Increase Height And Grow Taller Using Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy, PEMF

This new method of increasing height through the application of the Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy, PEMF is also a very foreign idea to me. When I tried to search through google for the term “pemf height” the only result I could find was Tyler’s HeightQuest.Com website which mentions this method for height increase.

I didn’t even know this type of device or therapy even existed so I wanted to do some more research on what this method is.

This is what Wikipedia says about the it (Resource)….

Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMFT), also called pulsed magnetic therapypulse magnetotherapy, or PEMF, is a reparative technique most commonly used in the field of orthopedics for the treatment of non-union fractures, failed fusions, congenital pseudarthrosis and depression. In the case of bone healing, PEMF uses electrical energy to direct a series of magnetic pulses through injured tissue whereby each magnetic pulse induces a tiny electrical signal that stimulates cellular repair. Many studies have also demonstrated the effectiveness of PEMF in healing soft-tissue wounds; suppressing inflammatory responses at the cell membrane level to alleviate pain, and increasing range of motion. The value of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy has been shown to cover a wide range of conditions, with well documented trials carried out by hospitals, rheumatologists, physiotherapists and neurologists. There are several electrical stimulation therapy devices, approved by the FDA, that are widely available to patients for use. These devices provide an additive solution that aid in bone growth repair and depression.

Use – Delayed- and non-union fractures
In 1974 it was demonstrated that a pulsed magnetic field applied across the site of a bone fracture can accelerate the healing process (BASSETT et al., 1974). The mechanism of osteogenesis is not clear; however, the use of PEMF therapy as an adjuvant therapy for delayed- and non-union fractures was supported by empirical evidence collected through clinical studies. While PEMF therapy may offer some benefit in the treatment of fractures, the evidence is inconclusive and is insufficient to inform current clinical practice.

PEMF therapy has been suggested to enhance healing of fractures that occur in patients with diseases such as diabetes, vascular insufficiency, and osteoporosis, and those taking medications such as steroids and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). The exact mechanism for fracture healing is unclear; however, it is thought that PEMF therapy causes biochemical changes at the cellular level to accelerate bone formation.

Tissue repair

In 2009, NASA was awarded a US patent – US 7,601,114 B2 – that utilized pulsed electromagnetic fields to enhance tissue repair in mammals. This patent was the result of research carried out by NASA to find methods to reverse the bone loss that is experienced by astronauts when they were in a gravity free environment and away from the earths magnetic field. As an adjunct to the NASA tissue repair patent, pulsed magnetic fields were also used to stimulate the growth of stem cells.

Me: Whatever Tyler can find, I will be willing to look through and do my own conclusive review and analysis. The wikipedia article does support the idea that the PEMF technology can possibly work for people who have already gone through with distraction osteogenesis (aka limb and leg lengthening surgery) and accelerate and help the healing and bone reunion phase. However, when it come to actually increasing long bone longitudinally I am not so sure. 

Apparently on some sites like Curatronic Ltd., you can order your own Home PEMF Therapy & Wellness System. From the front webpage of the website….

Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field Therapy – PEMF

Hundreds of thousands of people have already been treated successfully with Curatron systems in more than 40 countries worldwide, improving dramatically their quality of life!Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields influence cell behavior by inducing electrical changes around and within the cell. Improved blood supply increases the oxygen pressure, activating and regenerating cells. Improved calcium transport increases absorption of calcium in bones and improves the quality of cartilage in joints, decreasing pain dramatically. Acute and even chronic pain -also caused by osteoporosis- may disappear completely.

There are many scientific studies on the degree of effectiveness of Pulsed Magnetic Field therapy. It was found that disturbances in blood circulation and in metabolism play a key role in the development of diseases. Application of pulsed electro magnetic energy is based on more than 30 years of worldwide research carried out by renowned scientists. In addition there are many years of practical experience by thousands of physicians.

The Curatron is the only computerized system using advanced Frequency Modulated Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field therapy (FM PEMF). This technology generates time variable, low frequency pulsed magnetic fields, which are far superior to other pulsed signal magnetic field therapy technologies. The Curatron system is the only economical priced computerized pulsed signal magnetic therapy system generating sufficient energy to obtain a real therapeutic effect.  

Me: I am worried that this technology will probably one day end up in the graveyard of previous biomedical device machines which had claimed to have miraculous cure effects but could not be completely scientifically validated by enough experiments done. It will then eventually turn go into the area of medical branch of being a pseudoscientific device.

Avoiding Height Loss As You Age

If we are always focused on the offense, we will be mostly to lose because of our lack on defense. It is absolutely true that trying to gain height when we are young is important but what we may gain when we are young, it is much easier and quicker to loss when we get older.

This post is NOT about how to achieve increases in height, but how to prevent height from decreasing when we get past a certain age. The main doctor who was reporting this story noted that people at the late stage in life should focus on doing weight bearing exercises to keep their bones strong and dense. Women are especially vulnerable to bone degeneration diseases so this message may be even more relevant than for men bu that doesn’t men are allowed to let their own bodies go.

A good portion of people in their late life stage accelerate and initiate the dying process after a fall and a bone is broken from the nature of the weak and brittle bones. So prevention is the key from an active but not too strenuous lifestyle.

Below are just a few tips and ideas for the average person who wants to prevent and reduce the loss in height as they are approaching late in life. I found this article from The Daily Nightly on NBC NEWS. You can get to the original article by clicking HERE.

Avoiding Height Loss As You Age

By Joyce Ho and Dr. Nancy Snyderman – NBC News 

It may be common knowledge that people tend to “shrink” as they age, but did you know that you can take simple, preventative steps to retain your height?

The average height loss in a person’s lifetime is estimated to be around one to three inches, or about half an inch every decade after age 40. Why? The vertebral bones that make up our spinal column are separated by gel-like disks. As we age, these disks get flatter, so our spinal column shrinks. Our vertebra also loses bone density as we age, making them thinner. The end result is a stooped spine. And it’s not just hazardous to your posture — Harvard researchers recently found that height loss, a commonly seen by-product of age-related bone thinning, is a predictor of future risk of hip fractures.

Tonight on “NBC Nightly News,” Dr. Nancy Snyderman offered tips on how to keep standing tall. Here are several ways to keep yourself healthy.

  • Don’t drink excessively 
    Alcohol tampers with calcium levels in the body as well as hormone levels that affect bone density, damaging your bones. It also puts you at higher risk for falls and bone fractures.
  • Don’t smoke
    Smoking is a risk factor for bone loss, and the longer you smoke, the greater risk you have of bone fractures. Studies show that even exposure to secondhand smoke at an early age could contribute to bone loss. Prevent weak bones by quitting smoking.
  • Prevent falls
    Take preventative measures such as installing bars in the bathtub, buying shoes with tight gripping soles, and avoiding walking on slippery surfaces when it rains or snows.
  • Exercise daily to strengthen core muscles
    Exercise is always good for your health, but in this case, it is very important in keeping your bones and muscles strong for proper back and head support. Specific types of weight-bearing exercise where you work against gravity are good for preventing height loss such as walking, jogging or climbing stairs. Exercises such as swimming, running on the elliptical, and bicycling are not included in this class of physical activity.
  • Get a healthy dose of calcium and vitamin D
    Calcium and vitamin D are necessary for bone formation. The recommended daily intake for people before age 50 is 1,000  mg of calcium a day. For postmenopausal women and men over age 65, it’s 1200 to 1500 mg of calcium a day and 400 to 800 international units of vitamin D everyday. Talk to your doctor about the best ways to get an adequate amount of these nutrients, either through your diet, supplements, or sun exposure. High calcium foods include tofu, yogurt, ice cream, cheese, and leafy green vegetables.

Doing weight-bearing exercises will keep bones strong, and prevent age-related height loss caused by bone-thinning. NBC’s Dr. Nancy Snyderman reports.

Gene Shortage Might Lead To Shorter Height

We continue to look at the possible causes of short stature. This article talked about an idea on something that I never thought was possible. Again I will highlight the parts of the article which I found the most interesting and informative. A full analysis, and review on the information will be done to connect it to how the technology can be used towards height increase.

I found the article in USA Today. You can get to the original article by clicking HERE.

Gene shortage might lead to shorter height, study says

By Maureen Salamon, HealthDay

Updated 11/27/2011 6:04 PM

Tall or short, it’s long been known that genes account for much of a person’s height. Now, scientists have found that short people actually might be missing copies of certain genes, which can leave them significantly smaller than average.

Studying DNA from more than 11,000 children and adults, an international team of researchers learned that those of short stature — defined roughly as falling into the shortest 2.5 percent of their peer group — had an excess number of rare deletions, or missing copies, of specific genes. Thus far, most research into genes and height has centered on identifying variations in common genes instead of an absence of others, study author Dr. Joel Hirschhorn said.

“We were a little bit surprised, since we didn’t really know what we would find going in [to the study] and whether we would see enough of an effect,” said Hirschhorn, a professor of genetics at Children’s Hospital Boston. “We were trying to figure out what’s the underlying genetics of height and things like it, and this is a class of variation less well studied.”

The study is published in the December issue of the American Journal of Human Genetics.

Common gene variants linked to height explain only about 10 percent of the variation in adult height, Hirschhorn said, but perhaps half of such variation might eventually be explained by some of the differences his team studied.

First analyzing the DNA of more than 4,400 children whose genetic material was collected for other purposes, the researchers observed that many more CNVs or “copy-number variants” — in this case, fewer copies of a gene — were present in those of short stature.

Extending the findings to a larger, population-based group of nearly 6,900 African Americans, the scientists again found that shorter participants had an excess of such missing gene copies. These deletions would typically be inherited from one’s parents, but not always, Hirschhorn said.

“Usually [researchers] look at variants one at a time, but this is a cumulative-effect type of variation,” said Hirschhorn, also a senior associate at the Broad Institute, a biomedical research organization in Cambridge, Mass.

Several limitations might affect the validity of the study results, the authors acknowledged. One is the fact that children whose DNA was evaluated had initially undergone genetic analysis for other reasons such as developmental delays, autism spectrum disorders and multiple birth defects. So it’s possible that those with many missing gene copies are likelier to have conditions leading to poor growth, the study said, but the replication of results in a more representative population suggests the findings can be generalized to others.

SOURCES: Joel N. Hirschhorn, M.D., Ph.D., professor of genetics, Children’s Hospital Boston, senior associate, Broad Institute, Cambridge, Mass.; December 2011,American Journal of Human Genetics

Me: One of the theories I have been proposed with was that the growth plates also go through the process of senescence so the idea is that taller people have growth plates that go through senescence slower than people who have growth plates that senescence affects more pronouncely. If the senescence of  growth plates is effected in the same way that the process of senescence affects the entire human body, we can say that the telomere lengths thus determines how long the growth plates stay active. Since telomere shortening is believed to be the main cause of aging (senescence) it would make sense that a a telomere with extra genes of any kind would lengthen at a shorter rate. So from that logic, we can make the logical claim that people with less genes means shorter telomeres so they would result in being shorter than average. 

The Short Stature Homeobox SHOX Gene Effect On Overall Height

We continue in our quest to learn more about the disorders, illnesses, and possible ways a person can develop short stature. Today I learned that people who have the Short Stature Homeobox SHOX Gene can more easily develop into short stature. Let’s first figure out what exactly is this SHOX gene and what does it do.

From the National Institute of Health (NIH) website found HERE

What is the official name of the SHOX gene?

The official name of this gene is “short stature homeobox.” SHOX is the gene’s official symbol. The SHOX gene is also known by other names, listed below.

What is the normal function of the SHOX gene?

The SHOX gene provides instructions for making a protein that regulates the activity of other genes. On the basis of this role, the SHOX protein is called a transcription factor. The SHOX gene is part of a large family of homeobox genes, which act during early embryonic development to control the formation of many body structures. Specifically, the SHOX gene is essential for the development of the skeleton. It plays a particularly important role in the growth and maturation of bones in the arms and legs.

One copy of the SHOX gene is located on each of the sex chromosomes (the X and Y chromosomes) in an area called the pseudoautosomal region. Although many genes are unique to either the X or Y chromosome, genes in the pseudoautosomal region are present on both chromosomes. As a result, both females (who have two X chromosomes) and males (who have one X and one Y chromosome) have two functional copies of the SHOX gene in each cell.

Does the SHOX gene share characteristics with other genes?

The SHOX gene belongs to a family of genes called homeobox (homeoboxes). It also belongs to a family of genes called PAR (pseudoautosomal regions).

A gene family is a group of genes that share important characteristics. Classifying individual genes into families helps researchers describe how genes are related to each other.

How are changes in the SHOX gene related to health conditions?

Langer mesomelic dysplasia – caused by mutations in the SHOX gene
Langer mesomelic dysplasia results from genetic changes involving both copies of the SHOXgene in each cell. Deletions of this gene are the most common change responsible for this condition. Mutations in the SHOX gene can also cause the condition, as can deletions of nearby genetic material that normally helps regulate the gene’s activity. These changes greatly reduce or eliminate the amount of SHOX protein that is produced. A lack of this protein disrupts normal bone development and growth starting before birth. The resulting skeletal abnormalities include very short stature, extreme shortening of the long bones in the arms and legs (mesomelia), and an abnormality of the wrist and forearm bones known as Madelung deformity.
Léri-Weill dyschondrosteosis – caused by mutations in the SHOX gene
Léri-Weill dyschondrosteosis results from genetic changes involving one copy of the SHOX gene in each cell. Most commonly, this skeletal disorder is caused by a deletion of the SHOX gene. Other genetic changes that can cause the disorder include mutations in the SHOX gene or deletions of nearby genetic material that normally helps regulate the gene’s activity. These changes reduce the amount of SHOX protein that is produced. A shortage of this protein disrupts normal bone development and growth starting before birth. The resulting skeletal abnormalities are similar to those of Langer mesomelic dysplasia, although they tend to be less severe.
Turner syndrome – associated with the SHOX gene
Turner syndrome occurs when one normal X chromosome is present in a female’s cells and the other sex chromosome is missing or structurally altered. Because the SHOX gene is located on the sex chromosomes, most women with Turner syndrome have only one copy of the gene in each cell instead of the usual two copies. Loss of one copy of this gene reduces the amount of SHOX protein that is produced. A shortage of this protein likely contributes to the short stature and skeletal abnormalities (such as unusual rotation of the wrist and elbow joints) often seen in females with this condition.
other disorders – caused by mutations in the SHOX gene
    Deletions of the entire SHOX gene or mutations within or near the gene have been identified in some people with short stature. This short stature is usually described as idiopathic, which means it is not associated with the characteristic features of a disease or syndrome. However, some people with short stature and changes in the SHOX gene have been found to have subtle skeletal abnormalities.

Where is the SHOX gene located?

Cytogenetic Location: Xp22.33;Yp11.3

Molecular Location on the X chromosome and the Y chromosome: base pairs 535,078 to 570,145

The SHOX gene is located on the short (p) arm of the X chromosome at position 22.33 ; on the short (p) arm of the Y chromosome at position 11.3.

The SHOX gene is located on the short (p) arm of the X chromosome at position 22.33 ; on the short (p) arm of the Y chromosome at position 11.3.

More precisely, the SHOX gene is located from base pair 535,078 to base pair 570,145 on the X chromosome and the Y chromosome.

What other names do people use for the SHOX gene or gene products?

  • GCFX
  • growth control factor, X-linked
  • PHOG
  • pseudoautosomal homeobox-containing osteogenic gene
  • SS

From the website Science 2.0 (Resource) I wanted to post another article on what the functions of the gene are. As always, I will highlight the parts which are the most important and applicable to our height increase endeavors

Not Just The Gene – Abnormal SHOX Regulation Implicated In Short Stature And Leri-Weill Syndrome

By News Staff | August 25th 2009 12:00 AM |
The so-called SHOX gene (short stature homeobox gene) is responsible for the normal growth of bones and is often mutated in short-stature patients. Short stature is considered when final height of an individual is no more than 160 cm (men) or 150 cm (women).

Researchers in Heidelberg have now discovered that sequences of genetic material on the X and Y chromosome that regulate this gene are also crucial for growth in children.

These gene regulators determine how frequently a gene is copied, thus how effective it is. In many cases, the mutation of one regulatory sequence of the homeobox transcription factor gene SHOX is sufficient to give rise to the full-blown syndrome. Professor Gudrun Rappold, Director of the Department of Human Molecular Genetics at Heidelberg University Hospital and her team of researchers have published their results in the Journal of Medical Genetics, available as an open access article at the link below.

These results could open up new possibilities for diagnosing the cause of short stature and initiating treatment before it is too late.

There are many causes of short stature, e.g. hormone disorders, malnutrition, chronic disease, or a genetic disorder. If, in addition to short stature, other symptoms such as short forearms and lower legs or other bone malformations also occur, it is considered a syndrome. However, often no exact cause can be determined and other typical features are lacking – this is then known as idiopathic short stature.

SHOX gene mutation is frequently the cause of short stature 

Professor Rappold’s team discovered back in 2007 that in over 4 percent of children with idiopathic short stature, the trigger for the disorder was a mutation in the SHOX gene. This gene lies on the X chromosome and is responsible for growth in the epiphyseal plate, where the long bones of the arms and legs grow in length. After puberty, epiphyseal fusion takes place. When there is a mutation of the SHOX gene, patients reach a height up to 20 cm less than expected. Up to about 15 cm can be regained if the disease is diagnosed early enough and treated with growth hormones. The SHOX gene is involved in various other syndromes with growth disorders (Léri-Weill, Langer, Ullrich-Turner syndrome).

The researchers’ latest studies show that not only the gene itself, but its regulators as well can be crucial for developing the disease. Regulatory sequences ensure that the respective gene is copied more or less frequently and thus is more or less effective.

The researchers in Heidelberg examined the genetic material from a total of 893 subjects. About 5 percent of the patients with idiopathic short stature and 80 percent of the patients with Léri-Weill syndrome had mutations in the segment either including or around the SHOX gene. Some patients had an intact SHOX gene but an unexpectedly high number of mutations in its enhancer sequences: for 26 percent of patients with SHOX deficiency and idiopathic short stature and for 45 percent of patients with SHOX deficiency and Léri-Weill syndrome, the disease could be attributed solely to a genetic mutation of the enhancer sequence. “The astounding thing is that this enhancer mutation is quite far away from the affected gene and yet it still leads to the exact same clinical symptoms as a mutation in the gene itself,” says Professor Rappold.

Genes that are responsible for growth and development are needed more or less frequently in different phases of growth. In these genes in particular, mutations in the regulatory sequences can be the decisive factor for illness. The researchers hope that their results will give them a better understanding of the causes of the disease and allow them to optimize the diagnostic possibilities for patients with SHOX gene mutations.

“Patients who suffer from their short stature often have a great need to be able to name the cause. Even if it is not possible to treat the cause, patients with mutations of the SHOX gene can benefit from a treatment of the symptoms with growth hormones,” explains Professor Rappold.

Article: Jianjun Chen, Gabriele Wildhardt, Zilin Zhong, Ralph Roeth, Birgit Weiss, Daniela Steinberger, Jochen Decker, Werner F Blum and Gudrun A Rappold, ‘Enhancer mutations of the SHOX gene as a frequent cause of short stature – the essential role of a 250 kb downstream regulatory domain’, J Med Genet. Published Online First: 2 July 2009. OPEN ACCESS.   doi:10.1136/jmg.2009.067785

Me: So clearly this is a big major breakthrough in understanding at least which genes hav a profound affect on our over height. What amazed me was that if there is a mutation of the SHOX gene, the patients can be up to 8 inches shorter than expected. However, if one can realize and diagnose the problem early enough, growth hormone treatments can help get back around 6 inches of height. Now, this is great news for people , especially children, who have been on the lower percentile in the height and growth rate range while they are still developing.  


Turner syndrome presented with tall stature due to overdosage of the SHOX gene.

“Turner syndrome is one of the most common chromosomal disorders. It is caused by numerical or structural abnormalities of the X chromosome and results in short stature and gonadal dysgenesis. The short stature arises from haploinsufficiency of the SHOX gene, whereas overdosage contributes to tall stature. This report describes the first Korean case of Turner syndrome with tall stature caused by SHOX overdosage. The patient presented with primary amenorrhea and hypergonadotropic hypogonadism at the age of 17 years. Estrogen replacement therapy was initiated at that time. She displayed tall stature from childhood, with normal growth velocity, and reached a final height of 190 cm (standard deviation score, 4.3) at the age of 30 years. Her karyotype was 46,X, psu idic(X)(q21.2), representing partial monosomy of Xq and partial trisomy of Xp. Analysis by multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification detected a duplication at Xp22.3-Xp22.2, encompassing the PPP2R3 gene near the 5′-end of the SHOX gene through the FANCD gene at Xp22.2.”

” The SHOX gene is expressed in limbs, pharyngeal arches, osteogenic cells, and bone marrow fibroblasts, and is involved in skeletal growth and development. The loss of the SHOX gene therefore leads to short stature and various skeletal abnormalities, such as short metacarpals, high-arched palate, cubitus valgus, Madelung deformity, and mesomelia. The SHOX gene is expressed on both the inactive X chromosome and the active X or Y chromosome, thereby escaping from X chromosome inactivation. According to the altered SHOX dosage, haploinsufficiency causes short stature, while overdosage contributes to tall stature.”

“She did not menstruate until she was 30 years old and still presented with breast and pubic hair at Tanner stage 3.”

“SHOX overdosage and gonadal dysgenesis[ progressive loss of germ cells on the developing gonads of an embryo] contribute to sustained growth, with constant height velocity from infancy to adolescence”

“This patient continued to grow after 18 years of age, despite estrogen replacement therapy lasting 10 years, suggesting that SHOX overdosage surpasses the skeletal maturing effect of estrogen. However, other deleted genes on Xq or duplicated genes on Xp could have contributed to the tall stature of our patient.”

Public Apology To The Biomedical Growth Research Initiative

This post is a public apology to the people and the organization Biomedical Growth Research Initiative. I have previously written a post stating at the end that I was suspicious of its intentions and believed it was a scam. Since then, I have been in contact with its main representative Harald Oberlaender. After exchanging upwards of a dozen emails and messages back and forth I have changed my opinion of the organization and retract my old judgement that it was a scam. I will be editing and changing the old post and leave an updated message saying that the organization is legitimate. It seems that the orgnization has been around at least sincce 2007 and for the last 5 years it has been difficult for Harald and others who represent the organization to get the amount of funding they are looking for.

I signed a Non-Disclosure Agreement and was able to obtain 5 short .doc files which contained only a part of one of the proposal ideas. In his emails to me, the 4 ideas were stated in very general terms so no details were told.

– The first research proposal is about a tissue engineered growth plate implant.
– The second research proposal is about creating a multidisciplinary research institute based on bone and cartilage tissue enginnering principles.
– The third research proposal is about using LIPUS to stimulate new bone growth.
– The fourth research idea is about using genes and growth factors to stimulate new bone growth (but no official research proposal for this idea yet).

I have promised that if I can get that interview with Dave Asprey, not only will I try to get his opinions on our endeavors to find  way to increase our height and other great biohacks and post the interview on the website, I will also try to mention the organization to him and see if he or anyone he know would be interested in assisting and/or funding the organization’s proposal ideas. I will try to get him in contact with Harald.

If you personally wanted to get in contact with Harald to see the 4 biomedical proposals and ideas , email him at

Thank you.

Teeth Regrowth Using Low Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound, LIPUS

This article has nothing really to do with how to increase our height but it does have another very important function and utility. We will focus back on the Low Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound technology to see how it will work to regrow our teeth and maybe ever regenerate lost teeth.

However, I have found a few links (like HERE) which claim that all you really need is a low frequency ultrasound source. You can’t get a high frequency ultrasound device legally unless you are a doctor. There is supposed to be a Novasonic device that can generate a sound vibration of 20,000 Hertz. If you touch the device to your skin, you can fell it working on the inside of the skin. There is also supposed to be a second type of device you can find on Ebay if you type in “ultrasound massager”. The link above says that they cost about $100-150. They are much more powerful and can generate sound vibrations of up to 3-5 mHz frequency. You put these device close to your teeth and gums every day and they massage your gums and teeth to help them become stronger and regenerate.

It is a little bad and the resource seems a little non-credible but from a badly designed Rex Research website found HERE, I copy and pasted the articles that have talked about the LIPUS technology for the use of teeth regeneration.;_ylt=Ai0n21.IDNpv5KbEzjuV2Pz6OrgF;_ylu=X3oDMTA3MXN1bHE0BHNlYwN0bWE-
Wed Jun 28, 4:47 PM ET

Smile! A New Canadian Tool Can Regrow Teeth Say Inventors
Snaggle-toothed hockey players and sugar lovers may soon rejoice as Canadian scientists said they have created the first device able to re-grow teeth and bones.

The researchers at the University of Alberta in Edmonton filed patents earlier this month in the United States for the tool based on low-intensity pulsed ultrasound technology after testing it on a dozen dental patients in Canada.

“Right now, we plan to use it to fix fractured or diseased teeth, as well as asymmetric jawbones, but it may also help hockey players or children who had their tooth knocked out,” Jie Chen, an engineering professor and nano-circuit design expert, told AFP.

Chen helped create the tiny ultrasound machine that gently massages gums and stimulates tooth growth from the root once inserted into a person’s mouth, mounted on braces or a removable plastic crown.

The wireless device, smaller than a pea, must be activated for 20 minutes each day for four months to stimulate growth, he said.

It can also stimulate jawbone growth to fix a person’s crooked smile and may eventually allow people to grow taller by stimulating bone growth, Chen said.

Tarek El-Bialy, a new member of the university’s dentistry faculty, first tested the low-intensity pulsed ultrasound treatment to repair dental tissue in rabbits in the late 1990s.

His research was published in the American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics and later presented at the World Federation of Orthodontics in Paris in September 2005.

With the help of Chen and Ying Tsui, another engineering professor, the initial massive handheld device was shrunk to fit inside a person’s mouth.

It is still at the prototype stage, but the trio expects to commercialize it within two years, Chen said.

The bigger version has already received approvals from American and Canadian regulatory bodies, he noted.

Copyright © 2006 Agence France Presse. All rights reserved. The information contained in the AFP News report may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the prior written authority of Agence France Presse. // Copyright © 2006 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.

Tarek El-Baily
University of Alberta
Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
Associate Professor Appointed: 2005

Mailing Address:

University of Alberta, Graduate Orthodontic Program
Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
4051 Dent/Pharm Bldg.
Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2N8

Contact Information

Phone: (780) 492-2751
Fax: (780) 492-1624

Profile Details: Last Updated: 6/20/2006 — COS Expertise ID #896844 — Reference this profile directly:

Dr. Tarek El-Bialy, Dr. Jie Chen & Dr. Ying Tsui Awarded Grant
Congratulations to Dr. Tarek El-Bialy and his team Dr. Jie Chen and Dr. Ying Tsui (from the Electrical Engineering department) who has recently been awarded with the NSERC (121) [Idea to Innovation] grant for “Intraoral Wireless Device for Dental Tissue Formation and Tooth-Root Healing”.

Moreover, Dr. Tarek El-Bialy has discovered that this ultrasound can stimulate lower jaw growth especially in patients with craniofacial problems like Hemifacial Microsomia. Usually these patients have to undergo many surgeries during their lives. This new device will be expected to improve many unsolved problems in Dentistry and Craniofacial areas. A provisional patent has been filed based on this research as well as the awarded grant.  More details about this research can be found at the following website

For the second time in UA history, our research team has awarded an NSERC (I2I)[Idea to Innovation] grant to miniaturize a small ultrasound device for stimulating teeth healing and dental tissue formation. This team includes in addition to Dr. Tarek El-Bialy  (in the Orthodontic Graduate program and Biomedical Engineering), Drs. Jie Chen and Ying Tsui from the Electrical Engineering department. When it was published by Dr. Tarek El-Bialy at the American Journal of Orthodontics for the first time in History that new dental tissue can be reformed after the teeth are grown, this research team and patent was planned for.

Contact: Phoebe Dey
University of Alberta

Ultrasound may help regrow teeth
Hockey players, rejoice! A team of University of Alberta researchers has created technology to regrow teeth–the first time scientists have been able to reform human dental tissue.

Using low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS), Dr. Tarak El-Bialy from the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry and Dr. Jie Chen and Dr. Ying Tsui from the Faculty of Engineering have created a miniaturized system-on-a-chip that offers a non-invasive and novel way to stimulate jaw growth and dental tissue healing.

“It’s very exciting because we have shown the results and actually have something you can touch and feel that will impact the health of people in Canada and throughout the world,” said Chen, who works out of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the National Institute for Nanotechnology.

The wireless design of the ultrasound transducer means the miniscule device will be able to fit comfortably inside a patient’s mouth while packed in biocompatible materials. The unit will be easily mounted on an orthodontic or “braces” bracket or even a plastic removable crown. The team also designed an energy sensor that will ensure the LIPUS power is reaching the target area of the teeth roots within the bone. TEC Edmonton, the U of A’s exclusive tech transfer service provider, filed the first patent recently in the U.S. Currently, the research team is finishing the system-on-a-chip and hopes to complete the miniaturized device by next year.

“If the root is broken, it can now be fixed,” said El-Bialy. “And because we can regrow the teeth root, a patient could have his own tooth rather than foreign objects in his mouth.”

The device is aimed at those experiencing dental root resorption, a common effect of mechanical or chemical injury to dental tissue caused by diseases and endocrine disturbances. Mechanical injury from wearing orthodontic braces causes progressive root resorption, limiting the duration that braces can be worn. This new device will work to counteract the destructive resorptive process while allowing for the continued wearing of corrective braces. With approximately five million people in North America presently wearing orthodontic braces, the market size for the device would be 1.4 million users.

In a true tale of interdisciplinary work, El-Bialy met Chen at the U of A’s new staff orientation. After hearing about Chen’s expertise in nanoscale circuit design and nano-biotechnology, El-Bialy explained his own research and asked if Chen might be able to help produce a tiny ultrasound device to fit in a patient’s mouth. The two collaborated and eventually along with Tsui received a grant from NSERC’s “Idea to Innovation,” program to expand on their prototype.

Dr. El-Bialy first discovered new dental tissue was being formed after using ultrasound on rabbits. In one study, published in the American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, El Bialy used ultrasound on one rabbit incisor and left the other incisor alone. After seeing the surprising positive results, he moved onto humans and found similar results. He has also shown that LIPUS can improve jaw growth in cases with hemifacial microsomia, a congenital syndrome where one side of the child’s jaw or face is underdeveloped compared to the other, normal, side. These patients usually undergo many surgeries to improve their facial appearance. This work on human patients was presented at the World Federation of Orthodontics in Paris, September 2005.

“After proving it worked, we looked at creating a smaller ultrasound carrier where we can take the patient out as a variable,” said El-Bialy. “Before this, a patient has to hold the ultrasound for 20 minutes a day for a year and that is a lot to ask.”

The researchers are currently working on turning their prototype into a market-ready model and expect the device to be ready for the public within next two years.

For more information, please contact:

Dr. Tarek El-Bialy, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
University of Alberta, 780-492-2751

Dr. Jie Chen, Faculty of Engineering
University of Alberta, 780-492-9820

Dr. Ying Tsui, Faculty of Engineering
University of Alberta 780-492-3192

Phoebe Dey, Public Affairs
University of Alberta, 780-492-0437

Dentist, Engineer Team up to Regrow eeth
CBC News

A tiny ultrasound device could help people regrow teeth, researchers at the University of Alberta say.

The prototype device offers a way to reform human dental tissue for the first time, the team said Wednesday.

Everyone from hockey players to children who knock out a tooth could benefit.

The treatment, called low-intensity pulsed ultrasound, massages the gums to stimulate jaws, encourage growth in the roots of teeth and aid healing in dental tissue.

“If the root is broken, it can now be fixed,” said Dr. Tarak El-Bialy of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry. “And because we can regrow the teeth root, a patient could have his own tooth rather than foreign objects in his mouth.”

El-Bialy discovered ultrasound could be used to form new dental tissue from his research on rabbit incisors, which was published in the American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics.

He then tested the technique on people who needed to get their teeth pulled.

Participants held the bulky ultrasound device for 20 minutes a day for four weeks against a tooth that had a problem, such as erosion after a root canal.

When El-Bialy looked at the extracted teeth under the microscope, he found new tissue was added to the roots of treated teeth, but not to untreated ones. The therapy regenerates the inner part of the tooth, but not the enamel.

He then teamed up with engineers Jie Chen and Ying Tsui to make the ultrasound device smaller so it could fit comfortably inside a patient’s mouth.

The prototype can be mounted on braces or a plastic removable crown.

The team has filed for a patent on their prototype in the U.S. They expect to have a version that is ready for patients within two years.