Grow Taller Using Steroids – Genotropin, Somatropin, HGH, Anavar, Part II

In a recent previous post I had written about the use of steroids to increase height and grow taller (located HERE). I reread the post and realized that it was lacking a lot on true content and useful facts.

I wanted to focus on the various types of steroids and growth hormonest that are in the market today being sold legally or illegally as some solution to the height increase seeker. For the person who still have their growth plates unfused, some of the products will work and some won’t. For the person who has their growth plates fused, most of the steroids and growth hormones types won’t work. For the adult who have the fused bones, the desire to use steroids or growth hormones to increase height is far more difficult. Most people who are questioned state that it is not possible to use steroids or hormones to gain height.

Let’s first go down the list to name all of the steroids which has already been said to contribute towards height. They were anavar (oxandrolone), dianabol (Methandrostenolone), synthroid, winstrol (stanozolol), and primobolan (methanolone acetate). Almost all of these compounds are known as non-estrogenic compounds. The general consensus between steroid users and endocrinologist is that the real hormone that causes the growth plates to close is estrogen. However ,most of the other hormones in our body can aromatize into estrogen, including testosterone. While testosterone have shown in some studies to increase one’s growth rate (because it really does accelerate one;s rate of bone growth) at least when it is first used, the extra amount of testosterone in one’s system can lead to an increased amount of estrogen from aromatization causing a premature closure of one’s plates.

(Note: My recent findings have shown that for men, Testosterone seems to have only positive benefits and little negative benefits while Estrogen is linked for men to only negative benefits and little positive benefits. So the message is to create a lifestyle where one has a high level of testosterone in ones body and a low level of estrogen)

The most commonly cited non-estrogenic steroid that does not aromatize into estrogen which leads to height increase claims is anavar. There have been scientific studies where the group administered with anavar over time did grow taller than the control group. Winstrol is supposed to be also non-estrogenic and can give a rise in calcium deposition. A stronger anti estrogen such as Arimidex will be much more effective as suggested by some people.In additon, Dianabol – methandrostenolone – has been prescribed to children and toddlers and made them gain weight and grow in height while they were on. I think they would have gotten the height anyway, but Dianabol – methandrostenolone – accelerated the process. I think that steroids that do not aromatise, does only accelerate the growth till the point of your biological maximum – quote from someone else. Steroids would work if you have lower then normal test levels but if its genetics or estrogen levels thats a cause for your height extra test will just speed up the plate sealing process.

One suggestion if one uses testosterone and letrozole at the same time, they could speed up height growth until they decide they are tall enough and want their plates to close.

Another suggestion was to take an AI to lower their estrogen levels, which would keep my growth plates open for longer. AIs have been used to increase height in early mid teens and should even work in late teens provided growth plates are not sealed. An AI with a couple IUs of HGH might get you a couple inches if ran for a year.

The last suggestion was that best bet would be to combine human growth hormone – somatropin – + aromatase inhibitor so you can try to grow past your limit. will cause internal organs to grow at large doses that you need, also larger bones, and will activate any pre dormant cancerous cells. hormones and height/size are totally different – quote from some guy

The list for growth hormone names are genotropin, somatropin, Omnitrope, Nutropin, Norditropin, Humatrope, HGH (human growth hormone), IGF-1.

Natural human growth hormone is produced from the pituitary gland. The hormone goes into the human liver to release the Insulin like Growth Factor complex (IGF-1s).

The human created and manufactured version of natural HGH is called somatropin made through recombinant DNA. Genotropin is a type and brand of somatropin which is rDNA derived received in injection form for used for the the purpose of assisting children who are in the extreme lower percentile of size and growth rate to push them closer to the average size range of the general population If taken daily for over a few years, the children’s growth rate increases and they often add a few extra inches. I had previous written a post about humatrope and linked to its website. Humatrope is used as a growth rate assistant for children who are still growing but are of the size in the extreme low percentile of the general population.

One of the hardest things about trying to get genotropin or somatropin by oneself is that a lot of fake HGH is sold on the internet. It is very difficult to get the real thing. Most people who want to get real synthetic human growth hormones choose to get them from places like Switzerland or South Korea. Even then, the cost of somatropin and genotropin is usually very high. A yearly usage of the HGH compound can run one up to $30,000 and one’s insurance policy will almost never cover the treatment so it is all out of pocket for the person who wants to try the therapy themselves. Most clinical dosages for somatropin and genotropin is around the 2.5-3.9 IU but some people try to take 10 IU dosage of genotropin to see what effect there is. One person stated that “3 IUs ED and a 1mg dex EOD for 6 months should result in a height increase of an inch or more if your growth plates have not calcified.

Me: The conclusion is this. From a paper written about a 6 year study done by Stanford Medical School where kids with Turner Syndrome were administered somatropin and/or oxandrolone, the conbinative effect of the growth hormone and steroid gave the most increase in height. The point is that the the steroid and growth hormone does work in increasing height, at least with children who are still growing and who are given real stuff and treated carefully with regular checkups. As for adults who can not go through traditional bone growth anymore, that is still inconclusive. Most bodybuilders and people who use steroids strongly push young children away from using steroids mainly for fear that the non fully developed bodies will have their endocrine system ruined for the rest of their life. 

PRECICE System For Limb And Leg Lengthening Surgery

There are indeed new developments and innovation that occur in this small area of study for height increase. The main strategy at this stage that ensures that one will increase height is through limb or leg lengthening surgery but the procedure has always been rather expensive, painful, and requires a lot of time for healing and recovery. Within this year a new type of limb lengthening device was approved by the FDA and it has already been used by orthopedic surgeons in their practices.

The device is called the PRECICE System and it is developed by Ellipse Technologies Inc located in Irvine, California . The link where the press release was found on the Business Wire website located HERE. The webpage for the actual device is located HERE. The article or press release is below

Press Release:

IRVINE, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Ellipse Technologies, Inc. (“Ellipse”) announced today that it has received FDA marketing clearance of the Company’s PRECICETM Limb Lengthening device in the United States. Limb Lengthening procedures are used to treat a number of medical conditions, including legs shortened due to congenital abnormalities, major fractures of one of the legs and shortened leg bones due to other medical diseases, such as cancer.

“Our remote control technology was a huge hit among attendees. The PRECICE System is easily recognized as a game-changer for patients suffering from limb deformities”

Ellipse has initiated clinical use of the PRECICE devices and plans an international product launch during the first half of 2012.image

Commenting on the PRECICE technology, Stuart Green, M.D., Professor of Orthopedic Surgery, University of California, Irvine, said, “The PRECICE Technology will make it possible to use externally controllable implants for patients who require bone lengthening. In the future, this technology will likely be adapted to many other orthopedic applications.”

PRECICETM Remote Control Limb Lengthening System

The initial PRECICE devices will be used in leg limb lengthening procedures of the femur and tibia bones. Rather than using adjustable external fixation systems which are attached to the leg bone through long-term openings in the skin, the PRECICE REMOTE CONTROL TECHNOLOGY provides an internal implant adjusted to lengthen the leg bones via non-invasive methods from outside the body. Ellipse and its scientific advisors believe the PRECICE devices will not only provide a less-invasive approach to these procedures but also significantly reduce the potential for complications (e.g., infections) during the healing and recuperation period.image

The PRECICE System was recently unveiled at the Limb Lengthening and Reconstruction Society (LLRS) Annual Meeting in Chicago. “Our remote control technology was a huge hit among attendees. The PRECICE System is easily recognized as a game-changer for patients suffering from limb deformities,” said Ed Roschak, Ellipse Chief Operating Officer.

Ellipse is continuing to develop the PRECICE technology for orthopedic fracture management and trauma applications.

MAGECTM Remote Control Spinal Deformity System

Ellipse has developed the MAGEC (MAGnetic Expansion Control) Technology for minimally invasive, and ultimately non-invasive, orthopedic deformity prevention and management. MAGEC Technology is a breakthrough medical device technology capable of non-invasively adjusting implants within the human body from outside the body via remote control. The adjustment of the device can also be reversed. The first application for this technology is for the treatment of spinal scoliosis in children.

With the MAGEC Technology, a single minimally invasive surgical procedure is completed. Then, during a series of routine outpatient visits, the physician will dynamically adjust the MAGEC Technology from outside the body via the MAGEC System’s External Remote Controller (“ERC”), thus eliminating the need for multiple highly invasive surgical procedures which are required with currently marketed, conventional products.

The MAGEC System is CE-Marked and Ellipse recently initiated a product launch at the International Meeting for Advanced Spine Therapies (IMAST) in Copenhagen, Denmark. Commenting on this launch, Mr. Roschak said, “The response to MAGEC from the international spine community at IMAST was profoundly positive. The vast majority of physicians told us the Ellipse breakthrough technology will be of great benefit to their patients with spinal deformity. Now, we can move forward with the international rollout of the MAGEC System.”

Ellipse Technologies, Inc. is a privately-held medical device company located in Irvine, California. The Company is focused on developing its implantable remote control technology platforms to include innovative and state-of-the-art treatments for a broad spectrum of spinal and orthopedic deformity applications, orthopedic trauma and fracture management.

The MAGECTM System is not currently available for distribution in U.S.


Ellipse Technologies, Inc.
Tracy Pearson
949-837-3600, ext 112

Me: This new development in limb lengthening surgery is definitely a step forward for people who want to get the limb lengthening surgery for cosmetic reasons. Many of the old complication that came from the traditional device for limb lengthening is gone. It would appear that Dr. Dror Paley has already started to change his practices and methods to accommodate for this new device. One of the board member on the Make Me Taller forum sent the doctor a set of questions and Dr. Paley answered back. You can find his answers through the link HERE or by reading below.

A couple of days ago I sent an email to Dr. Dror Paley requesting an update on his pricing and information for the 2012 approved doctors list. As part of his update for 2012, he sent me the following article explaining his switch to the PRECISE system from ISKD. I hope this answers any questions that potential patients have about PRECISE.

Cosmetic Stature Lengthening: A New Breakthrough
By Dr. Dror Paley, Director Paley Advanced Limb Lengthening Institute, West Palm Beach, Florida.

In August 2011, a new implantable lengthening device, the PRECISE,  was approved by the FDA. It was developed by Ellipse Technologies, out of California in conjunction with a team of orthopedic surgeon consultants, myself included. Ellipse used an internal lengthening mechanism that they had developed for use in the spine. The major advance of this device is that it has complete rate control and can even go reverse (shortening). Inside the lengthening nail there is a magnet, which is connected to a gear box which in turn is connected to a screw shaft. Rotating the magnet rotates the screw shaft and lengthens or shortens the telescopic nail. To rotate the internal magnet there is an external actuator that is held by hand and applied to the limb. The actuator has two magnets that are rotated by a motorized system while they are held against the leg at the level of the internal magnet in the nail. It takes hundreds of revolutions of the external magnet to effect a 1 mm change in length of the nail. The actuator lengthens the nail if it is facing one way and shortens it if it is facing the other way. It takes 7 minutes to achieve 1mm. The nail is designed to be able to lengthen against a force of 80kg (176 lbs). The forces that need to be resisted inside the limb have been reported to be up to 50 kg (110 lbs). Therefore this nail is more than strong enough to lengthen the limb.

Although each nail is for one time use, the actuator can be used for many patients.  At present the FDA approved the use of the actuator only for the physicians office. This means that the patient must come in to the office daily to have the lengthening performed, including on weekends and holidays. The Precice can lengthen up to 6.5cms, although this amount may increase in future models. Our orthopedic technologist performs the lengthening for each patient daily. If there is any problem he alerts the clinical team, and the patient is seen by a physician assistant or doctor the same day. Since patients undergo daily physical therapy (PT) sessions at the Paley Institute, we coordinate the lengthening session with the physical therapy schedule. Patients have an x-ray every week to monitor the lengthening.  The x-rays are measured to confirm that the amount of lengthening that the actuator did has in fact been achieved. After the x-ray they are seen by one of our doctors or PA’s.

The PRECISE heralds in a new era for limb lengthening but especially for cosmetic limb lengthening. We now finally have a device that can be implanted with minimal incision surgery and which can perform lengthening by a remotely controlled mechanism without rate control problems. The safety factor with this device is excellent since it can be lengthened at any rate and can even be reversed to shorten the limb. Rate control should eliminate most of the complications we saw with the ISKD. At present we are the only center in the US to implant this device but we expect other centers to start using it.

Despite the ease of insertion and use, the limb lengthening process remains the same and the risks associated with limb lengthening remain unchanged. For these reasons it is still essential that a surgeon experienced in limb lengthening and in the treatment of lengthening complications be he one performing the procedure and following the patient. (see complications section below)

Recovery from Implantable Limb Lengthening

The typical recovery from bilateral femoral or tibial lengthening is as follows:

1)   surgery and hospitalization: 3-4 days
2)   distraction phase (weight bearing (WB) for transfers only; daily PT) = one day for each mm of lengthening (65 mm = 65 days);
3)   consolidation phase until full WB permitted = 1 month  in most but can be longer. The end of this phase is when the bone on the x-ray appears to bridge the lengthening gap at least on one side. WB is progressed from transfers only to full WB.
4)   Rehabilitation phase: full WB without crutches. Regaining of muscle strength and joint range of motion to normal. Usually 1-3 months.
5)   Return to sports usually by 4-6 months after surgery.

Removal of Implant

The implantable lengthening device should be removed. Although it is made of inert metal (either titanium or stainless steel), there are also other materials including rare earth magnets, etc. The moving parts also can lead to wear and even corrosion. For these reasons it is preferable to remove the device. The device can usually be removed as early as one year after surgery. There is no urgency in the timing of removal but it should be done. The removal is an outpatient procedure but does add some cost to the total costs of this surgery. It can be deferred for more than one year.

Historical perspective on implantable limb lengthening devices

I have been performing Limb Lengthening Surgery since 1986. The two main indications for such surgery are limb length equalization for limb length discrepancy (LLD) and stature lengthening for short stature. Since 1986 I have performed 13,000 limb lengthening surgeries. This is probably more than any other surgeon worldwide. The majority of these surgeries were for LLD. Over 1000 were for short stature related to dwarfism and about 300 for cosmetic reasons.

Many have asked me why over the course of the past 25 years I have not performed more cases for cosmetic reasons.  The primary reason was that the magnitude of the procedure and its complications were out of proportion for a cosmetic procedure. I therefore was very selective and careful and worked out the safe parameters and methods for achieving stature increase for cosmetic reasons.  That has all changed now with the Precise device. The rate control offered by this method finally makes the procedure more in proportion to a cosmetic height gain.

My history with cosmetic lengthening for stature 

I started with the Ilizarov method for lengthening of both tibias in 1987 and soon after switched to the lengthening over nail method I had developed in 1990. Although my results were excellent, the scars, the pain, the suffering, the pin site infections were not conducive to a cosmetic procedure. I sought a fully implantable lengthening solution.  When the Alibizzia nail, developed by Guichet became available I worked with the French company that made the nail to develop a tibial lengthening Albizzia for stature lengthening. I started using this in 1996.  The severe pain experienced by patients from the 15° rotation of the thigh through the break in the bone, as well as several implant failures lead me to stop using this non-FDA approved device. In 2001, when the ISKD, developed by Cole was approved by the FDA and marketed by Orthofix became available, I was the first surgeon after Dr. Cole to implant this device. I thought that this was going to be the panacea for cosmetic lengthening. I have since performed over 350 ISKD implantable limb lengthenings, more than anyone in the world. Many of these patients were ISKD’s for cosmetic stature lengthenings.  The surgery was minimally invasive with few scars. The problem was rate control. The ISKD lengthening is dependent on movement. Therefore it can lengthen too quickly, too slowly or at the desired rate of 1mm per day. Over 50% of cases lengthened too quickly, 20% too slowly and only 30% at the desired rate. I was a consultant for Orthofix and advised them since 2001 that they need to redesign the mechanism to achieve rate control. Lack of rate control lead to most of the complications such as muscle contractures, nerve injury, poor bone formation, etc. Furthermore there were many malfunctions of the mechanism, which for unexplained reasons would fail to lengthen in the middle of the distraction phase.  This lead to increased numbers of procedures to treat complications. For stature patients this also meant increased costs. I learned to work with the ISKD to minimize complications and became an expert at the treatment and prevention of these complications. My final results due to my diligence were excellent in almost every patient. The ISKD was the only FDA approved device and was the best implantable lengthening device that we had in the USA. The ISKD, the Albizzia and the Fitbone are all what I call first generation lengthening nails. They all suffer from significant mechanical and other problems.
On December 1, 2011, I implanted the first 3 Precice nails. Although it is too early to tell the results, I can attest to the perfect rate control in these three cases and the complete lack of pain compared to the ISKD and Albizzia. While the procedure for implantation was the same with few and very short incisions (minimal scars) the postoperative course thus far has been much more comfortable for the patients. I think this difference is due to two factors: rate of lengthening control and no rotatory movement through the osteotomy site. I will continue to post up to date results for this new technology.

Cosmetic Stature Considerations and FAQs about Implantable Limb Lengthening

(the following represents the author’s opinion based on his personal extensive experience with limb lengthening in general and with implantable limb lengthening)

Overview of Costs

Cosmetic surgery of any kind is not covered by medical insurance. Therefore cost is probably the number one limiting factor for most individuals seeking cosmetic stature lengthening. Costs vary by country, center, surgeon and technique. The cost of the device contributes a lot to the cost of the procedure. External fixators while expensive when new can be reused. Therefore the cost of reused external fixators is very cheap. The remaining costs are related to the cost of healthcare in the hospital where the surgery is to be performed. For this reason many patients choose to go overseas for treatment. Although there are some credible and safe centers for stature lengthening in other countries, there are also many centers where you put yourself at risk of disaster and permanent disability. I have kept silent for many years while patients from many centers all over the world have made their way to me to fix the complications they developed in some of these international centers. Keep in mind that since this surgery is very lucrative it is open to abuse all over the world including in the US. It is very difficult for the consumer to discern where to go. All limb lengthening surgeons or centers are not the same. Just because it is cheaper does not mean that the patient will get the desired result. I have come to the conclusion that in many cases you get what you pay for. While the cost in the US is higher the safety factor is also proportionally higher. In the past 5 years I have seen and operated upon 20 American and foreign patients who went to have cosmetic stature lengthening at overseas less expensive centers. The cost to reconstruct and ‘rescue’ their limbs was as high or higher than the cost to undergo the procedure in the US in the first place. The final result although improved after I operated upon these patients is not as good as if I had done the original surgery.

Implant costs

The implant cost of the ISKD in the US costs is $13,000 per unit. The Precice currently costs the same amount. That is subject to change. Therefore just the cost of the implants for bilateral implantable lengthening implants is $26,000. Please note the cost quoted is not the cost of the surgery. It is the cost of the implants alone.

Surgery cost

The cost of a bilateral femoral or tibial lengthening at our center can be obtained by contacting us at or
The medical costs of bilateral implantable limb lengthening surgery is broken up into inpatient costs, outpatient costs, and rehabilitation costs. Inpatient costs is the actual cost of surgery and hospitalization. This includes: the surgeon’s fees based on the list of surgical procedures done; the surgical assistant fees; the hospital fees for the operating room, recovery room, and the number of days in hospital which also includes the implants used (including drugs such as Botox), the type and duration of postop analgesia (e.g. PCA or epidural), inpatient physical therapy and other miscellaneous charges. Outpatient costs include the number of clinic visits and the x-rays taken at each visit. Rehabilitation costs include the number of daily outpatient physical therapy sessions. These inpatient, outpatient and rehabilitation charges vary from patient to patient and from technique to technique.
For example: with the ISKD it is necessary to do additional procedures to prevent complications in case of a runaway nail; e.g. we routinely lengthen the fascia lata and the biceps tendon, decompress the peroneal nerve and injected Botox into the quadriceps muscles to prevent muscle spasm and pain. With the Precice we do not need to do any of these prophylactically, with the exception of lengthening the fascia lata in some cases.

Amount of stature gain

Most patients desire 3 inches (7.5cms) of stature gain and some more than that. The Precise can lengthen up to 2.55 inches (6.5 cms) at present. This may change in the future. Patients who want more than this should consider a second lengthening of the other bone (femur 6.5cms and then tibia 6.5cms). The total height gain with this strategy is 5.1 inches. Of course the cost of two lengthenings is twice that of one lengthening. With the ISKD it was not safe to lengthen more than 5cms because of the risk of too rapid lengthening. The limits with the Precice will be the patients soft tissues. As long as patients can maintain good range of motion they can continue lengthening until the maximum of the nail (6.5cms). A major advantage of the Precice is that the lengthening can be stopped at any time without additional surgery. With the ISKD the lengthening cannot be stopped without surgery until the total lengthening of the nail has been achieved.

Height requirements

I used to restrict stature lengthening according to maximum height criteria. I currently don’t have a maximum height threshold. The reason for this is that the risks and complications are independent of starting height. Furthermore the motivation to do this surgery, which in most people is called Height Neurosis or Height Dysphoria is also height independent. I have seen patients who are 5’10” just as bothered by their height as those who are 5’ tall.  Psychological profiles of such tall and short patients were the same and the final result was the same. Therefore I don’t feel there is a reason to restrict this surgery by height.

Psychological Considerations

I also used to use a psychologist to evaluate all my patients before surgery. After more than 20 years I have gotten fairly good at doing this evaluation myself. The purpose of this evaluation is to make sure we are not operating upon patients with a body dysmorphic psychosis as well as to make sure that patients have the proper support required to undergo this procedure. Research we did on the psychological evaluation before vs after lengthening, showed that patients were happier after the lengthening and that the body image problems they had before surgery went away. Based on these results I am now making this surgery more available to prospective patients.

Disability during lengthening

Unlike other cosmetic procedures this stature lengthening is temporarily disabling to the patient. Furthermore the risks of this procedure can leave a patient with a permanent loss of function, range of motion and disability. During the lengthening the patient is in a wheelchair and dependent on others for many functions. Therefore cosmetic stature lengthening patients need support from friends or family or else need to hire a caregiver.


During the stature lengthening with an implantable device, the patient should not be full weightbearing (WB). The rod inside the bone needs to support the entire weight of the patient while allowing the bone to heal. Once the bone is healed there is no problem with WB. Irrespective of which implantable nail is used the consideration regarding WB should be the same. All of the implantable nails are about the same strength. I have seen several nail failures as well as failure to heal related to premature WB. I permit WB with a walker for transfers from bed to chair and chair to toilet, etc. Once the lengthening is completed I do not allow full WB until the lengthening gap shows bony bridging on the x-ray. I hear all the time about other surgeons who permit full WB with crutches earlier. I also have seen the failures I described above sometimes because premature WB was permitted.

Unexpected problems, complications and costs

No one wants unexpected problems, complications and costs. For these reasons I am very conservative regarding many aspects of the limb lengthening process. I try and anticipate problems and prevent complications. Many complications lead to additional surgery and therefore to additional costs. The following is a list of the more common complications:
Premature consolidation: in this complication the patient bone bridges the gap and prevents further lengthening. Premature consolidation (PC) can occur with any method if the patient is a very rapid bone healer. The patient in these cases is able to make bone faster than the speed at which the bone is being lengthened.  The only way to prevent this is to speed up the lengthening intentionally for a week or two. The Precice nail with its rate control allows the surgeon to do this. If premature consolidation does occur it requires an outpatient small surgery to rebreak the bone through a tiny incision.
With the ISKD and Albizzia premature consolidation was a well recognized complication due to the lack of control of rate of lengthening. Since lengthening in both of these devices occurred by movement through the osteotomy site and since movement through the osteotomy site can cause pain and muscle spasm, the patients muscles sometimes would prevent the movement and therefore the lengthening from occurring. In other cases both the ISKD and the Albizzia have had broken mechanisms that fail to lengthen during the distraction phase leading to PC.  The treatment in these cases was to not only rebreak the bone but also to change the device to a new device. Although in each such case the company provided a new device at no additional cost, the patient still had to bear the cost of an additional outpatient surgery.

Delayed or failure of consolidation

Slow or failed bone healing can occur with any lengthening surgery. This complication can usually be prevented by making drill holes at the level of the planned osteotomy before reaming the bone. This is a technique I introduced in 1990 with the lengthening over nail method. Stable fixation is also important so the choice of nail length and diameter are important as well as the level of the osteotomy. Even the type of osteotomy affects the rate of bone healing. Cutting the bone with multiple drill holes and an osteotome is the most minimal invasive way while using an intramedullary saw or performing an open osteotomy have higher failure rates. All of these are surgeon controlled parameters and are based on surgeon knowledge and experience. Choosing the wrong level or method of osteotomy or the wrong diameter or length of implant can significantly impact the result. Perhaps the most important parameter however is the rate of distraction. Lengthening too quickly can lead to delay or complete or partial failure of bone formation.

Too rapid distraction is the most common cause of poor bone formation with the ISKD. This is not a problem with the PRECISE since it has complete rate control. Poor bone healing can be recognized during the lengthening process. Once it is recognized the rate of distraction should be slowed. Slowing the distraction is difficult with the ISKD. It requires the patient to stop physical therapy, get into bed and decrease mobility and wear a brace from the hip to the ankle. With the Precise the lengthening can be reduced to any level or even stopped. If despite these changes the bone healing remains poor, the lengthening can be reversed until better bone formation is seen. The bone can then be relengthened. This can only be done with the Precise. Going reverse is not possible with the ISKD, Albizzia or the Fitbone. This is a huge advantage that was only possible before with external fixation.

Delay or failure of bone formation can delay weightbearing and increase the period of disability and recovery. Furthermore it can lead to the need for surgery to get the bone to heal. Such surgery requires a bone graft and is not a small operation and can be quite costly. Therefore having a device like the Precice that can prevent or treat the problem is a major advance.

Nerve injury

Nerve injury can occur with any lengthening surgery but is usually uncommon if the rate of distraction does not exceed 1mm per day and if the amount of lengthening is restricted. Rate control is the most important factor to prevent nerve damage. Recognition of nerve symptoms is important. The lengthening should be stopped or slowed in such cases. If any motor symptoms (weakness or paralysis of muscles) occurs a nerve decompression should be done as soon as possible. This is a small outpatient surgery. In most cases it is the peroneal nerve that gets into trouble. It is important that the surgeon know how to decompress this nerve to prevent foot drop. Delay in decompression can lead to permanent foot drop.

The ISKD too rapid distraction has lead to nerve complications in some patients. For this reason I will not lengthen more than 5cms with the ISKD. With the Precice and complete rate control, nerve injury should be much less common.

Muscle contractures

Muscles normally get tight with lengthening. A muscle contracture occurs when a muscle gets tight enough to prevent a joint from moving through its entire range of motion. To prevent muscle contractures physical therapy (PT) is essential. The patient should do daily stretches of the muscles and joints at risk. E.g. knee joint and quadriceps muscles for femur lengthening and ankle joint and Achilles tendon for tibial lengthening. In addition to formal PT the patient should do their own stretches at home several times per day. PT is essential to the lengthening process. It is however expensive. I will not consider doing a lengthening if a patient is not willing to do PT. This is not an option for reducing cost. Too rapid distraction with the ISKD made PT even more difficult. We frequently had to suspend PT to slow the distraction. We also had to fight muscle spasm due to the constant bone movement with the ISKD. For this reason we started using Botox to prevent spasm with ISKD. Botox is very expensive. It is usually not necessary if the rate of distraction is controllable. Once again the controlled rate of lengthening with the Precice makes the risk of muscle contractures and muscle spasm less. I do not routinely use Botox with the Precice which is another cost savings. The Precise does not obviate the need for PT.  Maintaining range of motion and preventing contractures during lengthening decreases the rehabilitation time to return to normal function after the lengthening is finished. A fixed contracture of the knee or ankle can lead to disability and the need for more prolonged PT and the expenses associated. If despite additional PT the contracture does not resolve additional surgery to lengthen muscles, tendons and fascia may be required. I try and anticipate this and prophylactically lengthen certain soft tissue structures to prevent contractures. If this is done at the initial surgery the additional cost is small. If soft tissue lengthening surgery is required at a later date the cost is much higher since one also has to pay for the hospital costs.

Fibular complications

With tibial lengthening the fibula has to be lengthened too. The implantable lengthening device only lengthens and fixes the tibia. The fibula has to be fixed to the tibia so that it lengthens together with it. If the fibula is not fixed or not fixed adequately it will not lengthen as much as the tibia and will lead to severe consequences including subluxation and arthritis of the ankle and flexion contracture of the knee. The method of fixation is critical. Many surgeons only fix the lower end of the fibula to the tibia. This can lead the fibula to prematurely consolidate and to pull down and dislocate from the tibia at its upper end. It is important to fix the fibula at both ends. With external fixation the fibula can be fixed with the wires of an external fixator. With implantable lengthening the fibula must be fixed with screws to the tibia; one screw at the upper end and one at the lower end. The angle, level, position, diameter, and type of screw are all important. E.g. a common mistake is to put the screw in horizontally between the two bones. This is not strong enough to prevent the fibula from pulling away from the tibia at the ankle. This is very subtle and even a few millimeters of difference in length of the fibula at the ankle lead to short term and/or long term consequences for the patient. Removing a segment of the fibula to prevent the fibula from not separating is another common method that should be abandoned. It leads to a nonunion of the fibula which can lead to a stress fracture at a later date in the tibia. Furthermore it usually does not prevent the fibula from pulling away from the tibia. Therefore fibular complications have nothing to do with the type of implantable lengthening device but rather with the method the surgeon chooses to fixate the fibula to the tibia and the method of cutting the fibula bone.

Me: I sincerely wanted to thank the guys on the Make Me Taller boards for being so proactive and inquisitive on finding out about the latest developments in limb lengthening surgery. They have made my life a lot easier when I am scouring through the internet to see what methods and techniques are available at the current time. They really know what they are talking about and are probably the best group of people to talk to if one decides to go with the route of increasing height by going through with the limb lengthening surgery. Total cost is said to be $90,000 US dollars.

Grow Taller By Feet And Heel Implantations, Macrolane And Bio-Alcamid

This is another interesting idea that is quite original which I personally have thought about years ago. This method appears to give a person only a few extra (2-4) centimeters, but there seems to be a market for it at least in certain countries. I once stated that I am willing to look at any technique, method, or idea that is out there but I will try to make an assessment of the feasibility and possible effectiveness of the method to see if it work. I found out about the idea originally from the Make Me Taller boards. You can find the complete discussion and posts about this new method to add a few centimeters HERE.

The original website it was found from can be reach by clicking HERE but the content is in spanish so a translator was used to translate the article, which happens to be really short.

A dream of many men and women is to be higher, but sometimes it becomes necessary to access a job, which calls for a minimum size. Is solved because Macrolane is injected in the heel that is long lasting between 12-18 months, or permanently with Bioalcamid Both are made in the same way, with a local anesthetic injection and the injection of the prosthesis, depending on the we can increase number of 2-4cm and dysmetria up to 6 cm. Sometimes must be made several times to gradually increase the thickness of the heel to “grow. ” In about 30 minutes the session is done and we should not get rest.
No note or to touch or stuck walking prosthesis that heel pad
The price depends on the prosthesis wear. If using Macrolane the price is 1000 € the session by standing in the case of Bioalcamid € 1200 per session and foot. The session can reach 2 cm more in height. For a 2 nd or subsequent session must wait 3-4 weeks and by increasing the pad height increases up to 6 cm.
This substance was discovered in the early 30’s by Karl Meyer and his colleague John Palmer, two German pharmacists. Used primarily in the field of cosmetic surgery but also has therapeutic uses in treating physical problems such as osteoarthritis of the knee.Cosmetic surgery doctors say that aesthetics and design of the body are very personal and they only help people to feel comfortable with himself, and this is achieved, among other techniques due to hyaluronic acid.These latest generation implants used in breast, buttocks and feet are the safest. A woman tells how she put on a hyaluronic acid implant in their heels to wear high heels without getting sore feet. It is just one example of the many applications of this new trend of cosmetic surgery.

Me: What seems to be mainly talked about on the boards is whether the implants is truly permanent or only temporary. One of the moderators of the board adds

It looks perfect  for cases of flat feet, dysmetria of legs, if just need only 2-3 cm for get job (police, military, pilots y etc) and in some specials cases. but I don´t see it very well for LL. I have a few doubts. I just follow to logic.1. When women wear heels (even only few hours at day)  that influences musculoskeletal system and causes pain of muscle, back, hips, ankles and etc. The resulting additional load to the all body.Lengthening of tibias not change position of joints and generally does not bring any changes that may seriously affect the whole body. So I guess that before make this type of treatment would be better to consult it with orthopedists.2.if you put silicon for get 4-5cm high, what  kind of shoes can be used? (I see this question silly but this problem may appear in future)Also would be interesting to know  about Contraindications. Im trying to find more information about this method or posts of people who already made. But for now don’t see nothing.

Me: For the contact information for the clinic if you are interested, it is below

The treatment can be completed with two different types of material: Macrolane (12 to 18 months)

Macrolane™ is a safe and highly effective treatment that uses gel containing biodegradable hyaluronic acid that occurs naturally in the body to fill out your skin and lubricate joints, giving extra volume and support where you need it.It has been used most often for breast augmentation, where it helps to swell the tissue in the breast to increase the size. 100ml of Macrolane will provide an increase of one cup size. The maximum that can be used in breast enhancement is 150ml.

Because it is biodegradable, it is slowly absorbed back into the body.

Bio-Alcamid (permanent)
Bio-Alcamid is an injected endoprosthesis (internal body extension)  almost completely of water (97%) and which is considered generally safe for internal usage.

Once the implant has been injected it has almost exactly the same consistency as the surrounding tissue without producing unpleasant visual or tactile effects or seeming artificial. Within a short time of being established in the body, a thin layer of tissue forms around it and insulates it from the rest of the body, making it a permanent addition, and something that can then be easily removed.

So, it is, potentially, possible to have a modest height increase (approximately 2cm) through the introduction of one of these materials into the soles of the feet.

I considered this myself a few years ago, but only temporary enhancement was possible. The introduction of Bio-Alcamid means that it may be possible to permanently give one’s height a little boost.

It could cost about $8000 for 2cm increase if done in the UK, so it is not great value for money compared to LL and it may look and feel odd, but definitely worth some investigation – I think that I’ll go and get some in a few weeks and will report back to everyone!

The other most informative posts I found on this subject were these: Madrid
Orense 29, 2ºA, Esc.Dcha
TLF: 91 556 80 79 Zaragoza
Gran vía 24, 1ºA
TLF: 97 621 36 66

Me: Besides this clinic, here are actually a lot of medical clinic who do a similar surgical procedure to add some extra “heel’ to their patients. There have been even clinics that offer to the women a way to put high heel implants so that they can add the height with the heel without ever needing to take the extra height away. (Resource 1Resource 2)

With every one of these types of post I do where I talk about another method or idea scientists or innovators come up to increase the human body’s length, I feel that I have to give some type of final message and thoughts on the method. With this idea of putting implants in one’s feet to gain say up to 1 extra inch in height, I would have to say that most people who consider it are either doing it because they are trying to just get to some height requirement for professional reasons often because the job description requires it. If one is seriously considering it for themselves for cosmetic reasons, I would suggest to not go through with it. Most people who are dissatisfied with their height often want large changes like 4,6 or even 1 foot of extra height. For someone to decide to go under the knife just to get a foreign synthetic chemical substance injected just below their skin so that they can look 2-3 centimeters just seems very excessive and might I used the word “crazy” for me. those type of people have other issues or personal eccentricities that they should probably deal with first before deciding to increase their height.

Maybe it is just something I don’t understand and someone else might want to go through with it. We each have our own lives to live and we make the choice we think are the best for us. I try to provide the most legitimate, and honest resources and techniques I have found to you and you are the person who has to decide what to do with it.

The Shortest Person In The World, Chandra Bahadur Dangi

Since I talk so about about the biggest and tallest people and how to grow taller, it may seem like I only prefer people who are big but that is not true. I find any humans who have extreme bodies interesting. To follow in the spirit of the previous post which was only an introductory look at dwarfism, achondroplasia, and growth-hormone deficiency I wanted to answer the question “Who is the shortest person in the world, at least right now?”

The title seems to go to Chandra Bahadur Dangi (age 72) of Nepal at the current time who stands only at 0.546 m (1 ft 9 in) tall. He broke the record of Gul Mohammed, the shortest adult human whose height was 22.5 inches. He was awarded the title of shortest adult human ever recorded after measuring his height three times in 24 hours. Guinness official Craig Glenday presented Dangi with two certificates for being the world’s shortest living man and the world’s shortest person recorded in Guinness’ 57-year history. Dangi takes the shortest man record from Junrey Balawing of the Philippines, who is 23.5 inches (60 centimeters) tall.

Chandra suffers from primordial dwarfism, which results in a smaller body size in all stages of life beginning from before birth. More specifically, primordial dwarfism is a diagnostic category including specific types of profoundly proportionate dwarfism, in which individuals are extremely small for their age. So the condition results in some of the most extreme cases of dwarfism which many of the former world’s smallest person suffered from as well.

To learn more about Chandra you can go to the resources available, Huffington Post, CBS , and Daily Mail UK

Introduction To Dwarfism, Achondroplasia, And Growth-Hormone Deficiency

I have this personal philosophy that for one to be able to reach any goal or get to any destination, it is important to study the entire range of the subject of study. I also focus a lot on what could be the opposite result or effect of the process or system being analyzed.

For example, If I wanted to learn how to success in business, not only will I study and learn from the best of the best who made their millions or even billions, I would try to study those individuals who failed and failed spectacularly bad, and learn form their experiences and mistakes to do the exact opposite of their actions or avoid those actions. This is why I believe that to learn all the methods and way to possibly increase height, it is important to also learn about the different ways one’s height can be decreased, stunted, or lost.

We had previously talked about how one will usually lose height as one gets older HERE, whether Coffee and Caffeine will stunt one’s growth HERE, and there was many mentions of how one’s height can be lost if one does not get the right nutrition and exercise. Now we wanted to focus on natural conditions (i.e. genetic disorders) that develops into short stature for people.

When talking about people of short stature, there are a few terms used in the public lexicon which apparently have different meanings each. There is dwarf, midget, pygmy, and little people. The terms midget is now considered offensive and we will not use it. The term little people is a term used for political correctness in social science arguments so we won’t use that term either. We will focus on the biological term Dwarf in this post. Dwarfs are people who suffer from dwarfism (real clear definition there). Dwarfism is sometimes defined as an adult height of less than 147 cm (58 inches) by the National Institute Of Health. However we must be very careful with that definition because dwarfism can only be used to talk about a pathology and disorder since short stature is not defined or classified as a disorder. The reason is because of the fact that pygmies are people who have through evolution evolved to their relative small sizes for fitness reasons but they do not suffer from any form of physical or genetic maladies as defined by the current medical literature.

From the Wikipedia Article on Dwarfism found HERE.

“Dwarfism can be caused by about 200 distinct medical conditions, such that the symptoms and characteristics of individual people with dwarfism vary greatly… Disproportionate dwarfism is characterized by one or more body parts being relatively large or small in comparison to those of an average-sized adult, with growth variations in specific areas being apparent. In cases of proportionate dwarfism, the body appears normally proportioned, but is unusually small. ”

Disproportionate dwarfism is characterized by one or more body parts being unusually large or small compared to the rest of the body. In achondroplasia one’s trunk is usually of average size, one’s limbs being proportionately shorter, one’s head usually larger, and a prominent forehead. In at least one case achondroplasia resulted in a significantly smaller trunk and head. Facial features are often affected and individual body parts may have problems associated with them. Orthopedic problems can result from multiple conditions such as diastrophic dysplasia and pseudoachondroplasia.

Proportionate dwarfism is marked by body parts being proportional but smaller. Height is significantly below average and there may be long periods without any significant growth. Sexual development is often delayed or impaired into adulthood. Unlike disproportionate dwarfism, in some cases intellectual disability may be a part of proportionate dwarfism. The overall stunted growth can lead to impaired intelligence when compared to physical age.

Physical maleffects of malformed bones vary according to the specific disease. Many involve joint pain caused by abnormal bone alignment, or from nerve compression. Early degenerative joint disease, exaggerated lordosis or scoliosis, and constriction of spinal cord or nerve roots can cause pain and disability. Reduced thoracic size can restrict lung growth and reduce pulmonary function. Some forms of dwarfism are associated with disordered function of other organs, such as the brain or liver, sometimes severely enough to be more of an impairment than the unusual bone growth.

Mental effects also vary according to the specific underlying syndrome. In most cases of skeletal dysplasia, such as achondroplasia, mental function is not impaired in any way. However, there are syndromes which can affect the cranial structure and growth of the brain, severely impairing mental capacity. Unless the brain is directly affected by the underlying disorder, there is little to no chance of mental impairment that can be attributed to dwarfism.

The most common form of dwarfism is achondroplasia. Achondroplasia is a bone-growth disorder responsible for 70% of dwarfism cases. With achondroplasia, one’s limbs are proportionately shorter than one’s trunk (abdominal area), with a larger head than average and characteristic facial features. Conditions in humans characterized by disproportional body parts are typically caused by one or more genetic disorders in bone or cartilage development. Extreme shortness in humans with proportional body parts usually has a hormonal cause, such as growth-hormone deficiency, once called pituitary dwarfism.

There is no single treatment for dwarfism. Individual differences, such as bone-growth disorders, sometimes can be treated through surgery, some hormone disorders can be treated through medication, and by hormone replacement therapy; this treatment must be done before the child’s’ growth plates fuse. Individual accommodations, such as specialized furniture, are often used by people with dwarfism. Many support groups provide services to aid individuals with dwarfism in facing the challenges of an ableist society.

Dwarfism is a highly visible condition and often carries negative connotations in society. Because of their unusual height, people with dwarfism often work as spectacles in entertainment and are often portrayed with stereotypes. For a person with dwarfism, heightism can lead to ridicule in childhood and discrimination in adulthood.

Short stature can be inherited without any coexisting disease. Short stature in the absence of a medical condition is not generally considered dwarfism. For example, a short man and a short woman with average health will tend to produce children who are also short and with average health. While short parents tend to produce short children, persons with dwarfism may produce children of average height, if the cause of their dwarfism is not genetically transmissible or if the individual does not pass on the genetic variation.

Me: I would say that this is a good introduction to the study of dwarfism, all the main types there are, and what affect they have on the body. There will be more analysis and study on dwarfism in the future, specifically a look at achondroplasia and growth-hormone deficiency.


The Giants Of Patagonia, Are They Real?

When we try to find really tall people in history, we get a lot of tall tales (pun intended) and legends. You can’t seem to go to any ethnic group without hearing some form of story of their relations and association with giants.

When Yao Ming first came to the public eye in more than a decade ago in 2002, there was a rumor gong around that he had a sister who even taller than him. Bouncer and occasional actor Calvin Lane who is also 7′ 6″ claims that he has two siblings who are even bigger than him. (Resource) Maybe he meant in age, but probably not over 7′ 6″ in height since if they were really that tall, they would already have been found out.

We get stories told by Native Americans about Red- Haired Giants from the Southwest US area (resource 1, resource 2, resource 3, resource 4). They were called Paiutes named the giants Si-Te-Cah they were supposed to be up to 12 feet tall and ate humans. Interesting enough, one of the resources show that a mummified body was unearthed where the bones measured out to be around 6′ 6″ which can actually validate these myths. Not 12 feet but at a height which in those days might have been true giants.

Hell, if we go to the first resource link the guy who wrote the article says that his mother claims his grandfather was much taller than him or his father, and that his great-grandfather was taller than his grandfather.

How is it that these stories about tall ancestors and distance relatives only get bigger and bigger like the classic fish stories about the size of “the one that got away”. As the years move on, that length of the lost fish gets bigger and bigger until we are left to wonder where to draw the line between reality and pure imagination.

Which brings us to quite possible the most well known stories of giant in human history, not counting the Biblical story of Goliath. Modern anthropologists and researchers seemed to have calculated out the height of Goliath to be more like 6′ 9″ instead of the 9 foot tall claim made by the religious writers (Resource). That would also seem very reasonable. The stories I am talking about are the legends claimed by Europeans explorers who went by Patagonia in the 16th and 17th century.

If we even go to the wikipedia article on Patagonia (located HERE) we find out the name Patagonia itself is a name the Spaniards used to describe the large size of the natives they saw. Magellan is probably the most famous explorer to land on Patagonia and he made some interesting observations.

It is now believed the Patagons were actually Tehuelches with an average height of 180 cm (~5′11″) compared to the 155 cm (~5′1″) average for Spaniards of the time.

The excerpt taken from Wikipedia

Patagonian giants: early European perceptions

The first European explorers of Patagonia observed that the indigenous people in the region were taller than the average Europeans of the time, prompting some of them to believe that Patagonians were giants.

According to Antonio Pigafetta, one of the Magellan expedition’s few survivors and its published chronicler, Magellan bestowed the name “Patagão” (or Patagón) on the inhabitants they encountered there, and the name “Patagonia” for the region. Although Pigafetta’s account does not describe how this name came about, subsequent popular interpretations gave credence to a derivation meaning ‘land of the big feet’. However, this etymology is questionable. The term is most likely derived from an actual character name, “Patagón“, a savage creature confronted by Primaleón of Greece, the hero in the homonymous Spanish chivalry novel (or knight-errantry tale) by Francisco Vázquez. This book, published in 1512, was the sequel of the romance “Palmerín de Oliva,” much in fashion at the time, and a favourite reading of Magellan. Magellan’s perception of the natives, dressed in skins, and eating raw meat, clearly recalled the uncivilized Patagón in Vázquez’s book. Novelist and travel writer Bruce Chatwin suggests etymological roots of both Patagon and Patagonia in his book, In Patagonia, noting the similarity between “Patagon” and the Greek word παταγος, which means “a roaring” or “gnashing of teeth” (in his chronicle, Pigafetta describes the Patagonians as “roaring like bulls”).

1840s illustration (somewhat idealised) of indigenous Patagonians from near the Straits of Magellan; from “Voyage au pole sud et dans l’Océanie …..” by French explorer Jules Dumont d’Urville

The main interest in the region sparked by Pigafetta’s account came from his reports of their meeting with the local inhabitants, whom they claimed to measure some nine to twelve feet in height —“…so tall that we reached only to his waist”—, and hence the later idea that Patagonia meant “big feet”. This supposed race of Patagonian giants or Patagones entered into the common European perception of this little-known and distant area, to be further fuelled by subsequent reports of other expeditions and famous-name travellers like Sir Francis Drake, which seemed to confirm these accounts. Early charts of the New World sometimes added the legend regio gigantum (“region of the giants”) to the Patagonian area. By 1611 the Patagonian god Setebos (Settaboth in Pigafetta) was familiar to the hearers of The Tempest.

The concept and general belief persisted for a further 250 years, and was to be sensationally re-ignited in 1767 when an “official” (but anonymous) account was published of Commodore John Byron’s recent voyage of global circumnavigation in HMS Dolphin. Byron and crew had spent some time along the coast, and the publication (Voyage Round the World in His Majesty’s Ship the Dolphin) seemed to give proof positive of their existence; the publication became an overnight best-seller, thousands of extra copies were to be sold to a willing public, and other prior accounts of the region were hastily re-published (even those in which giant-like folk were not mentioned at all).

However, the Patagonian giant frenzy was to die down substantially only a few years later, when some more sober and analytical accounts were published. In 1773 John Hawkesworth published on behalf of the Admiralty a compendium of noted English southern-hemisphere explorers’ journals, including that of James Cook and John Byron. In this publication, drawn from their official logs, it became clear that the people Byron’s expedition had encountered were no taller than 6-foot-6-inch (1.98 m), very high but by no means giants. Interest soon subsided, although awareness of and belief in the myth persisted in some quarters even up into the 20th century.

Me: From the Wikipedia article on Patagonian Giants or Patagones

The Patagones or Patagonian giants are a mythical race of people, who first began to appear in early European accounts of the then little-known region and coastline of Patagonia. They were supposed to have exceeded at least double normal human height, some accounts giving heights of 12 to 15 feet (3.7 to 4.6 m) or more. Tales of these improbable people would take a hold over European concepts of the region for some 250 years, until they were substantially debunked at the end of the 18th century.

First mention of these people came from the voyage of Ferdinand Magellan and his crew, who claimed to have seen them while exploring the coastline of South America en route to their circumnavigation of the world in the 1520s. Antonio Pigafetta, one of the expedition’s few survivors and the chronicler of Magellan’s expedition, wrote in his account about their encounter with natives twice a normal person’s height:

“One day we suddenly saw a naked man of giant stature on the shore of the port, dancing, singing, and throwing dust on his head. The captain-general [i.e., Magellan] sent one of our men to the giant so that he might perform the same actions as a sign of peace. Having done that, the man led the giant to an islet where the captain-general was waiting. When the giant was in the captain-general’s and our presence he marveled greatly, and made signs with one finger raised upward, believing that we had come from the sky. He was so tall that we reached only to his waist, and he was well proportioned…”

Pigafetta also recorded that Magellan had bestowed on these people the name “Patagão” (i.e. “Patagon”, or Patagoni in Pigafetta’s Italian plural),[1] but did not further elaborate on his reasons for doing so. Since Pigafetta’s time the assumption that this derived from pata or foot took hold, and “Patagonia” was interpreted to mean “Land of the Bigfeet”. However, this etymology remains questionable, since amongst other things the meaning of the suffix -gon is unclear. Nevertheless, the name “Patagonia” stuck, as did the notion that the local inhabitants were giants. Early maps of the New World afterwards would sometimes attach the label regio gigantum (“region of giants”) to the area.

In 1579, Sir Francis Drake’s ship chaplain, Francis Fletcher, wrote about meeting very tall Patagonians.

In the 1590s, Anthonie Knivet claimed he had seen dead bodies 12 feet (3.7 m) long in Patagonia.

Also in the 1590s, William Adams, an Englishman aboard a Dutch ship rounding Tiera del Fuego reported a violent encounter between his ship’s crew and unnaturally tall natives.

In 1766, a rumour leaked out upon their return to Britain that the crew of HMS Dolphin, captained by Commodore John Byron, had seen a tribe of 9-foot-tall (2.7 m) natives in Patagonia when they passed by there on their circumnavigation of the globe. However, when a newly-edited revised account of the voyage came out in 1773, the Patagonians were recorded as being 6 ft 6 in (1.98 m); very tall, but by no means giants.

The people encountered by Byron were in all likelihood the Tehuelches, indigenous to the region. Later writers consider the Patagonian giants to have been a hoax, or at least an exaggeration and mis-telling of earlier European accounts of the region.

Me: I would say that the patagonian stories and legends are probably true, given the relative size that is now scientifically valided on the natives who were often over 1 feet taller than the explorers. One would be amazed at how badly and incorrectly some people can estimate the height of people who are substantially taller than them. A person who is really 7 feet tall can claim to be 7′ 4″ or even 7′ 6″ and most people would believe them because they are so much shorter and smaller in relative size. P.T. Barnum and Bailey were famous for exhibiting tall giants and exxegrating the giant’s height, often by over 1 feet or more. There was very few giants who went on tour with Barnum & Bailey who were really their listed height. Robert Wadlow had also gone on tour with the circus and if he was billed as 10 foot and I saw him, I would have believed it.

If we remember, the most famous quote that P.T. Barnum has ben attributed to say is “There is an sucker born every minute”. A well known idea is that if you can tell a lie big enough and long enough, eventually people will start believing in it. Perfect examples was the age old myth that humans only use 10% of their brain, or that 93% of all communication is nonverbal, which were both eventually proven to be false in recent studies done in the last few decades.