What Exactly Are The Critical Elements, The Rate Limiting Parts?

One way to find a solution for height increase is to figure out where exactly in the human growth process is the body being limited. If we view the entire human body as a closed system of chemical and biological reaction processes, we can state that human growth and the increase in height is also a long, complex chain of processes, whether chemical or biological.

The simplest model that is possible to make is

Hypothalamus–> GHPH –> Pituitary gland –> GH –> Liver –> IGF –> Growth Plates receptors –> Proliferate Layer –> Hypertrophic Layer –> Ossification Layer –> Longitudinal Increase Of the long bones

Now, if we look at this link we can see that the part of the model which stops once we reach physical maturity is in the growth plate receptor stage. This is the rate limiting step, which stops everything else. There is no more growth plates to work with so any increase in IGF or GH should not do anything.

This is why my proposal is that to look for a way to increase height, we should stop focusing so much time on GH or IGF but more on how to either regrow synthetic growth plates or implant some form of material that can act like the hyaline cartilage. The focus of the website is going to make another change as the research is going to go more in-depth on the chemical and biological processes that occur from the mesenchymal stem cell stage, before differentiating into chondrocytes all the way to the ossification stage, which will include all of the types of proteins and hormones like BMPs which accelerate or decrease the growth plate processes.

How Can Gene Therapy Even Be Used On Physically Mature Adults?

I remember the blogger Sam Snyder stating in one of my earliest posts that one way to possibly increase height in the future is from using gene therapy. That has really stuck out in my head and I have been wondering for the longest time exactly how gene therapy can be used to increase in height.

From the Wikipedia article on gene therapy (source HERE)…

Gene therapy is the use of DNA as a pharmaceutical agent to treat disease. It derives its name from the idea that DNA can be used to supplement or alter genes within an individual’s cells as a therapy to treat disease. The most common form of gene therapy involves using DNA that encodes a functional, therapeutic gene in order to replace a mutated gene. Other forms involve directly correcting a mutation, or using DNA that encodes a therapeutic protein drug (rather than a natural human gene) to provide treatment. In gene therapy, DNA that encodes a therapeutic protein is packaged within a “vector”, which is used to get the DNA inside cells within the body. Once inside, the DNA becomes expressed by the cell machinery, resulting in the production of therapeutic protein, which in turn treats the patient’s disease.

Although early clinical failures led many to dismiss gene therapy as over-hyped, clinical successes in 2006-2011 have bolstered new optimism in the promise of gene therapy. These include successful treatment of patients with the retinal disease Leber’s congenital amaurosis, X-linked SCID, ADA-SCID, adrenoleukodystrophy, chronic myelogenous leukemia (CLL), and Parkinson’s disease. These recent clinical successes have led to a renewed interest in gene therapy, with several articles in scientific and popular publications calling for continued investment in the field.


Scientists have taken the logical step of trying to introduce genes directly into human cells, focusing on diseases caused by single-gene defects, such as cystic fibrosis, haemophilia, muscular dystrophy andsickle cell anemia. However, this has proven more difficult than modifying bacteria, primarily because of the problems involved in carrying large sections of DNA and delivering them to the correct site on the gene. Today, most gene therapy studies are aimed at cancer and hereditary diseases linked to a genetic defect. Antisense therapy is not strictly a form of gene therapy, but is a related, genetically-mediated therapy.

The most common form of genetic engineering involves the insertion of a functional gene at an unspecified location in the host genome.This is accomplished by isolating and copying the gene of interest, generating a construct containing all the genetic elements for correct expression, and then inserting this construct into a random location in the host organism. Other forms of genetic engineering include gene targeting and knocking out specific genes via engineered nucleases such as zinc finger nucleases, engineered I-CreI homing endonucleases, or nucleases generated from TAL effectors. An example of gene-knockout mediated gene therapy is the knockout of the human CCR5 gene in T-cells in order to control HIV infection.[16] This approach is currently being used in several human clinical trials.[17]

Types of gene therapy

Gene therapy may be classified into the two following types:

Somatic gene therapy

In somatic gene therapy, the therapeutic genes are transferred into the somatic cells, or body, of a patient. Any modifications and effects will be restricted to the individual patient only, and will not be inherited by the patient’s offspring or later generations. Somatic gene therapy represents the mainstream line of current basic and clinical research, where the therapeutic DNA transgene (either integrated in the genome or as an external episome or plasmid) is used to treat a disease in an individual.

Germ line gene therapy

In germ line gene therapy, Germ cells, i.e., sperm or eggs, are modified by the introduction of functional genes, which are integrated into their genomes. This would allow the therapy to be heritable and passed on to later generations. Although this should, in theory, be highly effective in counteracting genetic disorders and hereditary diseases, many jurisdictions prohibit this for application in human beings, at least for the present, for a variety of technical and ethical reasons.

Vectors in gene therapy

Main article: Vectors in Gene Therapy

Gene therapy utilizes the delivery of DNA into cells, which can be accomplished by a number of methods. The two major classes of methods are those that use recombinant viruses (sometimes called biological nanoparticles or viral vectors) and those that use naked DNA or DNA complexes (non-viral methods).


Main article: Viral vector

All viruses bind to their hosts and introduce their genetic material into the host cell as part of their replication cycle. Therefore this has been recognized as a plausible strategy for gene therapy, by removing the viral DNA and using the virus as a vehicle to deliver the therapeutic DNA.

A number of viruses have been used for human gene therapy, including retrovirus, adenovirus, lentivirus, herpes simplex virus, vaccinia, pox virus, and adeno-associated virus.

Non-viral methods

Non-viral methods can present certain advantages over viral methods, such as large scale production and low host immunogenicity. Previously, low levels of transfection and expression of the gene held non-viral methods at a disadvantage; however, recent advances in vector technology have yielded molecules and techniques that approach the transfection efficiencies of viruses.

There are several methods for non-viral gene therapy, including the injection of naked DNA, electroporation, the gene gun, sonoporation, magnetofection, and the use of oligonucleotides, lipoplexes, dendrimers, and inorganic nanoparticles.


For the safety of gene therapy, the Weismann barrier is fundamental in the current thinking. Soma-to-germline feedback should therefore be impossible. However, there are indications[50] that the Weismann barrier can be breached. One way it might possibly be breached is if the treatment were somehow misapplied and spread to the testes and therefore would infect the germline against the intentions of the therapy.

Some of the problems of gene therapy include:

  • Short-lived nature of gene therapy – Before gene therapy can become a permanent cure for any condition, the therapeutic DNA introduced into target cells must remain functional and the cells containing the therapeutic DNA must be long-lived and stable. Problems with integrating therapeutic DNA into the genome and the rapidly dividing nature of many cells prevent gene therapy from achieving any long-term benefits. Patients will have to undergo multiple rounds of gene therapy.
  • Immune response – Anytime a foreign object is introduced into human tissues, the immune system has evolved to attack the invader. The risk of stimulating the immune system in a way that reduces gene therapy effectiveness is always a possibility. Furthermore, the immune system’s enhanced response to invaders that it has seen before makes it difficult for gene therapy to be repeated in patients.
  • Problems with viral vectors – Viruses, the carrier of choice in most gene therapy studies, present a variety of potential problems to the patient: toxicity, immune and inflammatory responses, and gene control and targeting issues. In addition, there is always the fear that the viral vector, once inside the patient, may recover its ability to cause disease.
  • Multigene disorders – Conditions or disorders that arise from mutations in a single gene are the best candidates for gene therapy. Unfortunately, some of the most commonly occurring disorders, such asheart disease, high blood pressure, Alzheimer’s disease, arthritis, and diabetes, are caused by the combined effects of variations in many genes. Multigene or multifactorial disorders such as these would be especially difficult to treat effectively using gene therapy.
  • Chance of inducing a tumor (insertional mutagenesis) – If the DNA is integrated in the wrong place in the genome, for example in a tumor suppressor gene, it could induce a tumor. This has occurred in clinical trials for X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency (X-SCID) patients, in which hematopoietic stem cells were transduced with a corrective transgene using a retrovirus, and this led to the development of T cell leukemia in 3 of 20 patients.[51] One possible solution for this is to add a functional tumor suppressor gene onto the DNA to be integrated; however, this poses its own problems, since the longer the DNA is, the harder it is to integrate it efficiently into cell genomes.

Three patients’ deaths have been reported in gene therapy trials, putting the field under close scrutiny. The first was that of Jesse Gelsinger in 1999, which represented a major setback in the field. One X-SCID patient died of leukemia following gene therapy treatment in 2003. In 2007, a rheumatoid arthritis patient died from an infection in a gene therapy trial; a subsequent investigation concluded that the death was not related to her gene therapy treatment.

Preventive gene therapy

Preventive gene therapy is the repair of a gene with a mutation associated with a progressive disease, prior to the expression of a medical condition, in order to prevent that expression. There are a number of considerations:[54]

  • It is hard to get U.S. FDA approval to treat a pre-symptomatic condition because it is hard to predict the complications that may arise, so it is hard to give a risk/benefit analysis. This is an obstacle to long-term therapies.
  • It is easier to gain approval for short-term therapies to treat expressed conditions rather than prevent them.
  • It is not known whether the repair of a mutation will help to treat a condition which has already progressed beyond the initial consequences of that mutation.

Similar to organ transplantation, gene therapy has been plagued by the problem of immune rejection. So far, delivery of the ‘normal’ gene has been difficult because the immune system recognizes the new gene as foreign and rejects the cells carrying it. To overcome this problem, the HSR-TIGET group utilized a newly uncovered network of genes regulated by molecules known as microRNAs. Dr. Naldini’s group reasoned that they could use this natural function of microRNA to selectively turn off the identity of their therapeutic gene in cells of the immune system and prevent the gene from being found and destroyed. The researchers injected mice with the gene containing an immune-cell microRNA target sequence, and the mice did not reject the gene, as previously occurred when vectors without the microRNA target sequence were used. This work will have important implications for the treatment of hemophilia and other genetic diseases by gene therapy.

In November 2006 Preston Nix from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine reported on VRX496, a gene-based immunotherapy for the treatment of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) that uses alentiviral vector for delivery of an antisense gene against the HIV envelope. In the Phase I trial enrolling five subjects with chronic HIV infection who had failed to respond to at least two antiretroviral regimens, a single intravenous infusion of autologous CD4 T cells genetically modified with VRX496 was safe and well tolerated. All patients had stable or decreased viral load; four of the five patients had stable or increased CD4 T cell counts. In addition, all five patients had stable or increased immune response to HIV antigens and other pathogens. This was the first evaluation of a lentiviral vector administered in U.S.Food and Drug Administration-approved human clinical trials for any disease.

Me: The problem with height is that is a characteristic that is the result of a multiple of genes all working together to form one overall phenotypical characteristic. We can not target just one gene through viral inoculation and hope that it would be enough to change height. So far, there have been only a few genes that seem to be linked to height but each one only has a very small effect on the overall height. 

If we tried other methods like DNA methylation to silence certain genes, we would have to methylate at least 10 sequencing genes which can lead to results which we may not want in other ways of phenotypical expression. When I think of gene therapy, my vision is the possibility of future parents finding out that their unborn child has a certain hereditary disability which the doctors can go into the zygote and snip and replace a gene.

At this point, I can’t figure out how gene therapy can be used to increase height in physically mature adults.  

Saizen, A Somatropin Alternative

One type of manufactured growth hormone or variation of synthetic somatropin goes by the name “Saizen”. It is developed by Merck. As always, I just want the readers to be kept informed on what is out there in the height increase universe and all the varieties and ideas around.

From the WIkipedia article on Saizen HERE

Saizen is a commercial preparation of synthetic somatropin (growth hormone, a.k.a. GH). Manufactured by Merck Serono, Saizen is produced by recombinant DNA technology from amammalian cell line (mouse C127) that was modified by the addition of the human GH gene, resulting in an identical 191-amino acid sequence and structure.

Saizen is injected. It is intended for long-term treatment of individuals who are growth hormone deficient. Saizen, like all synthetic somatropin, has special importance for children and adolescents whose growth failure is due to inadequate production of growth hormone. Studies have shown that somatropin usage fails to produce athletic performance enhancement despite claims to the contrary. More recently, Saizen has been used in IVF protocols by a few physicians for female patients undergoing infertility treatment in an attempt to increase the number and quality of oocytes retrieved. It affects:


  • Tissue growth
    • Skeletal growth
    • Cell growth (especially muscle growth)
    • Organ growth
  • Metabolism
    • Protein metabolism
    • Carbohydrate metabolism
    • Lipid metabolism
    • Mineral metabolism
    • Connective tissue and bone metabolism

Saizen usage should be performed under the regular guidance of a physician who is experienced in the diagnosis and management of growth hormone deficiency.

Individuals with inadequate secretion of growth hormone sometimes experience fasting hypoglycemia that is improved by treatment with growth hormone. Using Saizen may decrease glucosetolerance. Because human growth hormone may induce a state of insulin resistance, patients should be observed for evidence of glucose intolerance. As with all human growth hormone supplementation, Saizen should be used with caution in patients with diabetes mellitus or a family history of diabetes mellitus.

Warnings: Black-Market HGH

Those seeking HGH (Human Growth Hormone) therapy without a prescription from licensed physicians must be aware that there are several fake HGH manufacturers floating around the web. Most of these manufacturers actually use a substance called hCG (Human chorionic gonadotropin) and pass it off as Generic HGH, and since testing the HGH chemical substance is a very expensive process, the bootleggers know that most, if not all, of their customers wouldn’t even attempt to test them.

The majority of fake HGH on the market is manufactured in China or India, The color of the caps on the bottles offers no discernible way to tell if it is real HGH or fake, Blue, Green, Grey, Red tops are all used and you can not rely on the color of the top to prove or disprove if its real. Always order from a reputable pharmacy.

Me: Here is the main thing to take away from learning about Saizen, and mod tother types of synthetic somatropin that is going around. If we remember that the GH goes into the liver to make IGF-1, and that IGF stands for insulin like growth factor, we realize that insulin is also critical in the human growth process. the IGF and insulin are both produced by the liver and pancreas, respectively. Sky stated that IGF-1 has 10 more of an affect than GH. If we put more GH into a patients body, the body will begin to develop a resistance to the insulin or IGF produced. Remember that when we get hungry, our blood sugar levels drop. When we eat, our sugar levels increase again but so does the insulin to control it. Carbohydrates are based on polysaccharides, which are long chained sugars. Carbs like bread bread down very quickly into sugars, the most common being glucose, which goes directly to work to supple energy to the body, but mostly to the brain. Insulin is what allows the tissues in the body to absorb glucose. 

From the wikipedia article on insulin HERE

insulin is provided within the body in a constant proportion to remove excess glucose from the blood, which otherwise would be toxic

So if the body becomes resistance to the effects of insulin, then it can be poisoned by too much glucose. 

Human Growth Hormone and the Measure of Man , The Link Between HGH And Height

In one of the comments that was posted on the site, I was told by Tyler that I should stop being so focused on the connection between increasing height and promoting the release of HGH. From what I could understand, I think the point Tyler was trying to make was that we should not be focusing on trying to find ways to increase the HGH release into our systems for people who have already had they growth plates ossified and reached physical maturity.

If however, he was stating that for people in general, including young kids who still have their growth plates open, we should not focus on trying to increase the GH release, then I would have to disagree with him. Growth hormone therapy through daily injections of genotropin or somatropin has shown again and again that they can increase the maximum height of people, whether they are suffering from a growth hormone defiency or just genetically predisposed to short stature. WIth that, I really will try to feed my future children (let’s hope I can reproduce) a lot of proteins and beans that can probably stimulate more hgh release when they are sleeping.

If he was stating what I think he is stating, I do have to agree with him that HGH increased release even upwards by 100% will not do much good for the person who wants to increase in height after physical maturity. That is the really hard part. This is the part which I will focus most of my energy on, but not all. I want to help the kids who are growing, but I wish to also help the people who has stopped growing even more.

I do have to remind him though that from the stats and numbers of the visitors to the site, many people who are actively searching for a way to increase their height are young, and often they are still young enough that their growth plates are open.

So, let me remind people that this site is not just for people who want to increase their height after physical maturity, but for all types of people of all ages who wish to grow taller. There are many techniques and methods mentioned. Many of them will work for people who are young enough. I just have never made a distinction for those two groups of people yet.

With that said, I wanted to post below an article link that shows the sociological, anthropological, and psychological implications of Height, Heightism, and what is done for people who are of short stature. He does make a connection to the use of GH therapy and how it does help young kids develop taller bodies and gig ether a better life.

This article posted below was found on the website The New Atlantis located HERE. It is written by Dov Fox.

Human Growth Hormone and the Measure of Man

Dov Fox

In July 2003, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized pharmaceutical companies to promote human Growth Hormone (hGH) for use in children who are very short but not suffering from any specific illness or medical condition. Parents are now using hGH in record numbers, hoping that hormone treatment will give their kids happier childhoods and more prosperous adulthoods. No one should doubt these parental good intentions. But the normalization of height enhancement reflects a troubling disposition, familiar in our time, to redefine disadvantageous traits as “illnesses” and look to medical techniques for a “cure.” Of course, there are often real benefits to using medical technologies for self-improvement: straighter teeth, clearer complexions, firmer figures. But our technological enhancements to body and psyche may also undermine those human goods that are less obvious but more fundamental—especially parental love for the abnormal child and civic love for the abnormal neighbor. We can hardly expect the FDA as an institution to worry about such matters; its concern is the safety of products not the health of the culture. But when it approved height enhancement for healthy kids, the FDA made a mistake on our behalf. Exploring the nature of this error may help us deal more wisely with the biotechnical enhancements of the future, or at least see more clearly the full meaning of our “improvements.”

The Burdens of Shortness

One can understand the hGH seduction. Short Americans—especially males—often face difficulties ranging from fitting in at school to finding a job or spouse. Studies show that shortness in childhood is correlated with juvenilization, teasing, bullying, and social exclusion, while studies in adults have linked short stature to social isolation, reduced marriage rates, and problems in employment. In one study, several hundred university students rated the qualities of men of varying heights. Short men were regarded as less mature, less positive, less secure, less masculine, less successful, less capable, less confident, and less outgoing. Other studies confirm the link between stature and job opportunities. Given two résumés designed with equivalent qualifications, recruiters decided to hire the taller candidate fully three-quarters of the time. People holding high-ranking positions are about two inches taller on average than those in lower-ranking positions who have comparable education and aptitude test scores. When relevant factors are controlled for, average earnings rise about one percent for each additional inch of height.

Today, parents with short children and large pocketbooks can choose whether to accept the social and economic disadvantages their kids may encounter on account of their shortness. A chemical protein that influences linear growth in children, hGH is Miracle-Gro for kids, adding an average of 2 to 4 inches onto a child’s expected adult height. Almost any child who undergoes hormone treatment in sufficient quantity and for sufficient time will grow faster in the short-term and taller in the long-term, regardless of the cause of the child’s short stature or the level of his natural growth hormone secretion. Hormone patients inject hGH into the abdomen 12 to 14 times per week over a period of 3 to 7 years before the age of 20, at a cost of roughly $10,000 to $20,000 per year. According to clinical trials conducted by Eli Lilly, medical risks associated with hormone treatments are negligible, with side effects limited to joint pain and mild ear infections.

When hormone treatment was first used in the 1950s, the quantity of available human growth hormone was limited to what could be extracted from the pituitary glands of human cadavers. Given the narrowly fixed supply, treatment was restricted to children who could not produce growth hormone on their own. But in the mid-1980s, the genetic engineering of synthetic hGH—virtually identical to the growth hormone produced naturally—expanded the supply of hGH exponentially. At first, the use of hGH still focused on treating growth hormone deficiency alone. By the mid-1990s, however, the FDA had awarded patents to Genentech and Eli Lilly to market synthetic hGH to the few thousand non-growth hormone deficient (GHD) children in the U.S. whose short stature was associated with other medical problems, such as achondroplasia (dwarfism), Turner Syndrome, or Chronic Renal Insufficiency. Genentech and Eli Lilly also sought to expand the hGH market to include short but otherwise healthy children, who suffer from no stature-stunting diseases, disabilities, or deficiencies. These children simply have genes for shortness in their family trees.

The pharmaceutical companies argued that it was unfair to allow treatment for children who are deficient in growth hormone while forbidding treatment for equally short children who secrete growth hormone normally. Consider, in this regard, an example adapted from a 1990 article by David B. Allen and Norman C. Fost in the Journal of Pediatrics: Nate and Carl are two hypothetical 9-year-old boys. Both stand exactly 3 standard deviations below the mean height and growth rate for their age in America. Both are predicted to reach a final adult height of 5 feet. Nate’s short stature results from a brain tumor that has left him deficient in growth hormone secretion. Carl secretes growth hormone normally. His short stature results simply from genes he inherited from his short parents. On what grounds can we justify making Nate eligible for treatment but not Carl? Carl bears no more responsibility for his small size than Nate: in both cases, shortness was an equally unchosen result of the natural lottery. All else being equal, both will encounter the same grade school taunting and dating drawbacks as a result of their shortness. In each case, the desire for hormone treatment is an equally reasonable response to a social world that often prefers tall people to short people.

Indeed, many bioethicists see no morally relevant difference between Nate and Carl when it comes to whether they should receive growth hormone treatment. As Allen Buchanan, Dan W. Brock, Norman Daniels, and Daniel Wikler write in From Chance to Choice: Genetics and Justice, “there is something ‘morally arbitrary’ about addressing the disadvantages produced by disease and impairment and not addressing those imposed by disadvantageous—but normal—allotments of capabilities.” Many pediatric endocrinologists apparently agreed, and in the late 1980s they began prescribing hormone treatment for non-diseased, non-growth hormone deficient children, even though such “off-label” use had not been approved by the FDA for promotion by the pharmaceutical industry. It is likely that the inconvenience of multiple daily injections over a long period of time and the high cost of hormone treatment will act, for now, as deterrents to casual use. But it is also clear that hGH is being used more and more widely by those who are not sick but just short. By 1996, short healthy children already accounted for nearly half of all hGH patients, and synthetic hGH had become one of the 25 most profitable pharmaceuticals in the country, banking over $500 million in annual sales.

In a sense, the FDA’s recent decision simply codified existing practice. It gave Eli Lilly explicit permission to market its hGH treatment Humatrope for use by healthy children whose height falls more than 2.25 standard deviations below the national mean for age and sex. This cut-off corresponds to roughly the shortest one percentile of children—that is, those with a projected adult height under 5 feet, 3 inches for boys and under 4 feet, 11 inches for girls. While short stature can pose physical difficulties in the home, workplace, or stores—tables, chairs, shelves, switches, staircases, water fountains, pay phones, and supermarket shelves are designed for people of average height—the disparate height criterion according to gender suggests that the justification for treatment was not overcoming a functional handicap. Men and women do not, after all, climb different staircases or use different light switches.

The FDA reasoned instead that shortness owing to any cause is evidence of a dysfunction in the physiological system that normally produces height. The FDA effectively redefined shortness from a variation of normality to a deficiency of height genes. What began in the 1950s as an attempt to correct a demonstrable physiological problem has now become a “treatment” for shortness as such, on the grounds that shortness is by nature an “illness” or “dysfunction.” Any among the 900,000 very short boys and girls in the United States today are now automatically eligible for hGH injections, even if their shortness is due merely to having short parents. The transition from therapeutic to cosmetic uses of endocrinology foreshadows a parallel shift beyond therapy if biotechnology one day allows us to modify human traits heretofore considered normal. “[O]nce the door is opened for ‘healing’ short people,” predicts physician Mark Groshek, “we may face increasing pressure to fix or change more and more things that are simply human characteristics and not illnesses.”

Intentions and Consequences

The FDA’s decision about hGH thus raises broader questions about the moral meaning of practices that aim to enhance human traits: If healthy children are eligible for treatment, what reason is there to limit the use of hGH to those whose height falls below a certain arbitrary cut-off? Why not allow height enhancement for all shorter-than-average children? If there is no good reason to restrict treatment to those who suffer from a distinct physiological deficiency, why not treat the child of average or even above-average height who thinks that a few extra inches will help his chances at making the basketball team? And if we permit height enhancement for healthy children, on what grounds could we justify a moral prohibition on the biotechnical enhancement of other normal traits—such as appearance, strength, mood, memory, or intelligence?

The use of hGH for enhancement falls somewhere between the familiar (like cosmetic surgery) and the futuristic (like genetic engineering of offspring). Height enhancement is more like facelifts, breast augmentation, and liposuction in the sense that it will not pass down to the children of those who are treated. But the use of hGH is more like genetic engineering in the sense that the alterations are more than skin deep. Growth hormone treatment changes people at the cellular and molecular level. The injection of chemical proteins to increase the secretion of growth hormone alters the biological processes governing height.

Clearly, one of the driving forces behind hGH is the burden of being short relative to one’s peers—the burden of being in the bottom one percentile. But the irony of the FDA’s decision, if it were perfectly implemented, is that it would prove collectively self-defeating. Treating the bottom one percent of children will never get rid of a lowest one percent in society; it will just shift the statistical classification and accompanying burden of relative shortness to others. Because height is distributed unevenly in any population, as some become taller, others become shorter relative to the average. If hGH gives the shortest one percent of children two to three inches of added height, these children will grow taller than the next few percentiles, causing the previously next-to-shortest kids to drop down to the lowest one percent, making them potentially eligible for treatment to increase height. If hGH use became widespread, those who do not enhance their height will find themselves shorter in relation to their hormone-treated peers, and might feel pressured to seek treatment just to catch up. After several generations, the original height distribution might eventually return, with the entire height distribution curve moved upward. Where the point was to increase height relative to others, the purpose of treatment would have failed, while the hormonal arms race took its toll on the medical resources and pocketbooks of private or public payers.

Alternatively, many people worry that the high cost of hGH treatment means that only some children will receive the advantages of hGH, and that the gap between the wealthy and the disadvantaged will grow even wider. A pediatric endocrinologist’s opinion is a prerequisite for growth hormone treatment, so only those with the resources to access these specialized physicians can qualify for height enhancement. Among families able to obtain an endocrinologist’s recommendation, many would still be unable to pay for the treatment. In 2000, the median household income in the U.S. was $42,148, while the average annual cost of multi-year hGH treatment was $10,000 to $20,000, which is not (as yet) covered by insurance.

Of course, the inequality problem could be resolved, at least in theory, if hGH treatment were provided by the state as an entitlement. If height enhancement were seen as an essential human good, wealthy societies could act to ensure that it was available to all who needed or desired it. Such a policy is unlikely, certainly in the United States. But worries about equal access, while genuine, do not get at the heart of the problem with height enhancement in itself. Many large questions remain: Is our disquiet with height enhancement intrinsic to the activity or a prudential concern about its likely social effects? Does height enhancement hurt society because it is not universally available, or does it diminish precisely those individuals with the financial means to engage in it?

Perhaps the issue is not the dangers of inequality so much as the attitudes of narrow-mindedness and unrestrained control that height enhancement seems to embody. If heightism is unjust—systemic, pervasive, and stereotyping—is it possible to “enhance away” shortness without becoming complicit in injustice? Surely parents of short-statured children—many short themselves—do not believe that short people are any less valuable by virtue of their shortness. They simply want their children to experience the range of opportunities open to children of normal height. The fact that parents do not intend to send a hurtful message, however, does not change the fact that their short children might see height enhancement as a form of rejection rather than compassion. Imagine if parents in the age of Jim Crow could biologically lighten the complexion of a black child to make him “more white.” The parents might do this out of love, believing that white people have more opportunities in a racist society. And they might know in their hearts that black people are really equal to white people. But by choosing whiteness and rejecting blackness, they would perpetuate discrimination whether they mean to or not.

After all, the meaning of an activity emerges as a function of context, not simply intention. Given medicine’s prominent societal status, enlisting the profession’s services for height enhancement sanctions the idea that all short people are sick. Although the risks associated with growth hormone are minimal, the invasive nature of the treatment and the appearance of risk associated with any medical procedure send the message that the objective of taller children is a worthy and important goal, and that being short is unacceptable and undesirable.

Of course, height enhancers could speak out against heightism, while still relieving short children of the burden of growing up short. Like the activist who protests unjust conditions in the inner city but heads for the suburbs to escape urban crime, it is possible to denounce injustice and also shield oneself from it. While this course of action balks at an opportunity for symbolic protest through self-sacrifice, it is also a reasonable response to the burdens of living in an unjust society.

In the case of height enhancement, however, the effort to seek a better life for one’s offspring comes with a potentially grave cost: inflicting psychological damage on the child in the very act of trying to “cure” him. Each injection of hGH is a reminder of inadequacy. While the decision to pursue height enhancement is driven by the desire to help one’s child flourish, the aspiration for taller offspring conveys dissatisfaction with the healthy child’s normal capacity for growth. Unlike disabling traits like blindness, paraplegia, and Down syndrome, which inherently limit the range of human capacities and opportunities, short stature poses disadvantages because of the way shortness is regarded in a society that prizes height. Even though the parental motivation for height enhancement is to avoid the disadvantages of their child’s shortness, the attempt to modify the child’s non-disabling trait nevertheless feeds the child’s worry that his parents find him flawed and deficient.

When parents act on the desire to select their children’s traits, it may send the message that the family is like a club, in which membership is contingent on the demonstration of desirable features. It teaches the lesson that children must meet certain eligibility criteria in order to make the grade for parental cherishing. This lesson may instill feelings of profound anxiety in children, who rarely question the content of parental love, questioning instead their own sense of personal adequacy. And when hormone treatment does not meet the parent’s hopes of increased height, the child may feel responsible for failing to satisfy parental expectations for growth.

Guardians or Gardeners?

Recall the two equally short boys: Nate, whose short stature results from a brain tumor that has left him deficient in growth hormone, and Carl, whose shortness results from healthy genes inherited from his short parents. The reason we treat Nate is not because hormone treatment would relieve the suffering that accompanies his short stature in a society that prizes height. We treat Nate because hormone therapy ameliorates a discrete physiological problem. Children whose pituitary glands secrete a deficient level of growth hormone are also susceptible to GHD-related problems in renal function, blood pressure, hair growth, and sexual maturation and function; medical conditions related to GHD support the idea that a non-deficient level of growth hormone is a part of what it means to flourish as a physiologically healthy human being. Though hormone treatment for GHD children increases final adult stature, it isn’t really enhancement at all, in the sense that it does not increase, augment, improve, or modify any trait beyond a state of normal human functioning for a particular individual. Treatment for Nate merely fulfills his healthy growth capacity—bestowed on him, perhaps, by genetically tall parents—by restoring the level of hGH that was taken from him by his hormone-depleting brain tumor. Hormone treatment for the GHD child acts in service to and cooperation with his nature by realizing his given potential for growth, unimpeded by the disease or deficiency that deforms and corrupts his native endowment.

Enhancing Carl’s height does not serve this healing function. Hormone treatment for non-GHD children does not tend to their unique potential for height, as given perhaps by genetically short parents. Treating Carl with growth hormone to boost his below-average but otherwise healthy stature neither makes him more whole biologically speaking nor serves his naturally given inclinations. “In contrast to hGH deficiency, in which a clear abnormality—a deficit—is replaced,” writes pediatric endocrinologist Peter Hindmarsh, the use of growth hormone in non-GHD children “does not involve hormone replacement, but rather the addition of more hGH in an already replete individual.” Enhancing Carl’s height would bring him closer to the statistical population norm for height, but beyond the norm for health. Treating Carl requires ignoring or overriding his healthy capacity for growth and subordinating his given nature to his parents’ own projects, however well-intentioned.

But recognizing this fact does not settle the matter. The activity of parenthood does not aim simply at maintaining the child’s biological functions, but also at cultivating the child’s experiential possibilities. The proper scope of parental influence is surely not limited to the protection of health, while letting a child’s talents lie fallow or shortcomings remain unaddressed. Parents must guide their child toward what they consider the most fitting vision of the good life, while maintaining a disposition of openness toward those traits that are given by nature. The invocation of nature here does not resign us blindly to accept whatever happens in the absence of human intervention. It is not an objection to “unnatural” or “artificial” practices as such, or to the enormous blessings of the medical enterprise. It is an appeal, instead, to regard the rearing of children as a balance between accepting them as they are and shaping them into what we hope they might become. And this is why health is an important standard, if never the highest aspiration: To ignore the physical health of one’s child is a betrayal, but to medicalize abnormal traits as unhealthy endangers the norms of parental love. It might lessen our capacity to live well with human difference. It might turn us into a society that rejects short people out of sympathy for short people, and that only and always seeks the “statistical average.”

Ethicist William Ruddick writes that parents play a tricky dual role as “guardians and gardeners.” Parents are guardians in the sense that they tolerate, celebrate, or encourage the inclinations or possibilities toward which children are directed by birth. Parents are gardeners in the sense that they reject and repair destructive tendencies and promote their children’s flourishing by helping them realize the various excellences of which they are capable. Guarding alone is too passive, too quietistic; gardening alone is too demanding, too overbearing. Only a careful balancing of these complementary dispositions makes it possible for parents to tend appropriately to children’s unique needs, interests, and gifts.

Wise parents remain open to the possibility that certain undesired features of their child—at first glance just a nuisance—might later reveal themselves as the key to something meaningful. As the ethicist John Lachs asks: What do we typically regard as our imperfections? “The little mole above the curl of lip that makes a woman’s smile mysterious? The tendency to dream that leads to surprising inventions and enterprises? The habits of excess that lurk behind great achievements?” The traits parents target for alteration may turn out to be the scourge they suspected, worthless or damaging and in need of correction. But parents may also discover that the very abnormality that was once so tempting to eliminate is actually inseparable from genuine virtues.

For short people, the ability to stretch out with ample legroom on airplane flights or obtain discount movie tickets late into adolescence hardly qualify as valuable in this sense. What may be valuable, however, is the oft-neglected appreciation for diversity that is endangered by flushing out physical differences such as shortness, where the justification for doing so is not the restoration of health. In a society that places significant emphasis on people’s height, those with short stature are perceived from childhood as identifiable others. As a result, short people are well-situated to deal with and grow from their extended encounter with narrow-mindedness on the playground and beyond. Researchers point to this enduring experience with intolerance as the principal reason that short people demonstrate unusually high levels of empathy, compassion, and sensitivity. (Of course, some short people react in precisely the opposite way—seeking to make up for their short stature by imposing their inflated will on others. But if the psychological data are to be believed, the Napoleons are in the minority.)

Forced to cultivate self-respect and self-esteem in their short-statured otherness, short people often become unusually accepting of difference in themselves and others. While it would be a profound mistake to romanticize the adversity faced by short people, it would also be a mistake to undervalue short people’s special sensitivity to difference in others. This receptivity to the multiplicity of human forms is precarious in a time when suspect norms of appearance are enforced through powerful advertising campaigns and thriving markets for cosmetics. Enhancements that promise to reduce prejudice-induced suffering by flushing out every human abnormality lead to what literary critic Leslie Fiedler calls a “surgically, chemically, hormonally induced and preserved normality.” The result is a society without toleration or excellence—a society ruled by “the tyranny of the normal.”

The Limits of Autonomy

This insight—the dangers of undermining parental love and diminishing our tolerance for difference—still leaves many unanswered questions. Is there a difference between biological enhancements (like hGH) and environmental enhancements (like praise and blame, musical instruction, or athletic training)? And what is the moral significance of living within rather than living beyond one’s own healthy human functioning? Isn’t the desire to be “better than well” a natural desire?

Jürgen Habermas—one of the few liberal philosophers to criticize genetic engineering—tries to distinguish between biological and non-biological enhancements by pointing to the diminished capacity of engineered offspring for moral agency. He fears that genetic enhancements may uniquely bias young children toward some life plans over others, encroaching on the child’s “right to an open future,” as Joel Feinberg put it. In traditional child-rearing practices, children can “retroactively” free themselves through a process of “critical reappraisal” and “revisionary learning.” They can overcome the limits that parental choices place on them as they seek to live their lives as they choose. But “genetic programming,” Habermas contends, provides no similar occasion for adolescents to reclaim authorship over their own lives.

At first glance, Habermas’s distinction between biological and pedagogical enhancements accounts for what may be misguided about practices like hGH treatment for healthy children. It seems plausible that “genetic fixation” might permanently compromise a child’s freedom in a way that “restrictive socialization processes” would not. But Habermas’s distinction fails to appreciate the complexity of the ways in which children’s capacities for intelligence, musicality, and athleticism, among other traits, are embedded and developed. Our heredity and environment work together to equip us for and direct us toward some pursuits over others. Habermas overstates the role of nature and understates the role of nurture in the sense relevant for individual autonomy. Genetic intervention does not necessarily prevent the possibility of revolt, and environmental intervention does not necessarily guarantee it.

But even if it is true that biological influences do fix a child’s capacities and direction more decisively than non-biological influences, there are three reasons why Habermas’s argument from autonomy would still fail to account for what is misguided about practices like height enhancement.

First, the autonomy objection implies that children who do not undergo hormone treatment or genetic engineering can choose for themselves how tall they wish to become. But in reality, if a child’s stature were not determined by a parent’s choice to pursue height enhancement, his height would simply be left to random genetic recombination. Designing parents do not rob designed children of choices they would otherwise possess; they simply fix their child’s range of choices in a different way.

Second, because height is an all-purpose trait—useful across a range of life plans and valued across a range of cultural perspectives—height enhancement would not limit the available pursuits from which hormone-treated children could choose. Growing taller might prevent short children from a few marginal activities, such as becoming a horse jockey. But the extra inches would also open up an array of social and economic opportunities, ranging from better chances at romance to greater professional income. Even if children could choose for themselves how tall they wish to be, having others make this decision on their behalf would not infringe on their capacity to choose among various visions of the good life. Indeed, one could argue that height enhancement expands the range of choices for the child, opening more life options than it closes.

Finally, Habermas’s autonomy objection fails to account for the disquiet some people feel when adults choose height enhancement for themselves. Though hGH treatment works to boost stature only in young children, a surgical procedure available in China is capable of increasing height in adults, and one can imagine non-surgical techniques for adults becoming available in the not-too-distant future. These procedures would not pass down enhanced height to the patient’s future offspring; they would affect height only in the individual patient, the autonomous chooser himself.

But the disquiet that lingers suggests that the loss of autonomy is not the only problem with height enhancement; the problem goes deeper. As much as we prize the virtues of self-determination, living well with human difference requires accepting certain limits to autonomy. It requires a willingness to tolerate one’s own abnormalities as the very ground for accepting the abnormalities of others. Short people may have fewer life choices than tall people, and society may never overcome its biases. But short people can still choose the meaning they give to being short, seeking out the types of excellence or empathy that their abnormality directly or indirectly makes possible. As Eric Cohen put it, invoking one of the most wonderful abnormal characters in Western literature:

Today, Cyrano de Bergerac could get a nose job to improve his romantic prospects. He has more choices in the age of cosmetic surgery; he has greater autonomy, at least as we usually understand it. But acting on this autonomy in the present might come at the cost of his nobility in the future. After all, Cyrano’s bravado and courage and eloquence were inseparable from his effort to live well with the gross difference that nature imposed on him. If his large nose made it harder for him to breathe, his parents would be irresponsible not to find a doctor who might restore him to health. But a large nose in itself is not a sickness, just an abnormality. And there is perhaps a certain wisdom in living the life our unique nature imposes on us, even if doing so requires discerning what to change about ourselves and what to accept, what is freedom and what is fate.

Perhaps Cyrano would have been happier simply to have been “normal.” But we would have lost a greatness and sensitivity of soul that would have lessened all of us.

The Costs of Mastery

It is surely true that biological enhancement cannot be so easily distinguished from some of the familiar ways that parents shape their children’s lives. But the moral resemblance between low-tech and high-tech enhancements is not a reason to resign ourselves to generations of growth hormone-treated offspring. It is instead a reason to question the overly ambitious child-rearing techniques to which we have become accustomed. Tacking inches onto healthy children for the sake of prom dates and playing time is an aggressive attempt to satisfy society’s demand for successful children and superior achievement, untempered by that aspect of parental love which accepts and affirms children as they are. As an extreme if not unique expression of the spirit of mastery that pervades contemporary culture, the practice of height enhancement leads us yet further toward a world in which parents regard their children more as projects they design than gifts they receive.

At stake in the struggle between “openness” and “mastery” is not only the loving relationship between parents and children, but also society’s awareness of the contingency that marks our human traits and life fortunes. As Michael Sandel recently argued in the Atlantic Monthly, child-rearing practices like growth hormone treatment promote an attitude of willful command that wears away our attentiveness to how chance influences the way our lives turn out. When we replace the hand nature dealt us with the one our parents bought for us, we may lose touch with the given character of human capacities. The unequal distribution of prized traits such as height may come to be seen less as a matter of bad luck than of poor decision-making. As the contingent nature of our lot in life fades, so too may the social basis for our commitment to moral solidarity. If we no longer have reason to reflect on the sense of life as a gift, we may find ourselves ill-equipped to adopt a charitable moral posture toward those who are different from us or less well off than we are. By freeing ourselves from the constraints of nature and chance we bear in common, we might free ourselves from the feeling that we share a common fate with one another. In the end, the pervasive quest for enhancement might diminish us all.



Dov Fox is a fellow at the Harvard Center for American Political Studies and a Rhodes Scholar studying political theory at the University of Oxford.

Dov Fox, “Human Growth Hormone and the Measure of Man,” The New Atlantis, Number 7, Fall 2004/Winter 2005, pp. 75-87.

Lionel Messi Using Growth Hormone Therapy To Increase Height And Grow Taller

In my research in learning more about ho human growth and height works, on of the questions that I always wanted to answer was whether there have been any famous people like actors, musicians, or athletes which have used ways to increase their own height. It turns out there have been quite a few stories of people who have tried in their younger years to grow taller.

One of the most famous athletes of all time Michael Jordan infamously stated that he would hang on a bar to increase in height. I actually wrote a post about that. Michael wanted to be 7 feet tall but he probably was not genetically designed for that since his family members were all average height, which his late father being the tallest at 6 feet and his brother being 5′ 7″. How Michael got to be so much taller than the rest of his family is not fully understood.

There are also stories of many other basketball players trying to get taller. I heard a few about argentinian player manu ginobli who used growth hormone therapy but my research has not validated that claim.

However, the one famous person that has been very public about his attempts to increase his stature is who many people would consider the best futbol (soccer for Americans) player in the world right now. He is Lionel Messi. I have looked at many resources and some stated that Messi is currently the shortest male professional soccer player in the world at only 5′ 7″. Personally I don’t think 5′ 7″ is that short but I guess when it comes to being any professional athlete , one is expected to be at least above average in size compared to most of the world.

Messi was diagnosed very early in life with a growth hormone deficiency and the doctors wanted to put him on GH therapy but his parents couldn’t afford the $900 /mth bill for it. Eventually Messi’s soccer skills impressed a local soccer club so much that they agreed to pay for the GH therapy if Messi would play for the Spain teams.

From Resource 1 (authspot) …

If only hormone therapy, body footballer Lionel Messi can be high 150s just centimetres. Growth hormone deficiency (growth hormone deficiency), Messi, thus high stuttering and this is also felt by many millions of children around the world.

As quoted from AskMen, Thursday (8/4/2010) Barcelona striker was born June 24, 1987, may have health problems at the age of 11 years who have growth hormone deficiency (growth hormone deficiency).

And then he played soccer in his native Argentina. Barcelona management who saw his talent, finally willing to pocket U.S. $ 900 per month for hormone therapy with the proviso that Messi will play in the Spanish club. With hormone therapy, Messi managed to add height to 169 cm. For the size of Indonesia, the level of Messi is still pretty good. But for the size of football players the world average of 180 cm, of course Messi looks small. But that does not have an optimal height, Messi is still a career like any other ball players and became one of the best soccer player in the world. And the problem of hormone deficiency can be cured with hormonal therapy.

Growth hormone deficiency is one of the disorders of the pituitary gland (a small gland located at the base of the brain). This gland produces growth hormone and other hormonal functions. When this gland can not produce enough hormones, then growth will be slower than one another.

In children, growth hormone is required to help develop optimally. While in adults, this hormone is useful to maintain the proper amount of body fat, muscle and bone. If the amount of hormone is very low or non-existent, it can cause emotional fatigue and lack of motivation symptoms.


as quoted from Emedicinenet, a growth hormone deficiency disorders can occur at any age and do not always appear in the children. The disorder may be caused by congenital (from birth) or because of certain conditions (after birth). Growth hormone deficiency present at birth may be associated with abnormal pituitary. Some things can cause a lack of growth hormones,

such as:

1. Infections

2. Brain tumor

3. Injury or radiation to the head.

4. in some cases, the exact cause could not be identified.

Growth hormone deficiency in children can occur with symptoms such as low body growth, low and slow growth stage of puberty, an increasing number of fat around the waist, which delayed dentition, as well as the possibility of a child will look younger than other children their age. If this disorder occurs in adults, the symptoms that occur as the body lacks energy, reduced strength, decreased muscle mass, body mass accumulation in the waist, anxiety and depression that can lead to behavioural change, as well as the dry skin of the body.

Curative treatment can be administered in the form of hormone therapy hGH (human growth hormone, somatropin) is given to children who have growth hormone deficiency and short. As for patients who have problems with hypopituitarism, may require the adrenal and thyroid hormone therapy. When entering puberty, a person can be given sex hormones. However, for hormone therapy in adults are still having a debate. There are concerns improvements in body composition and its capacity will not provide the same effect. The most common side effects occur is swelling of the hands, stiffness, pain in muscles and joints as well as insulin resistance. Because of the care provided to adults must be absolutely correct.


Most cases of growth disturbance can not be prevented. One way to find out is to pay attention to the growth charts while still a child, if growth slows or fixed then it should immediately be consulted. Although until now there is no definitive explanation why someone can have less growth hormone, but one method to try to prevent this is to consume adequate nutrition and balanced. Because proper nutrition can help the growth process.

From Wikipedia article on Messi HERE…

At the age of 11, Messi was diagnosed with a growth hormone deficiency.[26] Local powerhouse River Plate showed interest in Messi’s progress, but did not have enough money to pay for treatment for his condition, which cost $900 a month.[21] Carles Rexach, the sporting director of FC Barcelona, had been made aware of his talent as Messi had relatives in Lleida and Messi and his father were able to arrange a trial with the team.[21] Rexach, with no other paper at hand, offered Messi a contract written on a paper napkin.[27][28] Barcelona offered to pay for Messi’s medical bills if he was willing to move to Spain. Messi and his father moved to Barcelona where Messi enrolled in the club’s youth academy.[25][28]

From Sports Illustrated website HERE

Barcelona’s Lionel Messi is without question the world’s finest player at present.
David Ramos/Getty Images

Editor’s note: The following is an exclusive extract from Graham Hunter’s new book, Barca: The Making of the Greatest Team in the World.

Rosario, Argentina, 2000. Leo Messi is 12 years old and, although coveted by both Newell’s Old Boys and River Plate, neither club can afford the approximate $1000 per month across two years for the growth hormone treatment that will correct a deficiency and allow him to reach his natural height at a normal rate of growth. His father, Jorge Messi, had persuaded his employers and another local business to sponsor the initial cost of treatment, but that, too, has become unsustainable.

The story of the boy who would become the world’s greatest soccer player needed an another hero.

So it was that two Argentinian intermediaries in Buenos Aires heard about this amazing kid who couldn’t grow properly. They phoned a contact, Horacio Gaggioli, in Barcelona, who brought into this drama a central character — Josep Maria Minguella, a ubiquitous figure in the modern history of FC Barcelona and an extraordinary man.

Minguella was taken on at FC Barcelona as a translator to the English coach Vic Buckingham back in 1970. He became a coach, the manager’s assistant, a youth-team organiser, a scout and a player agent. He’s also the man who brought Diego Maradona, Romario, Hristo Stoichkov and, finally, Leo Messi to the Camp Nou.

Minguella recalls the process of being convinced by Messi’s talent, and then trying to convince others. “I first saw him when he was 12 and he was not big,” he told me. “Physically, there were doubts whether he’d ever become a good footballer in Europe, but as soon as I saw the videos it was like seeing the light. I believe Leo comes from a marvelous planet, the one where exceptional people like violinists, architects, and doctors are created. The chosen people.

“He was instantly similar to Maradona. Left foot, No.10, same mentality. All kids like him wanted to be playmakers, to emulate Maradona, but I knew there were both serious possibilities and serious problems.

“Barça were not too interested. They said, ‘It will be 10 or 12 years before we see the benefit’. I was determined, so I paid his ticket across to Spain, him and his father, and installed them in the Plaza Hotel in Plaza Espanya.

“In the training sessions the coaches could see what he had, but there were weeks of discussions, because some directors thought he was too small, some liked him, but no-one would take decisions. I called Charly Rexach, who had been my friend for years, and was a football advisor to the Barça president, Joan Gaspart. Charly prepared a friendly match.”

It was played on the outside pitches at the Mini Estadi (the smaller stadium next to the Camp Nou, where Barça B play), hard, flat artificial turf, and Messi, despite being under-developed for his age, played with kids of age categories above his — and he shone.

“Charly saw immediately what others had been scared to commit to,” said Minguella. “But things had dragged on for so, so long by that stage that Leo’s dad was frustrated and losing faith. So we went up to Pompeii tennis club in Montjuic, where I was the president. I was confident in Rexach, but the Messi family had been here one month or more and they thought it was all going wrong.

“Therefore, famously, Charly took a paper napkin, laid it on the table and wrote: ‘In Barcelona on the 14th of December 2000 and in the presence of Mr Minguella, Horacio Gaggioli (representing the Messi family), I, Charly Rexach, technical secretary of FC Barcelona, use my position, despite there being some whose opinion is against it, to commit to signing the player Lionel Messi so long as everyone sticks to the financial terms we agree on.'”

However, time was running out. Jorge Messi was tired of being messed about.

He had ended up in a similarly frustrating mess with River Plate a few months previously and now, on the other side of the world and separated from the rest of the family, Barça appeared to be making fools of themselves and the Messis.

By this stage — although Minguella swears he would never have contacted Real Madrid — Barça’s great rivals were aware of this phenomenal prospect, and of the slow progress being made with the Catalan club. Messi didn’t have a professional contract in Argentina and a coup would have been straightforward.

Taking on faith that the weird ‘napkin-contract’ was valid, father and son re-committed to Barça, Jorge was promised a paid role (at around €42,000 per year) within the club’s youth development and scouting system and his son’s career at the Camp Nou began. Well, almost.

It still took until March 2001 for a full junior (rather than professional) contract to be signed, during which another of the heroes in this story, Joan Lacueva, Barça director general at that time, also tired of the club’s flat-footedness and began paying for Messi’s growth hormone treatment out of his own pocket.

“I was the director general, in charge of administrating youth football at Barça. I was aware there was a player taking trials at Barça, a certain Leo Messi. Josep Maria Minguella came to me and said, ‘I’ve got this kid who’s going to play for the first team one day. I like him a lot and we need to find out why his dad isn’t happy and why things aren’t progressing as they should be. I want to get this sorted out’.

“I went to the head of the sporting side of the fútbol base [Barcelona’s academy system] and said, ‘There’s a player we’re trialling and I need to know everything about him so that I can decide whether to push this through or not’.

“The more I spoke to all the coaches the more I heard the same incredible reports, so I insisted that we needed to sign this guy.

“Whilst all this was happening, a meeting had taken place, at the father’s insistence, with Carles Rexach, the technical director. They met at the tennis club and signed on that famous napkin. It was obviously not a legal document, so Messi’s father came to see me that afternoon.

“I couldn’t produce an official document immediately because the board had to agree it first, so I decided to copy the agreement on the napkin onto official club stationary, which I then signed. From there it went to the board, where it had a mixed response. Some directors were supportive, but others considered that, at 13 years of age, the lad was far too small and was more suited to indoor, five-a-side, or even table football.

“The proposal was that we pay this kid more than we had ever paid a player at his stage, but by the end of the meeting they had agreed to start the process of signing Messi to the club.

“I spoke to Josep Borrell in Barcelona’s medical team and told him about the treatment the player required. His advice was to start as soon as possible. That meant someone had to pay for the treatment and, as far as I remember, I paid 152,000 pesetas for the first round of injections. I wasn’t motivated solely by the kindness of my heart, though. Given that Messi wasn’t yet a Barça player, I couldn’t justify paying for it out of the club’s funds and later, when he was playing for the club, I was reimbursed.”

Lacueva is one of those, like Rexach, Minguella and only one or two others, who can sit back in a privileged seat at the Camp Nou, or at home on the sofa, and watch Lionel Messi write footballing history with a sense of immense satisfaction in having participated in signing him in the face of opposition and with intelligence, honour and alacrity.

Me: There are even some people who feel envy or anger against Messi for getting the therapy to increase his height (HERE). From his example, I have read from a few internet forums that there are many young kids who don’t like their height want to go through with the hormone therapy just like Messi. I at this point have no judgement or conclusion on the moral issues with Messi’s choice in getting GH therapy. It is stated a few times that without it, he would have ended up around 150 cm (or 4′ 11″). I would say that without the treatment, he would not have gotten the opportunities in life to play soccer or live a complete life. 

A Misunderstanding Of The Development Of Modern Genetics

I recently wrote a post about the ENCODE program that was going on. I had posted an article where it showed that geneticists have recently made a startling discovery showing that the genome and the few genes in it was only a small piece in a far bigger design that was just revealed to the researchers. I was very much mistaken (and very wrong) on the amount of knowledge of the real professional geneticists who do work in the subject. The press, the journalists, and the writers are mostly in the dark on the subject of genetics like most of the general public including me.

Let me clarify that my understanding of genetics is still at a very rudimentary level that is from 1 class in college with biochemistry and another class on basic biology. I have never taken a class on genetics, although I have sat in on one for 2 whole classes.

I always want to mention to the reader that this website is not a place for me to spew out the vast encyclopedia of height increase knowledge and information I have learned in the last 5 years. This website is a project, an on going , always evolving piece of electronic knowledge database that will be corrected when a mistake is made. I have already had to issue public apologies to organizations because I made a wrong judgement of intent.

I am learning as time goes on and I am continuously adding more and more information to my brain and this site. If you have read the most recent articles you would have noted that most of them were posts to help also myself understand the mechanics of human growth better. You can actually watch the changes being made.

This article copied and posted below was taken from the website Ars Technica HERE and written by John Timmer

Most of what you read was wrong: how press releases rewrote scientific history

Repeating myths may make good stories, but it breeds confusion. See the ENCODE news.

by John Timmer – Sept 11 2012, 0:20am JST
This week, the ENCODE project released the results of its latest attempt to catalog all the activities associated with the human genome. Although we’ve had the sequence of bases that comprise the genome for over a decade, there were still many questions about what a lot of those bases do when inside a cell. ENCODE is a large consortium of labs dedicated to helping sort that out by identifying everything they can about the genome: what proteins stick to it and where, which pieces interact, what bases pick up chemical modifications, and so on. What the studies can’t generally do, however, is figure out the biological consequences of these activities, which will require additional work.Yet the third sentence of the lead ENCODE paper contains an eye-catching figure that ended up being reported widely: “These data enabled us to assign biochemical functions for 80 percent of the genome.” Unfortunately, the significance of that statement hinged on a much less widely reported item: the definition of “biochemical function” used by the authors.

This was more than a matter of semantics. Many press reports that resulted painted an entirely fictitious history of biology’s past, along with a misleading picture of its present. As a result, the public that relied on those press reports now has a completely mistaken view of our current state of knowledge (this happens to be the exact opposite of what journalism is intended to accomplish). But you can’t entirely blame the press in this case. They were egged on by the journals and university press offices that promoted the work—and, in some cases, the scientists themselves.

To understand why, we’ll need a bit of biology and a bit of history before we can turn back to the latest results and the public response to them.

What we know about DNA, and when we knew it

Among other things, DNA has at least two key functions. First, it codes for the proteins that perform most of a cell’s functions. Second, it has control sequences that don’t encode anything, but determine when and where the coding sequences are active. We’ve had some indication that non-coding DNA played key regulatory roles since the 1960s, when the Lac operon was described and won its discoverers the Nobel Prize.

The Lac operon is present in bacterial genomes, which are under extreme pressure to carry as little DNA as possible. The typical bacterial genome is over 85 percent protein-coding DNA, leaving just a small fraction for regulatory purposes. But that isn’t generally true of vertebrates.

The coding portions of vertebrate genes turned out to be interrupted by noncoding regions, called introns. Some of these are huge—roughly a third the size of some of the smaller bacterial genomes. Vertebrate genomes also appeared to be littered with old and disabled viruses and mobile genetic parasites called transposons. Even some of the coding portions seemed a bit useless—near exact duplicates of genes were common, as were mutated and disabled copies. Many of these apparently useless pieces of DNA continued to carry sites for regulatory DNA binding proteins and continued to make RNA.

(To give you an idea of how mainstream all this was, I spent some time working on a mouse gene that was thought to be superfluous because it was a near-exact copy of a gene used by the immune system. But the copy was only expressed in males because a mobile genetic element’s regulatory sequences had been inserted nearby. And I knew all this as an undergrad in the late 1980s).

By the time we sequenced the human genome, we discovered that this seemingly useless stuff was the majority. Over half the genome was built from the remains of viruses and transposons. Introns accounted for another large fraction. And all of it seemed to be an evolutionary accident. One fish, the fugu, lacks a lot of this DNA, and seems to get along fine, while many salamanders have ten times the DNA per cell that humans do. And if you looked at the DNA of different mammals, the vast majority of it (about 95 percent) wasn’t shared by different species.

These findings seemed to support a model that was first proposed back in the 1970s, which picked up the (possibly unfortunate) moniker junk DNA. Genomic accidents—duplicating genes, picking up a virus—happen at a steady rate. Individually, these don’t cause an appreciable cost in terms of fitness, so species aren’t under a strong selective pressure to get rid of it, and pieces could linger in the genome for millions of years. But the typical bit of junk doesn’t do anything positive for the animals that carry it.





Regulatory, junk, and non-coding DNA are all partly overlapping categories, which helps foster confusion. (Circles not to scale.)

You could even consider the idea of junk DNA to be a scientific hypothesis. It notes that animal genomes experience several processes that produce superfluous bits of DNA, predicts that these will not cause enough harm to be selected for elimination, and proposes an outcome: genomes littered with random bits of history that have no impact on an organism’s fitness.

Junk dies a thousand deaths

For decades we’ve known a few things: some pieces of non-coding DNA were critically important, since they controlled when and where the coding pieces were used; but there was a lot of other non-coding DNA and a good hypothesis, junk DNA, to explain why it was there.

Unfortunately, things like well-established facts make for a lousy story. So instead, the press has often turned to myths, aided and abetted by the university press offices and scientists that should have been helping to make sure they produced an accurate story.

Discovery of new regulatory DNA isn’t usually surprising, given that we’ve known it’s out there for decades. There has been a steady stream of press releases that act as if finding a function for non-coding DNA is a complete surprise. And many of these are accompanied by quotes from scientists that support this false narrative.

The same thing goes for junk DNA. We’ve known for decades that some individual pieces of junk DNA do something useful. Introns can regulate gene expression. Bits of former virus or transposon have been found incorporated into genes or used to regulate their expression. So some junk DNA can be useful, in much the same way that a junk yard can be a valuable source of spare parts.

But it’s important to keep these in perspective. Even if a function is assigned to a piece of junk that’s 1,000 base pairs long, that only accounts for about 1/2,250,000 of the total junk that is estimated to reside in the human genome. Put another way, it’s important not to fall into the logical fallacy that finding a use for one piece of junk must mean that all of it is useful.

Despite that, many new findings in this area are accompanied by some variation on the declaration that junk is dead. Both press officers and scientists have presented a single useful piece of virus as definitively establishing that every virus, transposon, and dead gene in the human genome is essential for our collective health and survival.

A bad precedent, repeated

This brings us to the ENCODE project, which was set up to provide a comprehensive look at how the human genome behaves inside cells. Back in 2007, the consortium published its first results after having surveyed one percent of the human genome, and the results foreshadowed this past week’s events. The first work largely looked at what parts of the genome were made into RNA, a key carrier of genetic information. But the ENCODE press materials performed a sleight-of-hand, indicating that anything made into RNA must have a noticeable impact on the organism: “the genome contains very little unused sequences; genes are just one of many types of DNA sequences that have a functional impact.”

There was a small problem with this: we already knew it probably wasn’t true. Transposons and dead viruses both produce RNAs that have no known function, and may be harmful in some contexts. So do copies of genes that are mutated into uselessness. If that weren’t enough, just a few weeks later, researchers reported that genes that are otherwise shut down often produce short pieces of RNA that are then immediately digested.

So even as the paper was released, we already knew the ENCODE definition of “functional impact” was, at best, broad to the point of being meaningless. At worst, it was actively misleading.

But because these releases are such an important part of framing the discussion that follows in the popular press, the resulting coverage reflected ENCODE’s spin on its results. If it was functional, it couldn’t be junk. The concept of junk DNA was declared dead far and wide, all based on a set of findings that were perfectly consistent with it.

Four years later, ENCODE apparently decided to kill it again.

A new definition, the same problem

In the lead paper of a series of 30 released this week, the ENCODE team decided to redefine “functional.” Instead of RNA, its new definition was more DNA focused, and included sequences that display “a reproducible biochemical signature (for example, protein binding, or a specific chromatin structure).” In other words, if a protein sticks there or the DNA isn’t packaged too tightly to be used, then it was functional.

That definition nicely encompasses the valuable regulatory DNA, which controls nearby genes through the proteins that stick to it. But—and this is critical—it also encompasses junk DNA. Viruses and transposons have regulatory DNA to ensure they’re active; genes can pick up mutations in their coding sequence that leave their regulatory DNA intact. In short, junk DNA would be expected to include some regulatory DNA, and thus appear functional by ENCODE’s definition.

By using that definition, the ENCODE project has essentially termed junk DNA functional by fiat—for the second time. And perhaps more significantly, they did so two paragraphs after declaring that their results showed 80 percent of the genome was functional.

The response has been about as unfortunate as you might predict. The Nature press materials announcing the paper proclaim, “Far from being junk, the vast majority of our DNA participates in at least one biochemical event in at least one cell type.” The European Molecular Biology Laboratory’s release said that the work “revealed that much of what has been called ‘junk DNA’ in the human genome is actually a massive control panel with millions of switches regulating the activity of our genes.” MIT’s was entitled “Researchers identify biochemical functions for most of the human genome.”

But this can’t simply be blamed on the PR staff. Scientists from the National Human Genome Research Institute have been fostering the confusion. One of its program directors was quoted by UC Santa Cruz as suggesting we thought regulatory DNA was junk: “Far from being ‘junk’ DNA, this regulatory DNA clearly makes important contributions to human disease.” And its director, Eric Green, was quoted by Penn State as saying, “we can now say that there is very little, if any, junk DNA.”

This confusion leaked over to the popular press. Bloomberg’s coverage, for example, suggests we’ve never discovered regulatory DNA: “Scientists previously thought that only genes, small pieces of DNA that make up about 1 percent of the genome, have a function.” The New York Times defined junk as “parts of the DNA that are not actual genes containing instructions for proteins.” Beyond that sort of fundamental confusion, almost every report in the mainstream press mentioned the 80 percent functional figure, but none I saw spent time providing the key context about how functional had been defined.

The part in which we conclude

ENCODE remains a phenomenally successful effort, one that will continue to pay dividends by accelerating basic science research for decades to come. And the issue of what constitutes junk DNA is likely to remain controversial—I expect we’ll continue to find more individual pieces of it that perform useful functions, but the majority will remain evolutionary baggage that doesn’t do enough harm for us to eliminate it. Since neither issue is likely to go away, it would probably be worth our time to consider how we might prevent a mess like this from happening again.

The ENCODE team itself bears a particular responsibility here. The scientists themselves should have known what the most critical part of the story was—the definition of “functional” and all the nuance and caveats involved in that—and made sure the press officers understood it. Those press officers knew they would play a key role in shaping the resulting coverage, and should have made sure they got this right. The team has now failed to do this twice.

More generally, the differences among non-coding DNA, regulatory DNA, and junk DNA aren’t really that hard to get straight. And there’s no excuse for pretending that things we’ve known for decades are a complete surprise.

Unfortunately, this is a case where scientists themselves get these details wrong very often, and their mistakes have been magnified by the press releases and coverage that has resulted. That makes it much more likely that any future coverage of these topics will repeat the past errors.

If the confused coverage of ENCODE has done anything positive, it has provoked a public response by a number of scientists. Their criticisms may help convince their colleagues to be more circumspect in the future. And maybe a few more reporters will be aware that this is an area of genuine controversy, and it will help them identify a few of the scientists they should be talking to when covering it in the future.

It’s just a shame the public had to be badly misled in the process.