My Order Of Modafinil Has Arrived – A Review On Modvigil

So today was the day that my order of modafinil has finally arrive in my PO BOX. It has taken almost 2 full months of waiting to get it. Why did it take almost 2 months? The first batch of pills was apparently taken away by the people at customs. It seems to be very common now for the government official to crack down on chemical which the government thinks is unsafe.

So far I have already tried out Phenylpiracetam, Bulletproof Coffee, the supplement to the coffee High Octane Oil, 5-HTP, Alpha Brain from, Grass-feed Butter, Omega-3, Choline, L-Theanine, Centrophenoxine aka Neuro Glow, Creatine (shown to be able to increase IQ a slight bit), Vitamin K2, and a few other supplements to see how well a nootropic stack works. However, it was the Modafinil that has eluded me since there seems to be so much legal issues with this pill. I am also part of a few IRC Channels which talk about this stuff. Get on FreeNode and join the various groups.

This is going to be an experiment I plan to do to show you guys what are the effects of taking what is supposed to be an “intelligence & cognitive enhancement chemical supplement”. Are those Dateline and ABC Specials and segments exaggerating the claims of this drug or are they telling the truth?

Status Reports

Sunday May 11, 2014 – Got up around 11 AM (I sleep late sometimes), Felt groggy since I went to sleep around 4-5 AM , ate a small meal – Ingested Bulletproof Coffee (infused with the High Octane Oil), 5-HTP, Alpha Brain, Omega-3, Centrophenoxine, and Vitamin K2. (I stopped taking Phenylpiracetam because I noticed that it didn’t seem to do anything for me, and seemed to make my tongue numb.)

First time taking Modafinil/Provigil – Did not feel any different, and did not notice anything like a clearer form of awareness or consciousness. Guess it is not supposed to be like a life-altering drug like Ayahuasca. However, what I did notice is that today I worked for 6 hours straight and did not loss focus. Usually I loss focus after just 1-2 hours and my mind start to wander, and I notice hunger signals. Today, I somehow managed to stay focused and did not care about hunger until my stomach started to acted react with pain. That was after 6 hours. Checked my weight and noticed that it had dropped by 1.5 lbs in 6 hours. It is now past 11 PM and I am still able to stay focused.

In terms of productivity I feel like I managed to get about 3X-5X more work done than usual, which is absolutely insane because even after 12 hours later, I still feel like I can keep going with work. Even when I forced myself to stop working and take time off for exercise, my mind drifted back towards wanting to get back to work, so that I can almost “zone out” and go into a state of “flow” as Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi stated. So far, my brain seems to have not slowed down, and my body seems to be going along too. Guess I might work through the night if my brain doesn’t “turn off”.

May 14th: The 2nd time I took the pill and I actually quantified everything I did that day. I increased my productivity to around 2.5X, and chose to take the next day off from intensive mental activities. The effects wasn’t as strong as the first time.

Overall Opinion:

The drug doesn’t make you feel like a different person or give you crystal clear clarity or awareness. The effects are quite subtle. When you are working say in front of the computer, you will be focusing much more and manage to keep your attention on the task without any type of focus breaks.

So many people have been saying that this pill which was formerly used by the US Jet Pilots as a stimulant for sleep issues like narcolepsy is the real life version of the compound NZT-48 seen in the movie Limitless starring Bradley Cooper but I am going to say that the effects are NOT as profound as you might believe. They did have a huge effect, but it is not life altering and increase your IQ by 50 points automatically, as some people may have hoped for. When it is sold on the online giant Amazon’s website, the actual active compound is omniracetam. I have never tried omniracetam before but after trying the phenylpiracetam, I was not impress by the effects, which I did not notice.

So far, the pill does work to make you MUCH more productive at work, assuming that you work in front of a computer, but it doesn’t seem to translate to an increased ability or quality in any other areas of life.

Note: This post is what I plan to write about and update for the next 2-3 weeks (or even longer), as I work on other projects I have. Yes, I am fully aware that I am moving away from the subject of researching the science of height increase but I wanted to include more body and brain hacks than just bone tissue manipulation.

There Is Almost Nothing Left To Say

I think after about 2 years of doing this stuff, writing over a 1000+ articles, I have reached a limit to what I can do through words. Research through reading, and intellectualizing has reached a point, and there is not much else left to take away from the studies. We need to take the research into the lab. That is the only thing to do. This means spending thousands of dollars on buying lab equipment.

I think for a long time, I have been just going in circles, doing a dance of mental masturbation trying to say words which really doesn’t do much good. How many times can I write the words “Chondrocyte” or “Epiphyseal Cartilage” and still make the regular reader and visitor still interested and engaged in what I am saying?

I need to call myself out on my own bullshit, on the cognitive biases that have been making me procrastinate and not taking more action. I will say a hidden idea which so many internet bloggers don’t want to admit

Writing is easy. Blogging is easy. That has been what I was doing for the past year.

Tell me who can’t blog or write? No one. Everyone now have become a writer. Writers have now become sexy. Think Hank Moody from Californation. Even Mathematicians, Photographers, Actors, and Painters write now. I don’t know any famous people these days who haven’t written a book.

Most of the writing produced right now is a rehashed, reformulated idea that already exists said by someone before who was 10X smarter than the new writer. You didn’t create anything new, but just presented the old in a repackaged form. That is called Marketing.

It is deep logical thinking, analysis, and research that is hard. There is almost no writing done, until the idea and new innovation has been fully crystalized and thought through to the end.

Real research and analysis, which goes really deep into the science can say something new, discover something about the universe that was never uncovered before, or invent and create something new. You actually have to think hard. You can’t just be superficial and skim the ocean of knowledge, since everyone else has already done it much better than you. Instead of trying to reach wider, you go deeper. That is called innovation. That is called Engineering.

I do read Tim Ferriss’s blog and the recent post where he talks about the common habit of some pseudo intellectual grad student to rehash someone else’s ideas and claim it as their own is one way to have people go into these circles of ramblings which produce no real world value in output in the end. (Post is available Here).

Nothing Left To Say

Sure, Ferriss is talking about philosophical ramblings made by a grad student in the liberal arts, and I am talking about some grad student in the sciences, which have more of a chance of real world application, but I hope my point is still being made clearly.

Maybe for too long now I’ve been reading too many articles and make connections and theories which are not really founded on solid scientific data. Tyler has accused me on being too superficial in my understanding of the biomolecular details, and that is true. I have not been putting enough effort into understanding the deep science, but just glossing over the abstracts.

I am tired of not making a deep enough dent into the research. We have gotten far, at least further than almost any other amateur research on this matter. We are the only source that publish all of our findings in any English based website. You will not find any other website like this one anywhere else on the internet, at least in English.

This information we release is something that is not available anywhere else, since we actively dig through every source that is available, including patents, scholar papers, articles from the 1800s, clues, hints, Eastern Medicine and Mysticism, and every other avenue. I regularly pay $100 for articles from major Scientific Journals to get to the content, to see what we can find. I have tried to get into contact with researchers from multiple universities to ask them on clarification on their research. We have reached the limit of what is possible right now.

The number topics and ideas I can bring up is finally reaching the real limit. I thought the limit was around 150 at one time. I was wrong about that. Then I thought it would be at 300, I was wrong again. Then I thought there would just be 700 posts. That turned out to be wrong also Now it is over 1200 and this time, I think we are really reaching the end.

There is almost nothing left to say. 

So what is left? I don’t know. I do know that there is still about 50+ old posts I plan to write up, which I never finished, ranging on a variety of fields, from supplements, on related product reviews to biomolecular analysis.

I am not planning on writing another thousand posts like that Geoffrey Arnold guy (who writes for the website The Social Complex and on Reddit) who complains over and over again about heightism, and claims that discrimination against short men is a cultural bias, not based on biology. I don’t believe that heightism is a cultural programmed bias, but based on evolution and biology. He can spent the next 20 years, writing 10,000 more posts showing again and again how short people are discriminated against. I won’t though.

He is the modern day Sisyphus, doomed to be pushing against that rock of other people’s cognitive biases for eternity, fighting his own personal war against a system which won’t change. If it heightism was a cultural thing, yes, maybe after hundreds of years it can be reverse, but if it is biological, he is doomed for failure in the end. There is a difference between persistent and realizing that there is a chance for a light at the end of the tunnel for real change and success, and being stupid, delusional, and pigheaded.

Was I delusional back in the Summer of 2012 for creating this website to look for an answer to make me and everyone else who wanted it to be taller, even though I was already 27? I probably was, because I was in so much pain back then.

Am I still delusional to this idea which most adults/people would say will never work and might call me crazy? No. I am now fully aware of what I am doing. There doesn’t seem to be any easy answers, or solutions. Only the hard ones are left. It only gets harder from this point on, just like life. Over time, life only gets harder and harder, not easier.

However, I know for a fact that I have definitely made the internet a much better place. I call out the scams and the lies going on in this niche. I chose not to create a forum for the website so that there will be much less spam, and no human drama that could erupt between people posting. That is a lesson I learned well from looking at the mistakes of people before me.

I don’t plan to give up, but don’t want to run in circles either. From now on, if I don’t have anything really worthwhile to say, then I won’t say it at all. I want to produce quality, not quantity. 

{Before you spend 100$ on studies you should see if I can get them.  I agree that there research that’s coming out is slow.  There are very few studies directly related to what we’re working on(growing taller) but there is a ton of gene and protein work out there related to growth plates and there’s mechanics.  Maybe we’ve done most of the key studies but we can organize them better and try to make connections between them.  However, I do think it’s time to do more experimentation.  I’m doing my best with LSJL and it’s taking about a month to start noticing bone changes.  I think maybe my calcaneus experimentation, maybe the finger experimentation, maybe building a better clamp for the knee.  Will all be the next steps to find the definitive way to grow taller-Tyler}

How 4-D Printing Can Synthesize Biological Tissues And Organs Which Grow Themselves

How 4-D Printing Can Synthesize Biological Tissues And Organs Which Grow Themselves

I am rather getting really excited these days since I have put in orders to get a few Arduino kits and Raspberry Pi kits to play around with since I am so deep into the DIY Electronics movement. I’ve already joined the DIY Biohacker movement, being a big fan of Dave Asprey, and taking various types of nootropics, special supplements, and implementing some of his other ideas. To save time, I have given up eating for a month by getting the much anticipated Soylent drink that is so well talked about in Silicon Valley these days. Can I become even more productive and efficient with my time by giving up eating too?

So far, I’ve been reading up on the development of making your own tDCS (transcranial direct current stimulation) device and have some confidence that I can possibly build one if I can just find maybe 2-3 months of free time. The idea of using a short burst of direct current to stimulate the electrical activity in my brain is quick attractive to me.

Of course, currently I have 4 major projects going on at the same time. In addition, Tyler has started to remind me that I had promised to you guys that I would build the Lateral Synovial Joint Loading machine which I eluded very early on in the website. That cost has been raised to probably around $1200 and it would require me to ship some parts from China. I do have a rather short attention span and jump from one idea to another, but this one is something I have stuck to the longest in quite a while. I will get around to it, but it won’t be for at least another 2 years.

Some of the ideas that I have been spending my personal time testing on and researching are…

  • Electric Planes – Just how viable is Musk’s idea to also make our flying vehicle no longer dependent on petroleum based derivatives?
  • Electrical Stimulation for Pain Relief – This one is the other major project I’ve been working on the for the last year or so, which has created a nice passive income stream so far, allowing me some free time to pursue multiple types of strange intellectual pursuits.
  • 3-D printers – I plan to buy my own preassembled set in the next few months
  • Drones – Imagine a squadron of drones being assembled after their parts are made by 3-D Printing. I use the Raspberry Pi to be used as the controller for the drones.

Of course, some of these ideas, I will give up on, or combine together. However, there might be an even bigger idea that is coming along. Something huge that have caught my idea recently is the development of the next generation of printing technology, called 4-D printing.

The idea is to now make 3-dimensional products which can actually take over the process of production so that they can actually finish the job of the printers themselves. This is what has been described by the early promoters of the movement called “4D-Printing”. This idea let me think about what would be the implications of this 4D Printing technology to our goal.

I will upload a video of the specific TED Talk done below.

The picture below is one which I clipped from the video (around time 50 second time frame) which show just how many different types of application this next generation of printing can be used for…

Smart-Assembly Revolution

It is amazing to see what is now being created in our age of exponential growth of technological innovation, as claimed by Ray Kurzweil. I would love to live up to the 22nd century just to see where we are going to end up in the next century, hoping that we don’t kill ourselves or go extinct in this century.

Will we in the year 2101 finally have colonized Mars, or the Moon, and found or been contacted by some extraterrestrial intelligent life outside of our planet? Or would we be pushed to the edge of extinction due to our waste of the natural resources of our planet, causing the extinction of 90% of all the flora and fauna species, polluting the oceans, destroying the rain forest, and eating all the fish until there is nothing left?

It is too hard to predict where we will be in the future, but we live in a very interesting time.

As for the possibility of using this technology for biomedical reasons, I strongly believe that within even a decade, we will be using 4-Dimensional Printing technology to create biological tissues which can grow bigger themselves. I imagine it similarly to the idea of cellular automata spoken about by Stephen Wolfram where a complex, self evolving organism is completely organically grown from a much simpler organic compound which just followed a few rules of physics.

If the tissue can grow bigger themselves, and even spontaneously organize themselves into the shapes, and forms that is found in our own bodies, then we can create the epiphyseal growth plate cartilage tissue needed to expand to help make us taller. Not only that, the type of biological tissues that we can build would be much more organized that what nature can provide for us.

Imagine a 3D Printed collagen filled like cartilage disc which starts to turn into 4D by being “smart” and learning to start to absorb the culture medium around it so that it can grow bigger over time. With a short (maybe 2 hour) surgery, you will have this smart tissue which is compatible to your body dissolve and gel with your bones but know also to how to expand in the axial direction to make your femur bones grow longer aka longitudinally.

Since the printed compound is much better organized with the chondrocytes in columns, the lengthening will be much more than using the same type of growth plates that you had when you were younger, going through natural growth periods. Just one cartilage implant can give your upper leg portion an increased length of 4 inches. Sure, 3D Printing is what is available right now, but 4D Printing will be an even more revolutionary technological breakthrough.

Another implant first injected in liquid form can learn how to mold & solidify itself into the space between the knee joints and create a completely new layer of articular cartilage, thus reversing the effects of osteoarthritis.

Next steps for proving LSJL

In my last LSJL progress update, the conclusion most people seemed to feel was that people tended to agree that the right index finger was indeed longer than the left index finger but that they weren’t positive that it was due to LSJL and that it wasn’t due to my right index finger being naturally longer than the other.

So here’s some things I’m going to try going further.  I’m going to continue to clamp my right index finger to try to increase the difference from the left index finger.  I’ve also been clamping my left thumb to see if I can get a difference there and there does seem to be a progression.

But this does not increase height which has a lot of social value.  For ankle clamping, I was clamping between the tibia and the talus.  Well, I realized that my talus grew bigger.  What if the calcaneus grew bigger than the whole body would be elevated higher increasing height in a manner akin to high heels or shoe lifts.


feet bones

The bone above the calcaneus is the talus(which has grown bigger and may in fact contribute to some of my height gains).  Getting enough force on the calcaneus to induce bone growth is easier as it doesn’t necessarily need to grow by the growth plate as there are no constraining factors on appositional bone growth like the joint does for the long bones.

I’ve done a few clamping sessions aiming for clamping the point between the talus and calcaneus and things seems to be going well.  It’s not as smooth as clamping the fingers as the bones are oddly shaped but I seem to be generating pressure and mechanical strain on the calcaneus.

I think showing calcaneus growth will be a way to inspire people to believe that growing taller is possible and it will also increase the height measurement too.  I’m still working on growing the legs evidence just points to that growth will be slow until a better clamp is developed that can generate more pressure.

An Extremely Cheap Alternative Source Of Glucosamine Sulphate Instead Of Buying The Supplement Pills

An Extremely Cheap Alternative Source Of Glucosamine Sulphate Instead Of Buying The Supplement Pills

Going along the same lines as the previous post, which I showed how a person can get a very cheap alternative source to Calcium instead of spending $20 to buy the supplement pills from their local GNC, I wanted to give the readers a very cheap and almost stupidly obviously way to get Glucosamine Sulphate into their system. If you are a regular reader of the website, you already realize that I had been able to definitively prove that orally consuming about 1500 mg of Glucosamine Sulphate daily was shown in a real scientific double blind placebo randomized case study to indeed increase height (minimally though) in a group of subjects who had fully closed growth plates.

It is so obvious that I forgot to write it down for you guys to read.

The cost is nearly free. The source comes from a often thrown away piece of food type, just like the source from the previous post.

So what is it?  – The shells on Shrimp & Crab

Lets me ask the readers this question. When was the last time you ate shrimp with the shell on? When I think back to the number of times I would eat a shrimp with the shell still on, it would be very small. Almost all recipes from all the cultures (Japanese food, Mexican Food, Italian Food, Chinese Food, Greek Food) have the shrimp’s shell removed. Even if the chef (or your mother) cooked the shrimp with the shell own, you most likely peeled off the shell before you ate it, right? I am betting that very few people have preferred to eat the shrimp with the shell on. We treat the shell like the shell of a nut. You are trying to get the meat at the middle, and forgetfully disgard the outer shell, which you think doesn’t have any uses for.

In this file on Glucosamine Sulphate written up by the National Institute of Health, we find that the main way the supplement companies can get the glucosamine is from the shells on crabs and shrimp. The compound is known as Chitin.

Now, glucosamine is a naturally occurring compound in our own bodies, and can even be synthesized in the lab, but it seems the majority of the Glucosamine that is sold in our local GNC is taken from the shells of caught fisherman’s nets filled with shrimp, crab, and other shellfish. The shellfish is taken to some shellfish cannery and when the shellfish has their shell removed, the shells are taken somewhere else to be processed into the supplement pills you find at your local drug store.

(I can give a personal example, which could just be coincidence. I experienced my greatest growth spurt of 5 inches over a summer during the same summer I obsessively went crabbing with my parents and would eat crabs multiple times a week, which did include the internal shells)

I am going to assume that most people have enough money to buy at least a lb of shrimp. They may not know how to cook it, but most people reading this probably have the financial resources to get this extremely overlooked source of chitin derived Glucosamine.

The next time you cook shellfish, like shrimp, don’t throw away the shells. Eat them too, and you probably would notice a few mms of increase in height over a few months even as an adult. For children, the height increasing effects might be much bigger, since they still have cartilage to work with. There have been no studies showing the height and growth effects of eating shellfish’s shells on children, but I would guess that there would be some type of positive effect.

An Extremely Cheap Alternative To Calcium Supplement Pills For Increased Bone Mineral Density

An Extremely Cheap Alternative To Calcium Supplement Pills For Increased Bone Mineral Density

In my own life, sometimes interesting facts appear out of nowhere and this little tip on a very common source for calcium might make some people rethink about how they dispose of food leftover products, which they never think of except to throw into the trash without thinking.

For the longest time, the milk companies have been advertising to young kids and parents that they need to be drinking milk to grow taller and more robust with their “got milk?” commercials claiming the benefits of calcium as an important height increase natural drink.

I agree that milk is important, but the real active ingredients is probably the colostrum and casein found in the female mother’s milk from the breast for her new born babies. Human milk has been proven to be critical in the growth of children, but cow derived milk has always been suspicious. There has been almost no studies linking drinking cow milk to increased growth rate. There was maybe two studies done back in the 1930s or 1950s when a group of young malnourished boys were experimented on, but in today’s age, when very few people in the developed countries are actually really malnourished, the height increasing claims of cow derived milk is slightly questionable.

As for human breast milk, I had written before looking at the possible beneficial effects of increased duration in breastfeeding to give the developing toddlers a slightly greater growth pattern in their younger developing years. I have found studies which show that babies who are given formula instead of continuing to drink breast milk do grow slightly faster for the first 6 months of the experiment, but their weight grew at a much higher level, suggesting using formula too quickly can increase the likelihood of the young kid developing diabetes later in life. After maybe 2 years, the breast milk feed toddlers ended up catching up to about the same height as the ones taking the formula, but much thinner. The study was never extrapolated to adulthood but I am willing to bet that the kids who had been fed breast milk slightly longer by 6 months had a less chance of developing illnesses and grew taller as an adult.

Of course, the main component promoted in the milk commercials is calcium, which is supposed to make your body stronger. At this point, I am not even sure there is enough evidence to show that Calcium has even a strong positive effect towards growth, but more likely a minimal positive effect. If it is really calcium that parents worry about, how about trying this trick to get the calcium

Here is the tip: Instead of throwing away the egg shells into the garbage, why not just crush the egg shells into powder form and put them in the beverage of the growing child?

Some people might raise the fact that the shells might contain some forms of bacteria which might compromise the digestive system of the child, but you can remove that part by putting the shells into a boiling pot of water for 10 seconds to kill the bacteria.

If we look into the composition of what egg shells (Wikipedia article) it is made of about 95% Calcium Carbonate, which is the same type of crystal used to make shellfish shells (like scallops). Did you know that one of the main ways the supplement industry gets its calcium supplement pills is to crush fossilized coral reef matter (ie shell fish, crab shells, scallops shells, etc.)? 

So why get some large corporation to take a ship to the coral reef to crush up dead sea life calcium when you have a crushed egg shell right in front of you which you can buy for $2 from the local supermarket?

Then we read over the sources on what types of calcium crystals are needed to prevent osteoporosis and bone loss (Refer to the WebMD article on treating Osteoporosis with Calcium Supplements). They are mainly Calcium Carbonate and Calcium Citrate. Like all supplements, the hard pill version is the hardest for the body to break down, dissolve, and get to the right organs. Going with the gummy type of supplement would be faster. The powder version would be the fastest. That is why this proposed alternative is so much easier. You would get to the powder form already, from a product which you usually throw into the garbage. You would obviously need a mortar and pestle to grind the shells.

If we just dipped the shells into hot water for a few seconds, killing harmful microbes, crushed our egg shells into powder form, and put them into our kids’s orange juice, the calcium carbonate crystals would be an additional boost to their bone’s health. Citrate seems to be a supplement which is not recommended to be taken with food, but Carbonate is. The recommended dosage is about 500 mg of calcium at one shot, since the body can absorb only so much calcium at a time. So you pretty much just need around 1-2 crushed egg shells and that would be enough to do the trick for a daily dosage of calcium needed.

That is perfect since the only time you ever have broken egg shells left over is when you are breaking the shell and using the yolk and whites inside to make some egg derived food. Just add the crushed shell powder inside any food (preferbaly liquid like protein shake or something similar) and you would barely notice or taste the grainy nature of the shell.

Note: A very old post we wrote about is dealing with a compound called Baryta Carbonica which is believed by many people from India to help kids grow taller. It is one of our most popular posts but the kids who want to buy the pills from us (which we don’t sell) don’t realize that the Baryta Carbonica is just Calcium Carbonate (there isn’t any Citrate component in those India Hemeopathic pills sold as growth pills to poor kids in India). Our website ranks at the top of almost all the search engine results for the term “Baryta Carbonia”. Those kids in India already have it within their households, as long as their parents can afford chicken eggs. If Calcium did indeed have a high level of positive effect on height growth in developing kids (which we don’t believe it does, only minimally), this information is probably critical in preventing stunted growth in maybe 100s of Millions young kids in India over the years! Imagine millions and millions of young kids in India and around the world who don’t get enough to eat, becoming malnourished, and not wishing to suffer the effects of stunted growth. A crushed egg shell could be the solution to some of their growth worries at least.

It is also good for the environment, saving up on space in land waste sites. From the Wikipedia article, they say that “The US food industry generates 150,000 tones of shell waste a year“. Combine that with the amount of chickens and chicken eggs eaten by China, India, and all the other large populous countries around the world, finding alternative uses to the chicken egg, like helping one’s kid possibly grow slightly taller from getting extra calcium supplementation would be a much better alternative. I am sure that some kids in North Korea would also find this information vital, since the kids there have extremely stunted growth due to severe vitamin and mineral deficiency.

Here are some other ways egg shells have been used traditionally by people

  • For a long time, some people have gotten into the habit of putting crushed egg shells into their coffees, which is supposedly would make the coffee less bitter.
  • My cousin when she was younger had a pet snail. She would crush egg shells to feed to snail, which might have helped the snail keep it shell really hard.
  • The shells often act as an antacid, so swallowing the powder can potentially stop acid reflux, heartburn, and indigestion problems. (Turns out Calcium Barbonate is just like the active ingredient in TUMS, a base, which reacts and mitigates the effects of the Hydrochloric Acid in the stomach, which can cause ulcers.)
  • The powder egg shell can be used as a facial mask to whiten skin. I’ve seen this practice done in the East Asian countries and heard about it from families of South Asian ethnicities as well.
  • It can be put under your plants in the garden acting as a fertilizer. We know that Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and Potassium are the big three components used, but Calcium is important too.
  • The crystal form of the egg shell can be used as an abrasive in home made toothpaste (You should add it with baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, and some other stuff) & scrubbing agents.

Final Note: We do fully realize that this extremely cheap alternative to the traditional calcium supplement pills does not have the VItamin D with it. Vitamin D is a necessary mineral to let the body absorb the calcium into the blood properly.