Who Was “Hacker” And What Was His Method Or Technique? Almost Everything You Wanted To Know

After I found the LSJL forums I signed for an account to see what the others are saying on the forums. It seems like a large percentage of people were talking about this guy named Hakker who had his own routine or method to possibly increase height. So I wanted to find out who this guy was. And I could not find any information on him or what happened to him. People kept on asking whether anyone knew what his method/technique was. Maybe I can help clear up some of the issues on what he was offering. As you might note, the posts he wrote was around August of 2011, basically a year ago from right now.

People keeps on asking about this HUSS routine that he never seemed to have explained. I’ll see what I can find on it.

Note: I decided to put a long arrow ————–> to indicate a post break and where a new post begins.

However, I did find this post from a profile named Hakker on the Bodybuilding website HERE. These are his posts…

You Wanna Grow Taller? Methods Here…

So here’s the easiest and simplest method to start off with. For all those who want to grow more than 3 inches, get in touch with the me, or my team.

Throughout the whole of your life people have told you to exercise and eat healthy in order to grow taller right? And you’ve done that too, but only to realise that you can’t reach a specific height because of your genes. Well, I “hakker” and my team have discovered ways to bypass this limitation put upon us by nature. Of course, money will be involved – depending on your goals, and a fair bit of dedication to the routine. 6 methods, each consisting of a stack of oral supplements/compounds carefully put together to ensure maximum safety and optimal height gain. In order of potency and growth capability:

So first up:

Method 1 – MENS. This is by far the cheapest and most bang for buck method. For beginners.

Method 2 – HUSS – Advanced stack – ~2.5cm per month

Method 3 – HYBRID – ~3.5cm per month / HYBRID-Injectable ~4.5cm per month

Method 4 – H4GS – Experimental stack – 4cm+ per month


Good luck to everyone on reaching their goals!

Please don’t hesitate to ask for more information.

Last edited by Hakker; 08-13-2011 at 06:56 AM.


What you see in this post may be all there is known about legitimate, scientific height increase. Here, my friends, I present you the definitive result of my research so you do not have to:

I’ll give you the theoretical version first. Then I’ll show you ways you could actually do it. Anyone who wishes to grow taller should pay heed to the following. Here are the two and only modes by which one can grow taller.

1. Increase the speed of growth

2. Increase the length of growth period

Here’s how you do each one theoretically.

1. Increase growth hormone secretion and/or insulin-like growth factor-1 production endogenously (in your own body). Growth hormone and/or insulin-like growth factor-1 could also be from an exogenous source (from someplace other than your body).

2. Reduce estrogen. Estrogen seals the growth plates and causes the cessation of growth, although some is required for a pubertal growth spurt.

Here are various ways you can do each one in practice. The following is a result of my extensive and ongoing research. There may be more things to be added to these lists that I or scientists have yet to discover.

Increase growth hormone and/or insulin-like growth factor-1
Background: Growth hormone, secreted by the pituitary gland, stimulates insulin-like growth factor-1 production in the liver. However, there are ways to increase insulin-like growth factor-1 independent of growth hormone.

Grey = not recommended

1. Recombinant human growth hormone injections (illegal in America without prescription).

2. Insulin-like growth factor-1 injections (illegal in America without prescription).

3. Milk intake has been shown to increase insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) production. The increase in IGF-1 production was not seen in other dairy products such as cheese or yogurt, or for that matter in other protein sources such as meat, soy or legume protein. Drink skim milk, as that has the lowest amount of estrogens. And yes, according to this study, estrogens from a pregnant (and lactating, which they always are) cow increases estrogens in men: “After the intake of cow milk, serum estrone (E1) [estrone is an estrogen] and progesterone concentrations significantly increased, and serum luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone and testosterone significantly decreased in men.”

4. Resistance exercise increases IGF-1 even without an increase in growth hormone.

5. Sprinting exercises cause a burst of growth hormone and also improve growth hormone even while you are not exercising.

Acute effect of brief low- and high-intensity exercise on circulating insulin-like growth factor (IGF) I, II, and IGF-binding protein-3 and its proteolysis in young healthy men.

We measured circulating levels of the GH insulin-like growth factor (IGF) system in response to brief exercise of different intensities. Ten males (mean age 28 +/- 5 yr) were studied on three separate occasions: once under resting conditions (control) and once each performing 10 min of low- or high-intensity exercise. Blood samples were assayed by RIA for GH, IGF-I and -II, IGF-binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3), and IGFBP-3 proteolytic activity. After 10 min of low-intensity exercise, IGF-I and IGFBP-3 had increased over preexercise baseline by 7.7 +/- 2.7% (P < 0.05) and 12.5 +/- 3.3% (P < 0.004), respectively. After 10 min of high-intensity exercise, all measured components of the IGF system were increased: IGF-I by 13.3 +/- 3.2% (P < 0.002), IGF-II by 15.7 +/- 3.1 (P < 0.01), and IGFBP-3 by 23 +/- 6% (P < 0.001). IGFBP-3 proteolytic activity also was increased (44 +/- 14% above baseline, P < 0.05). GH reached its peak 10 min after the cessation of high-intensity exercise, unlike the earlier peaks of IGF-I and II. In summary: 1) brief exercise leads to small but significant increases in circulating IGF-I, IGF-II, IGFBP-3, and IGFBP-3 proteolysis; and 2) these responses may be influenced by exercise intensity. The IGF responses seem to be unrelated to GH. Acute exercise-induced proteolysis of IGFBP-3 may contribute to anabolic effects of physical activity by increasing the bioavailability of IGF-I.

6. Niacin supplementation increases growth hormone. Here’s an article discussing a study done on niacin and growth hormone. Subjects given 500mg (about 5 pills) of niacin experienced a 20-fold increase in growth hormone over two whole hours.

7. Lower your stress. When you feel stressed out, your body secretes the stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol hinders growth hormone secretion, hinders growth on the growth plate, and induces aromatase activity. This also applies to the next section, reducing estrogen, as cortisol levels correlate with estrogen levels. Find a method like meditation to lower your stress. (Incidentally, meditation has actually been shown to increase growth hormone, though any relaxed state would have the same effect.) Vitamin C lowers cortisol, so if you stress a lot, consider taking vitamin C supplements. Growth plates have a localized ability to have catch-up growth after a period of cortisol excess.

8. Get at least 8 hours of sleep. Seems like a given, but must be emphasized. The single highest pulse of growth hormone occurs during REM sleep, as demonstrated in the image below. No sleep means no growth.

9. Speaking of sleep, take melatonin. After niacin, or at the same level as niacin, melatonin is the best natural supplement for increasing growth hormone. Melatonin is a sleep hormone produced by your pineal gland in response to darkness. Melatonin is also synthesized and sold as sleep aids. However, it can also increase growth hormone, according to a number of studies. This study explains how melatonin can increase growth hormone by reducing a hormone called somatostatin (aka growth hormone-inhibiting hormone). A 1974 study showed melatonin’s effect on growth hormone: “Oral administration of 1 gram of melatonin caused rapid and significant elevations of serum human growth hormone in eight out of nine normal male subjects. The mean (+/- standard error of the mean) of the peak response by growth hormone was 22.9 +/- 4.6 microunits per milliliter.” Melatonin can also raise basal (resting) growth hormone levels, according to the first mentioned study–so if you just take one pill at night, then the rest of the day your resting GH levels would increase closer to that of a genetically tall person. In addition, a study on hamsters showed that melatonin increases GH-induced IGF-1 secretion.

10. I do not recommend the following, but I would like to mention it nevertheless. Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a nonaromatizable testosterone, can make you grow independent of growth hormone or IGF-1. This study is actually about height growth during puberty, and it claims, “Acceleration of HV [height velocity] into the peak pubertal range by DHT without an increase in plasma GH suggests that an increase in GH is not necessary for the pubertal growth spurt.” DHT treatment increased height velocity to about 8.9 cm per year. The illegal steroid Anavar is made of DHT. Again, I do not recommend it. Anavar will reduce natural testosterone production, shrink your testicles, and make you bald; DHT is what causes male pattern baldness.


Reduce estrogen

Background: Estrogen in men (and partially in women) is synthesized by the enzyme aromatase, which converts testosterone to estrogen. Aromatase inhibitors bind to the aromatase enzyme so that it is effectually deactivated.

Grey = not recommended
Blue = recommended

1. Lose fat if you’re overweight. Aromatase lives in adipose tissue. Less fat, less aromatase, less estrogen. As an example, anorexic women actually have high levels of testosterone. If you want to really inhibit your aromatase, reduce your body fat percentage down to the single digits and do some of the recommended items below.

2. Pharmaceutical aromatase inhibitors (illegal in America without a prescription). Such aromatase inhibitors as Letrozole have been proven to increase final height in teenage boys up to 2-3 inches. This is the second most guaranteed route to height increase, after growth hormone injections. Perhaps it may even be tied with growth hormone injections.

3. Avoid a zinc deficiency. Previously, as many of you may know, I recommended zinc as a primary aromatase inhibitor. I erroneously recommended doses of zinc exceeding the recommended intake of 15mg a day. ZINC, I learned, CAN CAUSE BRAIN DAMAGE IN EXCESS. That said, if you do have a zinc deficiency, if you do not get enough zinc in your diet, then you must supplement it. You may take a zinc supplement by itself–following the guidelines on the container–or get your daily zinc from a multivitamin. Also be aware that men lose an average of 5mg of zinc per ejaculation. Zinc also has positive effects on cell growth. Again, control your intake of zinc; only take a total maximum of 20mg of zinc per day.

4. Grape seed extract inhibits aromatase and aromatase expression, according to this study. This is a popular natural aromatase inhibitor, but those who use it for bodybuilding or height increase perhaps have not done their research on its side effects. One major qualm about grape seed extract is that it upregulates insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3, which binds to IGF-1 and deactivates it. This effect, however, could be at least partially offset by resistance exercise, which increases the destruction of insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3. The fact that it reduces IGF-1, however, is more enough for me to avoid grape seed extract as an aromatase inhibitor. To add insult to injury, grape seed extract also arrests the cell cycle at phase G1; in laymans’ terms, it has been shown to stop cell growth. Note: Resveratrol, a close relative to grape seed extract, also inhibits aromatase. It also has the same problem as grape seed extract–it reduces IGF-1. Also beware of certain height increase pills, one especially which I will not name (but you could probably guess which I’m referring to), that include grape seed extract as its “aromatase inhibitor.” Well, hate to break it to you, pal, it’s also a growth inhibitor. On a side note, both grape seed extract and resveratrol have been proven extremely healthy for adults. Once you have stopped growing, their anti-growth mechanisms can actually prevent cancer.

5. White button mushrooms inhibit aromatase. Here’s a study on it. So far, this seems like the safest option known. This is very easy to add to your diet. So far, this is the best option. There are little known side effects and seems to be the very best option for inhibiting aromatase legally. Sounds dumb, but eating mushrooms of all things will make you end up taller. DO NOT EAT WHITE MUSHROOMS RAW. Raw mushrooms contain a carcinogen (cancer-causing agent) that is diminished in cooking. White mushrooms are cheap and are natural products which you know will not cause brain damage (as does zinc), hinder growth (as does grape seed extract, black tea, and perhaps mangosteen) or get you in legal trouble (as does pharmaceutical aromatase inhibitors).

6. Black tea polyphenols inhibit aromatase, according to one study. Another study showed significantly lowered estrogen levels in Polish women consuming high amounts of black tea. As great an aromatase inhibitor as black tea is, it interferes with IGF-1 signaling, according to this study. So it reduces the effectiveness of IGF-1, and is not a safe aromatase inhibitor for growth purposes. Also note that along the same line, green tea does not inhibit aromatase. Certain green tea compounds have been shown to inhibit aromatase in male rats, but chronic consumption of whole green tea has actually been shown to surprisingly induce aromatase activity in humans.

7. Mangosteen, a fruit native to Asia, inhibits aromatase. Extracts of certain compounds of mangosteen have been shown in this study to inhibit aromatase to the same degree as the pharmaceutical Letrozole. These compounds are present in minute amounts in the actual mangosteen fruit or juice, but some supplements have extracts containing high amounts of those chemicals. So far, I have not found any associated IGF-1 reduction that seems to be so characteristic to natural aromatase inhibitors. However, a few studies have shown that xanthones (which are the compounds that inhibit aromatase in mangosteen) have been proven to prevent cell growth. Therefore, although it can potently inhibit aromatase, it may also inhibit cell growth; also, mangosteen extracts are obscure and difficult to find except on the internet.


8. Melatonin inhibits aromatase. Yes, in addition to increasing growth hormone, melatonin inhibits aromatase, according to this study, among others. Here is a study on human males demonstrating the extent to which melatonin inhibited aromatase. Melatonin is also an anti-estrogen by having effects on the estrogen receptor, which is explained in this study. Melatonin is such an effective anti-estrogen that some websites have recommended using it to prevent breast cancer (which depends on estrogen). The amount used in the study on human males was 3mg of melatonin, which is the amount I am currently taking.

ABSTRACT: Melatonin and resistance exercise alone have been shown to increase the levels of growth hormone (GH). The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of ingestion of a single dose of melatonin and heavy resistance exercise on serum GH, somatostatin (SST), and other hormones of the GH/insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) axis.

Physically active males (n = 30) and females (n = 30) were randomly assigned to ingest either a melatonin supplement at 0.5 mg or 5.0 mg, or 1.0 mg of dextrose placebo. After a baseline blood sample, participants ingested the supplement and underwent blood sampling every 15 min for 60 min, at which point they underwent a single bout of resistance exercise with the leg press for 7 sets of 7 reps at 85% 1-RM. After exercise, participants provided additional blood samples every 15 min for a total of 120 min.

Serum free GH, SST, IGF-1, IGFBP-1, and IGFBP-3 were determined with ELISA. Data were evaluated as the peak pre- and post-exercise values subtracted from baseline and the delta values analyzed with separate three-way ANOVA (p < 0.05). In males, when compared to placebo, 5.0 mg melatonin caused GH to increase (p = 0.017) and SST to decrease prior to exercise (p = 0.031), whereas both 0.5 and 5.0 mg melatonin were greater than placebo after exercise (p = 0.045) and less than placebo for SST. No significant differences occurred for IGF-1; however, males were shown to have higher levels of IGFBP-1 independent of supplementation (p = 0.004). The 5.0 mg melatonin dose resulted in higher IGFBP-3 in males (p = 0.017).

In conclusion, for males 5.0 mg melatonin appears to increase serum GH while concomitantly lowering SST levels; however, when combined with resistance exercise both melatonin doses positively impacts GH levels in a manner not entirely dependent on SST.



The pineal gland, via melatonin, may also modulate GH secretion. Oral administration of melatonin to normal subjects increases basal GH levels and the GH response to GHRH (516), but marginally affects GH responses to hypoglycemia or apomorphine (517, 518). This suggests that melatonin might play a minimal (stimulatory) role in baseline GH secretion, possibly acting at the hypothalamic level via inhibition of somatostatin. The GH response to L-dopa is reduced in blind human subjects (519), who presumptively lack both light-mediated inhibition of melatonin release and the normal slow wave sleep-associated rise in plasma GH concentrations (520). Thus, it is possible, but entirely unproven, that variations in the release of endogenous melatonin could modulate GH secretion in humans.

9. Vitamin D can inhibit aromatase. Several studies, including this one showed that calcitrol–the active form of vitamin D–“decreased aromatase expression in human BCa cells and adipocytes;” in English, that means that vitamin D decreased aromatase in fat cells. However, vitamin D also “caused substantial [aromatase] increases in human osteosarcoma [bone cancer] cells;” vitamin D raised aromatase in bone cells. In other words, vitamin D reduced aromatase in fat cells but increased aromatase in bone cells. Doctors recommend vitamin D for breast cancer-afflicted women taking pharmaceutical aromatase inhibitors. The lack of estrogen in their bones causes osteoporosis. On vitamin D supplementation, their bone quality improves. Whether vitamin D would cause a net increase in estrogen depends on many factors. There is some evidence that vitamin D may cause an overall decrease in estrogen, because a study on the effect of vitamin D on women’s estrogen levels showed a drop in estrogen with vitamin D supplementation. “Per increase of 10 nmol/l of [vitamin D]…estradiol decreased by a factor of 3% after adjustment…Higher levels of vitamin D may reduce progesterone and estradiol, providing a potential mechanism for reduction in breast cancer risk from increased vitamin D exposure in young women.” Although womens’ estrogen reduce donly by 3%, remember that women create estrogen directly. I can imagine it would reduce estrogen in men to a much greater extent because men make estrogen only through aromatase–the reduction thereof by which vitamin D reduces estrogen. Another study supported the notion that vitamin D can prevent breast cancer by, simply put, limiting estrogen and its effects. After finding out vitamin D’s anti-estrogen effects, I wondered whether there was some catch. Like most other natural compounds that reduce estrogen, does this also reduce growth? I could only find one study that could suggest as such. It was, however, done on children with renal disease. It said that “calcitriol [vitamin D] administration adversely affects chondrocyte activity within epiphyseal cartilage in pre-pubertal children with end-stage renal disease,” which means that calcitrol can inhibit linear growth. In children with end-stage renal disease at least. So in conclusion, vitamin D is an adequate aromatase inhibitor, but inferior to melatonin because of various side effects, including increased bone aromatase and possible growth hindering. Nevertheless, I would recommend at least getting some sun exposure. One source says that 15 minutes wearing a T-shirt and shorts in the sun will produce 15,000 IU’s of vitamin D. Unless you live in a sun-free region, it seems like a waste of money to buy vitamin D supplements. (On a side note, vitamin D increases testosterone, which does enhance height growth. This article, citing scientific sources, claims that one hour of sunshine can increase testosterone by 70%.)

So which one do I recommend for inhibiting aromatase?

Melatonin. Nuf said. Take 3mg at night before going to bed.

White button mushrooms. You may eat white mushrooms alongside melatonin for “daytime aromatase inhibition.” Mushrooms are among your safest options. Every other natural “aromatase inhibitor” (besides melatonin) known either doesn’t work or has potential side effects that are bad for growth. So eat those white button mushrooms. These mushrooms are the most common mushrooms around, and the cheapest. Other mushrooms will inhibit aromatase, but not as much as white button mushrooms will.

Cook the white button mushrooms; uncooked, they contain a carcinogen. In regard to inhibiting aromatase, according to the study, “the active component in the mushroom extract appeared to be water soluble and heat stable.”

I also recommend getting adequate vitamin D, either by taking supplements or for free by getting sun exposure. Fifteen minutes in the sun with shorts and a T-shirt will produce 15,000 IU’s of vitamin D. By comparison, the average vitamin D pill contains 1,000 IU’s. As stated in #8, vitamin D has been shown to inhibit aromatase and reduce estrogen in a study on women.


Notes on aromatase inhibitors and controlling estrogen:

* Chrysin, a flavonoid, has been touted as a natural aromatase inhibitor. Only in rats. In humans, it has not been shown to have any effect on aromatase. Also, in the study on rats, the chrysin rats were significantly fatter because chrysin interferes with normal thyroid function. Proper thyroid function is necessary for growth.

* Other flavonoids and isoflavones such as biochanin A and apigenin, among others, have been shown to inhibit aromatase. Simultaneously, however, some may activate estrogen receptors (such as those on your growth plate, causing growth arrest) and inhibit the activation of the IGF-1 receptor on cells. Therefore, such flavonoids should be avoided as aromatase inhibitors.

* Avoid tamoxifen (sold as “Nolvadex”). Bodybuilders on steroid cycles often use tamoxifen because it interferes with the estrogen receptor; that way, they don’t get man boobs. Some may take tamoxifen for its anti-estrogen qualities to keep their growth plates open. Don’t. In several studies, ironically, tamoxifen has actually caused irreversible death of growth plate cells, a precursor to the fusion of the growth plates. In some instances, tamoxifen has been given to end the growth of very tall girls. Tamoxifen also greatly stunts growth hormone secretion and IGF-1 production. Tamoxifen is an anti-breast cancer drug. Not a bodybuilding drug. Bodybuilding and anti-estrogen is an off-label use of tamoxifen. Lowered GH and IGF-1 is good for breast cancer, but bad for growth. Take home lesson: Avoid tamoxifen or Nolvadex.

* Avoid soy products. Not only do they contain potent phytoestrogens that can mimic estrogen’s effects on the growth plates, but the same soy phytoestrogens have been shown to block IGF-1 signaling. Soy is bad for growth at both ends: at increasing IGF-1 and at lowering estrogen. Read ingredient labels; avoid anything that lists soy protein as a major ingredient. Soy sauce does not contain much at all of these chemicals.

* Indole-3 carbinol/diindolylmethane have been recommended as estrogen reducers; it converts estrogen in your body to a weak kind of estrogen. I3C is found most heavily in broccoli. Eating broccoli for this reason will not hurt, but it is generally believed that your body cannot use a lot of the I3C you consume.

* Kelp and seaweed has been shown in a couple studies to reduce estrogen by its chemicals preventing the binding of estrogen with the estrogen receptor. Kelp reduced estrogen levels in women and promoted the excretion of estrogen in urine. However, the seaweed chemicals that do this may potentially activate the estrogen receptor. There is limited research on seaweed and its ability to reduce estrogen, and therefore should be avoided as methods to reduce estrogen.

General important notes on height increase:

* The “shinbone routine” is harmful to your growth plate. In studies on animals, acts similar to “kicking with an ankle weight” stimulated the ossification of the growth plate because of the stress it taxes on the bones and growth plate cartilage. The science behind easyheight.com is complete speculation, and I don’t know where to begin to explain how wrong their “leg lengthening surgery by ankle weight” theory is. Such stress on the bones and growth plates stunts growth on the growth plate, if not ends growth completely in your legs. It even makes me laugh to think of some kid somewhere lying on his bed with ankle weighted-legs dangling over the side, trying to “stretch out” his shins after he put “microfractures in it.” Easyheight.com is a testament to what kids will believe.

* Stretching does not stimulate growth on growth plate tissue. It simply increases the flexibility of your muscles. With chronic stretching you may maintain your “morning height” (in the morning when gravity has yet to compress your spinal discs) all throughout the day. There is, however, absolutely no way you could stimulate growth on your growth plate by stretching. But if your growth plates have sealed, then I would understand your pursuit of stretching, as it would be your last hope.

* Caffeine does hinder your growth, but only if you get stressed out after drinking it. Some people don’t get stressed out after drinking caffeine, but most people do. Once you get stressed out, your body releases the stress hormone cortisol, which inhibits growth hormone secretion and growth in the growth plate. Of course this could apply to any stressful situation just as well. Coffee can especially stunt growth because it contains a phytoestrogen that can potentially have negative effects on the growth plate. Turns out the old wive’s tale is true.

* Avoid broad beans, also known as fava beans. It contains a potent phytoestrogen (plant-based compound with effects in the body similar to estrogen) that has the ability to activate estrogen receptors. The growth plate is full of estrogen receptors. In the presence of its activation, it may begin to turn into hard bone and end growth completely. (You might even say that broad beans will turn you into a broad.) Those who red the scam book Grow Taller 4 Idiots (seriously for idiots) know that it recommends broad beans because it contains a growth hormone secreatogue, L-DOPA. Oral ingestion of L-DOPA does increase growth hormone, but not significantly in doses contained in broad beans. To achieve a significant growth hormone increase with L-DOPA, one would have to obtain purified L-DOPA from plants, which is usually so expensive that I didn’t bother to put it on the list, or get synthetic L-DOPA, which can only be obtained with a prescription. Also note: The same phytoestrogens in broad beans are found in soybeans, although the issue of phytoestrogens in soy is sure to stir up debate.

* Avoid tomatoes. Tomatoes are rich in lycopene. Lycopene is good for your prostate–but worry about that when you’re older, because when you’re growing, it greatly reduces IGF-1 and testosterone (making you short and girly). The reason it’s good for your prostate is that it reduces IGF-1–which controls prostate growth–and reduces testosterone–which also controls prostate growth.

Method 1 – mens

What is MENS?

Melatonin 3mg
Exercise – Sprinting
Niacin 100-500mg
Sleep – 8 Hours

What is melatonin?

Melatonin is a hormone released by the pineal gland when it is dark, and it signals to the body that its time for sleep. Taking melatonin at 3mg allows us to utilise its other benefits such as: better overall deeper sleep, Anti oestrogenic properties, somatostatin inhibiting properties.

Where can I buy it?

You can purchase melatonin from most supplement stores and its usually very cheap, ranging from 5-15 usd.

How much do I take?

It is recommended by to take no more than 3mg, as it is perfectly sufficient at that dose.

When do I take it?

I suggest taking it 20-30 minutes before sleeping because it takes time for it to enter the body’s system.


What is Exercise?

This routine requires you to sprint with high intensity for short periods of time to induce a HGH spike.

How many time a week should I do it?

Preferably 2-3 times a week. You should not sprint for more than 5 minutes max and you must not do it more than 4 times a week because your body has to recover. Beware of shin splints/splinters.

Jumping and playing Basket ball a few times every week will also contribute to a bigger GH pulse.

GT4I is also good and can help stretch the spine as well as correct your posture. Can be found in the first thread of this subforum.


What is Niacin?

Niacin is a Vitamin B3 supplement which is an essential human nutrient. Niacin taken at high doses stimulates GH release and acts as a vasodilator, which relaxes the vascular smooth muscles and allows more blood flow in the capillaries. This is known as the flush and it lasts for around 30-40 minutes.

What types of Niacin should I take?

In order to achieve a GH pulse from Niacin it is necessary to take the Flush version, Not the non-flush version as it will not work and will be a waste of time! Here’s what you should look out for:

Flush – Correct

Niacin as Vitamin B3
Niacin as Nicotinic Acid

Non-Flush – Incorrect

Inositol hexanicotinate
Any other Niacin

Timed release Niacin – Must chew up

How much do I take?

Taking niacin for prolonged periods causes the liver to get used to it and requires you to increase the dosage, but increasing dosage above 500mg will damage your liver a lot!

So to get around this, we have two options:

1) Take 250mg – 500mg every odd day upon waking up. Then eat breakfast 3 hours later. Crucial.

2) Take 250mg upon waking up as above. And then Take another 250mg 3 hours after supper but before bed. Every odd day.

When do I take it?

In order for the Niacin to properly work, it is recommended to take on an empty stomach, 3+ hours after eating or in the morning upon waking up. After taking the niacin, you cannot eat for another 3 hours so it is best to take it at night before bed or morning right after waking up.

Where do I buy Niacin?

Niacin can be purchased from most supplement stores and is relatively cheap, ranging from 5-20 usd.


How do I sleep?

8 hours a day.

This is how niacin increases GH:

A just-published study in Archives of Internal Medicine (Guyton, et al, 2000) confirms my long-held belief in the superiority of niacin (vitamin B3) as a lipid-lowering agent. A proprietary timed-release version of niacin (Niaspan) was compared to the pharmaceutical drug gemfibrozil (Lopid). The study involved 399 male and female subjects ranging in age from 21 to 75, all of whom had low levels of HDL (high density lipoproteins—“good cholesterol”) less than 40 mg/l. Other criteria for inclusion in this study were triglycerides less than 400 mg/l, and LDL (low density lipoproteins—“bad cholesterol”) less than 260 mg/l. Niacin was administered once daily at bedtime. The niacin dosage was begun at 375 mg/day, and then increased progressively over the course of the study, and maintained at a level of 2,000 mg nightly for 8 weeks. The duration of the study was 16 weeks. Subjects took an aspirin as-needed to prevent flushing. Gemfibrozil 600 mg was administered twice daily over the entire 16 weeks.

Niacin increased HDL levels over 25%, compared to an increase of 13.3% due to gemfibrozil. Gemfibrozil actually raised LDL (the “bad” cholesterol, remember?), while niacin slightly lowered this fraction. Gemfibrozil lowered triglyceride levels by 40%, compared to a 30% decrease from niacin. Thus, niacin resulted in an overall improvement in the lipid profile which exceeded that induced by gemfibrozil (Fig. 1).

However, niacin favorably altered several other cardiovascular risk factors as well. Apolipoprotein (a) levels were significantly (20%) reduced by niacin, but were not altered by gemfibrozil. Both substances reduced serum apolipoprotein (b) levels by the same amount. Fibrinogen, a third risk factor, was reduced by niacin, but increased 6-9% by gemfibrozil. The authors concluded, “Niaspan, 2,000 mg, had a significantly better effect on fibrinogen levels than gemfibrozil.”

These results support many previous studies on the use of niacin as a lipid-lowering nutrient. For example, in the Coronary Drug Project, which enrolled men with a previous myocardial infarction, niacin use resulted in a 26% decrease in second non-fatal heart attacks over a six-year period, and an 11% decrease in total mortality after 15 years of followup (Canner, et al, 1986) (Fig. 2).

Niacin Stimulates Growth Hormone
While extolling the benefits of niacin, one frequently overlooked “side effect” is that niacin is a powerful releaser of growth hormone (Quabbe, et al, 1983) (Fig. 3). Quabbe and colleagues administered 500 mg niacin intravenously to humans, and noted a dramatic rise in growth hormone. In a second phase of their study, they simultaneously administered an infusion of fatty acids. Note that the fat completely blunted any rise in growth hormone. The practical take-home lesson of this study is that anyone using niacin as a growth hormone stimulant should take it on an empty stomach (glucose and insulin also inhibit growth hormone, as well as fatty acids).

Side Effects and Contraindications to High-Dose Niacin
High dose niacin is very safe. Its most frequent “adverse effect” is a harmless flushing of the skin, accompanied by itching. This effect usually resolves over a few days or weeks of use. Taking an aspirin 30 minutes or so before the niacin also helps to reduce this effect. Another way to minimize the flushing is to start with low doses (50-100 mg) and gradually increase the dose as tolerated. Finally, inositol hexanicotinate (IHN)—another non-flushing form of niacin—can also be used. IHN, while a bit more costly than niacin, is effective in somewhat lower doses, thereby remaining cost effective.

Another side effect is the potential for elevation of liver enzymes or liver toxicity. Liver toxicity is rare, and occurs most frequently with timed release preparations. Anyone contemplating high dose niacin therapy probably should have their liver enzymes checked within several months of achieving therapeutic levels (1,500-3,000 mg).
The only absolute contraindication to niacin therapy is insulin-dependent diabetes. Niacin aggravates blood sugar problems in insulin dependent diabetics, further worsening their lipid problems, usually causing their triglycerides to skyrocket. Alternatively, I recommend niacinamide (also contained in Optimum D) in doses up to three grams daily for insulin dependent diabetics. Although niacinamide does not normally effect lipid levels in non-diabetics, because of its glucose-stabilizing effect in diabetics, it tends to normalize their blood lipids—especially, the triglycerides.


Niacin once again emerges as a low-cost, highly effective agent to reduce cholesterol, raise HDL, and lower LDL and triglycerides. In addition, it has the added benefits of lowering apolipoproteins a and b, and fibrinogen, and raising growth hormone. Muntoni (1974) stated that “lipostatic” substances are the agents of choice to retard aging, and niacin may very well be the best substance in this class (Dilman and Dean, 1992).



1. Melatonin sounds like the magic growth pill. 3mg a day and you have aromatase inhibition as well as a growth hormone boost, the two things you can do to increase your height. What’s the catch? Not much, but there is one thing:

Melatonin can theoretically suppress testosterone levels. On some small animals, I believe, it has suppressed testosterone levels. It does so by a complex interaction between the pineal gland (which secretes melatonin) and the pituitary gland (which controls testosterone secretion). However, this study on human males, titled “Long-term melatonin administration does not alter pituitary-gonadal hormone secretion in normal men,” shows that “melatonin administration had no effect on the reproductive hormones in adult men.” The study explains that if there is a decline in male reproductive hormones, it is very temporary. (And besides, the inhibition of aromatase would make up for any, even temporary, decline in testosterone.)

And: Melatonin can reduce semen/sperm quality, according to the study on human males. Melatonin is believed to have this effect because of the fact that it lowers estrogen. Estrogen is necessary for sperm. One study of a man born without the aromatase gene showed he was infertile; his sperm was useless. However, this effect is not permanent. It only applies while one is taking melatonin and experiencing a reduction in estrogen. For those of us who are not interested in accidentally having a kid, this is all good news.

And another thing: In zebrafish, melatonin has been shown to interfere with short term memory. It took them longer to remember learned actions after taking melatonin than before. Even though the effect was on zebrafish, I would still take heed. If you have a test the next day, you shouldn’t take melatonin. However, in humans, it has been shown to actually benefit learning and prevent dementia.

One last thing, although this isn’t a downside. This isn’t related to height increase, but all you weightlifters out there would appreciate this one. Melatonin is as Effective as Testosterone in the Prevention of Muscle Atrophy. I wondered why my muscles looked a little bigger recently.

2. Where can I get melatonin and how do I take it?

In America, you can obtain melatonin over the counter. It’s available at any drug store or even some grocery stores. In America, I got 120 capsules of 3mg melatonin for $7.00; that will last me 120 days, 4 months. Technically it’s a drug, so in Australia it is available by prescription only, as it is in the UK and other various British commonwealth countries. However, even in these countries, you can buy smaller doses over the counter, and you can carefully do the math and take the equivalent of 3mg. Melatonin, at least in the U.S., has a warning on the back that states it was not meant for those under 18, as do most sleep aids.

Take it at night, right before bed. It causes drowsiness so be very careful in taking it. It causes drowsiness, and for some people, it works like Ambien. Do not take it if you are about to drive or operate anything that may put lives at risk. So when you take it, you better be sure you’re going straight to bed. Also, don’t turn the lights on after you’ve taken it. Light will deplete your natural melatonin as well as the melatonin you just took; so learn to go to the bathroom in the dark. Also, if you are going to sleep late, you may want to skip melatonin. From what I have noticed in my few weeks of “testing” melatonin, (and this is just my observation) it forces you to get 8 hours of sleep. So when you get up (after, say, 6 hours of sleep) to go to school or work, you’ll be very, very drowsy. When first taking it, you should take it on a weekend where you can test out how it affects your sleeping pattern. LIMIT YOUR INTAKE OF MELATONIN TO 3MG. Anything more than 3mg can cause adverse effects. It can even make you insensitive to your natural melatonin so that you will not be able to sleep in the future.

Might not find melatonin in normal drug stores, look in GNC. You’ll need niacin too. Trust me, the niacin will give you a serious GH boost making you grow faster.

If you want to buy melatonin and niacin online + other supplements for my other methods, try iherb.com. Cheap and good shipping. We use it all the time.


Originally Posted by JBich View Post

Is niacin safe? Since i’ve never quite heard of it from my connections. Sorry I didn’t take the time to read the whole thread lol.

Its safe under 1gram per day, and it shouldn’t be timed release because that will cause liver damage. Get the regular niacin as vitamin B3 or nicotinic acid, any other types such as niacinamide or whatever will not increase GH. The recommended dose is 500mg EOD. No harm done. The flush is beneficial as it clears the toxins from the body – its harmless. Just try to enjoy it lol, even if it does seem scary.


Originally Posted by sty1ez View Post

i would say… drinking a glass of milk in the morning, afternoon & before bed time helps, also lots of sleep, sprinting seems to be an interesting method though

Drinking milk might be good for short term growth, as it increases IGF1. But in the long run, it would increase osteoblast activity and cause premature ossification reducing the chances of reaching your max potential height.

An alternative to milk would be casein + colostrum which increases IGF1 far better than milk.

Another note: Keep calcium levels low by drinking milk Every 7 days, to increase PTH, which will bind to the PTHrP receptor and induce sox9 expression, this will allow you to have more mesenchymal stem cells, which will give way to more chondrocytes and as a result, more growth!


Originally Posted by JohnstonJ19 View Post
I’m 19 I’m only 5 ****ing 5 I will never be any taller my growth plates have probable fused there is nothing I can do about it. I have to get over it just like any one else that wants to be taller has to, so op pls go.

Why so depressed? You can still gain a few inches in your spine. Is that not good enough? Leg growth is impossible at this stage for yourself, but spinal height gain is more than possible. I mean, without doing anything you should grow at least another inch until you reach 25, but why be content with 1 inch when you can get 3! Just release the gravitational pressure from the spine and give it the growth factors. Simple as. Too good to be true? Yeah, thats the common misconception.

Hop over to my forum, we got some methods for you closed plates guys. Soon, you guys will have your gwoth plates back. We’re working on a CPM2. Don’t believe me? Fair enough.


Originally Posted by badamss View Post
did you know if youconsistentlyrun on hard surfaces ( roads/pavements ) that thecartilage in the spine becomes worn and therefore you shrink. and personally dont think you should complain about your heightuntilyour 18 – 20 and you know you’ve stopped growing.

Well, you can thicken the cartilage by staying healthy and increasing GH to prevent this kind of bone degradation. Maintain the cartilage and it will slowly ossify into bone over time, this results in height gain, an is permanent. Speed it up, by using growth factors, for more info: my forum.


Originally Posted by 132daw View Post
Nice joke thread. The only thing that can have any effect whatsoever on your end height and bypass your genetics is HGH and even that adds only 1-2 inches to your max height. Keep believing in the placebo if you want though.

Ahem. Brah you want me to go on about this? I’ll make your pc screen fill up with text and studies pertaining to this matter. Trust me when I say you can grow beyond your genetic height.


Originally Posted by wowucrazybrahh View Post
I’m almost 20 and I haven’t grown in like 3 years. Does this mean my plates are closed and I can’t do anything?

Yeah they are closed I’m afraid. But you can get at least an inch, or 3 if you act now.

Obv the height isn’t going to be in the legs, its gonna have to be in your spine. That ok with ya?

My forum for further infos on how. You’ll need some cash as well – for the stack.


Originally Posted by CSP159 View Post
I’m 16 and 5’7″

if i did mens and drank a gallon of milk a day

how long before i reach 5’10”?

LOL. The milk will just lessen your chances of growing to 5’10. Do the pulsed milk > my forum for more info.

The average growth velocity for MENS is 1.5cm per month, so yeah it would take quite a few months 9~ months – to get to 5’10. But then again, MENS is weak stack. Something like HUSS will give you the height you are after in half the time it takes for the MENS.

And the H4GS will get you there in no time at all, but you’ll spend 400usd on that stack.



Increase Height And Grow Taller Eating Mucuna Pruriens Or Velvet Bean

As a followup to a previous post about the possibility of using L-Dopa to Increase height, I mentioned at the end that I will be feeding my future children a lot of beans, specifically fava beans, broad beans, and velvet beans. Of the 3 types, the velvet bean is the most commonly mentioned one who is related to height increase.

When I did a search on google for the term “mucuna pruriens growth hormone” the results showed a few interesting links.

From Resource 1,

Scientific properties:

Mucuna pruriens contains 40mg/g of a compound called L-DOPA which is a direct precursor to the neurotransmitter dopamine. Dopamine works as one of the best natural hgh releasers (human growth hormone) by stimulating the pituitary gland to increase it’s production. High levels throughout life of the body’s own natural growth hormone (not hormones from the synthetic injections) is known as a major key for human longevity.

Dopamine also increases other youth hormones such as testosterone (it must be mentioned that these increases are never throwing the endocrine system out of balance, merely improving levels which tend to decrease over time in the average person). These resulting increased levels of these hormones from the use of mucuna pruriens extracts, powders and/or raw herbs explains its association with increasing libido, fertility, lean muscle mass, reducing signs of aging such as wrinkles and body fat, increasing bone density and even boosting overall energy levels.

Animal studies have shown powerful results such as a ten fold increase in mounting frequency by male rats! Also a decrease in post ejaculatory intervals have been observed, meaning that the animals being studied are more quickly able to return to “the task at hand”. This could be due to the fact that mucuna pruriens extract basically cures premature ejaculation and the amount of downtown between ejaculations by reducing hypersensitivity in the genitals.

L-DOPA from mucuna pruriens has been shown to be safer and more effective for controlling Parkinson’s disease than the pharmaceutical drugs Levodopa and Carbidopa. This is because the vast array of other chemical constituents that accompany L-DOPA in the unprocessed plant also play a role in its ability to manage Parkinson’s disease. Since Parkinson’s is in large part a deficiency of the neurotransmitter dopamine, this adaptogenic herb is crucial for anyone looking to manage this disease. It also looks to be very promising as a treatment for recovering drug addicts and people suffering from depression related illness, since these people have deficiencies of the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine (which the velvet beans contain and help balance in the human body).

From Resource 2 , you can buy the DopaBean for around $14.
Mucuna: Human Growth HormoneL- Dopa contains natural secretagogues which may support the body’s ability to stimulate the natural release of growth hormone. The blood carries the dopamine into the brain, where it naturally increases HGH production from the pituitary gland. The increased dopamine levels also optimize the production of other hormones, including testosterone, leading to increased sex drive and improved sexual performance for both men and women, beneficial in stimulating muscle growth, as well as burning fat from fat cells.

Me: This post was really more of a repost of the one before for L-Dopa. It is true that L-Dopa is not found just in beans, but the Velvet Beans seem to have the most L-Dopa in them in terms of weight percentage than other vegetables. Just something to note the next time you are in your grocery store.

Is Bone Distraction Or Bone Breaking Always Needed To Increase Height?

When I was originally looking over Tyler’s LSJL method I felt that one part of the method was not completely satisfactorily explained. Or at least I couldn’t understand the step.

The step was from the idea of increasing the hydrostatic pressure in the medullary cavity to allow for more interstitial flow down the diaphysis. The Empirical data says that the measurement of flow was indicated by a voltage drop across the length of the long bone. I am not going to argue with the data and assume that the hydrostatic pressure was increased and there was an increase in flow of fluid through the inside of the bone.

Let’s also assume that because of the increasing flow the mesenchymal stem cells in the marrow area starts to turn into chondrocytes at a far greater rate. However, that still should not explain the longitudinal lengthening of the femur or tibia.  The boen is bone, and there is no growth plates to allow for any elasticity in the bone. The tensile strength is suppose to be around 100-150 MPa for long bone so it can’t stretch that much. In a previous post, I had shown that there can be tensile loading to the bone and it will do some deformation in the tensile direction before a clear fracture can be observed resulting in bone breaking. This can cause height increase.

However, my question is how it is possible for microscopic blob-like cells be able to push the cortical bone of the outer later appart from each other to allow for longitudinal lengthening. Can the cells just go to edge of the bone, push past the peristoreum, and push the bones and osteoblasts apart from each other? That just seems so unlike because of the amount of tensile strength ordinary bones seem to have. In a mechanics of materials loading test, the human bone is just as strong and tough as stell!!

This is why my suggestion is that even if the theory of LSJL is right and works, there must have been some fractures createed since cartilage no longer exists in the diaphysis region of the bone. For me, there has to be some bone distraction or bone breaking for height increase to begin.

How about you then: Do You believe bone distraction or bone breaking is always needed to increase height after the plates face turned from cartilage to bone.

Sleeping Without A Pillow – Will It Help Improve Your Back Posture And Increase Height?

One of the most commonly given tips I saw in the E-Books I read was that a person should avoid sleeping on thick pillows. The arguement was that when you sleep on a thick pillow, the extra thickness pushed your head up and your cervical vertebrate is slowly over time bend. The bending eventualy becomes permanent so you can’t revert back to the upright posture and you lose extra inches in height from a bad lifestyle choice.

In theory, it makes some sense by my personal opinion is that one should sleep with a thinner pillow. In the US and some other conutries, the pillow was always a very thick and hard object. I would assume that the original purpose of a pillow was to give the big human head a place to put to itself in comfort. If you have ever slept in a sleeping bag without a pillow for the first time, you might have noticed that the ground or bed was not as comfortable as with a pillow. Pillows are often made from cotton or feathers to give its soft and compressible material.

My overall opinion is to actually use a thinner pillow under your head. There is actually a natural curve to your vertebrate. There is a slight but noticeable hunch in most people’s backs that causes the heavy human head to be bend forward and the beck vertebrate to be bent forward. Anatomically, that is not the optimum body structure for height, but it still must be considered. In general, having a pillow to sleep with is more comfortable for one’s head for most people. If a person prefers to sleep lying on their side, they more likely will like a pillow to put their head since they have to take into consideration the length difference between where their shoulder begin and their head begins, which is usually around a 4-6 difference. If one however sleeps on their back or on their stomach, the pillow is less needed. However, with a thinner pillow the effects of the body’s natural reaction will be lessened. If you are not too old, the body can still be malleable enough to reverse the effects and manage to relax enough to put the head fully down thus improving one’s posture and increase height.

So, sleeping without a pillow will theoretically improve your posture and you can gain a little bit of extra height but only if you sleep on your back. If you slept on your stomach and did not twist your head, you would suffocate to death. If you sleep on your side, the removal of the pillow will do nothing and you will only be sleeping in less comfort than before. Go with the thinner pillow to rest the head and allow for the padding thickness since one’s back is supposed to be curved slightly in the neck region.

Increase Height And Grow Taller Using Homeopathic Remedies And Methods

There are also the possibility for some people to claim that homeopathic remedies and methods can be used by someone to increase height. In general, the term “homeopathic” is defined by resource 1 as….

What are Homeopathics?

Homeopathic remedies (also called homeopathics) are a system of medicine based on three principles:

  • Like cures like
    For example, if the symptoms of your cold are similar to poisoning by mercury, then mercury would be your homeopathic remedy.
  • Minimal Dose
    The remedy is taken in an extremely dilute form; normally one part of the remedy to around 1,000,000,000,000 parts of water.
  • The Single Remedy
    No matter how many symptoms are experienced, only one remedy is taken, and that remedy will be aimed at all those symptoms.

Similar principals forms the basis of conventional allergy treatment, where the allergic substance is given in a small dose, and in vaccines where an impotent form of the virus is given to bolster the immune system against that particular virus.

Why use Homeopathics?

Homeopathy is the second most widely used system of medicine in the world. Its growth in popularity in the United States has been around 25 to 50 percent a year throughout the last decade.

This success is fueled by several factors:

  • Homeopathy is extremely effective. When the correct remedy is taken, results can be rapid, complete and permanent.
  • Homeopathy is completely safe. Even babies and pregnant women can use Homeopathy without the danger of side effects. Homeopathic remedies can also be taken alongside other medication without producing unwanted side effects.
  • Homeopathy is natural. Homeopathic remedies are normally based on natural ingredients.
  • Homeopathy works in harmony with your immune system, unlike some conventional medicines which suppress the immune system. (For example, cough medicines suppress the cough reflex, which is your body’s attempt to clear the lungs)
  • Homeopathic remedies are not addictive – once relief is felt, you should stop taking them. If no relief is felt, you are probably taking the wrong homeopathic remedy.
  • Homeopathy is holistic. It treats all the symptoms as one, which in practical terms means that it addresses the cause, not the symptoms. This often means that symptoms tackled with Homeopathy do not recur.

Me: I grew up in a very scientifically oriented family. My parents both have graduate degrees in the hard sciences. We always treated medical pathologies as something which western medicine can cure. Because of that upbringing, I personally have a bias against using homeopathic methods or remedies to treat illnesses. I really hav not found any methods or idea on how to use homeopathic medicine to increase height or grow taller. 

From source 1, we learn one homeopathic solution given for height increase

Continue our 3 Homoeopathic medicine for 6 month and after that discontinued our medicine and your height start increases after 3month and gradually increases day by day naturaly at normal range.

1. Baryta Carb 30 thrice in a day
2. Silicea 12x 4 tab thrice in a day
3. and symphytum Q 5 drops twice in a day for 6 month 

Dr. D. Sharma

Me: In general, it does seem like many people do ask about the possibility of using homeopathic solutions and supplements to help the grow. There are some stories with results from they are from often young teenagers who probably still had their growth plates open. In general, there are formulas people prescribe, the most commonly one given above. I haven not tried out the formula myself to see if it even works though.

The last tip that people gave on a possible homeopathic solution was calcarea phosphorica, or calcium phosphate. As for taking Calcium Phosphate, I have not currently done the research.

Increase Height And Grow Taller Using Magnet Therapy

I once wrote an article talking about the possibility of using reflexology to increase height. When the Yoko Height Increase insoles were reviewed, the theory behind how the yoko insoles work was from a blend of acupressure theory, reflexology, and magnetic field force. I personally have never done martial arts so I don’t know if the ancient theory if chi is true so acupressure is still untested. As for reflexology, I do know there are many foot massage places in my city and the subject they call their art is reflexology.

As for using magnets or magnetic theory to increase height and grow taller, I currently have not discovered any techniques or methods that claim to help people grow from the application of magnet theory or electromagnetism.

So, Nothing at this time. May be edited and added upon in the future.