Anti-epilepsy medication may increase height

P8 – 2228: The effects of anti-epileptic drugs on the growth plates of infant rats

“Epilepsy is among the most common neurologic disorders in childhood. Levetiracetam (LEV) and valproic acid (VPA) are widely used drugs in the treatment of children with epilepsy. The adverse effects of both drugs on bone metabolism and growth is defined in the literature. The present study aimed to investigate the effects of these two common anticonvulsant drugs on longitudinal bone growth in rats.

Twenty-four infant rats divided into three groups. The study groups received VPA (600 mg/kg/day) and LEV (150 mg/kg/day) for two weeks respectively. Normal saline was applied to the control group. The rats were sacrified after the appliance of the drugs and the rat femurs were removed. The thickness of the growth plates were measured by histopathologically.

All groups included four males and four females. The thickness of the growth plates were larger in VPA and LEV groups versus control group (p<0.05). In addition the measurement of the growth plate in VPA group was larger than LEV group (p<0.05).

We concluded that VPA and LEV both enlarge the growth plate on rats in this study. But this finding does not reflect all steps of endochondral bone growth. The hormonal factors and apoptotic processes also have role on longitudinal bone growth. Further investigations are needed to clarify the adverse effects of anticonvulsants on bone growth and influence on final height.”

Note though that enlargement of the growth plate does not always equal larger longitudinal bone growth.

The Man Who Got The World’s First Cosmetic Limb Lengthening Surgery Tells His Story

The Man Who Got The World’s First Cosmetic Limb Lengthening Surgery Tells His Story

Note: Languages are often translated to spell things and say things differently. Michael is known as Mikhail

(Source is available Here)


Mikhail Goldreer1988. Business trip. Evening in Moscow. I am sitting on the sofa close to a most pretty girl. She is 22, just graduated from colledge. I am a 38-year-old engineer. A “trip” love affair is at its height. Her face expresses admiration mixed with curiosity, she is stroking me with her hands in tender haste, encouraging to continue my speech… And I pontificate:” …At school you learned little about Napoleon, he was such a rare personality, you know, who managed to tame the destiny…A role model for ambitious men of the world…He began at his 24, when he fought as a junior officer of artillery of the French Republic.

There is a seaport – Toulon in France. At that time it was taken over by rebellious royalists supported by the Englishmen, and there was no chance to get them out of there. And Napoleon presented his plan of seizing the city by one attack to the commanders, and they had no choice but agree, but on condition that he would be in charge of everything himself, and if it did not work, he would be taken to tribunal and shot.

Nevertheless, he managed that, and at once a lieutenant was appointed a general and was brought to Paris… There he proceeded with his career, became an emperor of France. So am I, I have an idea. I’ve been promoting it for two years… It only needs to be tested. If an experiment works well – Toulon is taken over… My Toulon”.

I didn’t tell her then – what the idea was. In fact, there was no need to talk about that. We were seeing each other for one and a half week, and I’d already impressed her more than enough. Not for nothing were we sitting in her apartment while her parents were away for the weekend in their country house. I was simply bursting with a joyful hope and I had to splash out a bit, it seemed that the goal is already within reach! Oh, how wrong I was then, and later again and again… for four years.

The idea came to my mind two years ago, when a “School of Growth” from Moscow became widely known all over Russia. A doctor was offering to all who wishes a method, according to which, if one kept a special diet and did exercises similar to yoga for a year or two, at any age he would be able to augment one’s height unlimitedly (!). Again, while my business trip to Moscow, I dropped in this “School” to satisfy my curiosity, and found there a huge line of people from all over Russia aged from 14 to 60 (!).

I must admit that 170 cm (5.6 feet) of my body did not suit me, that is why I took an active part in talks of people in the line. We ardently discussed all rumors, cases and myths concerning the subject, rushed with questions to those who were coming out the “School”, having done another set of a wonder-gymnastics… A year later the “School of Growth” went bankrupt and disappeared, no miracle happened. But the thought about lots of people who wish to grow up settled firmly in my mind… It’s just a world market!!

Later I found plenty of new information. Several times, while reading newspapers and magazines, my eye caught articles devoted to innovation research of orthopedic surgeons, and here and there I ran across reports about lower extremity stretching performed on the people who often did not have any trauma. That sparked my interest, and I addressed local, volgogradian orthopedists … The information they gave me was a surprise, as it turned out, such operations were being performed for a long time on persons of restricted growth and on those whose one leg is shorter than the other from birth, there existed routine practices. The risk of postoperative complications was vain, and there was no official interdiction to perform such operations on common people for cosmetic purpose!

Right away I suggested performing such an operation on me. And then the doctors told me a story, that at the end of the 60-s the great Dr. Ilizarov ( a Russian orthopedist, who discovered that if separated by a special device, the fragments of broken bones of arms or legs would grow together forming a new bone, for that purpose he invented a special device. Before that broken bones were only shifted together for the coalescence, though in case of compound fractures it lead to the shortening of arms or legs) quite successfully augmented the height of some student and nearly got to prison for 10 years charged with experimenting on a healthy person.

That fact inspired me, and I stared to press for permission to repeat Dr. Ilizarov’s experiment on me. In ministries and departments I was treated politely and faced no refuse, they spoke to me with interest, but gave no permission: “As there is no interdiction, address to doctors, not to us”… I started seeing to doctors, frequent business trips across Russia assisted that, I visited all orthopedists everywhere… But doctors had their own answer: “…We don’t mind, but an official permission is necessary”. I was shuttling from doctors to officials and back, that had become my hobby… however, there were encouraging moments as well. In 1989, in Zaporogje, I presented my idea to Dr. Devjatov, Anotaliy Andreevich, who was the head of orthopedic department there and a follower of Dr. Ilizarov. Dr. Devjatov told me to come back in autumn to undergo an operation.

I called in September and was shocked – Dr, Devjatov died from heart attack in Leningrad, on his way back from Finland. Let him rest in peace, he was real man. In distraught I started to work with public.

I began to address students in Volgograd, they signed a petition petition to make our deputy go to the Health Minister and get the permission. The deputy handed in a sackful of signed petition during the parliamentary session, but the Minister gave no answer. It was such an experience for me that in 1990 I ran the election, left behind 5 other candidates and became a deputy of the city Council. In autumn of 1991 it seemed that luck smiled me again, I made an arrangement for an operation in Moscow with a famous orthopedist from CITO (Central Institution of Traumatology and Orthopaedy), the idea appealed to him greatly. We arranged everything , I came at he fixed time and was hospitalized to CITO, spend a week there waiting, and then the doctor appeared dreary, bidding excuses, as the academic council of CITO had refused the permission to operate.

That was the moment when I was stuck by a tough depression. I left CITO, and found nothing better that to call that old Moscow girlfriend: “…I’m not a Napoleon; I’m a piece of shit…” Later in the hotel I got drunk dead, and went home in the morning. I though that was the end, I’m 40 – too late for dreams.

But probably God loves dreamer! In March 1992 my friend, a businessman suggested me talking to a orthopedist from Volgograd, who offered to sell the results of his research. So went to see him, he was a Master of Science, and told him: “Who will by you research? There are such inventors in almost in every clinic with no chance to apply their own ideas, I saw that with my own eyes…”. I said so, and then told him about my idea. And he – proposed to put it into practice! Three days later he performed an operation, only wrote some obscure diagnosis to prevent the higher-ups from interfering. I awoke after the operation, the device was on my leg, the general condition was, naturally, just as after anaesthesia, but my heart was singing. I wish everyone to experience such a condition at least once a life. That was happiness in pure form! Further – about a year spent in hospital. There was all, I mean, sweat, blood and tears, but when one’s soul was soaring, all the rest is just a trifle.

In March 1993 I left the hospital, having stretched my legs by 6 cm (2.36 in). By that time, there had already appeared some reports in the local mass media, so that when I came to the meeting of the City Council, where I was not present for a year, I sparked a furore, all the staff, almost 200 people. Crowded around, ones asking questions, others measuring height with me. That was the first time when I felt like Napoleon after Toulon.

After that, for about four moths I learned to walk on the “new” legs. Muscles were adjusting to the new bones, and I was working out my balance, as the centre of gravity had shifted, at times I was turning jerkily and was falling, especially on stairs. That is why the gait of teenagers, who are growing fast, is wobbling and uncertain. Meanwhile, my doctor informed me that the same technology was suited for healthy persons, for curved legs straightening and that it was very easy and took only 2 months. So it was time to work – to find sponsors and to open the public eye on for new opportunities.

I left the factory, in 1993 the City Council was dismissed, for a whole year I was in search for a suitable job; sometimes I had no money even to buy food. They it all sorted out somehow, my legs returned to a normal condition, a friend gave me a job in his company; I started to earn some money.

And an idea sparked again. I had augmented the height, what about rejuvenation? I had read a book by PhD. Nikolaev, in which he told that his patients, persons with bad health, while treated by starvation diet, incidentally experienced sudden rejuvenation of the organism. I connected the PhD. Nikolaev, we arranged my visit to his clinic in Moscow for an experiment. So I came and was starving safely at Nikolaev’s for 18 days, lost 12 kg (26.46 pounds).

When I left the clinic, I got to physical training, and restored everything I was able to perform on both horizontal and parallel bars while in the Army, then began to do push-ups on fists, so that in four months l was able to perform 120 push-ups at a fast pace. The standard for US Army officer of special troops is 50 push-ups of that kind for “Excellent”.
Several times, in the evening, I dropped in discos, and the young took me for a person of the same age, saying that I looked not more than 26, and I was 44 years old at that time.

In 1996, France Press agency contacted me for an interview as I was the first healthy person in the world, who had surgically augmented his height in mature age with a cosmetic purpose, afterwards, this report was published by many well-known western periodicals, the references are available here , besides, now I’m constantly appear on all the russian TV channels in talk-shows, what is more, two documentaries about me were shot. My doctor is now showered by invitations to share his experience in foreign orthopedic centers, he has visited the US, Sweden, Lithuania, Germany, and his method is now known all over the world as Russian cosmetology.

I also proceeded with my career, upheld the first in the world thesis on “anthropometric cosmetology”, took out more than 40 patents for inventions. And I was marked in the Russian book of records “Divo”, as the first person in the world augmented his height with a cosmetic purpose, and when I got acquainted with the representatives of the Guinness Book, they even got angry because I had not addressed them in time to state the record, but it was impossible at that time as my doctor and I started the experiment secretly.
If there are any questions for me, please send them on the address

P.S. In December 2004 my doctor – 52 year-old Michael Yegorov, suddenly died from cancer. Nevertheless, what is left is the Center of Anthropometric Cosmetology that he created, his team of surgeons, his talented followers.

Michael Goldreyer
Volgograd, Russia,

A Few Thoughts

This guy who was the world’s first cosmetic limb lengthening patient got his surgery done back in 1992. Ilizarov started to slowly perfect his external method starting in the 1960s. It took him 30 years to get all of the technical details to work out. Now it is 2014. It has been ONLY a little over 20 years since the LLS was made public. Not only that, this Goldreyer guy had to consistently complain to the Soviet Government to allow him to go through with the surgery. The whole process took him a full 4 years to execute due to soviet government beaurocracy and red tape.

To the Readers

You guys who are still in your teens and early 20s, you have no patience. The technology has only been around for 20 years. Biological and medical discoveries and breakthroughs take a lot of time, unlike computer and software innovation.

Wait it out, and let the researchers and scientists do their job. We have come a long way since Mikhail got his surgery by Yegorov.

Maybe, just MAYBE all the readers will need to wait another 20 years before the stem cell approach will be ready for commercial use by the general public. By that time, I will be close to 50 years old, but I will at least be proud to have been able to push the human race a little further.

I don’t intend to get the surgery, but I want to be part of the endeavor, to realize that this ancient wish within almost all short statured men and women will finally be within reach for anyone. Before the 1990s, there was no options available. Now in the 2010s we have multiple online discussion board where its members are comparing dozens of surgeons who are qualified to perform it and have great safety records. That is really amazing!

I want the readers to stop complaining over the price, over having to wait years for it (because it will take years), and live their lives. Come back in 5, 10, 15 years and see how much will have changed. Based on my recent post on how Kurzweil’s Law and Amara’s Law will triumph over Murphy’s Law over time, I would guess that the stem cells approach will be ready in 15-20 years. Most of us will be much older by then, probably have spouses, multiple kids, even divorces, bankruptcies, and everything else in between. However, as long as the human race can keep moving forward in technological progress, we will get it. If you can’t get LLS alternatives like Stem Cell Implantations, can you at least be happy that your future children will have that type of opportunity, in case nature and genetics are not that kind to them?

My suggestion – Go out there and make your millions, and come back. 

Goldreyer found himself completely broke after his surgery. he got over 2 inches in height but the result was he used up all his money. Be smart and make your money first, and get the increased stature later, when you are financially secure and can throw money around for the luxuries in life.

Cosmetic Surgery is a Luxury. Remember that, it is not a Right or Entitlement.

We might maybe feel that it was never supposed to be our fate to be as small as we did end up. We may feel like god cheated us out of our birth right to be considered big and strong. Life is not fair. We can only work with what we have in front of us and what is available at the current time, which has much more options than our grandparents or parents ever had.

To read more on this guy, click the link below…

THE MOSCOW NEWS “A MAN GROWS BY ONE MILLIMETRE A DAY ” JULY 30, 1993 – Copyright 1993 Moscow News – Moscow News – July 30, 1993

A man grows by one millimetre a day – BYLINE: Irina FROLOVA,

An international centre of anthropometrical cosmetology*) is being organized in Volgograd. Now every healthy person needs only one or two years, a certain amount of will and some money to become beautiful.

Only a couple of years ago the idea of a certain concern specializing in transforming ordinary people into beautiful women and handsome men evoked an ironic smile. Today many of former sceptics (including VIPs) are eager to buy the concern’s shares or at least make friends with its organizers in order to secure a place at the future clinic.


The prospect of substantially improving one’s good looks is in itself alluring. But the evil fairy of beauty demands, besides gold and silver, such sacrifices as labour and patience. Complete restoration requires about two years. At first psychotheraputists and sports medics strengthen the patient’s general health (those who wish may be weaned forever from the habit of drinking and smoking). After that vigorous exercises will prepare the body for serious tests in endurance.

The first to attack the deficiencies will be dentists who will replace bad teeth with flawless articificial implants (made at the Kharkov Stomatological Institute). After that cosmetology surgeons will correct the nose, ears or chin, remove folds of fat and make other necessary plastic operations. After that there will be another short course of health building preparatory to the treatment of the skin. In Volgograd they plan to use prolonged fasting under doctors’ control. It will get rid of unnecessary kilograms and rejuvenate the skin. The organism also becomes more responsive to physical loads, so it will be possible quickly to build up muscles after the course. Included in the project is also a course of treatment of pathological balding and various methods of improving the quality and structure of hair. During the final stage of the programme the patients will be cured of something no one else attempts to do anywhere else in the world: the form and length of bones. Minor corrections will give them slender and beautiful arms and legs, and they can also grow seven-ten centimetres taller. These operations will be made by specialists of a new and promising branch of commercial medicine, known as anthropometrical cosmetology.


Gavriil Ilizarov began to lengthen his patients’s legs back in the 60s. The gravest congenial or acquired bone pathologies were corrected within a couple of months. The same method may be used without much difficulties to lengthen the legs of a healthy person. This, however, was forbidden by instructions of the Ministry of Public Health, so doctors refused to operate on healthy people even for great remuneration. They were intimidated by the sad experience of their teacher. About 20 years ago Professor Ilizarov yielded to the persuasion of a student and helped him become taller. The experiment was successful but the doctor nearly landed in the dock. The pretext for his prosecution was the absence of a state permission to conduct experiments on healthy people. Since then the specialists of the Kurgan orthopaedic centre and of all of its branches have been treating only people who were really sick. Yet every surgeon has had to break the senseless taboo at least once in his life. One of Ilizarov’s first and favourite pupils, Anatoly Kaplunov told an MN correspondent a typical story. He conducted a “prohibited” cosmetic operation in 1978. His patient was Lena S., a nine form schoolgirl whose legs were crooked from birth. Another girl could be reconciled with her destiny and meekly carry her cross. But Lena was tortured by her acquaintances and attempted to take her life several times. She was saved by a surgical operation. And two years later the charming, slim and long-legged Lena S. invited the doctors to her wedding.


Five years ago Mikhail Goldreyer was an ordinary electrician at the Volzhsky Tube Factory. Before that he got acquainted with the problems of short men anxious to increase their height.

Mikhail was inspired by the idea of transforming the achievements of Russian orthopeadics into an official and profitable branch of modern medicine. As is often the case, nobody believed in the project’s reality, especially when Goldreyer wanted to become the first healthy patient of Ilizarov’s disciples.

To begin with, the 42-year-old man decided that he should grow taller than his 170 centimetres. To this end he interviewed all prominent orthopeadists in the country. He worried officials of the Ministry of Public Health, appealed to the conscience of people’s deputies and sought ideological support at the Philosophical Society of the USSR and even the Komsomol Central Committee. He resorted to all thinkable and unthinkable methods, from actions of students’ protest to an open political rostrum (since 1990 Goldreyer is a deputy of the Volzhsky City Council.

The problem was solved by time. The Union disintegrated, and there was less official pressing on medics. In the spring of 1992, candidates of medical science Anatoly Kaplunov and Mikhail Yegorov, performed, to Mikhail’s great joy, an operation on a healthy man. The words “lengthening of the shin” oppeared for the first time in a patient’s card.

A year later Goldreyer came to Moscow to demonstrate to the top medical authorities his shins which had grown by six centimetres and became obviously straightened. In a year’s time he will rejuvenate his skin with the help of fasting and build up his muscles. After a series of plastic operations and the acquisition of a Hollywood smile Mikhail intends to lengthen his hip bones. Doctors are in no hurry about the second operation which, they think, will upset the body’s proportions. But Coldreyer can’t wait to become a live advertising sample of a new branch of medicine.


The entire operation lasts an hour and a half under local anaesthesia. It is absolutely bloodless and almost stitchless. It is, incidentally, monitored by a computer on a special programme. The bone is no longer crushed by a chisel. Through four cosmetic incisions the surgeon does, with the help of special wire an accurate Z-shaped saw cut (M. Yegorov’s invention). After that the leg guided by Ilizarov’a device grows by one millimetre a day. Long hospitalization is not necessary (the patient must spend at the hospital the first 7-10 days). The patient may grow at home because he remains capable of walking. It takes only 2-3 months to correct the form of legs, and one can increase one’s height by 6 centimetres in less the half a year.


Mikhail Yegorov is in charge of a division of the orthopaedic centre of Volgograd city hospital No.3 where they work by Ilizarov method. He manages to put on their feet very difficult of even hopeless patients, first of all because he is a unique engineer surgeon. He has patented more than 20 inventions. He designs apparatuses and devices which help bones accrete after grievous wounds.

It has always been especially difficult to treat patients whose fragments of bones were absent after wounds. The methods employed previously were ineffective, since alien bones accreted badly. Yegorov found a fantastically simple solution. A special device helps grow on the healthy leg a bone tissue of the required size. After that the young bone is implanted where necessary.

Several people who wish to grow come to Yegorov during his reception hours. So far, however, it is very difficult to help everyone, to make the method work as an assembly line.

*) Anthropometrical cosmetology (from Greek “anthropos” – man, “metron” – measure, “kosmetike” – the art of beautifying, “logos” – science) is a science of making a person beautiful through changing his bones. (From a modern dictionary of foreign words).

Update #15 – Breaking Up The Website To Different Research Areas – June 1st, 2014

Update #15 – Breaking Up The Website To Different Research Areas – June 1st, 2014

There has been some serious news that I found only this month which was recently revealed. In the next few months I will be releasing at least around half a dozen new developments going on in the world today. After those news are revealed, I am going to start to break apart the website towards different areas of research. We need to shift the focus of this website to other things since this type of research is inherently limited.

That is why I want to go into research on 6 areas….

Cancer – specifically the biochemistry mechanisms that causes the 200+ types of cancers to develop. Cancer is just uncontrolled and unrestricted proliferation of a certain type of cell.

Transdifferentiation – this is the holy grail of stem cell research, and I think it is also linked helping researchers figure out how the Hydra can stay in a state of biological immortality.


Stem-Cell-Research – Based on what I just revealed, I want to stay and focus on learning more about stem cells, and the various ways the researchers are getting fibroblasts to turn into other types so easily.

New Regenerative Tissue Engineering Techniques and Ideas – This is huge, and is going to be much, much bigger in the coming decades.

Back Pain – One of the leading causes for americans to go to seek medical treatment is back pain. The research we have already done reveals that there are many ideas already being patented and licensed out by orthopedic specialists to try out.

Knee Pain – After finding the website, it would be wise to also focus on learning more about treatments on how to treat and manage knee pain and knee related injuries and medical ailments. I just really want to focus on understand how the various types of joint pain (Shoulder, Hip, Wrist, Ankle) is developed. There has to be much better solutions and treatments than just cold compresses, taking some ibuprofen, and staying off of one’s feet.

I am not planning on ever moving completely away from research on height increase, but that does not mean I am going to restrict my research only on height increase. It is not possible to create disruptive innovation and futuristic technology without learning about other areas of scientific research going as well. What I learn from studying stem cells, cancer, surgical methods, and back pain will only help strengthen my lack of knowledge further so that new ideas and proposed methods and solutions can be created.

On the issue of Patents:

I definitely want to see where is the patent for the implantable growth plate by the Russian team. I will be planning on scouring through the russian websites and search engines to find or track down the patent that is claimed to exist but is being held back due to legal issue. If the patent has NOT been filed within 2 years time or has not reached approval, then I will file THE EXACT SAME patent before Teplyashin’s team. It may cost me $50,000 but over the long term, it will have some very good financial payoff decades from now. After the patent is approved where I give the exact full details on how everything is done, I will be willing to put a few years of my life into finding real investors and show them a proof of concept. I am guessing it would take around $50 Mil to create a 2 year runway to get the entire thing to become self-sustaining.

Harald from the Biomedical Growth Research Initiative and the other representatives may have been trying for the last 10 years to get rich investors but I have some business experiences and very strong connections with very large biomedical companies like Johnson & Johnson, Biogen, GlaxoSmithKline, and Eli Lilly. They only half-assed the effort to find financial support, which got them nowhere except a bunch of pretentiousness and a lot of talking with no action backed up and amateur level legal paper work.  They did no real research or reading themselves, but tried to be some type of quasi-middle man, HR-like connector who provided nothing to the overall progress of our goals and endeavor.

More Information On Alexander Teplyashin and His Moscow Based Clinics

More Information On Alexander Teplyashin and His Moscow Based Clinics

June 1st, 2014: This is the 2nd part of a 2 post series where I explain to the readers how this Moscow based stem cell research clinic finally succeeded in getting the stem cells method to fully work. To read the original article, click here.

This is a very quick post today since I am getting more and more information on Teplyashin. I went back on the website and found a Youtube Video which talked about this guy. I will put the video at the bottom of this post. There is a video of him answering questions in an interview and I got his russian name from the screen which I clipped and pasted to the right.

I had to use a russian/cyrillic keyboard to type out his name. (It turns out the problem I had before with finding the right character to write “x” is two characters, which is “KC”. That was why the day before I couldn’t write out his real name. This is how you spell his name.

адександр тепляшйн

Copy and paste the following name into the Russian based search engines like or

Here are two russian sources I used (Here and Here). Use Google Chrome so that the russian based websites can be automatically translated into English to read.

TeplyashinHis Clinic Name: BEAUTY PLAZA HEALTH & SPA

Address: Russia, Moscow, ul. Kuznetsk bridge, 17, 7th floor

Or: Kuznetsk Building Street, Building 17, Building 1

He seems to have founded even a company based in New York called Stem Cell Higher Technologies Inc (which I found no information on from a quick search on Google).


Contact Numbers You can Try:

  • +7 (495) 234-57-20
  • +7 (495) 234-57-30
  • +7 (495) 234-57-40
  • +7 (495) 234-57-50
  • +7 (495) 621-11-22
  • +7 (495) 621-18-88


PlackYou would see that this guy is a credible plastic surgeon which seems to have experience going as far back as 1985. There seems to be a lot of review websites which critique his level of surgical work. There is a lot of information on this guy. For example, he has gotten quite a few medical awards from European countries back in the 90s.

The fact is that at some point, Dr. Sanjay Gupta and Hillary Clinton have visited this guy to interview him on the stem cell research going on in Russia. There is a Russian Journalist Sergei Dorenko who wrote about Teplyashin in a book entitled “2008” He wrote about that experience in some type of autobiography called Chasing Life (I assume that is in russian). The book is even listed on sale on Amazon Here (not an affiliate link). The other way to spell this guy’s last name is Teplyashina. (This is the source I used)

PublicationsIt seems that in the Moscow scene in terms of stem cell research, this guy is sort of a famous plastic surgeon celebrity, sort of like Dr. Shahab Mahboubian based in Hollywood, who does Limb Lengthening Surgery.

His focus is on breast augmentation, breast implants, and breast lifts. There was a website called at one time which now redirects to his primary website

(Warning: Website is NOT safe for work. Includes some nudity.)

Analysis On His Research

I found out earlier today from a quick search result on Yandex more about his speciality. His focus is on plastic surgery alterations on the breasts. He is one of THOSE types of plastic surgeons. The obvious question then is whether this guy ever really did the research for bones and cartilage regeneration. Was he really involved in that research, or did he do the act of slapping his name on a project which he was not really actively involved in? We know from many USA universities, tenured professors often get their post-docs and graduate students to perform the real lab works and then take credit for it by putting their name somewhere as one of the authors.

I am quite sure that he was not the originator of the paper I had cited in the previous post. The likely real tissue engineering innovator is someone in his team, who has focused their attention on the bone/cartilage side of tissue engineering research. His focus is on extracting and growing stem cells from fat tissue. The one really well known patent he published which can be found in Google Patents refers to getting MSCs from fat. That is still relevant though, if you can get the end result of both fat and bone marrow derived stem cells to be the same.

One commenter calling themselves Tynai from Russia gave some interesting useful information which I clipped below. They are answering some questions so maybe Tynai is a marketing representative for Teplyashin’s Beauty Plaza Business. His English is hard to understand though.

Moscow Based Clinics

It seems that he answered some other questions I have had. The team that Teplyashin is head of seems to fully realize what they have achieved, and do want to take the stem cell technique to human and to the world-wide market. They intend to patent this idea. However, there is some issues still and the regulators in Russia is asking them to do more trials to prove the general concept that it would work properly.

This would kind of explain why the Moscow based clinics have been saying that they would get the tissue engineering technology ready for the general public for at least 3 years now. That was the big complaint by the guys at the Make Me Taller Forums. They heard about Teplyashin’s research, but the team did not deliver in the time they had initially claimed. They said only 1-2 years, but it has been 3-4 years past. The reason Tynai is giving suggest that there are not enough willing participants who would agree to do the preliminary clinical trials as test subjects!! The last I checked, there was at least 3-4 willing participants who wrote back in 2012 on the MMT forums that they are willing to do it. So maybe the clinic is lying. I believe that they will have a patent filed, but to actually bring it to market in even say 3-5 years time, I am not holding my breath.

(Side Note: For people who are don’t know that much about legal issues dealing with copyrights, trademarks, patents, etc. the legal process to get a patent to be properly filed often takes at least 1-2 years. I took a Bioengineering and Entrepreneurship course at the local University of Washington for fun and a huge section of the class was devoted to talking about the lengthy process it takes for universty lab based discoveries to finally become patented and taken to the general public aka market.)

The only thing for people who want the real deal in terms of an alternative to Limb Lengthening Surgery, they can only just wait, and hope that the Moscow based Clinic will roll out the less invasive surgical procedure in the next 3-5 years, which is very reasonable.

The Cost of The Stem Cells Method – Is it more expensive than LLS?

The guys at the MMT forum mentioned in their usual negative attitude that even if the surgery was available, most people who are not Russian Billionaires would not be able to get the chance to use it. I only half agree with those comments.

It will be expensive, and I would guess it would range around $100,000-$400,000 for each growth plate implant. Each implant based on how thick the cartilage is is claimed by Teplyashin in the older sources to give around 7-8 cms increased bone length each. That is very impressive. A multi-millionaire would be able to get maybe 4 implants (for their 2 femurs and 2 tibia) and gain up to 6 inches over the course of 1-2 years, while not being confined to external fixators or need to have another surgery to pull out internal nails.

However, as long as the technology and the surgical procedure is finally implemented for the commoner, even at millionaire level prices, over time, say in 5-10 years, there will be other clinics around the world (most especially in China and Plastic Surgery obsessed South Korea) which will have surgeons who learn how the procedure is done and implement it into their own skill set. Given another 10 years after the first successful surgery of growth plate implant, the price would be reduced to maybe levels around $30,000-$50,000, a full magnitude lower.

Over the Technical Issue of The Soft Tissue around the Bone Tissue like Muscle and Ligament being the constraint to limit bone lengthening…

I recently found at least 1 chemical compound (and 1 patent detailing another chemical) which have shown to be able to increase the muscle tissue fiber characteristic known as “extensibility” with just a few injections. That is actually going to be in one of the up-coming posts which will also be the next game-changing post. Stay tuned for that one. I DO NOT plan to write about the revolutionary chemical which can literally “lengthen” muscle fibers anytime this week though.

Some Closing Thoughts

There are some crazy research stuff going on in the world currently, often hidden from our eyes, and often they are not going to be something you can find from a quick Google Search. You would need to go to different countries, look in the labs of private think tanks funded by ultra-private rich investors with very personal agendas, privately funded university labs, government facilities, and military based operations. We are not aware of what is really possible because we are almost never told the whole truth. I am going to try to bring as much of the crazy research out into the open as possible for you guys to see.

The fact is that based on how explosive and fast stem cell research is going, and multiple university professors trying to find ways to regenerate hyaline cartilage, what Teplyashin’s team did is not really revolutionary. They are only the group that put the entire thing together and was willing to take the general concept of stem cells and tissue engineering to work for the purpose of helping adults with fully ossified growth plates grow taller. If they didn’t do it, someone else or another research team would have done it within the next 2 decades. All the real technical barriers have been overcome. I proved that after going through hundreds of PubMed studies on tissue engineering. The problem on how fast stem cell research can progress and be brought to the general public for use has been held back for USA government laws passed against lab work done on unborn embryos. That has actually held the stem cell field back for the last 2 decades. Only this decade did the government officials realize that one can get stem cells from other places besides just unborn fetuses and embryos. That is why the research have finally started to pick up again and this field is super-hot to get into right now.

To end this post, I would like to quote a passage from Hamlet, There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy”

I put a video below which was uploaded back in 2008. It shows Teplyashin giving an interview, all in Russian.

Him on a radio station to talk about the trends of plastic surgery for rich women in Moscow getting so much plastic surgery.

Why I Believe Alexander Teplyashin Got The Stem Cell Technique To Successfully Work – Game Changing Post!

Why I Believe Alexander Teplyashin Got The Stem Cell Technique To Successfully Work – Game Changing Post!

Update June 1st, 2014: This is the 1st of a two post series where I reveal in detail how this Russian based beauty clinic doing testing on stem cells finally put all the pieces of tissue engineering together to get an implanted stem cell embedded scaffold to turn into a new growth plate which is re-implanted into a bone to get bones to grow longer again. For more information on the actual clinic and the scientific references of the main surgeon, refer also to the 2nd post in the series, Available Here.

Guys, this is one of the big news I am going to release in the coming months. This is just ONE of the many game changers you guys are going to be seeing.  This is one of the major stories that is worth releasing. You guys can look forward to a real alternative to LLS.

This week, I have gotten messages from two people questioning the stem cell technique of height increase which was claimed to be successful by the Russian Scientist Alexander Teplyashin. I wrote about this guy already in two posts linking his work to stem cells used for increasing height in adults.

While one of them ask whether the technique was effective, the other claimed that they believe that he was successful. Based on my research, I agree with him. This post is one of the biggest things to ever come out, and I think we need to accept the implications of such news. There may be a scientific push in innovation, but it is going to be associated with some serious medical ethics questions, dealing with the use of embryo derived stem cells, which is currently still illegal in the USA.

This Teplyashin guy probably did succeed with getting a stem cell scaffold implant to work. The problem is that this very controversial guy who was back in 2008-2010 getting a lot of international media coverage. In recent years the western world and the internet hasn’t gotten any information on him. I was able to find articles on this guy going as far back as the 2004-2005 time range.

The Make Me Taller forum had people talking about him back in 2012 in their thread “Russian scientists develop an alternative way of growing taller using step cells“. They thought it was a scam. It is NOT a scam. This guy is the real deal. You can just read the main link I put below in the PubMed study and you guys would realize that he was going the right type of research. That study was one of the “secret files” which I have archived in my research folder which I realized more than a year ago showed revolutionary implications to our goal. The thing is that I didn’t recognize or see the name of one of the authors on the top of it. The reason I didn’t see it was because the guy’s name was spelled differently, to Tepliashin AS, not the other way to spell it ‘Teplyashin“. His middle name probably starts with the letter S.

Side Note: The guy also claims to also have figured out how to use the stem cells to stop aging and give people youth but I think he is most likely exaggerating. However, there is one PubMed studies which was published by him and his team to show that they are quite serious at least on the research, at least partially (PubMed Study: Ways of reducing mortality following the surgical treatment of peptic ulcer in advanced middle aged and elderly patientsNote: The paper is in russian.)

If you guys want to do some searching on this guy type in “Teplyashin, AS” or “Tepliashin AS” into Google, Google Scholar, or Google Patents and you would find quite a bit of stuff on the guy. Remember that when one language is translated into another language, there can be various spelling variations to the name. Teplyashin and Tepliashin is the English/Romanic Language way of translating the Russian/Cyrilic Alphabet. (This is what would happen when the European and Asian immigrants would arrive in Ellis Island and Angel Island in the 19th century and the officer checking them in to their new home could neither pronounce their names or spell their names in their native tongue. aka Lost In Translation. They gave these immigrants a badly translated into english name, which would be spelled in multiple various ways)  If we were using a Russian/Cyrilic based biomedical scientific study & journal database, we would be able to type in his real name using the native letters. I studied a little bit of Russian in school so I understand at least how to pronounce the letters.

Here are about half a dozen PubMed studies I found which show that his team has been doing some SERIOUS research on exactly the right type of area to get the stem cell technique to work out.

What I have been proposing for an alternative to limb lengthening surgery on this website the last full year using tissue engineering and stem cells have already been done by these guys in Russia, maybe even as far back as 2009-2011. They figured out how to get the mesenchymal stem cells from either the bone marrow or fat tissue (aka adipocyte derived) or both sources to differentiate successfully to chondrocytes. They implanted it to a scaffold, which I have believed for a few months now the easiest to work with was the OPLA Scaffolds, which is industry standard for use with stem cells. When the differentiated chondrocytes start to excrete waste in the form of proteoglycans and other glycoaminoglycans forming the extracellular matrix of a completely new hyaline cartilage tissue layer, the scaffold which is biodegradable would just dissolve over time, leaving the cartilage. That is the new growth plate. Since the MSCs are taken from the patients own body aka endogenously, there is not going to be some type of immunological response where the patients body’s immune system would reject the implantation.

So does that mean that his clinics can indeed help adults who have fully closed growth plates grow taller?

Yes. His method of using stem cells is a real alternative to the limb lengthening method done by Dror Paley, Betz, and their proteges and students.

Limb Lengthening Surgery is no longer the only way to grow taller as an adult. This guy and his team has provided an alternative.

How can I be sure that he did succeed already?

Based on the following study published…

Guys, read the abstract to the link above. That is enough to tell you guys everything. This guy is for real, and he has the scientific team and experience to back up at least this claim about using scaffold implants.

For that study it was done on lab mice/rats but there seems to have been a lot of subsequent testing on mammals much closer in size to humans. (Here is the original source) The sources which talked about using the same technology on human bones said that the testing was done on sheep so this is not a normal lab test using small mammals like rats or rabbits. They used sheep. Sheep have long bones similar in shape and thickness as human leg bones. Sure, it might have been better if the lab animals were pigs, since pigs have almost the exact same physiology as humans, but regrowth of long bones longitudinally in sheep is very close. The study is quite conclusive in my opinion.

The following study is almost the exact same type of research that Warren Grayson from John’s Hopkins (with his 3-D Bioprinters) and Jean Welter of Case Western University (LinkedIn profile available here) have been doing, but he just took it to the next step. I have been tracking the research being done by Grayson and Welter for over half a year now and even wrote a post about Grayson’s work in relation to what we are trying to do. It is available in the post “Why Warren Grayson’s Research Will Be Revolutionary For Height Increasing Using Stem Cells For Tissue Reconstructive Engineering – Breakthrough!

The paper above proves that he succeeded in regrowing a working hyaline growth plate and implanted back in lab sheep and the legs started to grow longer again. When the results showed effectiveness, he set up shop to give the stem cell height increase technology to billionaire russians and their spouses. Maybe that New Jersey Net’s Russian Billionaire Owner used this guy’s technique to become 6′ 8″. Of course, maybe he didn’t and was always that tall.

Whereas in the USA, there are so many regulations by medical societies to make sure the patients of clinical trials are safe and protected, in places like Russia, China, South Korea, and the former Soviet Union they don’t seem to care. I am not sure if the people remember but there was a very famous South Korea researcher linked to Seoul National University who was found to have faked many data points back in the 2009-2011, a Dr. Hwang Woo Suk. Even the countries which are supposed to be good in terms of following scientific guidelines like Korea have failed too. These guys based in Russia, they push forward on the research where the other countries draw a line in ethics and morals. (It is similar to how Gavriil Ilizarov spent 30 years of his life to perfect the external frame method before unveiling his distraction osteogenesis technique to the western world during the end of the cold war era in the late 80s and early 90s. These guys didn’t give a crap about moral rules and just pushed forwards into research.)

Like I said before in the previous post on this guy, there were stories of barrels of dead aborted fetuses found in the Ural Mountain Range region linked to Teplyashin back in the 2004-2006 time from one source I found on this guy. It is very clear that he and the Russian researchers don’t give a crap about the rules imposed by the western world and USA especially. The use of using embryonic source derived stem cells is illegal in the USA and western countries. That is why many stem cell users go to Mexico and certain South American countries to get stem cells injections.

However, I am not sure who would be willing to go to Moscow to take a look at the clinics thought. Which regular readers of this website is really willing to find the beauty clinics in Moscow and report back to us on what they find?

As for the internet sources….

However, there is no news that is coming out of Russia on his Beauty Plaza clinic that can be found on Google, DuckDuckGo, or Bing. If we instead maybe used Yandex and Rambler, and could actually type out his real name, there would be some useful information on this guy.

I am willing to give it a shot though. Refer to Romanic-Cyrillic Alphabet Phonetic Translator chart below.

TranslatorTranslator 2So    A-L-E-X-A-N-D-E-R       T-E-P-L-Y-A-S-H-I-N —–> is most likely going to require that we first go under the General Settings of our computer (Mac or PC), change the general language setting to “Russian” and then type the following into Yandex or Rambler based on English Keyboard–>Russian Keyboard Key Positions. It would start with something like “F-G-L-” I am not sure what the “X” would translate into for the English based keyboard though.

Like I said before in the recent posts, We ask help from the regular readers to translate many studies we have found in other languages, most especially Russian, Chinese, Korean, and German. There is also some Japanese and Farsi based studies but there will be less of those around.

I am willing to pay $100 for the full PDF to the study above but I ask for someone to help out to translate the bought article from Russian to English.

If you have gotten this far in the post, be sure to continue to read more on the details of the revolutionary stem cell technique in the 2nd post of this series. Click Here to read more.

Korean Plastic Surgeons Performing O Shaped Leg Curvature Correction Surgery For Genu Varum aka Bow Leggedness

Korean Plastic Surgeons Performing O Shaped Leg Curvature Correction Surgery For Genu Varum aka Bow Leggedness

O Shaped Leg Curvature Correction

Due to the nature of the website and research we look at, we see all sort of interesting cosmetic surgical procedures. This new one which the commenter William called “O Shaped Leg Surgery” is something which I forgot to mention on this website. It is something many people indeed go through to remodel their very bones to the shape that they desire.

So what is O Shaped Leg Surgery?

It turns that that there is this orthopedic condition medically called Genu Varum which is commonly known as Bow Legs or Bow Leggedness. Sometimes the condition can be confused with another type known as Blount’s Disease. The leg bones are curved into a “bow” shape. The curvature is usually most visibile in young kids who are toddlers, still going through massive growth. For most people, that curvature visible when they are young kids starts to go away as they reach their teenage years. Some kids though have very pronounced curvature.

imagesIt seems that if the kid who has Genu Varum is young enough, using a band and splint to slowly bend the leg bones would be enough. However, if the kid is too old, then surgery will be needed to correct for the curvature. The tibia or fibula would be cut and then bent. We found this before and after picture. Notice how what is considered attractive is where the legs go direct downwards. The legs which are bowed would create the “o” shape in the space between the legs.

The cosmetic surgical procedure corrects for the bending of the leg bones to make the legs look straight. I am guessing that from the legs being made straighter, they are also longer after the surgery. The result is that the person gains maybe 1-2 extra centimeters of height from the procedure.

So what is mentioned by the commenter is that after the surgery, the patients only need about a single week of recovery. How that is possible and how bones can be snapped into the straight shape is something I haven’t been able to figure out yet.

Bow Leggedness Correction DeviceApparently now there are even products being sold on Amazon to correct for bow leggedness. Refer to here to see what the non-surgical strap device looks like (Not an affiliate link).

For me, products like this leg strap is something which I will never understand why a person would want to use. Is the angled nature of the legs really that big of a problem?

I remember once going to see a local Orthopedic specialist in Seattle who happened to be Japanese himself. I asked him whether I was bow legged and he replied that for most people, there will be some slight bit of bone curvature. Bone curvature is normal. Having that perfect O Shaped Legs where the knees are not supposed to touch is actually uncommon.

This seems to be a real, serious problem which affects millions of young kids causing them to have abnormal walking gaits and slight deformed legs. If the surgery is done, the developing child would expect to not only have their medical condition resolved but also end up maybe a few centimeters taller.

Side Note:

The fact is that during my almost 2 years stay in living in the Gangnam area of Seoul, South Korea I remember seeing these huge posters in the subway stations of the Gangnam-Gu area like Apgujeong, Sinsa, and Gangnam. There are before and after pictures showing the lower legs of a young girl or men who has a slight bit of bow leggedness with the eyes blacked out from getting the surgery.

When you turn on the TV in Seoul or go to the movies in the previews, you are blasted with advertisement by half a dozen large plastic surgery clinics promoting the benefits of going under the knife to “improve” one’s appearance. It is so epidemic in Gangnam that I started to believe the advertisement after a certain point.

Korea Beauty ObsessionI took the time to clip a post written back in Oct of 2012 on another website about how the mother of an elementary school girl took her daughter to get surgery to become taller. The daughter was supposed to be put through some type of stretching machine. (Source)

It is totally possible that the reason I have become so accepting of the idea of limb lengthening surgery and other bone cutting surgery to alter one’s body shape is due to the fact that I was an expat living in the Plastic Surgery Capital of the world for a little too long. My own personal perception of what is considered ethically acceptable about cosmetic alterations has become skewed from seeing so many people walk past me in the last 2 years with changed appearances.

I don’t advocate doing surgery for everything but for this medical condition, I think it is worth looking into getting surgery.