Increase Height And Grow Taller Using L-Dopa (BREAKTHROUGH, Kind Of)

This idea is also completely new to me since I never realized that L-Dopa could have such an affect. I first learned about L-Dopa only last year when I was sitting in on a neurobiology course where I learned about the anatomy, physiology, and mechanics of how the brain works. L-Dopa was supposed to be a precursor to dopamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine, which is a precursor to tryptophan.

I forgot a lot about the effect of L-Dopa so I went to Wikipedia to refresh my memory on what it does (Source)

L-DOPA (L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine) is a chemical that is made and used as part of the normal biology of some animals and plants. Some animals including humans make it via biosynthesis from the amino acid L-tyrosine. L-DOPA is the precursor to the neurotransmitters dopamine, norepinephrine (noradrenaline), andepinephrine (adrenaline) collectively known as catecholaminesL-DOPA can be manufactured and in its pure form is sold as a psychoactive drug with the INN levodopa; trade names include SinemetParcopaAtametStalevoMadoparProlopa, etc.). As a drug it is used in the clinical treatment of Parkinson’s diseaseand dopamine-responsive dystonia.

L-DOPA crosses the protective blood–brain barrier, whereas dopamine itself cannot. Thus, L-DOPA is used to increase dopamine concentrations in the treatment ofParkinson’s disease and dopamine-responsive dystonia. This treatment was originally developed by George Cotzias and his coworkers. Once L-DOPA has entered the central nervous system, it is converted into dopamine by the enzyme aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase, also known as DOPA decarboxylase (DDC).Pyridoxal phosphate (vitamin B6) is a required cofactor in this reaction, and may occasionally be administered along with L-DOPA, usually in the form of pyridoxine.

Therapeutic use

Besides the central nervous system, L-DOPA is also converted into dopamine from within the peripheral nervous system. The resulting hyperdopaminergia causes many of the adverse side effects seen with sole L-DOPA administration. To bypass these effects, it is standard clinical practice to co-administer (with L-DOPA) a peripheral DOPA decarboxylase inhibitor (DDCI) such as carbidopa (medicines combining L-DOPA and carbidopa are branded as Lodosyn, Sinemet, Parcopa, Atamet, Stalevo) or with a benserazide (combination medicines are branded Madopar, Prolopa), to prevent the peripheral synthesis of dopamine from L-DOPA. Co-administration of pyridoxine without a DDCI accelerates the peripheral decarboxylation of L-DOPA to such an extent that it negates the effects of L-DOPA administration, a phenomenon that historically caused great confusion.

In addition, L-DOPA, co-administered with a peripheral DDCI, has been investigated as a potential treatment for restless leg syndrome. However, studies have demonstrated “no clear picture of reduced symptoms”.[1]

The two types of response seen with administration of L-DOPA are:

  • Short-duration response, which is related to the half-life of the drug
  • Longer-duration response, which depends on the accumulation of effects over at least two weeks. This response is evident only in early therapy, as the inability of the brain to store dopamine is not yet a concern.

Dietary supplements

Herbal extracts containing L-DOPA are available. The most common plant source of L-DOPA marketed in this manner is Mucuna pruriens (velvet bean).[2] The important amino acid called Tyrosine is a precursor to Levodopa and is also available over the counter. This supplement converts into Dopamine, Norepinephrine and Epinephrine as well.

Biological role

Biosynthesis of dopamine

L-tyrosine by the enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase (TH). It is also the precursor for the monoamine or catecholamine neurotransmitters dopamine, norepinephrine (noradrenaline), and epinephrine (adrenaline). Dopamine is formed by the decarboxylation of L-DOPA.

L-DOPA can be directly metabolized by catechol-O-methyl transferase (COMT) to 3-O-methyldopa (3-OMD), and then further to vanillactic acid (VLA). This metabolic pathway is non-existent in the healthy body, but becomes important after peripheral L-DOPA administration in patients with Parkinson’s Disease or in the rare cases of patients with aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase (AADC) enzyme deficiency.[3]

The prefix L– references its property of levorotation (compared with dextrorotation or D-DOPA).

L-Phenylalanine, L-tyrosine, and L-DOPA, are all precursors to the biological pigment melanin. The enzyme tyrosinase catalyzes the oxidation of L-DOPA to the reactive intermediate dopaquinone, which reacts further, eventually leading to melanin oligomers.

Me: All that you need to know is that there is a supplement Tyrosine, which can convert into L-Dopa after you take it. However, we need to understand why and how L-Dopa has been theorized can help a person increase their height. 

From this HERE anti-aging site, they state very clearly …

“””It has been known for over 30 years that it is an effective stimulant of human growth hormone (HGH) release.”””

So what we see is that L-Dopa can be used to increase the release of HGH by the pituitary, resulting in possible height increase, and physiological anti-aging properties. What is even more amazing after this was what came next. 

“”“Hayek and Crawford reported that six out of seven “constitutionally short children” responded to oral L-dopa (200-500mg), “…with elevations in HGH concentration above 7mg/ml, peak levels occurring between 30 and 120 minutes after drug administration..”.””

So apparently the drug was administered by researchers decades ago to see whether they can increase the growth process and height of children which were genetically short. People understood that this could probably be used to increase height. The link suggest you take 500 mg oral of L-Dopa to see an effect of HGH release. 

As stated again….

“”The preceding studies illustrate some of the studies showing that 500mg oral L-dopa is an effective stimulator of HGH release. Whether a person is male or female, young or old, diabetic or not, thin or obese (possibly with Propranolol), a PD patient or not, L-dopa is a natural HGH-releasing agent when taken on an empty stomach. For those who can’t afford HGH injections, or just don’t like self-injecting,L-dopa may provide a reasonable alternative.”””

Me: THIS IS FUCKING HUGE!!! This means that even if we as physically mature adults can’t use this, we can theoretically give this to our kids and help them add height without going for the more painful and expensive HGH therapy approach. It is supposed to be safe because it is a naturally created amino acid from out own brains and body. 

One thing to note is that in general, L-Dopa has been used for the treatment of Parkinson’s Disease. It can be used for only a short time to stave off the effects of the myelin in our axons from disappearing, but once the body and neurons develop a tolerance of the effects of L-Dopa it stops working too since the progress of myelin sheath digeneration only continues to get worse.

From HGH Talk we learn that “…And two good sources of L-dopa are velvet beans (Mucuna pruriens) and broad beans (also called fava beans)”. I guess you might want to start eating a lot of beans to get the HGH going.

When I do a search on google with the phrase “l-dopa height” or “l-dopa height increase” the results are quite fascinating. and I mean INSANE results.

From one of the only credible height increase boards, the Impartial Height Increase Boards, from this discussion, the poster writes…

Well I have been taking 600 mg. L-Dopa along with 10 grams L-Arginine before bed for about 2 weeks. I am very pleased with the results that I have gained with this combination. And so far no side effects, and I do not think I will see any side effects. Well anyway the first week I started taking it I immediately noticed my feet were getting larger, and my slip on shoes did not fit me anymore after about 5-6 days. So then I started to realize how powerfull this combination really was. Well before I started with this stack I measured at 5’7, and now I am about 5’8. So I have gained a solid inch, and expecting to keep gaining more height. I also noticed another amazing thing for me was that my muscle mass and strength were increasing which is great for me because I am very into lifting. I lift real hard and heavy everyday to get bigger and stronger for football. I think so far this stack is taking my athletic performance to another level by increasing my height, and muscle mass. I am very pleased, and I will keep you guys posted in the next few weeks.

Me: So after two week of taking L-Dopa in combination with L-Arginine the guy increases by 1 inch!! Of course I don’t know how old this guy is and whether his plates are fused but even if it is not, I can bet you money that when I have kids, I am going to feed them a lot of fava beans and velvet beans.

The Dosage is 600 mg of L-Dopa with 10 g of L-Arginine before bed. The dosage is high and the other posters have said that it has some bad side effects and can lead to death. I say it is worth really looking into, even if it can cause death. In my opinion, this type of venture will always be filled with danger. You do have to break a few eggs to make a cake. The product is named “HGH Dopa 400”. It’s sold on many online stores.

One poster does note…

“”Very short kids are treated with HGH injections this works
because HGH goes straight into the bloodstream no problems with inhibiting factors of the liver,also Gonadotrophines (secreted by the Puitary Gland) still don’t play a role.When they do (Gonadotrophines),they stimulate your testicles to produce Testosterone,some growspurts will occur(very whimsical patterns differ from person to person,matter of genes)after that your bones are going to fuse also mainly caused by Testosterone (to make it not too complicated),end of story.(no further natural HI)””

Conclusion: This post is sort of a breakthrough post since it just created a completely new path in maybe naturally increasing our HGH release rate. It has been used on short statured children, and I will probably be feeding my future children with broad beans, velvet beans, and fava beans by the truckload if another easier way to increase height is not found in 10 years. They are going to have bean nightmares.

Increase Height And Grow Taller Using Chrysin

One of the things I did learn from one of the E-books was that apparently it might be possible to increase one’s height by taking Chrysin. However, the chrysin taken must be in large doses. Of course we all learn that anything , especially supplements, in large doses and amounts can become poisonous and harm you instead of help you.

I have never heard of chrysin before so I wanted to do some research on it. From the Wikipedia article HERE, I will paste the part which I think is relevant to what we are doing here.

Chrysin is a naturally occurring flavone chemically extracted from the blue passion flower (Passiflora caerulea). Honeycomb also contains small amounts. It is also reported in Oroxylum indicum or Indian trumpetflower.

Advertised as an aromatase inhibitor supplement by bodybuilders and athletes. However, studies done in vivo show that orally administered chrysin does not have clinical aromatase inhibitor activity.This has led to some practitioners administering the drug transdermally(through the skin).

Since chrysin is available as an herbal supplement, some users, for instance body builders, are taking chrysin with the hope of raising testosterone levels or stimulating testosterone production. One study listed below did not find chrysin supplementation to lead to any significant increase in testosterone production.

Chrysin was once believed to be an effective aromatase inhibitor, decreasing the levels of estrogen in the body. However, there is growing consensus that chrysin has no effect on estrogen levels in either animals or humans. Early evidence was reported in the early 1980s through in vitro studies (in the laboratory, as opposed to in the body). Unfortunately, follow-up studies determined that cell membranes effectively block chrysin from entering the cells and having any effect at all on estrogen levels in biological organisms.In vivo (in the body) studies involving biological organisms lend support to the observation that chrysin has no effect on estrogen levels, but may have other detrimental effects to the body, particularly to thyroid function. For instance, a 30 day study administered chrysin to four groups of mice both orally and via injection to examine chrysin’s effect on serum estrogen levels. The results showed that chrysin had no effect on estrogen levels. Further, the mice treated with chrysin became considerably fatter, possibly due to chrysin’s ability to disrupt thyroid function. Another study on rats administered 50 mg of chrysin per kg body weight, considerably more than found in dietary supplements. Chrysin was found to have no ability to inhibit aromatase, possibly due to poor absorption or bioavailability.

Me: I guess the general consensus with scientists right now is that Chrysin was once thought to have helped increase height by prolonging the growth plates from ossificaiton, but that has been proven wrong in the recent decades by newer experiments. If we type in the words “chrysin height” into google, these are the types of results we find. It appears that the first link gets the question unanswered while the 2nd link reports Chrysin won’t work.

resource 1

07-08-2002, 11:24 AM
If your growth plates havn’t fused (meaning your done growing) then wouldn’t Chrysin make you alot taller…
When testosterone converts to estrogen that is what closes your plates, and make syou stop growing in the late teen years.
Chrysin blocks that transformation, leaving your plates open as long as your on it, making you grow continuously.
My friend grew to 6 foot 2 on it, when he was 5’6 starting it the bone age said he had 1 inch left but chrysin gave him 8 inches.
ANYWAY… testosterone not being converted also helps us as weight lifters because more testosterone in our system more strength…
07-08-2002, 03:35 PM
Why isn’t it effective… wouldn’t it make us all filled with testosterone?
Is it safe?
07-11-2002, 08:29 PM
dude this is kinda off topic but HOW did you get your doctor to give you growth hormone??? Mine actually LAUGHED at me when i asked about it. (I’m 17 and 5’6)
07-11-2002, 09:27 PM
i ment its not very good at blocking estrogen. And thats what it does. Estrogen is believed to be what causes growth to stop. But not confirmed. You really shouldnt be messing around with your TEST lvls and any other hormone for that matter. How old are you? I am 16 and I will be taking GH shots next month I just asked my doc for some to help me grow faster and she said yup! Maybe you should just ask if your around that age if you are younger even better.Take your own advice, you shouldn’t be messing around with your test levels or any other hormone for that matter(as in GH). Also, why would your doc just give you GH shots?? Was she drunk………:confused:

resource 2

I’m sorry guys but chrysin does nothing to your estrogen levels, I was kind of skeptical too since Dennis posted earlier a study which said that it didn’t do anything to the T levels for the bodybuilders… i’m not 100% sure on this, if someone wants to further research and ask people around, please do so.


I Got Tricked By The Internet Marketing Scam E-Products

I said in my last post that I finally decided to look through the products and E-product files I had uploaded into the “Downloads” section. I decided to actually read them to see what they actually say.

Well…. One interesting thing I realized after looking over the files for an hour was that 3 of the E-products are EXACTLY THE SAME THING. If you go to the downloads part and click on all the 3 files.

1. Grow Taller Secrets

2. Free Height Increase Journal

3. The Tall & Fit (Height Increase) System

They are the same product. I have had these downloads uploaded for almost 2 months now and only now have I realized that the products that are free even have problems. When you actually look at the resources linked to these products, they are part of the (Company That Will Not Be Named) program. I would guess then that the three files are the E-Book or book that you get along with your (Company That Will Not Be Named) supplements if you ever decided to buy the program.

So that sort of validates my claim that the (Company that will not be named) program/product is a scam. It is run and marketed using IM tricks and distributed through many different channels and under many different names. Liars!

In addition, it turns out another E-product I have uploaded on the downloads page “The Grow Taller Guide” uses the exact same pictures, diagrams, and exercises as the three E-products I just listed. It seems this product is a shorter more condensed version of the products above.

The 2nd thing that I realized it that another 2 E- products are EXACTLY THE SAME THING.

1. Grow Taller 4 Idiots

2. Make Me Taller (From MakeMeTaller.Com)

So this is definitive proof that the infamous product/program “Grow Taller 4 Idiots” is also a scam. The same book goes by another name with another website, or actually network of links and websites that create a form of incestous backlinking internet marketing scam.

As far as I know, there are more files and products in the downloads section that I missed and are also the same thing, but I checked quite a bit just now. I think I caught all of the scams.

At least I can say that I have NEVER paid for these products. I managed to find this torrent file 2 years ago and torrented all of these files/e-products. I had them saved on a file in a Flash drive which I had never done anything with until two months ago when I started this site.

I decided out of laziness not to fix this problem and just leave it the way it is. All the E-products will be left where they are. Nothing will be taken down. Part of the reason is because I wanted you guys to see that the information products have different names but are the same thing. It is also a good way to get less observant people (like me) to be fooled in thinking there was something special being offered in the E-products.

So the take away and best advice is this. Stop buying these E-Products since they are a superficial information products that are created by people who want to take our money, not help you grow taller. If you still decide to spend money on these type of products, you are the only person to be blame for doing this type of thing. Don’t look for your height increase solution in an online information product that is linked to a long sales page.

Instead, the smartest move to figure out real legitimate way to achieve height increase is to stay and follow this website. This place will always be kept clean, honest, and scam & ads free. I don’t plan to find a solution or have a true working method for a long time. We are still searching for the answer.

People Who Lack Functional Estrogen Receptors Become 7 Feet Tall?

Last night I decided to actually read over the E-Books I have posted in the downloads section which I actually never got to  and went through them in more detail to see what was actually written in them. I actually discovered quite a few startling claims and finding which I felt need to be reported here.

First, in the E-Book “The Grow Taller Guide” (found HERE) from the downloads section, Under the section labeled “Growth Plate Fusion” the author makes this claim…

“In 1994, the case history was published of a man whose growth was still linear despite his undergoing a normal puberty. HIs epiphyseal plates had not matured at 28 years of age. This person was found to lack any functional estrogen receptor. At present, at least three human males have been reported who either cannot make estrogens or who lack the estrogen receptor. All three are close to 7 feet tall and are still growing. Therefore, estrogen plays a role in epiphyseal maturation in males as well as females.”

This is a big claim the author makes which I can’t seem to be able to find any evidence or source for. So I wanted to ask you guys, is it even possible to have non-functional estrogen receptors?

And the bigger question would be, Who and where are these 3 men who are supposed to be almost 7 feet tall?

If Your Child Wanted Growth Hormone Therapy Or Limb Lengthening Surgery, Would You Say Yes?

I don’t know what type of audience or readers I have on this site. However, I would assume that most of the people who look for material on how to grow taller are probably past the age of still growing or at least, almost about to be finished with physical maturity. So I will assume most of you are in your 20s or 30s. From what I’ve seen, after a certain age, most people who used to want to be taller have lost that desire and don’t want it anymore or actively search for a solution.

I would also assume that most of you probably don’t have kids (yet) because to even consider the idea of being in some program to grow taller, you have to be extremely commited to the cause and program. Height increase is not like weight lose. Weight lose is at least 10,000 times easier than height increase. I know and have heard of many people who have put years and years of effort and dedication to this cause. So you probably don’t have kids yet.

So this question are for those readers, “If your son or daughter wanted one day to go through growth hormone therapy or limb lengthening surgery for themselves to grow  taller, what would you do?”

Let’s say one day you come home from work and find your teenage smaller than average statured daughter crying in her bedroom. You ask her why she is upset and she tells you she was teased mercilessly by other people in her school of her small size. They call her names and bully her because she is small and a easy target to pick on. You say the usual platitudes and try to make her realize that she can feel comfort and security  under your protection and care.

However, she doesn’t feel comforted or relieve. She did research on the internet and found out about the growth hormone therapies. Or maybe she realizes that she can’t grown anymore since her height hasn’t increase in over 3 years. She instead wants to go through the incredibly scary limb and leg lengthening surgery to be taller.

You know what it is. You’ve done the research. You’ve maybe even considered yourself at one point in your journey to look for a solution to your height problems. Now your child has found out, and they want to do it. You know the pain, the time, the effort putting in.

You argue that it would cost too much and she shows you the $50,000 she has been saving for the last 5 years working part time jobs. She has the money. Your reason for not doing it because of money is gone.

You argue about the fact that she will be too busy with school so she can’t take the time. She rebuttals with the fact that she plans to do the therapy or research after High School, when she takes an entire year break off (which you had agreed with her on). That is enough time.  So your reason over time is gone too.

Now it really becomes just about the pain, the conflict inside of you on understanding her problem and predicament. You maybe remember the years of frustration you had to go through being taunted about your size, until you finally accepted it. You chose not to do the surgery, but now your child does want it

S0, the question goes back to this…

“”If Your Child Wanted Growth Hormone Therapy Or Limb Lengthening Surgery, Would You Say Yes?””


Regeneration Of The Growth Plate

I found this really interesting article entitle” Regeneration of the growth plates” and I wanted to read and review it. Unfortunately it is another scientific article submitted to PubMed that I can’t the full Text File for.

source HERE. The article abstract is found below…

Acta Anat (Basel). 1989;134(2):113-23.

Regeneration of the growth plate.

Langenskiöld A, Heikel HV, Nevalainen T, Osterman K, Videman T.


Orthopaedic Hospital of the Invalid Foundation, Helsinki.


The occurrence of growth plate regeneration has been doubted. However, in 5 different series of experiments reported between 1950 and 1986 regeneration of injured parts of growth plates in long bones of rabbits and pigs could be demonstrated. The 1st series implied partial X-ray injury of growth plates in rabbits aged 3-6 weeks. The 2nd series implied autotransplantation of the head of the fibula in rabbits aged 10-21 days. The 3rd, 4th and 5th series implied transplantation of autologous fat grafts into provoked defects of growth plates in rabbits and pigs. The findings show that regeneration of a growth plate occurs when a part of it is injured in such a manner that a bone bridge is not formed between the epiphysis and the metaphysis. Regeneration of a plate is much faster in relation to the growth in length of the bone in the rabbit than in the pig. The 1st and 2nd series suggest that regeneration takes place by interstitial proliferation of cells from the germinal layer of the uninjured parts of the plate. Signs of partial regeneration of growth plates have been seen in radiographs after operation for partial closure of growth plates in children.

PMID: 2718724 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

**[Me: I really wanted to ask you people how do I get these full doc files? And how much would it cost me to get these files? i don’t think they are free.]