Conversion Units and Approximations

So my guide/ program for the H.I.S (Height Increase Seeker) is to break down the entire process down by the length of height increase they will expect to get.

Let’s do some conversions. The United States and United Kingdom apparently are very unique because they chose to adopt and use their own form of measurement system, unlike the rest of the world which uses the Standard International (SI) system. We will not focus on the mass units or the time units but only on the length units for conversion

US/UK Standard Units

  1. Feet
  2. Inch
  3. Yard
  4. Mile

Rest of the world Standard Units

  1. Millimeter
  2. Centimeter
  3. Decimeter
  4. Meters

We only focus on two of the 8 units, centimeters and inches.  The official conversion we use is this equality: 2.54 centimeters = 1 inch

That 2.54 centimeters can be converted to 25.4 millimeters. Now, for anyone who has ever seen a ruler, one would realize just how small 1 millimter really is. usually about 2-3 hair widths make up one millimeter.

Now, if we remember that we (or at least most of us) have hair on our head. When we get our height measured, our hair does have a slight influence. The pressing down on the hair means usually about 20-30 hair widths are pressed down. That means that our height can have a 2-3 millimeter deviation from if we were completely bald. What I wanted to do is that that the 0.4 millimeters at the end of the conversion is not that influential until it is accumulated together. The effect of the small amount (0.4 milliters) is negated by the amount of deviation allowed by the compression of our hair.

So, for most general purposes I would prefer to use this conversion to make life simpler. – 2.50 cm = 1 inch so 10 cm = 4 inches 

Note: even though 4 inches = 10.16 cm exactly, the extra 1.6 millimeter is negligible and truncated.

I am going to put a limit of a height gain of 10 cm or 4 inches on this site because I personally don’t think a height increase of anything over 4 inches is even remotely possible , at least naturally.

Humatrope – HGH Injection That Works

I remember reading in a post once where an individual talks about the fact that there are indeed FDA approved injection that do indeed increase height, except that they mainly work for children who are underdeveloped with their plates still open.

On the general website that talks about the drug (click HERE), the claim of the drug is slightly different. Apparently it is actually for children AND adults who suffer from a low release of HGH. What I am getting is that it may allow for a slight bit of height increase but that is not the indented function of the drug.

I guess then if you really want to try this method, you should talk with a specialist endocrinologist and they can maybe get you into the program. However, it is very lengthy, painful, and expensive.

Note: Again, I wanted to stress that whatever you decide to try in your quest for height increase is your responsibility. If you harm yourself from taking this path, I am not held responsible. 

The general name of the drug is Humatrope. The chemical name is somatropin w/ rDNA origin. The way it is delivered to the blood stream is through injection. I am taking a section from the drug’s website.

This site is provided for patients and families dealing with growth hormone deficiency and growth disorders. Humatrope is a man-made form of human growth hormone and was first approved in 1987 to treat children who are growing slowly because they do not make enough growth hormone on their own. Since that time, Humatrope has also been approved for the treatment of several additional growth disorders (idiopathic short stature, Turner syndrome, small for gestational age, SHOX deficiency) and for growth hormone deficiency in adults. Humatrope is available in cartridges for use in a HumatroPen injection device and in vials for use with a syringe and needle.

Indications for Humatrope

Humatrope is used to treat children who are short or growing slowly because they:

  • Do not make enough growth hormone on their own.
  • Have Turner syndrome.
  • Have idiopathic short stature, which means they are shorter than 98.8% of other children of the same age and sex, are growing at a rate not likely to allow them to reach normal adult height, and for whom no other cause of short stature can be found.
  • Have SHOX deficiency.
  • Were born smaller than normal for the number of weeks of pregnancy and do not catch up in height by 2 to 4 years of age.

Humatrope is used to treat adults who have growth hormone deficiency that began either in:

  • Adulthood (as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma); or
  • Childhood. Patients treated for growth hormone deficiency in childhood whose bones have stopped growing should be reevaluated.

What Conditions Does Humatrope Treat?

Growth failure in children born small for gestationalage (SGA)

Between 3 and 10 in every 100 babies are born smaller than normal for the number of weeks of pregnancy. This is called being born “small for gestational age.” Most of these children catch up to the normal height range in the first few years of life. However, about 1 in 10 remains small. Humatrope is used to treat children who are short or growing slowly because they were born smaller than normal for the number of weeks of pregnancy and do not catch up in height by 2 to 4 years of age.

Growth failure in children with growth hormone deficiency

Growth hormone deficiency occurs when the pituitary gland — a small pea-sized gland located at the base of the brain — produces an inadequate amount of growth hormone. This deficiency in growth hormone typically results in a slower rate of growth. Humatrope is used to treat children who are short or growing slowly because they do not make enough growth hormone on their own.

Idiopathic short stature (ISS) in children

Children whose growth problem cannot currently be diagnosed are said to have idiopathic short stature, which means short stature with no known cause. Despite the great amount of understanding that pediatric endocrinologists have gained about causes of slow growth and short stature, there are still many factors that affect growth that are not yet fully understood. Humatrope is used to treat children who are short or growing slowly because they have idiopathic short stature, which means they are shorter than 98.8% of other children of the same age and sex, are growing at a rate not likely to allow them to reach normal adult height, and for whom no other cause of short stature can be found.

Short stature in children with Turner syndrome

Turner syndrome is a genetic condition due to partial or complete absence of the second sex chromosome. It affects 1 in every 2,000 females and does not affect males. Humatrope is used to treat children who are short or growing slowly because they have Turner syndrome.

Growth failure in children with short stature homeobox-containing gene (SHOX) deficiency

SHOX deficiency occurs as a result of deletion, mutation, or reduced expression of the SHOX gene. SHOX deficiency may be inherited from an affected parent and passed on to children, or may occur unexpectedly in a family with no other affected members. Humatrope is used to treat children who are short or growing slowly because they have SHOX deficiency.

Growth hormone deficiency in adults

Adults who do not produce enough growth hormone from their pituitary gland have growth hormone deficiency. This deficiency may have been present since childhood (childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency) or may have started during adulthood (adult-onset growth hormone deficiency).

Humatrope is used to treat adults who have growth hormone deficiency that began either in:

  • Adulthood (as a result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or trauma); or
  • Childhood. Patients treated for growth hormone deficiency in childhood whose bones have stopped growing should be reevaluated.




Again, you wanted to get more information for this actual HGH injection technique which appears to be available to adults at least in experimental form, go to the website HERE to get more information about it.

I do wanted the reader to note that the treatment will only create a greater rate of HGH release into the adult body which may have certain side effects, many of which are the same as one who suffers from Acromegaly. However , because the growth plates are gone and the bones are sealed, one may not actually be able to get any height increase.

10 cm increase

If you have come to this webpage by clicking on the link on the main page, you probably are interested in finding out how you can increase your height by 10 cm or 4 inches. In my personal opinion, 4 inches or 10 cm is the maximum theoretical limit that is possible for natural ways to grow taller.

The reason why there is no method, strategy, or technique on this page is because I have not found anything that can even had the remote possibility to help on increase their height by that large of a difference. I promise you that if I ever did find some method, technique, or way to increase one’s height by 4 inches naturally I will be quick to edit this page.

If instead you are looking for something more reasonable like 4 cm of extra height that might be possible with certain methods and techniques I have found searching the internet space.

I personally am a very scientifically mind person but to believe that height increase beyond say 1 inch is possible, we must consider beyond the normal approaches of just good nutrition , exercise, and rest.

We move into the areas of eastern mysticism and non-scientifically validated theories and try our luck at those. As of right now, there is only two approaches which I have found which does have some hope that it could work, but the amount of personal dedication to the project is enormous.

They are …

1. Grow Taller Using Qigong Part IPart II

The method involves the use of deep breathing, affirmations, and strong vizualizations.

2. Grow Taller Using Lateral Synovial Joint Loading Part IPart II

This method involves putting a certain amount of load upon  certain areas on one’s leg to force distraction of the long bones. Scientifically valid.

At this point, there is no other reasonable way to increase one’s height significantly without medical procedures to be done.

Note: These methods and techniques should be added along with the program that we stated is need for the height increase of 3 cm.

If I do not find a way to do it within 4 years of the beginning of the start of the website, (August 2016) I will instead decide to place the only other option that really works and suggest limb/leg lengthening surgery.

If you however would be content in having up wards of maybe 3, even 4 cms of height increase, that might be possible. Refer to the other sections under the height increase guide tab for height increase of 1 cm, 2 cm, 3 cm, and 4 cm.

Thank you.

9 cm increase

If you have come to this webpage by clicking on the link on the main page, you probably are interested in finding out how you can increase your height by 9 cm or 3.5 inches. In my personal opinion, 4 inches or 10 cm is the maximum theoretical limit that is possible for natural ways to grow taller.

The reason why there is no method, strategy, or technique on this page is because I have not found anything that can even had the remote possibility to help on increase their height by that large of a difference. I promise you that if I ever did find some method, technique, or way to increase one’s height by 3.5 or 4 inches naturally I will be quick to edit this page.

If instead you are looking for something more reasonable like 4 cm of extra height that might be possible with certain methods and techniques I have found searching the internet space.

I personally am a very scientifically mind person but to believe that height increase beyond say 1 inch is possible, we must consider beyond the normal approaches of just good nutrition , exercise, and rest.

We move into the areas of eastern mysticism and non-scientifically validated theories and try our luck at those. As of right now, there is only two approaches which I have found which does have some hope that it could work, but the amount of personal dedication to the project is enormous.

They are …

1. Grow Taller Using Qigong Part IPart II

The method involves the use of deep breathing, affirmations, and strong vizualizations.

2. Grow Taller Using Lateral Synovial Joint Loading Part IPart II

This method involves putting a certain amount of load upon  certain areas on one’s leg to force distraction of the long bones. Scientifically valid.

At this point, there is no other reasonable way to increase one’s height significantly without medical procedures to be done.

Note: These methods and techniques should be added along with the program that we stated is need for the height increase of 3 cm.

If I do not find a way to do it within 4 years of the beginning of the start of the website, (August 2016) I will instead decide to place the only other option that really works and suggest limb/leg lengthening surgery.

If you however would be content in having up wards of maybe 3, even 4 cms of height increase, that might be possible. Refer to the other sections under the height increase guide tab for height increase of 1 cm, 2 cm, 3 cm, and 4 cm.

Thank you.

8 cm increase

If you have come to this webpage by clicking on the link on the main page, you probably are interested in finding out how you can increase your height by 8 cm or 3.15 inches. In my personal opinion, 4 inches or 10 cm is the maximum theoretical limit that is possible for natural ways to grow taller.

The reason why there is no method, strategy, or technique on this page is because I have not found anything that can even had the remote possibility to help on increase their height by that large of a difference. I promise you that if I ever did find some method, technique, or way to increase one’s height by 8 cm naturally I will be quick to edit this page.

If I do not find a way to do it within 4 years of the beginning of the start of the website, (August 2016) I will instead decide to place the only other option that really works and suggest limb/leg lengthening surgery.

If you however would be content in having up wards of maybe 3, even 4 cms of height increase, that might be possible. Refer to the other sections under the height increase guide tab for height increase of 1 cm, 2 cm, 3 cm, and 4 cm.

Thank you.

7 cm increase

If you have come to this webpage by clicking on the link on the main page, you probably are interested in finding out how you can increase your height by 7 cm or 2.75 inches. In my personal opinion, 4 inches or 10 cm is the maximum theoretical limit that is possible for natural ways to grow taller.

The reason why there is no method, strategy, or technique on this page is because I have not found anything that can even had the remote possibility to help on increase their height by that large of a difference. I promise you that if I ever did find some method, technique, or way to increase one’s height by 7 cm naturally I will be quick to edit this page.

If I do not find a way to do it within 4 years of the beginning of the start of the website, (August 2016) I will instead decide to place the only other option that really works and suggest limb/leg lengthening surgery.

If you however would be content in having up wards of maybe 3, even 4 cms of height increase, that might be possible. Refer to the other sections under the height increase guide tab for height increase of 1 cm, 2 cm, 3 cm, and 4 cm.

Thank you.