Method For Restoring Vertebral Body Height, Invention

Me: This invention is a low invasive surgical procedure which flat implants are systematically inserted into the subject’s vertebral bone through a stacking process which decompresses possible vertebral fractures that develop from bone degeneration. It is a type of vertebroplasty. There is an initial implant of a top and bottom plate, and then the real implant is placed between them. This implant is expandable but not inflatable. It expands only in the spinal axis direction thus pushing apart the top and bottom plates and supporting them. This causes the vertebral to expand and widen, thus increasing vertebral height. Once you get the implant next to the cancellous bone, you inject a bone filler ,which is body cement into the implant. 

The way the implants are stacked upon each other is similar to the game of Jenga with the blocks but there is a locking mechanism which holds the pieces in place 

I must say that this approach has minimal invasiveness and the invention will lead to even more ideas in this small area of surgery. 

Patent Link found HERE.

A method for distracting, in a given direction, and supporting the opposite endplates of a vertebral body includes consecutively inserting a plurality of wafers between the endplates to create a column of wafers. The column of wafers is oriented between the endplates so as to expand in the given direction as the wafers are consecutively added to the column to restore the vertebral body height.

Inventors: Wesley D. Johnson, Tyler Lipschultz, Larry Wales, Robert Kieval
Original Assignee: Spine Wave, Inc.
Primary Examiner: Eduardo C Robert
Secondary Examiner: David Comstock
Attorney: Maginot, Moore & Beck LLP
Current U.S. Classification: 606/279

Patent number: 7744637

Filing date: Oct 5, 2007
Issue date: Jun 29, 2010
Application number: 11/867,867

Methods For Modulating Chondrocyte Proliferation Using Pulsing Electric Fields, Invention

Me: This type of invention seems to show that if you can get the electric signal sent to be of a certain type in shape, you can signal whether to cause osteogenesis or chondrogenesis. Somehow from the regulation of the release of NO gas using NO donors and NO synthase inhibitors as well as BMP-2 and BMP-7  you can literally control the differentiation of the progenitor cells to differentiate into chondrocytes and control the rate of the growth of the chondrocytes.  Again, this invention works on the same theory as the PEMF technology. you attach the electrodes which are connected to a signal generator to the cartilage on the body and the specific signals that is sent will control the way chondroblast behave. 

The source link for the patent was found from Google Patents HERE.

Methods for modulating chondrocyte proliferation using pulsing electric fields

James W. Kronberg et al

Compositions and methods are provided for modulating the growth, development and repair of cartilage, bone or other connective tissue. Devices and stimulus waveforms are provided to differentially modulate the behavior of chondrocytes, osteoblasts and other connective tissue cells to promote proliferation, differentiation, matrix formation or mineralization for in vitro or in vivo applications. Continuous-mode and pulse-burst-mode stimulation of cells with charge-balanced signals may be used. Cartilage, bone and other connective tissue growth is stimulated in part by nitric oxide release through electrical stimulation and may be modulated through co-administration of NO donors and NO synthase inhibitors. The methods and devices described are useful in promoting repair of bone fractures, cartilage and connective tissue repair as well as for engineering tissue for transplantation.

Inventors: James W. Kronberg, Stephen L. Gordon, Timothy Ganey, Robert J. Fitzsimmons
Current U.S. Classification: 607/50
Application number: 11/811,903
Publication number:US 2008/0039901 A1
Filing date: Sep 6, 2007

Novel Inducer Of Chondrocyte Proliferation And Differentiation, Possible Adult Height Increase Invention

Me: This is another invention that allows for chondrocyte proliferation and its differentiation from the progenitor cells. It appear to be a type of injection composition with very specific molecules that targets the RANKL molecule. This means that the effect of RANKL is reduced, which allows for more cartilage and bones to be produced and the effect of osteoclasts to be decreased. 


Hisataka Yasuda et a

This invention provides a method for administration of an effective amount of RANKL-binding molecules that act on prechondrocytes and/or mesenchymal stem cells, accelerate cartilage differentiation, proliferation, and maturation of such cells, enhance chondrocyte differentiation, and induce chondrocyte proliferation to induce chondrocyte proliferation and differentiation or increase cartilage matrix production and a pharmaceutical composition used for inducing chondrocyte proliferation and differentiation or increasing cartilage matrix production. The pharmaceutical composition used for treatment or prevention of a chondropathies comprises, as an active ingredient, a compound that acts on prechondrocytes and/or mesenchymal stem cells and induces at least one of the following: (a) acceleration of prechondrocyte and/or mesenchymal stem cell differentiation; (b) acceleration of prechondrocyte and/or mesenchymal stem cell proliferation; (c) acceleration of prechondrocyte and/or mesenchy…

Application number: 12/998,253
Publication number:US 2011/0177069 A1
Filing date: Sep 9, 2009

You can find the link to the patent HERE. Again, this was found from using Google Patents and by typing in the words “chondrocyte proliferation”. It really is not that hard to find stuff like this. I just try to look through the patents and find stuff most relevant to what we are trying to do.

Invention Outline and Analysis

This patent is hard for me to understand how it is done. What I have been able to figure out is that a compound was synthesize similar to the binding region of the RANKL molecule and slightly altered to act as an antibody for the RANKL molecule. The actual molecule being administered appears to be a fusion protein of a peptide with a specific amino acid being sequenced, and from my quick glance at it is not that long, so I would guess the average university bimolecular lab can possibly synthesize this within a few months and get people trying it out.

What I am willing to say is that this may be the first real possible height increase technique or idea you can use and might get results from as a physically mature adult. However, you have to believe that the theory behind LSJL makes sense, that chondrocyte proliferation and differentiation will lead to bones being pressed apart.

Method For Non-Invasive Electrical Stimulation Of Epiphyseal Plate Growth (Important)

Me: This is one of those posts that if you are serious about this endeavor, you would want to see this post. Now we already know that PEMF technology can increase bones, but from the diagram below it seems that the machine was placed next to the growth plate to stimulate it to increase the growth rate. I personally know many Electrical Engineers who can build something like this easily. You can even get a very similar device which does this from Radioshack or an electronic parts store. 

The technology looks like just the application of the PEMF technology. From wikipedia, “PEMF uses electrical energy to direct a series of magnetic pulses through injured tissue whereby each magnetic pulse induces a tiny electrical signal that stimulates cellular repair”… My guess on how the theory works is that bones themselves have a sort of piezoelectric properties. When you apply a current through the bone, the hard crystals or the chondrocytes inside can potentially align parallel to the electrical field generated. You should definitely read the actual patent with the link below.

This is the patent link HERE. You can find it easily by going to Google Patents and typing in the words “epiphyseal plate” into search.

What You Need To Know And Take Away From This Post 

This was an invention that was put up as a patent almost 20 years ago where a guy showed that if you put an electrical signal through the area close to the epiphyseal growth plates, it can result in longitudinal bone growth increases.

I am going to save you the trouble of reading through the entire invention but if you want to, you still should look over it. It shows that there are far more ideas and tricks people are trying out to make the long bones grow longer.

The other ways the experimenter has tried to make the long bones grow are.

1. periosteal irritation

2. radiation

3. medullary plugging

4. creation of an arteriovenous fistula

5. sympathetic denervation

6. heat

7. insertion of foreign object

8. electricity

Previous experiments with electricity involved embedding two non-similar metal rods into the metaphysics region of the long bone (probably copper and zinc), then applying either an AC or DC current of around 10-20 microamps just like a electrolysis experiment.

This is how the invention is supposed to be applied. You first have to buy a signal producing generator, like a WaveTech Model 148 Function Generator. The modern equivalent would be a Tectronix AFG2021 model which can cost between $200-$1500. You then shave your legs, at least the areas where the growth plates are. You apply some KY jelly for lubrication. You get two wires to attach to the signal generator . The other ends of the wires have a  small relatively flat electrode with an area about a 1 in^s. You can also put a dielectric material Mylar film to make the electric field produced to be slightly different. You put the flats electrodes on the sides of your shaven leg, on the left and right sides, right where your epiphyseal plates are supposed to be. You fasten and hold the bare metal electrodes in place with a plastic jig and moleskin wrap. Note that if you keep the plastic in place for too long, it can lead to edema. For the experiment, the subjects war rabbits and they were injected on day 0 with 3 mg/kg of intravenous oxytetracycline because it seems the compound helps increase the mineralization of cartilage and bone cells. Another host of oxytetracycline was given on day 2.

The signal you are supposed to make and sent with the generator will be between 2.5 and 15 volts, peak to peak . The frequency range is between 20 and 120 KHz. The calculate the current going through the leg, you also attach an 100 ohm resistor in series with the electrodes, so that you can later figure out what is the voltage drop between the electrodes. The Current RMS value for the rabbit experiment was around 0.50-2.50 miliamps range. The signals that got the most longitudinal growth was between 5-10 Volts peak Voltage as an AC signal and around 60 MHz. You can monitor the signal of the electrodes by using a Oscilloscope from Techtronix. For the experiment, the experimental legs increased in length by an average of up to 9% compared to the control which were the legs not stimulated upon.



Increase Height And Grow Taller Using Faslodex

Me: I don’t think it can be any clearer from the last sentence of the paper but Faslodex injections can definitely lead to increased final height and longer growth time by acting as an estrogen blocking agent. The dosage of Faslodex used in the experiment was 100 microg/100 g body weight so for a person about 150 lb, that is about 68 milligrams of the Fasladex compound. So far I have not done any research to see what exactly is Faslodex but only know that it is an estrogen inhibiting agent. 
Pediatr Res. 1999 Sep;46(3):269-73.

The effects of the estrogen receptor blocker, Faslodex (ICI 182,780), on estrogen-accelerated bone maturation in mice.

Gunther DF, Calikoglu AS, Underwood LE.


Division of Pediatric Endocrinology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 27599, USA.


Sex steroids accelerate bone maturation, but it is believed that estrogen action is needed for terminal epiphyseal fusion. In this study, we investigated the effects of a new estrogen-blocking agent, Faslodex (ICI 182,780), on estrogen-accelerated skeletal maturation in immature mice. On day-of-life 2 through 8, mice pups received either estradiol (5 microg/100 g body weight), Faslodex (100 microg/100 g body weight), a combination of Faslodex + estradiol, or vehicle alone. Skeletal maturation was assessed with a scoring system based on the size and appearance of epiphyseal plates in the forepaw and the lumbar spine. Estradiol caused acceleration of bone maturation in our mouse model (p < 0.05). Faslodex blocked the effect of estrogen, such that the mice receiving Faslodex + estradiol did not vary significantly from controls. Faslodex may prove useful in the treatment of patients with diseases causing rapid skeletal maturation, such as precocious puberty.

PMID: 10473040   [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

The Importance Of Height For Leaders Throughout History

My most recent post about the heights of the presidential candidates Mitt Romney and Barack Obama made me want to make  few more remarks on the issue of height for world leaders, the people who make the big decisions and shape the evolution of human kinds.

Throughout history, leaders of nations have tried to make themselves appear just as big as the amount of power they wield in the office. For the male leader, it may be a very psychological element to think of himself as not just strong, but also big.

Most people would think that their leaders are tall, and larger than life. However that doesn’t seem to be the case for many nations these days. As we have seen time and time again, some of the greatest most influential leaders in history has been people who were on the short side.

Alexander the Great, Atilla the Hun, Napoleon Bonaparte, Deng Xiao Ping, Joseph Stalin, and even Hitler has all been either noted to be or rumored to have been on the short side.

Recent leaders and presidents like Nicholas Sarkozy, Dimitri Medvedev, Angela Merkel, Silvio Berlusconi, Vladimir Putin, François Hollande ,  Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Margaret Thatcher have all been much shorter than the average citizen of their countries would have believed. In general, besides the current USA and UK leaders, most other countries that I can think of have leaders that are low in stature.

However, this does not mean that they are just going to let other people see them in a negative unappealing light though. Many past and present leaders have created an image and used PR campaigning to make themselves appear bigger than they really are. Let’s remember that the previous French president Sarkozy at 5′ 5″-5′ 6″ was rumored to have worn lifts or high heeled shoes to make himself look bigger because the french press joked about his size and to put him closer to his wife Carla Bruni’s height. She was said to have also been only allowed to wear flats to not overwhelm his presence. The current russian president Putin is also said to only put himself in situations where his real height can not be judged properly. The late Chinese Chairman Mao was also rumored to have used his PR people to claim he was 5′ 11″ which was tall compared to the average Chinese during that era. So has the late Kim Jung Il who many people think is 5′ 3″ and has been reported to wear very high lifts so as not to appear so small compared to other world leaders in pictures.

From ABC News HERE

World’s Leaders Don’t Stand So Tall

By NICK WATT (@nickwattabc) and JENNA MUCHA
July 5, 2008

The giants of world politics are assembled in Toyako, Japan, for the G-8 summit this weekend, but while they may be big-time players, most of them wouldn’t stand out in a crowd.

Just one, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, breaks the 6-foot barrier. Five of the world leaders aren’t even 5’6″ tall.

President Bush can count himself among the more imposing of the heads of government: He’s 5’11”, and a nice pair of cowboy boots would easily lift him over 6 feet.

If John McCain is elected in November, the Arizona Republican won’t have to worry about talking down to most of his counterparts at these gatherings: At 5’9″ he is only a little taller than average.

Barack Obama on the other hand might make some of the other G-8 leaders uncomfortable. The Illinois Democrat would tower over them at 6’1″.

Among the leaders gathered this weekend, Russia’s little big man, President Dmitry Medvedev, brings up the rear at only 5’2″.

The G-8 host country Japan’s Yasuo Fukuda is only 5’6″, and Germany’s female Chancellor Angela Merkel measures in at only 5’5″.

Italy’s Silvio Berlusconi’s height is something of a controversy. According to most sources Belusconi is 5’5″. However according to, Berlusconi — often made fun of for his height and wearing platform shoes — once commented at a European summit, “Satirists describe me as a dwarf, but I am actually 170 centimeters (5’7″) tall. In my day that was considered quite tall.”

President Nicolas Sarkozy of France does all he can to disguise the four inches his former supermodel wife has over him. She wears flat shoes and he wears the heels, since he’s only 5’5″.

So why hide their true height? Are they scared of being called little Napoleons?

“Napoleon Complex is when short men overcompensate for being short by being overly aggressive,” said Steven Goldsmith, editor of Short Persons Support. The French emperor has been portrayed in movies such as the eponymous offering of “Napoleon” from 2003 as a feisty little fellow, going down in history as only 5’2″.

There are plenty of examples to back the theory that bears his name. One is former Russian dictator Josef Stalin, blamed for 20 million deaths, who was a mere 5’5″.

In Pyongyang, North Korea, Kim Yong Il’s height is a state secret. But the Cuban heels and bouffant hairstyle he wears aren’t fooling anyone, this leader is only 5’3″.

Now English psychologist Dr. Mike Eslea of the University of Central Lancashire has put the Napoleon Complex to the test, using a little game to measure aggression among tall and short men.

“You’re going to start giving them a little rap on the knuckles as a provocation to see how they react,” Eslea said. The subjects think it’s their dexterity being assessed, but actually it’s their aggression. “On the question of aggression I can tell you that the taller guys were more aggressive,” he said.

So, according to Elsea it’s actually a myth. History, too, provides enough examples to debunk it. Sure Josef Goebbels and Charles Manson were very short. But Saddam Hussein was 6’2″ and Osama Bin Laden, he’s 6’4″.

And it turns out Napoleon was really 5’6″. His enemies claimed he was only 5’2″. Could it have been propaganda?