Korean Singer Boa Is Dissatisfied Over Her Height

Since I am temporarily living in the Far East, first in South Korea, and now China, I do read and watch a lot of news of the local nations. One news that has been going around the Korean airwaves is about one of the most famous Korean singers in the last decade, a female singer that goes by the name of Boa.

Recently, maybe a few months ago, the singer came on in a public show to express her regret at her short stature (source HERE).

Singer BoA expressed her regret over her short height.

BoA revealed through her Twitter on September 18th, “If I could go back to my teens…I would drink so much milk…I want to return :’(”

BoA also wrote, “I’m going to listen to Eun Ji Won‘s ’160′* while sleeping ^^ good night ^^”

*(160 cm is about 5.25 ft)

Fans who visited BoA’s Twitter responded with comments like, “Honest national singer“, “You’re still pretty even if you’re small“, and “If you’re tall also, you’d be too perfect~“.

Meanwhile, BoA will reveal her repackage album, “Copy & Paste“, through KBS Music Bank on the 24th.

Source: Newsen

From Soompi website HERE


BoA Blames SM for Her Short Height

BoA recently expressed her dissatisfaction toward some parts of her intense training over the years.

On an episode of “Win Win” that aired on May 29, BoA was asked, “When you were a trainee, were you scolded a lot?” She answered, “I was told to lose weight a lot.”

She explained that although she was a young girl of only 14 years old, she had to go on a diet. “Do you think I was able to grow while trying to lose weight at such an age? I think I’ll keep this grudge forever.”

Furthermore, BoA shared how hard it was during her Japanese debut process. She stated, “Girls’ Generation and SHINeeeach had interpreters but DBSK and myself did not. We had interviews lined up after merely a day into our Japanese debut and no matter how much we studied, it was really difficult to speak.”

BoA continued, “Eventually, the questions began to repeat so we just started to memorize our answers. I’m always being asked to do difficult things. I don’t like being called a ‘pioneer’ because – why do I always have the pave the way?”

Meanwhile, BoA shared many episodes and thoughts during this episode including her first impression of YG and how many agencies wanted to recruit her in the past.

Me: I guess even the best and most famous of us still might feel small. Will we never be satisfied with who we are? 

What Are The Bone Growth Factors? (Important)

What are the bone growth factors?

Me: I am going to find out what are the primary, and the most influential bone growth factors by using four main scientific papers published in journals.

1. From PubMed, US National Library of Medicine, National Institute of Health. Link HERE.

Clin Orthop Relat Res. 1991 Feb;(263):30-48.

Bone growth factors.

Mohan S, Baylink DJ.


Department of Medicine, Loma Linda University, CA.


Bone volume is determined by the relative rates of bone formation and bone resorption. Recent research in several laboratories suggests that growth factors may act locally to modulate bone formation by stimulating osteoblast proliferation and activity. A number of bone-derived growth factors have been isolated and characterized from bone matrix extracts and from media conditioned by bone cells and bone organs in culture. The growth factors found in bone matrix include insulin like growth factors I and II, transforming growth factor-beta, acidic and basic fibroblast growth factor, platelet-derived growth factor, and bone morphogenetic proteins. Conditioned medium from bone cells contains several of these growth factors and also hematopoietic factors. These bone matrix-derived growth factors have different biologic activities, including mitogenic, differentiating, chemotactic, and osteolytic activities. Evidence suggests that bone cells produce substantial quantities of growth factors for extracellular storage in bone matrix. Apart from being produced for extracellular storage, it is possible that growth factors secreted by bone cells have acute effects on their neighboring osteoblastic cells, i.e., paracrine action, or on themselves, i.e., autocrine action. The release of matrix-stored growth factors by bone resorption may mean that growth factors act as delayed paracrine agents, e.g., osteoblasts deposit growth factors in bone and later when these growth factors are released from bone via bone resorption, the growth factors stimulate osteoblast precursors to proliferate. The findings that bone is a storehouse for growth factors and that bone cells in culture produce and respond to bone growth factors suggest bone growth factors may act as potential determinants of local bone formation. This review is focused on the structure, regulation, and biologic actions of the known bone growth factors.

2. Wiley Online Library, Journal of Bone and Mineral Research > Vol 8 Issue S2 > Abstract  , Link HERE

Growth factors to stimulate bone formation

  1. David J. Baylink M.D.*,
  2. Richard D. Finkelman,
  3. Subburaman Mohan

Article first published online: 3 DEC 2009

DOI: 10.1002/jbmr.5650081326

Journal of Bone and Mineral Research

Supplement: Journal of Bone and Mineral Research

Volume 8, Issue Supplement S2, pages S565–S572,December 1993


During the past decade we and others have shown that bone is a storehouse for growth factors. Accordingly, bone contains a number of growth factors including insulin-like growth factors I and II (IGF-I, IGF-II) transforming growth factor (TGF-β1, TGF-β2), platelet-derived growth factor, basic and acidic fibroblast growth factor, and bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs). Osteoblasts have been shown to produce many of these growth factors, which then act in an autocrine and paracrine fashion. The production of these growth factors is regulated by both systemic hormones and local mechanical stress. Recent studies on the relative distribution of bone growth factors during different physiologic and pathologic situations indicate that the concentration of bone growth factors is not invariant and provide indirect evidence that growth factors deposited in bone have physiologic significance. In addition, many of these bone growth factors have been shown to increase bone formation either systemically or locally in vivo. Based on the past findings, we propose that different growth factors may have a specific role in regulating proliferation and differentiation of different stages of osteoblast lineage cells and play important roles in the local regulation of bone formation.

3. From Healio.com Education Lab, Orthopedics. Link HERE

Osteoinductive growth factors can aid bone growth in orthopedic procedures

BMPs are making autogenous iliac crest bone graft the ‘old gold standard,’ investigator says.

  • Orthopedics Today, July 2008

Six years after FDA approval of the first bone growth factor, a bone morphogenetic protein, researchers and clinicians still seek a better understanding of these powerful substances, their uses and limitations.

Of all the bone growth factors studied, bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP) expressed during bone healing have been found most effective for initiating bone growth in clinical situations such as spine fusion and fracture healing.

“I think growth-factor-based strategies are important for bone formation, especially in difficult situations,” Scott D. Boden, MD, said.

During a presentation he made to attendees at the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons and Orthopaedic Research Society annual meetings, Boden discussed key issues that still require work before further clinical optimization of BMPs occurs. He said, “The issues are dose and carrier optimization, controlling local side effects and deciding when we need things of this potency.”

BMP vs. bone graft

Results of clinical trials and pilot studies continue to support use of BMPs. In some cases, they and other bone-forming growth factors have proven superior to iliac crest bone graft (ICBG).

“ICBG is continuing to become the old gold standard,” according to Boden.

An advantage that both recombinant and naturally occurring BMP has over ICBG is osteoinductivity. ICBG is mineralized and therefore not osteoinductive, “but it has osteogenic properties,” noted Boden, spine section editor for Orthopedics Today.

BMP also avoids the morbidity associated with autogenous bone that reportedly has “up to 25% of patients at 2 years still reporting chronic donor-site pain,” he said.

Osteoinductive material

BMPs work by binding to specific receptors on a cell’s surface and phosphorylizing special proteins that send signals among cells. These proteins interact with each other and pass into the cell nucleus where they control osteoblast differentiation genes.

BMPs really are the only known osteoinductive factors,” Boden said. They are the most potent growth factors studied and have accrued the greatest evidence of efficacy. But only some BMPs form ectopic bone.

The most osteoinductive factors are BMP-2, -6 and -9. The intermediate ones are BMP-4 and -7 which have more limited inductivity properties with mesenchymal stem cells, Boden explained. The BMPs that are FDA approved for very specific indications are recombinant human BMP-2 (INFUSE Bone Graft; Medtronic) and BMP-7 (OP-1 Implant; Stryker Biotech), although OP-1 has a more limited humanitarian device exemption approval.

Side effects

Boden noted BMPs now in clinical use and those nearing approval have varying strengths and concentrations, which affect how consistently they form bone and any side effects that may occur. Side effects of chief concern are seroma or edema, bone forming where it should not be and transient cancellous bone resorption.

“Physicians should be cautious about physician-directed, off-label, use which can be associated with a higher incidence of local side effects,” Boden said.

Osteopromotive biologic substances aid in forming bone once the process has begun, but alone “are not sufficient in a non-bone location to drive bone formation,” Boden explained. Examples of osteopromotive factors are vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), fibroblast growth factor (FGF), platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) and peptide signaling molecules.

Animal studies and work in humans have shown some of these factors produce consistently better bone healing than either ICBG, a passive scaffold alone, or using an osteoconductive material.

Boden believes research is still needed to identify appropriate doses, carriers and release kinetics for them.

Other growth factors

Currently phase 3 clinical trials are underway for FGF, a growth factor that showed great potential in non-human primate healing studies.

VEGF, which induces angiogenesis, is expressed during normal bone formation.

According to Boden, use of PDGF has demonstrated it attracts progenitor cells. “It may be helpful in diabetic fracture healing where it is an impaired biologic model,” or in soft tissue healing, and may work by replacing factors naturally absent, he said. “Its benefit in spine has been difficult to substantiate in clinical trials,” he added.

Like PDGF, peptide signaling molecules stimulate osteoblast or osteoprogenitor cell activity and may enhance osteogenesis, however independently they cannot induce bone formation from undifferentiated cells.

The action of prostaglandin agonists of PGE2 is being increasingly researched, Boden said. When administered locally or systemically some agonists have produced increased amounts of bone in canine defects or helped accelerate healing in rodent spine fusions, but they are not truly osteoinductive in the classic sense of producing ectopic bone.

For more information:

  • Scott D. Boden, MD, is director of Emory University Spine Center. He can be reached at 59 Executive Park South, Suite 3000, Atlanta, GA 30329; 404-778-7143; e-mail: scott.boden@emoryhealthcare.org. He is a consultant to Medtronic, receives royalties from Medtronic and Osteotech, and his center receives various funding from Medtronic, Synthes, National Institutes of Health, Linvatec, Johnson & Johnson, DePuy, a Johnson & Johnson company, and Wright Medical Technology.


  • Boden SD. Growth factor-based technologies. Presented during AAOS/ORS1 Symposium: Biologic strategies to grow bone in difficult clinical situations. Presented at the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 75th Annual Meeting. March 5-9, 2008. San Francisco.

4. From thebonejournal.com , BONE, Official Journal Of The International Bone And Mineral Society, Bone, Volume 19, Issue 1, Supplement 1 , Pages S1-S12, July 1996, Link HERE

Growth factors for bone growth and repair: IGF, TGFβ and BMP

  • Thomas A. Linkhart
  • Subburaman Mohan
  • David J. Baylink


Current research is reviewed regarding the actions of three growth factor systems on bone formation: insulin-like growth factors (IGFs), transforming growth factor-βs (TGFβs), and bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs). Each growth factor family consists of multiple related growth factor genes. TGFβs and BMPs 2–7 are subfamilies of a larger TGFβ superfamily. IGFs, TGFβs and BMPs are produced by osteoblasts and other bone cells and affect osteoblast proliferation and differentiation. They are also incorporated into mineralized bone matrix and retain activity when extracted from bone. Various hormones, growth factors, and mechanical stress influence bone cell production of IGFs, TGF βs, and BMPs. Thus these growth factors may function in local regulation of bone formation. Currently there is much interest in the function of IGF binding proteins, which are also produced by bone cells, in regulating IGF activities in bone. Recently, mechanisms for activation of the TGFβ serine/threonine kinase receptors have been investigated, and receptors for BMPs have been identified which are structurally related to TGFβ receptors. In vivo studies are discussed which demonstrate the applicability of IGFs, TGFβs and BMPs to increasing bone formation systemically, promoting fracture healing and inducing bone growth around implants.

Conclusion: This is one of those article posts I write that actually shows a slight breakthrough in figuring out what direction height increase research should be moving forward towards. If we were to study the biochemistry of the human body and what types of hormones, signals, or proteins causes the bones to not just grow in terms of density, but also by volume, thus creating longitudinal growth, which bone growth factors should we be focusing on? 

From the 4 articles above, it is very clear which groups we should be focusing on.

1. Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) – these are the best options we have right now to look into. I quote below…

“BMPs really are the only known osteoinductive factors,” Boden said. They are the most potent growth factors studied and have accrued the greatest evidence of efficacy. But only some BMPs form ectopic bone.

The most osteoinductive factors are BMP-2, -6 and -9. The intermediate ones are BMP-4 and -7 which have more limited inductivity properties with mesenchymal stem cells, Boden explained. The BMPs that are FDA approved for very specific indications are recombinant human BMP-2 (INFUSE Bone Graft; Medtronic) and BMP-7 (OP-1 Implant; Stryker Biotech)”

2. insulin-like growth factors –

3.  transforming growth factor-βs (TGFβs) –

4. fibroblast growth factor (FGF)

5. platelet-derived growth factor

6. VEGF, which induces angiogenesis, is expressed during normal bone formation.

7. PDGF has demonstrated it attracts progenitor cells

8. peptide signaling molecules – independently they cannot induce bone formation from undifferentiated cells.

What is clear is that one main very clear route has just been shown and it is the path of the bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs). There must be far more research on this group of signals.

How To Look Taller Using Charisma And Body Language

Here is a nice quick tip I learned a few days ago after listening to a podcast where a consultant Olivia Fox Cabane was interviewed on what makes a person charismatic and how to create charisma in their persona through learning about postures, body language, and attitude.

As for the part which talks about how to create Charisma, there are 3 elements she gives.

1. Presence

2. Power

3. Warmth

I don’t want to focus on the specifics on what to do to display these three elements which Cabane says exhibit charisma but I do want to mention that she did state that a person can make themselves look and appear taller by doing 4 main things.

1. Stand up with a straight posture

2. Puff out the chest by breathing in the stomach

3. Lower the eyes gaze towards the downward direction

4. Put your hands behind your back.

I would guess that just these 4 tips will probably make a person especially a man, look dominant, powerful, at at least 1-2 inches taller.

What Is The Highest Theoretical Height Of The Human Species?

This is a question which I have wanted to answer for the longest time, “What is the highest theoretical height of the human species?”

The main way I wanted to answer this question was to use physics principles and try to calculate the most reasonable answer.

First, let’s review the legends and stories of cultures which talk about giants, creatures which are said to be even hundreds of feet tall. Let’s assume that those stories of bipedal creatures are exaggerations and that if the stores were based on real life humanoid creatures, then the actual height was probably less than 30 feet.

We know that the tallest recorded human is Robert Wadlow, who right before the died at 22 was nearly up to the 9 feet point. So we can say with certainty that humans can get to at least 9 feet in height. However, as most people like Wadlow are, they seemed to have suffered from problems of their pituitary gland, whether is was from hypertrophy or tumor compressions.

We know that almost Everyone who is passed the 7′ 6″ point has had a history of pituitary gland issues. There are a few people who seem to grow to that height from genetics but they are extremely rare. Plus, even if the person does reach that height from genetics, it seems that they are more prone to injuries, especially in the joints like the knees, ankles, and hips. This suggest to us that the weakest areas of the human body will be where the answer can be reached.This means that even if people do reach enormous height from genetics, they may not traditionally have lived long enough or been healthy enough to find a mate and reproduce to mass on the tallness gene.

Since the majority of humans are of a height in the middle of the distribution bell curve, the environment would be made and tailored for people in the middle, putting people who are too tall at a disadvantage.

Humans are bipedal creatures so if we look for other species which move in bipedal fashion, we can make better and more accurate guesses. We have heard stories of Bigfoot and Sasquatch who are usually reported around the 7-9 feet mark. Many anthropologist say that is is possible the Bigfoot of Cryptozoological fame is really the modern development of a very distance primate relative of the human, Gigantopithecus Blacki which is estimated to be up to 10 feet tall.

If we then take into consideration ancient Native American stories of red haired giants and the occasional giant skeleton that seems to be found, we can state with some confidence that a height of 12 feet is totally possible.

If we were to extend the definition of research further, we can look for the largest bipedal animals that have ever lived on Earth as a model. There really is almost no mammals or animals today that only stands on two legs, but four. Creatures like the Elephant and Giraffe are tall but their huge weight is distributed across four limbs. We have to look at dinosaurs and see how tall they reached.

From resource 1, we find that the tallest herbivore dinosaur was the Shantungosaurus standing approximately 25 feet tall.

From resource 2, we find that the tallest carnivore dinosaur was the Carcharodontosaurus standing at 12 feet around the hips and estimably to be maybe 20 feet tall.

If we remember that the dinosaurs went through a sort of evolutionary arms race in terms of growing larger and larger, I would guess that the herbivores and carnivores evoked along with each other until they reached was is theoretically possible for animals on earth.

The maximum possible height for any bipedal animal on earth should be around the 30 feet mark, because anything over it will have cartilage problems in the joints of the knees when it moves. As far as biologist know animals today, most large creatures on land have their body defined by bones, and the bones are not flexible or elastic so movement in all three 3 dimensions of space requires the need for joints. Joints are flexible but their flexibility come a the cost of not being as strong as the actual bone parts.

From physics, remember principle 1, As a creature increase in height in 1 dimension, their mass which is proportional to their weight which is proportional to their volume increases in 3 dimensions, which their surface areas increases by 2 dimensions. This means that as any creature gets taller, their weight will increase at a geometric rate which is a factor of the height increase multiplied by itself 2 times over as in delW=(delH)^3.

As a creature gets taller, they take on more mass in the top and bottom. Their knees and lower joints have more pounds per square inch extorted. If we remember from our studies of human femur cortical bone strength, it is just as strong as steel, with a maximum compressive strength of being over 200 Mpa. This value was found from human femur bones being tested on mechanical instruments which exerted a compressive loading force on the bones.

Assume the human body is just a geometric cylindrical shaped weight at a proportion of 1:5.5 for width: height since average human gait is about 1 feet and average human height is about 5 and a half feet tall, and put two rods to support it.

From source 1, we know the average human body density. – Average human body density. 1400 kg/m3 = 1.4 g/cm 3

since the we can first choose a value of say 4 feet width getting 22 feet in height assuming depth=width, then we can calculate the volume with 4*4*22 which we can then divide by the density to find the weight of a human that is 22 feet tall. That weight is then equated with 2 times the loading force of a leg limb which has a width assumed to be 1/4 th the torso length of 4 feet (which is 1 feet). We know that the human long bones are not solid bone but hollow so we can use the formula

R1^2*pi-R2^2*pi= Area of single femur bone. Another assumption is to assume the outer cortical thickness is possibly the same thickness as the inter medullary cavity, so about 2  inches thick. Area of bone is around 24 area units (assume 3^2*pi-1^2*i). since the maximum compressive force is around 200 MPa of each area unit, we multiple the two limb areas by the maximum compressive load, which is a force/area unit. and cam then compare the two values, the weight of the entire creature to the maximum compressive force the two hollow limbs can handle. This calculation can be easily done using any computational tool. The value which will eventually be reached from recursive convergent calculation should be far higher than the 30 feet that nature allows. However, this is only from comparing the bone loading capacity, not the joint or cartilage loading capacity, which is far less.

Another calculation with the maximum compressive strength of hyaline cartilage will be done but the overall method has already been explained.

The 2nd major calculation is to see just how hard the heart would have to do work to be able to pump the amount of blood needed to the body to make everything work. We know that atmospheric pressure s about 760 mmHg. We also know the density of human blood. since the heart is at the center of the human body, we can take half of a height, say for a 20 feet tall beast and find out how much work would be needed to pump up to the center of the body.

From wikipedia,…Blood accounts for 8% of the human body weight,[3] with an average density of approximately 1060 kg/m3, very close to pure water’s density of 1000 kg/m3.[4] The average adult has a blood volume of roughly 5 liters (1.3 gal)

The amount of blood from 5 liters has to be multiplied by the increase in height factor, which is a cubed function. Once the amount of total volume of blood is found in a 20 feet tall bipedal animal, we assume more than half of that amount (say 70%) must go from the legs and arms up to the heart, The femoral arteries and arm arteries are all attached to the heart, but a significant amount of the blood must go to the brain to supply it with the needed amount of oxygen. The work is defined by a heart pump is by knowing the dimeter, a constant function, and the flow velocity, Flow velocity is from taking the entire blood volume, knowing the total surface area of the blood vessels which is found from multiplying by the same increase factor, and knowing how many times in a minute (or the rate) which the heart must pump through the system .depending on how we want to assume the type of pump the heart may be, we use different factor constants to know the amount of work the heart does. For the heart to do the type of work, we must figure out whether such a speed is possible from looking at the amount of food or chemical energy goes into the body. At this point, I am not sure how to find certain value to make that calculation.

My final guess is that humans are limited by their cartilage in the joints, and and blood pumping upwards against the force of gravity which will limit them to less than 20 feet, but I would guess 15 feet in maximum height is completely reasonable.


A Study Of The Insulin Growth Factor Receptor, IGF1R And How It Is Connected To The Growth Plate

Something that I have also been interested about for a long time was to ask whether we could possibly alter or increase the number of insulin growth factor receptors in the growth plates to possibly increase height.

The thing I have learned so far is that the effect of IGF-1 is both systemic and local in nature. Also it seems that both the hGH and the IGF-1 both can work to stimulate the growth plate chondrocytes from the study “IGF-Independent Effects of Growth Hormone on Growth Plate Chondrocyte Function

From the Wikipedia article on the Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 Receptor

“…is a protein found on the surface of human cells. It is a transmembrane receptor that is activated by a hormone called Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) and by a related hormone called IGF-2. It belongs to the large class of tyrosine kinase receptors. This receptor mediates the effects of IGF-1, which is a polypeptide protein hormone similar in molecular structure to insulin. IGF-1 plays an important role in growth and continues to have anabolic effects in adults – meaning that it can induce hypertrophy of skeletal muscle and other target tissues. Mice lacking the IGF-1 receptor die late in development, and show a dramatic reduction in body mass, testifying to the strong growth-promoting effect of this receptor. Mice carrying only one functional copy of igf1r are normal, but exhibit a ~15% decrease in body mass.”

From PubMed study “IGF-1R signaling in chondrocytes modulates growth plate development by interacting with the PTHrP/Ihh pathway.


Systemic derangements and perinatal death of generalized insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) and IGF-1 receptor (IGF-1R) knockout mice preclude definitive assessment of IGF-1R actions in growth-plate (GP) chondrocytes. We generated cartilage-specific Igf1r knockout ((Cart) Igf1r(-/-)) mice to investigate local control of chondrocyte differentiation in the GP by this receptor. These mice died shortly after birth and showed disorganized chondrocyte columns, delayed ossification and vascular invasion, decreased cell proliferation, increased apoptosis, and increased expression of parathyroid hormone-related protein (Pthrp) RNA and protein in their GPs. The increased Pthrp expression in the knockout GPs likely was due to an increase in gene transcription, as determined by the increased activity of a LacZ reporter that was inserted downstream of the endogenous PTHrP promoter and bred into the knockout mice. To circumvent the early death of (Cart) Igf1r(-/-) mice and investigate the role of IGF-1R during postnatal growth, we made tamoxifen (Tam)-inducible, cartilage-specific Igf1r knockout ((TamCart) Igf1r(-/-)) mice. At 2 weeks of age and 7 to 8 days after Tam injection, the (TamCart) Igf1r(-/-) mice showed growth retardation with a disorganized GP, reduced chondrocyte proliferation, decreased type 2 collagen and Indian Hedgehog (Ihh) expression, but increased expression of PTHrP. Consistent with in vivo observations, in vitro knockout of the Igf1r gene by adenoviral expression of Cre recombinase suppressed cell proliferation, promoted apoptosis, and increased Pthrp expression. Our data indicate that the IGF-1R in chondrocytes controls cell growth, survival, and differentiation in embryonic and postnatal GPs in part by suppression of Pthrp expression.

Analysis & Interpretation:

Screen Shot 2013-01-27 at 7.59.20 PMScreen Shot 2013-01-27 at 7.59.31 PM

We see from the Abstract that the IGF1R is needed for at least the formation of the organization of the chondrocyte columns which is absolutely critical for the formation of any length of bone, to get the timing of ossification correctly, cell proliferation, and a slow rate of chondrocyte apoptosis. It seems that when mice which are bred to have the IGF1r gene knockout caused quick death. All of the essential chondrocyte and growth plate compounds like collagen type II, Ihh, were all lower but the PTHrP expression was higher. This result is surprising to me because of a previous post where I wrote that maybe the way to cause regenerated growth plates was to use the higher expression of PTHrP. Maybe I was wrong in believing that increased PTHrP was a good thing.


This post shows the real reason why it is important to study every and learn as much as possible about the system we are looking at because the information from one study may correct, disapprove, and change our previous wrong assumptions and ideas. At this point, I would have to say that PTHrP expression may not be useful for chondrocyte proliferation, column formation, etc.

From the Technical Book “Pediatric Bone: Biology & Diseases” pg. 72 by Francis H. Glorieux, John M. Pettifor, Harald Jüppner I have taken 2 clips of the information. It shows that the receptors of the IGF-1 is found on the cell surface of the chondrocytes of the growth plate.

There is 2 types of IGF1R, Type 1 and Type 2. The type 1 is found mostly in the proliferative zone of the growth plate while the Type 2 type is found in all of the zones of maturation in the growth plate. It would seem that there is some ability in the IGF1R in suppresion PTHrP (Parathyroid hormone related protein) expression.

What If Breastfeeding Human Milk Is Extended Or Synthesized To Increase Height?

I remember reading from a baby rearing book once that the mother’s breast milk contains all of the natural needed nutrients for a human baby to grow. We know from research that babies who are not well treated or taken care of early in their life during their baby and toddler years are less likely to develop properly stunting their growth. That is the psychological element to the baby rearing for optimum growth. However, I wondered whether it is also helpful from a dietary point of view for optimum height growth to extend the breast feeding stage. I am not suggesting that the developing toddler only have human breast milk but use that as a supplement to their already diet of nutritious food for increased growth during those critical baby years.

I would even suggest that after the child has grown too old for breast feeding, they should still be getting synthetic human milk for ingestion because the nutrients inside it is so potent and wholesome. I doubt there has been any studies done but I would be willing to guess that children who has had extended amount of time with breast feeding may grow up to be more fitter , thus taller, than their peers who did not get the extra human breast milk.

If it was more accept in more modern developed nations, I would suggest replacing the milk of bovine (cow) with human milk for height increase purposes since it seems to be more appropriate for humans and have a better match for the human body’s needs.

UPDATE: I guess I was proven wrong and that there has been already a few studies done that showed that breastfeeding shows an increase in growth of bone length. The studies can be found HERE, and HERE.

The benefits of the mother’s breast milk is too great to describe so I wanted to list the benefits and composition of it from Wikipedia (source HERE).

Breast milk, to be specific human milk, is the milk produced by the breasts (or mammary glands) of a human female for her infant offspring. Milk is the primary source of nutrition for newborns before they are able to eat and digest other foods; older infants and toddlers may continue to be breastfed, either exclusively or in combination with other foods.

According to a report by msnbc.com released online on Saturday, June 30, 2012, human breast milk may have the ability to act against, and to possibly kill, HIV (the human immunodeficiency virus), the virus that ultimately causes AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). The study was carried out at the University of North Carolina Center for Infectious Diseasesand the University of North Carolina Center for AIDS Research, but will need to be replicated in other clinical and laboratory studies at other institutions, such as other hospitals and universities, to be considered as admissible scientific evidence, not least because a claim that a bodily fluid can kill the AIDS virus would be considered a scientific novelty and breakthrough of large proportions (human breast milk can also transmit the virus).[2]

The baby nursing from its own mother is the most ordinary way of obtaining breastmilk, but the milk can be pumped and then fed by baby bottle, cup and/or spoon, supplementation drip system, and nasogastric tube. Breastmilk can be supplied by a woman other than the baby’s mother; either via donated pumped milk (for example from a milk bank), or when a woman nurses a child other than her own at her breast — an ancient and storied practice known as wetnursing.

The World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life, with solids gradually being introduced around this age when signs of readiness are shown. Supplemented breastfeeding is recommended until at least age two and then for as long as the mother and child wish.[3]

Breastfeeding continues to offer health benefits into and after toddlerhood.[4] These benefits include a somewhat lowered risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS),[5] increased intelligence, [6]decreased likelihood of contracting middle ear infections,[citation needed] cold and flu bugs,[citation needed] a tiny decrease in the risk of childhood leukemia,[citation needed] lower risk of childhood onset diabetes,[citation needed] decreased risk of asthma and eczema,[citation needed] decreased dental problems[citation needed] and decreased risk of obesity later in life,[7] and may possibly include a decreased risk of developing psychological disorders, particularly in adopted children.[8][9]

Breastfeeding also provides health benefits for the mother. It assists the uterus in returning to its pre-pregnancy size and reduces post-partum bleeding, as well as assisting the mother in returning to her pre-pregnancy weight. Breastfeeding also reduces the risk of breast cancer later in life.[10]

Under the influence of the hormones prolactin and oxytocin, women produce milk after childbirth to feed the baby. The initial milk produced is often referred to as colostrum, which is high in theimmunoglobulin IgA, which coats the gastrointestinal tract. This helps to protect the newborn until its own immune system is functioning properly, and creates a mild laxative effect, expellingmeconium and helping to prevent the build-up of bilirubin (a contributory factor in jaundice).[edit]Production

Actual inability to produce enough milk is rare, with studies showing that mothers from developing countries experiencing nutritional hardship still produce amounts of milk of similar quality to that of mothers in developed countries.[11] There are many reasons a mother may not produce enough breast milk. Some of the most common are an improper latch (i.e., the baby does not connect efficiently with the nipple), not nursing or pumping enough to meet supply, certain medications (including estrogen-containing hormonal contraceptives), illness, and dehydration. A rarer reason is Sheehan’s syndrome, also known as postpartum hypopituitarism, which is associated with prolactin deficiency; this syndrome may require hormone replacement.

The amount of milk produced depends on how often the mother is nursing and/or pumping; the more the mother nurses her baby, or pumps, the more milk is produced.[12][13][14][15][16] It is very helpful to nurse on demand – to nurse when the baby wants to nurse rather than on a schedule. If pumping, it is helpful to have an electric high-grade pump so that all of the milk ducts are stimulated. Some mothers try to increase their milk supply in other ways – by taking the herb fenugreek, used for hundreds of years to increase supply[17] (“Mother’s Milk” teas contain fenugreek as well as other supply-increasing herbs); there are also prescription medications that can be used, such as Domperidone (off-label use) and Reglan.[18]


Composition of human breast milk
total (g/100 ml) 4.2
fatty acids – length 8C (% ) trace
polyunsaturated fatty acids (%) 14
Protein (g/100 ml)
total 1.1
casein 0.4 0.3
a-lactalbumin 0.3
lactoferrin (apo-lactoferrin) 0.2
IgA 0.1
IgG 0.001
lysozyme 0.05
serum albumin 0.05
Carbohydrate (g/100 ml)
lactose 7
oligosaccharides 0.5
Minerals (g/100 ml)
calcium 0.03
phosphorus 0.014
sodium 0.015
potassium 0.055
chlorine 0.043

The exact integrated properties of breast milk are not entirely understood, but the

Storage of expressed breast milk

Expressed breast milk can be stored for later use. It is recommended that the milk be stored in hard-sided containers with airtight seals. Some plastic bags specifically manufactured for the storage of expressed breast milk are designed for storage periods of less than 72 hours – others can be used for up to 6 months if frozen.[32] The amount of time that it can be safely stored for use by infants in a home-based situation is given in this table.[33]

Place of storage Temperature Maximum storage time
In a room 25°C 77°F Six to eight hours
Insulated thermal bag with ice packs Up to 24 hours
In a refrigerator 4°C 39°F Up to five days
Freezer compartment inside a refrigerator -15°C 5°F Two weeks
A combined refrigerator and freezer with separate doors -18°C 0°F Three to six months
Chest or upright manual defrost deep freezer -20°C -4°F Six to twelve months

Comparison to other milks

All mammalian species produce milk, but the composition of milk for each species varies widely and other kinds of milk are often very different from human breast milk. As a rule, the milk of mammals that nurse frequently (including human babies) is less rich, or more watery, than the milk of mammals whose young nurse less often. Human milk is noticeably thinner and sweeter than cow’s milk.

Whole cow’s milk does not contain sufficient vitamin E or essential fatty acids. Whole cow’s milk also contains excessive amounts of protein, sodium, and potassium, which may put a strain on an infant’s immature kidneys. In addition, the proteins and fats in whole cow’s milk are more difficult for an infant to digest and absorb than the ones in breast milk.[34] Evaporated milk may be easier to digest due to the processing of the protein but is still nutritionally inadequate. A significant minority of infants are allergic to one or more of the constituents of cow’s milk, most often the cow’s milk proteins.[35] These problems can also affect infant formulas derived from cow’s milk.

Alternative uses for breast milk

In addition to providing essential nourishment to infants, human milk; i.e., breast milk, has a number of valuable uses, especially medicinal uses, for both children and adults. It has been used medicinally for thousands of years.[36] The antibacterial and healing properties[citation needed] of breast milk are often overlooked, even by the nursing mothers themselves.[37] Breast milk contains strong antibodies and antitoxins that many people believe promote healing and better overall health. However, breast milk lacks sterile and antiseptic properties if a nursing mother is infected with certain communicable diseases, such as HIV and various bacterial infections like Group B streptococcus, as breast milk can transmit such diseases to infants and other people.[38]

Breast milk has been used as a home remedy for minor ailments, such as conjunctivitis, insect bites and stings, contact dermatitis, and infected wounds, burns, and abrasions. Breast milk has also been used alternatively to boost the immune system of ill persons having viral gastroenteritis, influenza, the common cold, pneumonia, etc., because of its immunologic properties. However, breast milk should never be seen or construed as a “cure-all”. Some medical experts are convinced that breast milk can induce apoptosis in some types of cancer cells. However, more research and evidence are needed in this area of cancer treatment.[39]

A minority of people, including restaurateur Hans Lochen of Switzerland and restaurateur Daniel Angerer of Austria, who operates a restaurant in New York City, have used human breast milk, or at least advocated its use, as a substitute for cow’s milk in dairy products and food recipes.[40] Tammy Frissell-Deppe, a family counselor specialized in attachment parenting, published a book, titled A Breastfeeding Mother’s Secret Recipes, providing a lengthy compilation of detailed food and beverage recipes containing human breast milk.[41] The animal rights organization known as PETA ignited a firestorm of criticism when it urged a dairy company to replace the cow’s milk they use in their ice cream products with human breast milk as a way to stop cattle abuse.[42][43] Human breast milk is not produced or distributed industrially or commercially, because the use of human breast milk as an adult food is considered unusual to the majority of civilized cultures around the world, and most disapprove of such a practice.[44]

Attempts to formulate soap from breast milk have also been made, and those using it claim that its effectiveness as a cleanser is greater than, or equal to, that of traditional soaps.[45]

Passing of unwanted substances

Despite the risk of substances transmitting from the mother to the child through breast milk, breastfeeding has far more advantages than infant formulas, and, with few exceptions, the WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of life.[46]

The milk-producing cells are most permeable to drugs during the first postpartum week.[47]

Drug characteristics that increase excretion in milk include:[47]

  1. Not plasma protein binding
  2. Non-ionized
  3. Low molecular weight
  4. Lipid solubility rather than water solubility
  5. Weakly alkaline rather than weak acid

Drugs are transferred from blood plasma across ductal cells to the milk by diffusion or active transport. The latter may result in higher concentration of the drug in the breast milk than in the plasma of the mother.[47]

The amounts of most drugs in milk do not exceed 2% of the total ingested dose.[47]

Environmental pollutants

Environmental pollutants found in breast milk are usually not harmful, and should be considered only when environmental levels are unusually high. In addition, there has been a decrease in environmental levels, also resulting in a decrease breast-milk levels. Pollutants that are of most concern are pesticides, organic mercury, and lead. DDT and dieldrin are unavoidable, and can also be detected in infant formulas.[48] Pesticides and other toxic substances bioaccumulate; i.e., creatures higher up the food chain will store more of them in their body fat. This is an issue in particular for the Inuit, whose traditional diet is predominantly meat. Studies are looking at the effects of polychlorinated biphenyls and persistent organic pollutants in the body; the breast milk of Inuit mothers is extraordinarily high in toxic compounds.[49]

Extraordinary consumption

Spanish king Alfonso XIII visited the region of Las Hurdes in 1922 in order to display the concern of the crown. The king and his retinue lived in military tents planted near the town of Casares de las Hurdes. During the king’s visit, a strange incident took place: A local village chief, concerned that the king was drinking only black coffee (a consequence of the king’s aides distrusting the quality of the local milk owing to unsanitary conditions in the area), served the king a small jug of milk saying, “Your Majesty rest assured that this milk is totally trustworthy,”[50] which turned out to be breast milk from his wife who had recently given birth. The king became aware of this fact only after having had his café con leche.[51]

Preliminary research indicates that breast milk can induce apoptosis in some types of cancer cells.[39] Adults with GI disorders and organ donation recipients can also benefit from the immunologic powers of human breast milk.

In Costa Rica, there have been trials to produce cheese and custard from human milk as an alternative to weaning[52]

A controversial Swiss restaurateur has created a menu based around foods cooked in human breast milk.[53]

An Icecreamists in London’s Covent Garden started selling an ice cream named Baby Gaga in February 2011. Each serving costs £14. All the milk was donated by Mrs Hiley who earns £15 for every 10 ounces and calls it a “great recession beater”.[54] The ice cream sold out on its first day. Despite the success of the new flavour, the Westminster Council officers removed the product from the menu to make sure that it was, as they said, “fit for human consumption.”[55]