Useless Sites

This is just going to be a subsection where a bunch of websites and webpages that is not scams and so sleazy enough to be in the scams section end up. Most of the sites have information that is really lacking of any content and don’t go into detail or depth in explaining stuff.

This webpage will be edited and added upon over time.

  • – Appears to be a dead blog which is filled with useless incomprehensible, no content posts, Google Adsense ads, affiliate links on all corners, and promoting and selling the “Grow Taller 4 Idiots” product/program.  Enough said.
  • – a useless webpage with links and ads. nothing of value is remotely on it.
  • – is a very small blog webpage with 3 short posts and nothing else except some affiliate links for lift shoes. dont think it is selling any scam products.
  • – a 1 page blog with one blog post of useless information with links going to prescriptions of non-height related drugs.
  • – this link to a forum or board has a dead link.
  • – was an old sight for an Ayurvedic Doctor Bagga which doesn’t seem to have any effects.
  • – nothing here
  • – dead link
  • – HowCast is NOT a scam site. The reason it is here is because the information that they provide on the webpage is unhelpful and not very useful.
  • – this is a dead link url
  • – has weak content and information
  • – a webpage full of pictures of female models and have no content or information related to height increase. useless.
  • – one page sales page that writes a low content article and tries to sell some height growing pill/supplement.
  • – Wiki How is NOT a scam site. They are a legitimate site which provide good content. The information and content provided by this website was unhelpful.

Useful Sites

This is just going to be a subsection where a bunch of websites and webpages that is not informative and content rich enough to be in the resource section end up. Most of the sites have information that is ok but don’t go into detail or depth in explaining stuff.

This webpage will be edited and added upon over time.

  • – (I am not sure about this site, its products are very controversial, so I also put this site on the “scams website list” section
  • – (it only has two articles but the articles have tables for heights and weights)


Useful Sites And Useless Sites

From searching through the internet space, I have seen some sites which I realized was hard for me to classify. Some of the sites out there were not really good enough to be placed in the “Resource” section and not dishonest so I really couldn’t put those sites in the “Scam List” section. That is why I have decided to add two new subsections, one for “Useful Sites”, and the other for “Useless Sites”.

Under the “Useful Sites” are sites that try to help you on getting some general ideas on height increase without really knowing what to do.

Under the “Useless Sites” are site that are very short in content and don’t give much value except but overall doesn’t try to force you to buy a scam product.

Mind Hacks List

[Note: As always the information and subjective opinions expressed in any of these article posts are for informative use and should never be taken as the ultimate authority. If you choose to try to use any of these methods, techniques, ideas, or supplement to enhance your intelligence, memory, or any other type of mental/cognitive ability, you do it at your own health. You are an adult and must take full responsibility for your own decisions and actions. We at Natural Height Growth can not be held liable or responsible for any health and medical complications or disorders which might develop from your actions.]

Here is a list of all the mindhacks that I have found that I feel are either really cool or really useful. Of course this list will only increase and be continuously edited upon as time goes on. A # symbol next to a post means that the post is not completely finished yet. 

Look through the articles/posts and see if one of them catches your eye. You might desire to hack more than just your height.

Mind Hack 0: Get Rich By Developing The Correct Mentality And Thinking Differently

Mind Hack I: Develop Deep Rapport And Make People Like You Using Soul Gazing Or Eye Gazing

Mind Hack II: Have A Life Altering Spiritual Experience With Ayahuasca And Chacruna Using DMT And MAOI

Mind Hack III: Using Salvia Divinorum To Induce Astral Projection And Out Of Body Experiences

Mind Hack IV: Using Neuro-Linguistic Programming Swish Pattern to Remove Negative And Traumatic Past Memories And Thoughts Instantly

Mind Hack V: Using Qualification, Commitment And Consistency, And Breaking Rapport To Make People Like You More

Mind Hack VI: Increase Your Reading Speed Over 500% Using The Evelyn Wood System

Mind Hack VII: Using the Theory Of Mirror Neurons To Gain Rapport, Increase Influence And Lead Others

Mind Hack VIII: Increase Your Memory Ability Using The Mnemonic Technique The Link Method

Mind Hack IX: Being Self Aware Of One’s Subjective Bias And Inferiority By Learning About The Dunning- Kruger Effect, The Downing Effect, And Illusory Superiority

Mind Hack X: How To Become Smarter For $150 Or Less Using The Right Supplements

Mind Hack XI: Improve Your Memory Using IGF-2 Injections And Galantamine

Mind Hack XII: # The Power Of Galantamine To Increase Intelligence, Memory, And Just About Every Other Type Of Cognitive Ability

Mind Hack XIII: # Using Cranial Electrical Stimulation CES To Decrease And Treat Depression, Anxiety And Stress, And Insomnia

Mind Hack XIV: # Top 10 Mistakes To Avoid In Your 20s, For Men – Tim The Right Hand Man – 21 Convention 2010

Mind Hack XV: # Cool Techniques And Rules Of Thumb Tips To Increase Your Cognitive Ability And Memory From Joshua Foer

Mind Hack XVI: A Complete Resource Guide For All Of Your Cognitive Enhancement And Intelligence Increase Needs

Mind Hack XVII: # Decode Patterns Of Success With Cal Newport At Study Hacks

Body Hacks List

[Note: As always the information and subjective opinions expressed in any of these article posts are for informative use and should never be taken as the ultimate authority. If you choose to try to use any of these methods, techniques, ideas, or supplement to enhance your body, strength, or any other type of kinesthetic/ physiology ability, you do it at your own health. You are an adult and must take full responsibility for your own decisions and actions. We at Natural Height Growth can not be held liable or responsible for any health and medical complications or disorders which might develop from your actions.]

Here is a list of all the biohacks that I have found that I feel are either really cool or really useful. Of course this list will only increase and be continuously edited upon as time goes on.

Look through the articles/posts and see if one of them catches your eye. You might desire to hack more than just your height.

Body Hack I: Bionic Eye

Body Hack II: Do-It-Yourself, DIY Genetic Engineering

Body Hack III: Quantified Self Movement And Biohackers

Body Hack IV: Bill Andrews, And The Quest For Immortality, Anti-Aging, Telomere Lengthening, And Reverse Senescence

Body Hack V: Using L-Carnosine To Reduce Telomere Damage and Shortening Rate, Increase Lifespan

Body Hack VI: Using Tibetan Yogic Practice Of Tummo To Increase Internal Body Heat And Temperature

Body Hack VII: Using Sodium Pentothal Or “Truth Serum” To Induce People To Tell You The Truth

Body Hack VIII: Using Blowfish To Cure Hangover Symptoms

Body Hack IX: Learning And Using The Female Deep Spot aka A Spot For Stronger Female Orgasms

Body Hack X: Using the White Tiger Tantra Method To Give Females Ejaculation Orgasms

Body Hack XI: Giving Females 15 Minute Orgasms With Correct Clitoral Position Stimulation And OneTaste

Body Hack XII: Using the Cobra Breath Kundalini Pranayana To Increase Energy And Vitality

Body Hack XIII: Using Circular Breathing Method To Produce A Continuous Tone Without Interruption

Body Hack XIV: Using Accupressure Points And Dim Mak To Knock A Person Out With One Strike

Body Hack XV: Using Hydrogen Peroxide And Baking Soda To Whiten Teeth

Body Hack XVI: How To Increase Creativity And Work Output By Transmutating Sexual Energy And Drive

Body Hack XVII: The Complete Guide On Healing Periodontal Decay, Cavity, Cavities, Teeth Regeneration, And Regrowing Entire Teeth

Body Hack XV: Using Hydrogen Peroxide And Baking Soda To Whiten Teeth

This is just a simple trick on how to clean one’s teeth less expensively than using the stuff you might have to buy at the pharmacy. With only two basic ingredients, you can learn how to whiten your teeth.

From …

The basis of homemade toothpaste is baking soda and hydrogen peroxide.  Either one in huge doses can be dangerous, so DO NOT INGEST!

Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) is a mild abrasive and has anti-bacterial properties.

Hydrogen peroxide helps by break down bacterial films with its foaming action.  I used a 3% solution, but anything you can find at a local drug store should be ok.

Vegetable-base glycerin liquid lends a nice consistency and sweetness, but is completely optional.   You should be able to find this at a drug store, or specialty foods shop, but I got mine online from a soap-supply store.

I definitely recommend using some kind of flavoring.  It’s totally optional, but adding a drop of peppermint oil will leave your mouth feeling super fresh.  Tea tree oil boosts the anti-bacterial properties and tastes good.  A few drops of cinnamon oil (my favorite!) will definitely spice things up.  Food-grade grape or bubble gum flavor oil may entice your kids to brush more regularly – just be sure to supervise them and make sure they’re not ingesting it!

Basic Ratio:

6 parts baking soda : 1 part vegetable based glycerin : 1 part hydrogen peroxide solution : flavor to taste

This makes a nice paste.  To make a smoother mix, reduce the soda.  To omit the glycerin, increase the peroxide.

Most over the counter hydrogen peroxide solutions are not suitable for ingestion.  Make sure to use supervision with children.

In addition to this post, I also wanted to tell the reader what is probably the simplest, cheapest form of toothpaste that I have ever known. From source 2

In this article,  Dr. Stone gave a recipe to help alkalize the teeth using a natural approach rather than using the mouthwashes you find in the store which are full of artificial colors and chemicals  made up in a lab.

See below for a TWO ingredient recipe! It’s so easy, I could pinch myself!


One pound of uncooked sea salt added to one gallon of distilled water. This is the best mouth wash and tooth cleaner (to brush your teeth with). You do not want to use IODIZED salt as it is cooked and stripped of anything beneficial and is very harmful to the body. CELTIC SEA SALT is a good one to get! Celtic Sea Salt is an unrefined sea salt and it is light grey in sells this kind of salt. OR you can do a search on the internet and find another source. You can get distilled  water from the good old grocery store for really cheap if you do not  have a distiller.

Have fun making your own mouth wash and tooth cleaner!