Exercise Program Guide

[Update: This post has recently been changed and updated dramatically from a change in name and a integration of many old posts. It is still being edited and added upon so there is still a lot of work needed to be done for this section. Be patient with me.]

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1-4 cm Height Increase Program Guide

To get 1-4 cm in extra height is relatively easy. For most people, their own lifestyle puts their body in positions and postures which can hide certain height. Prolonged time spent in front of a computer or lying on a couch watching tv has shown that the vertebrate and spine are bent. The spine stays compressed and the person can lose up to even 2 inches of height. For most people who live sedentary lives, a lot of extra height is hidden which proper exercise and stretching will bring out.

For 1-4 cm of height increase…

Needed Equipment:

  1. Yoga MatCost: $22
  2. Swimming GogglesCost: $22
  3. Swimming SpeedoCost: $30 – $42
  4. Inversion TableCost: $100 w/ Free Shipping
  5. C-Clamps (6 “)Cost: $12
  6. Ankle Weights (20 lbs) – Cost: $32 w/ Free Shipping

Here is a quick program to add the 1-4 cm of height increase. To gain the height you desire, work on it for 4 – 12 months. (That’s right, something like this will really do take that long!) Results will vary from individual to individual depending on many factors including age, level of fitness, chronic illness, etc.

70% of people should be able to increase their height by at 1 cm, 10% of the people will be able to increase their height by 2 cm, 1-2% of people will be able to increase their height by up to 3 cm, and a very small percentage of people will be able to increase their height to what I believe is the theoretical limit of natural height increase through normal exercise, proper nutrition, and lifestyle habits.

  • Torso Stretching – Stretch your back and torso 40-60 minutes everyday, once after you get out of bed, the other right before you go to bed. Focus on the body torso bending first. The main thing is again stretching only this time one should be focusing on prolonged stretching with a routine of deep breathing involved. Again it is the torso one must focus on first, and then the hamstrings and ankles.
  • Yoga – Focus on only a few main types of yogic stances, or asanas. I wrote two older articles about increasing one’s height through yoga and stretching posting pictures of specific types of asanas (yogic postures) which might have the greatest impact in stretching the torso longitudinally.One should now focus a lot of energy on certain yoga positions like the cobra, and the downward dog. Refer to past articles written about Yogic positions.
  • Visualization – Mentally do visualization imagine that you body is expanding and your vertebrate is becoming decompressed and elongating. Learn to breathe properly from a few books or lessons on yoga.
  • Swimming – Swimming should definitely be incorporated into the weekly exercise with a focus on the butterfly stroke and backstroke to stretch and widen the torso.
  • Food & Diet – The type of food one intakes should be decreased. Carobohydrates (whites) should be avoided while greens and lean meat should be eaten. This is to drop excess weight and slim the torso and body to give it a leaner thinner look. That would help give the impression of height.
  • Alexander Technique – Now would be a good time to learn the fundamentals of the Alexander method. It would teach you how to walk with the correct posture.
  • Sleep & Rest – Sleep should be be focused on to allow for deep rest and the entire body to relax and decompress. This means the body will be expanded more afte waking.
  • Inversion – Some hanging on an inversion table could help a little, at least to build upper body muscle and tone one’s arms. The hanging will take more weight off of the back. Over time the effects of the spinal decompression will take effect. If that is combined with better posture and movements, that can be a more permanent path towards a little bit of height increase
  • Ankle Weights – The ankle weights can be added to the exercise time with lunges and kicks. Do them at the same time one is working on core strengthening.
  • Supplement Guide – Go to the “Supplements Guide “section to see what types of supplements you can take to assist in the height increase procross. Some will help increase cartilage thickness while others show in medical studies that they cause molecular protein pathways which cause cell proliferation. For a far more advanced and better list of supplements that can help with your height increase exercise routine, click HERE.
  • LSJL Method – Follow this method below. You will need to get a C-clamp to perform the exercise. It is possible to use the barbells and dumbbells at the local fitness, gym but one probably will get better resulting using the right type of C-Clamp. This method involves putting a certain amount of load upon  certain areas on one’s leg to force distraction of the long bones. Scientifically valid. Grow Taller Using Lateral Synovial Joint Loading Part IPart II

Most people won’t get 3 cm in height increase because their body has a limit to the natural ability to stretch. I personally can deviate in height by up to 2 cm in height from my morning height to my evening height. Most orthopedics say that one can achieve an extra 1 inch and slightly more through a good program in stretching and yoga. I agree with them

At this point, there is no other reasonable way to increase one’s height significantly without medical procedures to be done.

Note: These methods and techniques should be added along with the program that we stated is need for the height increase of up to a possible 4 cm of extra height.

Note 2: Please remember that gaining 1 cm of extra height is completely possible for say 70% of all people and 2 cm is possible with about 10% of the population through this rather general program of conditioning, stretching, and swimming. Most people these days live a very sedentary life which means that their lifestyle can actually hide extra height from them. Learn to get that back by being healthy and staying active. The main reason you can get any height at all is from decompressing your vertebrate and elongating the spine. If you however already practice yoga, or do stretch a lot, natural height increase may not be completely possible, unless you look at other areas of your life that you can improve upon.

Note 3: A lot of the height increase from this point on and anything more will be only temporary. The body has a slight bit of elasticity and if you stop doing the exercises, the body will go back to the original condition. However, if you manage to change your lifestyle, some of the extra height, usually about 50% of the total maximum height change you can do is permanent. An option for some people is to go to a chiropractor and get them to help you straighten out your back.

For 5-10 cm Height Increase Program

For 5-10 cm of height increase…

The height increase to 5-10 cm is clearly beyond anything most people is capable of. 5 cm is around 2 inches and that is a lot of height to consider. Making this type of body modificatin will be a significant and difficult process.

My personal suggestion is to follow the program  outlined in the section for height increase of 1-4 cm. Thank you.

If you have come to this webpage by clicking on the link on the main page, you probably are interested in finding out how you can increase your height by 5 cm (3.5 inches) to 10 cm (4 inches). In my personal opinion, 4 cm (or 1.25 inches) is the maximum theoretical limit that is possible for natural ways to grow taller.

The reason why there is no method, strategy, or technique on this page section is because I have not found anything that can even had the remote possibility to help on increase their height by that large of a difference. I promise you that if I ever did find some method, technique, or way to increase one’s height by 3.5 or 4 inches naturally I will be quick to edit this page.

I personally am a very scientifically mind person but to believe that height increase beyond say 1 inch is possible, we must consider beyond the normal approaches of just good nutrition , exercise, and rest.

We move into the areas of eastern mysticism and non-scientifically validated theories and try our luck at those. As of right now, there is only one approach which I have found which does have some hope that it could work.

It is …

1. Grow Taller Using Lateral Synovial Joint Loading Part IPart II

This method involves putting a certain amount of load upon  certain areas on one’s leg to force distraction of the long bones. Scientifically valid.

At this point, there is no other reasonable way to increase one’s height significantly without medical procedures to be done.

Note: These methods and techniques should be added along with the program that we stated is need for the height increase of 3 cm.

If I do not find a way to do it within 4 years of the beginning of the start of the website, (August 2016) I will instead decide to place the only other option that really works and suggest limb/leg lengthening surgery.

If you however would be content in having up wards of maybe 3, even 4 cms of height increase, that might be possible. Refer to the other sections under the height increase guide tab for height increase of 1 cm, 2 cm, 3 cm, and 4 cm.

Thank you.

The Psychology Of Success In Any Venture

This will be the first edition and first post of a special section of the website entitled “Real Height Increase Guide”. I am going to break it down by sections, specifically by 1 cm each. So for each subsection and subpage underneath the upper label, you can find a guide which can (note that I said can, and not will since there are not gaurantees to HI) give you the amount of height increase indicated.

Again, any advice or technique that I post on this site you have to use your own judgement to see if they are worthy of doing, or whether the exercises or lifestyle choices are even safe. You are an adult and you are responsible for whatever happens to you. I am not held legally responsible if you hurt your yourself in any way from trying something which possibly can be very dangerous.

Note: Remember that the goal of height increase is a very long, and possibly excruciating difficult path. Do not assume that you will get results quickly or within even the first 3 months. Most people these days do not have the discipline to actually stay on such a program which can last up to 2 years even.


I define discipline as commitment times focus times consistency times persistence. So before you even begin to try this program, really ask yourself whether you have the desire, drive, and personality to have the discipline to stay on this program. For most people (around 85%) who do not succeed in some project or program they start the real reason why they failed our gave up was because of the lack of discipline.

Remember: #1 reason why people don’t succeed – Lack of discipline.

Discipline = (Commitment) x (Focus) x (Consistency) x (Persistence)       (the reason why the elements are multiplied and not added is because if you are even lacking in one of the 4 main elements, you lack discipline in general. Discipline is a cumulative, compounding phenomenon)

Commitment: (These are all my own personal definition of the terms) An internal promise made to once self to accept and never let down (or let go) what is expected of ourselves.

Focus: The ability to make the mind clear and singular in its attention.

Consistency: The ability to stay on the course and do the same action or behavior at the regular scheduled time intervals.

Persistence: Not giving up even when challenges and difficulties appear during the process or path.

However you must also add the element of Action into your program. Taking action requires oneself to get through 4 main things

Remember: #2 reason why people don’t succeed – They don’t take the needed action immediately 

1. Overcoming Fear – (Anthony Robbins has famously stated that the only reason why we don’t do what we know we are supposed to do is because of fear).

Fear = Anxiety + Insecurity + Uncertainty

2. Getting Past Internal Inertia and Resistance – (We are inherently lazy and don’t like to make big changes. We prefer to coast in life and not force ourselves to do anything. That has to change)

3. Removing External Resistance – (Our other obligations and responsiblities in life will take up our time. Are you willing to put some of that aside and decide that this part of your life, this project is important enough of value that you are willing to allocate a large significant percentage of your waking hours (and your life) to pursue this one goal? Really be honest with yourself about this thing. The only person you are going to have to answer to is yourself, no one else.)

4. Do It Right NOW!! – ( We are masters are procrastination. We will keep on putting off what we need to do today for tomorrow. Make a real decision right now that you will take action. And Start!!)    

Action = (Overcoming Fear) x (Do It Right NOW!) x (Getting Past Internal Inertia and Resistance + Removing External Resistance) 

Note: Action can not occur if we do not overcome  fear or decide to procrastinate the action for a time in the future. That is why those two factors are multiplied. The effect of either not getting past our internal resistance or not being able to remove external resistance is not as important in influence as the first two because if we can override the first two factors, the last two factors will crumble.

The last element you must add into your program is Learning. Learning is just Adapting Your Strategy and Being Flexible. Your strategy is your thinking patterns, your behavior, your rituals, and your plan. Being flexible meanings being okay and willing to deal with situations that can can change quickly and easily. So…

Learning = (2 x Adapting strategy) + (1 x Being Flexible) – In this model or program I created, I personally believe that being able to adapt (a better word to use is “correct”) one’s strategy is worth more weight in importance than being flexible. When one can correct one’s strategy, one will reach one’s goal  far faster than only being flexible. When one used the factor of adapting strategy, there is an arrow of direction in progress. When one is only being flexible, there is no direction in progress.

Strategy = (Thinking Patterns + Behavior + Rituals) x Plan – (Point #1: if you don’t have a plan, you don’t have a strategy, Point #2: it is okay to be lacking in one of the other 3 elments, as long as the other 2 parts are developed to a high enough level)

so the entire program requires you to follow 3 main parts.

1. Action

2. Discipline

3. Learning


Note: Again notice the formula has its factors multiplied together. That means if either 1 one of the 3 factos is not there, you will not succeed. You NEED ALL 3 parts to be at the highest level. 

The path to success in any large project or endeavor we decide to take up is filled with challenges and trials that will appear before use. Remember Murphy’s Law, “Everything that could possibly go wrong will go wrong”.

When you just look at how many elements are required, all of them needed to work in perfect sync and harmony for you to succeed, you can now understand why most of us, like 97% of us will fail. At least 12 element all must not be lacking for the entire program to work. Remember the quote that in the US, only 3 percent of people who reach retirement age will ever retire. That 3% has learned and figured out  how to control their own minds, behavior, and strategies so that they can win in life and achieve all the goals they have set out for themselves.

Good luck to all who do decide to take up the program to increase their height!

How much of human height is genetic and how much is due to nutrition?

I wanted to repost an article I just read from the magazine the Scientific American – December 2006 edition. Author is Dr. Chao-Qiang Lai. I felt that the question that was posed and answer was extremely relevant to this website. If you wanted to get to the original site where this article is found, click HERE.

What is very surprising and disheartening to hear is that apparently our height is mainly determined by our genetics by up to 80% for certain groups of people. Of course the article does end on a positive note to remind the reader that a healthy lifestyle of proper nutrition, rest, and exercise will help maximize one’s full height potential.

How much of human height is genetic and how much is due to nutrition?

December 11, 2006

Molecular biologist Chao-Qiang Lai of the Jean Mayer U.S. Department of Agriculture Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University answers.

This question can be rephrased as: “How much variation (difference between individuals) in height is attributable to genetic effects and how much to nutritional effects?” The short answer to this question is that about 60 to 80 percent of the difference in height between individuals is determined by genetic factors, whereas 20 to 40 percent can be attributed to environmental effects, mainly nutrition. This answer is based on estimates of the “heritability” of human height: the proportion of the total variation in height due to genetic factors.

Human height is a quantitative, or metric, trait, i.e., a characteristic that is measured in quantity, and is controlled by multiple genes and environmental factors. Many studies have estimated the heritability of human height. Often, these studies determine heritability by estimating the degree of resemblance between relatives. One can separate genetic effect from environmental effects by correlating genetic similarity between relatives (twin, siblings, parents and offspring) with their similarity in height. To accurately measure how genetically similar relatives are, one can measure the number of genetic markers they share. For example, Peter M. Visscher of the Queensland Institute of Medical Research in Australia recently reported that the heritability of height is 80 percent, based on 3,375 pairs of Australian twins and siblings. This estimate is considered to be unbiased, as it was based on a large population of twins and siblings and a broad survey of genetic markers. In the U.S., the heritability of height was estimated as 80 percent for white men. These estimates are well supported by another study of 8,798 pairs of Finnish twins, in which the heritability was 78 percent for men and 75 percent for women. Other studies have shown height heritability among whites to be even higher than 80 percent.

Because different ethnic populations have different genetic backgrounds and live in different environments, however, height heritability can vary from one population to another, and even from men to women. In Asian populations, the heritability of height is much lower than 80 percent. For example, in 2004 Miao-Xin Li of Hunan Normal University in China and his colleagues estimated a height heritability of 65 percent, based on a Chinese population of 385 families. In African populations, height heritability is also lower: 65 percent for the population of western Africa, according to a 1978 study by D. F. Roberts, then at Newcastle University in England, and colleagues. Such diversities in heritability are mainly due to the different genetic background of ethnic groups and the distinct environments (climates, dietary habits and lifestyle) they experience.

Heritability allows us to examine how genetics directly impact an individual’s height. For example, a population of white men has a heritability of 80 percent and an average height of 178 centimeters (roughly five feet, 10 inches). If we meet a white man in the street who is 183 cm (six feet) tall, the heritability tells us what fraction of his extra height is caused by genetic variants and what fraction is due to his environment (dietary habit and lifestyle). The man is five centimeters taller than the average. Thus, 80 percent of the extra five centimeters, or four centimeters, is due to genetic variants, whereas one centimeter is due to environmental effects, such as nutrition.

Heritability can also be used to predict an individual’s height if the parents’ heights are known. For example, say a man 175 cm tall marries a woman 165 cm tall, and both are from a Chinese population with a population mean of 170 cm for men and 160 cm for women. We can predict the height of their children, assuming the heritability is 65 percent for men and 60 percent for women in this population. For a son, the expected height difference from the population mean is: 0.65 x [(175 – 170) + (165 – 160)] / 2, which equals 3.25 cm; for a daughter, the difference is 0.6 x [(175 – 170) + (165 – 160)] / 2, which equals 3 cm. Thus, the expected height of a son is 170 + 3.2, or 173.2 cm, and of a daughter 160 + 3, or 163 cm. On the other hand, environmental effects can add 1.75 cm to a son’s height: 0.35 x [(175 – 170) + (165 – 160)] / 2, and 2 cm to a daughter’s: 0.4 x [(175 – 170) + (165 – 160)] / 2. Of course, these predictions only reflect the mean expected height for each of the two siblings (brothers and sisters); the actual observed height may be different.

From these calculations, we realize the environment (mainly nutrients) can only change about 2 centimeters for a given offspring’s height in this Chinese population. Does that mean that no matter what happens in the child’s environment, the height can never change more than this? Can special treatment and nutrient supplements increase the height further? The answer is yes. The most important nutrient for final height is protein in childhood. Minerals, in particular calcium, and vitamins A and D also influence height. Because of this, malnutrition in childhood is detrimental to height. In general, boys will reach maximum height in their late teens, whereas girls reach their maximum heights around their mid-teens. Thus, adequate nutrition before puberty is crucial for height.

In addition, although diseases of childhood can inhibit ultimate stature, human growth hormone treatments can remedy such growth defects. Height accelerated by such treatment or special supplements, however, cannot be predicted based on heritability. There are two reasons: first, heritability has not been estimated in a growth hormone-treated population. Second, genes and growth hormones can interact synergistically to affect height, i.e., their effects may not be simply adding to each other but could be multiplying the ultimate effect.

The question remains, however, why different populations of a similar genetic background might have a differing heritability. The answer is, of course, environmental effects. When a given environment maximizes the genetic potential of a population for a given trait, this population tends to have a higher heritability for that trait, and vice versa. In developed countries, nutrition for childhood development is strong, which maximizes the genetic potential for height assuming no selection or new mutations. Thus, the overall heritability estimates tend to be higher, i.e., 80 percent. In contrast, in developing countries, nutrition deficits lead to a lower heritability. The fact that the mean height of the U.S. population has almost plateaued in the past decade suggests that the nutrient environment has almost maximized the genetic potential of height, at least in this country. Improved nutrition elsewhere may have similar benefits in terms of stature.

Dr. Chao-Qiang Lai has written this article in his personal capacity and the views expressed do not necessarily represent the views of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service.

Current US Height And Growth Facts And Figures

I think it is without question that what people really want when they make a proclamation or wish that they “want to grow taller” is that they want to go through the process of growth spurts. There has been many cases where regular sized people who are living their lives suddenly get hit by this strange phenomenon and they find themselves far taller and bigger after just a season or year of dramatic body altering transformation.

When we are talking about growth spurts, we are not talking about the usual slow rate of body size increase which most young people and children experience. The average rate of height increase within USA

Let’s look at the scientific numbers behind the usual cause of a person’s growth and height , at least the US facts and figures available.


Most girls start their sexual development between the ages of 8 and 13, and have a growth spurt between the ages of 10 and 14.
– The rate of growth in height reaches its peak by about 2 years after puberty began (average age is 12 years).
– Menstruation begins, almost always after the peak growth rate in height has been reached (average age is 12.5 years).
– Once girls start to menstruate, they usually grow about 1 or 2 more inches, reaching their final adult height by about age 14 or 15 years (younger or older depending on when puberty began).


Most boys start developing sexually between the ages of 10 and 13, and continue to grow until they’re around 16.
– Boys tend to show the first physical changes of puberty between the ages of 10 and 16 years. They tend to grow most quickly between ages 12 and 15.
– The growth spurt of boys is, on average, about 2 years later than that of girls.
– By age 16, most boys have stopped growing, but their muscles will continue to develop.

(Note: Information taken from Kids Health)

From the Health Center at USC (University of Southern California) HERE 


Many of the body’s hormones influence growth, such as growth hormone, thyroxine, insulin, and corticosteroids (all of which influence growth rate), leptin (which alters body composition), and parathyroid hormone, 1,25-dihydroxy-vitamin D, and calcitonin (all of which affect skeletal mineralization). However, the key hormone in growth is GH which is mediated by growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) and somatostatin (SS). Growth hormone secretion is increased by GHRH and decreased by somatostatin. Both growth hormone levels and IGF-I (somatomedin-C) levels rise during puberty. The increase is most marked during mid and late puberty and correlates best with pubertal stage, bone age, and time from peak height velocity (PHV).

The maturation of bones is influenced by thyroid hormones, adrenal androgens, and gonadal sex steroids, mainly estrogen. An excess secretion of these hormones can lead to advanced bone maturation, and at the time of puberty, deficiency causes delay.

At puberty, both sex steroids and growth hormone participate in the pubertal growth spurt. The ending of the growth spurt is secondary to epiphyseal closure, due to the action of the sex steroids.

An increase in physical size is a universally recognized event of puberty. Average growth velocities decrease from the first year of life until puberty from 25 cm/year during the first year of life to 5-6 cm/year during years 5 to 10. During puberty height velocity increases and peaks during the adolescent growth spurt. Landmarks include:


The beginning of the increase in growth velocity is about age 11 in boys and 9 in girls but varies widely from individual to individual.

The peak height velocity occurs at a mean of 13.5 years in boys and 11.5 years in girls.

Pubertal growth accounts for about 20% of final adult height, a total averaging 23-28 cm in females and 26-28 cm in males.

The average growth spurt lasts 24-36 months.

Growth during the year of PHV in the normal female averages 9 cm/yr and varies normally from 5.4 cm to 11.2 cm. In the normal male, the PHV averages 10.3 cm/yr and varies normally from 5.8 cm to 13.1 cm.

Males on average are 12-13 cm taller than females primarily because of the 2-year delay in bone closure as compared to females. This accounts for about a 10-cm difference between the two sexes; in addition, males also have 2-3 cm more of growth during their growth spurt.

Differences in Growth Spurts between Males and Females

PHV occurs about 18-24 months earlier in the female than in the male.

PHV in females averages 2 cm/yr less than in males.

PWV coincides with PHV in males, but PWV occurs 6-9 months after PHV in females.

Prediction of Mature Height

While predicting adult height is a difficult task, individuals have used both the bone age in calculations or a measure using midparental height as most individuals have an adult height that is within 2 inches of the midparental height. This is calculated using:

For girls:

(father’s height – 13 cm) + mother’s height

For boys:

(father’s height + 13 cm) + mother’s height

From KeepKidsHealthy.com

While there are many medical causes for being short and having poor growth, including growth hormone deficiency, hypothyroidism, Turner syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, kidney problems, malnutrition, etc., most children who are short are normal. They may have genetic short stature or a constitutional growth delay.

Children normally grow at a rate of about 23-28 cm/year in early infancy (birth to 12 months) and this then decreases to about 7.5 – 13 cm/year in later infancy (1 – 3 years). Many children between the ages of 6 and 18 months move up or down on their growth percentiles, but by 24 months, most children follow their growth curve and stay on the same percentile or growth channel.

In early childhood (3 years to puberty) they will then continue to grow at a rate of about 4.5 to 7 cm/year, up until the time just before they begin puberty, when their growth will slow to about 4 cm/year. Growth then accelerates again as they hit their peak growth velocity in puberty, to about 8-9 cm/year for girls and 10.3 cm/year for boys. Growth then slows again in girls to about 7 cm/year after menarche (the first period) until they reach their adult height. Boys and girls usually continue to grow until they are 14-16 years old, but this depends on when they started puberty.

Among the influences on a child’s growth is his overall genetic potential for growth, which can be determined from his parents heights, his nutritional status, and the presence of any chronic medical problems.

Children with short stature are usually below the 3rd or 5th percentile on their growth chart for their height. But just as important as where they are on or below the growth chart is what their growth velocity or rate of growth has been each year.

It is also important to look at a child’s weight, in relation to his height. Since overweight or obese children are usually very tall because of an accelerated growth rate, if your child is short and overweight, then he should be evaluated for a medical condition causing his growth problems.

Among the tests that are commonly performed to evaluate the growth of a child with short stature include determining a bone age, which is the chronological age of your child’s bones. This is determined by taking an xray, usually of his left wrist and hand. If your child’s bone age is much less than his chronological or real age, then there is probably still room for his bones to grow after the age that you would normally expect him to already stop growing. Girls usually continue to grow until a bone age of about 14 years, and boys stop growing after a bone age of 16 years (with a peak growth rate at a bone age of 14 years).

Other tests can include blood tests to check for hypothyroidism (T4 and TSH), growth hormone levels (usually by checking IGF-1 and IGF BP3), complete blood counts (CBC to check for anemia), blood chemistries (which can include a SMA 20 to check for liver and liver disease), urinalysis, and sometimes a karyotype to look for chromosomal abnormalities (especially in girls who may have Turner syndrome).

If the above tests are normal, or if your Pediatrician didn’t think that testing was even necessary (which is often the case for many short children), then your child’s rate of growth can just be closely followed every 3-6 months, with a further evaluation being performed if he does not continue to have a normal rate of growth.

Since familial and genetic influences strongly determine how a child grows, most children with short parents will have short children. This is termed familial short stature. You can use our height calculator to figure out your child’s genetic potential for height based on his parents heights using our Height Calculator. While children with familial short stature may be at or near or just below the 3rd or 5th percentile on their growth chart for their height, their growth curve or channel will run parallel to the normal growth curves and they have a normal rate of growth. They also have a bone age that is close to their chronological age, showing that there is not any extra room or time to grow. Although growing normally, children with familial short stature will usually be short as adults, with a similar height to their parents.

Another normal condition that can cause short stature is aconstitutional delay in growth. These children, although short, have a normal growth velocity or rate of growth and will usually have a delay in starting puberty, and possibly a prolonged slowdown in growth that is usually present in children just before they begin puberty. They will usually also have a bone age that is much less than their chronological age, showing that there is room to grow and that they will continue growing even after other children of the same age have stopped growing. Because of the extra room and time to grow, children with constitutional delay usually have a normal adult height. Similarly, other family members usually also report a delay in starting puberty and a late adolescent growth spurt and have a normal final adult height. While children with a constitutional delay in growth will eventually begin puberty, go through the pubertal growth spurt and reach a normal final adult height, it can be distressing for many teens to be so much shorter and less developed than their peers. In this case, he may need referral to a Pediatric Endocrinologist for an evaluation and possible treatment with montly testosterone injections to hasten the start of puberty (although it will eventually start on its own without treatments).

Many parents are worried about growth hormone deficiency in their short children. Growth hormone is required for normal growth, and children with growth hormone deficiency are short, often look younger than their chronological age, and they can be chubby with their weight higher than their height. While they will usually have a delay in their bone age, like children with a constitutional delay, children with growth hormone deficiency will have a slow rate of growth and they will have a growth curve that falls away from the the normal growth curves (unlike other normal causes of short stature which have a normal rate of growth and a growth curve that runs parallel to the growth chart). Testing that can be done if your Pediatrician suspects your child has growth hormone deficiency include checking the levels of IGF-1 and IGF BP3, which will be low. A growth hormone stimulation test may also be done by an endocrinologist.

Treatments for growth hormone deficiency include growth hormone replacement. Other conditions for which growth hormone is currently being successfully used include Turner syndrome, chronic renal failure and Prader-Willi syndrome.

Growth hormone defiency may be congenital (a child is born with it), or it may be acquired later in life from head injury or a brain tumor or mass.

Recently, the indications for which kids can be treated with growth hormone has been expanded. Growth hormone can now be used for the long-term treatment of children with idiopathic (of unknown origin) short stature, also called non-growth hormone deficient short stature, who are more than 2.25 SD below the mean for age and sex, or the shortest 1.2% of children. For example, according to the FDA, for 10-year old boys and girls, this would correspond to heights of less than 4′ 1″ inch. This would further correspond to heights of less than 5′ 3″ and 4′ 11″ in adult men and women, respectively.

Some new studies and reports have recently shown that another group of these short kids, those who were born Small for Gestational Age (SGA), may also benefit from treatment with human growth hormone. The International Small for Gestational Advisory Board has recommended that if ‘a short child who was born SGA has not caught up by age 2 to 3 years of age and whose catch-up growth has stopped should be referred to a pediatrician who has expertise in endocrinology.’

From LiveStrong Article HERE

According to Chao-Qiang Li, a molecular biologist at the U.S. Department of Agriculture Human Nutrition Center, 60 to 80 percent of height is genetic. Another 20 to 40 percent of height is attributed to environmental factors. A third factor is age. As we age, we tend to lose a few inches. Regardless of how tall you may grow to be, science hasn’t made any definite pronouncement as to how tall human beings are capable of growing. 
Genetic FactorsThere are a wide variety of factors that contribute to how tall a man or women becomes. Research has shown that genetics play a large role in height. Research indicates there’s a strong correlation between the height of a mother and her son, as well as the height of a father and his daughter. Scientists have isolated a gene known as HMGA2. This gene is believed to contribute to height variations.

Environmental Factors

Diet, exercise and living conditions play a large role in determining the height of men and women. Those living in areas that are stricken with poverty, war or natural disasters are more likely to have a lower average height than those living in areas where the population is healthier. Ethnicity also plays a role in height. For example, males in China are — on average — 1 inch shorter than males who live in the United States.Sex Differences

More often than not, men are taller than women. While women have a tendency to grow and reach their full height at a young age, men frequently surpass women in height by the time they reach their early 20s. Sex chromosomal differences account for the differences in height. The XY chromosome — male — and the XX chromosome — female — play a large role in the height differences between males and females.Average Heights

In a 2004 study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the average height of men between the ages of 20 and 74 is 5 feet 9 inches tall. Women are an average of 5 feet 4 inches tall.Me: The main point of this post was for the reader to be more informed on the current knowledge and facts about height and the average rate of height growth that is exhibited in the US teenage and adolescent population. 


Tallest Female Teenager In The World – Who Is It?

This is the third in a series of posts where I try to find the tallest people of a certain age group.

The first post was Karan Singh who in 2010 was dubbed the tallest toddler in the world. He should be 4.5 years old now and considered a small child and I really don’t know how much taller he is now compared to tall years ago. Maybe he is over 5 feet tall, even maybe pushing 6 feet??

The second post was Brenden Adams, a native of Washington State in the US who stands at 7′ 4.5″ back in 2010 when he was reported by the news and even ended up on Oprah who introduced Brenden to a fellow giant Shaquille O’Neal. So far the doctors and genetics found out what was causing his abnormal height and growth and managed to turn on puberty to stop his growth and stabelize his body to some level of homeostatic equlibrium.

This post however is slightly difficult to make because the currently there seems to be 3 contenders to the title of the world’s tallest female teenager. So who are the 3 candidates?

1. Elisany Silva– A native of Brazil (born September 27, 1995) who stands at 6′ 9″ (or 2.06 m for the rest of the world) was 14 years old when the news picked up on her story in 2010. So she would be 16 now. Her height has stablized so it appears that she stopped growing. Her reason for her abnormal growth was because of gigantism. One medical expert said that, “She might have the symptoms of the disease, which may be the headache, vision problems, and death of some other glands, like the thyroid, adrenals and the ovaries….It might cause serious implications for her health and even death.'”

Daily Mail UK – Huffington Post – Youtube Video Of Elisany (In Spanish I think)

2. Marvadene Anderson – A native of Jamaica (born May 1, 1993)who stands at 6′ 11″ (or 2.10 m for the rest of the world). Her height appears to be natural and genetic since her father and sister is also very tall. She had held the title of world’s tallest female teenager for around 2-3 years but now she recently turned 19 and was planning on going to the University of Pittsburgh. Does that mean that she can no longer be classified as a teenager any more? She was featured on The Learning Channel for the documentary The World’s Tallest Children and also on The Oprah Winfrey Show

Wikipedia ArticleThe Daily Telegraph UK – Jamaica Observer

3. Malee Duangdee – A native from Thailand. She’s 19 years old and she’s 6′ 10″ (208.3 cm). Her condition is from a brain tumour that was diagnosed when she was nine. It caused a hormone imbalance and impaired her vision. I would guess it is another case of the pituitary gland being pushed so that it releases an excess of growth hormones. Apparently she has to get an injection every 3 months worth up to 2000 British Pounds to control her growth. The news that reported her was in 2011 and she was 19 so now she is 20 years old. Does that mean I can not list her as a potential candidate for the title of the world’s tallest female teenager?

Izismile – Metro UK – Daily Mail UK


NOTE: In a rather interesting twist of events, I just found a new contender to the title of the World’s Tallest Female Teenager. 

4. Jessica Pardoe – A native of the UK (Great Britain). She was 18 years old and stand 6′ 9″ (2.06 m). When she was reported and interview by the press and in the news, she was 18 years old and it was 2011. She would be 19 years old right now. She has a size 11 feet and a 38″ inside leg inseam. Her height and size is natural and comes from genetics. Mother is 6′ 0″ and father is 6′ 7″. Has a 1 year younger brother who is 6′ 10″.

Mirror UK – Daily Mail UK

So that is the 4 people I have currently found who can claim the title of the tallest female teenager in the world currently. Overall, they are all 6′ 9″ or taller. However 3 of the 4 are 18 years old or older so I am not sure whether they can be still called a teenager. Some are still in high school while others are starting college. I guess this is one of the posts where I leave the end question to the reader.

  “” Who in your opinion is the Tallest Female Teenager In The World?””

Tallest Teenager In The World – Brenden Adams

The teenage years are for most people a difficult time filled with problems that the average adult would like to forget. You are often worried about your acnes problems, your popularity in school, your social standing within your circle of friends, and how you look to the opposite sex. On tope of all that there is the torrent of hormones that is rushing through your body that makes it difficult to concentrate on your school work, and your responsibilities and obligations.

While most of us at that age is probably worrying about whether our 5 foot diminutive selves will ever get to that special 6 foot in height and often on our knees late at night praying to gain taller, Brenden Adams have a completely different set of problems. He is tall, and I mean REALLY tall. He was given the illustrious title of World’s Tallest Teenager in 2010 and now he is 19 at the time of the writing of this post.

I understand that the teenage years are only a few years between 13-17 and soon he probably will be over that age, and that title will go to someone else.  However, I wanted to talk about him because his case and the disorder that he suffers form that causes the enormous height is so unique and may actually help us understand more the way the human growth processes actually work.

I feel that I can’t do justice in explaining his condition well enough so I will just quote from other articles about his condition.

From the website The Tallest Man

“”He is considered the only person who has grown so fast and so big because of an altered chromosome 12.

Brenden Adams was born on September 20, 1995. He was born at Kittitas Valley Community Hospital and grew up in Ellensburg, Washington. His birthweight was an average 7 pounds, 3 ounces and measured at 19.5 inches long.
Because of the teen’s neverending growth, he was diagnosed with a benign brain tumor, a bleeding disorder, a heart disorder, and athritis in his overgrown joints that started affecting him between the ages of two and eight. With of the fear of leukemia, doctors went in and performed a bone-marrow biopsy so that they could study his cells. To their suprise, the biopsy unveiled that the teen was suffering from a chromosomal disorder that causes him to grow at an accelerated speeds. It is said that only two percent of the population has this “balanced chromosomal inversion”. What happens is that some of the genetic material gets rearranged when the cells divide during the earliest stages of developing. The teen’s 12th chromosome was affected and altered which affects a person’s growth.

The World’s Tallest Teen, Brenden Adams is not only tall, but he physically and visually is different. His mother says that he constantly needs his team of doctors and visits them frequently to maintain his growth and other physical body changes. The teen has abnormally huge joints, fatty tumors, and extra teeth. “”

From the website World Record Academy

“”It was my 12th chromosome that broke in half and flipped over and reattached,” although doctors do not know what exactly caused his rapid growth after birth.

Normal-sized at birth, Brenden grew quickly – getting all his baby teeth by four months and growing as tall as an 8-year old by the time he was 4.

Still, he is extremely limited on the football field. “He can’t run, he can’t really jump,” his coach Kevin Wetzel told KXLY4. “There’s not a whole lot he can do. If you want to get him some action, you have to be creative.”

So Wetzel designed a play specifically for him. He goes out on a five-yard buttonhook play and the quarterback just floats the ball up to him. Even the next tallest player on the field can’t jump nearly as high as Brendan can reach.

In Brenden’s case, his 12th chromosomes don’t match. Experts don’t know why, but the middle of one of them broke off, flipped around and re-attached at the zygote stage of development, disrupting a critical gene that controls growth.

“This gene is functioning despite the regulation that it shouldn’t be,” said Dr. Gad Kletter, Brenden’s endocrinologist at Swedish Hospital in Seattle. “It’s over-functioning. He was predicted to be over eight foot tall.”

Kletter finally figured out how to stop Brenden Adam’s hyperactive growth gene – by inducing puberty. “We induced puberty,” explained Kletter about the weekly shots of testosterone, “to fuse the bones and stop the growth.”

And so far, the shots seem to be successful. Brenden’s growth has slowed down.

Brenden’s mom, Debbie Ezell, said he requires a team of doctors simply to stay on top of his ever-growing frame. He has oversized joints that restrict his movements, fatty tumors, and extra teeth – twelve of which were recently removed.

Amazingly, his dad, Willie Adams, said there was no hint of any of this when Brenden was born at 7 pounds, 3 ounces and 19 1/2 inches in length. His mom says they first started to notice something was different at his 2 month check-up. “They said, these measurements just aren’t right. He’s too long,” Ezell said. “And at four months, he had all of his teeth.”

Here is Brenden Standing with NBA all time great Shaquille O’Neal who is 7′ 1″ himself. If you have ever seen an NBA basketball game with Shaq, you might be able to get to imagine just how large they really are.

WikipediaWorld Record AcademyThe Tallest Man

Tallest Toddler In the World – Karan Singh

Update 9/16/2014: It has come to my attention just this morning from the amount of increased traffic to this website that there has been an update written about Karan. It seems that the website for International Business Times, based in the UK, did a piece on Karan entitled “India: Karan Singh is World’s Tallest 5-Year-Old at 5ft 7in“. A few Indian news websites also got the news and wrote their own piece on the little boy. Currently, he is now 5 years old and is now at 5′ 7”.

Some Scientific Analysis On Karan Singh’s Final Projected Adult Height

First, let’s remember the case of Igor Vovkovinskiy. When Igor was around 7 years old, his mother moved from one of the Russian nations to come to the USA. Igor was already 6 feet tall. We can use Igor as a standard or reference basis. Igor now stands around 7′ 8.3″.

Karan was said to be 4′ 7″ at the age of 2.5 years old, but that was in 2010. Since it is now at the end of 2014, he should be actually closer to 6 years old, NOT 5 years old this year. Being 5′ 7″ at the age of almost 6 years old, suggests that he will probably end up around the height of Igor, and has the potential to be taller.

Medically, the way that the endocrinologists have traditionally done a calculation of a person’s height is to look at how tall a person is at 2 years old and then double that. I would guess that Karan was around 3′ 9″ – 4′ 0″ when he was 2. That means that Karan’s adult height would be around 7′ 6″- 8′ 0″, which agrees with the growth pattern projections as predicted by looking at Igor.

Some quick back of the envelope calculations

It is generally said that for the average healthy growing male, they grow on average about 2-2.5 inches per year, starting from the age of 6 until bone maturity. Since Karan is about 6, let’s assume that he can keep that type of rate of vertical growth for the next 10 years, until he is around 16 years old, which is usually when height growth in people naturally starts to taper off. This also takes into account the insane growth spurts seen around ages 11-14, when puberty sets in. So we did account for puberty into the calculation, and just averaged out the rates of vertical growth over a 10 year span. We are talking about a kid here who has an above average growth pattern. In the years between 2010 and 2014 he went from 4′ 7″ to 5′ 7″, which shows a 2.5 inches of growth per year. At his current height, he would be 67 inches. Multiplying 2.5 inches by 10 years, and adding it to the 67 inches. it turns out that it comes out to 92 inches, which converts to 7′ 8″ tall. (He might grow more after the age of 16, which will happen, but those extra inches are accounted for in the 2.5 inches multiplied by 10 years calculation.)

If we look at the extreme cases of human height, and how their growth pattern worked out, it seems that they keep on growing into their 20s. Yao Ming supposedly kept growing until he was 22-23. If a child develops gigantism, the excess GH can somehow increase the amount of time to grow, just like what happened to Tanya Angus and Sultan Kosen, who both ended up growing even when they were around 25-27. The stranger thing is that GH Therapy somehow has the exact opposite effect when researchers looked at it in the lab, and saw that bone maturity was being accelerated.

Since Karan is idiopathically tall in stature, he will probably keep growing until he is around 23-24. I personally predict that Karan, given his combination of genetics and lifestyle, will end up around 7’8″-7’11”. The real hindrance to his growth is the level of sanitation and healthcare in his country, being India. India has a history of sub-par sanitation conditions. The fact that the kid was given mostly sweets when he was a kid by his parents, instead of wholesome food high in protein foods and a lot of dairy means that Karan’s real growth potential has been stunted. If Karan was born and raised in a country like the Netherlands or Denmark, with a high consumption of dairy products and milk and a high quality of living standard, he probably would have shattered some serious height records and ended up around 8″1-8’3″ as an adult.


To make things a little lighter today, I wanted to make a post about the tallest toddler in the world. Enter Karan Singh.

Back in 2010 a few articles was written about this boy wonder who was towering over other babies his age. At the time (Fall 2010) he was 2 and a half years old and stood a crazy 4 feet 5 inches. Of course one does not need to assume a pituitary gland condition isn this case. It appears that his height is all genetic. His mother is Shweatlana Singh, who has been billed as Asia’s tallest woman. However that fact comes into contention because on the website The Tallest Man she is listed and measured before at “only” 6’8″.  His father is 6ft 7in tall Sanjay Singh. Now that is a tall family.

Karan himself is nearly double the height of kids his own age and has the height of most kids at the age of 10. He was born at 13 lb and 24 inches. Compared these numbers to say Yao Ming’s numbers (12 lb and unknown height length) and one realizes that this kid is going to be HUGE. His mother already is stating that he will soon outgrow her. Being at his age and height, he appears to be constantly hungry always asking for food.

Here is a nice picture of his mother to the right . Very tall. What is a little concerning to me is whether this child is truly going to get to his true maximum height getting only the type of food and nutrition that is available in his native country. Shouldn’t a toddler like him who has the potential to become 8 feet tall naturally be given the best in nutrition, food, and medical care? I am a big basketball fan and would enjoy watching him play in the NBA in maybe 15 years. Whatever happens I would like to keep track of his growth progress over the years to see if his height potential is reached as his parents proclaimed.

From the video he does look extremely large.
Reference Link 1 – Reference Link 2Reference Link 3