How To Look Taller Using Insoles, Lifts, High Heels, And Special Shoes.

This post will deal with how one can look taller, not how to make oneself actually taller. I think we all realize that the process of increasing our height can be a very difficult and strenuous process, if not impossible. So there is always an easier way around it, but that involves just looking taller, not being taller.

The easiest way for most people to look taller is through special types of shoes one can wear. Most people have heard of high heels for women and lifts for men. It turns out that there is a variety of footwear and foot accessories that can be used to make ourselves look taller. The most types are thick insoles, Lifts which have thick heels prebuilt inside, high heels that are commonly used by women, and special shoes that are designed to allow for one to add thick insoles or thick heels.

For Women:

For women, they actually have quite a few options to look taller, whether clearly or inconspicuously

For women, the use of insoles is not usually needed since the wearing of heels is socially acceptable. However, special insoles for medical reasons like orthopedic help can always be worn for comfort and health reasons. One can use either any of the large online shopping sites like

1. Amazon

2. Ebay

3. Zappos

I do not believe I need to refer to any females who might be reading this website where on the internet to go to find high heeled shoes. If however, they desired to find shoes which added height in an inconspicuous way, I would direct them to the links below. The shoes available for sale on some of the links are for both men and women.

For Men:

For men, the practice of wearing shoe wear to appear taller is not really viewed positively, although no one would probably reprimand another person for that.

On this website on the Resource Page a list of websites and online stores are available for the individual to pick and buy the types of shoes that give the extra height that they desire.

For special insoles, one can also use Amazon or Ebay. Another great resource is to use Alibaba, but the likely situation is that one would have to buy a lot of the insoles in bulk.


The online shops offer a way to buy legitimate products which are supposed to help you increase your height.

1. Height Increase Speciality Shop – sells all kinds of products and equipment to help you grow (or look) taller

2. Lift Height Insoles – sells height increasing insoles you put in your shoes

3. Elevator Shoes – sells shoes with added padding

4. Walk Tall Shoes – sells shoes with added heel

5. Taller Heels – sells shoes with added heel

6. Better Shoe Lifts – sells height increasing insoles you put in your shoes

7. Orthopedic Shoe Lift – allows you to add height and inches to the shoes you want to alter

8. I Taller Shoes – sells shoes with added padding

9. Bugarri Shoes – sells shoes with added padding.

10. Tall Men Shoes – sells shoes with added heel

11. Taller – sells lift dress shoes

Insecurity From Self Identity Through Height

If I try to become more aware of my own intentions on why I desire or why other people desire to increase their height or grow taller, there is only 3 possible reasons that I have come up with.

1. To finally be able to accept themselves.

2. To get other people to accept and like them.

3. To feel good about themselves they look at themselves in the mirror.

In all three of the reasons, the element of acceptance is the main factor. They are either trying to get someone else to accept them and love them, or trying to get themselves to accept who they are and love themselves.

Time and time again I see with people around me and in my own coaching program that often the biggest problem that people face is that they either can’t love themselves or can’t get other people to love them, at least not the people they secretly wish would love them.

In terms of not getting other people to love them, the best example is a hormonal, rash teenage guy who is being reckless and uncaring. His parents and siblings can love him completely and unconditionally but he doesn’t care about that. He only wants that cute girl in his writing class to love him because that person is who he holds a high respect for and value in their opinion and judgement. It is so cruel and sad sometimes to realize that what we really want deep inside is something that the world or other people will not give us, at least at this point in their life or development.

As for trying to get other people to like who we are, I used to help other people with that. When it comes to getting other people to like us and accept us, the process is actually not that hard. Most people at a deep level want to be liked so if you just express your own genuine nature, be kind, and show that you like them without any expectations of getting anything in return, most people would be receptive to your actions, become very kind towards you, and like you in return. Learning about social skills, mirroring body language and vocal communication, building rapport, creating attraction or deep comfort, understanding qualification, these ideas will be enough to help us gain friends and lovers if we apply them diligently and practice them daily through forced communication.

As for ourselves, we know at some intellectual level that it is never that we “CAN’T” love ourselves. It is always that we “won’t” love who we are. The main issue is over acceptance. At the back of our minds, we logically understand that part. Unfortunately another part of our mind creates a force that resist us from reaching full acceptance so we are not letting ourselves just relax. We often find that we feel the need to struggle, to compete, and to improve just so that we can be even satisfied with our state in our lives at that current moment. We really will not accept who we are so obviously we can not reach the next step which is to love. For any of us to ever even be able to reach the level of acceptance, we have to do it at both an intellectual and emotional level. However, research has shown that we as emotional creatures can override and then rationalize away our emotions so all we really need to do is find a way to emotionally accept ourselves. So how do we at a deep level emotionally accept ourselves? It could either take years and years of trials, tributlation, mistakes, and errors before we finally hit some breaking point where the external world becomes a place where we can no longer deal with or control, or have any power over. Once the extenral world becomes too hard or difficult for us to deal with, our ego will logically go to the inner world and try to find safety and security therre. If then we find that our inner world is also in strife and chaos from anxiety, turmoil, then our  brain has three choices,

1. Run back to the external world and struggle again to exert our will on it to give it what we want

2. Go mad and crazy

3. Give up and let go of the emotional pain inside.

To be able to let go , we have to at some level change or reframe ou identity. Our identity is the image and idea of who we think we are. How we view ouselves and how we stay congruent with that image is how

The great Anthony Robbins once stated that one of the most powerful forces within us is to stay “true and consistent with our identiy , of who we think we are”

Of course other wise people have also shown that the greatest force within us is not the survival instinct, which is to run away from death , “but to keep things the same, the way it is”. Change often leads to discomfort.

There is one last axiom which I wanted to bring which is that humans mainly operate on the pain and pleasure principles. Our actions can be simplified and explained by assuming the individual will run towards pleasure and run away from pain. However, the force of pain and suffering is far stronger and more likely to get us to take some form of action than the force of pleasure. The stick is a better incentive than the carrot.

If we then combine the three axioms together then we understand the true primary force within people. People want to continue to do the same thing over and over again while creating a subjective illusion that they have choice and free will within a safe comfortable environement keeping to their own personal blueprint of the world and staying always within their identity. If anything comes in to try to change their identity, they feel immediately threatened and creates resistance from using every form of ego defense mechanism possible. This is all played at a metalevel of communication and intepersonal behavioral dynamics. If we realize that in our meta level battles that we can’t win, we either try to make the opponent lose at the cost of ourselves, fight to remain at our position, or try to find a way to end it in a draw. Again, all meta-level communication conflict theory.

If we somehow are pushed to the edge of our comfort zone, we will react irrationally to come back to our comfrot zone. We will definitely react towards the force of pain because that is one of the primary drives.

How you define yourself as a person will ultimately create the most pain and also the most joy in you. In certain very dramatic situations in our life, our identity can be completely stripped form us.

Ex: We were married and one day we found out our spouse has been cheating on us and just ran off with the other women/guy. We are left stupified at what happened. There is no emotional closure, our brains and emotions can’t make sense of what happened, and no one can give us an adequate answer to the main question “Why??” so both our mental and emotional circuits are destroyed. Our notion of who we are, our identity, has been completely ripped out of us in one day, and there was nothing we could have done. Then comes the blame, and where the blame is placed. Is it on ourselves or the person, organization, or agent that caused the change in the situation which we had absolutely no control over?

When it comes to almost anything else in our life, we have some form of control and ability to change something that we don’t like by taking action. When it comes to the issue of height and size, it maye turn out that we may have to one day have to find a way to emotionally accept our limitations and the realities of our real size.

The problem with identity is that ultimately, the concept of “I” is very fluid. The self ultimately is constantly changing. As time moves on, our surroundings change, our relationshps chagne, our thoughts change, and our values change. When we try too hard to define ourselves only in a certain way, our attachment to that mental construct of what is ourselves will be lsot eventually. When we call ourselves a mother, what happens when our children dies suddenly? We lose that sense of identity. Partly, our sense of identity is connected also to what we do.

When it comes to something like height, that almost never changes once we reach a certain age, we can often feel stuck. How we are compared to others is the primary way we define ourselves in this world. When we state that we are short (which is from being compared to others of our age range and primary peer group), that is something that can not change. If we are too focused and attached to that label or description, we develop often an emotion to that part of our identity. When that identity elicits a feeling of insecurity or anxiety, we try to find a way to avoid it. However, with height we can never truly escape that level upon us. So either we can try to change the external by finding a way to help us grow, or we stop focusing on that label and that part of our identity.

What if instead that although we are 5 feet tall and we graduated from Harvard Medical School? Well then we are short and a doctor. We can reinterpret our identiyty by using the positive, stronger parts of our identiy. At some level, everyone is proud of themselves or confident in themselves in some way.

While we may not have the best body qualities, we might have an amazing intellect. While we may not have an amazing intellect, our social skills and ability to deal with people are amazing. While we may not get along with people well, our skill sin making money and dealing with finances makes us rich and wealthy.

The primary point is that if you never do find a way to change the attributes that make up who you are, then look for another aspect of your identity, which is always changing, and be confident (and even arrogant) from that.

How Much Taller Do You Want To Be?

How much taller do you want to be? Do you desire to just improve your height slightly to improve your confidence inside yourself or do you desire such a dramatic change in body form that you go through a full transformation on every level? If you do go through with the full transformation, how would other people react towards you after they see you again?

I would suggest that most people should only ask for 4 inches maximum in height increase. I personally can probably create a program or system within 4 years of full research which can increase a person’s height by 1-2 inches, by decompressing the vertebrate and decreasing the curvature of the spine.

However if you are around 5 feet tall (or shorter) and male, maybe then it would be appropriate to desire something more like 8 inches or even an entire feet in growth. There is objective scientific evidence that shows that a male’s chances for dating and mating success is hindered most likely by his height, beyond any other physical attribute.

However, I would say that desiring for a full 12 inches in height increase would be completely life transforming. There is currently no program out there that comes even close to giving anyone that type of results. I personally have never heard of any story or claim that allowed for up to an entire feet of added height, not even the scams out there.


Counseling, Therapy, And Coaching Over Height Issues

I wanted to post this on the website/blog for anyone who feels that they feel extremely unhappy about their height that I can do some personal counseling, therapy, or coaching either for free or a very low cost ($20/hr) if they are extremely dissatisfied with their life because of of their lack of height. If your situation is particularly serious, of course I would be willing to do some therapy for free. There might be some issues which I can’t help with if the cause is biochemical in nature. Words can only go so far. I am not licensed to write prescription drugs.

I actually started and my own life coaching company that is based in the Pacific Northwest part of the USA, Seattle. My main focus on coaching and therapy is towards men, and helping men figure out and deal with their deep issues and insecurities. However for this specific area of Height Growth & Development, I have enough expertise to help both genders. Contact me through the email above if you desire some form of help in either your struggles or your pursuits.

In terms of credentials, certifications, and training, I have NONE. I don’t intend to be dishonest or lie about that issue. My undergraduate degree was actually in engineering with a specialty in physics and the sciences. I got into Self Help and Personal Development maybe 3.5 years ago right after my job was eliminated at the small alternative energy company I was working for because the company could not get a Series B round of funding during the crazy 2009 depression. I spent 2 and a half solid years reading all of the classics of psychology and self help, practicing meditation, and testing the methods and techniques on my self and my friends. Learning things like Hypnosis and Neurolinguistic Programming and Cognitive Psychology has been really fun.

I don’t want to sound like a charlatan but I created the company by myself as a LLC in the beginning and was the only employee for a good 3 months before bringing along a partner who is the Chief Advisor of the company. 90% of the work and development of the company is done by me since this company is my idea and I hold complete accountability and responsibility to the fate and success (or failure) of my company. I had a part time marketing intern to researching the different types of distribution channels and there is another Coach but she doesn’t have any major work yet because I haven’t been able to get enough clients for the company. Marketing is a tricky subject and I am still learning. I wanted to make my company history and practices completely transparent. 

It may turn out after years of research and study by me and me posting and writing articles on here that being able to grow taller or increase our height after the bones are sealed is impossible. What will happen to the people who had dedicated so many years of their life to this pursuit if they realize finally that it is not possible? Their world and belief system could collapse.

A brilliant hypnotherapist once said that the reason why we are unhappy is often not the reason we think it is.

When a person goes to a therapist, counselor, or psychiatrist because they are suffering from some psychological issue, what they came to the to clinic or office for is often revealed not to be the real problem that they have been trying to deal with and confront.

From the teaching of the best in the self help community, here is the basic 4 tenet which I have reached in conclusion.

Principle 1: People are mainly controlled by the two main forces of pain and pleasure. From an evolutionary and economics perspective, the force of pain and the need to avoid pain is a far greater force of an influence and control than pleasure. 

Principle 2: The only reason why we as people never do what we are supposed to do is because of FEAR. That fear is preventing us from doing the hard work and developing the type of discipline within ourselves that is neccesary to push us to the other side, which is achievement. 

Principle 3: We often feel like we are struggling against the world and always competing against other people just so that we can get a piece of the happiness and resources to satisfy ourselves and ensure our survival, comfort, and security. The struggle is too overwhelming for us to deal with at many times and that leads to anxiety, which is the main mental destroyer inside of us.

Principle 4: The main 4 fear that goes through our head is this.

1. I will not be loved

2. I will lose the respect and/or love of someone who I respect/love one day if I don’t continue to act, be, or look a certain way.

3. I want to love and accept myself but I can’t because of some reason I created in my own head which may not really

4. I am not enough


My Own Personal Story For Height

As for myself, I am over 6 feet tall when I measure myself when I get out of bed in the morning. Afterwards when the night comes along, that height does decreased to less than 5’11.5″ , sometimes down to even 5′ 11.25″ . I remember maybe 3 years ago that I would measure my height every day in the morning when I woke up. I drew a horizontal line to mark where the 6 foot mark was. I was happy when I was over that mark , but it would obviously drop down as the day went on. I found myself always wondering, always checking, always in some state of deep anxiety. Of course during that time, I recently lost my job with no relationship so I was left to my own imagination to keep my days filled so maybe my brain decided to create some project for me to take on.

I realize now that my desire to increase my height and become taller may not be completely logically justified. I am currently living in an Asian country where the average height of adult men seem to be around 5’8″-5’9″.

I actually remember when I was 13 years old and realizing that I was a lot taller and bigger than other people in my class. I would look at a class photo and think I was a freak for being so much taller and bigger than the other people in my class and wished that somehow I could squeeze myself back down to the ordinary size of the others. I remember nights wondering what it would be like to be smaller, faster, and more agile like a ninja that could climb walls, jump over buildings, and fly in the air. When I think about why I am dissatified with my own height and why I desire to be even taller I realize at some level that my desire to become physically bigger than other people is mainly because I have failed to be mentally superior to other people. Every person who I have ever tried to compare my intellect with has achieved more, created more, and have been educated better than me. A part of me is very insecure and uncomfortable to know that I never managed to get the type of professional success that I always secretly wished for.

From a very early age in my life, the family that I was raised in prized and values intellectual and mental power and ability over all else. I believed in the idea that my sense of worth was determined by how intelligent I was. Thoughout my elementary and middle school days, I was consistently ranked as a tope student and I felt good about myself because I was good in school . The values I had correlated well with my performance in life so I was happy. At some point later on in my High School days, I developed some strange ideas and decided that I wanted to become either an acetic or monk because I had read so many books on spirituality and eastern philosophy. I lost all desire to do well in school and almost dropped out of High School. Through most great help by my parents, I managed to barely finish High School but by then, all of my old academic achievements were destroyed and I suddenly realized that my future looked grim. Some how I got into a respectable state school and went into the an applied sciences field and pushed myself to be the best in school. I wanted to prove to myself and others that I was not going to be a loser, a failure in life because I was stupid.

After 5 years later and giving up on trying to get a double degree in two types of engineering, I had done well enough to give myself the type of validation to say that “Yes, I am good enough. I am worthy to be respected, befriended ,and maybe even loved.” It would take only about 9 months into my first job out of school before the company lost all the funding and I lost what I thought was the best job for a person like me. It was at that time that my own sense of worth was deeply questioned again. Thus, my subconscious probably told me to look for something within me or about me that I could have some form of pride or self esteem about, something which is permanent and can not be changed or taken away, unlike a job which had defined me for so long. Since I found that I seemed to be taller than average, I focused back on that and wanted to be so much bigger, so much taller than others so that I could have at least that one thing to claim that makes me feel special and unique about myself. At the same time, I had discovered that my entire dating life and history was nonexistence but that could be drastically improved on. I decided to identify myself with something which I thought I could become extemely good at but also be separated away from the people who I felt I could never compete intellectually with.

I wanted to win at some aspect of life which could make me feel better about myself. If I could not be the smartest person in the room or the most accomplished I can be the tallest person in the room and have the best looking, most amazing girlfriend.

When I now think about how my thinking went and why I did what I did I realize that a part of my thinking makes total sense from a Psychology point of view. Maybe it just took some time and life to fully realize that I can not be the best at everything or that I could be the best at even one thing.

Is Our Pursuit For Height Increase An Obsession or Mental Illness?

Something I learned about today from more reading was a medical term that may apply to some of us who are on this personal journey or even quest to find a way to grow taller.

While there are some of us who have a healthy interest because they want to be taller, there are some of us who have an unhealthy obsession with the topic.

The mental condition I am referring to is “Short Stature Dysphoria” where patients are deeply dissatisfied with their height. I would like to add that for most people who are deeply dissatisfied with their height, it is not from being too tall, but form being too short.

I personally don’t know if I am afflicted with this mental condition, but I do know that I have a personality that is very easy to be addicted to something once I am interested. When I was younger, I was diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). I am in my mid-late 20s now and almost all of my teenage weird habits and tendencies are gone. I could claim now that my younger stranger self was just going through the typical teenage issues but know can really know.

I guess there is still a part of me that still gets obsessed over some subjects, and they may never go away but what was once a consuming thought or desire has abated into something more controllable. These days, I can be far more objective and calm about many things which I could not have been years ago. I think for this topic at my age, I have accepted my own height since it is not that bad. I can live with that and find some peace with it. I can always wear bigger shoes or put padding in my shoes to make myself feel a little better and more confident about myself.

So, please guys, just learn to keep everything into perspective. Being short does really suck and is something which we may never be able to change. However life doesn’t give us the amount of time we each need to get over our issues and heal properly. For the people who don’t understand us, who can’t understand why we are so intensely dedicated to finding a solution, they will never understand the pain and internal suffering that may go through a person who tries to change something which may not be changeable.

Should we maybe one day 10, 20 years later wake up and realize that all of that pursuing got us nowhere, and that we are left with nothing of value to show for our effort??

I don’t know but in the words of Fox Mulder from the 90’s hit, The X-Files, “I want to believe”.