Axial loading devices at physiological loads can be helpful with the right stimulus

Axial loading can help with growth if the right stimulus is in place namely existing remodeling conditions.

Effects of mechanical loading on cortical defect repair using a novel mechanobiological model of bone healing.

Mechanical loading is an important aspect of post-surgical fracture care. The timing of load application relative to the injury event may differentially regulate repair depending on the stage of healing. Here, we used a novel mechanobiological model of cortical defect repair that offers several advantages including its technical simplicity and spatially confined repair program, making effects of both physical and biological interventions more easily assessed. Using this model, we showed that daily loading (5N peak load, 2Hz, 60 cycles, 4 consecutive days) during hematoma consolidation and inflammation disrupted the injury site and activated cartilage formation on the periosteal surface adjacent to the defect. We also showed that daily loading during the matrix deposition phase enhanced both bone and cartilage formation at the defect site, while loading during the remodeling phase resulted in an enlarged woven bone regenerate. All loading regimens resulted in abundant cellular proliferation throughout the regenerate and fibrous tissue formation directly above the defect demonstrating that all phases of cortical defect healing are sensitive to physical stimulation. Stress was concentrated at the edges of the defect during exogenous loading, and finite element (FE)-modeled longitudinal strain (εzz) values along the anterior and posterior borders of the defect (~2200με) was an order of magnitude larger than strain values on the proximal and distal borders (~50-100με){2000 is within physiological microstrain}. It is concluded that loading during the early stages of repair may impede stabilization of the injury site important for early bone matrix deposition, whereas loading while matrix deposition and remodeling are ongoing may enhance stabilization through the formation of additional cartilage and bone.”

“Compressive axial loading (100 cycles/day, 1 Hz, 5 days per week for 2 weeks at 0.5 N, 1 N,
and 2 N peak load) was applied across the flexed knee and ankle immediately after fracture
or after a 4-day delay, which coincided with the hematoma and inflammation stages”<-This is axial loading in contrast to lateral loading.

” femoral segmental defects subjected to daily cyclic bending (900 cycles, 1Hz, 15 min/day for 5 consecutive days per week for 1, 2 or 4 weeks) beginning on post-surgical day 10, which coincided with a provisional matrix scaffold, led to formation of pseudarthrosis with enhanced cartilage formation”<-pseudoarthrosis is a fracture that won’t heal properly.

“In sum, loading produces a strain field around the defect that is high on the anterior and posterior borders and low on the proximal and distal borders”

” Daily loading during the inflammatory phase (PSD 2 to 5) delays hematoma clearance and bone matrix deposition, stimulates cellular proliferation and osteoclast activity, and promotes cartilage formation.”

” Proliferating cells were observed within the defect at all time points post-loading and within the elevated periosteum and surrounding cartilage nodules suggesting that loading activated proliferation even when strains were relatively low (50-100με). ”

“low stress and strain lead to direct intramembranous bone formation, compressive stress and
strain lead to chondrogenesis, and high tensile strain leads to fibrous tissue formation”

Functional in situ assessment of human articular cartilage using MRI: a whole-knee joint loading device.

“The response to loading of human articular cartilage as assessed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) . An MRI-compatible whole-knee joint loading device for the functional in situ assessment of cartilage was developed and validated in this study. A formalin fixed human knee was scanned by computed tomography in its native configuration and digitally processed to create femoral and tibial bone models. The bone models were covered by artificial femoral and tibial articular cartilage layers in their native configuration using cartilage-mimicking polyvinyl siloxane. A standardized defect of 8 mm diameter was created within the artificial cartilage layer at the central medial femoral condyle, into which native cartilage samples of similar dimensions were placed.  After describing its design and specifications, the comprehensive validation of the device was performed using a hydraulic force gauge and digital electronic pressure-sensitive sensors. Displacement controlled quasi-static uniaxial loading to 2.5 mm (δ2.5) and 5.0 mm (δ5.0) of the mobile tibia versus the immobile femur resulted in forces of 141±8N(δ2.5) and 906±38 N (δ5.0) (on the entire joint)and local pressures of 0.680±0.088MPa (δ2.5) and 1.050±0.100 MPa (δ5.0) (at the site of the cartilage sample). Upon confirming the MRI compatibility of the set-up, the response to loading of macroscopically intact human articular cartilage samples (n = 5) was assessed on a clinical 3.0-T MR imaging system using clinical standard proton-density turbo-spin echo sequences and T2-weighted multi-spinecho sequences. Serial imaging was performed at the unloaded state (δ0) and at consecutive loading positions (i.e. at δ2.5 and δ5.0). Biomechanical unconfined compression testing (Young’s modulus) and histological assessment. All samples were histologically intact(Mankinscore,1.8±1.3)and biomechanically reasonably homogeneous (Young’s modulus, 0.42 ± 0.14 MPa). They could be visualized in their entirety by MRI and significant decreases in sample height [δ0:2 .86±0.25mm; δ2.5:2 .56±0.25mm; δ5.0:2 .02±0.16mm; p < 0.001 (repeated-measures ANOVA)] as well as pronounced T2 signal decay indicative of tissue pressurization were found as a function of compressive loading. In conclusion, our compression device has been validated for the noninvasive response-to-loading assessment of human articular cartilage by MRI in a close-to-physiological experimental setting. Thus, in a basic research context cartilage may be functionally evaluated beyond mere static analysis and in reference to histology and biomechanics”

“In terms of hydration, compressive loading most likely induced considerable water redistribution within and possibly out of the tissue.”

Certain Weightlifting Exercises Compensates Slightly For Short Height

For a long time I never believed in this idea that a heterosexual male could just go to the local gym and just “lift” his way to a level of physical attractiveness to compensate for his shorter than average height. It was something that was promoted by a large percentage of young teenage and adult males in the USA today, who treat exercise as a preferred form of hobby or past-time.

It seems that I might be wrong to a certain level. In doing research on what exactly women expect from potential romantic male partners, I came across media articles that referred to this one study done in Australis. From Business Insider, there was an article entitled “Women’s Standards Of Attractiveness Are As Unrealistic As Men’s. The website for Bloomberg magazine also wrote about it entitledWomen Choose Mates by Shoulder Size First, Research Suggests.”

Out of over 100 female subjects (yes, I realize that the size is not that large) that were asked to judge the male form for attractiveness, it seems that shoulder-to-waist ratio was the most determinant factor, followed in second by height, and third by male genitalia size. Related to this subject, there might be evidence that have a shoulder/waist ratio close to the golden ratio may be the best for attractiveness, which is 1.618. This means you measure the width of your shoulders to the width of your waist.

For the longest time, there were always anecdotal evidence spoken by females who were asked about what they found physically attractive in males. They would say that having wide, broad shoulders was one of the key components. This 2013 study seems to confirm this theory.

So how does this help the guy who might have stopped growing taller, but obviously want to go to the gym to make themselves more appealing to the opposite sex?

It seems to be linked to the level of testosterone in a males body again. I found out back in the 2012-2014 time that there is an ideal range of testosterone that should be going through a guy’s body around puberty to make them above average in height. The level of T should be higher than average, but not too high.

What is well known from a study in anatomy is that even after the growth plates in the young guys’ body are gone which contribute specifically for vertical growth, the sternum area is still however cartilage, specifically fibrocartilage. It seems that if the young male has a high level of T, that testosterone will in fact cause the fibrocartilage to expand, which will cause the overall skeleton to grow in width. This creates the wider torso, broader shoulder look. This is what happens when basketball scouts say that the rail skinny tall nba draft pick will eventually fill out. When the vertical growth has stopped, then the width growth starts, expanding the rib cage, and thus the overall upper region of the shoulders.

However, that fibrocartilage in the sternum doesn’t last forever either. Around the age of say 25-27, that cartilage also starts to ossify. This means that if you wanted to expand your torso and make your shoulders bigger and wider, you need to do it in your early 20s to mid 20s.

The best type of exercise which I can recommend anyone, specifically young adult guys around the age of 18-26, who is looking to make themselves have large shoulders, is to focus on just 3 exercises. 1) swimming (specifically the fly stroke), 2) pull ups and 3) shoulder flys.

Now, let’s remember the golden ratio. One need to combine the width shoulders with a narrow waist, which means that they should combine it with the following 2 types of exercise to narrow their waist. 1. Abdominal/Core exercises 2) Cardio (You might not even need cardio if you swim with high enough intensity to burn off the adipose tissue around the waist area).

Let’s remember the things we learned years before. Probably the most popular type of male body that girls want is the mesomorphic type, but more specifically the “swimmers’ build”. Swimmers get their body shape from swimming. If I could just compact down my recommendation for the 1 type of exercise a young adult guy can do to make themselves more attractive to the females, it would be to focus on swimming, and swim with high intensity.

For the longest time, I said that bodybuilding and weightlifting is a waste of time and stupid and doesn’t work in making the females more attracted to the guy, since I knew for a fact that exercise will not make a short guy taller. I thought that height was the most important factor in female attraction.

That may not be the complete picture here. Height is indeed critical and important, but a more accurate description of female attraction is being able to recognize in a guy the physical attributes from the male body to reveal that when that guy was going through puberty, they had the right level of testosterone going through their body. Females can biologically, instinctually recognize which males have the bodies which have the right proportion sizes.

It used to be in the 90s and 80s that the guy who gets the best looking females in the years of high school were football players, not basketball players. Basketball players are on average taller than football players, but football players are much wider, thus wider in the shoulders than basketball players. However, I would be willing to guess that there would be a 60/40 ratio if a large number of females were asked to just whether they would prefer the 6′ 2″ football player body with a 1.6 shoulder-waist ratio to the 6′ 4″ basketball player with a 1.4 shoulder-waist ratio.

There does seem to a be a height cut-off point where the taller you are, the attraction from females actually decrease. There has always been at some level this image that the super tall thin guy is not as masculine (thus attractive) as the less tall, but still tall guy who has wider shoulders, and is buff.

So for the guys out there, I would suggest that one should focus on weightlifting or exercise in general to a certain point to help compensate for height, if they are shorter than average. And when I am talking about exercise, I am saying it to focus on just 2 results. 1) Increase the width of the shoulders and 2) decrease the width of the waist to the golden ratio. 1.6

Phase 1 – When you are still going through puberty and still growing vertically – Exercise Recommended – Swimming. It seems that swimming actually decrease the bone mineral density, which is something pediatricians are against, but from my personal research, the lower than average BMD is nothing to be worried about, since in the long term, that eventually increases as we get older to full adulthood.

Phase 2 – When you are just finished with growing taller and finished puberty – Exercise Recommended – High Intensity Swimming with the Fly stroke combined with pull ups and shoulder flys

Phase 3 – When you are around the age of 27 and older – Focus only on core exercises to decrease the waist measurement, since you can no longer increase the width of your shoulders, since the fibrocartilage have finally finishes ossifying around the ages of 26-27.

Here is where weightlifting aka bodybuilding fails, and doesn’t do anything. Do no do the following exercises, since they do nothing for you in the long term

  • Squat
  • Deadlift
  • Bench press
  • Bicep Curl -or any type of exercise that works the biceps
  • Tricep Exercises
  • Calf muscles exercises
  • Leg presses

The exercise of squatting and deadlift is particularly useless and dangerous, to one’s back, hip, and knees. The exercises of bicep often cause tendonitis and bone spurs in the elbows and shoulder joint areas.

Remember that we are looking for “functional strength”. Functional strength refers to the strength that the rock climber gets from being able to lift their entire body weight over their head. Functional strength is what will make one light in weight, faster, and be more agile and quick on their feet. Functional strength is derived from using one’s own weight as the resistance to work one’s muscles. That is why I do not recommend exercising using barbells, dumbbells, and machines. Instead of lifting a weight in a predetermined path, one should be lifting and maneuvering a kettle bell.

Young men these days love to talk about their “gains” which I am guessing is just increases in the measurements of their muscles, but the increased muscularity is not what really attracts females, at least the majority of females. The real truth is that weightlifting and bodybuilding is something today’s young men do for themselves, to make themselves feel better about themselves, to give them the confidence, since exercise increases the level of testosterone and endorphins going through the body. It is more likely that the guy who is exercising to become extremely muscular is doing it to gain the admiration of other heterosexual males, rather than the sexual desire of females, since we are vane creatures and want to be admired, by both men and women.

If we look at pictures of say 2016 Arnold Schwarzenegger, we can see that all of his work in bodybuilding in his 20s to win those Mr. Olympia championships eventually were lost. Father time and mother nature takes away the “gains” we exercised for in our 20s and 30s. This is true for people like Ronnie Coleman, another former Mr. Olympia. His downfall with all his back and hip injuries show that weightlifting and bodybuilding is actually a very stupid, time wasting, and body damaging past-time which the American young adult men these days don’t realize yet.  All that hard work is removed when we get older. Remember that before Arnold came along in the 80s, and his Venice Beach Gold’s Gym time in the 70s and early 60s, exercise was actually not a very big thing.

It wasn’t until the 80s that exercise and the need to have a ripped, muscular body was considered attractive by both the American male and female demographic. However, being tall, and having broad, wide shoulder have always been.

I honestly believe that weightlifting and bodybuilding is a fad that will not stand the test of time. Exercise is here to stay since the benefits from cardio workouts are too beneficial, although cardio can be bad for the joints. That is why I suggest swimming as the best form of exercise.

Breakthrough-Genetically Engineered Tomatos for Height Increase

This study provides evidence that supplementation of Quercetin, Kaempferol, and Rutin may affect height during development but you can’t be sure until it’s tested.  The method by which it induces height growth is by increasing the expansion of the bone lacunae per hypertrophic chondrocyte generating more bang for the buck.

Genetically engineered flavonol enriched tomato fruit modulates chondrogenesis to increase bone length in growing animals.

“Externally visible body and longitudinal bone growth is a result of proliferation of chondrocytes[not necessarily; chondrocyte hypertrophy plays a large role]. In growth disorder, there is delay in the age associated increase in height[not always]. The present study evaluates the effect of extract from transgenic tomato fruit expressing AtMYB12 transcription factor on bone health including longitudinal growth. Constitutive expression of AtMYB12 in tomato led to a significantly enhanced biosynthesis of flavonoids in general and the flavonol biosynthesis in particular. Pre-pubertal ovary intact BALB/c mice received daily oral administration of vehicle and ethanolic extract of wild type (WT-TOM) and transgenic AtMYB12-tomato (MYB12-TOM) fruits for six weeks. Animal fed with MYB12-TOM showed no inflammation in hepatic tissues and normal sinusoidal Kupffer cell morphology. MYB12-TOM extract significantly increased tibial and femoral growth and subsequently improved the bone length as compared to vehicle and WT-TOM. Histomorphometry exhibited significantly wider distal femoral and proximal tibial growth plate, increased number and size of hypertrophic chondrocytes in MYB12-TOM which corroborated with micro-CT and expression of BMP-2 and COL-10, marker genes for hypertrophic cells. We conclude that metabolic reprogramming of tomato by AtMYB12 has the potential to improve longitudinal bone growth thus helping in achievement of greater peak bone mass during adolescence.”

What’s significant is that this improves bone growth in normal individuals.

“the proliferative zone contains replicate chondrocytes arranged in columns parallel to the long axis of the bone”

“the proliferative chondrocytes located farthest from the resting zone stop replicating and enlarge to become hypertrophic chondrocytes which subsequently form bone. these cells also maintain the columnar alignment in the hypertrophic zone.”

“growing female mice fed with extract from MYB12-TOM affected formation, quality and length of the bone. Extract from MYB12-TOM significantly increased the length by interstitial growth of the epiphyseal plate of bones by the expansion of the lacunae in the hypertrophic cells in pre-pubertal stage.”

“genetically engineered transgenic tomatoes (MYB12-TOM) expressing a flavonol specific transcription factor from Arabidopsis, AtMYB1214. The fruits of MYB12-TOM accumulated significantly higher amount of flavonols as compared to wild type tomatoes (WT-TOM).”

“expansion of the lacunae in the hypertrophic cells leads to the increased longitudinal growth”

The genetically altered tomatoes had much higher levels of Quercetin, Kaempferol, and Rutin than normal,

“Extracts from MYB12-TOM increased the femur length significantly by 6.1%as compared to WT-TOM. In case of tibia, WT-TOM and MYB12-TOM increased the bone length by 5.54% and 9.98% as compared to control group respectively. Further, comparisons within experimental groups show that MYB12-TOM increased tibial length significantly by 4.2% as compared to WT-TOM group”

So it may be possible that Quercetin, Kaempferol, and Rutin supplements to have a significant impact on height during development.

“transgenic MYB12-TOM group exhibited significantly higher COL10a expression from control group  and WT-TOM”

LSJL+ finger pulling progress update

Okay, so here’s the last images and I have some observations and some tweaks.  It seems that it’s mainly the tip of the finger that’s growing and I do have to clamp the tip of my finger to pull on it.  Whereas it’s harder to see any changes in the rest of the finger which is being pulled.


finger comp

The right pinky is the loaded finger.  I know it’s hard to see anything but I’m just in the testing stages right now.  If there’s every strong enough evidence I can get x-rays and compare it with earlier x-rays I have.  But I don’t think it’s finger pulling that’s effective but rather the inadvertent LSJL that occurs via me clamping my fingers in order to pull on it.

Hydrostatic pressure is the force created by a fluid at rest by clamping you’re disabling the ability of fluid to move.  Hydrostatic pressure is a consistent chondroinducter.  Chondrocytes are the basis for the growth plate.  I’ve tried clamping fingers with a mechanical clamp but didn’t really get significant results.  Although a clamp can generate more force, using your hands is more precise.

So now I’m going to change my methodology a little bit.


I’m just going to hand clamp the middle of the finger to see what effects it has.  One potential difference between the proximal and medial finger bone is that there’s only one epiphysis in the proximal finger bone.  And fluid may not be at rest but simply flow out the other end.

One potential solution is this:


Clamp one epiphysis with a mechanical clamp and clamp the other epiphysis with a hand clamp.

If you look closely at the first image you can see slightly more swelling at the epiphysis of the proximal finger.  It’ll be interesting to see any swelling that occurs in the middle region.

I don’t expect the first image to serve as proof of any means.  Just experimenting to try to find the right methodology and I think LSJL is finally being narrowed down into what actually would be effective for height increase.  Not focusing so much on generating as much force as possible with a clamp but rather clamping in such a way as to inhibit fluid from leaving the bone to generate hydrostatic pressure.

Mesenchymal condensation is the key to growth plate formation.  And you can’t condense if fluid is flowing every which way.  And growth plate cartilage is avascular.

NBA Player Aaron Gordon Wears Height Increasing Insoles Even When Playing A Game

The NBA just today tweeted a picture of the high flying NBA star Aaron Gordon’s shoes when they burst apart during a game. From my personal experiences, I immediately recognized that he is padding his shoes with insoles. However, when you study those insoles, you realize that they are not the normal type you wear to help with your orthotic medical conditions. These are basketball specific insoles, which absolutely NO sense.

Let’s summarize the information we do know about this kid Aaron Gordon.

He is listed at the height of 6′ 9″ on his current NBA basketball team. However, the website DraftExpress would reveal that his real height is 6′ 7.5″ when measured in the 2014 NBA Draft Combine. He wore shoes that gave him 1.25″ more inches, making him 6′ 8.75″, which is rounded up to 6′ 9″. Interestingly he was measured just 6′ 6″ just back in 2013. His maximum vertical at the combine was 39″, which is very respectable.

Broken shoesLet’s talk about the exact shoes he was wearing. They are known as the Hyperrevs, specifically a black-and-white Nike Zoom Hyperrev 2016 model. When you look for this specific model and what it looks like inside, you realize that it already has a Nike logo styled on the bottom of its designed insoles that is supposed to fit in there.

Let me show you guys a picture of what it looks like inside a Nike Lunar Hyperrev. This is what is supposed to look like below. Notice also how the broken Hyperrevs show that the insole inside is multilayered, and really thick. And that is just the front part. The way most insoles are designed, the front part is the most thin, and as you go back further, the insoles close to the heel become thicker, often over 0.5 an inch.

Insole insideHere is the honest truth about these basketball insoles. You don’t need them. Nike is a multi-billion dollar company who has had over 30 years since riding the coat tails of Michael Jordan been designing and looking for better and better ways to make shoes that appeal to the basketball community. How is it not possible that Nike hasn’t already realized that the insoles of a basketball shoe is important and looked to make the absolutely most comfortable pair of insoles already embedded into the shoes, which accounted for shock absorption?

These Jordans are often over $500 each pair. There is absolutely no doubt that the insoles in the shoes from the factory in China are already the best there is. You can’t design anything else to be better. The issue of shock absorption, which is marketed in the insole community is already mitigated by the factory built Nike shoes.

Aaron Gordon don’t need those insoles and he knows it. In fact, based on my experience playing basketball, the more weight a shoe has, the less you can jump. This kid is putting extra insole into his shoes for reasons that are not based on basketball. It would be a better advantage for him to not wear those insoles, for less weight, better maneuverability, less chance of a ankle break, and higher verticals.

I am calling this kid out for being busted. It is similar to how the founder of LiftKits Derek White told his story of how he learned about one of the dirty secrets of the modeling world when he saw a fellow model stuff his shoes with insoles to make himself look taller. (Youtube video source here)

I would like to mention that there is even more dirty little tricks in the basketball community to the frequent readers.

Have you guys ever heard of height increasing socks? 

Devin Booker MeasurementsI have, and I have seen these height increasing socks in action. They were revealed in one specific combine measurements. Let me tell you guys who I am talking about. I am referring to the rookie Devin Booker. From 2014 to 2015, his measured height without shoes went from 6′ 5.25″ to 6′ 4.5″.

When you look at this kid next to the 6′ 3.5″ tall NBA Commissioner Adam Silver with a google search, you realize that this kid is not the 6′ 6″ that is listed on his NBA profile.

So how is it possible that a person’s height can change a full 0.75″ of an inch from one year to the next, downwards??? – Some people would obvious state the principle of diurnal variation where one’s height can change through the day. However, the NBA draft has already realized this specific phenomena, and taken that factor into consideration. All measurements in terms of height, reach, vertical, and hand size are measured early in the morning right out of bed. If you guys don’t believe me, there is a youtube video of Blake Griffin getting measured out and you can clearly see when they measure out his height to be between 6′ 8.5″-6′ 8.75″. It is done right after a night’s sleep. Diurnal variation was accounted for.

Height is never supposed to decrease, especially in your early 20s and the start of your basketball career. When you as a potential NBA player is getting that last final height measurement done to see whether those team scouts and general managers think highly of you, I don’t think any player is ever willing to make themselves shorter than they really are. Who would ever bend their knees when on the stadiometer?

Even a 1 inch drop in height from what was perceived before means losing millions of potential earning dollars in one’s basketball career. Quite a few scouts and analysts noticed this strange drop in height without shoes and couldn’t understand it.

There has been a similar case which I have heard of reported maybe 3-4 years back about a South Korean male when being drafted into the military service whose measured height dropped from 1.86 meters tall to 1.81 meters tall from one year to the next. It is not because of a supernatural phenomena.

Well, it is those socks. You have these crazy socks which are probably made in Japan or South Korea which gives you the impression of being taller than you really are, even after taking off your shoes. It is well known that in many Asian cultures, you have to be constantly taking off your shoes for many normal everyday events. You can’t wear lifts in the shoes, since it is too obvious. The next most obvious thing is to wear height increasing socks.

Yes, they are available on Amazon but you would be better to be looking on AliExpress and/or Alibaba for a pair to try out if you want to really hide what you are doing.





Women Do One Simple Thing To Increase Their Attractiveness By 2X. For Men, Do This.

Years ago when I was learning how to be good with women by getting sucked into the Pick-Up-Artist industry (2009-2011), I was walking with this guy I met online while we were looking for cute girls to talk to and maybe get a date with.

He made this off handed remark which has stayed with me for a long time which only I have now understood and fully agree with years later.

This is what he said. He asked me the question.. “What is one simple thing girls (assuming ‘white” american here) can do which can make themselves look at least twice as attractive as before?”

I didn’t know. He said “Dye their hair blonde”. 

For a $20 investment, and 30 minutes of work, which is just waiting for the peroxide to kick in and bleach the hair a lighter color, the effects are quite dramatic. Just a few days ago I saw this Youtube video where this Youtuber calling herself Hayley Quinn did a Social Experiment to see if she would get treated differently when she has her normal brown/brunette hair and then with a blonde hair wig.

The effects were dramatic. You can watch it here.

As a guy who has gone through the long process of maturity to becoming a guy who understands the mating game, I can say with completely confidence that the effect is real. This is the pareto princple, 80/20 rule personified. 

With a new hair color, the woman who has done it goes through a substantial increase in confidence and maybe even power over the opposite sex.

So what can a guy do which can give a similar effect, which has just as much of a difference as blonde hair on a woman?

Increase their height, at least temporarily by 2 inches. This means wearing lifts, which gives them slightly more height.

Keep in mind, that this only works for people who are not already tall. We are talking about men below the height of 6′ 3″.

I may have said once before that the optimum height of a guy is 6′ 6″, but that number has been reconsidered. I would now venture that the optimum height for an American guy in the modern day is actually 6′ 4″, maybe 6′ 5″ for the taller females. Once a guy reaches the 6′ 5″ mark, there might even be a slight drop in compatibility with female responses, since that may cause some girls to consider the guy too tall.

2 inches may not seem like a lot, but it really is. Going from 5′ 10 to 6′ 0″ is a dramatic difference. It could mean being agreeable to 30% of females on a dating website to being agreeable to 70%.

Remember of course the limitations. Similar to bottle derived blonde hair, the very quick, cheap, easy technique done will eventually run out and the real, form reveals itself eventually. One has to come clean eventually. However, by the time the other person likes you, they would probably forgive you for your “trick” in the beginning. You can justify your actions by saying something like “everyone when they first meet someone wants to make the best first impression, especially on a first date.” Remember “ask for forgiveness, not for permission”

However, we are talking about a quick, instant change in results thing a guy can do. To increase one’s attractiveness by at least 2X, wear lifts. If lifts from BIg Dons is too expensive, buy a couple of insoles from your local Walmart or Target for $8 each. It will give almost a full 1 inch total. Put insoles in one’s shoes to make one look taller and converse with the opposite sex to see if there is any noticeable change in results.

Yes, this is a crutch, similar to how females will put on makeup and then dye their hair is a crutch. They also like to put on 4 inch heels ala Taylor Swift, and know since they were 12 years old about how to take good pictures (in the right angles) to enhance their strengths and hide their weaknesses. The whole point is this. Girls knows all sorts of tricks since they were little to make themselves much more attractive and get guys to want them. That is what those women magazines are about.

The whole metaphysical idea known as “beauty” is something that is pursued by females in almost all cultures and societies, even in the jungles of the Amazon, Papua New Guinea, and the deserts of Namibia. The desire to be attractive is critical, and often turns obsessive for a very large percentage of each society.

How many do most guys know? – Only 4. What are the 4?

  1. Lift/Workout/Have a more muscular body – $30/mth in gym membership
  2. Spend $200-$500 to get a new wardrobe. aka Have a fashion sense/style
  3. Get a professional haircut – $70/mth
  4. Buy nail clippers and hair trimmer to keep the beard/moustache/nails trimmed, groomed, and clipped. – $20 one time investment

However, the problem is that 70% of all modern American guys in the ages of 18-30 are already doing that, at least the normal guys who want to attract the beautiful women into their lives. If every other young adult single guy in your department is doing the same thing as you as written in GQ (aka Lift, Fashion, Groom), how can a man stand apart from them? – By going the extra mile to do things which other men still have a mental resistance against.

Here is the list of things I suggest

  1. Eyebrow shaping/threading/waxing – I was very surprized how just 1 session of eyebrow trimming improved my appearance.
  2. Men’s Makeup – I suggest the Korean BB Cream for men. It is a primer/moisturizer, foundation, and concealer all in one.
  3. Once a month spa treatment
  4. Stud earrings – check out what the professional athletes are wearing
  5. Get some really good dress shoes. That old 90s stereotype that women will judge a guy based on his shoes is actually true, at least for older adult professional women. Shoes guys. There is a reason why there is a multi-billion dollar industry around just shoes in the world.
  6. Slight bit of accessorizing – I suggest a good 2 mm thick silver colored necklace and nice watch. Stay classy.
  7. Last but not least, what I have said in this article. Wear some lifts to give you 1-2 of extra height. 3 inches over will be too much. That is too obvious. Don’t be a Robert Downey Jr. and wear 4 inch boots that make you look like a stripper.

This stuff applies to men and women. When you look good, you can feel good. That increased level of physical looks will give any person a slight boost in confidence. When they walk around, people will unconsciously assume that they are taller than they really are.

There was a famous study done where a professor, graduate student, and TA teaching the same course who were all the same height were asked by the university lecture of 300+ students what the students thought their heights were. The professor was unconsciously believed to be slightly taller than the other 2, based on status alone. Guys, use that to your advantage. If you are 5′ 11″, you can get away claiming you are 6′ 0″ if you dress well, have good posture, and exhude a level of poise and confidence.

Some people like to compare breast size of women to height of men. Those two things are not comparable. They are apples and oranges.

  • The average cost for a breast enhancement is $7,500-$12,500 and 2 weeks of rehabilitation.A female can be completely flat chested but it just take a 1-2 hour surgical procedure to get a none-cup to a perfectly acceptable C-cup.
  • The average cost for limb lengthening surgery to be say 3 inches taller at least in the USA is $50,000-$75,000 and at least 6-9 months of rehabilitation.  If a guy was 5′ 3″, it would require a full 8 inches of lengthening to get to just the average of 5′ 11″. Even then his arms and whole body might look completely out of proportion to the legs that were lengthened.

There are potential complications with both of these types of surgeries, which I will not say which one is more serious and risky.

Breast size is easy to change and almost accepted now. Surgery to increase height is almost never even considered. If it is, people think you are crazy.

  • You can’t compare height to breast size.
  • Plus, you can’t compare height to weight.
  • The best analogy I have been able to think of so far is height to skin color.
  • Just as women judge a guys height, and it is hard to change, men do judge women for their skin color and that is something they can’t change, but only hide.

Play the games to win because life is short, your time is limited, and rarely will you get a 2nd chance, a do over in anything. Life is a test and you can’t call in sick. Everyone has to play this game with what they got. Maybe you didn’t win the genetic lottery in being tall, but there are things you can do. If you are born ugly, go to South Korea and look to get some plastic surgery. I fully recommend it.

Don’t cheat or trick, but do realize that there are small tweaks and adjustments you can do to increase the odds for you dramatically.

For men, I will always stress the point of height first. It is true that height is something we don’t have much control over. This site is to give ideas and methods to minimize this factor. Get this 1 factor down, and you will have increased your chances just like when a girl dyes her hair blonde.