much axial load on your bones when you are still young and can grow, you can possibly stunt your growth and decrease what would be your final height. The Hueter-Volkmann ‘Law’ implies a continuous monotonic relationship between loading and growth modulation. From the article…

“The ‘Hueter-Volkmann Law’ proposes that growth is retarded by increased mechanical compression, and accelerated by reduced loading in comparison with normal values”


“The gross effect of growth modulation has been demonstrated qualitatively and semi-quantitatively. Sustained compression of physiological magnitude inhibits growth by 40% or more.”

To validate this law…

The mechanical modulation of epiphyseal growth is often referred to as the ‘Hueter-Volkmann Law’. Mechanical modulation of longitudinal growth by compressive forces is the most widely recognized, but tension, torsion and bending are also reported as having an influence on the longitudinal, rotational and angular development. While growth responds to sustained load, bone remodeling responds primarily to transient loading 5 . Intuitively it would appear that if bone growth responded to transient forces, then active children would achieve different stature than their less active peers. However, recent data suggest that intermittent large compressive stresses do reduce endochondral growth in the rat forelimb.

There has been clinical studies where it was observed that the spinal longitudinal growth was more because the vertebrate was not loaded as much.

A similar concept has been proposed in the mechanism of scoliosis progression during growth. In the spine, Gooding and Neuhauser reported “tall vertebrae” in patients with paralysis and also in younger patients who had been treated surgically with posterior fusion of the spine. They argued that the relative unloading of the spine produced increased longitudinal growth, although this was contested by Taylor. McCall et al. similarly reported on 3 patients who had increased height of the vertebrae (and thinner discs) secondary to long-term immobilization in plaster for treatment of idiopathic scoliosis.

How To Buy Your Own Bone Morphogenetic Proteins From Invitrogen And Life Technologies

Me: It seems that I am finding many websites and company these days which supply the actual components and raw material needed to perform actual experiments to test animals or our bodies to see if they can work for height increase. I have found a company which can supply the chondrocyte needed to perform experiments dealing with growth plate regeneration, the BMPs and growth factors needed to inject into the chondrocyte mediums, and the Growth Hormones and peptides used in Gh therapy. This post is to show the reader where to actually buy the specific types of BMPs I have been talking about for so long. If we can get the right raw materials, we can get microscopes, adult mice or rabbits from the pet store, and do histological testing after injections to see what happened to the long bones under real controlled experiments. I do know that there are already many DIY (do it yourself) biology and genetics labs across the US and if we can put a little money in, we could rent out a small space of a biotech company to perform our experiments.

From the Invitrogen website HERE

Apparently there is this company Invitrogen or Life Technologies which sells at least the BMP-2, 4, 7, and the BMPR1A . Maybe they sell more. The section is the “Growth Factors, Chemokines & Cytokines” section.

I know that from Tyler’s website HeightQuest.com that he has adsense ads which direct you to the Invitrogen website. I have been here before since they also sell chondrocyte growth cultures and growth factors.

You can also find the Manuals & Protocols document and MSDS PDFs on the same page

From the BMP product page HERE

BMP7 (Active) Recombinant Human Protein



Recombinant human BMP7 is a bioactive protein intended for use in cell culture applications. BMP7 is a member of the bone morphogenetic protein family which is part of the transforming growth factor-beta superfamily. The superfamily includes large families of growth and differentiation factors. Bone morphogenetic proteins were originally identified by an ability of demineralized bone extract to induce endochondral osteogenesis in vivo in an extraskeletal site.
Catalog NumberPHC7204
10 µg

General Specifications

Form: Lyophilized
Mass: 10 µg
Purity: 98 %
Species: Human
Expression: Mammalian
Gene Aliases: BMP-7
Product Size: 10 µg
Protein Form: Ligand,Recombinant
Purification: Sequential Chromatography
Protein Family: Growth Factors & Receptors
Endotoxin Level: < 0.1 ng/µg
Protein Subtype: BMPs (Bone Morphogenetic Proteins) & Related Factors
Molecular Weight: 28.8 kDa
Research Category: Differentiation,Stem Cell Research,Bone Research
Validated Application: Cell Culture
Purity or Quality Grade: Carrier-Free
Protein Length or Portion (a.a.): 232 aa each (homodimer)
Shipping Condition: Wet Ice
Regulatory Statement: For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
For BMP-2 we can go HERE

BMP2 Recombinant Human Protein



Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic Protein 2 (BMP2)is a bioactive protein intended for use in cell culture applications. BMP2is a member of the bone morphogenetic protein family which is part of the transforming growth factor-beta superfamily. The superfamily includes large families of growth and differentiation factors. Bone morphogenetic proteins were originally identified by an ability of demineralized bone extract to induce endochondral osteogenesis in vivo in an extraskeletal site. BMP2acts as a disulfide-linked homodimer and induces bone and cartilage formation.

• High purity – no interference from other proteins or contaminants
• High biological activity – more results with less protein
• Proven compatibility – Gibco® proteins bioassayed with Gibco® media

High Purity Recombinant Bioactive Protein

Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic Protein 2 is one of more than 250 Gibco® recombinant proteins available from Life Technologies. To help ensure Gibco® growth factorsView More

Catalog NumberPHC7145
10 µg

General Specifications

Form: Lyophilized
Mass: 25 µg
Purity: 95 %
Gene ID: 548717
Species: Human
Cell Type: Stem Cells
Expression: E. coli
Reactivity: Human
Gene Aliases: BMP-2, BMP-2, MGC114605, xBMP-2, xbmp2
Product Size: 10 µg
Protein Form: Ligand,


Purification: Sequential Chromatography
Indicator Cell: mouse chondrogenic cell line ATDC5
Protein Family: Growth Factors & Receptors
Endotoxin Level: < 0.1 ng/µg
Protein Subtype: BMPs (Bone Morphogenetic Proteins) & Related Factors
Accession Number: NM001200
Molecular Weight: 26 kDa
Research Category: Stem Cell Research,

Bone Research

Specific Activity: 1.0 x 104 – 1.0 x103 units⁄mg
Biological Activity: ED50 range = 0.1-1.0 mg⁄mL
Validated Application: Cell Culture
Purity or Quality Grade: Carrier-Free
Shipping Condition: Wet Ice
Regulatory Statement: For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.