The Dutch Diet, Posted From EasyHeight.Com

It seems for any serious height increase enthusiast on the internet, they have all heard of this guy named sky and his website Skye’s real name was Ryan Nguyen, a 5′ 6″ vietnamese pharmacist student and intern , which was what he was when he first started on his search around 2003, almost a decade ago. I would assume he is probably in his 30s now, have moved on and doing something else with his life, probably have a wife and kids, and late at night still wishes at some point to increase his height. These types of desires which was once an obsession never fully goes away, but only goes into hiding. If nothing happens, that desire lays dormant and slowly diminishes away as time and life moves forward. However, if something does happen, that spark can be reignited.

Well, I have tried to get to his website but it was shut down, and I would guess it was shut down recently, maybe around 2010 or 2011. However the internet is a very interesting place. I used the way back machine and found sections of his website from 2004 all the way upwards to 2010. On the site was a lot of good information which I wanted to repost here. I personally would have liked it if he could have left  the site alone and let future Height increase seekers to look through it. It only costs like $12/ year to keep the domain and hosting privileges.

So this will be the first of many posts that was on sky’s site. This is for his post on “The Dutch Diet”.

The Dutch Diet

Summary: The Dutch diet basically contains milk & cheese. Most importantly, milk contains steroid, protein, IGF-1, & growth hormones as well as necessary nutrients to strengthen your bones, cartilage, muscles, & tissues.

Directions: Drink at least 3 glasses of milk daily (1 glass for breakfast, lunch, & dinner). You may drink 5 to 6 glasses daily if you want. Eat cheese daily if you can.

Note: Try NOT to drink milk before bedtime because you need a full 8-hour ofnondisruptive sleep (that means NOT going to the bathroom).

Now, this diet posted by sky was mainly talking about the component which are supposed to help increase in height. For a more complete view of what goes into a Dutch diet, I went to another source HERE. I’ll post the results down below.

Dutch Diet in a nutshell

You don’t like following recipes? We totally understand. Just stick to the following rules for a healthy average day:

1. Never skip breakfast. Just eat two pieces of whole grain bread with something you like on it.

2. Never skip lunch. Just eat two (or if you’re really hungry three) pieces of whole grain bread with something you like on it. If you go to work or school, pack your lunch!

3. Dinner means a small piece of meat or a piece of fish (that may be bigger), two serving spoons of rice or potatoes and two (up to four is optional) serving spoons of vegetables. Dessert is some fruit or a bowl of yoghurt with fruit.

4. Eat at least two pieces of fruit every day.

5. Snacks are okay, but chose healthy ones: fruit, carrots, whole grain low fat biscuits, olives, a hand ful of nuts. (Fruits, carrots unlimited, nuts or biscuits, max three snacks per day.)

6. Drink as much water or green tea as you can. 8 glasses is a good target.

7. Got weak for a day? Don’t panick. Just do a Balance Day the next day. There are several options to make up for that one bad day.

8. Exercize. Take the stairs, play with your kids outside, go for a walk or rather a run. Seriously, you have to get moving. If you hate it, stimulate yourself to do half an hour, 3 times a week. If you really want to lose weight: move as much as you can (Target: half an hour heathy breathing every day, raking the yard counts too!)

Increase Height And Grow Taller Using Alfalfa

I was looking through the Impartial Height Increase Boards and the old EasyHeight website and it seemed like Alfalfa was for a time the holy grail for height increase seekers. Somehow there was a slight movement years ago where people started taking alfalfa supplements thinking they would grow taller. I wanted to see if there is any validity to the people’s claims that Alfalfa can increase one’s height.

From the ABC Homeopathy website located HERE, I find this solution/recipe for a homeopathic height increase solution.

1)baryta carb 1m….one dose once in 15 days 

2)calcaria phos 3x..2 tablets 3 times a day 

3)alfalfa tonic….1 teaspoon 2 times a day half hour before meals 

all medicines to continue for one year.. 
mark her height now check every 6 months 
satisfaction guaranteed 99.9%

Me: Note that Baryta Carb is mentioned again and the calcaria phos (aka calcium phosphate) is also mentioned. I had written in a previous post about the possibility of using Baryta as a form of homeoopathic height increase solution.

If we go to the Impartial Height Increase Board, this is the type of posts I am finding there. (Source 1)

My alfalfa experience  October 27 2006 at 9:11 PM

 Hey guys Im 20 years old now. 5”8 and ive been around these forums for 3-4 years give or take. Anyways i decided to try alfalfa. I noticed alot of people didn’t succeed but the ones who did were athletic. So i thought since i train at least 3 hours everyday in muay thai and submission wrestling + weight train twice a week that i might have a shot. I remember the doctor dennis posted a thread of how dangerous alfalfa is and how it could cause lupus. He had also posted most of the symptoms. I was planning on taking the alfalfa for a month hoping to gain an inch. Well i took 20 pills a day with my food(morning, breakfast, lunch) for half a month until I got a rash on my lower stomach and on the right side of my ass, towards the leg. Now Im not 100% sure it was from the alfalfa BUT it was on Dennis’ list of side effects of auto immune diseses so i decided to quit taking them. its been 1 week since i stopped taking them and the rash is gone. I did not grow even 1 milimeter, so i think its safe to say that i wouldnt have grown anyways even if i continued taking them.
I dont recommend alfalfa to others as i think there are much safer ways to raise HGH levels. Im going to try LHL formula next and see what happens. My #1 choice was Mucuna Pruriens L-Dopa but i cant find it in Greece and im afraid to order it from the US since they will probably stop it at customs and i’ll lose my money



It’s actually alfalfa sprouts that cause lupus

October 29 2006, 1:45 PM 
Eating the sprouts of alfalfa can cause lupus and other serious side effects. Taking the leafs (I use the Bernard Jensen brand) should result in no side effects.


November 5 2006, 9:04 AM 
What is your height increase progress with that brand of Alfalfa? Are you gaining any?

No height gains yet

November 6 2006, 3:11 PM 
I haven’t measured myself in a while but so far no gains. I take Bernard Jensen’s brand since you get like hundreds of tablets and it’s pretty cheap. I’m taking 25 a day and doing a lot of hill sprints and weight training. I’ll post progress when I notice anything. 

Re: My alfalfa experience

November 6 2006, 6:09 PM 
I dunno man, that rash is like nothing I’ve ever had happen to me before. Either it was really really unlucky timing or it was the alfalfa pills. I guess we’ll just wait and see ur progress

To the Alfalfa users

December 28 2004 at 9:45 AM


Those of us from the first group of Alfalfa takers should be approaching 3 months of usage. It was around this time that Kaneka said he noticed he was taller (that he was looking down on a friend that was previously at his eye level). I have been taking Alfalfa for 10 weeks and 4 days now, but no increase in height. At least not since the last time i measured myself, last Friday. No increase in height or circumference of skull. I am 23, and have been taking a reasonably high dosage of Alfalfa. I had upped the dosage from 7 to 8 x 3 of 500mg a day by the 7th week n 3rd day, then upped it to 10 x 3 a day, exactly 2 weeks later. If this was Kaneka, surely he would have grown by now! However i haven’t. There obviously is some other factor we are not looking into? Maybe it’s something like the blood group (not sure which i am, but i’ll find out) or bone density? I guess everybody is different, and for some of us, perhaps we should be prepared to take higher dosages for longer, in order to see results? I weightlift sometimes..used to do it 4 times a week but have cut down since Alfalfa taking..maybe this is another factor? I was feeling sensations in my head when i was on 8 x 3 a day, nothing major, just like slight headaches, no significant difference with that since i went up to 10 x 3 a day. I don’t know whether to use the headpains thing as an indicator of how well this is working or not, but i thought maybe i should increase the dosage gradually until the headpains worsen, what do others reckon?Also i’d like to ask Kaneka, when did you actually up your dosage to 21 a day? Plus by 3 months, what were your headpains like? Sorry if you’ve already been asked this. 

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Re: To the Alfalfa users

December 28 2004, 10:55 AM 
Yes, I have answered this already, probably more than once  But anyway, I was up to 7 per meal by around the 1st month mark. The strong head pains were in full swing within about 6 weeks, and gradually intensified as time went on.Bad luck with the lack of growth so far, but dont give up yet with it – the head pains are surely a sign that something is going on…

Just be vigilant about those acromegaly symptoms -I dont want your nose to be the only thing that grows, lol. 


Re: To the Alfalfa users

December 28 2004, 8:36 PM 
Hmm yeah we are still not sure why it’s not working for some…did you do any height increasing intensive exersises? Or any kind of intensive exercises? Mostly all of them did.

Re: To the Alfalfa users

December 28 2004, 9:19 PM 
There seams to be alot of factors of “why” you havent grown such as; Age(23), maybe blood type, exercise routine, dosage and diet etc.Remember you are over the age of (21), so your growth rate will be much slower then people who are under that age. I personally think your “exercise routine” needs to be changed, and include maybe “running” or/ and “swimming” into it, and NO weightlifting if possible, because the HGH that your body makes will go into muscle building and repair.

3 months is not that much of a long time period for Alfalfa to kick in…try it for another 2 months and see what happens.

What’s your diet like – pretty nutritous & healthy?

I’m not sure on “dosage” matters, but maybe and i mean maybe, some people will need a higher dosage to get things going…but it is more dangerous!

Keep trying anyways,



(1) 70 jumps a day (30 in morning, 10 afternoon, 30 at night)
(2) 900 skips a day (200 morning, 500 afternoon, 200 night)
(3) 15 mins hanging on bar (5 mins in morning, afternoon & night)
(4) Roughly 30 mins of 3 different stretching exercises 6 days a week
(5) Weightlifting 4 times per week
(6) Cycling with raised seat 40 mins 3/4 days a week 

Re: To the Alfalfa users

December 29 2004, 6:55 AM 
Thanks for the responses guys.’Hmm yeah we are still not sure why it’s not working for some…did you do any height increasing intensive exersises? Or any kind of intensive exercises? Mostly all of them did.’

– Smalldude i’ve only really been doing hanging and skipping, and some stretching inbetween each set of hanging. No real Cardio work as such. The routine i started out with has changed somewhat, due to it being difficult over the Christmas period. Biking has stopped temporarily but i will continue in the new year. Hey Smalldude, are you part of the Alfalfa taking gang? It’s just i only seem to see you give advice on the subject . Do you have a routine of your own?

– Jamie. You could be right about including running or swimming. Swimming would be ideal, as it’s like an all-in-one workout, i definately wouldn’t need to do as much weightlifting if i did swimming. However it’s hard to fit it into my lifestyle. I’ll give running a go in the new year though.

My diet as you say is ‘pretty nutritious and healthy’. A good mix of protein and carbs, and very rarely do i eat fatty foods. I will probably increase Alfalfa dosage in the future too.

That workout of mine has gone down the pan of late lol. I don’t do the jumps anymore because it knackered my right knee. The 30 mins of stretching exercises i gave up, because i haven’t exactly seen any progress and besides i’ve replaced it with the strecthing i do inbetween hanging.

Present Routine:

(1) 900 skips a day (200 morning, 500 afternoon, 200 night)
(2) 15 mins hanging on bar (5 mins in morning, afternoon & night) with stretching inbetween each set. There are 8 sets.
(3) Weightlifting 3ish times per week3 x 10(500mg) of Alfalfa. 4 x 500mg of L-arginine. 3 x 100mg of Sea Kelp. 1 x 15mg of Zinc with copper. 1 x ultra-vitamin tab.

Future Routine:

(1) 900 skips a day (200 morning, 500 afternoon, 200 night)
(2) 15 mins hanging on bar (5 mins in morning, afternoon & night) with stretching inbetween each set. There are 8 sets.
(3) Weightlifting 3ish times per week
(4) Running for 30 mins per day
(5) Cycling with Raised seat 1hr, 4 times per week
(6) Legs hanging with weights 1hr before bed
(7) Dying from exhaustion from all of the aboveOh and 100 Alfalfa tabs a day lol. Nah 12 x 3. 


Re: To the Alfalfa users

December 29 2004, 9:00 AM 
Just thinking here but since Kaneka has the B+ blood group thta is most effective with alfalfa simply means it probably absorbs more o it better, therefore if you are not B+ you should take more.Jamie has had the pains and grown, kaneka has had the pains and grown therfore i think you have to be experiencing the pains.

In the last week i have upped from 7500mg a day to 1500mg and i am justoing into my third month. I thikni willup more after a while till i experience the pains.

REMEMBER since Kaneka is B+ taking 21 tabs a sdayforhim may be like taking 35 a day for someonewho isn’t a B+ blood group. as the absorption differences of the blood types could be the factor. 


My blood group is B+ also. Took 24 Alfalfa tablets from GNC per day, don’t feel a thing .

December 29 2004, 10:23 AM 
My blood group is B+ also. Took 24 Alfalfa tablets from GNC per day, don’t feel a thing in my body. 

Re: My blood group is B+ also. Took 24 Alfalfa tablets from GNC per day, don’t feel a thin

December 29 2004, 7:36 PM 
I’ve started to take Alfalfa this week and I already feel some slight headaches even if I am taking only 3 x 4 pills of 650 mg per day. Also, my blood type is A+ . However, I also take Kelp (2 X 2 X 650 mg) and liquid Glucosamine HCL + Sulfate. It is possible that Alfalfa is not the only substance involved in growing. In fact, it is possible Kelp and Glucosamine help it as synergists.

This message has been edited by sebastian1980 on Dec 29, 2004 8:58 PM



What do you expect? I never felt anything at 8 x 500mg x 3 either…Up that dosage slowly

December 29 2004, 7:38 PM 

From Giant scientific, more posts (Source 2)

Sophomore Height SeekerJoined: 15 Aug 2005
Posts: 53
PostPosted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 1:08 am    Post subject: alfalfa program Reply with quote

i just starting my alfalfa program tonight …im gonna take total of 12 tablets a day (3 per meal, 4 meals a day) …i got really inspired reading this info from …so today is 9/13/2005 ..i will stick with this for one month…and report back on 10/13/2005 …hopefull with gain..if you have tried alfalfa before ..please post and let me know of your result thanks
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Sophomore Height SeekerJoined: 22 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 5:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, goodluck. I had absolutly no success. I didn’t gain an centimeter but I didn’t do it for that long and I did not overdose. I only took 2-3 tablets daily for about 3-4 months. I did not buy much because it was pretty expensive like ~10$ for 100tablets. May have to take large doses for a longer period of time. Maybe anti-estrogen with alfalfa will work well. I tried taking l-arginine didn’t really do much either.Iv read that a mix of l-arginine and l-ornithine before 1hr of intensive exercise will help boost GH quite a bit. Maybe taking it before bedtime would be smart and help GH release.
Age:17 (DOB:May 7,1989)
Gender: M
Artificial Height Gain:0
Parent’s height:5’3″,5’7″
Short-term Goal: 5’11” by age 17.5
Long-term Goal: 6′ adult height
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Rookie Height SeekerJoined: 22 Aug 2005
Posts: 21
PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 10:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

l-arginine and l-ornithine are inefective .. they been doin the rounds as bodybuildin supps for years and have long been discredited!all that arginine will do is awaken any coldsores you might have … or increase nitrous oxide in the body and help you get a ‘woody’! Very Happyalfalfa will do nothin to force your body past its genetic potential growth wise …. i wish people would would wake up be rational about these things… is a plant gonna make you grow??? i mean well puhlease ,lol! Rolling Eyes

cut your balls off before you reach puberty and you will grow day in day out , year in year out untill you die .. but who wants to live like that ??

alfalfa will be as effective as eatin a tin of beans for height increase!

hope this helps.

save your money and send it me!

From HeightQuest.Com (source 3)

“”Alfalfa is reported to be the richest natural source of ipriflavone.   Ipriflavone increases calcitonin levels but as we learned in our research about Calcium, osteoclasts are essential part of endochondral ossification by degrading matrix that prevents cells from growing to their full potential.  Ipriflavone may have similar effects to calcium given that it increases serum Calcium levels.  Calcitonin is important in L-type Calcium Channels.  CGRP is related to Calcitonin and regulates the mechanical response of bone to load.””

“”Alfalfa also increases stem cell proliferation and IGF-1 expression two anabolic activities which will help you grow taller.  Alfalfa also allows you to inhibit estrogen with less negative consequences. “”

Me: Here is what is most insightful from the Posts which I hope the readers get as a major takeaway (source)…””you guys know that isoflavone is the plant estrogen and can bind the same receptors on cells as human estrogen.. and also the fact that estrogen causes bone fusion.. and also the fact that alfalfa and soybeans are rich in isoflavones… so.. um.. if u take a lot of alfalfa or drink a lot of soy milk.. won’t it cause earlier bone fusion?””

So there is a possibility that Alfalfa actually decreases height from earlier growth plate fusion than helping it in the process. I wanted to figure out who or how the entire alfalfa movement even started so I had to find the posts put up by Sky from EasyHeight (source )

Alfalfa herb

       Name: Alfalfa

Latin Name: Medicago sativa, aka “King of Herbs”, “Father of all Foods”, “King of the Plants”.

Why Alfalfa?  Alfalfa was brought to America around 1850, Peru, and today is the largest crop grown in this country. Its roots go as far as 40 feet deep into the ground and pull up all sorts of great minerals. Alfalfa is the richest source of ipriflavone. Ipriflavone is “perhaps the most thoroughly examined compound in the natural health industry.”  Ipriflavone has an impressive scientific record. It has been the subject of more than 60 different clinical studies in Italy, Japan, and Hungary, featuring almost 2,800 patients with confirmed osteoporosis.

How it works:  It is believed that by taking large amounts of alfalfa tablets (8 tablets three times a day), one may grow up to three quarter inch (2 centimeters) within 6 months due to the release of growth hormones. Growth may occur in the skull or other places where cartilage is located since growth plate in this area has not closed. It sounds amazing but the side effects are often the opposite as one may develop acromegaly (overproduction of growth hormone)


Experimented by:  Sky

Statistical Success Rate:  Medium (Athletes)
Very Low (Others)

– Athletes, bodybuilders, or physically active individuals tend to achieve better results than others (physically inactive) when taking alfalfa herb.

Level of Difficulty:  Very Easy

Duration:  3 weeks (October to November 2004)

Result: Not conclusive.  I did not gain any centimeter.
– The result of this experiment is not available due to the fact that I only experimented biking with alfalfa for less than four weeks.  I began taking a 3-4 tablets three times a day for about 4 days. Then I quickly increased the dose to about 7-8 tablets three times a day (about 20 tablets a day) while performing other stretching exercises. In the end, I stopped taking alfalfa because I was afraid of the side effects.


Where I bought it:

I bought 10 alfalfa bottles from United Kingdom through There are 250 tablets in a bottle. When I stopped taking alfalfa, I still have 8 bottles left. I will try to take alfalfa again in the future when I have time to follow Sky’s MusCrunches Routine; however, this time around, I’ll be taking just 1 tablet two times a day.
There’s no need to choose Holland Barrett when purchasing alfalfa herb; in fact, I bought another quality Alfalfa bottle (manufacturer is Spring Valley) from Wal-Mart.


 Note:  Below is the e-mail copy of my purchase when I bought 10 alfalfa bottles (from England) back in

October 2004.  Ten bottles cost £56.65 (pounds), which is about $110 US.  I had no idea that these bottles
gonna cost that much in US currency.  It was quite a blow!

Shit, I can buy 10 alfalfa bottles for only $30 from Wal-mart.  The brand-name is Spring Valley (very reputable
& quality). It’s only $3.77 for 300 tablets, serving size is 2 tablets for 650 mg. So, each tablet is about 325 mg.  

Success story about Alfalfa

Alfalfa well worth investigating
October 7 2004 at 8:25 AM

Kaneka  (no login)
from IP address


This is Kaneka. He’s the guy from England who claimed that he grew more than 1 inch after taking excessive amounts of alfalfa tablets (HollandBarrett brand-name) for about 7 months. Kaneka posted this picture on Network54 forum back in mid-October 2004.

———————Kaneka’s post————————————–


I’d just like to pass on something I have discovered quite by accident while taking the herb Alfalfa. I started taking it in March this year after hearing about its considerable health benefits. About 3 months of taking generous doses of it a day, I did indeed feel healthier all round, but also became aware that I seemed to be looking at the world from a slightly higher viewpoint than usual, and that I was looking down at a friend who’d been at my own eye level previously. If I’d just bought a different pair of shoes (or he had), then I probably wouldn’t have thought too much of this, but this hadn’t happened!

Now in October after continuing taking the herb, the effect is yet more pronounced, and indeed getting myself measured tells me I am now over 6ft 1″ instead of the pushing 5ft 11″ I used to be! This is remarkable because I am 32 and according to popular medical opinion I should have stopped growing a LONG time ago. However there’s no arguing with being measured with tape measure while standing barefoot – I am TALLER.

Looking at the info out there on Alfalfa, I see its described as a powerful natural stimulator of growth hormone, so it seems to fit exactly with what’s happened. Other supplements I’ve been taking since earlier this year may well have also had an influence : Sea Kelp; L’arginine, and a fully comprehensive all-in-one vitamin and mineral supplement.

So, if at this stage of my life its possible to add height (my hands have also increased in size), then for abnormally short infants/teenagers the growth potential should be far greater.

I was using a considerable amount of Alfalfa – as much as 20 tablets a day (the bottle guidleines say ‘9 or more a day’), and there may well be a slight risk to taking this much (acromegaly and other conditons can result from too much growth hormone ), but my health seems very good nonetheless. So cheap too – at only £3.50 a bottle from health shops here in the UK.

I urge people visiting here to investigate this, as I feel sure it has strong capabilty to help those people whose lives feel blighted as a result of their height.

Good luck all,


Source:  Click here 

Scientific evidence about Alfalfa


Treat and Prevent Osteoporosis Naturally

by Karolyn A. Gazella

(This article is highly recommended – A MUST READ! – Sky)

Nature’s bone-builder
The scientific community is now confirming the medicinal effectiveness of many natural therapeutic substances. The most impressive agent for bone health is ipriflavone, an isoflavone or compound that naturally occurs in foods and plants.

Alfalfa is the richest source of ipriflavone.  However, it is also found in propolis (from bees) and some plants. Now that scientific studies have confirmed the bone-health benefits of ipriflavone, researchers have discovered a technology that isolates and mass-produces ipriflavone. Today, ipriflavone is available over-the-counter as a dietary supplement in many bone-building formulas.
The chemical name for ipriflavone is 7-isopropoxy isoflavone. The history of plant isoflavones dates back to the 1930s when cattle responded to the estrogenic effects of clover. From there, researchers began studying a variety of plant components to determine exact therapeutic value. “A Hungarian pharmaceutical company actually isolated and discovered ipriflavone in 1969,” according to pharmacist Steven Lee, who is research director of Technical Sourcing International. Lee was instrumental in bringing ipriflavone to the United States. He has studied this substance extensively.

“In the early 1980s, pharmaceutical companies in Eastern Europe, Italy, and Japan started investigating ipriflavone’s ability to enhance bone density,” explains Lee. “Since the mid to late 1980s, ipriflavone has been an approved therapeutic agent for osteoporosis prevention and treatment in Europe and Japan.” Dr. Anderson believes ipriflavone is “perhaps the most thoroughly examined compound in the natural health industry.” Ipriflavone has been shown to:


  • Stimulate the synthesis and secretion of calcitonin, a hormone that promotes calcium metabolism.
  • Stimulate bone formation while increasing bone mineral density.
  • Decrease fracture rate and complement prescription estrogen therapy.

Ipriflavone has an impressive scientific record. It has been the subject of more than 60 different clinical studies in Italy, Japan, and Hungary, featuring almost 2,800 patients with confirmed osteoporosis. There have been more than 16 randomized, placebo-controlled human studies, with all of them demonstrating either maintenance of bone mineral density or an increase. Dozens of articles have been featured in the scientific literature on ipriflavone’s influence on bone structure. The scientific community is also eagerly awaiting the results of a large multicenter trial on fracture prevention in Italy, expected to be published soon.
Healthcare professionals in the United States are also witnessing positive clinical results. Popular radio host and medical director of the Hoffman Center in New York City, Ronald Hoffman, M.D., has many ipriflavone success stories. “I use ipriflavone as either an adjunct to medical treatments such as Fosamax or estrogen, or as a stand-alone treatment. Ipriflavone works specifically on bone receptors and is very safe. I have used it on hundreds of patients.” Susan Brown, Ph.D., author of Better Bones, Better Bodies (Keats 1999), is presently conducting various ipriflavone pilot studies at the Osteoporosis Education Project in East Syracuse, New York, of which she is the director. “Ipriflavone is being used as an adjunct therapy for those who require a stronger program to limit bone breakdown and enhance bone formation.  Ipriflavone holds more promise as a safe and effective bone-building agent than the drugs presently being used.”

In his book, The Osteoporosis Solution (Kensington 1999), Carl Germano, R.D., C.N.S., calls ipriflavone an effective alternative to estrogen and believes it is the biggest breakthrough yet in osteoporosis prevention and treatment.

Many women trying to prevent or treat osteoporosis are often presented with conventional hormone replacement therapy (i.e., Premarin®). For women who cannot tolerate the side effects of estrogen or are concerned about their risk of developing breast cancer, many experts believe ipriflavone is a good alternative to estrogen for bone health. Please note that ipriflavone has only been studied on bone health. The effects it may or may not have on menopausal symptoms such as night sweats, hot flashes, insomnia, etc., is not known.


Note:  IMPORTANT information about alfalfa is posted above.  Below are additional readings. 

Alfalfa:  Facts & testimonials


JamesF. Balch, M.D
Phyllis A. Balch, C.N.C.
High in chlorophyll and nutrients.  Alkalizes the body and detoxifies the body, especially the liver.  Good for all colon disorders, anemia, hemorrhaging, diabetes, ulcers and arthritis.  Promotes pituitary gland function.  Contains antifungus agent.”



Dr. Donna Schwontkowski
Alfalfa has been used for centuries by people world-wide for overall support and rejuvenation.  Because of its deep root system, alfalfa is a rich source of the minerals calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, iron, potassium and trace minerals.  Specifically, it is one of the best sources of protein and is very high in chlorophyll, carotene, the Vitamins A, D, E, B-6 and K, and several digestive enzymes.  This may be why it is said to help reconstitute bone and when fresh, is beneficial for rickets.

Alfalfa is one of the most studied plants.  Research suggests that it may inactivate dietary chemical carcinogens in the liver and small intestine before they have a chance to do the body any harm.  It is commonly used for bladder infections.  Used on the skin or in the bath, Alfalfa is good for fatigue and muscle tenderness.  It is also used to reduce pain and inflammation of rheumatism and arthritis.  Alfalfa is used as an appetite stimulant, vitality augmenter (tonic), a digestive stimulant, for insomnia, and to relax the nervous system.


The World Preservation Society
 “Because of a long root system which absorbs abundant minerals, alfalfa is very high in minerals and vitamins, particularly iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, trace minerals and vitamin K.  It helps to remove toxins and to neutralize acids.. It is good for anemia, menopause, arthritis, gout, stabilizing blood sugar levels, balancing pituitary gland, and detoxifying the blood and kidneys.  Alfalfa helps soothe ulcers, the liver and acts as a heart tonic.  It helps with estrogen production and morning sickness.  It has a natural fluoride and is a mild diuretic.  Alfalfa may be used for reducing fevers and rheumatism and has a mild laxative effect.  It is good for cystitis or an inflamed bladder and relief from bloating and water retention.”


Alfalfa history
ALFALFA — The Father of all Foods aka King of the Plants

Alfalfa was brought to America around 1850, Peru, and today is the largest crop grown in this country. By nature ALFALFA is very alkaline, which helps to eliminate excess uric acid, and extremely rich in chlorophyll. Chlorophyll promotes healing more than almost anything, as it is more like our blood than anything there is outside of our bodies. ALFALFA has many different compound of calcium in it. It is also rich in potassium, magnesium, vitamins A, E, K, D, B6, and U and protein. It has high amounts of phosphorus, iron, potassium, chlorine, sodium, silicon, magnesium, B1, B2 and B12. ALFALFA is such a good all around herb, that many different animals live on it alone for their diet. A surprising fact about ALFALFA is that it is higher in protein than beef. ALFALFA is 18.9 percent protein, while beef is 16.5, eggs are 13.1, whole wheat is 13.8 and milk is 3.3 percent protein.

It contains all eight essential enzymes, lapase to break down fat, amylase sucrase which converts cane sugar into dextrose, peroxidase which is an oxidizing aid for blood, pectinase to digest starches, coagulase to coagulate milk and help to clot blood, emulsion to act on sugars, which helps digestion and protase which digests proteins.

Alfalfa is one of the most complete and rich of all foods. In addition to its high content of vitamins and minerals, it is also high in proteins. Furthermore, it also contains every essential amino acid. Its detoxification surpasses most of other food tested. Higher resistance to disease and prevention of exhaustion were also reported in tests. Another study showed that Alfalfa contains eight essential enzymes that are important for food digestion.

Being more technical, Alfalfa contains vitamin A, D, E, K, U, C, B1, B2, B6, B12, Niacin, Panthothanic acid, Inocitole, Biotin, and Folic acid. In the mineral range, it contains Phosphorus, Calcium, Potassium, Sodium, Chlorine, Sulfur, Magnesium, Copper, Manganese, Iron, Cobalt, Boron, and Molybdenum. It also contains fiber, Proteins, and trace elements such as Nickel, Lead, Strontium and Palladium.



From: Doug and Jill Farris
Subject: Re: stinulating milk supply and Laura’s problem
To: Christian Herbal Digest


I guess you could call me the “Alfalfa Queen” because I reccomend it so much but I just can’t say enough good things about it. It is called “King of the Plants” because it’s roots go as far as 40 feet deep into the ground and pull up all sorts of great minerals.

I hemmoraged heavily twice after the birth of my first baby and was severely anemic…they didn’t give me a blood transfusion because aids had just been discovered. I took the prescription iron pills for a year and felt half dead…it was awful! I was told, “Get used to’s just young motherhood”!

I hemmoraged again with my fourth during a home birth but my wonderful midwife put me on alfalfa tablets and liquid chlorophyll…my blood count was high normal in 2 weeks! When my mom came to visit three weeks postpartum she asked, “Do you really have this much energy or are you just trying really hard?” I felt wonderful!!

I took as many as 10-12 1000 milligram compressed alfalfa tablets a day until I was healthy. If you are nursing you want to build up slowly because you can overwhelm baby with too much milk! After all this is how the cows produce so much!

Oh, another benefit was how rich and creamy my milk was. So many breastfeeding books say that breast milk can be thin and blue in color so I accepted that as normal…but it sure changed when I discovered alfalfa!

So I would recommend it for both low iron and low milk supply.
Jill Farris

       Herbs First

Vitamin E is contained in alfalfa to the tune of 173.8 mg. per pound. Vitamin E is essential for the proper functioning of the reproductive system, and the Vitamin E found in alfalfa is so much more valuable than the synthetic variety which is not readily assimilated by the body. According to my personally supervised laboratory analysis of field dried alfalfa the following results were obtained:


Moisture: 9.5%

Carbohydrate: 3.7%

Protein: 15.3%

Nitrogen: 50.9%

Fat: 1.9%

Calcium: 1.47%

Ash: 8.0%

Potassium: 1.97%

Fiber: 28.6

Phosphorus: 0.24%

Sodium: 0.15%

Magnesium: 0.31%

Chlorine: 0.28%

Copper: 8.3%

Zinc: 6.9%

Sulfur: 0.29%

Iron: 0.017%

Manganese: 25.4%


The following results have been reported in milligrams per pound:


Carotene: 123 mg/lb

Vitamin A: 104,833 mg/lb – This is extremely high for a food

Thiamin: 2.5 mg/lb

Niacin: 18.0 mg/lb

Pantothenic acid: 9.0 mg/lb

Biotin: 0.15 mg/lb


Chlorine, Folic acid, Pyridoxine: found in very small amounts. Also Bentaine. As mentioned earlier, Vitamin D is found as 4740 International Units per pound of dried alfalfa. There is 173.8 IU’s of Vitamin E in the specimen we gave for analysis. All these figures will, of course vary with the time and season of the harvest. Our sample had 9.4 mg. per pound of Vitamin K, the clotting factor.

Now for the percentages of the essential amino acids found in alfalfa:


Argenine: 0.8% Methionine: 0.1% Cystine: 0.4% Phenylalanine: 0.8%
Histidine: 0.3% Threonine: 0.7% Isoleucene: 0.9% Tryptophan: 0.3%
Leucine: 1.3% Tryosine: 0.6% Lysine: 1.1% Valine: 0.8%


Vitamin U, generally found in cabbage juice, acts as a healing agent in ulcers both in humans and laboratory animals according to many researchers. (expired)



Alfalfa for Distance Horses
Copyright Susan Evans Garlinghouse 1998.

Whenever you hear the comment, “Well, that’s what we’ve been feeding for forty years and all our horses have done just fine on it”, the odds are they’re talking about alfalfa. In most parts of the country, it’s cheap, is the most common hay available and it just looks like great feed—bright green, leafy and the horses just gobble it like candy. If it looks that good, and the horses like it that much, it must be the best available feed…right?

There’s no denying that good-quality alfalfa is a highly nutritious forage—higher in protein, energy and many minerals than any other roughage feed.However, rather than making this an optimum feed for distance horses, this nutritional density puts alfalfa into the category of “too much of a good thing.” This article will discuss some of the specific reason of how and why alfalfa should best be used in a distance horse’s nutritional program.

Me: Here is the problem I have had with this compound Alfalfa. It seems like the entire movement of using Alfalfa was started by one story by this guy named Kaneka claiming that he went from 5′ 11′-6′ 1″ from taking an extraordinarily high amount alfalfa supplements when he was 32. His story sounds real but I wanted to know whether it is possible he was really selling or promoting anything when he talked about it. If it is true, I would want to do more research, but to have only one person gain results from it is not a very scientific way to view the process of analysis. 

It says very clearly from the easyheight site that the ipriflavone was used as an estrogen replacement. Estrogen limits height, so why would alfalfa , whose main active ingredient ipriflavone, increase height? It just sounds really suspicious that only one person has managed to get real results, and they really don’t have real proof that they did grow from it. 

Increase Height And Grow Taller By Stretching Horizontally In Bed

I was looking through the diagrams and exercises that were on the E-Products and I did see a set of exercises which can possibly stretch out the body a little and maybe give a little extra height once one gets out of bed. Overall, it has a small chance of expanding the vertebrate and the backbones a little but it will help keep the core muscles taut and strong through a daily exercise routine. It involved the exercises of stretching one’s body out horizontally while in bed.

From the downloads section for E-Book title “Grow Taller Secrets” page 17-19 (Source Link)

Preliminary Exercises

1. Before getting out of bed each morning (and before going to sleep each evening), stretch your

arms and legs to their limit. Point your toes towards the foot of the bed, point your outstretched
arms towards the head of the bed, and stretch your body to its limits. Twist and turn your body in
every possible direction, stretching every joint and muscle in your body simultaneously.






2. Still in bed, lying flat on your back, place your hands on your hips and lift your legs and lower torso into the air so that your weight is resting on your elbows and upper back. In this position,
with your feet straight up, rotate your legs in the same manner as if you were riding a bicycle.
Continue the pedaling motion for 60 seconds.
















From page 28.

4. Lie down on your stomach with your hands behind your back, clasp your hands together and
interlock your fingers. Arch your body so that your head, shoulders and legs are raised off the
ground and maintain this position. Rock your body forward and then backward several times, and
then relax. Repeat this exercise 5 times. While still on your stomach, stretch both arms out in
front of you and rest them on the floor. Commence raising and stretching your legs upwards,
alternating legs, without bending your knees. Do this 5 times with each leg. As in all exercises, if
at any time you become very tired, stop and rest before continuing.




From page 30.

6. Lie flat on your back with your hands below your buttocks. Raise both legs off the ground,
straight up. Bend your knees and lower your toes so that they touch the floor. Lift your hips off
the floor, supporting your body with your hands on the floor. Arch your body so that your weight
lies only on your shoulders and your toes. Lower your hips so they rest on your hands, lift your
toes, straighten your legs, and lower them to the floor so that you are in the starting position.
Repeat this procedure 10 times, each time trying to arch your body as much as possible when you
touch the floor with your toes.

From page 49.

Exercise # 9: Legs and Ankles

Lie flat on your back, on a firm surface, arms stretched towards your toes. Place your
palms flat on the floor. Keeping both feet together, raise them upwards and bring them over your
head until your toes touch the floor behind your head. Use the palms of your hands on the floor
for extra leverage to lift your legs up and over your head, and to help raise your hips off the floor.
The first few days you perform this exercise, it is not absolutely necessary to have your toes touch
the ground. However, without overexerting yourself, bring your toes as close as possible to the
ground. Pause when your toes touch the floor, and slowly bring your legs back to the original
position. Perform this exercise 5 times.

The Correct Way To Stand For Height Measurements

Sometimes we might be taller than we really are and we don’t realize it. One of the easiest ways to make the mistake in thinking one is shorter than what we really are is because we have not been standing or using the right posture when we are getting our heights measured. I personally know that from a quick shift in posture or positioning of one’s standing or feet, ones height can deviate by as much as 0.5 of an inch.

When you are getting measured for height, most of you want the nurse, (or your mother) to make as accurate of a measurement as they possibly can. Especially when you are on some program or routine where you are trying to increase your height, you want to be very accurate and exact in your methodology for measuring your height. What you might have thought was a slight height increase was really from a different standing position. If you are one of those types of people who had a perfectionist attitude, you might want your height down to the nearest millimeter.

The thing I wanted to say in this post was that with different positions and postures, your measured height will change. If you are just a few millimeters below 5′ 10″ which is supposed to be the US male average, you might not want to claim you are 5′ 10″. For most people who you meet in life, they won’t care what your height is. For some people their height is a very personal thing, which they don’t want to reveal or share with others. Just the same things is true for many women about their weight. Some women are absolutely scared to death to step on a scale in their bathroom for fear that their boyfriend or husband might come by and see how much they really weigh. Women have been known to even develop panic attacks before and after stepping on the bathroom scale and seeing the number that pops up. Their entire mood or state for the day can be determined and dependent on the number they see on the scale.

Weight is something that is very variable so if one has a rather erratic and volatile emotions, one’s emotions can actually fluctuate along with one’s weight. If your self-esteem is attached or dependent on your weight, then your self-esteem will fluctuate and change a lot as your weight changes though out time.

With height, that is something far more concrete which changes very little. Your height is sort of set. If your self-esteem is dependent on your height, your self-esteem is a more constant thing.

So can we help you slightly better about yourself from given you a little extra height from better standing postures? Yes.

Note: For you to really notice the results, you would have to shave your head to notice the changes, which is not something I would suggest to most females. 

For most people, when they are getting their height measured, they puff out their chest, arch their back forward, pull their head backwards slightly, and make their neck taut trying to elongate their spine in the upwards axis direction. However, one thing that many people forget is that their feet and leg positioning affects they measured height as well. Here are a few tips for you the next time you measure yourself to gain another 0.25-0.5 extra inches.

1. In general, the human legs and feet are no supposed to be pushed together. One way to lose 0.25 of an inch in measurement is when you push your legs together for the measurement. When you keep your legs apart, approximately 8-10 inches apart from each other, that is when you get the tallest measurements. From my own, old obsessive testing,

2. I realized that one’s height can also be boosted with the feet are slightly tilted away from each other, not completely parallel to each other.

3. It is slightly advantage to raise one’s shoulder a little. the human body’s bones are connected by ligaments and cartilage. The raising of the arms do help keep the neck straighter and cervical vertebrate more aligned and less curved.

4. Don’t tilt the head backwards, but use the muscle in the back of your neck to extend up and puff out a little

5. From a previous posts, tilt the head slightly down, so your eye gaze is downwards by around 30-45%. The back of one’s head is usually more pronounced that one’s forehead. That means that the tip of the measured height is that of the slightly bigger back of the skull cap than the front.

6. Most people try to suck in their stomach/gut for the measurement. The better idea is to just breath in air from both the chest and stomach. Most people only breathe from their chest, not their stomach. People who do yoga learn the technique of breathing from their lower stomach as well. Don’t suck in air, but Keep the stomach expanded with air inside, not keep the stomach flattened. The expanded stomach means a slight decompression of the middle thoracic vertebrates, but that may only be 1-2 extra millimeters

7. Move around your buttocks area around a little and test your real height by tilting the hips a little. The femur proximal ends in the hip sockets are often not completely straight down from the joints.

8. Try not to push the shoulder backwards or forwards. That means try less to puff out the chest. Puffing out the chest too much automatically results in the shoulder being pushed back. the shoulder being pushing back means the neck vertebrate has less movement or degree of freedom. The shoulder pushed forward just leads to more cervical vertebrate curvature.

9. If you are truly breathing in air and expanding our your torso through your diaphragm too, then your chest will be automatically puffed out a little. That is what is supposed to be done.

10 The legs are expected to be parallel, but the feet don’t have to be. If you find that the parallel feet position is more comfortable do that one instead of allow your feet to be tilted outwards slightly.

This post was the result of a stage years ago when I went through some height measurement testing from watching my own height deviations from postures and body positioning. Maybe it can help you get bumped from “slightly less than 5′ 10” to “a little over 5′ 10” if another person ever asks you how tall you are .

What Percentage Of The General Population Can Increase Their Height?

This is one of those question which can come up quite often if you are ever at a dinner party and you make the claim that people can still grow taller even after their have reached physical maturity.

Usually the first question is “how is that possible?” to a “tell me more about this idea/method/technique” to a “can this method work on anyone?” The last question indicates two things. The first one is to test to see if you, who made the outrageous claim that people can still increase their height, is full of crock and bs, or whether you might even be crazy to make the claim. They are essentially testing to see how credible you and the idea sound.

The second intention is often to see if they qualify to be able to get the technique done on them. They want to see whether they are in the group of the general population that can get it done. Again, they are still testing your credibility. People these days are not stupid. Most people, especially men, refuse to believe in anything that they can not see with their own eyes or touch. While women can be slightly more lenient and choose to believe that such things are true and can exist, men are known for their hardcore, no-nonsense approach to how they view the world. As a male, and as a person who was raised in a very scientific and pragmatic family growing up, I am not going to tell any type of lie, exaggeration, or hype on any height increase technique.

My answer to the question “What percentage of the general population can increase their height?” is that I would say It really depends on 2 main factors. The first factor is how much are people talking about when they refer to an increase in height. The second factor is what type of lifestyle do the people who want to increase their lifestyle have at the current time.

The first factor really means how much height difference are the people talking about when they talk about height increase. Overall, many people can achieve around 1 inch of extra height if they followed a program which involved stretching, strengthening their core muscles, and learning how to move and stand properly from the Alexander Method.

The 2nd factor means that people who are not regular exercisers and who don’t take care of their body are more likely to notice dramatic results. One thing to note is that in terms of natural height increase, most people never fully reach the maximum potential that their body and bones allow them to be. People who live in the developed cuntries spend a lot of time in front of the computer. The small screens and small fonts causes eye strain and increased possibility of myopia (and maybe even astigmatism) which lead to people slouching and curving their back forward. The continued action over time eventually makes most people decrease in height from bad lifestyle. The ironic thing is that the people who can get the most dramatic and most noticeable results are the ones who actually have lived lazy, unhealthy lives. They are the ones who have lost the most height from bad lifestyle choices. They minimized the height potential. For the people who have been exercising and performed in athletics, they are the ones who will probably get the least results since they have already pushed their bodies to the limit of what their body is capable of.

I would say that in terms of what is realistically possible, if the desired height increase was to only 1 inch, the percentage of the population who can achieve that could be around 30%. For 2 inches, the percentage is around 2-3 percent.

What Is The Best Exercise For Height Increase And To Grow Taller?

This is one of the most commonly asked questions for people who want to exercise to increase their height in a more natural way. So…”what is the best exercise for height increase and to grow taller?

Answer: Stretching and Yoga, which I wanted to include the two as one main thing. In the physical aspect of yoga, you are expected to position your body in postures known as asanas so you can manipulate the body to give it the amount of flexibility, durability, and strength to handle the very intense meditative practices of the mind. The original purpose of yoga was always to rediscover the union with “god” again as stated in the ancient vedas and yogis of India. There are dozens if not hundreds of yogic branches and teachings with many qualified teachers. While some yogas like jhana and raja are more about the mind and mind exercises, many other type sof yogas expect the practitioner to push their bodies to their limits. This means a lot of contortioning and stretching of the body’s limbs and joints to become more nimble. The stretching thus leads to more flexibility. The joints are often stretched out more from tensile pulling.

Over time, the stretching causes the body to be more relaxed and the muscles to be less tense. The less tightening of the muscles means the human back and vertebrate can thus open up and expand more than they usually are. From this type of stretching, the height of the individual can increase a little more.