The Chinese Analogue Equivalent Of The Height Increase, Grow Taller Natural Herbal Supplement Pill

Me: This post is more to show to anyone who is interested at what types of supplement pills are being branded and sold on the internet for the Chinese community. Again, I can’t read what the chinese words say. I do know that the word in Chinese for “tall” is “gao” so I would guess the first product being showns and advertised “GAOMAX” is a product being sold as a height increase supplement. 

From my background and my educational experience, I have a personal bias against non-western medicine which include ideas like homeopathy, aryuvedic medicine, and chinese herbs. However, I only really care about what works. If these ideas and method work, I wouldn’t care a damn bit where they originated. It is just that I don’t believe these oral supplements being sold online are effective. Don’t buy this stuff.  BUT that is just my own personal opinion. You are your own person so you should make your own decisions on what you think is right and good. 

If you want to try out the products, that is cool with me. If you get results and grow taller, that would be even better. I don’t want to stop anyone from buying these products because we should never say that something is impossible or can never work. That would only limit us and keep us from opening up our minds to greater possibilities. 

The website links these products were found from are HERE. The name of the website is Zhong Yao which roughly translated into English as Chinese Medicine or Chinese Traditional Medicine.

There is a picture clip of the types of pills sold below you can see.

Patent For Chinese Medicine Causing Height Increase

While doing my search to find other links and sources which can validate the stories that people have manage dot gain height from using Chinese Traditional Medicine i.e. Homeopathy, I stumbled upon a link which shows what appears to be a real patent written on a Chinese based website which talks about a herbal/homeopathic mixture which can  increase a person’s height. I can’t tell right now whether this patent and document is just a joke, scam, or fake. There is very little I can do since I can’t read or write Chinese. I don’t even have any idea how you are supposed to entree chinese characters in the computers so I am stuck. If it was in English I would be able to do some searching for the sources and creators of this patent.

My Interpretation On This Invention/ Device

If you look at the far corner of the link I provided, it shows that this document was found from the website which is a Chinese Database where people can search for chemical names and compounds. From what I found I would guess you can also find Patents created by fellow Chinese.

This the concoction composition and ingredients below found form the source link page.

The present invention relates to a Chinese medicine capable of obviously promoting health development of human body, increasing height of body and promoting brain development. Said invention uses the Chinese medicinal materials of ginseng 0.2-2g, ass hide glue 5-15g, oyster shell 1-6g, turtle shell 0.5-2g as main material, and uses white poria, 0.5-3g, silkworm droppings 0.5-2g and gizzard lining 0.5-2g as auxiliary material. It can be made into capsule, pill and oral liquor.

A clip of the patent information is is placed below. From this link HERE.















Here is the Chinese Translated version of the picture clip above. Can any of you regular readers read Chinese or understand what they are saying?

Real Bone Growth Stimulator Devices On Sale On Ebay, Works For People With Fractures And Open Epiphyseal Plates

Me: Recently I posted a post for a patent entitled “Method for non-invasive electrical stimulation of epiphyseal plate growth” and there has been some good response. Tyler told me to get in contact with the patent’s inventor, a Carl T Brighton who I did research on by searching google.

It turns out this Carl T. Brighton is a faculty member at the University of Pennsylvania for the Mckay Orthopaedic Research Laboratory. This is the resource link of the page HERE. Here is Professor/Doctor Brighton’s contact information below. He is a MD and a Ph.D. wow.




However that is not what I wanted to talk about. I have worked in academics and industry before, for professors doing bimolecular research in the university lab and for research based companies looking for HIV vaccines so would I would guess that this Brighton guy acted more like a scientific advisor or chief science research officer for the company Biolectron Inc.

This is what the company Biolectron Inc. was doing (from Bloomberg Businessweek website HERE).

What I will be trying to do is first try to get in contact with this Dr. Brighton guy and ask about his research and this extremely old patent he had created nearly 30 years ago. from what I know about patent laws, which is very little, people spent tens of thousands or even millions of dollars to buy patents to protect intellectual property. Most patents have a working life of like 12 years, which after that they lose their power and other people can then look at the “black box’ magic inside. However, there are companies like Apple , HP, and Genentech which have used their lawyers to keep trade secrets and patents from the public eye for even decades by using legal procedure to extend the life of patents longer and longer.

I will also be trying to get in contact with the people of Biolecrton Inc., like the CEO Adam Rudolph Johnson. All I really have to do is type in his name into Linkedin and his profile should appear. These days almost every professional uses and has a LinkedIn profile. Even if he doesn’t work at Biolectron anymore he would have still put it on his CV/Resume for past experience. If I can sent him an email or Inmail, I might be able to get more information on the type of devices this Biolectron company was developing.

On a stroke of amazing, pure crazy luck I managed to find on EBAY many devices being sold that was made and created by the company. Just type the word “biolectron” into ebay and see what pops up.

Here is a picture of all of the devices available for you to purchase, with one that is supposed to help increase your epiphyseal plate in your distal tibial region that is only for $10. A very good deal.


For one of my next posts I am going to try to review all of the devices on sale and try to make an educated guess at which device will work the best and have the most possible height increase ability.

I Knew This Problem Would Happen And It Just Did, Subject Repost

I realized that I have been writing and doing so much research and posting of articles that I have forgotten a lot of the stuff I have researched just a month ago. There is just so much to take in.

I have always had this slight fear that one day I would do a repost on a subject which I have written before and it finally happened.

As I was going through the post list today, I realized that a very recent post entitled “Composition for Increasing Body Height Using Guanyl Cyclase, A Gene Therapy Height Increase Invention” was basically the exact same post I had written about 1 month ago entitled “Invention Patent: Composition For Increasing Body Height – No FGFR3 Abnormality BY Activating Guanyl Cyclase” (under Complete List of Posts #268). This is really alarming to me since this sort of means that I am forgetting important information. When I first posted the article about the possibility of using Guanyl Cyclase as a possible way to increase height, I really didn’t understand what the article was talking about. Now that it is 1 month later I am far more knowledgeable on what is going on but I am astounded at myself for not catching this posting error sooner.

I am going to guess that when it comes to this specific small niche of knowledge and study, I am always bound to come to the same sources, leads, and ideas as people in the past since 99% of all the ideas I have had on possible height increase methods have already been covered somewhere on Tyler’s blog or Giant Scientific or the Make Me Taller forums. However, I didn’t expect that a post I would write about would have already been posted by me which is very embarrassing.

I am going to try from now on to avoid this type of mistake of writing about a subject which I have already done before, unless it is to further elaborate on the old subject, change it, or fill in more details.

Chinese Medicine Increase Height Of Adult Suffering Dwarfism

While I was going through the old Giant Scientific Boards last night I stumbled upon a post which brings back a sort of urban legend or height increase myth that has been going on for a long time which I have heard about a few times, all with the same sort of story. The story is from this Source Link. I will post the forum post below

cobbyhow Veteran Height Seeker       Joined: 11 Apr 2006         Posts: 150
Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 7:36 pm    Post subject: Chinese medication ‘makes’ world’s shortest woman taller Reply with quote

Zhu suffered from a serious illness when she was one year old which stunted her growth in later years. When she was 20, she was only 79 cm tall and weighed 10 kg. In the next two months, Zhu took traditional Chinese medicine prescribed by the hospital but did not undergo surgery. After two months of treatment, Zhu reached 83 cm and gained four kilograms in weight.She have grown by 4 cm in 20s!! Thats a lot since it consist approximately 5 % of her height in 2 months time!! Just wondering, what she actually take or done to achieve that??Another Question, if our bone fused, just maintain a high level of HGH, we still can grow but maybe at a limited range?? I thought of that bcauser this shorttest girl in the world is already fully grown in order to enter the Genuiess Record…. but she grow substantially (remember, 5% of her height)

I wanted to note that the link of the story doesn’t work anymore. It does seem like a very common thread that the websites which was around even 4 years ago, many have disappeared.

Analysis: What is fascinating about this story is that the claim is that she grew 4 cms in 2 month time. If we average  and extend out this rate, that means 24 cms or almost 6 inches in a year. What this seems to agree with is the stories I have heard which show that for people who suffer from some form of dwarfism, treatments that create height increase are especially effective on them. I have posted stories of people who suffered from dwarfism getting almost 16 more inches in height from limb lengthening surgery. In addition, the use of ancient Chinese practices have been talked about before as a possible way to increase height even after physical maturity. The most well known example was the Qigong Technique which Zixia had claimed to allow her to increase in height by 4 inches in her 20s. Qigong is a Chinese derived creation and she appeared in the beginning of this website to be the only other credible height increase method besides limb lengthening. The problem is that I can’t seem to be able to find the other links, sources, or citations which tell of a similar story of a person using ancient or traditional Chinese/ Oriental Medicine to increase in height even when at an older age. This is very frustrating and I would guess this type of story will only eventually end up as an urban legend or rumor whispered around by people. 

Can Raising The Bed At An Angle Help Increase Height?

One of the most common ideas and tips floating around the height increase forums and boards is to increase the bed so that one will lie down at an angle, elevating the lower body, leg portion. If you put your leg at a higher position, your upper body will use the effect of gravity and your body can theoretically be stretched out.

This principle again goes back to the use of inversion tables, hanging on bars, and ankle weights. I have done posts on all of these possible ways to increase height. Gravity will indeed stretch your body out a little if the part of your body is held in place and the lower part of the body is held above the surface of the ground. The force of gravity will decompress the vertebrate and expand the intervertebral disks a little. With time, and continued use of either inversion tables, hanging on bars, and hanging upside down on bars using ankle weights will give you a very slight increase in height. During my process of increasing in height, I tried out the inversion table and hanging on a bar as well as ankle weights. My results after about 2-3 months was that I would increase in height for 0.25 inches and that will go away after only 15 minutes after standing back up again.

With raising the bed at an angle, the effects of it will be even less effective since the force of gravity is not completely applied to the body being stretched but only a fraction. From elementary high school level physics about static calculations, the force of the gravity is M*a which a= 9.81 m/s^2. When you raise the bed by an angle, say (theta), then the Force of gravity is no longer down, but pushing your body at the same angle, but by (90-theta). The force should be lowered to M*a*sin(theta) which is assuming the geometry of how the angle of force has chances is calculated correctly. Plus, you should also realize being upside down or hanging upside odwn or at angle which makes your head level be lower than your heart level will cause the blood to rush to your brain, making you feel nauseous and dizzy, and uncomfortable. If you happen to suffer from high blood pressure or some form of cardiovascular issue, doing something like trying to sleep with an elevated leg might cause certain medical issues to develop.

In conclusion, raising the bed at an gle to increase height will give extremely small negligible effects while possibly causing more serious medical problems. This technique is suggest to be not tried out unless one has made sure by medical professionals that the angle of elevation is not too great and that the person trying it out is healthy in their cardiovascular system.