To Increase Height And Grow Taller, Should You Do Weightlifting? Does It Stunt Growth?

weight-lifting-for-women-115Update And Correction on the Theory – 12/28/2012

After looking through more PubMed Studies and hearing about the height variations experienced by people who had done weightlifting, I would actually at this point have to change my opinion on the matter. It seems that excessive weight lifting, but especially exercises that cause a stronger load downward does seem to limit the ability of the chondrocytes in both the pre-proliferation and proliferation layer of the growth plate to be decreased. This translates to mean that if excess downward force through weights is used while the person is still growing, their height will be stunted. I am not sure at this point just how much of a decrease in final height bodybuilding and/or weight lifting will cause.

Note: The studies which I have reached this conclusion is not available at this time. However the studies citations will be added eventually.

Original Post – 10/9/2012

Another common theory that mostly parents and sometimes teachers state is that one should stay away from weightlifting while one is still growing because doing weight lifting can possibly stunt one’s ability to grow in the longitudinal direction.

From a very superficial point of view, this seems like common sense. Your growth plates are in the longitudinal direction and if you put extra weight on it, like luggin those 50 lb backpacks up and down hills to school during your middle school years, or pushing up and down barbells and heavy weights means your growth plates which is made of elastic cartilage will get compressed putting greater resistance on the ability of your growth plates to push upwards against the force of gravity and the added weight on your frame. Normal day common sense states that the more weight you push down with, the less your body will be able to push up.

From a scientific point of view, most bodybuilders, pediatricians, and endocrinologists state that it is not the case. Most endocrinologist and bodybuilders will say that a moderate increase in exercise and weight lifting will actually cause your pituitary gland to release slightly more HGH than usual and since you are still growing, that HGH will work in possibly getting to the receptors in your growth plates and make you taller.

The most commonly cited exercise to cause stunting is doing squats, since a very large amount of weight is placed on the shoulders and your legs are being pushed against the hard flat ground. The theory is that if the weight is too high, your disks will be compressed and cause  possible fractures. Most people on the Fitness Training boards state that the myth is not based on any real scientific studies. (Sources: ,

From Fitness.Com

Jun. 29/04, 03:21 PM#3 – Brian Grasso – Join Date – Sep 2003, Location – Chicago, Posts – 33

Motor skill development (or lack of) combined with immature connective tissue are the primary structural reasons teenagers do not engage in high load resistance training. Hypertrophy-based stimulus is also a key factor in training younger athletes (so as to increase muscle cross-section and therefore potential strength/power) – which is another reason that high load training is considered less than productive.

In terms of stunted growth, this has proven to be a myth more than anything else (although many people THINK the reality applies).

GRF in running and jumping are proportionately higher than with resistance training, and yet no one prevents younger athletes from doing these activities. In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics actually supports resistance training for PRE-adolescent athletes (provided appropriate guidelines are followed). Muscle pull (which is occurs when contracting muscles ‘tug’ on their boney insertions) actually serves to increase osteoblastic acitvity and adds bone strength.

The key to resistance training for younger athletes is low/moderate load, moderate/high intensity, with a STRICT approach to form and execution of EACH rep.

I wrote an article on this exact subject recently. I will post it later on today or tomorrow.


– Brian


“”From personal trainers I’ve talked to previously, they’ve said that lifting weights will not stunt your growth unless you lift too much, and with improper form.””

From the website, the answers and responses have been mostly mixed with some people saying stay away from it and other people saying weightlifting won’t affect it.

I think the concluding message can be found off of the Bodybuilding Section in (source HERE)

Question: Bodybuilding FAQ – Does Bodybuilding Training and Lifting Weights Stunt Growth?

My son just started bodybuilding training and though I am very happy about that, I have heard that lifting too heavy a weight will cause growth to be stunted in kids. Is there an ideal weight range that my son can use so that he can reach his bodybuilding goals but also attain his ultimate height?

Answer: The whole notion of growth being stunted by bodybuilding training is a myth that I have been fighting for years. In conversations with my grandfather who used to be an Orthopedic Surgeon graduated from Northwestern University with top honors, I learned that as long as the resistance is not so high that it would cause the bones to become more dense and thus close the epiphysis (the growth area of a long bone) then there should not be any detrimental effects.

As a matter of fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics recently changed their policy (PEDIATRICS Vol. 107 No. 6 June 2001, pp. 1470-1472) regarding this topic by stating that “strength training programs do not seem to adversely affect linear growth and do not seem to have any long-term detrimental effect on cardiovascular health” as evidenced in recent studies.

I should also point out that the compression forces on your son’s legs and spine are far greater in running and jumping than they will ever be in a bodybuilding exercise like squatting. Compression forces in running and jumping can exceed 5 times his bodyweight. If he’s not squatting over 700 pounds, he’s generating greater compression in normal daily activities.Ideal Training Weight

I wouldn’t recommend that he lift any weight that he can’t do in a controlled fashion and with perfect form for at least 10 repetitions until he’s 18 or so. A weight that he can perform with perfect form for 10-15 repetitions will give him excellent bodybuilding results. Once 18, he can introduce weeks of heavier lifting, never going below 5 repetitions, as in my opinion, that is not needed for bodybuilding.

To be honest, when it comes to kids and bodybuilding training my concern isn’t so much the risk of stunting growth (which won’t happen with proper training); I am more concerned about the risk of injuring tendons, ligaments, or joints that are unused to the demands of heavy lifting. This is the reason why I can never emphasize enough the importance of proper weight selection and perfect exercise execution.


If you look at it, lifting weights didn’t do a thing to stunt the growth of Shaquille O’Neal, David Robinson, Karl Malone, Michael Vick, etc. All started lifting in their early teens, and all have gone on to be over 6′ tall and star in professional sports. Dave Draper and Arnold Schwarzenegger started lifting younger than that; again, both are 6’1″ or taller. Many high school teams start their freshmen on lifting programs, meaning your son started at a perfectly appropriate age.

Provided that exercise form, proper weight selection and safety are always emphasized, your son won’t find his growth stunted by lifting; rather, he’ll find that he grows into his body much better and much more quickly than most of the peers around him.


Will weight training stunt an adolescent’s growth? How old is old enough to begin weight training? What type of program should adolescents follow? These are all questions commonly asked when dealing with weight training and adolescents.
By: Derek Charlebois    May 19, 2003

* This article is only meant to inform, not diagnose. The information presented does not replace talking with your doctor. If you are pregnant, talk to your doctor about exercising and follow his recommendations.

Will weight training stunt an adolescent’s growth? How old is old enough to begin weight training? What type of program should adolescents follow? These are all questions commonly asked when dealing with weight training and adolescents. More often than not, the answer received is an opinion. This article will answer these questions and more by examining what science says.

Note: The term strength training is synonymous with weight training and resistance training.

“Does Weight Training Stunt Growth?”

The biggest concern amongst parents as well as children is whether strength training will stunt the child’s growth. This is a common public belief. Is this belief true or just a myth? Science proves it is a myth. So where did this myth originate?

This myth that strength training damages the growth plates of children, which would cause decreased stature growth, is believed to have stemmed from an old report which examined children in remote areas of Japan (Kato & Ishiko, 1964). This report stated that these children, who performed heavy labor, were short in stature. It should also be noted that these children “performed heavy labor in mountainous villages for several hours a day” in addition working and living on a poor diet (Faigenbaum, 2001). From this, it was speculated that strength training could damage the composition of the epiphyseal junctures, or “growth plates”, from which bone continues to emanate until complete skeletal growth is achieved. This belief was not based on scientific findings, but an anecdote.

On the contrary to this belief, strength training strength training improves the bone mass density of children and adolescents (Morris et al., 1997). Osteoporosis, a progressive disease which causes bones to lose their mineral mass and become brittle and spongy, is an ever growing disease that affects more than 20 million Americans. Due to an insufficient intake of calcium, the body begins to use bone calcium for its needs. This is a problem in itself, but is further aggravated by the sub-optimal levels of bone mass on adults due to inactivity. Bone mass also decreases as one ages (Katch & McArdle, 1993). Without going into too much detail, exercise, more specifically weight bearing exercise, leads to the buildup of calcium in bones, assuming calcium intake is adequate. By exercising at an early age, children can give their bones a head start in the fight against osteoporosis.

Science does not support the myth that strength training has a negative effect on the growth of children, but rather it has positive effects on the their bone health and growth. These facts have lead to The American College of Sports Medicine (site), American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine (site), and the National Strength and Conditioning Associate supporting child and adolescent participation in strength training programs.

My Conclusion: Since the anecdotal stories linking stunted growth and short stature to heavy exercise is very weak, I can only agree at this point with what all the other sources are saying. Even the official sicentific communities are trying to disprove this myth of “weighting lifting causes growth stunting” Heavy weightlifting can possibly cause stunted growth because it can cause tearing and fractures in the growth plates if it is too high and done improperly. I would rather bet that moderate weightlifting done in the profer form and postures will actually increase height from the excess release of growth hormones and the fact that bone remodeling theory states that the peristeum would adapt itself and get thicker and wider thus increase bone length. 

The Connection Between Colostrum, Growth, And Height (Important)

Me: This is one of the most interesting height increase compounds. My suggestion is that colostrum must be taken through injection and gotten into the bloodstream but bypass most of the digestive tract which will remove its growth factors.

I had written a previous post suggesting that it might be a good idea if parents extend the amount of time they do breastfeeding to up to 2-3 years even because my theory back then was that the mother’s natural breast milk contains almost all of the essential minerals and proteins needed for not just a baby and toddler, but maybe even for the adult to survive on. If during the time duration which human is supposed to grow the fastest in life in their prenatal stage, the food of choice is human milk, wouldn’t human derived milk and its natural components only be a possible good idea in trying to induce and simulate the same typ eof growth in older adults? Obviously the nutrient quantity and dosage would have to change, but I would guess the composition should not, and that is what I believe was the key. At this point I am not sure if bovine or human derived colostrum would be better. 

While bovine colostrum has been used and eaten for thousands of years by humans, for height increase purposes I would suggest using DNA recombination to create synthetic human colostrum , and maybe even human specfiic types.

Apparently colostrum as a supplement can stimulate the production of IGF-1. In terms of how to get it into your system, I think that might be slightly tricky for an adult who has a completely developed digestive system. 

From the wikipedia article colostrum contains all of these growth factors.

  • – Interleukins
  • – Cytokines
  • – IGF-1
  • – IGF-2
  • – TGF-alpha
  • – TGF- beta 1
  • – TGF- beta 2
  • – FGFs
  • – VEGFs
  • – Platelet Derived Growth Factors
  • – granulocyte-macrophage-stimulating growth factor
  • – Epidermal Growth Factors
  • – A lot more type of growth factors which I haven’t even heard about since now
However the general consensus by most endocrinologist and pediatricians is that the colostrum is mainly to be used to transmit immunity to the newborn, not really help it grow in size.

From the boards of Impartial Height Increase Boards (source link HERE)

The poster states that one should not be taking the colostrum suplpements with any other types of supplements but the reply seems to say that it is okay to take colostrum with other compounds with no side effects. He notes that the supplement is very expensive, and this was in 2004 at around 50 g of colostrum powder = $50 Canadian.

From the boards on Giant Scientific (source link HERE)

Veteran Height SeekerJoined: 13 Sep 2008
Posts: 114
PostPosted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 10:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Get “colostrum”It has “Bovine Growth Hormone” in itSo far my research has led me to colostrum that is proven to have more Growth Hormone in your blood stream than any other product secretagouge for HGH,

Bovine colostrum is 40 times richer than human colostrum

Now ive explained this before and will again, People say yea its impossible to get Growth Hormone in your blood system if you ingest it or any kind of Growth Hormone at that. That is totally and 100% true with the exception of “Colostrum”, Colostrum fixes, heals, propagates whatever you want to call it. It better tunes your stomach lining so you absorb more vital nutrient and more vitamins minerals and you guessed it Bovine Hormones.

Bovine Colostrum also has a hormone in it or substance that promotes “new bone growth”

Colostrum again is the only legal product that can increase free GH in your blood stream and it has bovine IGF Insulin like growth factor for that Growth hormone to catch in your system and word

Again in my studies it is the only legal product that can raise Growth Hormone levels

anymore than that you will need to get HGH and start shooting it up

Colostrum is the perfect food if you ask me

I started taking it again like 2 or 3 days ago and feel the changes already in my body and im betting will supplement my height growth

Also i have problems with my back ive drank milk to try stopping it. The only calcium product i can vouch for that within 1 month i noticed a difference in my energy levels is

“Posture D” its usually 13 14 dollars for a one month supply. But I recently found at this one drug store they have it on sale for 6.99. I was on it for about 4 months then ran out of it and stopped taking it for like almost 6 months. After 1 month of taking the posture D my energy levels were higher than what they were as opposed to not being on Posture D. Because when I ate i would just get tired didn’t matter what kind of food it was. But in that one month Time span I ate and got energy from the food i would eat. 2 months in taking the Posture D I could stand fully erect the entire day “without” having any pain from standing erect and in 2 month mark My posture i would say was 80% corrected because I could stand tall with my chin high with 0 pain. Within the 1 and half to 3 month mark of taking Posture D, I believe I did get growth from doing nothing but taking Posture D. I know this because i had chicken legs in the tibia bone for sure and it got denser no longer chicken like….

hope this helped
age : 23

Last edited by TrueHeightSeeker on Sun Apr 05, 2009 1:48 am; edited 1 time in total

Veteran Height SeekerJoined: 13 Sep 2008
Posts: 114
PostPosted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 1:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

freakz wrote:
Do I have do the weight lifting to assist the intake to colostrum??

No, But I would do some sprinting if you can. The study I read that I’m trying to find said, Runners and sprinters had the most GH in there systems as opposed to not supplementing with colostrum, Cyclist in there body didnt have a significant rise in GH in the blood stream
when supplementing with Colostrum.

Weight lifting I have no clue. I believe by itself Colostrum can give you GH or enough to get what you want without doing much exercise but some atleast, Cause after all its for infants and there is a reason why there is hormones and small amounts of vitamins in it to give newborns proper growth in the brain and body making them recover faster. And really doing nothing but drinking the colostrum.
age : 23

This is what Wikipedia is saying about the power of colostrum (source). I will again highlight the parts which are the most important.

Colostrum (also known colloquially as beestings,[1] bisnings[2] or first milk) is a form of milk produced by the mammary glands of mammals (including humans) in late pregnancy. Most species will generate colostrum just prior to giving birth. Colostrum contains antibodies to protect the newborn against disease, as well as being lower in fat[3] and higher in protein than ordinary milk.

Human colostrum

On the left is colostrum expressed on day 4 of lactation, and on the right is breastmilk expressed on day 8. Colostrum often has a yellow hue compared to breastmilk.

Newborns have very immature digestive systems, and colostrum delivers its nutrients in a very concentrated low-volume form. It has a mild laxative effect, encouraging the passing of the baby’s first stool, which is called meconium. This clears excess bilirubin, a waste-product of dead red blood cells, which is produced in large quantities at birth due to blood volume reduction, from the infant’s body and helps prevent jaundice. Colostrum is known to contain antibodies called immunoglobulins such as IgA,IgG, and IgM in mammals. IgA is absorbed through the intestinal epithelium, travels through the blood, and is secreted onto other Type 1 mucosal surfaces. These are the major components of the adaptive immune system. Other immune components of colostrum include the major components of the innate immune system, such as lactoferrin,[4] lysozyme,[5] lactoperoxidase,[6]complement,[7] and proline-rich polypeptides (PRP).[8] A number of cytokines (small messenger peptides that control the functioning of the immune system) are found in colostrum as well,[9] including interleukins,[9] tumor necrosis factor,[10]chemokines,[11] and others. Colostrum also contains a number of growth factors, such as insulin-like growth factors I,[12] and II,[13] transforming growth factors alpha,[14] beta 1 and beta 2,[15][16] fibroblast growth factors,[17] epidermal growth factor,[18]granulocyte-macrophage-stimulating growth factor,[19] platelet-derived growth factor,[19] vascular endothelial growth factor,[20] and colony-stimulating factor-1.[21]

Colostrum is very rich in proteins, vitamin A, and sodium chloride, but contains lower amounts of carbohydrates, lipids, and potassium than normal milk. The most pertinent bioactive components in colostrum are growth factors and antimicrobial factors. The antibodies in colostrum provide passive immunity, while growth factors stimulate the development of the gut. They are passed to the neonate and provide the first protection against pathogens.

Human consumption of bovine colostrum

Assertions that colostrum consumption is of human benefit are questionable because most ingredients undergo digestion in the adult stomach, including antibodies and all other proteins. Bovine colostrum and its components are safe for human consumption, except in the context of intolerance or allergy to lactose or other components. It shows promise in the treatment or prevention of a variety of diseases.[24][25][26]

Bovine colostrum from pasture-fed cows contains immunoglobulins specific to many human pathogens, includingEscherichia coli, Cryptosporidium parvum, Shigella flexneri, Salmonella, Staphylococcus,[27] and rotavirus (which causes diarrhea in infants). Before the development of antibiotics, colostrum was the main source of immunoglobulins used to fight infections. In fact, when Albert Sabin made his first oral vaccine against polio, the immunoglobulin he used came from bovine colostrum.[28] When antibiotics began to appear, interest in colostrum waned, but, now that antibiotic-resistant strains of pathogens have developed, interest is once again returning to natural alternatives to antibiotics, namely, colostrum.[29]

Some athletes have used colostrum in an attempt to improve their performance[30] decrease recovery time,[31] and prevent sickness during peak performance levels.[32][33] Thus, supplementation with bovine colostrum (20 g/d) in combination with exercise training for 8 wk may increase bone-free lean body mass in active men and women.[30][34]

Low IGF-1 levels may be associated with dementia in the very elderly, although causation has not been established.[35] People with eating disorders also have low levels of IGF-1 due to malnutrition,[36] as do obese individuals.[37] Supplementation with colostrum, which is rich in IGF-1, can be a useful part of a weight reduction program.[citation needed] Although IGF-1 is not absorbed intact by the body, it does stimulate the production of IGF-1 when taken as a supplement.[38]

Colostrum also has antioxidant components, such as lactoferrin[39] and hemopexin, which binds free heme in the body.[40]

Hyperimmune colostrum

Hyperimmune colostrum was an early attempt to boost the effectiveness of natural bovine colostrum by immunizing cows with a specific pathogen and then collecting the colostrum after the cow gave birth. This initially appeared very promising as antibodies did appear towards the specific pathogens or antigens that were used in the original challenge. However, upon closer examination and comparison, it was found that IgG levels in natural colostrum towards 19 specific human pathogens were just as high as in hyperimmune colostrum, and natural colostrum nearly always had higher antibody titers than did the hyperimmune version.[27]However, travelan, a drug used to prevent traveler’s diarrhea is made using this method, and has been shown to prevent the disease in up to 90% of people.[41]

Proline-rich Polypeptides (PRP)

These small immune signaling peptides were independently discovered in colostrum and other sources, such as blood plasma, in the United States,[42] and Poland.[43]Hence they appear under various names in the literature, including Colostrinin, CLN, transfer factor and PRP. They function as signal transducing molecules that have the unique effect of modulating the immune system, turning it up when the body comes under attack from pathogens or other disease agents, and damping it when the danger is eliminated or neutralized.[44] At first thought to actually transfer immunity from one immune system to another, it now appears that PRP simply stimulates cell-mediated immunity.[45]

A 2006 study published in the Journal of Experimental Therapeutics and Oncology indicated that PRP may have an impact on the aging process by reducing the spontaneous or induced mutation frequency in the DNA of cells.[46] Such DNA damage is implicated in the general process of aging. The study, which was performed in both hamster and human cells, looked at the impact of PRP on the frequency of defined DNA mutations in these cells as they occur naturally and when induced by various known chemical or physical agents. In cells stressed oxidatively, PRP reduced the frequency of mutation induced by reactive oxygen species (ROS) to nearly background levels in a dose-dependent manner. It is suggested that the antimutagenic properties of PRP are achieved via multiple mechanisms – by decreasing intracellular levels of ROS and so preventing DNA damage and by increasing the efficiency of natural DNA repair mechanisms.

PRP-rich preparations from bovine colostrum have shown some activity against various diseases including viral infections[47] of herpes viruses[48] and HIV,[49] as well as difficult to treat bacterial and fungal infections like Mycobacterium fortuitum[50] and Mycobacterium tuberculosis[51] (cause of tuberculosis), cryptosporidosis in AIDS patients,[52] and candida.[53] Also for various forms of cancer, such as Hodgkin’s disease,[54] osteogenic sarcoma,[55] prostate cancer,[56] and others. As an immune modulator, PRP is also effective in disease states characterized by an overactive immune system, such as allergies,[57][58] asthma,[59] and autoimmune diseases.[60]

PRP has some effect in neurodegenerative diseases, especially Alzheimer’s disease,[61] but has not yet shown longterm disease retarding effect.[62] A placebo-controlled clinical trial in 106 people with Alzheimer’s over 30 weeks was completed in 2002 and the results appeared to demonstrate efficacy in a significant proportion of patients treated.[63] The results showed that approximately 40% of patients taking PRP were stabilized or improved after 15 weeks of therapy, based on an Analysis of Overall Response. 33% of patients continued to show stabilization or improvement after 30 weeks of treatment, although levels of benefit were slightly higher at the 15-week stage of the trial. The dosage regimen used for the trial was 100 micrograms of PRP administered every second day for three weeks followed by a two-week period without PRP.

There is one report of use in patients with intractable epilepsy.[64]

Increase Height And Grow Taller Using Royal Jelly

As i was doing more research I started to see certain boards like on Giant Scientific and the Impartial Height Increase Boards start to talk about the possibility of using Royal Jelly to increase in height. So I did a quick search through google to see what the results showed.

From source 1 (Impartial Height Increase Boards)…

i guess there is different between royal honey and royal jelly. well when i opened the buttole, it has the same smell as the cream you put in your face. which at the beginning i though it was face cream. but then i read on the bottle ( 1/4 spone every morning ). does anyone have any idea, is royal honey not the same as royal jelly?

i just didn’t know that it’s that different. it has milky yellow-white color, and special smell ( such as lotion smell ). i didn’t try it yet by mouth.

Royal honey has in itself: raw honey, bee pollen, royal jelly and propolis.
Yes, Royal jelly can be taken by mouth.

Combination Beehive products Nutrition Content

– (royal jelly, bee pollen, propolis and honey)


Provitamin A (carotenoids), Vitamin B-1 (thiamine), Vitamin B-2 (riboflavin), Vitamin B-3 (niacin), Vitamin B-5 (panothenic acid), Vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine), Vitamin B-7, Vitamin B-8, Vitamin B-9, Vitamin B-12 (cyamoco balamin), Vitamin C (ascorbic acid), Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin H (biotin), Vitamin K, Choline, Inositol, Folic Acid, Pantothenic Acid, Rutin, VitaminPP (nicotinicamide) . 


Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron, Copper, Potassium, Magnesium, Manganese, Silicoa, Sulphur, Sodium, Titanium, Zinc, Iodine, Chlorine, Boron, Molybdenum. 

Enzymes & Coenzymes 

Disstase, Phosphatase, Amylase, Catalase, Saccharase, Diaphorase, Pectase, Cozymase, Cytochrome systems, Lactic dehydrogenase, Succinic dehydrogenase.

Fats & Oils 

Fatty Acid, Hexadecanol, Alpha-amino butyric acid.

Fatty Acids 

Caproic (C-6), Caprylic (C-8), Capric (C-10), Lauric (C-12), Myristic (C-14), Palmitic (C-16), Palmitoleic (C-15), Uncowa, Stearic (C-18), Oleic (C-18), Linoleic (C-18), Aracidic (C-20), Benemic (C-22), Limolenic (C-18), Eicosanoic (C-20), Brucic (C-22).

Proteins, Globulins, Peptones & Amino Acids 

Tryptophan, Leucine, Lysine, Isoleucine, Methionine, Cystine, Thresonine, Arginine, Phenylalanine, Histidine, Valine, Glutamic acid, Tyrosine, Glycine, Serine, Proline, Alanine, Aspartic acid, Hydroxyproline, Butyric acid. 


Gums, Pentosans, Cellulose, Sooronine, Starch, Sucrose, Levulose, Fructose, Grape sugar, Reducing Sugars. 


Nucleosides, Auxins, Brassins, Gibberellins, Kinins, Vernine, Guanine, Xanthine, Hypoxalthine, Crocetin, Zeaxanthin, Lycopene, Hexodecanol, Alpha-Amino-Butyric Acid, Monoglycerides, Deglycerides, Triglycerides, Peutosaus 


Waxes, Resins, Streoids, Growth Factors, Vernine , Guanine, Xanthine, Hypoxanthine, Nuclein, Amines, Lecithin, Glucoside of Isorhanetin, Glycosides of Quercetir, Selenium, Nucleic Acids, Flavonoids, Phenolic Acids, Tarpenes and many other as yet unidentified nutrients…

From the Height Quest article on it HERE

Me: it seems that Tyler raves about the possibilities of Royal Jelly saying that  could be a “game changing supplement”. The first study he cites showed that serbian soccer players who took the royal jelly increase in height by 1.6 cm over a 2 month period as well as showing increases in leg circumference above the knee. 

From the 2nd study, it seems that you can create fatty acids from royal jelly which act to control the function of estrogen receptors. They seem simulate the behavior of estrogen a little.  The way 3 types of fatty acids act on the estrogen receptors in signaling pathway was investigated.  In the type of cells known as MCF-7 cells the fatty acids without the effect of estrodial only effect the estrogen receptor beta , but not the alpha but with estrodial, the FAs effected both the ERbeta and ER alpha. It seems that a certain type of co-activator peptide which causes estrodial to bind to ERalpha is stopped in the presence of the fatty acids derived from royal jelly. Another pathway which estrodial mediates and causes binding to the ER receptors seems to be also inihbited by the fatty acids. The 2 studies seem to point to the fact that royal jelly is a good natural way to inhibit the rate at which estrogen fuses the growth plates allowing for more time to grow. 

In the end, her recommends taking royal jelly for still growing individuals but to possibly supplement it with LSJL. it seems that royal jelly can help reduce osteoporosis but not seeming to do it through bone mass density increase.

From the website Bee Hexagon HERE

Me: This appears to be the actual scientific article HeightQuest references. The study was done on serbian “football” players. 

From this blog HERE

Me: It seems that the blog writer states that a Taiwanese tour guide believes that giving royal jelly to his/her children will make them grow up to be tall. There was no reasoning behind this belief but the sotry should still be noted as sort of anecdotal evidence. 

From Alba Herbal HERE

Royal Jelly: Mental Clarity At Any Age

Royal jell is one of the most nutrient dense substances on the planet.  It contains virtually everything the body needs for optimal health as well as for combating diseases.  It is also highly regarded for its brain boosting capabilities and improves cognitive function and memory.

One of the key ingredients in royal jelly that may have profound implications for improving memory and invigorating mental acuity is acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is a major neurotransmitter that determines brain processing speed and memory.  It encourages brain growth by stimulating neural stem cells, and glial cells1, which protect the brain’s neurons.  Glial cells make up 90 percent of the brain’s cells and perform many important functions, including: digestion of parts of dead neurons, manufacturing myelin for neurons, providing physical and nutritional support for neurons, and more2.

Interestingly, royal jelly is the only natural rich source of pure acetylcholine (1 mg per gram). Optimal levels of acetylcholine in the brain are associated with improved memory, fluidity of thought, and enhanced cognitive function.  Its high concentration of phospholipids assists people dealing with impaired cognitive learning, motor function, and awareness to better short-term memory and learning processes. Studies have shown that consuming royal jelly helps people elevate to exhilarating new heights in:

  • Academic Performance
  • Career Success
  • Healthy Socialization
  • Self-Esteem
  • Personal Goals
  • Artistic Expression
  • Confidence
  • Enjoyment of Life—whether you are young or old.

An acetylcholine deficiency can result in attention deficit disorder, dementia, dry mouth, dry skin, learning disorders, speech problems, slow movement, mood swings, difficulty concentrating, carelessness, decreased creativity, verbal memory problems, memory lapses, and eventually could lead to Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.

Royal jelly is definitely a powerful brain food and it delivers an incredible promise in terms of raising quality of life.  Claims have been made that consuming royal jelly regularly helps increase intelligence over time because it provides the boost the brain needs.

Me: I guess the Royal Jelly has also the ability to cause the increase production and release of acetocholine. 

On this website HERE

the questioner gets one reply that states that royal jelly can’t help you increase in height but that height is mainly dominated by genetics. I personally don’t agree with this asessment after doing only a few minutes of resarch into what the articles seem to suggest.


Emotional Freedom Technique, Tapping And The Growth Process, Possible Height Increase Method?

This will be a very strange post linking a not well known practice with growth. There is a small subsect of psychology or therapy called Emotional Freedom Technique or Tapping. The Idea is that by tapping at certain areas and part of the body, a person can develop better thinking patterns, have better emotions, and get into better states. Tapping turns into a way of linking body physical sensations with certain thoughts, emotions, and states. It basically causes behavior modification. The study of Emotional Fredom Technique is foten talked about in the same breath as Neuro-Linguistic Programming, NLP.

I can not claim that there is any real connection with Tapping and possible height increase because there is absolutely nothing on the internert linking the two areas of study. If one was to really stretch the mind to look at the possiblities we can link the Tapping with having better emotional states, and possibly relieving stress. We know that having negative mental states and thoughts when one is young does seem to have a way of stunting growth and height, just as studie shave showns that depressed mothers give birth to smaller and shorter babies. This could mean that we can possibly use the techniques of tapping to indrectly stimulate at least the prevention of possible stunted growth, but I would not claim that the technique can be indirectly used to increase the growth potential or height. Remember that there are hundreds, if not thousands of ways a person can develop stunted growth, but only a few disorders or physiological changes which can causes accelerated growth.

The claim by the only source I have found says that tapping can actually cause stunted growth since it cause the growth plates to fuse faster than usual.

I did find only one link and source linking the two subjects from a very old Giant Scientific post. From this Source Link

PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 7:40 am    Post subject: wtf is tapping? Reply with quote

I read this:ShortG
GuestPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 7:42 pm Post subject:
——————————————————————————–Hey Orionz, Soda (the creator of the tapping method) doesn’t recommend anyone who’s under 21 years old to do the tapping. The reason for that is your bones may be still unfused and tapping it will cause it to fuse quicker. So you might want to hold off on the tapping and try to squeeze out as much natural height as you can from other means such as–cycling. After you think you’re done growing you can go do stretches and tapping.

What is that tapping? Im 18 so I should not do stretching?


I Have Already Found My Solution To Height Increase

Let me state another confession. For me, I have already achieved what I wanted out of this website. I have found an answer to my questions, a solution to my problems. When I started out working on this website all I wanted to really find was to see whether it was possible to create or develop some type of device or method to increase the height of people without using the limb lengthening surgical tehcniques that we are all already very familiar with.

I have seen enough limb lenghtening videos and read many personal diaries to know that the process of limb lenghtening is very painful, very time intensive, very expensive, and can lead to a large list of medical complicaitons. I wanted to find a way for adults with closed growth plates and children with open growth plates to increase their height, using a less invasive, cheaper, less painful way.

In my searching, I have already found at least half a dozen really effective ways for children with open growth plates to legitimately increase their height and growth rate. For adults with closed growth plates, I have found also around 3-4 major ideas that will work.

So far I can claim at this point that I truly believe that from my knowledge at what types of research is going on and what inventions have already been developed which most of the public is not aware of, the technology and science is already here to give humans across the world a fulfillment of their dreams to increase their height. I have found the pieces and have connected them all together in a near complete picture and say that a less invasive height increase procedure is already possible.

So, we already have almost all of the major pieces of the puzzle and we already understand and have invented all the main pieces to make height increase completely possible. The technical side have mostly been achieved. This is for a less invasive surgical process. 

I can promise the people reading this that if the US government put about $50-100 million into the funding of a few dozen Ph. Ds to develop the entire process and precedure out in 10-20 years, everything can be done and they will succeed. One of the major problems these days is that humans can not really perform experiments and testing on other humans but I have met and known enough people who are willing to be test subjects in these experiments for height increase since they want it so badly. There are people who are willing to be a part in this project to make the human species a bigger race.

It is absolutely possible from a technical perspective to say that one day within 20 years you will be able to increase your height rather easily if the funding can be found for the right scientists to combine the knowledge that they already have. By then, I will be almost 50 and I probably won’t find that type of news or science interesting anymore when I become completely comfortable and accepting of my height and size, but for the younger generation, for the people who will want that ability and chance to be taler, they will be lucky to have it. I hope one day the people who get that height increase treatment will be able to appreciate the kind of research and work the past generation of scientists had to do to create and develop the medical technology they will have at that time.

The Direction Of Bone Growth Determines Cartilage Regeneration (BREAKTHROUGH?)

I was doing more reading recently and I thought more about how the bones keep their thickness in tact with a relatively constant thickness. Obviously besides increasing in length, the bones are also constantly changing in the radial direction, which is termed appositional growth. To keep the bone width about the same the rate of bone absorption by the osteoclasts and the rate of bone creation by the osteoblast must be equal.

Here is a theory that I am proposing although I haven’t been able to get to a medical textbook to confirm this yet. My guess is that if we can figure out the direction in the radial direction on how bone is created and resorbed, we can simulate cartilage regrowth in the same direction to recreate a new growth plate by the natural process through either a stem cell implant or a chondrocyte/hyaline cartilage implant.

The osteoclasts seem to be working closer on the inside of the long bone, in the trabecular inner region breaking apart the nonliving calcium crystal deposits and the lacunae pits. The osteoblasts on the other hand creating the osteoid and forming new layer of bone seems to be occuring just underneath the layer known as the periosteum. from this process, if we think about the direction of bone growth, from creation to destruction, we can see that the direction of bone growth is inward. As the older bones gets replaced by the newer bone, but still keeping the constant distance in thickness, that should mean that the inner bone cells gets pushed closer and closer to the middle where they eventually get to the osteoclasts which dissolve the bone cartilage formed around there.

My suggestion then is that if we might be able to do a far less invasive surgical procedure where we just attach or plug the layer just beneath the periosteum with mutiple cartilage implants in a way to surround the bone to form a donut shape. If the direction of bone growth is in the radial direction going from outside in, then theoretically the attached cartilage would then be able to fuse into the cortical bone and slowly completely surround the entire bone and develop into a new growth plate. We know that the entire body get’s all of its cell replaced every 7 years, or so goes the urban medical myth. I don’t know what is the turnover rate or average life expectancy time of the bone cells going from the outer layer to the inner layer but if it is less than 1 year, we should be able to possibly get the entire bone area to absorb cartilage for regorwth layer.

However, the cartilage design will have to be at least 5 layers. There must be the initial sacrifice layer which the bones will eventually ossify once the cartilage gets embedded into the cortical bone over time. There must also be a layer of perichondrium on the other side of the cartilage which will eventually be used to encapsulate and protect the third layer from beign penetrated by blood vessels. It seesms that vascularization of the cartilage in the growth plate seems to result in the ossification process. The perichondrium which was around seems to be able to keep the blood vessel out, at least for a certain amount of time. Finally, at the middle of the cartilage implant will be the actual growth plate cartilage with the right chondorcytes, collagen, and proteoglycan inside.

Imagine in your mind the picture of a Macdonald’s Big Mac and you have an idea of what I am talking about. The outer bread loafs represent the cartilage which will get ossified in the gradual embedding process. The meat patties represent the perichondrium which will be to protect the middle layer and give the middle layer it’s growing abilities, and the middle patty represents the real cartilage which will eventually become what will be our new growth plates. The design of the implant must also take into consideration the constant ossification rate of the initial cartilage so the implants can’t have constant thickness themselves, but move from the intial contact to be thicker than the later thickness of the implant.

Now this is where I would like the readers (you guys) to finally give your professional opinion on this idea. I am almost positive the direction of appositional or radial bone growth goes from outside inwards. So we can possibly allow for a this process to push the implant slowly inward into the bone, until one entire thick region of the original metaphysis area gets replaced completely by cartilage.