Catch Up Growth Explained, Can We Use It To Increase In Height And Grow Taller?

Me: Once you have been doing enough research on how to increase height and grow taller once type of phenomenon which I heard over and over again was this idea of catch up growth, which often happens in adolescents which went through a strange stage where growth was first slow and inhibited but suddenly accelerated in speed and there was a dramatic increase in height.

It seems that the phenomenon of catch up growth can be explained if we understand the senescence of growth plates. As stated in a very recent post, there has been a lot of experimental evidence that the senescence of growth plates can be partially explained by the idea that the progenitor chondrocytes in the resting zone have a limited replicative capacity which is gradually exhausted with increasing cell division. There are actually a few compounds like gluccocorticoids which not only inhibit the proliferation of chondrocytes, but also decrease the rate of senescence of the growth plates. This means that at the same time that it is keep height shorter, it also is making the  possibility that height can be a lot taller later on. I guess the easy analogy is the tortoise which is slow and steady can often cover more distance than the hare which is fast and easily runs out of steam. Hypothyroidism can also decrease the mechanism of growth plate senescence. 

Using this type of basic background scientific knowledge, we can deduce that the phenomenon of catchup growth is where the senescence of growth plate first slows down while the proliferation of chondorcytes also slows down thus decreasing the longitundinla growth rate. For the young kids or their parent who might be worried and concerned their kids won’t ever grow taller, this might look like the child has finished growing. Then some trigger which is unknown at this time come along, restarts the growth plate senescence mechanism up again, accelerating the speed of growth which will also increase the proliferation rate of the chondrocytes in the resting zone which is the real cause for longitudinal growth. All of sudden ,the kid who might have been short in middle school goes through a crazy sudden growth spurt in high school and they find themselves taller than many of the kids who used to be taller than them.

As stated before in a previous post, I think there may be a way to use the phenomenon of catch up growth, at more specifically the cause of catch up growth, to make height increase possible and get people to grow to be taller than what they were programmed to be originally. We note that gluccocorticoids controls the senescence of the growth plate. Instead of just increasing or decreasing the amount going through the system, which will just slow down the process of growth in both directions, we might be able to create a pulsing action for the gluccocorticoids. The pulsing behavior could mean that a drop in gluccocorticoids than lead to sudden growth spurts from the letting up for the natural senescence of the growth plates, and when the proiferation capacity of the chondrocytes in the resting zone starts to drop, we overwhelm the growth plates with gluccocorticoids thus allowing the chondrocytes to recovery back up their proliferation capacities again. We just repeat this process which is sinusoidal in behavior. Coincidently, I have an unpublished post about using PEMF technology to stimulate the epiphyseal plates using very specific in form and shape of electrical signal generators which have pulsing action. There is a strong signal for a short time, which goes away, only to be repeated at a specific time interval later. I’ll get that post out within the next few days.

I found a nice PubMed abstract that gives an idea on the possible cause for catchup growth which seems to agree with the findings I have researched about recently.

From source link HERE

Endocr Dev. 2011;21:23-9. Epub 2011 Aug 22.

Growth plate senescence and catch-up growth.

Lui JC, Nilsson O, Baron J.


Developmental Endocrinology Branch, Program in Developmental Endocrinology and Genetics, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institutes of Health, 10 Center Drive, Bethesda, MD 20892- 1103, USA.


Longitudinal bone growth is rapid in prenatal and early postnatal life, but then slows with age and eventually ceases. This growth deceleration is caused primarily by a decrease in chondrocyte proliferation, and is associated with other structural, functional, and molecular changes collectively termed growth plate senescence. Current evidence suggests that growth plate senescence occurs because the progenitor chondrocytes in the resting zone have a limited replicative capacity which is gradually exhausted with increasing cell division. In addition, recent experimental findings from laboratory and clinical studies suggest that growth plate senescence explains the phenomenon of catch-up growth. Growth-inhibiting conditions such as glucocorticoid excess and hypothyroidism delay the program of growth plate senescence. Consequently, growth plates are less senescent after these conditions resolve and therefore grow more rapidly than is normal for age, resulting in catch-up growth.

Copyright © 2011 S. Karger AG, Basel.

PMID: 21865751    [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] 
PMCID:   PMC3420820

The 3 Men Who Lacked Estrogen Receptors Who Did Not Stop Growing

Me: These articles that are posted below are on the 3 male subjects that have been found to issues with their estrogen receptors causing them to have unfused growth plates and grow to extraordinary heights. I feel that this article is one of those posts that the reader should pay more attention to because it can give clues to ideas that can work. The exact location of this gene mutation was at the estrogen receptor or for cytochrome P-450 aromatase. There was a single G →A mutation at base pair (bp) 1094 in exon 9 of the P-450 aromatase gene, resulting in a glutamine instead of an arginine at position 365. For the other subject, his genetic mutation was a variant banding pattern in exon 2. Direct sequencing of exon 2 revealed a cytosine-to-thymine transition at codon 157 of both alleles, resulting in a premature stop codon. For the last subjects, who were brother and sister, their genetic mutation was at  only a single human gene encoding aromatase P450 (CYP19) has been isolated; tissue-specific regulation is controlled in part by alternative promoters in a tissue-specific manner. they report a novel mutation in the CYP19 gene.


Edited by: Thomas W. Durso ‘MAJOR IMPORTANCE’: Eric Smith evaluated a man shown to be estrogen-resistant. E.P. Smith, J. Boyd, G.R. Frank, H. Takahashi, R.M. Cohen, B. Specker, T.C. Williams, D.B. Lubahn, K.S. Korach, “Estrogen resistance caused by a mutation in the estrogen-receptor gene in a man,” New England Journal of Medicine, 331:1056-61, 1994. (Cited in more than 50 publications as of August 1996) Comments by Eric P. Smith, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, University o

October 14, 1996

Edited by: Thomas W. Durso

Estrogen is generally thought to have important effects only on women. But with the publication of this paper, describing the first reported case of estrogen resistance in a human male, researchers demonstrated the importance of the hormone in men.E.P. Smith, J. Boyd, G.R. Frank, H. Takahashi, R.M. Cohen, B. Specker, T.C. Williams, D.B. Lubahn, K.S. Korach, “Estrogen resistance caused by a mutation in the estrogen-receptor gene in a man,” New England Journal of Medicine331:10

The subject of this paper, a 28-year-old man who stood at 6 feet, 8 inches, was experiencing secondary-to-continued growth well into his third decade, and displayed delayed bone-age maturation comparable to a 15- year-old boy. Ultimately, the man was evaluated by pediatric endocrinologist Eric P. Smith, an associate professor of pediatrics at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, which is affiliated with the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine.

Despite the man’s age and height, further testing revealed that he had a bone-mineral mass similar to a “severely osteoporotic elderly woman,” according to Smith. Levels of testosterone and androgen, a pair of male hormones, were normal, but estrogen levels were elevated, which suggested resistance to estrogen.

To test the hypothesis of estrogen resistance, Smith treated the man with estrogen skin patches, raising the hormone level tenfold, for six months. “There was no measurable response to the treatment,” Smith recalls. “A normal individual would develop substantial breast enlargement, among many other physical and biomedical changes. We were quite surprised, because his lack of response suggested severe estrogen resistance, a condition that was thought to be embryonically lethal. Indeed, this was considered to be the explanation for why no cases of loss-of-function estrogen receptor mutations had been reported in the medical literature.”

But Smith was aware of a study in which researchers had successfully bred and sustained mice with mutated estrogen-receptor genes (D.B. Lubahn, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences90:11162-6, 1993). He sent samples of the man’s DNA to Kenneth S. Korach, chief of the Laboratory of Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences in Research Triangle Park, N.C. Evaluation of the DNA revealed a mutation in the gene encoding the estrogen receptor.The implications of the case are significant, say the researchers. “Here’s the first reported mutation of this gene resulting in a living individual who is hormonally insensitive to estrogen,” Korach states.

The paper demonstrated, “dramatically and unequivocally,” according to Korach, that estrogen is the principal hormone involved in the final fusion of the epiphyses, the plates at the end of bones whose closure is necessary for bones to stop lengthening. In addition, the researchers say, estrogen must now be considered important in males for normal accretion of bone-mineral mass, with major implications for the common clinical condition of osteoporosis.

“Whether you have patients who don’t make estrogen or make estrogen but can’t use it through the receptors,” Korach declares, “you still have the same effect on the skeleton.”

Smith points to estrogen’s involvement in many different processes, such as growth and bone density, and the implications for males as the reasons the paper has been highly cited.

“From my point of view as a pediatric endocrinologist, the major importance is on growth implications,” he says. “We see a lot of children who have growth disorders, and their degree of bone maturation is a major component of their evaluation. Any advance in the understanding of the primary determinants of how growth plates mature and fuse will be useful in the evaluation of childhood growth disorders. Potentially, final height could be augmented by manipulating the androgen/estrogen milieu.”

Korach also attributes interest in the paper to “the uniqueness and novelty of the findings.” He notes that it was the first clinical description of this gene mutation, which debunked the long-held notion that it was a lethal mutation. “Now it turns out you can have mutation in this gene and it does not result in lethality, but produces significant phenotype.”

In addition, Korach points out correlations between the man’s case and the male mice. For example, the estrogen-receptor gene mutation in the mice resulted in male infertility, and Korach speculates that human males may evolve similar impairments related to decreased estrogen action. The man profiled in this paper had a low-normal sperm count with decreased movement at the time of the initial analysis, and Korach explains that the condition in the mice appears progressive.

“It told us for the first time there’s a critical role for estrogen in male fertility, and effects on the male reproductive tract were a real surprise,” he adds. “From the past we thought it was something that was androgen- or testosterone-related. Now we see the lack of a functional estrogen receptor and lack of estrogen action has been associated with male infertility. It ties estrogen exposure to the male, and it’s as important there as it is to the female. We hope it will allow us to make people aware that this mutation can exist in the human population.”

Effect of Testosterone and Estradiol in a Man with Aromatase Deficiency

Cesare Carani, M.D., Kenan Qin, Ph.D., Manuela Simoni, M.D., Ph.D., Marco Faustini-Fustini, M.D., Stefania Serpente, M.D., Jeff Boyd, Ph.D., Kenneth S. Korach, Ph.D., and Evan R. Simpson, Ph.D.

N Engl J Med 1997; 337:91-95  July 10, 1997  DOI: 10.1056/NEJM199707103370204

Recent reports of disruptive mutations of the genes for the estrogen receptor or for cytochrome P-450 aromatase1-6 have shed new light on the role of estrogen. In females the lack of estrogen due to aromatase deficiency leads to pseudohermaphroditism and progressive virilization at puberty, whereas in males pubertal development is normal. In members of both sexes epiphyseal closure is delayed, resulting in a eunuchoid habitus, and osteopenia is present.6 These findings suggest a crucial role of estrogen in skeletal maturation.1-6 We describe the responses to androgen and estrogen in a man with a novel, homozygous inactivating mutation of the P-450 aromatase gene.


The proband, the second of 10 siblings, was born after an uncomplicated pregnancy. His parents were first cousins (Figure 1FIGURE 1Pedigree of a Man with Aromatase Deficiency.). The patient’s early growth and pubertal development were normal, although his testicular volume remained subnormal. At 18 years of age he was 170 cm tall (25th percentile), and he continued to grow thereafter. At the age of 28 years, x-ray films of the right arm obtained after an injury revealed unfused epiphyses and osteopenia. At the age of 29 years, he married a woman who did not conceive despite regular unprotected intercourse. Semen analysis one year later7 revealed a sperm count of 1 million per milliliter (normal, >20 million) with 100 percent immotile spermatozoa. The patient was treated with 150 IU of human menopausal gonadotropin and 1000 IU of human chorionic gonadotropin intramuscularly three times weekly for four months, with no change in the sperm count.
In 1988, at the age of 31, the patient was evaluated because of a four-year history of persistent linear growth, infertility, and moderate skeletal pain, especially in the knee, that limited his ability to walk. He weighed 96.5 kg and was 187 cm tall (97th percentile). His arm span was 204 cm, and the ratio of the upper segment to the lower segment was 0.85. Physical examination revealed bilateral genu valgum. The patient’s blood pressure was normal. He had normal optic fundi and no gynecomastia, acromegaly, goiter, or acanthosis nigricans. The volume of each testis was 8 ml. His penis size and pattern of pubic hair were normal. His sexual identity and psychosexual orientation as assessed by questionnaire8 were heterosexual, and his libido was normal. He had spontaneous erections sufficient for intercourse.

The patient had normal concentrations of serum testosterone, undetectable concentrations of estradiol, slightly elevated concentrations of follicle-stimulating hormone, and concentrations of luteinizing hormone at the upper limit of the normal range (Table 1TABLE 1Biochemical Values before and after Six Months of Treatment with Testosterone Enanthate or Transdermal Estradiol in a Man with Aromatase Deficiency.). After he received an intravenous bolus dose of 100 μg of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), his serum concentration of luteinizing hormone rose from 6 to 18 IU per liter after 60 minutes (when the peak response occurs), and the concentration of serum follicle-stimulating hormone rose from 14 to 19 IU per liter. The serum concentrations of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, 17-hydroxyprogesterone, androstenedione, parathyroid hormone, free thyroxine, and thyrotropin were normal. The serum concentration of growth hormone rose from 0.8 to 6.2 ng per milliliter after the administration of levodopa. The serum concentration of insulin-like growth factor I was 332 ng per milliliter (normal range at the age of 25 to 35 years, 193 to 575). The serum concentrations of total cholesterol and triglycerides were high, and the serum concentration of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol was low (Table 1).

X-ray films of the left wrist and hand revealed open metacarpal and phalangeal epiphyses; the bone age was 14.8 years (Figure 2AFIGURE 2X-Ray Films of the Left Hand of the Proband. and Figure 2B). X-ray films of the tibias, knees, and pelvis showed diffuse bone demineralization and lack of epiphyseal fusion. A bone biopsy of the iliac crest after labeling with tetracycline revealed several slightly widened areas of osteoid seams lined by active osteoblasts.

A semen analysis7 revealed a sperm count of less than 1 million per milliliter, with 100 percent immotile spermatozoa. A testicular biopsy showed hypospermatogenesis and germ-cell arrest, mainly at the level of primary spermatocytes. The karyotype was 46,XY.

In an attempt to arrest his persistent linear growth and stimulate epiphyseal closure, the patient, after giving informed consent, was treated with 250 mg of testosterone enanthate intramuscularly every 10 days for 6 months. There were no clinical, behavioral, hormonal, or metabolic changes, except for a small decrease in the serum concentration of HDL cholesterol (Table 1). His bone age did not change, and moderate bone pain persisted. He interrupted the treatment spontaneously in 1989 because of its ineffectiveness and because he believed it was rendering him irretrievably infertile.

In 1995 the patient was 190 cm tall (above the 97th percentile), and his bone age and biochemical values had not changed appreciably (Table 1). The results of an oral glucose-tolerance test were normal. The similarity between his phenotype and that of a man with a mutated estrogen-receptor gene1 prompted us to analyze the patient’s DNA for a mutation in that gene or in the P-450 aromatase gene. As expected from the low serum estradiol levels, the estrogen-receptor gene was normal, but there was a single G →A mutation at base pair (bp) 1094 in exon 9 of the P-450 aromatase gene, resulting in a glutamine instead of an arginine at position 365 (Figure 3FIGURE 3Nucleotide Sequence of a Region of Exon 9 of the P-450 Aromatase Gene in the Patient, a Normal Subject, and the Patient’s Parents.). This mutation abolishes a site cleaved by the restriction enzyme Acc651; restriction analysis, used to determine the carrier status of other family members, showed that both parents were heterozygous for the mutation. Expression studies in COS-1 cells showed that the aromatase activity of the mutant protein was 0.4 percent of that of the wild-type protein in the presence of the same amount of total cellular protein, as measured by a Western blot assay corrected for the efficiency of transfection.

After giving informed consent and with the approval of the local university review board, the patient was treated with 50 μg of transdermal estradiol twice weekly. His bone pain improved after four months and resolved completely after six months. His serum concentrations of luteinizing hormone, follicle–stimulating hormone, and testosterone decreased, that of HDL cholesterol increased, and that of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol decreased (Table 1). His fasting concentrations of serum insulin and blood glucose were normal. The serum concentrations of alkaline phosphatase and osteocalcin increased, as did the urinary excretion of pyridinoline, indicating active bone remodeling (Table 1). The bone mineral density of the lumbar spine was 0.93 g per square centimeter before treatment (normal range 9 for adolescents in Tanner stage 5, 0.96 to 1.31) and was 1.05 and 1.17 g per square centimeter after four and seven months of treatment, respectively. Epiphyseal closure was documented after nine months of therapy, with a bone age greater than 16 years (Figure 2A andFigure 2B). The treatment did not induce gynecomastia, hyperprolactinemia, or sexual dysfunction. Testicular volume and the results of semen analysis did not change. At this writing the patient is being treated with 25 μg of transdermal estradiol twice weekly.


Biochemical Measurements

Blood samples were obtained by venipuncture after an overnight fast. Serum luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, and growth hormone were measured by an immunofluorimetric assay (Delfia kits, Pharmacia, Milan, Italy) according to the instructions of the manufacturer. All the other hormones were measured by commercially available radioimmunoassays.

Molecular Analysis of the Genes for the Estrogen Receptor and P-450 Aromatase

Genomic DNA was prepared from blood samples obtained from the patient, his parents, two of his brothers, one of his nephews, and a normal unrelated man.4 Single-strand conformation analysis of the estrogen-receptor gene was performed as previously reported.1 To determine the complete sequence of the exons and the intron–exon junctions, each exon of the P-450 aromatase gene, including the 5′ untranslated exons and their respective 5′ flanking regions, was amplified as previously described.10 Both strands were sequenced to exclude artifacts. The complete sequence of each exon, including the 5′ and 3′ splice junctions, was compared with the published sequence.11

Exon 9 of the genomic DNA from the normal subject, the proband, and the family members was amplified and digested with Acc651 (Promega, Madison, Wis.), according to the specifications of the manufacturer, and subjected to electrophoresis in a 2 percent agarose gel. The digested fragments were visualized by staining with ethidium bromide.

P-450 aromatase complementary DNA (cDNA) was prepared from wild-type pCMV5arom.11 The wild-type, mutant (R365Q), and vector-only constructs were transfected into COS-1 cells by lipofectamine (BRL, Grand Island, N.Y.). Aromatase activity was determined by the production of tritiated water from [1β-3H]androstenedione.12 Incubations were conducted in triplicate 48 hours after transfection. Western blot analysis was performed as previously described.10


We studied the effects of estrogen therapy in a man with a loss-of-function mutation of the aromatase gene. Our first conclusion is that estrogen therapy had a large effect on the patient’s skeletal growth and bone maturation, whereas androgen therapy did not. The dichotomy between the histologic picture of active bone formation and normal biochemical measures of bone metabolism suggests that testosterone exerted an active effect on osteoblasts, albeit an inefficient one. With estrogen treatment spinal bone mineral density increased, and complete epiphyseal closure was achieved after nine months. The increases in bone mineral density, serum levels of alkaline phosphatase and osteocalcin, and urinary excretion of pyridinoline were similar to those that occur during normal skeletal maturation during puberty.13,14 By contrast, testosterone had no effect on skeletal maturation. Therefore, the eunuchoid skeleton may result mainly from a deficiency of estrogen, rather than a deficiency of androgen. The lack of eunuchoid skeletal development in patients with complete androgen insensitivity supports this view.15 Conversely, patients of either sex who have a complete deficiency of 17α-hydroxylase or a combined deficiency of 17α-hydroxylase and 17,20-lyase have tall stature, retardation of bone age, osteoporosis, and a eunuchoid skeleton16 — a phenotype classically related to the poor production of sex steroids, which can now be explained by a deficiency of estrogen. As is consistent with these findings, estrogen seems required for epiphyseal fusion, an event that takes longer in patients with hypogonadism, who produce insufficient androgens for aromatization. Such fusion never takes place in men with estrogen deficiency or estrogen resistance.

Estrogen treatment induced substantial decreases in the ratio of serum LDL cholesterol to serum HDL cholesterol and in serum triglycerides in our patient (Table 1). Although this effect may depend at least in part on reduced concentrations of serum testosterone, it is clear that the abnormal lipid profile in an aromatase-deficient subject can be modified with estrogen treatment.17

Our patient did not have insulin resistance, unlike previously described patients with aromatase deficiency or estrogen insensitivity.1,4 This finding raises the possibility that insulin resistance is an unrelated phenomenon. His serum concentrations of luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone were normal or slightly elevated and responded normally to GnRH stimulation. However, estrogen treatment caused complete suppression of serum gonadotropins whereas androgen treatment did not. In contrast, serum gonadotropins are hyperresponsive to GnRH in female patients with aromatase deficiency,3 because there is a complete absence of steroid feedback. These results indicate that the mechanism of sex-steroid–gonadotropin feedback in male patients is mainly mediated by testosterone, but that some testosterone must be converted to estrogen.17-22 This conclusion is supported by a report that the concomitant administration of testosterone and an aromatase inhibitor prevents testosterone-induced suppression of gonadotropin,20 whereas dihydrotestosterone has no effect.21

Unlike the other two men with estrogen deficiency or resistance described to date, our patient had small testicles and severe oligozoospermia. Azoospermia and infertility were also reported in one of his brothers (Subject IV-5), who had a normal P-450 aromatase gene. Therefore, spermatogenic damage may also be a primary event in the proband, independent of estrogen deficiency. Mouse germ cells express aromatase,23 and mice in which the estrogen-receptor gene is knocked out have reduced testicular volume and are infertile, indicating that estrogen is necessary for fertility in that species.24 In adult men, aromatase is located in Leydig cells, but its function is unknown. 25 The ineffectiveness of estrogen therapy in inducing spermatogenesis in our patient argues against estrogen-dependent spermatogenic damage.

In conclusion, we describe a therapeutic response to estrogen therapy, but not to androgen therapy, in a man with aromatase deficiency. When to initiate treatment, at what doses, and for how long all remain uncertain.

Supported in part by a grant from the Italian Research Council, by a grant (FY96-0428) from the March of Dimes, by a grant (R37-A908174) from the Public Health Service, by a training grant (5-T32-HD07190) from the Public Health Service (to Dr. Qin), by a grant (130/15-1) from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (to Dr. Simoni), and by a grant from Ares Serono, Geneva, through the European Academy of Andrology (to Dr. Carani).

We are indebted to Dr. M.G. Ferrari for DNA preparation, to Dr. P. Ballanti and Dr. A. Maiorana for histologic analysis, to Dr. V. Spina for radiologic evaluation, and to Dr. P. Beck-Peccoz for his helpful suggestions.


N Engl J Med. 1994 Oct 20;331(16):1056-61.

Estrogen resistance caused by a mutation in the estrogen-receptor gene in a man.

Smith EP, Boyd J, Frank GR, Takahashi H, Cohen RM, Specker B, Williams TC, Lubahn DB, Korach KS.


Department of Pediatrics, Children’s Hospital Medical Center, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, OH 45229.

Erratum in

  • N Engl J Med 1995 Jan 12;332(2):131.



Mutations in the estrogen-receptor gene have been thought to be lethal. A 28-year-old man whose estrogen resistance was caused by a disruptive mutation in the estrogen-receptor gene underwent studies of pituitary-gonadal function and bone density and received transdermal estrogen for six months. Estrogen-receptor DNA, extracted from lymphocytes, was evaluated by analysis of single-strand-conformation polymorphisms and by direct sequencing.


The patient was tall (204 cm [80.3 in.]) and had incomplete epiphyseal closure, with a history of continued linear growth into adulthood despite otherwise normal pubertal development. He was normally masculinized and had bilateral axillary acanthosis nigricans. Serum estradiol and estrone concentrations were elevated, and serum testosterone concentrations were normal. Serum follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone concentrations were increased. Glucose tolerance was impaired, and hyperinsulinemia was present. The bone mineral density of the lumbar spine was 0.745 g per square centimeter, 3.1 SD below the mean for age-matched normal women; there was biochemical evidence of increased bone turnover. The patient had no detectable response to estrogen administration, despite a 10-fold increase in the serum free estradiol concentration. Conformation analysis of his estrogen-receptor gene revealed a variant banding pattern in exon 2. Direct sequencing of exon 2 revealed a cytosine-to-thymine transition at codon 157 of both alleles, resulting in a premature stop codon. The patient’s parents were heterozygous carriers of this mutation, and pedigree analysis revealed consanguinity.


Disruption of the estrogen receptor in humans need not be lethal. Estrogen is important for bone maturation and mineralization in men as well as women.


J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1995 Dec;80(12):3689-98.

Aromatase deficiency in male and female siblings caused by a novel mutation and the physiological role of estrogens.

Morishima A, Grumbach MM, Simpson ER, Fisher C, Qin K.


Department of Pediatrics, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, New York, USA.


The aromatase enzyme complex catalyzes the conversion of androgens to estrogens in a wide variety of tissues, including the ovary, testis, placenta, brain, and adipose tissue. Only a single human gene encoding aromatase P450 (CYP19) has been isolated; tissue-specific regulation is controlled in part by alternative promoters in a tissue-specific manner. We report a novel mutation in the CYP19 gene in a sister and brother. The 28-yr-old XX proband, followed since infancy, exhibited the cardinal features of the aromatase deficiency syndrome as recently defined. She had nonadrenal female pseudohermaphrodism at birth and underwent repair of the external genitalia, including a clitorectomy. At the age of puberty, she developed progressive signs of virilization, pubertal failure with no signs of estrogen action, hypergonadotropic hypogonadism, polycystic ovaries on pelvic sonography, and tall stature. The basal concentrations of plasma testosterone, androstenedione, and 17-hydroxyprogesterone were elevated, whereas plasma estradiol was low. Cyst fluid from the polycystic ovaries had a strikingly abnormal ratio of androstenedione and testosterone to estradiol and estrone. Hormone replacement therapy led to breast development, menses, resolution of ovarian cysts, and suppression of the elevated FSH and LH values. Her adult height is 177.6 cm (+2.5 SD). Her only sibling, an XY male, was studied at 24 yr of age. During both pregnancies, the mother exhibited signs of progressive virilization that regressed postpartum. The height of the brother was 204 cm (+3.7 SD) with eunuchoid skeletal proportions, and the weight was 135.1 kg (+2.1 SD). He was sexually fully mature and had macroorchidism. The plasma concentrations of testosterone (2015 ng/dL), 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone (125 ng/dL), and androstenedione (335 ng/dL) were elevated; estradiol and estrone levels were less than 7 pg/mL. Plasma FSH and LH concentrations were more than 3 times the mean value. Plasma PRL was low; serum insulin-like growth factor I and GH-binding protein were normal. The bone age was 14 yr at a chronological age of 24 3/12 yr. Striking osteopenia was noted at the wrist. Bone mineral densitometric indexes of the lumbar spine (cancellous bone) and distal radius (cortical bone) were consistent with osteoporosis; the distal radius was -4.7 SD below the mean value for age- and sex-matched normal men; indexes of bone turnover were increased. Hyperinsulinemia, increased serum total and low density lipoprotein cholesterol, and triglycerides and decreased high density lipoprotein cholesterol were detected.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)

PMID: 8530621    [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]


Mechanisms And Pathways Of Growth Failure In Primordial Dwarfism, The Implications Of The Results And Data

My Interpretation: Remember that Yao Ming and Kiran Singh were both born from unusually large women with large wombs. Also note that 2nd and 3rd children tend to be bigger than 1st child. Mother’s mental health also is important, so is her health, and much other stuff. Their length and mass, and size right out of the womb was 40% larger than other kids. If they grew at the same rate as other kids, just from the number of their cells, they were destined to be bigger than other babies. 
Note what is said here…
A) Cell size and cell number determine organism size. Conceptually, body size can be altered through reducing the number of cell divisions or reducing cell size. For example, if during an identical period of development, cells divide only five times out of the usual seven rounds of cell division, this will reduce body volume by 75%. Reducing cell volume to a quarter of normal could similarly reduce body size while maintaining cell number constant. (B) In mammals, body size appears to be predominantly determined by cell number.
Genes Dev. 2011 Oct 1;25(19):2011-24.

Mechanisms and pathways of growth failure in primordial dwarfism.

Klingseisen A, Jackson AP.


MRC Human Genetics Unit, Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh EH4 2XU, UK.


The greatest difference between species is size; however, the developmental mechanisms determining organism growth remain poorly understood. Primordial dwarfism is a group of human single-gene disorders with extreme global growth failure (which includes Seckel syndrome, microcephalic osteodysplastic primordial dwarfism I [MOPD] types I and II, and Meier-Gorlin syndrome). Ten genes have now been identified for microcephalic primordial dwarfism, encoding proteins involved in fundamental cellular processes including genome replication (ORC1 [origin recognition complex 1], ORC4, ORC6, CDT1, and CDC6), DNA damage response (ATR [ataxia-telangiectasia and Rad3-related]), mRNA splicing (U4atac), and centrosome function (CEP152, PCNT, and CPAP). Here, we review the cellular and developmental mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of these conditions and address whether further study of these genes could provide novel insight into the physiological regulation of organism growth.

PMID:  21979914       [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE] PMCID: PMC319720
Genes Dev. 2011 October 1; 25(19): 2011–2024.
doi: 10.1101/gad.169037

Figure 1.

Click on image to zoom

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.<br />
Object name is 2011fig1.jpg Object name is 2011fig1.jpg

(A) Cell size and cell number determine organism size. Conceptually, body size can be altered through reducing the number of cell divisions or reducing cell size. For example, if during an identical period of development, cells divide only five times out of the usual seven rounds of cell division, this will reduce body volume by 75%. Reducing cell volume to a quarter of normal could similarly reduce body size while maintaining cell number constant. (B) In mammals, body size appears to be predominantly determined by cell number. There is a 3000-fold difference in body mass between mice (25 g) and humans (70 kg), while volume of cells from similar tissues remains relatively unchanged (Conlon and Raff 1999). (C) Cell number can be increased in mammals through alterations in proliferation kinetics. For instance, transgenic expression of stabilized β-catenin protein enlarges brain size in mice during embryogenesis. Midcoronal sections through the embryonic day 15.5 (E15.5) cerebral cortex from a control mouse embryo (left) and a mouse with the Δ90β-catenin-GFP transgene expressed in neural precursors, resulting in an enlarged brain with increased cerebral cortical surface area and folds resembling sulci and gyri of higher mammals. Bar, 1 mm. (Image from Chenn and Walsh 2002. Reprinted with permission from AAAS.)

Genes Dev. 2011 October 1; 25(19): 2011–2024.
doi: 10.1101/gad.169037
Figure 2.
Click on image to zoom

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Intracellular signaling pathways regulating growth. PI3K/TOR, Hippo, and MAPK pathways regulate growth by modulating protein translation, cell cycle progression, and apoptosis. Schematic of pathways showing key components. Genes highlighted in red are mutated in human genetic syndromes that manifest growth deficiency or overgrowth. (A) Growth hormone acts systemically through its regulation of IGF-1, which activates phosphotidyl-inosine-3 kinase (PI3K) by binding the IGF-1 receptor (IGF-1R). Subsequent activation of downstream kinases results in increased protein translation and ribosome biosynthesis, leading to cellular growth. The pathway is inhibited by the phosphatase PTEN and integrates multiple other signals, such as nutrient/energy levels, through the master kinase target of rapamycin (TOR). TOR activates the ribosomal S6 kinase and facilitates eIF4E activity to promote translation and transcription initiation. (B) The Hippo pathway restricts growth to control organ size and prevent tissue overgrowth and tumorigenesis. The pathway is currently best defined in Drosophila, where the cell polarity protein Crumbs (Crb) and the protocadherins Fat and Dachsous (Ds) activate Hippo kinase, which in turn activates Warts kinase. The signaling cascade negatively regulates the transcriptional coactivator Yorkie (Yki) by retaining Yki in the cytoplasm. This restricts cell proliferation and promotes cell death, as Yki promotes G1 progression over G0 cell cycle exit through transcriptional up-regulation of Cyclin E (CycE) and the E2F transcription factor. Yki also has an anti-apoptotic effect by inducing inhibitor of apoptosis protein (IAP). The core pathway is conserved in mammals: Mst1/2 (Hippo), Lats (Warts), and Yap (Yki). Homologs to Fat and Ds or the target gene bantam have not yet been identified in mammals. (C) The MAPK (ERK) signaling cascade transduces mitogen signals, driving cellular proliferation by promoting G1-to-S-phase progression (Meloche and Pouysségur 2007). Downstream, ERK kinase activates the proproliferative transcription factors Myc and E2F as well as decreases levels of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors p21 and p27. Rather than being entirely discrete signaling pathways, these three signaling pathways (A–C) overlap; for instance, Akt inhibits Hippo activity, while ERK phosphorylates, and thus activates, TOR.

Mechanisms Limiting Body Growth In Mammals.

Me: The article below suggests that the reason why we have limited body sizes may not be from time but from the fact that the limit on adult body size is imposed by a negative feedback loop. The belief is that the cell proliferation decreases from local gene expressions that down regulate the specific genes that cause organ growth. What is very interesting for me are quotes like…
“Different organs appear to use different types of information to precisely target their adult size. For example, skeletal and cardiac muscle growth are negatively regulated by myostatin, the concentration of which depends on muscle mass itself.”
This means that it is possible for us to model this type of homeostatic feedback behavior mathematically using differential equations. I have done enough chemical reaction and process kinetics modeling to be able to easily model this type of behavior using a graphing software.
The other big quote was…
“In pancreas, organ size appears to be limited by the initial number of progenitor cells, suggesting a mechanism based on cell-cycle counting.” 
This statement agrees with other articles which I have found which show that one of the most critical elements is just to see how much initial cell mass and numbers do you have to start to work with ,assuming that all the cells will function and proliferate at their preprogramed rate. 
The next statement… “also suggest that many of the genes that are down-regulated with age serve to regulate proliferation”. This makes me wonder whether it is a good idea to try using gene therapy or controversial new technology for height increase applications on adults. I have read enough to suggest that for adults, most genes that are being up regulated and down regulated is to regulate and actually decrease growth. It seems to suggest that any growth process what accelerates after full physical maturity is automatically assumed by the bodies’ genetic system to be uncontrollable growth, cancer. The body may be inclined to avoid cancer or any type of accelerating and positive growth at all costs to protect the overall organism. This could mean that it may be impossible with any genetic engineering technology today to increase height without having some really bad side effects. 
It shows that the decrease in the rate of height increase aka growth slows down over time and it is actually not because of the decrease in the amount of IGF-1. As a person slows down in growth, the IGF-1 actually increases in their body, which I would guess is because there are no places in the growth plates for the IGF-1 to interact with. 
Endocr Rev. 2011 Jun;32(3):422-40. doi: 10.1210/er.2011-0001. Epub 2011 Mar 25.

Mechanisms limiting body growth in mammals.

Lui JC, Baron J.


Program in Developmental Endocrinology and Genetics, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20892, USA.


Recent studies have begun to provide insight into a long-standing mystery in biology-why body growth in animals is rapid in early life but then progressively slows, thus imposing a limit on adult body size. This growth deceleration in mammals is caused by potent suppression of cell proliferation in multiple tissues and is driven primarily by local, rather than systemic, mechanisms. Recent evidence suggests that this progressive decline in proliferation results from a genetic program that occurs in multiple organs and involves the down-regulation of a large set of growth-promoting genes. This program does not appear to be driven simply by time, but rather depends on growth itself, suggesting that the limit on adult body size is imposed by a negative feedback loop. Different organs appear to use different types of information to precisely target their adult size. For example, skeletal and cardiac muscle growth are negatively regulated by myostatin, the concentration of which depends on muscle mass itself. Liver growth appears to be modulated by bile acid flux, a parameter that reflects organ function. In pancreas, organ size appears to be limited by the initial number of progenitor cells, suggesting a mechanism based on cell-cycle counting. Further elucidation of the fundamental mechanisms suppressing juvenile growth is likely to yield important insights into the pathophysiology of childhood growth disorders and of the unrestrained growth of cancer. In addition, improved understanding of these growth-suppressing mechanisms may someday allow their therapeutic suspension in adult tissues to facilitate tissue regeneration.

Endocr Rev. 2011 June; 32(3): 422–440.       Published online 2011 March 25. doi: 10.1210/er.2011-0001

Fig. 2.

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A complex growth-related genetic program occurs in multiple organs during juvenile life. A, Venn diagrams showing the number of genes down-regulated and up-regulated with age by microarray analysis in mouse and rats. The analysis included genes that showed age regulation (P < 0.05; ≥2.0-fold) in mouse kidney, lung, and heart or in both rat kidney and lung. The substantial overlap indicates that the program was highly conserved during the 20 million yr since the two species diverged. B, Heat maps based on the same set of genes. Each row corresponds to a single gene. Green, Down-regulation with age; red, up-regulation. Scale values are log2 (fold difference). C, A knockout phenotype was reported for 139 of the genes in this same gene set. For the down-regulated genes, knockout frequently resulted in decreased body size, suggesting that many down-regulated genes in this program are growth promoting. D, Bioinformatic analyses of these age-regulated genes using Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) 7.1 and GeneGO also suggest that many of the genes that are down-regulated with age serve to regulate proliferation. For IPA, the five most overrepresented molecular, cellular, or physiological functions are shown (solid barsP value; striped bars, number of significant genes involved). For GeneGO, all significant (P < 0.05) map folders are shown. [Reproduced from J. C. Lui et al.FASEB J 24:3083–3092, 2010 (113).]

Endocr Rev. 2011 June; 32(3): 422–440.
Published online 2011 March 25. doi: 10.1210/er.2011-0001

Fig. 4.

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Model for a mechanism that restricts juvenile body growth. In early life, multiple growth-promoting genes are well expressed, leading to rapid growth. However, growth causes down-regulation of these growth-promoting genes (perhaps through epigenetic mechanisms) which causes growth to slow. Progression of this negative feedback loop would eventually cause the growth rate to approach zero.

Endocr Rev. 2011 June; 32(3): 422–440.
Published online 2011 March 25. doi: 10.1210/er.2011-0001

Fig. 1.

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The decline in the human linear growth rate is not due to declining circulating IGF-I levels. First row, In humans, height increases rapidly in early childhood but eventually plateaus in adolescence (216). Second row, The linear growth velocity (first derivative of the height curve) decreases dramatically during infancy, more gradually during childhood, briefly rises during the pubertal growth spurt, and then resumes its decline, approaching zero (216). Third to fifth rows, As growth is slowing, there is a general increase in total IGF-I and IGFBP-3, both of which are stimulated by GH, as well as an increase in free IGF-I (derived from reference 52).


Solving This Height Increase Problem By Division Of Labor, The Need For A Genetics And Molecular Biology Section

Again while I was doing extensive reading and analysis on the many pathways and proteins and genes involved in the entire growth process it the human body, It was becoming clear to me that the entire thing is very large and complication. I knew that Tyler was trying to create some form of graphical diagram to show how each element was connected and affecting the other compounds.

The other night I decided that maybe the best idea is to break up this website and the studies into 4 sections, instead of the 2 sections which I had previous. I had only endocrinology and orthopedics. However I realized that I was studying far more subjects than just those two subjects. Everything is ultimately connected. If you wanted to fully understand the process of growth, you had to get down into far more details and go into the deeper subjects. This is why I have decided to add a section for Molecular Biology and Biochemistry and also a Genetics and Genetic Engineering section. At some point, it is almost inevitable that we would have to get down to studying at that level.

A lot of the original material I wrote will become obsolete and seem weak in scientific content and the newer articles will be more technical and that was always the evolution of this site. In addition, there will be a need to differentiate and divide the subjects and the labor of research being done. For a few weeks, I might choose to focus only on molecular biology and the next few weeks I will move on to genetics.

Remember that in studying and understanding the universe around us, most of what we think we understand is at our specific level of thinking. There are many layers upon layers of theory and abstraction in describing any phenomena. You can be more superficial and focus only the big parts dealing with continuous mechanics or go smaller into the sphere of study and look at the microscopic dynamics of how each molecule is affecting other molecules around it. My idea is to first focus on the simpler easily observation subjects in orthopedics and through time go smaller and smaller moving on into endocrinology, then to molecular biology, and finally to genetics. After we understand the process of growth at the most basic genetic level, we can work ourselves back down in the level of abstraction.

We may have solved the problem on an orthopedic level by using an orthopedics approach to gaining height through bone distraction and limb lengthening surgery, but to solve it completely so that the genes and results we see gets passed to our children and the next generation, we have to change our very genes, and use that specific type of gene therapy called germ line gene therapy. As for that type of science to work, it will take more effort in innovation and research to figure out how to get the technology to work out.

Indeterminate Growth And Mammals

Me: I was watching this documentary on Youtube a few days ago and there was a part where the narrator starts talking about the fact that there are certain creatures which can go through what is known as “indeterminate growth” which just means that they never stop growing in size. 

When it comes to the plant kingdom, it seems a lot of species, have indeterminate growth. In the animal kingdom, there are only a few select groups of animals which can continue to grow throughout their lifetimes. Fish, reptiles, and some crustaceans, and cephalopods are believed to never stop growing. It is well known that many types of fish never stop growing. Because of the environment they live in, their bodies are in a medium that does not force a large weight or load on their bones, if they have any bones. 

My thought about this was whether there was specific genes in reptiles, fish, and similar creatures which tell them to never stop growing. We recently learned that there is actually little difference in the genes of people and even bacteria. From this source HERE, apparently mice has about 75% genetic similarity to humans and even the fruit fly has about 60% in genetic similarity.  If we go with the modern evolutionary perspective, we could say that we should be similar to most other mammals and animals since we all did originate from the same ancestors and same place. by that logic, we could try to look at the entire human genome, compare it to reptiles, find where the differences are and manipulate the changes.

The first thing we can try is to get reptiles like young baby boas, and try to inject them to slightly genetically engineering dna in vectors, and see if the snakes stop growing. If we can find which genes we change , edit, or stop in the reptiles body, we can thus realize that the reverse of the mutation we did in the first part, activation or deactivation of the same genes in the human body should allow for us to go from determinate growth to indeterminate growth where we don’t stop growing as we age.  

From the Wikipedia article on Indeterminate Growth HERE

Indeterminate growth

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In biology and especially botany, indeterminate growth refers to growth that is not terminated in contrast to determinate growththat stops once a genetically pre-determined structure has completely formed. Thus, a plant that grows and produces flowers andy ruit until killed by frost or some other external factor is called indeterminate.

For example, the term is applied to tomato varieties that grow in a rather gangly fashion, producing fruit throughout the growing season, and in contrast to a determinate tomato plant, which grows in a more bushy shape and is most productive for a single, larger harvest, then either tapers off with minimal new growth/fruit, or dies.

In reference to an inflorescence (a shoot bearing flowers), an indeterminate type (such as a raceme) has the flowers developing and opening from the base towards the growing tip. The growth of the shoot is not impeded by the opening of the early flowers or development of fruits and its appearance is of growing and producing flowers indefinitely. In a determinate inflorescence, typically all of the flower buds are formed before the first ones begin to open, and all open more or less at the same time; or a terminal flower blooms first and stops elongation of the main axis.Inflorescences


In zoology, indeterminate growth refers to the condition where animals grow rapidly when young, and continue to grow after reaching adulthood although at a slower pace. It is common in reptiles, most fish, and many mollusks. The term also refers to the pattern of hair growth sometimes seen in humans and a few domestic breeds, but rare in other mammals, where hair continues to grow in length until it is cut.