Mind Hack IV: Using Neuro-Linguistic Programming Swish Pattern Technique to Remove Negative And Traumatic Past Memories And Thoughts Instantly

One of the most common technique from the study of Neuro-Linguistic Programming is the Swish Pattern Technique. The article posted below is from the Personal Development Planet

What is the NLP Swish Pattern?

(in English, please…)

The objective of this article is to introduce you to the NLP Swish Pattern, which allows you to install an automatic, positive response to a certain stimuli – which has previously provided you with a negative outcome.

Ah, simple! Hmm… as with much of NLP, this sounds like jargon. To put it better, an NLP Swish Pattern is a cheat to acting ideally in a situation that you generally under-perform in. Think selling, getting fit, chatting up members of the opposite sex, speaking to groups, asking for a pay rise, eating healthily – even sex. All can be improved with this little gem of a technique.

The aim of this article is to demystify the Swish Pattern – and demonstrate the numerous benefits and applications of using it. In the next article, I’ll show you How To Use the NLP Swish Pattern.

By using this technique, you’ll embed a new automatic and positive response into your subconscious – which means that no conscious thought or willpower is required to make the new response permanent. You’ll just start to act in the new way you decide. This can be a little overwhelming a first, but you’ll soon get over the shock and start enjoying your new behaviour.

How Does the Swish Pattern Work?

You act the way you do now in any given situation because your subconscious believes it is the most appropriate way for you to act, based on all your years of experience.

If you’ve been highly confident, assured, charismatic and utterly bedazzling throughout your life, you’re in for an absolute treat – your subconscious will make you act like this on demand.

For the rest of us, who have ballsed up in epic proportion over the years – embarrassing ourselves in front of strangers, the opposite sex, friends, Romans, countrymen and everyone in-between… Well, this is a technique that can help.

When you next find yourself in a situation that used to cause you to under-perform, rather than thinking about all your past failures, mishaps and misdemeanours – and living them out again – with the NLP Swish Pattern a new and compelling image will fly into your brain at breakneck speed – of you feeling brilliant, confident and performing at your best. It’s fair to say that it’s much more likely that you will perform to your potential if this is the case!

What Makes You Act The Way You Do?

To perform at your best in the future, first you will have to find out whichexact external stimulus triggers you to act a certain way – and then we will arm this trigger with a new, improved picture of yourself that helps you to act in the way you want to.

For example, if you want to exercise more, you can use the NLP Swish Pattern to change a dread of the gym into an excited desire to work out. When you think of the gym, what used to be an image of you struggling on the treadmill – sweating, hyper-ventilating, exhausted and miserable – will be replaced with a picture of you after the gym – grinning, buzzing off endorphins and feeling brilliant about yourself for being such a wonderfully motivated and healthy human being. Having this pop into your head at the moment you make the decision whether to go to the gym or not is sometimes all it takes to get you there – and at the very least, it will be a gentle kick up the backside.

Another example is if you constantly snack on crisps, chocolate or other unhealthy crap. You can use the Swish Pattern to replace the desire for unhealthy grub with a craving for healthy fruit and vegetables – even exercise. I kid you not – it actually works, and I’ve tried it out on myself and a fair few friends.

One girl used to love her chocolate, for example. She loved it so much, I couldn’t even get a bite. Now, when she thinks of eating a chocolate bar, an image of her feeling happy, healthy and utterly amazing flies into her brain – instantly cancelling the urge for the snack. Best of all, I inherited all of her surplus stock.

What Can I Use The Swish Pattern For?

You can use the this technique for pretty much any situation which is causing you grief.

It should be noted, however, that I’ve found it most effective for relatively “small” changes, rather than gigantic life-altering 180 degree turnarounds. Big changes will require more than this – which is effectively a bit of a brain trick. Try it out on smaller problems first – and test the results.

It’s a little complex, but the technique really seems to work – particularly in conjunction with other techniques such as Creative Visualisation.

If you’re intrigued and want to give it a go yourself, click on the link below to learn how to do a Swish Pattern now.

I’d recommend reading through the instructions fully before you attempt to play with it, and then give it a go – I’d guess it will take you about 20 minutes all in all – which is not long at all for the benefits you can expect. Enjoy!

How To Do An NLP Swish Pattern

(With Only Limited Jargon & Confusion)

This exercise will show you How to Use the NLP Swish Pattern – which will help you to act ideally in a situation which is causing you problems at the moment.
If you follow the instructions below, you will discover the cue that makes you act out your undesired response at present – and learn how to replace it with a positive and empowering self image – which will help you to perform at your best.

If you’re not sure what this means, click on this link to find out more about the NLP Swish Pattern.

NLP Swish Pattern 1: Identify the Problem Behaviour

Before you use the NLP Swish Pattern, you have to know which problem behaviour you are looking to change.

This could be one of the examples listed in my Introduction to NLP Swish Patterns (link above) – such as you don’t exercise enough, you eat too much crap – or it could be a fear of meeting new people, of speaking in public, or a fear of failing at any particular endeavour.

All that matters is that it’s an exact behaviour that you would like to change – to replace with a new positive and empowering response.

Pick a specific problem you are looking to solve with the NLP Swish Pattern before you move on.

NLP Swish Pattern 2: Find The Cue

Your current problem behaviour is likely to be triggered automatically by a specific stimulus. This means that you don’t consciously choose to act the way you do, you just do. It’s an automatic response – just like when the Doctor bangs your knee with a hammer and your leg shoots up.

There is a certain trigger for you that causes you to act out this problem behaviour. If you can identify the trigger, you can change the response with an NLP Swish Pattern.

For example, if you’re putting off going to the gym, what is the exact moment that you decide not to go? It could be the thought of packing your bag and walking to the gym that makes you decide against it. It might be the mental image of you struggling on the running machine that saps your enthusiasm. It could even be the “better” thought of you lying on the sofa, junk food and TV remote in hand, as a preferred way to spend your afternoon.

Either way, there is a specific cue that generates the automatic response. Find this before moving on.

If you’re struggling to identify your specific cue, try this little exercise –imagine that you have to teach me this problem behaviour.

Imagine that I want to learn how to avoid exercise, or how to eat more crap, or how to be petrified of speaking in public – or whatever your particular issue is.

What is the one image that I would need to picture that would absolutely decide my hand for me? Which pictures, sounds and feelings would I have to replicate in my brain to confine me to acting out the undesired response? If you really, truly wanted to convince me why you act the way you do, how would you do so? What do I need to see and feel to make me act this way?

That should’ve helped you to find your trigger! If you haven’t identified your cue yet, simply imagine performing your desired response now… what pops into your mind first? How do you manage to convince yourself that this better and more beneficial behaviour is a bad or scary idea?

When you’ve identified your cue, jot it down on a bit of paper and break state – this simply means clearing your brain and doing something else for a few seconds. Jump up and down on the spot, hum a song, recite the alphabet backwards or look out the window for a while… Whatever you fancy. Just think about something totally unrelated for a minute before proceeding. This helps your brain to reset before you go on to identify the new behaviour you wish to install.

NLP Swish Pattern 3: Choose Your Ideal Response

Choose a suitably compelling snapshot of you performing at your best now – a picture that excites and motivates you.Now we get to the fun part. Here, you get to choose the self image that you will install in your subconscious – the positive response you will generate automatically when the cue occurs from now on.

For example, you might see yourself immediately after a gym session – buzzing on endorphins and feeling wonderful. You might imagine a slim and healthy you who is eating healthily and feeling awesome. It could be a confident and assured you who has just delivered an engaging and well-received presentation to a crowd of strangers and received rapturous applause. Whatever the response you wish to install, get a clear picture of it now.

All that matters is that this response is powerful for you – it has to motivate you and you only.

Now… ramp it up! Make the picture big and bright and gorgeously compelling… make the sounds brighter and clearer… and thoroughly indulge yourself in every last glorious detail of this wonderful picture… and make sure you feel exactly how you would feel if you acted in this ideal way in real life… better, in fact.

Now, locate where the feeling in your body is, give this feeling a colour, and double its intensity and brightness… and then double it again! Make yourself feel awesome now by seeing yourself performing at your best – and living it now in the present.

Absolutely wallow in this gorgeous collection of images, sounds and feelings. Make yourself feel as amazing as you possibly can… and then double the intensity of the feelings again! Make sure your brain is filled with a gloriously bright, crisp and powerful image of you at your best – and feeling on top of the world.

When you’ve got this wonderful image sorted, break state. Count to ten in Japanese. Converse with a pet. Contemplate the nature of the universe… whatever takes your fancy.

NLP Swish Pattern 4: Time To Swish!

This is where the magic happens! What you are going to do is take the original cue image from step 2 and replace it with the new, empowering picture from step 3.

So first, get the old cue picture in your mind. You should be associated – which means seeing it through your own eyes. Make it big and bright and see every little detail.

Now, take a postage-stamp sized picture of your new, powerful self image, and plonk it in the corner of your vision. Make it small and dark and disassociated for the moment – which means looking down at yourself from a third party perspective, not through your own eyes.

Now, we’re ready to Swish!

Take the postage sized picture of the new you and push it further and further away from you until it is just a tiny speck. I like to visualise this little picture stretching all the way back to the moon, where I load it with an unimaginably powerful rocket launcher. (In a second we’re going to need this image to absolutely fly at you, growing bigger and brighter and more compelling by the millisecond – and I find the best way to do this is by imagining the new picture has a rocket strapped to it. Some people prefer pretending it’s on an elastic band – work out what’s right for you!)

When you’re ready to Swish, fire your rocket or elastic band at full power. As the new image comes hurtling towards you, becoming bigger and richer and bolder – send the old cue image in the opposite direction, armed with its very own rocket launcher, making it darker and smaller and less powerful and flying away from you.

Some people like to make an audible “Swish” sound when they do this – I guess it’s the sound you’d imagine these memories to make as they fly past each other.

As the new self image hits you – associate. See it through your own eyes! Imagine every last glorious detail again and make it big and bright and bold and beautiful! Feel all the amazing feelings rush through your veins… And think how good it would be to behave like this from now on.

Take a few moments to revel in the wonderful feeling of this new self image. This is key – indulge yourself. Don’t rush this bit… enjoy your success.

Now, break state.

NLP Swish Pattern 5: Embed The Change

(Don’t moan! It will only take you ten minutes tops – and if you’ve come this far, it’s bloody worth it!)It’s now time to thoroughly embed this change. For the NLP Swish Pattern to work, you need to repeat the last step 10 times, breaking state in between each one. You’ll find that you’ll do this quicker as you progress.

So, load up the old cue image – put the new empowering belief as a speck in the corner – push it back as far as it can go – load it up with your rocket or spring – and Swish! Send the old memory to the moon, and bring the new memory crushing home to you!

Take a few moments between each attempt to really enjoy the feelings… you should be having fun when you do this.

To finish, when you have Swished 10 times, think of the cue and then try and think of your old problem behaviour. If you’ve done it correctly, it will be quite tricky to even imagine the old behaviour – and even if you can, it’s most probably lost the majority of its strength. You might even find it a bit funny to imagine yourself behaving in the old way… Success!

You’re now left with a new way to act whenever you experience the cue – so enjoy the results from this NLP Swish Pattern!

Body Hack VI: Using Tibetan Yogic Practice Of Tummo To Increase Internal Body Heat And Temperature

This yogic technique called tummo has been practiced by the monks and yogis of Tibet and Nepal for centuries. The technique increased one’s internal body heat.

From Source 1


This Tummo meditation is based on the ancient tantric teachings and the teachings are based on the common belief that we as a human beings are born with free flowing energy and we waste it by worrying about different sorts of things in our daily life. So, instead of worrying Tummo meditation is practiced to concentrate and burn all those worrying thoughts and keep our mind and body healthy. So, it is basically channelize all those worrying energy into productive ones.


Tummo is basically a breathing technique. We need to sit in a mat with your legs crossed over one another and with your hands placed over the knees. Then close your eyes, try to concentrate by kicking out all the thoughts out of your minds which are emerging from various directions. When we breath, the noticeable movements happens in our bowel, i.e., it comes up and down. So, concentrate on the movement of the bowel during the inhaling and exhaling periods. Slowly then start coming up and concentrate on your nose and feel the breath while inhaling and exhaling. Once you are able to concentrate without any straying thoughts, imagine your body as a hollow balloon and visualize that a hot lamp is placed at the center of that hollow balloon discharging heat. Slowly, your body will start heating up.


From Source 2

nner Heat Meditation (tum-mo)
From How to Meditate: A Practical Guide by Kathleen McDonald (Wisdom Publications).

Sit comfortably in your meditation place and generate a strong positive motivation for doing this inner heat practice. Determine to keep your mind relaxed, concentrated and free of expectations for the entire session.

Start by visualizing the central channel (shushuma) as a transparent, hollow tube, a finger’s breadth in diameter. It runs straight down through the center of the body, just in front of the spinal column, from the crown of your head to the base of your spine.

Next, visualize the right and left lateral channels (nadis), slightly thinner than the central one. They start from the right and left nostrils respectively, travel upwards to the top of\ the head and then curve over to run downwards on either side of the central channel. They curve inwards and join the central channel at a point approximately four fingers breadth below the level of the navel.

Take as long as you like to construct this visualization. Once it is stable, imagine a redhot ember the size of a tiny seed inside the central channel at the level of the navel. To strengthen this visualization, imagine reaching into a fire, taking out a tiny glowing ember and placing it in your central channel. Once it is there, really feel its intense heat.

Now, in order to increase the heat, gently contract the muscles of the pelvic floor, concentrating on the internal rather than the external muscles, and in this way bring air energy up from the lowest chakra (energy wheel or center) to the ember.

Next, gently take a full breath through the nostrils. The air travels from the nostrils through the right and left channels to where they enter the central channel just below the level of the navel. The air joins with the heat there and with energy brought up from below.

As you stop inhaling, immediately swallow and push down gently with your diaphragm in order to firmly compress the energy brought down from above: now the air energy is completely locked in, compressed from above and below.

Now, hold your breath as long as it is comfortable to do so. Concentrate completely on the ember in the navel area, whose heat is increasing and spreading as a result of the compressed air energy.

When you are ready, relax your lightly tensed muscles and exhale gently and completely. Although the air leaves through the nostrils, visualize that it rises up through the central channel and dissolves there. The heat emanating from the burning ember at the navel continually increases and spreads and starts to burn away the blockages at each chakra and starts also to warm the concentration of silvery blissful energy found at the crown chakra.

However, the focal point of your concentration is always the heat of the burning ember in the navel area. Once your first exhalation is complete, again tighten the lower muscles, inhale a second time, swallow and push down with diaphragm, thus again compressing the air on the heat, then exhale, releasing the air up the central channel once again.

Repeat the entire cycle rhythmically seven times altogether, the intensity of the heat growing with each breath.

At the seventh exhalation, imagine that the now burning-hot ember explodes into flames. They shoot up the central channel, completely consuming and purifying the delude energy at each chakra. At the crown, the flames finally melt and release the silvery blissful energy, which pours down the purified central channel giving pleasure at each chakra it passes.

Finally, when it meets the blazing ember at the navel chakra, there is an explosion of bliss. This blissful heat flows our to every atom and cell of your body, completely filling you, making your mind very happy.

Concentrate on this pleasure without tension or expectation, without clinging to it or analyzing it. Just relax and enjoy it.

You will notice that, no matter how strong the pleasure is, your mind and body are calm and controlled, unlike our usual experiences of physical pleasure when the mind is excited and uncontrolled.

If your mind should wander from its concentration to other objects – the past or future, objects of attachment or aversion- focus your attention on the subject of the thought, the mind that perceives the distracting object, the thinker. Watch the subject until the distracting thought disappears, then concentrate again on the blissful feeling.

Analysis of feeling: Having reached a state of clarity, it is good to use it to discover the nature of your mind. After concentrating on your feeling, being absorbed in it for some time, analyze it by contemplating each of the following questions. Take as long as you like.

Is the feeling permanent or impermanent? How? Why?
Is the feeling blissful or suffering? How? Why?
Is the feeling related or unrelated to the nervous system and in the mind? How?Why?
Does the feeling exist inherently, from it own side, without depending on anything else, or not? How? Why?

Examine each point from every angle. Finish the session by summing up your conclusion, and then dedicate any positive energy and insight gained during the meditation to your speedy enlightenment for the sake of all living beings.

Mind Hack III: Using Salvia Divinorum To Induce Astral Projection And Out Of Body Experiences

More than a decade ago, when I was still in High School I read a lot about the occult, mysticism, and the paranormal. From what I learned, one very interesting plant compound that I found was Salvia Divinorum. The main reason I was interested was that I wanted to have a OOBE, an out of body experience.

If you have any interest in mysticism or the paranormal, give this compound a drug. You can easily find Salvia extracts around the internet like Ebay or Amazon.

From resource 1

For hundreds of years people have apparently been using the leaves of a plant called Salvia to induce Astral Projection and/or spiritual growth. It’s being marketed and sold today for this purpose or it’s just sold as legal high. Most people smoke the product.

Salvia is legal in most countries at the time of writing and is sold in varying strengths as an extract. Salvia Divinorum Extract can 6x, 10x or even 20x the strength of the original leaf or even higher. I’ve seen videos of people under the influence of Salvia, some appear to be frightened in a similar way to having a “bad trip”, others just appear totally out of it. I don’t recommend you take this substance without a sitter who isn’t under the influence unless you’re very experienced and know exactly what to expect. If you must use, then use with extreme caution and respect. Don’t use unless you’ve got a clear head and are in a good mood as more likely to have a bad experience. If in doubt, don’t touch it, there’s other more natural ways to experience Astral Projection.

If your conciousness really is transported to the Astral Plane after smoking Salvia, then it’s understandable that it could be very frightening, especially if the person doesn’t know what to expect. Salvia could be potentially sending people into the Astral who aren’t ready for it and can’t handle the experience. Also if you haven’t got a clear mind in the Astral, you can create your own demons and not see the Astral as it really is, in a similar way to a dream or even a nightmare. When you induce Astral Projection using meditation techniques, you automatically have to have a clear mind to start with, with Salvia, this often isn’t the case. Also if you enter the Astral during meditation, it’s easy to return to your body, with Salvia, this may not be so easy controlled, although you will definately return eventually. It’s also worrying that while experiencing Salvia and allegedly the Astral, people are often still moving about physically. I can’t explain this as it doesn’t seem to fit in with normal Astral Projection and it could be potentially dangerous, E.g. you could have a physical accident. This is one good reason why having a sitter is highly recommended for your own safety and piece of mind.

Okay, back to the question, can Salvia Divororum induce Astral Projection? Well, see my journal below which details my controlled experiments and first hand results.

If you’re still considering using Salvia, please read this great user guide first a thttp://www.sagewisdom.org/usersguide.html, it’s very helpful and unbiased.

For even more information about Salvia and how it can allegedly induce Astral Projection, please take a look at http://www.salviadragon.com, but bare in mind that they’re are trying to sell you Salvia and are going to be very one sided. If you’re in any doubt about trying Salvia, then my advice is to avoid it.


Journal  – A 1st Hand Study Into The Effects Of Salvia When Smoked

30th May 2008 – Preparation and Contemplation

1 Gram of Salvia Divinorum 20x extract arrives in the post. Now I’ve got actually it, I fear using it, worrying about the unknown. What will it be like? Will it be enjoyable or unpleasant? Will it be frightening? Will I be able to control and handle the experience? Will I really Astral Project? The fear stops me using it immediately, but I’m so intrigued and excited that it’s impossible for me to leave it for long. Yes I will try it, but I need to take every precaution possible first, I know this drug deserves the greatest of respect and must first arrange a suitable sitter. In the mean time, I start studying a great on-line user guide (as recommended above). I continue studying this and any other information across the Internet while trying to build up my courage. I must take the plunge the next few days.

From Resource 2

Salvia Divinorum Can Lead to Spiritual Awakenings

Throughout human history, we have used plants in order to enter altered states of consciousness and accelerate our spiritual quests. Shamans, healers, and spiritual seekers have used peyote, psilocybin mushrooms, cannabis, and salvia divinorum to tap into the collective unconscious, experience astral projection, and find peace and tranquility. Despite the negative connotations associated with the use of plants in spiritual quests – largely by detractors of the so-called “psychedelic movement” in the late 1960s and early 1970s – there is a considerable body of research that substantiates the psychological benefits of ingesting psychoactive plants. In fact, there are many corollaries between the experiences of those who use plants in their spiritual quests and those who spend years engaged in meditative practices.

The Role of Salvia Divinorum

Although many of the substances that have been used for thousands of years are now illegal, there is one plant that can legally be used to enhance spiritual growth. Salvia divinorum, which is more commonly known as Diviner’s Sage, is a little-know entheogen that comes from the sage and mint families and that was originally used by the Mazatec shamans of Mexico.

Those who buy salvia report a variety of experiences. Some experience leaving their bodies and traveling in the astral world, while others report traveling back in time or to a point in the future. Sometimes the experience includes empathy with other beings, including seeing the world through their perspective.

Scientific research has substantiated a number of benefits associated with smoking salvia, such as increased insight, self-confidence, and mood, as well as improved concentration. Overall, many users reported common salvia effects like feelings of calmness and peacefulness.

Ingesting Salvia

Although salvia leaves may be chewed, the most effective way to reap the plants benefits is throughsmoking salvia. Although the dried leaves can be smoked in a water pipe, they must be heated to a very high temperature in order to release the psychoactive properties. For that reason, most people choose to extracts or preparations that are more highly concentrated. So, for example, they might buy salvia 10x, 20x, or 60x, with the numbers signifying the level of concentration.

Where to Buy Salvia

If you think that salvia is a tool that can help you in your spiritual quest, you are probably wondering where to buy it. It’s best to buy salvia online, from reputable sites that have experience in both selling the plant and using the plant. The best online salvia sources offer a few different packages. They may, for example, offer a package containing six grams of salvia 10x, 20x, or 60x that will supply you with 12 to 15 doses, as well as one ounce of premium salvia divinorum foliage.

Buying salvia is legal in virtually every country except Australia. Within the U.S., salvia is legal in 43 states. It is illegal in Delaware, Illinois, Louisiana, Missouri, North Dakota, Oklahoma, and Tennessee.

If your life path is taking you on a spiritual journey, salvia can help you achieve the altered states of consciousness that lead to revelations and breakthroughs. Once you try it, you’ll understand why the literal translation of salvia divinorum is “sage of the seers.”


Mind Hack II: Have A Life Altering Spiritual Experience With Ayahuasca And Chacruna Using DMT And MAOI

If someone I knew was to ask me what advice I could give them about life or what to do, I probably would tell them that the most effective and most transformative experience they can have to give them a completely different viewpoint in life is to go to the jungles of South America and go through a hallucigenic experience of using Ayahuasca and Chacruna.

I have seen so many people have their lives completely changed over for the better from using the Ayahuasca drink. This is why I wanted to add this Mind Hack to the list, because I believe in the power of hallucinegens in giving people a better, more fulfilling life.

From Resource site, I copy and pasted the complete article below for easy reading.



1. B. caapi, member of the Malpighiaceae family

2. P. harmala seeds

3. D. cabrerana leaves

4. A flowering Brugmansia suaveolens

5. A flowering Brunfelsia grandiflora

In ayahuasca botany 3 groups of plants can be distinguished: MAO inhibitors, DMT carriers and additives. Without the MAOI, the visionary properties of DMT are not present, as it would be broken down in the body before reaching the DMT sensitive parts in the brain. In other words, a DMT-only brew would be inactive. An additive can be any kind of plant, some of the more wellknown ones being tobacco, san pedro and coca.

Ayahuasca can be made from any combination of an MAOI plant and a DMT plant, although strictly speaking there has to be the Banisteriopsis caapi vine (pic. 1) in it, an MAOI plant which is also called ayahuasca.

Although many plants produce DMT, traditional ayahuasca is made from the leaves of either Psychotria viridis (chacruna) or Diplopterys cabrerana (chagropanga or chaliponga) (pic. 3). The first is used in the Amazon basin and the second in the foothills of the regions where ayahuasca is used. Once you’re not using using the B. caapi vine as the MAOI or you’re employing plants other than chacruna or chagropanga for the DMT, we speak of an ayahuasca analogue, or anahuasca.


‘Ayahuasca’ is Quechua, the language of the Inca empire, for ‘vine of the soul’, ‘vine with a soul’ or ‘vine of the dead’. Ayahuasca, a member of the Malpighiaceae family, is considered to be the most important ‘plant teacher’. According to most of the native ayahuasqueros (frequent drinkers of ayahuasca) the effects of B. caapi are their main source of botanical knowledge.

Indigenous shamans distinguish over 40 varieties of ayahuasca vines, for example tucunacá and caupurí. The plant is cultivated, typically using cuttings, throughout the Amazon basin of Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Brazil. A young shoot or the end of a branch is put in water. After forming roots it is put in soil and watered thoroughly.

The woody stems of the giant B. caapi are very long and branch repeatedly. The leaves can be between 8 to 18 cm long, 3.5 to 8 cm wide. They are green, round-ovate and pointed at the end. Flowering only rarely and exclusively in moist, tropical climates, the infloresences grow from axillary panicles and four umbels. The flowers are between 12 and 14 mm in size and have five white or pale pink sepals.


Chacruna, like coffee, family of the Rubiaceae, is also known in different varieties, such as cabocla and chacroninha. It is a tropical bush that grows in the Amazon lowlands and through cultivation in Colombia, Bolivia and eastern Brazil. This evergreen can grow into a little tree, though most cultivated plants are between 2 and 3 meters in height. The long, narrow, ovate leaves are light green to dark green in color and the side facing the sky is glossy.

The flowers are attached to long stalks and have greenish white petals. Cultivation by means of seeds has shown to be a lot less fruitful than using cuttings. With P. viridis one only needs to put a small part of the plant directly in the soil and give it a lot of water. Even a branch with only two leaves can be used for this.


Also known as chaliponga, this plant was called Banisteria rusbyana when it was discovered. It has also been calledBanisteriopsis rusbyana and Banisteriopsis cabrerana, and, like Banisteriopsis caapi, is a member of the Malpighiaceaefamily. This tropical vine is found only in the Amazon basin (Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Colombia). It grows wild in the forests but is most often found in cultivation.

The plant is cultivated in house gardens using cuttings. A young shoot or the tip of a branch is allowed to sit in water until it develops roots. It can also be placed directly into the moist jungle soil. This very long vine has opposite leaves that are oblong-oval and retuse-attenuate in shape. The inflorescences, each of which bears four tiny flowers, grow from the petiolar axils. However, the plant only rarely develops flowers, and almost never under cultivation.


The most common MAOI after B. caapi is Peganum harmala (pic. 2), a member of the Nitrariaceae, and is also known as Syrian rue or Harmal. This is an Eastern plant, the seeds of which are highly potent in MAOI substances. P. harmala has been fully adopted into the western anahuasca scene, primarily because it is a lot cheaper and also easier to prepare than the MAOI component of the original brew, which is of course the ayahuasca vine. There are many other plants that are known to be MAOIs as well, like passionflower and cocoa. None of them seem potent enough, however, to make them very suitable for usage in an ayahuasca analogue.


The list of DMT plants is evergrowing. As mentioned before, traditionally the brew is made using chacruna or chagropanga. Many people use the rootbark of jurema, or Mimosa hostilis, to replace the traditional leaves. Another more recent addition gaining familiarity is Desmanthus illinoensis like jurema a descendant of the Fabaceae family, of which the rootbark is used.

The leaves of some species of Acacia (also family of the Fabaceae)are useful when preparing ayahuasca analogues, like Acacia maidenii. Certain Virola trees, which are family of the Myristicaceae, produce DMT in the bark, but this is typically snorted after processing rather than taken orally in conjunction with an MAOI. In the west people are also experimenting with reed canary grass, or Phalaris arundinacea of the Poaceae family, which is potent enough to make an ayahuasca analogue.


An additive is basically any plant the ayahuasca brewer decides to mix in. The leaves of coca (Erythroxylum coca of the Erythroxylaceae family), tobacco (Nicotiana tabacumand N. rustica of the Solanaceae family), and mescaline bearing cacti such as peyote (Lophophora williamsii) and san pedro (Trichocereus pachanoi syn. Echinopsis pachanoiand Trichocereus peruvianus, syn. Echinopsis peruviana), and various nightshades, of the Solanaceae family, (e.g. Brugmansia spp.) can be added for various psychopharmacological and spiritual reasons.

The Urarina, for example, are an indigenous people from the northeastern Peruvian Amazon who practice a form of ayahuasca shamanism that is largely based on the ritualized use of Brugmansia suaveolens (pic. 4), which contains hyoscyamine, atropine and scopolamine. The Kofan from northeast Ecuador and southern Colombia make regular use of scopoletin rich Brunfelsia grandiflora (pic. 5), another member of the Solanaceae. Other known common additives are Ilex guayusa of the Aquifoliaceae andPaullinia yoco, like guarana a member of the Sapindaceae family, probably for their high caffeine content, and Brugmansia ignensis.

From Resource 1 website,




2D image of a harmine molecule

2D image of a dimethyltryptamine molecule

Ayahuasca is as complex as both chemistry and psychopharmacology can get. There’s a uniquely vast array of botanical sources, and an infinite amount of preparation methods, usually involving psychoactive compounds that we’re only beginning to comprehend scientifically, such as DMT and 5-MeO-DMT. The plant sources, the chemical processes and psychopharmacological actions described below are the ones that are generally considered to be the most remarkable ones.


The primary active compounds in B. caapi are the alkaloids harmine, harmaline and tetrahydroharmine. They all belong to the β-carbolines group, which implies they are MAO-inhibitors. Harmine was first called ‘telepathine’. Later scientists discovered they had already come across the same compound in P. harmala seeds, so ‘telepathine’ has become obsolete.

In the recipes of the Amazonian Indians, the liana itself is typically the main ingredient. Tests of different samples have found 20 to 40 mg, 144 to 158 mg, and even 401mg of β-carbolines per dose. Other alkaloids found in B. caapi are harmine-N-oxide, harmic acid methylester, harmalinic acid, harmic amide, acethylnorharmine and ketotetrahydronorharmine.

Harmine and other MAO-inhibitors prevent the breakdown of monoamine neurotransmitters by inhibiting the action of monoamine oxidase enzymes. Apart from creating a path for otherwise orally inactive tryptamines, this renders certain substances harmful, most notably tyramine and tryptophan. These compounds are present in many kinds of food, like cheese and ripe fruit.


The primary active compound in P. viridis and D. cabrerana leaves is the indole ethylamine alkaloid n,n-dimethyltryptamine. Tests of different samples of Amazonian brews have found 25 to 36 mg of N,N-DMT per dose. It has a similar structure to serotonine and thus has affinity for several serotonergic 5-HT2 receptors. DMT is, like LSD, a partial-agonist on the receptor subtype 5-HT2A. When humans take DMT by itself orally, it is converted into inactive aldehydes by the endogenous enzyme monoamine oxidase.

The β-carbolines in the vine temporarily inhibit the production of this enzyme, allowing the DMT to reach the sensitive parts while still active. Inside the nervous system these are located near most of the serotoninergic terminal rich areas, including the neocortex (mainly the prefrontal, parietal, and somatosensory cortex) and the olfactory tubercle. Outside the nervous system 5-HT2A receptors are present in platelets (cell fragments, circulating in the blood, that are involved with clotting) and some muscles.

When inhaled through a vaporizer or bong, DMT gives pronounced effects without the intervention of an MAOI. The same goes for parenteral administration (injecting). Inhalation causes effects that last up to 30 minutes. Nasal insufflation, which is an important tradition of the Yanomamo tribe (see Wikipedia’s Yopo page) of DMT causes an experience that lasts up to 60 minutes. Oral administration of DMT after a corresponding amount of MAOIs causes an experience of at least 3 hours. Intra-muscular and intravenous administration is effective without an MAOI.

Unlike P. viridisD. cabrerana doesn’t only contain DMT (between 0.17 and 1.75% of the leaves), but also N-methyltryptamine, 5-MeO-DMT, bufotenine and N-methyltetrahydro-β-carboline. The stems contain roughly the same set, excluding bufotenine. 5-MeO-DMT (5-methoxy-dimethyltryptamine) is, like DMT, a psychedelic agent.


The status quo of DMT in prevailing science, despite the compound’s visionary properties, is that DMT is a by-product of metabolism. In the light of an ayahuasca experience, this conclusion obviously calls for more scientific research. Since DMT is every bit as illegal as LSD and heroin, however, it is a tough process for interested parties to actually get to research DMT.

Dr. Rick Strassman, a professor at the University of New Mexico medical school, has managed to survive the bureaucratic jungle of the FDA, DEA and other authorities. In 1991 he commenced the first official psychedelic research program in the U.S. since 1970. In 2001, Strassman published his findings in ‘DMT: The Spirit Molecule’.

DMT is being produced in the body all the time, and it is probably involved in the process of dreaming. DMT is also one of the few substances which can cross the blood-brain barrier. Hardly anything is known about how the extreme psychedelic activity of DMT really works.

DMT is used more and more these days by psychonauts, also in its smokable form. They use hard to obtain botanical extracts made from Acacia spp. or Mimosa hostilis, which are pure enough for one draw to contain enough DMT to be active through inhalation. If one smokes the unpurified leaf or other DMT carrying plant material, typically many lungfulls are required to achieve even the lightest kinds of effects. This leaves one exhausted before the effects start.

An example DMT extraction is shown below. Please note that DMT extraction, besides being a potentially dangerous chemistry procedure, is illegal in most countries.



    1. Before you start, make sure you have all the materials needed:
      – 100 gram of Mimosa Hostilis rootbark powder (MHRB)
      – 250 ml naphtha
      – 150 gram of lye (NaOH, caustic soda)
      – 2 litre mason jar (a glass pickle jar will work also) or wide mouth HDPE jug
      – 2 small glass (mason) jars (~0.5L)
      – Guard
      – Metal spoon
      – Sheet of A4 paper
      – Eye dropper/pipette
      – Freezer
    2. Dissolve 150 grams of lye in 1.5 litre of (tap) water in a large glass jar. It is advised to wear safety goggles and gloves, as lye is a very aggressive substance that can cause burns and blindness. Add the lye in two or three steps, and allow the liquid to cool down in between.
    3. When the water with added lye has cooled down and is clear again, it is time to add the powdered mimosa bark. Add the powder slowly while stirring all the time. After adding the 100 grams of mimosa, leave the brew to stand for about an hour.
    4. Add 100 ml of naphta and put the lid on the jar.
    5. Gently turn the jar end over end for about 5 minutes. It is important not to shake or splash. After 5 minutes, put the jar down for some minutes and repeat the agitating process two more times.
    6. After a short period two separate layers will be distinguishable. Separate the upper layer (naphta) using a pipette or eyedropper. It is important that none of the dark solution is collected.
    7. Again, add 100 to 150 ml naphta to the large jar, and repeat the previous two steps two more times. Separate the upper layer in a new jar
    8. Put the collection jars in the freezer.
    9. After 24 hour the jars can be taken from the freezer. Carefully drain the naphta, making sure any floating crystals remain in the jar. Scoop out the white crystals from the side of the jar using a spoon, and leave them to dry on a folded piece of A4 paper.
    10. After drying, crush any lumps up. The three pulls combined will result in 500-1000 mg pure DMT crystals.


          This plant is also called reed canary grass and is one of the few DMT sources that you can find growing outside in the Netherlands. Little research has been done as to how exactly this plant can be used as the botanical DMT source for an ayahuasca analogue. Jim DeKorne, author of “Psychedelic Shamanism”, is currently one of the few people who has published information on how

P. arundinacea

         can be processed into an administrable substance. His idea of canary grass extraction is this:
        1. Pulverize the grass clippings
        2. Add water, “enough to make a pourable soup”
        3. Acidify to pH 5 or so
        4. (Optional) Simmer the acidified soup in a slow cooker overnight, not allowing the liquid to evaporate. (“It may take two or three such operations to get all of the alkaloids into solution”)
        5. Strain the plant matter through cheesecloth, then through a paper coffee filter
        6. Add 10 to 15% of the mass of the solution in a “defatting solvent” such as methylene chloride, ether, chloroform, or naphtha.
        7. Shake vigorously
        8. The crap will go into the solvent, leaving the good stuff in the water.
        9. Separate the water from the solvent.
        10. Add a base to the aqueous solution in small increments until the pH gets to about 9 or 10. This converts the alkaloids into their free base.
        11. Extract with 10% of the mass of the solution of an organic solvent four times, at one 24-hour and then three weekly intervals. The solvent layer will take on a darker tint, usually yellowish or reddish-brown. It will take almost a month to extract all of the alkaloids, and the solution should be shaken at least twice a day between extractions.
        12. Evaporate the solvent off from the combined extract fractions. You now have the alkaloids.

In a later publication, “The Entheogen Review”, DeKorne has more information on Phalaris extraction:

      “The latest scoop is that you don’t even have to use chemical extractions anymore – run several handfuls of grass through a wheatgrass juicer (sold in most health food stores) and you’ll wind up with a glass or so of incredibly potent liquid. One teaspoon (with MAO inhibition, of course), is a standard dose with strong grass. Only two teaspoons proved very challenging to one of my correspondents – an OD! The juice can be dried and smoked in a bong – two tokes will usually do it.”
    From Resource 2



Two Peruvian Mestizos making ayahuasca

Ayahuasca plants mise en place
        The ayahuasca experience has proven to be an extraordinary one. It has positively changed the lives of many people. It has cured various forms of depression and addiction. Ayahuasca has shown people the immense beauty of the cosmos and ourselves through overwhelmingly enchanting and emotional visions and visualizations. An experience capable of phenomena with such magnitude needs to be valued and respected for what it is.


            This means that part of drinking ayahuasca is the preparation. Everyone should find out what his or her preparation is, but in general it is recommended to read some of the common literature on ayahuasca and the psychedelic experience in general. Another thing it should involve for most people is discussing the topic with various experienced drinkers. You can also find a lot of information by taking


            , the best psychoactive substances website, as a starting point. Their

      ayahuasca page

              can be found


             . Googling for ‘ayahuasca’ also gives good results for general orientation on the topic.


                Furthermore we are not in the position to do any more recommendations. Nevertheless we disrecommend to take ayahuasca without any preparation. It is also strongly disrecommended to take ayahuasca without the presence of an experienced ayahuasca drinker who has experience with guiding too. You can get an idea of the risks involved by reading the

          experience reports

               on this site.

          From Resource 3 website,


                Making an ayahuasca brew is a task by itself that usually involves a lot of time, patience and care. For those who are nevertheless considering the option, here are some of the preparation methods to give an idea of what it involves to make ayahuasca. The required ingredients can easily be purchased online at places such as

          Botanical Spirit


          The Shuar shamans (uwishin) split a 1- to 2-meter-long piece of

          Banisteriopsis caapi stem into small strips. They place the strips in a pot along with several liters of water. They then add leaves of Diplopterys cabrerana, a Herrania species, Ilex guayusaHeliconia stricta, and an unidentified Malpighiaceae known as mukuyasku. The resulting mixture is boiled until most of the water has evaporated and a syrupy fluid remains. The Kamsá, Inga, and Secoya make similar preparations.


          The use of

          Banisteriopsis caapi in this recipe is based on the premise that a) a brew of B. caapi and (usually) P. viridis  is the traditional South American brew, b) the caapi is particularly important as traditionally the caapi itself is considered to be “ayahuasca” while the DMT-containing plants are simply helpers, and c) the caapi and the experience it provides are smoother, safer, and “wiser” than that produced by Peganum harmala (syrian rue). B. caapi is less unpredictable and more controlled, a more reliable and learned teacher.

          After examining your intentions, researching, and following the requisite dietary regimen, gather together:

              • 50 grams of Banisteriopsis caapi (whole vine, not shredded/powdered)
              • 12 grams of Mimosa hostilis root bark (not shredded or powdered.) [See Note 1]
              • white vinegar
              • distilled water
              • 4 stainless steel pots [See Note 2]


              1. Wrap the caapi in a towel and break it up with a hammer until it is shredded. Powder the mimosa with a coffee grinder or shred by hand.
              2. In one pot, put in the mimosa, a teaspoon of vinegar, and a liter or so of water.
              3. In another pot, put in the caapi, and a similar amount of water and vinegar.
              4. Simmer for 2-3 hours or until water level gets low. Avoid boiling — it should be just cool enough not to bubble. Speak your intentions to the brew as it is brewing; listen to the sounds it makes. Do not leave it unattended; if you need to do something different, turn off the stove.
              5. Keeping the mimosa and the caapi separate, filter each through a cloth (e.g. a t-shirt) until the brew becomes clear, probably 4 or 5 times. (An excellent method for easy filtering is to duct tape a t-shirt over an empty pot, allowing you both hands to pour the brew. The t-shirt will become quickly clogged, so for each filter you must use a fresh section of cloth.) Put the mimosa tea in a pot for mimosa, the caapi in a pot for caapi, and reduce both; remember not to bring to a full boil.
              6. Repeat steps 2-5 three times, keeping the mimosa and caapi separate. The plant material is to be boiled a total of three times with fresh water and vinegar each time; the brewed/filtered tea is kept separate and reduced over low heat as you do the second and third washes. This method requires four pots, unless you spread it out over several nights.
              7. At this point you will have a pot containing the three washes of mimosa, reduced, and the same for the caapi. Each dose should be no smaller than half a cup and no larger than a cup. (Less concentrated brews taste better, but leave you with more to drink.) Put them in the fridge overnight.
              8. The next day, carefully remove the cooled mimosa from the fridge. Through a t-shirt filter, pour off the liquid; avoid disturbing the sludge/sediment on the bottom of the container. You don’t need it. DO NOT do this with the reduced caapi brew; if you’ve filtered properly, your tea should be pretty clean. It should become clear when heated, and have a purplish color, much like red wine.
              9. Once you have done this, you have the option of combining the mimosa and the caapi or drinking the mimosa after the caapi. Shake up the caapi to make sure that any sediment is in the tea and not on the bottom of the container. Heat up the tea, drinking it warm.
              It is suggested that two doses be brewed for each person. If you cannot keep the tea down and purge prematurely, you will then have another cup to drink.
                Be thankful for the experience, no matter what happens. There are always lessons to be learned, whether it “works” or not, whether you have a “good” trip or a “bad” one. This is a bit more complex than some recipes that call for syrian rue, but using real vine instead of syrian rue is worth it. It is a bit more expensive, but worth the money; even with

          B. caapi

              , a dose will still cost less than many other hallucinogens.
              • Note 1 – Fifty grams of P. viridis leaves can be used instead of mimosa. If going this route, the completed washes should be put in a container or pot in the fridge until the next day instead of being reduced immediately.
              • Note 2 – Make sure your pots are steel — no aluminum and ABSOLUTELY no Teflon. After finishing a wash (step five), you can reduce the brewed tea while doing the remaining washes; however, if you do not have four pots, it is possible to do it all in one pot. The caapi and mimosa can be combined into one pot throughout the brewing and reduction process. If you are doing it like this, you must spread out the brewing over more than one night; the reduction must be done AFTER the sediment settles overnight in the fridge, as in step eight. You can reduce the mimosa and then pour off the sediment after letting it sit in the fridge without it affecting the quality of your tea; you cannot do this with caapi.
              • Note 3 – Storing your ayahuasca brew. After preparing, ayahuasca can be stored for several weeks, if not months. Make sure the brew is stored in well sealed pots/containers and in a dark, cool place. Always boil the ayahuasca again before drinking it.


              This recipe circulates on the web and was probably developed from recipes used in Ecuador and northern Peru.
              • 500 grams fresh B. caapi vine per person.
              • 85 grams fresh P. viridis leaves per person.
              1. The ayahuasca vine is thoroughly crushed and placed between alternate layers of P. viridis leaves in a stainless-steel or earthenware pot, and covered with water.
              2. The brew is gently boiled for 4 hours.
              3. The liquid is poured off and collected.
              4. Using the same plant matter, the pot is filled again with fresh water, and gently boiled for a further 4 hours.
              5. The liquid is again poured off and collected.
              6. The plant matter is now discarded.
              7. Both quantities of liquid are combined and boiled gently for to concentrate the ayahuasca, until a managable amount is left for each dose.
              8. While the evaporation and concentration is taking place, care should be taken to ensure the ayahuasca is not boiled too vigorously, as this will cause degradation of the active ingredients and will also cause caramelisation of the contained sugars, resulting in a very thick final brew.


          Mind Hack I: Develop Deep Rapport And Make People Like You Using Soul Gazing Or Eye Gazing

          Years ago I was involved in a group of guys who wanted to learn how to get better with meeting and dating women. It was another underground group which was a movement, called the “pick-up community”. I have moved on from that phase but the stuff I learned from that phase in my life are some the best advice and information that you can ever find.

          One of the most powerful techniques an method I have ever learned or use is called the “Soul Gazing” technique. The original practice was either created by Indian Yogis who practiced the Tantric branch of Yoga, trying to reach enlightenment, or it was from a Shamanic tradition. I am not sure about that part. However, I wanted to bring to you a technique on how to build an immense amount of rapport and intimacy with anyone you want if you go through with this technique.

          I found the more advance, more complete and extended version from this link HERE.

          Purpose of the Ritual

          The Soul Gazing ritual in Tantra is a method of communicating with your lover that is completely nonverbal. As such, it may open new doors to intimacy in your relationship that were previously unexplored. Use this ritual to communicate on a deeper level with your partner, and to awaken new lines of exchange. Soul Gazing harmonizes the energy of both partners, creating an open heart space where deeper intimacy may be achieved.

          Soul Gazing can be difficult for some, because we are usually shy about looking directly into another person’s eyes for any length of time. We usually exchange a glance for only a few moments, and then look away. When another person looks at us intently for any period of time, it may feel like an intrusion, and we may label it a “stare” rather than a friendly “gaze.” The eyes are often called “the windows of the soul.” Through the eyes you can see a person’s hidden secrets—hidden emotions like anger, sadness, fear, shyness or impatience. In this ritual, you may feel uncomfortable, confronted, exposed and even afraid. Resist the urge to look away when confronted with these thoughts and emotions. Observe these thoughts and emotions if they arise. Feel your feelings during the ritual. Allow them to pass, as they certainly will, until they give way to an inner peacefulness and calm.

          Preparing the Ritual

          Create a Sacred Space

          Prepare a space for the ritual. This is one of the keys of Tantra. Before any Tantric ritual, always prepare a space that will enhance and expand the ritual.

          Your space should be clean and tidy. Remove any objects that are not in there proper place, and put them away. Pick up any trash. Vacuum the carpet. Put the laundry into the laundry room. Clear your space.

          Adorn your space with objects and art that hold a sacred meaning for you and your lover. These may anything from flowers to pictures of your children and family, or even personal mementos you purchased on a romantic getaway. Place these objects of personal significance around your sacred space.

          Supply some form of natural lighting. Candles are a favorite of many couples, as is a fireplace. You might also consider oil lamps, or simply draping a decorative silk scarf over a lampshade.

          Sound is an important element in creating a sacred space. Soft and romantic music can be uplifting. A small fountain may supply the gentle sound of bubbling water. Wind chimes hanging next to an open window can provide a delicate sound.

          Scent can be equally moving. Incense and oils can create a subtle scent for your sacred space. Many aromatherapy stores have oils in spray mist bottles. A few sprays of fine mist can add a beautiful scent to your atmosphere. Favorite erotic scents include mint, eucalyptus, lemon, ylang-ylang, patchouli, sandalwood and vanilla.

          Make your sacred space comfortable. If the floor is uncomfortable, put down a rug or carpet. Place pillows of various shapes and sizes around your sacred space. Make certain the room temperature is neither too hot nor too cold.

          Relax Beforehand

          Do not rush into the Soul Gazing ritual. Take time beforehand to unwind from your day. Relax with a warm drink or a good book. Take the time to let the emotions, thoughts and actions of the day melt away before diving in.

          The Soul Gazing Ritual

          With your partner, take a minute to stretch and relax your bodies. Especially focus on your spine, neck and head. Contract and relax the muscles around these areas. Wiggle your jaw back and forth and side to side. Allow the muscles to become fully relaxed and fluid. Before you sit, say the sacred greeting “namaste,” which is Sanskrit for “the divine within me honors the divine within you.”

          Sit down with your partner, either on the floor or on the bed. Sit facing each other, either kneeling or cross-legged. If you are sitting cross-legged, place a thick pillow under yourself to support your spine. You may also wish to sit in chairs facing each other.

          Touch each other lightly in a way that is pleasing to both of you. You may want to hold hands, or simply allow your hand to rest on your partner’s knee.

          Close your eyes, and begin to focus on your breathing. Allow yourself to breathe deeply, with a long inhale and a long exhale. Look within yourself. Feel your feelings and listen to your thoughts. Notice any physical tension or feelings you may have. Experience each of these in their fullness. Acknowledge and accept each of these, but do not be distracted from your breath. Continue to breathe deeply.

          When you feel these thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations begin to ebb, send a signal to your partner. Keep your eyes closed, but lightly squeeze your partner’s hand, or brush her shoulder to let her know that you have reached a place of stillness and are ready to begin the Soul Gazing. Wait for her response to your signal. She should respond in a similar manner. When she does, open your eyes slowly.

          Open your eyes slowly, and allow them to focus on your partner. Look into the left eye of your partner. In Eastern tradition, the left eye is considered the feminine or receptive eye. Gazing into the left eye allows each partner to let the energy in, and to be in a receptive mode.

          Direct your complete attention to your gaze. Allow all distractions to melt away. Continue to breathe deeply. Be drawn into the present moment, where all thoughts of past and future melt away. See how it feels to be intimately connected with another while staying aware of your breathing, and centered in yourself. Let your eyes truly be the windows of your soul.

          The stillness of your gaze will gradually quiet your mind. In this quiet moment of stillness, you cease to identify with your body, mind, thoughts and become aware of the observing, centered self that quietly, dispassionately watches all you do.

          Here, beyond the concerns of your ego, you may also witness your partner beyond the concerns of her ego. For the man, see in the eyes of your partner the universal female. See in her the manifestation of the divine feminine goddess on earth. For the woman, see in the eyes of your partner the universal male. See in him the manifestation of the divine masculine god on earth.

          Notice the rhythm of your breath and that of your partner. Begin to synchronize your breathing until you are inhaling and exhaling together. Let your breath be subtle, but charged with the energy of your life force, and the energy of this moment of intimacy.

          Continue the Soul Gazing ritual for five minutes or so. When the time has expired, again say “namaste” to your partner. Enjoy the feeling of honoring your partner, and the intimacy you have just shared. Each time you do this ritual, gradually increase the time you spend on it. Start with 5 minutes, and work your way up to 20 minutes or more. The longer you go, the more deep and intimate the experience becomes, and the more is revealed.

          Me: Here is a shorter version of the technique but with the same basic steps, which involve breathing, reaching resonance with the other person, hand touching, and gazing through into each other’s left eye. 

          Soul Gazing  (Source 2)

          Our deepest being is always here.  When we make contact with this place, we release separation.  The following simple exercise, which can be practiced with a love partner or a special friend, can help you directly experience this reality:

          Sit facing you partner, lightly holding hands, and close your eyes.  Feel your breath moving in your body, and allow your body to elax and soften.

          After about 2 minutes, when you feel connected with yourself, open your eyes with soft gaze, and receive your partner’s eyes (or wait for them to open their eyes, whilst lightly resting your attention on their face, receiving them in this way).   Allow all thoughts and feelings to be present, whilst lightly bringing your attention back to the eye contact.

          Close your eyes for another 2 minutes, again breathe and feel, then open them again, and this time as you open your eyes, open yourself to the human being in front of you.  As you witness their expressions and feelings, character and presence, ask yourself, ‘could he / she be a mirror of myself?’  Open to noticing how whatever you perceive in them is also in you.

          Close your eyes one more time, for 2 minutes, and when you open them again, open to receiving the Essence of your partner, their spirit, soul or beingness.  Don’t look for anything, just let go of all classifications and judgements as they come up, and receive your partner with the deepest, wisest part in you.  In this way, your essential beingness, oneness, may reveal itself to you, as in the poetic description of Namaste:  “I honour the place inside you where the whole Universe resides.  When I am in that place in me, and you are in that place in you, there is just one of us.”

          In the words of Cinzia, who experienced this meditation with her husband in a Diamond Light Tantra Introductory Evening:

          Having the chance to spend some special time with my partner, in this way, was a real treat, it was like seeing each other after a long time.

          Just being there, looking into each other eyes, slowly and gently sharing love was a nourishing experience, a reminder of what makes us bond and why we are happy to be together.

          Since then we’ve been trying to spend special time where we do something slower, quieter, just BE together with no plans.

          From Source 3

          There are many variations to this bit. This is an extremely powerful routine that incorporates eye contact, kino and deep rapport building. Use this with caution, it is very powerful.

          You: We’re going to try something. I just learned this, some say it’s extremely powerful but I just learned it so we’ll give it our best. Native Americans used to believe that the left eye was the window to the soul. Here, give me your hands. Her (she takes your hands down low) You Ok, while looking directly into my left eye we are first going to sync our breathing. So breath in (Take a moment to do this.). Breathe out. Ok, so still looking into my left eye focus on your periphery. (Take a moment to let her do this). Ok now, I want you to picture a spot about a foot behind my head (Let her do this)Ok so you are focusing on your periphery, that spot, and looking into my eye. So you have all these things to focus on. But in looking into my eye you might start to see an older… yet still beautiful me. You also might see my power animal, like a totem. I know it sounds weird but many people have had powerful experiences doing this. Be slow and confident during this whole delivery, give her a moment to let her do this. Gauge her response for how long to draw this out, or cut it short. If you are repeatedly having problems, assess your delivery. [/quote]

          I ran across this from some other site a while ago



          Body Hack V: Using L-Carnosine To Reduce Telomere Damage and Shortening Rate, Increase Lifespan

          When I was doing research for Body Hack IV with Bill Andrews and the studies trying to stop senescence and increase lifespan, I came across a substance that many medical professional shave started to say has a really powerful anti-aging effect. The substance is L-Carnosine.

          From the website JonBarron.Com

          End Of Old Age

          I’m not a big believer in magic bullets. Everything I’ve ever learned says that you’re only as strong as your weakest link. That’s why I’ve always preached that the key to health is raising your entire Baseline of Health. But that said, I have to admit that what we’re talking about here today is a uniquely important anti-aging discovery.

          What Is Aging?

          The best place to start is at the beginning. What is aging? What makes us age? There are actually many factors that contribute to old age (free radical damage, hormonal changes, etc.), but of all of the things that make us “old,” two things stand out because until now, they have been so untouchable:

          • The Hayflick Limit
          • The glycation of proteins

          The Hayflick Limit: Cell Life Span

          The Hayflick Limit is named after the person who discovered it almost 40 years ago. A quick description is that all cells have only a limited capacity to continue to divide through the course of our lives.

          Those numbers are different for each type of cell in our body, and by early adulthood, half of those divisions have been used up. By mid-life, maybe only 20-39% of those divisions are left. At that point, old age starts taking over – then death.

          This limited capacity of a cell to perpetuate itself is called the Hayflick Limit. In effect, the Hayflick Limit determines life span at the cellular level. With each division, a cell becomes less likely to divide again, until finally it stops dividing altogether and becomes what we call senescent.

          Cell senescence is the final step before cell death. Senescent cells are still alive and metabolically active, but they’re no longer capable of dividing. More importantly, though, senescent cells exhibit all of the characteristics that so bother us about old age, such as the difference between the supple skin of a child and the wrinkled skin of the elderly.

          How do cells age?

          As cells approach the Hayflick Limit, they divide less frequently and become aberrant. They take on wildly irregular forms. They no longer line up in parallel arrays; they assume a granular appearance, and deviate from their normal size and shape. This distorted appearance, called the senescent phenotype, is accompanied by a state of declining functionality that, UNTIL RECENTLY, was thought to be irreversible.

          Astounding News: Reverse Aging

          As it turns out, not only can we reverse the aging process at the cellular level now, and actually do it quite simply AND QUICKLY – but we can also reverse aging at the system level and the organ level. And for that matter, we can reverse it in terms of how we look and feel – and by that I mean our skin and hair and energy levels. And then, of course, we can even reverse aging in terms of lifespan.

          What’s the Secret?

          The substance I’m talking about is L-carnosine. It’s a naturally occurring combination of two amino acids, alanine and histidine, that was discovered in Russia in the early 1900s. Because much of the research was done in Russia, it has been largely unavailable in the United States until recently. Now, though, there have been a number of studies and experiments in other parts of the world verifying everything done in Russia – and more.

          Most notably, there were a series of astonishing experiments done in Australia that proved that carnosine rejuvenates cells as they approach senescence. Cells cultured with carnosine lived longer and retained their youthful appearance and growth patterns.

          What’s probably the most exciting result of the studies is that it was discovered that carnosine can actually REVERSE the signs of aging in senescent cells.

          The Reversal of Aging

          When the scientists transferred senescent cells to a culture medium containing carnosine, those cells exhibited a rejuvenated appearance and often an enhanced capacity to divide. When they transferred the cells back to a medium lacking carnosine, the signs of senescence quickly reappeared.

          As they switched the cells back and forth several times between the culture media, they consistently observed that the carnosine medium restored the juvenile cell phenotype WITHIN DAYS, whereas the standard culture medium brought back the senescent cell phenotype.

          Increase Cell Life

          In addition, the carnosine medium increased cell life span — even for old cells. When the researchers took old cells that had already gone through 55 divisions and transferred them to the carnosine medium, they survived up to 70 divisions, compared to only 57 to 61 divisions for the cells that were not transferred.

          This represents an increase in the number of cell divisions for each cell of almost 25%.

          But in terms of cell life, the increase was an astounding 300%. The cells transferred to the carnosine medium attained a life span of 413 days, compared to just 126 to 139 days for the control cells.

          Increase Life Expectancy

          This is mind-boggling. But so far, all we’ve talked about are cells. What does carnosine mean for actual life expectancy?

          A new Russian study on mice has shown that mice given carnosine are twice as likely to reach their maximum lifespan as untreated mice. The carnosine also significantly reduced the outward “signs of old age.”

          In effect, it made the mice look younger. 44% of the carnosine treated mice had young, glossy coats in old age as opposed to only 5% in the untreated mice. This represents 900% better odds of looking young in old age.

          Feel Young Again

          Another important difference between the treated and the untreated mice was in their behavior. Only 9% of the untreated mice behaved youthfully in old age, versus 58% of the carnosine treated mice. That’s a 600% improvement in how they felt.

          Strong Antioxidant

          Quite simply, carnosine is one of the most powerful antioxidants known. It’s a great heavy-metal scavenger. It’s a powerful auto-regulator. And it stands alone when it comes to preventing and reversing protein glycation or cross-linking.


          Carnosine has the remarkable ability to throttle down bodily processes that are in a state of excess, and to ramp up those that are under expressed.

          For example, carnosine thins the blood of people whose blood tends to clot too much andincreases the clotting tendency in those with a low clotting index.

          Another example is that carnosine suppresses excess immune responses in those who have “hyper” immune systems, whereas it stimulates the immune response in those with weakened immune systems – such as the aged.

          And carnosine even seems to have the ability to normalize brain wave functions.

          Protein Glycation: Sugar And Aging

          Glycation is the uncontrolled reaction of sugars with proteins. It’s kind of like what happens to sugars when you heat them and they caramelize. In effect, glycation is what happens when excess sugars caramelize the proteins in your body. It’s a major factor in the aging process – and it’s particularly devastating to diabetics.

          Your body is mostly made up of proteins. In fact, proteins are the substances most responsible for the daily functioning of your body. That’s why anything that causes protein deterioration has such a dramatic impact on the body’s function and appearance.

          Thanks largely to the destructive effect of sugar and aldehydes, the protein in our bodies tends to undergo destructive changes as we age. This destruction is a prime factor, not only in the aging process itself, but also in the familiar signs of aging such as wrinkling skin, cataracts, and the destruction of our nervous system – particularly our brains. Studies show that carnosine is effective against all these forms of protein modification.

          Protein Modification for Longevity

          As I said, aging is associated with damage to cellular proteins. But carnosine protects cellular proteins from damage in at least two ways.

          1. First, it bonds with the carbonyl (or aldehyde) groups that if left alone will attack and bind with proteins.
          2. Second, it works as an antioxidant to prevent the formation of oxidized sugars, also calledAdvanced Glycosylation End-products or AGEs for short. That’s really the caramelization thing that I mentioned earlier. The bottom line here is that the less AGEs, in your body, the younger you are.

          Both of these processes have important implications for anti-aging therapy. The key is that carnosine not only prevents damaging cross-links from forming, it eliminates cross-links that have previously formed in proteins, thus restoring normal membrane function.


          Carnosine has been proven to reduce or completely prevent cell damage caused by beta amyloid, one of the prime protein risk factors for Alzheimers. The presence of beta amyloid leads to damage of the nerves and arteries of the brain. Carnosine blocks and inactivates beta amyloid. In effect, it protects neural tissues against dementia.  The key is that carnosine not only prevents damaging cross-links from forming in proteins, it eliminates cross-links that have previously formed in those proteins, thus restoring normal membrane function in cells. This is true not only in the brain, but in all the organs of our body – our skin included. Keep in mind that the damage you see in the skin is not just a cosmetic question. That damage is absolutely an indicator of the kinds of damage happening to every other organ in your body – including your eyes and your brain.

          The Reversal of Age

          Carnosine levels in our body directly correlate with both the length and quality of our lives. And since carnosine levels decline with age, supplementation with carnosine represents one of the most powerful things you can do to hold back the ravages of old age.


          While it is true that many people who supplement with carnosine are going to notice everything from younger looking skin to more energy, the bottom line is that you really shouldn’t look for any short term benefits from carnosine supplementation. If any short-term benefits are noticed, you should consider them an added bonus.

          The reason you want to supplement with carnosine is for the long term, not for the short-term benefits that you may or may not notice. You supplement with carnosine to protect against the long-term ravages of aging.

          Using Carnosine

          Some experts recommend using only 50-100 mg of carnosine a day. Others say that if you don’t take 1,000-1,500 mg a day it won’t work because your body metabolizes the first 500 mg or so.

          The key here is that all of these experts are ignoring the simple fact, that different people need different amounts. For example:

          • The older you get, the more you need.
          • If you eat a mostly vegetarian diet, you need more.
          • If you’re diabetic, or just have trouble with blood sugar, you need more.

          I think most people will do best on 500-750 mg a day.

          If you’re young and healthy and include meat in your diet, then 250 mg a day makes sense. As you get older, and if you’re starting to show signs of aging or glycation (such as cataracts), then you’d want to think of increasing the dosage up to 1,000 mg a day – maybe even as high as 1,500 mg a day.


          In studies, carnosine has been proven safe in amounts as high as 70, 80, or even 100 grams a day, although a small number of people have noticed some minor muscle twitching at doses as small as 1,000 mg. The bottom line is use what you need, and you won’t have any problems – only benefits.


          As I mentioned earlier, I don’t believe in magic bullets. Everything I’ve ever learned says that you’re only as strong as your weakest link. I still believe that improving your entire Baseline of Health® is the key to good health and long life.

          But that said, I think that once you actually understand what carnosine does – once you understand the role it plays in preventing and potentially reversing all of the signs of old age in the body (and we’re talking about everything from wrinkled skin to cataracts to Alzheimer’s) – heck, once you understand the role it plays in extending life itself – then you’re left with the unmistakable conclusion that supplementing with carnosine may represent one of the single best things you can do to help “turn back your biological clock.”

          A Missing Link

          As important as carnosine is, there is a “gap” in its usefulness. It’s called lipofuscin.

          Lipofuscin is the age pigment commonly found in aging brains and in other tissue such as the skin. By itself, it is not dangerous. It is merely a byproduct of harmful reactions that have already taken place. For example, one of the byproducts of free radical damage and protein/aldehyde damage (both conditions that carnosine addresses) is lipofuscin.

          Healthy Aging

          Lipofuscin deposits as seen in heart muscle

          When you supplement with carnosine, however, something different happens. The carnosine quickly binds with the aldehydes, preventing them from damaging the proteins. The byproduct of this reaction is lipofuscin. So once again you have inactive lipofuscin compounds, but this time as the result of PREVENTING protein damage. In a sense, with carnosine you trade protein damage for lipofuscin.

          As I said before, by itself, lipofuscin is not harmful. However, if enough of it accumulates over time (and this process is accelerated when you supplement with carnosine), it can interfere with proper cellular and organ functions. So the bottom line is that however it is produced (as a result of protein damage, or as the result of taking sacrificial carnosine to prevent protein damage), you want to get rid of it.


          By any definition, DMAE is the perfect companion to carnosine in an anti-aging formulation. First, it reinforces carnosine’s own anti-aging properties. Then, it provides a whole series of complementary benefits of its own.

          What Is DMAE?

          DMAE is short for (dimethylaminoethanol), a naturally-occurring nutrient that enhances acetylcholine (ACh) synthesis. Adequate levels of ACh are important for proper memory function. Normally found in small amounts in our brains, DMAE has been shown to remarkably enhance brain function when used as a supplement in clinical studies.

          DMAE Reinforces Carnosine

          One of the prime actions of DMAE is that it flushes accumulated lipofuscin from your body – from the neurons in your brain, from your skin, and from all other organs. It also complements carnosine in that DMAE on its own has been shown to inhibit and reverse the Cross-Linking of proteins and extend lifespan.

          Many people have heard of the anti-aging results that Romanian scientist, Ana Aslan, achieved using something called GH3, or procaine. What most people do not know is that GH3 breaks down in the body to form DMAE (after first metabolizing into DEAE) and PABA. In other words, DMAE is the key active component in Ana Aslan’s anti-aging formula.

          Numerous scientific studies now show that DMAE can help:

          • Increase Acetylcholine levels and RNA levels in the brain
          • Stimulate mental activity
          • Increase attention span
          • Increase alertness
          • Increase intelligence (especially in children)
          • Improve learning and memory
          • Increase energy levels
          • Provide a mild, safe tonic effect
          • Stimulate the central nervous system
          • Relieve anxiety
          • Elevate mood in general
          • Alleviate behavioral problems and hyperactivity associated with Attention Deficit Disorder
          • Increase motivation and reduce apathy in persons suffering from depression
          • Induce sounder sleep
          • Over time reduce the amount of sleep required by about 1 hour per night
          • Intensify dreams tremendously. (Even more so when you take it along with a large dose of phosphatidyl choline — a key component of lecithin)
          • Cause dreams to become more lucid
          • Increase willpower
          • Decrease the incidence and severity of hangovers in people who consume excessive amounts of Alcohol

          DMAE Is Safe

          Clinical studies of DMAE have used up to 1,600 mg per day with no reports of side effects. In some cases, some people may experience slight headaches, muscle tension, or insomnia if they take too much too soon.

          These effects are easily eliminated if intake is reduced and then gradually increased. Although there is no direct connection, many manufacturers recommend that women who are pregnant or breast-feeding, anyone who suffers from convulsions, epilepsy, or seizure disorders, and people with manic-depressive illness should avoid using DMAE.

          This is probably more of a legal issue than a medical issue.


          Like DMAE, acetyl-L-carnitine is a perfect complement to L-carnosine.

          Although your body can synthesize L-carnitine in the liver, it depends on outside sources (meat being a primary source) to fulfill its requirements. This can present a problem for vegetarians since L-carnitine performs several key functions in the human body. For one, it can improve the functioning of the immune system by enhancing the ability of macrophages to function as phagocytes. And it can improve the functioning of muscle tissue. In fact, it has been shown to increase running speed when given prior to exercise. It also plays a major factor in cellular energy production by shuttling fatty acids from the main cell body into the mitochondria (the cell’s energy factories) so that the fats can be oxidized for energy. Without carnitine, fatty acids cannot easily enter the mitochondria.

          There is, however, a specialized form of L-carnitine known as acetyl-L-carnitine (ALC) that is often deficient even in meat eaters and that performs virtually all of the same functions – but better. For example, in terms of cellular energy production, in addition to shuttling fatty acids into cell mitochondria, ALC provides acetyl groups from which Acetyl-Coenzyme A (a key metabolic intermediate) can be regenerated, thereby facilitating the transport of metabolic energy and boosting mitochondrial activity. But beyond that, the addition of the acetyl group makes ALC water soluble, which enables it not only to diffuse easily across the inner wall of the mitochondria but also to cross all cell membranes more easily. In other words, ALC reaches parts of the body where L-carnitine cannot go. In particular, ALC readily crosses the blood/brain barrier, where it provides a number of specialized neurological functions. For example, it can:

          • Facilitate both the release and synthesis of acetylcholine, a key brain biochemical.
          • Increase the brain’s levels of choline acetylase.
          • Enhance the release of dopamine and improve the binding of dopamine to dopamine receptors.
          • Protect the neurons of the optic nerve and the occipital cortex of the brain.

          In addition, studies have shown that acetyl-L-carnitine can inhibit the deterioration in mental function associated with Alzheimer’s disease and slow its progression. Part of this is a result of its ability to shield neurons from the toxicity of beta amyloid protein. As a result:

          • ALC improves alertness in Alzheimer’s patients.
          • Improves attention span.
          • And it increases short term memory.

          Through its action on dopamine (a chemical messenger used between nerve cells) and dopamine receptors, ALC seems to play a major role in preventing and/or minimizing the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.

          • ALC enhances the release of dopamine from dopaminergic neurons and improves the binding of dopamine to dopamine Receptors.
          • ALC retards the decline in the number of dopamine receptors that occurs as part of the normal aging process and (more rapidly) with the onset of Parkinson’s disease. In fact, many researchers believe that Parkinson’s may be caused by a deficiency of dopamine.
          • And ALC inhibits tremors.

          And acetyl-L-carnitine may even play a role in helping with MS.

          • ALC inhibits (and possibly reverses) the degeneration of myelin sheaths

          But most of all, ALC just helps slow down the aging process of the brain.

          • ALC retards the inevitable decline in the number of glucocorticoid teceptors that occurs with aging.
          • It retards the age-related deterioration of the hippocampus.
          • It retards the inevitable decline in the number of nerve growth factor receptors that occurs as we age.
          • It stimulates and maintains the growth of new neurons within the brain (both independently of Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) and as a result of preserving NGF) and helps to prevent the death of existing neurons.
          • ALC protects the NMDA receptors in the brain from age-related decline.
          • ALC inhibits the excessive release of adrenalin in response to stress and inhibits the depletion of luteinising hormone releasing hormone and testosterone that occurs as a result of excessive stress.
          • And ALC enhances the function of cytochrome oxidase, an essential enzyme of the Electron Transport System.

          The mind boosting effect of acetyl-L-carnitine is often noticed within a few hours — or even within an hour — of supplementing. Most people report feeling mentally sharper, having more focus, and being more alert. Some find a mild mood enhancement. More specifically:

          • ALC improves learning ability along with both short term and long term memory
          • It improves mood by 53%.
          • It both improves the quality of and reduces the need for sleep.
          • It improves verbal fluency.
          • And ALC improves hand eye coordination by some 300-400%.

          And yes, acetyl-L-carnitine helps flush lipofuscin from the body — especially from the brain.

          The Longevity Bottom Line

          Based on everything we know, supplementing with a combination of L-carnosine, DMAE, and acetyl-L-carnitine is one of the simplest, most effective, and safest steps we can take to help turn back the clock and optimize our health.


          From the website emaxhealth.com I copy and pasted the article that talks about the possible benefits towards anti-aging with L-Carnosine.

          Is L-Carnosine the Anti-Aging Miracle Pill to Prevent Telomere Shortening?

          L-Carnosine was recently touted on The Dr. Oz Show as a miracle anti-aging pill and has been linked to preventing telomere shortening. The latest research shows that telomere shortening is directly linked to heart attacks and premature death. Could L-Carnosine be the answer to anti-aging?

          In a soon to be published article in the scientific journal Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology published by the American Heart Association, researchers involved in cellular aging have discovered the striking finding that telomere shortening is directly linked to heart attacks and premature death.

          Telomeres are specialized repeating segments of DNA that cap the ends of chromosomes. The primary function of telomeres is to protect the free ends of chromosomes from losing base pair sequences at their ends and to prevent chromosomes from fusing to each other.

          During the natural life cycle of a cell, cell growth and aging involves a replication process called mitosis where a parent cell will double its amount of DNA and then split into two daughter cells, each with a normal amount of chromosomal DNA. During this process, telomeres protect the ends of the chromosomes from a gradual loss at their ends.

          A telomere is a repeating DNA sequence (TTAGGG for example) at the ends of chromosomes that can reach a length of several thousand base pairs. While the telomeres protect the ends of chromosomes from eroding away, each time a cell divides some of the telomere DNA sequence (approximately 25-200 base pairs at a time) is lost. The result is that telomeres gradually wear away. At some point in a cell’s life after many cell divisions, a telomere becomes too short and the cell can no longer replicate. The cell is then considered to be relatively old and then dies by a process called apoptosis—a normal process in cell aging.

          In the aforementioned study to be published by the American Heart Association, researchers from the University of Copenhagen conducted a large scale study involving almost 20,000 individuals during a time period of nearly 19 years. In the study, each individual’s DNA was isolated and analyzed to determine their specific telomere length. Their research was based on previous studies that showed that smoking and obesity cause telomeres to shorten prematurely. And, since smoking and obesity are associated with heart disease, they wanted to see if there was a connection between heart disease and telomere length.

          What they found was that if a person’s telomere length is short, then their risk of heart attack and premature death was increased by 50 and 25 percent, respectively.

          “That smoking and obesity increases the risk of heart disease has been known for a while. We have now shown, as has been speculated, that the increased risk is directly related to the shortening of the protective telomeres—so you can say that smoking and obesity ages the body on a cellular level, just as surely as the passing of time,” says Borge Nordestgaard, co-author of the study and Clinical Professor of Genetic Epidemiology at the University of Copenhagen.

          A second finding from the study was that one in four Danes possesses telomeres with such short lengths that not only will they statistically die prematurely, but their risk of heart attack is also increased by almost 50 percent.

          The idea that telomere length may be related to aging is not a new one. Furthermore, at least one study has demonstrated that L-Carnosine may play a protective role in preventing telomere damage and in decreasing the rate of telomere shortening during cell division—which technically is slowing down the aging process.

          L-Carnosine consists of the two amino acids beta-alanine and histidine, and is found in high concentrations in the muscle and in the brain. L-Carnosine is believed to possess a significant number of powerful antioxidant properties and has been proposed to be a potential anti-aging compound that can reduce wrinkles and fine lines, improve brain functioning and prevent or treat cataracts of the eyes.

          In fact, in a recent episode of the Dr. Oz Show, Dr. Oz promoted L-Carnosine as a miracle pill for anti-aging that will help a woman feel younger, look younger and see better. He says that as we age, our natural levels of L-Carnosine drop and that by taking a 500 mg supplement twice a day that we can expect to see a marked improvement in our skin within three months.

          Current medical opinion is that the benefits of supplemental L-Carnosine are questionable and based on scant scientific evidence. One study published in 2004 claims that culturing human lung cells in a tissue culture solution supplemented with L-Carnosine resulted in reducing telomere shortening and extending the lifespan of the cells. Extending tissue culture results with one cell type to that of a human body during a person’s lifetime is a bit of a stretch to say the least, but still—the results are intriguing.

          In spite of a lack of concrete evidence that L-Carnosine is an anti-aging miracle, it does have health benefits and is used for preventing or treating complications of diabetes such as nerve damage, cataracts and kidney problems. With additional research and a better understanding of how telomere shortening works and its connection to disease, it is possible that scientists may one day discover a way to create an anti-aging miracle pill such as L-Carnosine that will extend our lifespans.