Great News For Stem Cell Method For Height Increase! :)

I had just posted an article telling you guys that a group of surgeons that used a revolutionary new way to graft new bone to a woman’s leg and also lenghtne her legs by injecting stem cells. Well someone from the Make Me Taller boards have gotten in contact with the the head of Beauty Plaza clinic situated in Moskow.

You can find the board discussion HERE.

From what I see on the boards and the people who have contacted the researchers at the Russian Institute, the stem cell method for limb lengthening will be available very soon. Apparently Ekaterina Kulneva (the assistant) answered for Alexander Teplyashin that the height increase method /therapy will be available by next year, 2013. Alexander teplyashin  has a patent for height increase with artificial stem cells implant already. Of course like all breakthrough new scientific developments, there has been little literature or evidence backing up their claims. The only thing one can do is either choose to volunteer themselves to be one of their first patients (or guinea pigs) and try out their treatment yourself or wait a few years to see what happens. No pricing is available at this time.

A board member stated that ” I think that this stem cells will be injected on bone and you will be able to walk during the process( mean grow)” and they claim that 2.5 cms can be gained in 1 month through this type of treatment.”

Another board member who emailed the people states that “First of all, the method is not a clinical procedure at the moment. People say it will be in a year, but in my e-mail they haven’t told anything about that. Second, they are talking about an: “bone tissue biological graft based on human stem cell’s”. This bone graft will be implied in an bone defect that will activate tissue regeneration. In preclinical results the total regeneration was 2,5cm. Total regeneration was found in three months after operation. It is expected to increase human bones with 8-10cm. The advantages of this method ( as they claim ) are short term of the gap regeneration and the lack of strict physical activity restriction during recovery period.”

this is the maill adress of Ekaterina Kulneva:

and this is this is the website

This method does appear to be a truly legitimate way to increase one’s height as a complete alternative to the traditional approach of limb lenghtening through the Ilizarov method. The maximum height increase available at this time is 8 cm (3 inches). From the discussion, that means that one gets 4 cm for each limb part, femur and tibia. This however still depends a lot on the stretching ability of the muscles and skin around the bone.



Bone Growth Using Embryonic Stem Cells

In the spirit of the last few articles that shows the latest in science and technology of what studies are being done to research for ways to regrow bones and cartilage, I wanted to bring up 4 articles which I found which talks about the topic. I will be doing a quick outline on each of the articles. Most of the outline will jus tbe me cutting and pasting what I feel are the most important points of the article

Article 1: Bone Grown From Human Embryonic Stem Cells – ScienceDaily (May 14, 2012)

Article 2: Bone Repair Using Patient’s Stem Cells Comes Closer – ScienceDaily (May 28, 2008)

Article 3: Pioneering Induction of Bone Formation Using Embryonic Stem Cells – ScienceDaily (May 17, 2008)

Article 4: Scientists Closer to Making Implantable Bone Material – ScienceDaily (July 29, 2009)


Article 1: Bone Grown From Human Embryonic Stem Cells

A post-doc named Darja Marolt wrote a paper talking about a study she did at Columbia University under which showed  that human embryonic stem cells can be used to grow bone tissue grafts for use in research and potential therapeutic application. It is the first example of using bone cell progenitors derived from human embryonic stem cells to grow compact bone tissue in quantities large enough to repair centimeter-sized defects. The implanted bone tissue supported blood vessel ingrowth, and continued development of normal bone structure, without demonstrating any incidence of tumor growth when the technique was tested on lab rodents. Dr. Marolt’s work is a significant step forward in using pluripotent stem cells to repair and replace bone tissue in patients.

Dr. Marolt has continued to build upon this research as an Investigator in the NYSCF Laboratory, developing bone grafts from induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. iPS cells are similar to embryonic stem cells in that they can also give rise to nearly any type of cell in the body, but iPS cells are produced from adult cells and as such are individualized to each patient. By using iPS cells rather than embryonic stem cells to engineer tissue, Dr. Marolt hopes to develop personalized bone grafts that will avoid immune rejection and other implant complications.

Article 2: Bone Repair Using Patient’s Stem Cells Comes Closer

The research was carried out at the Tissue Regeneration Department of the University of Twente’s Institute for Biomechanical Technology (BMTI). Enzyme induces adult stem cells to grow bone. In animals, ‘adult’ mesenchymal stem cells have already been used successfully to grow fresh bone. Until now it has been difficult to induce adult human stem cells to produce bone. If the enzyme PKA is previously activated in the stem cells in the lab, following implantation this results in substantial bone formation. It produces a dramatic improvement in ‘in vivo’ bone growth. The cells can be observed maturing into bone cells already in the lab. This opens up new ways of repairing bone tissue using cell material from the patient.

The enzyme protein kinase A (PKA) is responsible for many processes in a cell. The messenger ‘cyclic AMP’ activates PKA: adding it to the stem cells ensures that they stimulate one another, the researchers think. Not only does cyclic AMP promote maturation into bone cells; the cells themselves also secrete various substances that stimulate bone growth. This may explain why mesenchymal stem cells treated with cyclic AMP form significantly more bone than those without the stimulus.

The advantage of administering a bone-growth-stimulating substance in advance is that it can be removed just before implantation. Experiments to date have mainly used high concentrations of a bone-growth-stimulating hormone, e.g. incorporated in the carrier on which the cells are ‘sown’. In the new approach not only are the hormone concentrations lower, they also more closely resemble the cocktail of hormones normally involved in bone growth.

Article 3: Pioneering Induction of Bone Formation Using Embryonic Stem Cells

There is a new breakthrough in stem cells research from successfully creating bone tissue “in vivo”, using embryonic stem cells. The scientists at University of Twente imitated bone formation in embryos and children, which uses cartilage as a template. This new approach appears to be a promising way of repairing bone defects.

Previous attempts to create bone using embryonic stem cells were unsuccessful. In the lab, there was clear evidence that these stem cells were differentiating into the bone lineage “in vitro”, however this process stalled after implantation and no bone tissue was formed. Yet, this approach did lead to bone formation when cultured adult stem cells from bone marrow were used. A ceramic material that is often used as bone void filler was selected to use for cartilage tissue engineering with mouse embryonic stem cells by accident. In the lab, mouse embryonic stem cells were seeded onto this ceramic material and induced into the developmental pathway leading to cartilage formation. Following implantation under the skin of a mouse, however, the cartilage tissue developed further, and was replaced by bone.

Bone formation via cartilage as a template proved to be an efficient, if unexpected, approach. Furthermore, this is the way in which most of the bones in the embryo are formed. Bone growth in children also occurs via this process, known as endochondral ossification. The researchers show that bone tissue is also formed in a bone defect. To demonstrate this, a scaffold with cells that had already formed cartilage, was implanted into a rat with a defect in its skull. Besides under the skin, bone was also formed in this bone defect. Therefore, this approach seems to be a promising new technique for repairing damaged bone.

Article 4: Scientists Closer to Making Implantable Bone Material

Scientists have found they can grow small ‘nodules’ of what appeared to be bone-like material in the laboratory from different types of bone cells and stem cells. The idea is that, ultimately, these bone-like materials could be inserted into cavities so that real bone could meld with it and repair the bone. scientists from Imperial College London have compared the ‘bone-like’ material grown from three different commonly used clinically relevant cell types and have discovered significant differences between the quality of bone-like material that these can form.

They have discovered that the ‘bone-like’ materials that were grown from bone cells from mouse skull and mouse bone marrow stem cells successfully mimicked many of the hallmarks of real bone, which include stiffness but was also much less stiff and less complex in its mineral composition when compared to the other materials. The study provides an important insight into how different cell sources can really influence the quality of bone that we can produce. It brings us one step closer to developing materials that will have the highest chance of success when implanted into patients.”

Stem Cells As An Alternative To Limb Lengthening Surgery, Update

These days I write so many articles that it is hard even for me to keep up with the articles that I write but I had found an article on the boards that showed that one of the techniques and methods I had mentioned maybe yesterday has actually been implemented in surgery to heal and regrow a patient’s leg bone.

The Post where I had originally talked about this particular method and new technique named appropriately “An Alternative To Limb Lengthening Surgery” is located HERE. The article on the actual technique implementation can be found from Sky News so click HERE .


Sky News Exclusive: Groundbreaking stem cell technique used to repair and lengthen bones

September 29, 2010 – [TX: From 0600, Thursday 30 September 2010, on Sky News HD Sky channel 517 (SD / 501)]

– Please note that any quotes used from the interview must credit Sky News in full –

Sky News has spoken exclusively to a British woman who underwent groundbreaking stem cell surgery after her leg was badly broken in a hit and run accident. Sky News cameras were granted exclusive access to film the world-first operation at Spire Alexandra Hospital in Kent, which saw surgeons use the patient’s own stem cells to repair the damage – and lengthen her leg.

Diane Stuttard was hit by a car while walking home after a night out in 2001. Her left tibia and fibula – her lower leg bones – were badly broken and she faced having her leg amputated after 11 failed operations. Diane contacted Orthopaedic surgeon Mr Anan Shetty after seeing a Sky News report about an earlier operation where he used stem cells to save the leg of a climber.

The pioneering operation saw surgeons remove the dead tissue then clamp Diane’s shinbone back together. A sample of bone marrow was taken from her pelvis and stem cells were purified. These were mixed with Surgifill, a unique gel that traps the cells against the fracture. Within days they start to form healthy new bone, healing the break.

To lengthen Diane’s leg surgeons cut into a healthy section of bone, injected more stem cells into the break, and used a hi-tech scaffold to gently pull apart the bone so that it grows one centimetre a month. It is the first time the combination of stem cells, Surgifill and the leg lengthening technique have been used anywhere in the world.

Diane Stuttard told Sky News: “I was advised to have the leg amputated by the surgeon in Leeds, but thankfully I said I wanted to wait until I had exhausted all avenues. I’m glad I did because this stem cell technique has come up and now it’s my chance to get it right.”

Speaking to Sky News, Diane’s Orthopaedic surgeon Mr Anan Shetty said: “I am confident the fracture will join up. We managed to cut out all the dead bone and get into bleeding bone, which means that it is healthy. We also managed to use stem cells that will stimulate the bone to grow quicker.”

Surgeons will have to wait 18 months before they can be sure that Diane’s bones have properly healed.

Sky News Health Correspondent Thomas Moore added: ‘’We are at the beginning of a new age of regenerative medicine, and orthopaedics is in the frontline. A few surgeons are now experimenting with techniques to repair damage – rather than replacing it with a man-made structure. So patients’ own stem cells are being used to heal complex fractures. And they’re being used to regenerate cartilage, so patients don’t need a knee replacement. It’s a very exciting technique.”

Me: What was amazing from the article that stuck out for me was that the doctors managed to increase the women’s leg bone by injecting stem cells. It did not say how her surrounding tissues was also increased in length specifically the muscle.  I want to do more research into the material called Surgill which was used to trap the cells. The most important part of the article was 

“To lengthen Diane’s leg surgeons cut into a healthy section of bone, injected more stem cells into the break, and used a hi-tech scaffold to gently pull apart the bone so that it grows one centimetre a month. It is the first time the combination of stem cells, Surgifill and the leg lengthening technique have been used anywhere in the world.”

My question is what was the scaffold the doctors used for support? I would guess that it was an appratus similar to the braces used in the traditional limb lengthening surgery which holds the two broken leg bone pieces in the right position so the healing process does not disfigure the patient. The last phrase was very assuring too with ” And they’re being used to regenerate cartilage, so patients don’t need a knee replacement. It’s a very exciting technique”

What Is Your Reason To Seek Height Increase?

I think this is an appropriate question to ask my regular readers. I know who you are out there. There really is only 3 of you, maybe 4 but I still wanted to ask and get some feedback from you guys. Some of you come and check this site like 10 times a day, which is cool by me. Any traffic and eyeballs who are interested in what I have to say and write is nice. If this turns into an obsession of yours, it might a good idea to take a break from this site. I do try to write 3-4 blog posts a day, sometimes even up to 7 articles, but sometimes I don’t have enough energy or motivation to do much.

 – What is your reason to seek height increase?  –

Do you feel that you are not as good as other people who might be taller than you? Or is your own self image of yourself keeping you from having the type of romantic success or attracting the romantic prospects that you desire? Maybe you think your lack of height is keeping you from getting a promotion or raise. Do people joke or tease you about your height?

As for myself, I had written about my story in a previous post which you can find HERE. I have had a history of insecurity over my self image, whether it was from my intelligence or my height. It is really frustrating when I have a cousin who has both a Ph. D and a M. D from Stanford and Harvard. He may be slightly shorter than me but his number of academic achievements really do intimidate me who only has an undergraduate degree from a relatively unknown state school. How am I supposed to compare myself to that kind of person? Anyway, my story is long and complex. I am a rather screwed up person.

Cartilage And Bone Regrowth Through Stem Cells

From the boards, I found another article that showed that the medical technology is definitely coming along where one day we will have the power to regrow our cartilage and bones, and maybe even our joints. While this might not be able to help us reinitiate natural body growth by opening up the growth plates back from the technology, we can definitely use this technology in collaboration with the limb lenghtening surgery to make the bone increasing go faster and heal quicker.

For other uses, the stem cells can be eventually ejected into our cavities where our old joints were and regrow completely new ones. Definitely the stuff of science fiction right now, and maybe in 20 years, the stuff of just science.

The full article was found from HERE.

Patients ‘could grow new joints’

Thursday, 29 July 2010

Scientists said people with knee or hip problems could in future ‘grow their own replacement joints’ using their own stem cells

People with knee or hip problems could in future “grow” their own replacement joints using their own stem cells, scientists have said.A team of experts has, for the first time, shown it is possible to grow joints inside the body which have a full range of movement and can bear weight.

The joints could potentially last longer than commonly-used artificial joints, saving elderly patients from having to undergo gruelling operations to replace those that have worn away.

The pioneering study was carried out on rabbits but researchers believe it paves the way for a future where people grow their own bone and cartilage.

Professor Jeremy Mao and his team at Columbia University Medical Centre in New York led the study with colleagues from the University of Missouri and Clemson University in South Carolina.

They used a computer to help create artificial scaffolds that were anatomically the same size and shape as rabbit leg joints. The scaffolds were infused with a growth factor and implanted into 10 rabbits after their own leg joints had been removed.

Attracted by the growth factor, their own stem cells went to the location of the missing joint and regenerated cartilage and bone in two separate layers. Just three to four weeks after surgery, the rabbits had fully regained movement and could bear weight similar to animals who had never undergone surgery.

The rabbits had grown their own joints using their own stem cells, instead of relying on an injection of stem cells into their body. This is the first time scientists have regenerated a limb joint using either harvested stem cells or an animal’s own stem cells.

The study was published online in The Lancet medical journal.

Prof Mao said: “This is the first time an entire joint surface was regenerated with return of functions including weight bearing and locomotion. Regeneration of cartilage and bone both from the host’s own stem cells, rather than taking stem cells out of the body, may ultimately lead to clinical applications.”

The Power Of The Late Growth Spurt And The Late Bloomer

I was watching the NBA draft a few months ago where Anthony Davis was draft #1 by the New Orleans Hornets. Before that fateful night which will be one of the pivotal moments in his life, he had accumulated man awards and honors. From the Wikipedia article about him found HERE, I quote the list of accomplishments and accolades.

“”He was a 2012 NCAA Unanimous First team All-American and was the 2011–12 NCAA Division I men’s basketball season blocks leader. He established Southeastern Conference single-season blocked shots and NCAA Division I freshman blocked shots records. He has also earned the national Freshman, Defensive Player and Big Man awards. In addition, he has been named the 2012 National Player of the Year by various organizations, earning the Oscar Robertson Trophy, the Adolph Rupp Trophy, the Associated Press Player of the Year, Naismith Award, Sporting News Player of the Year and John R. Wooden Award. He was the Southeastern Conference’s player, freshman and defensive player of the year. He helped lead Kentucky to a undefeated 2011–12 Southeastern Conference men’s basketball season and was the NCAA Tournament Most Outstanding Player when Kentucky won the 2012 NCAA Men’s Division I Basketball Tournament. “”

Of course we learn very quickly form the commentators that Anthony Davis was not always this type of basketball phenom who standard at 6′ 10″ with a wingspan of 7′ 4″. What is really the true defining act that changed his life was during the summer between his Sophomore and Junior year in high school when Anthony went through a 8 inch growth spurt!

Before that Anthony Davis was a relatively unknown 6′ 2″ point guard who was trying to get playing minutes on the court in a relatively unknown south part of Chicago where there was little basketball talent or opportunities. The moment after David shot up, his playing and new found size caught the eye of the scouts in college and the professional league. In 1 years time, he had become the #1 prospect by many scouts.

So you might ask, is the whole point of this pos to show that if I grow 8 inches in a year, I will become instantly successful, at least in basketball? No, my main point is that in terms of reaching success, it seems that it is better to go through a late growth spurt and be a late bloomer than to go through that growth spurt early. This main point is related to my last post which talks about the fact that people of short stature usually seem to be more driven and ambitious than their taller counterparts.

If given the chance to let their physical body grow in size to as much as their ambition, they would catapult themselves into the stratosphere of success, since both their mental and physical attributes are both so immense. All that was holding them back was their physical size.

The examples in terms of basketball players are enormous.

1. Michael Jordan – Was a 5′ 11″ as a sophomore in high school. He was cut from the varsity team only because of his lack of height and he had stated many times that it was one fo the most defining moments in his life. Grew 5 inches during the summer to 6′ 4″ and was then allowed on to his varsity basketball team. Final height is 6′ 5-6’6″. No one in Jordan’s family is over 6 foot tall. Has a brother who is only 5′ 7″. The rest is history.

2. Lebron James – He grew from 6′ 1″ to 6′ 8″ in two years. His father and mother are supposed to be only 5′ 7″ and 5′ 5″. HIs growth progression showed that he was “only” 6′ 1″ foot until later in his development

3. David Robinson – He was 5′ 9″ as a junior in high school! By his senior year he had grown to 6′ 7″ and after leaving the naval academy he had grown to 7′ 1″.

4. Scottie Pippen – He entered college at the age of 19 at 6′ 1″ at Central Michigan completely unknown. Cam out of college at height 6′ 8″ and recognized as a star.

5. Dennis Rodman – Apparently he was 5′ 6″ in his high school. After high school he worked as a janitor at around height 5′ 9″ and then grew to be 6′ 7″ in one year when he was 20 . That is over 1 feet of growth in one year.

6. Manu Ginobili – He grew 10 inches in 2 years from 5′ 8″ to 6′ 6″ late in his development.

7. Dwight Howard – “I went from 5’8” to 6’3” to 6’9” in one year” at the age of 15-16 – Quote.

8. Tim Duncan –  had a massive late growth spurt when he was 17 from 6’3″ to 6’11”

9. Lamar Odom – Was 6’2 as a highschool point guard. Out of nowhere he hit a huge growth spurt to 6’9.

On a related note, I had discovered this article on where the poster had read an article written by a doctor who claimed that people who went threw their growth spurts later in life became better at hand-eye coordination and retained their athleticism. You can find the discussion HERE. What appears to happen is that being shorter and having a lower center of gravity means a better control of one’s body. One’s coordination and body agility increases. However, for most people who increase in height their body does not gain the coordination that shorter people so that skill is never fully developed. For guys who had stayed rather short early on, their body had learned how to move so when their growth spurt happened, they were well prepared.

In life, timing is account for much of success since being too early for something or being roo late for something means the right oportunity can mean losing our biggest opportunity forever.